DAILY GAZETTE. MAY 21. iqqi PAGE 7 i i The 90 1 WHAT STATES ARE DOING. Splendid Exhibits and Buildings at the Pan-American. The States of the Union generally show a deep interest in the Pan-American Exposition. Liberal appropria tions have been made for exhibits. Several of the States have erected handsome buildings in the Court of State ana Foreign Buildings. MOZELEY b LEi ON ELIXIR. dEGULATES THE LIVER, STOM ACH, BOWELS AND KIDNEYS. For biliousness, constipation, and malaria. For indigestion, sick and nervous headache. For sleeplessness, nervousness, heart failure, and nervous prostration; For fever, chills, debility and kidney diseases take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough or- Now in Its Sixth Year. ASHEVILLE'S LEADING NEWSPAPER. TBS DAILY NEWSPAPER OF THE NINTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT I Circulation in Every Town of the District. Ingest Town end Subuaoan Caroulatloa Head by AH Visitor Bnteitas Ashe , Grille For Salts at All News Roams and on rV All Railroau Trains, Most Complete, Latest and Most Accurate News Service of Any Paper Ever Published in Western N. C. Prepared only by Dr. lanfca, Ga. H. Mozley, At- x,Cv v-w . reffUiauon, take Lemon Elixir. 000. A magnificent permanent build- $1 lng nas Deen erectea, ana an exmuii highly creditable to the Empire State is installed. Illinois appropriated $75,000 for a building and exhibit. Michigan's appropriation for a build ing and exhibit is $40,000. Ohio's appropriation is $30,000. The State has erected a handsome building. Missouri appropriated $50,000 for a building and exhibit GRATITUDE. Dr. H. Mozley Dear Sir: Since using your Lemon Elixir I have never had another attack of those fearful sick headaches, and thank God that I have at last found a medicine that will cure those awful spells. MRS. ETTA W. JONES, Washington has appropriated $25,000 Parkersburg, W. Va. and has a building constructed of na f IPS 6T n" OCAL NEWS, LOCAL GOSSIP, AND DEVOTED TO THE UILDING OF AHHJflVliFiTiH. DP- tlve timbers used as State Headquar ters. Wisconsin appropriated $25,000 for a building and exhibit. The New England States joined to- MOZLHT'S LEMON ELIXIR. I suffered with indigestion and dys eretery for two long years. I heard of Lemon Elizir; got it; taken seven bot tles and am now a well man. HARRY ADAMS, ...I gether for the erection of a building No 1734 Avenue, , Birmingham and display of their resources ana m-1 1. dustries. Massachusetts appropriated $15,000, Rhode Island $30,000, and Con- MOZLEY'S LEMON ELIXIR necticut, Maine, Vermont and New cured my husband, who was afflicted Hampshire have expended sums suffl- for years with large ulcers on Ills leg, cient for suitable exhibits. and was cured after using two bottles; Georgia approxriated a sum sufficient j and cured a friend w,ym tne doctors pthphsps of a fine exhibit. had given up to me. wno naa sunerea Tflohn nrmrnnrinrpd S15.000 for an wr jniia vnu. muigrsu J.UUUV t-' T 1 I , , exhibit. yw- Pennsylvania s uypruyiiawuu wi . v 1a j.-j.i 1 O OK AAA I ' ' ' resentaxiou is ?ou,uw. Minnesota appropriated $20,000 for an exhibit. It is the recoenized AcUertising Medi urn of Asheville. Its advertising columus fu.nish information of real valu from the best business houses ol this city. New Jersey's appropriation for rep resentation is $25,000. North Dakota expends its appropria tion of $10,000 for an exhibit. Oregon expends $25,000 for an ex hibit. Maryland appropriated $25,000 and appointed a commission to prepare an exhibit. Delaware made an appropriation for an exhibit. Washington, Montana. Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and other States are suitably represented. In addition to the exhibits made un der the auspices of the different State A CARD. For nervous and sick headaches, in digestion, biliousness and constltpation (of which I have been a great sufferer) I have never found a medicine that would give such pleasnat, prompt, and tyermanent relief as Dr. H. Mozley's Lemon Elixir. J. P. SAWTELL, Griffin, Ga., Publisher Morning Call. HOW THE CIRCUS INSTRUCTS. REDUCED RATES Asheville, iN. C, May 17, 1901. Military Engineers Ciot rointew From American Showmen. Wiien one of the big American shows first arrived in Europe, appearing now m the cities of England, now in those of Germany, Austria and Hungary, the phase of the American circus whicn most astonished military men was not so much the show itself as the manner in which it was moved. Two or three incidents will 6erve to illustrate the curiosity with which the transportation department of the English and continental armies views the organization, discipline and ingenuity shown in moving, without halt or hitch. such a large amount of property and so manv Dersons While preparing to open at the Uiym- pia, the Madison Square Garden of Lon don, the building department of that city told the owners of the Olympia that a new proscenium arch of steel must be built. This arch was to frame a stage at one side of the edifice and was 2S0 feet wide by 70 feet high, ihe material was brought into the building, and the arch was put together, bit by bit, flat on the ground. When completed, the British workmen were confronted by the task of lifting the heavy frame into place. Days were spent in.fntile attempts until at last tne snow nronrietor said that if they would turn i the job over to him he wouia raise iue CONSUMPTION. ROOMS OCCUPIED BY CONSUlvlP. TTVBS O N BE KEPT FREE FROM -DOR ND CONTAGIOUS DUST BY THE lAJir USE OF r-ATTa CHLORIDES, WHICH INSTANTLY DESTROY. FOUL ODOR AND DIS- TftASTB? BREEDING MATTER. An odorless colorless liquid; powerful safe and economical . Sold in quart bat ties only b D uggists and (high class Grocers. FKEEj A practical treatlf j compiled from board of health reports en infectious diseases, such as Dir eria, Scarlet Fever, Typhodd. Measles, Oossunuption, eto i how to prevent and treat them, wl illustrations showing methods of household disinfection will be mailed free Address Henry B. Piatt, 16 Platf It.. 'W York CSity. rU" TOBACCO SPIT I JC 1 !i I and SMOKB You can be cured of any form ot tobacco usina easily, be made well, strong, magnetic, full ol life and vieor bv taking NO -TO -B AC. that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days. Over BOO fOOO cured. All druggists. Cure guaranteed. Book let and advice FREE. Address STERLING REMBDY CO., Chicago or w Ycrk. 422 filial round, trim rates offered by the thine of steel. He then called to his SOU Southern Railway for the following oc- American workmen and in three hours oasions. I had the arch in position ana secure ubiuy Account United Confederate veterans fQr pUrp0Se oniy the circus parapher- nhis Tpnn.. Mav 28-30. u:v v ua governments, there are numerous dis- 1901 Tickets on Sale May 24-25-26-2 , from America. plays of the industrial ana natural re- th fiic&i limit June i, iwi, at iw A London newspaper printed an odi sources of the States by individual ex- 1 cent per mile in each direction. the govemment t0 detaii hibitors. MUSIC AT THE EXPOSITION. . . . m A T n 11 CC Round mp rate rram abiivUu i TT7rt 0fRnprs frnm the engineering Extension of final limit tbese ticKets - r . -i . i x .9 c t o rn rwi ira ui luc uiiuj w - and thus nrnnire knowledge that To the peotlfof AsheviUe andiwestern North Carpli Many of tlie Best Bands of the Unit '. s . ed States to Be Heard at Buffalo. na wtio desire a clean, enterprising daily newspaper, de- The musicai features at the pan- "P!vT-ns?tlnn will embrace the vntpd ft the interests of this secticn, whose columus are severai classes of music. The most VUICU J " I . . m W 4-U mucin fur. promiueui win lu . 1 1 rmpn to encourage and assist every worthy move- Lished by some of J r . . bands of the Western World. tnTlt the Gazette lOOkS for itS SUppOrt, pledging tO people than 75 organists have been eng mcill., iuc v.v recitals in the Tenr of this section its most earnest endeavors to puhlish here Music, where a magnificent or The bands engaged for the Esposi- MT. 1aS LULU jyjLICBirer. JUiiii. o.viiiv, 1 - . frT' n t 'y,Z tvt-v- wonlrl be of Dractical use in moving mill , t -nrifh nalrli nrT7 mntprml. The eovernment acted ea sain utuci, 10 i - - , t.virpt a wTit. between Mav 28th 'amid June UDon this advice, and throughout tne tou m inrliis4ve: several armv officers were always piestui . . - . , .i.j: i Account Nortn Carolina 'l-eacncrs' t0 witness tne loaamg ana umouums ui se.Tnblv. WriKhtsvl-lle, JN. J., J'un the cars, the transportation to ana iium IK. 1901. at mate of one first-class fare ho ,,,5 n,i the erection of the tents. prominent will be the band music, fur-! pius $2.00 membership fee for the round Th reijmin: monarch of ne of the the best known 'rip. Tickets on saie ro wiimmLuu,.. E notions himself came to tne No le' J-, June 7-lo, inclusive, witn nnai umit incocnito. He did not come to see July 25. Kate irom Asnevme the nerf0rmance. but devoted the night to memiDersniip iee iz.do. svjv uy Mr. W. J. Baxter of North BrOok N.C., says he suit erect witn pues fifteen years. He tried mony remt- dies wlinh no results until ne useu xj Witt's Witch Hazel Salve and tha quickly cured him. At ail druggists. of University a personal inspection of circus operations ance lhoj Applanse Is ProhibHed. The audiences in Russian theaters are strictly forbidden to applaud. The audi ences in the theaters of Japan are not permitted to applaud until they receive the cue from the stage, on the prompting of the manager. The first nighters in the theaters of an cient Rome were much more punctilious in the matter of applause than modern audiences are. When the Roman theater goers were fairly well satisfied with a play, they p -lauded by snapping with the thumb .r 1 middle finger. If they wanted the ;i. tors to understand that thev were nv ;.v satisned wun iue pi- )ped loudly by beating a newspaper that will serve every useful end for which' a I daily journal can strive in a progressive community. Ml fo each ana every intelligent citizen ot Asheville and Western North Carolina, we Usk 1 C ru nt fhfr that tc Gaze1 deserves your patronage? Jt offers you aore tkaa any newspaper puuuaea m ? eonti ly for the progress for wMch you hope; j i fearless and independent Ita opinions, it will keep you In touch with the world'o news and with mat- .. m .... i-Lj . ja ... s-r Vialt tit BTltT. Irt at iome. When you stop to inxnx oa aii w ' ... . - A m mnrfl v4 - ll-ir brise b the community offers you bett r value iox yow ' fi serves your support? EaT tion are as follows: Mexican Mounted Artillery Band of 50 men, un der the directorship of Captain Ricardo Pacheco, for the entire season. Seventy-fourth Regiment Band, Buffalo, 85 men, May 1 to July 29. Sixty-fifth Regiment Band, Buffalo, 35 men, May 1 to July 29. Seventy-first Regiment Band, New York city, 45 men. May 6 to June 1. Thirteenth Band, Hamilton, Ontario, 40 men, June 3 to June 8. Sousa's Band, New York city, 65 men, June 10 to July 6. Elgin Band, Elgin, Ills., 60 men, July 8 to Aug. 4- Scinta's Band, Buffalo, 35 men, July 29 to Aug. ?4. Carlisle Indian Band. Carlisle, Pa., 40 men, July 29 to Aug. 24. Ithaca Band, Ithaca, N. Y., 35 men, Aug. 5 to Aug. 10. , m Forty-eighth Highlanders' Band, Toronto, On tario, 50 men, Aug. 26 to Aug. 31. Robertson's Band, Albany, N. Y., 40 men, Aug. 9R to Sent. 1. Salem Cadet Band, Salem, Mass., 40 men, oept. 2 to Sept. 15. Brooke's Marine Band,. Chicago, ou men, aepi. 9 to Oct. 5. .... Boston Ladies' Band, Boston, Mass., SU laoies. Sept. 16 to Sept. 28. Nineteenth Regiment Band, ax. iamaxmeb, uu- tario, 45 men, Sept. 16 to Sept. 21. Phinney's U. S. Band, Chicago, 4a men, Aug. o to Aug. 25. .... t . Victor Herbert's Orchestra, nttsDurg, to men, Oct. 7. . . . Innea Band, New York city, ucu v v HIK'trn IIIB3.V UC lauvn vy w v - I . 1 j . B 4y-.n-n thAlT I ' - "... k . ba atatm nd Greensboro, N.C.. St.:XZ lett . "f r.Tl :...trri " , .Bwi;flhahei Trill Ln the can. He said that he regarded " t. fls1. nnlina or xu hand J OL U L v 11 -l J w w ' I . ... i ' A. f DVAtum v - . wk "Forest and Greensboro. ttns as one or tne mo jwywiuu.. j- against each other. Account commencement exercises Oak lessons in the movement of heavy ma- " impei-ial theptrs in Vienna, Ridge Institute, Raleigh, N. C, iMay terial that he had ever witnessed and Qpera and lhe Burg, applause is not 19-22, 1901. Tickets on sale May 17, 18 tnat he intended that officers in his army d until thp COIlciusion of an act, and 20 to Kernersville, N. C, with final gould familiarize themselves with it- limit May 24.-Round rtrip rate irom CoIiiers Weekly Ashpville $6.85. Account commencement Peace Insti tute. Raleierh. Ifc C May 19-22, l9Ui. Tickets on sale May 17-18-19, final limit ;Tvtcv 9.4 1901. Round triD rate rram Asheville. $8.95. a i . , ti 1 1 n 1 .rtAimmonnPTTlPTlt S n Trv, pomBiP Ar-Adftrnv. rwinston-Sa.lem, of everv transaction should be cultivated N .C May 18-23, 1901. Tickets on sale Minute observation is essential if costly Mot 16-22. with final limit May 24Ui -Round trip rate from Asheville, via and encores are strictly Cleveland Plain Dealer. prohibited. SUCCESS IN BANKING. Assured by a Constant Attention to Detail and Accuracy. A habit of carefully noting the details SUBGSR1PTI0U BATES: Greensboro, $7.15, via Barber Jumction $5.80. Account commencement exercises Ox ford Seminary, Oxford, N. C, May 21 23, 1901. Tickets on sale May 19-20-21-22 with final limit May 25, 1901. Round 'trip rate from Asheville, $9.10. Account commencement State Normal anti Industrial college, Greensboro, N. C., May 18-22, 1901. Tjekets on sale May 16-17-18, with final limit May 25. Roiiinid trio rate from Asheville $6.30. Account North Carolina Funeral Di rectors' association, Wilson, N. C, May 20-25., 1901. Tickets on sale May 20 and 21, with final limit May, 27, 1901. Round trip rate from Asheville $13.25. Account commencement Greensboro Female college, Greensboro, N. C, May 1901. Tickef on sale May 25-26-27-28, with final limit May 31. Round trip, rate Other bands with whom engagements .m ARhevilie. $6.30 are pending are Cincinnati, cieveiana and Detroit organizations. Special Dayi. The following special days at the l.4t A.t V i.lf 141 W f a rr lfl Vaqk - lO-TUU 'W M lUI " - - 1 1 V ,. y f)H Pan-American ijixposmon uave "X Months ,VU definitely fixed: 'fle Month - fle Week (bv carriers in Asheville, Victoria nr Fl11tmnrt- ... .' ; . . J.Vl. ....... AO CetktS a - 4 ,- May 1 Opening day. May 20 Dedication day. Jtine 6 Hotel Men's day. June 12 Coal Men's day. Account meeting of Board of Medical Examiners of North Carolina and North Carolina Medical Society, May 16-21, 1901. Tickets oo sale May 15-16-20 amd 21. with final limit May 26. Round trip rate from Ashevilile, 9.80. Account Annual -Convention; Brother .hood, of St. Andrew and diocese of North Carolina, Durham, N.C., May 22 1901. Tickets n sale May 21-22 and 24 with final limit May 27, 1901. Round trip rate from Asheville, $9.80. Account Triennial conclave, linigni .Tivno 13 President's day. June 14 Flag day. Programme Dy imngnxen i Templar, Loulisvlille, Ky., August Xi-m THE 11? EEllO WEIL Puhlichprl Thursrlavs: eicrht oasres; One ' j r o a. fj )l the best, weekly newspapers in the state A EAR. at Addres FPRICE ' ' -4: fa 51, flStlEVILLE, . C. of American Revolution. June 18 Wells CoUege (lay. June 19 A. O. U. W. day. June 20 Connecticut day. June 21 Rochester day. June 24-29 Saengerfest days. June 26 Odd Fellows' day. June 27 Odd Fellows day. June 27 Volks Fest (evening). June 28 Cincinnati day. June 29 Philadelphia day. July 2 Welle&ley College day. " July 6 Clederkranz day. July 10 Maryland day. July 11 Commercial Travelers' day. July 16 Chautauqua day. July 18 Ohio day. July 23 a M. B. A. day. July 24 Knighta of Columbus day. Utah day. July 25 Scandinavian day., Porto Rico day. Aug. 1 Mystic Shriners' day. Aug. 10 Missouri day. Ante. 14 Virginia day. Aug. 15 Bed Men's day. Aug. 21 Louisiana day. Aug. 21-Electrical day. Aug. 26 Municipal day. Sept. 8 District of Columbia day. Sept. 6 National Association of Stationary Bap t!" 9 Spanish-American War Veterans' day. Sept. 10 Rhode Island day. Sept. 12 Polish day. Sept. JS-rMexican day. 8ept. 17-G. A. B. day. Sept. 19 Welsh day. Sept. 20 St. Catharine's day. Sept. 25 Oregon day. Oct. 8 Brooklyn day. Oct. 9 New York Federation of Women dub Oct. 10 National Orange day He Tolfl Her. Housekeeper You promised that if I'd give you a pood mal and a "suit of old clothes you'd tell me how to keep the premises free from tramps. Tramp Yes, mum. an I'm a man o' me word, mum. an I'll keep me promise, al though that meal wasn't no great shakes an this suit of clothes ain't much of a fit. But I'll tell ye. "Well, what course am I to pursue "Never give 'em anything, mum. Good day, mum." New York Weekly. An Inference. The Professor Yes, a caterpillar is the most voracious living thing. In a month it will eat about GOO times its own weight. Dear Mrs. Ernot Whose boy did yon say he was? Harper's Bazar. Let a fireman play on your piano with his hose for a few minutes if you want to- get all the music possible out of it. Chi cago News. The average person breathes in a gal lon of air a minute. 1901. Tickets on saie Arost in ftlaisive. wltih final limit September 3, 1901. Rate of one fir& lass fare for the round trip. Round trip rate from AgueyiH $12.00. Extension of final he obtained an ravment of ko fmts additional to Lfotnt Agent, Uouisville, if de posted between August 9.sth una Seot 2nd. Brass bands In unl- T-m ti or more oo one ticket, will be gramtted rate of one cent per mile plus arbdrrairles. This roite will be $7.o for the round trio. Account of, annual Convention Ep svorth League, an Francisco, Gal., July 18-21, 1901. For this occasion a special round trip rate will he author ized from first class coupon ticket offi ces. Tickets on sJe July 5-12, lm?., with final limit Angmst 31, 1901. Surh tickets will permit stopovers at points wiest of Colorado, Wyoming, Texas, Montana or British Columbia, and pas sengers must reach San Francisco oot later than July 18, 1901. Round trip rate from Asheville for this occasion will be $65.15. For full information call on ticket agents of Southern Railway or address F. R. Darby, C. P. and T. A., Asne ville. N. C. mictnl-es nrp to he Drevented. In law a man is presumed to be innocent until his guilt is legally established, but it is not so in banking. Inquiry as to papers, per sons, notes and coin is always in order. A spirit of investigation is as necessary to the right kind of bank clerk as it is to the man of science. Slapdash methods are entirely out of place, and system must be come second nature. Neatness and order are nowhere more essential than in every department of bank worly As exactness is a Characteristic of banking transactions, so a stricter com pliance with habits tending to success in other lines of business is requirea oi bank clerks. Punctuality is especially to be com- rr,0nri0i Tt is the rule ot tne Jew lOrh clearing house to impose severe penalties on banks failing to make prompt settle ment of balances, and fines are assessed for tardiness generally, 'lhougn a cierK mo-ir ho hnt a small Dart of a bank s ma-1 TJjllpf fiysna Pain. chinery, his absence witnm requueu i wto use ciienniDerz-an s ma xx."i. hours may possibly disarrange the work- j. T eumatism are delighte ' with th im From a I mutuvir relief from main whih it afroras disciplinary standpoint, tew 1" .V tafitf UU. i 'I Uj . v"JWi J " hand at the appointed time. $ J Rhouldr I tried num Obedience to orders and rules is to , d .remedies but got no relief untt expected as a matter of course, but tnis J (. oorianenrie& by Messrs. Geo does not imply that even a clerk is never F Parg0ns Co.t druggists' of thl to use hi3 discretion and intelligence. place try OhajmlbeTlain's Pain Balm "Theirs not to reason why" may be prop- They reoommeonded lit 1 highly that r-n cniiprs. hnt the bank clerk -hiorusHht a bottle. was soon relieved o why will be on safe ground, all pain. I nave since . recommended thi "r ?T,flOT5hlA. If a rule does liniment to many or my MUiVH riends, wh nnrtirnlar case, it will agree with me tnat it is tne oesx tl UUfc scciu " . . - I markot be prudent to consult a superior before gjjg -Rnnkine cannot be earned on by a, W IfMAQf - -f automatons. Success. For sale by C. A. Raysoar s.ii.i&iil BEST FOR THE lira it us tlear and eieaa i GANUT CATHARTIC One MinatetCougThi Cure, cres That s what it was trde for. With a Tail. Tha "C" with a tail is the trade mark of Cascarets Candy Cathartic Logk for it on the light blue enameled tnetal box! Each tablet stamped C. . C. Never sold in bulk. All t id tuzz w s r rK nil rrv cat icM LUCE CANDY . t. T. .t annd. Do Good, Pleasant. ru?. x ""-,'",v m eenU I let &lVii&tT& .a.wWd booai. on . own record gome kindly thtaff SwTdt compaht, cmcioow nw tore, done for others, some goodly strength Cramps, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, iHarrhr-a n. Indeed all DOWll Cm- phdnts quickly relieved by Perry Davis Palo Killer, at sare, sure anu eywui cure for all the trouble named. Every reputable druggist keeps a supply. Each, bottle lhas full directions. Avoid sub stitutes, there is but one Pain Killer. Perry Davis' 25o. and 50c. X.et every dawn of the morning !be to you as the beginning of life, and! every settine sun be to you as its close. Uhen let every one of these short lives leave- iTKKUaU HU wmx, . a KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAII or knowledge gained Rusldn. for ourselves.

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