1 ' 1 i"" ASHEVILLE DAILY. GAZETTE;, HAYic rgoi t f'r , : vol m m m a - w m 11 mhhm hmh 1M1 1 " 4 BETS and find them perfect. Couldn't do Iwithout them. 1 have used ihem for sometime pf or indigestion and biliousness and am now com- Bietely ctrred;-llecommend them, to every one. nee tried, you will never be without them in ine lamiiy." edw. A. Marx, Albany, N. Y. Now in Its Sixth Year, ASHEVILLE'S LEADING UEVJSPAPEfl. " DArLi: NEWSPAPER OF THM2SIINTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Circulation in Every Town of the District. Toytz ah1 Snbui Dan Clrtti!Iatioa-nReei by AaitVlsitora: Entering Ashe i ille For Sale at All News Booms arid on All Railro au Train' .4 " Host Complete, Latest and Most Accurate News Service of Any Paper Ever Published in Western N, C. n " OCAX. news, doc ax. gossip; AND devotcp to the UP BUILDING OF ASHETVTT tITl. CANDY CATHARTIC . SJ; THADI max wmrtteto -P'Sasnt. Palatable, Potent. Taste Good. Do ttood, Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, 25c. 50c. !., CURE JDONSTI PATIO N. ... xenutg Kmt6f Company Chlciro, Sontrcal, Kw York. SSI NGaTflRn Sold and guaranteed by all drng IIW" I UDMV gists to cnUKK Tobacco Habit- Couldn't Find . It. --n 1 heard the other day -a lirany story Illustrating the ignorance- and stupidity ef nme Russian nrncirninl frnr'arnircf The. ,Rassiau govcrnaant resolred to galber some statistics-regarding, its far off provinces and to that end dispatched letters, of searching minuteness to all the officials. One was received at St Peters hnr? in Which fl cprtnin nnAstinn in re gard to the progress 'of"e1vflfzation was thus answered: "The civilization is not to be found in my province. It may be rvn hf CJhinpSfV hrvr1r. Ktrt twn Crasaob horsemen have been sent to hunt it up." un .Loiiuci -iuiiu-iry tne race jras aevei oped that the official thought some un neara 01 inue or nomaas was meant. Words and Deeds. "Some men," said Unfcle Eben, "uses corh 1 itSf TVftrds cat rip nnh!5r Stun'i" nn Jistens in admiraciousness. But when dey I gits home .dey can't 'spress deir idees simple enough to make de chillun mmd. Washington star. .(No ability, "however solendid. im.n command success without intense labor ana persevering application. A. T. Stewart. A WOMAN'S AWFUL PARILi. T!here is only one chance to ga-vie your life and that Is througfh an opera tion" were the startling words heard by Mrs. I. B. Hunt, of Lime Rldige, Wis., from her doctor after he had vainly tried to cure her of a frightful case or siomacn .trou'Due ana yellow jaundice. Gall stones had formed ond sne constantly grew worse. Then she began to use Electric Bitters which v?olly cured her. It's a wonderful Sx nach, Liver and Kidner remedy. Cm.- Dyapepsla. Loss of Anroetiite. Try it. L V 50c. Guaranteed. For sale by all 'g&ists. ; -. ' SisSii-aSf 17?? 7.i!f1in?rr iim li 1 1 if 5 -- ife:;, 7 VMli'7J :'ill ttSI'aBfZvMC-3 It is the recoenized Advertising medi um of Asheville. Its advertisingcolumus fu.nish information of real valua. from the best business houses of this city.. One reason why there are so manv bachelors now is that men are never asked any 'more to hold skeins of yarn while the girls wind. Six Million Boxes a Year. In iRnf . n nn P in innn ft rioo nro 7J, j y , -7 boxes: that's Cascarets Candv Ca thartic's jump into popularity. The 1 ..-mm -urn.. people nave cast tneir verdict. 5est . medicine for the bowels in the world. All druggists, ioc. Try a Gazette "Want" ad,. First That Came to Hniid. The commercial reporter had asked tc be connected ..with Hyde & Tallowe o; the wholesale markets. ' Hello!" he said. "I want the quotA Inn nn lard oil." "The only one that occurs to me at th moment," replied the absentminded col lege professor who by some mistake at" the central olhce was at the other end ot the wire, is this, which, I thmk, is iron; .Trah Rillinss. 'Whpn fplW Rtfirts tn no down hill, he finds everything greazed fnr thp occashnn ' Will that" But the other, here interrupted hira with loud and violent language, (Jhacagt Tribune. .max What's that? TTnax When ho hecins to reckon his age from his latest birthday instead of hia next. i'haladeiphia Record. A- Curio Distributer. "Catch me proposing to a girl by let ter!" "What makes von so timid?" "Whv. three elrls in this town have my framed proposals hanging up in their dens. Detroit Free t'ress. Durinsr the summer season cramps rm iinnn us linPTnAotfkflWr vmi should te prepared lor an emergency or ins kind., as otherwise tou iwlll suffer aer- nnv fnr lirtiir. TCewn A. bottlft llflilKl'V I and sv bv the directions on the wratv- . . , i- 11. 1 . 1 i i per, xx inu sfuryiiac juu uvw ii.uicn.iij relief will come. Avoid substitutes. there is cut one nun-iUAier, irerry jja- vts. iTice z&c ana w. iluman nature is so constituted that all see and judge better in the affairs of other men than in their own. Ter- Made to Feel at Home. "Didn't you feel yourself a stranger in your literary club after being absent so Inn?. Mrs. Jinks?" "No. One of the other members snub bed me the minute I opened my mouth. Chicago llecord. A woman may forgive the one who has talked about her to the neighbors, but not the mean thing who failed to return her call iAM w j iiM CiHurmfbeirP.jin's Pain Bain for a enmatism are deJdgibte with tn quick relief (from pain whih K affords men sreaking or this ijcr. . is . ssdk r if tttv i ;i-w- smtb "Hftma Time e.z I naa a eve ar. suck 01 riieunutLLisii In my arm amdi should' I tried num erous remedies but got no relief unti TT" Tq THann nrA Ci.. miiSTel HtS of hl plaoe,. to try onam3Deriams i'ain rrarai TTh&v rwvmrmtwrtid! lit Warbjlr that booig9it a1 (bottle; ' iwS soon relieved o all tvlIt. 1 ha.v aft recommendea tni llnimn to miaarr of mv friends, wh o-roo rwtirn m irntait. it. is T.nR Dewr. rem market' For sale toy O. A. Kaysor Drs. Koch & Maylield, LjUNGl HPECIALISTS. cure Abthma, Bronchitis, Consumption PROF. KOCH of Berlin. wha to ur onlr American offios.". 119 W. 22d St., N. T. for a FREfl4. ttw, tTnnt tn tthaw TOU WO CAH Our. . j Always write to Trs. Koch and May- field, 119 W. 22d St.. Mew xotk Were we eloquent as angels, yet we should please some people more by lis- tening.than by talking. Colton. s To the people of Asheville and western North Caroli na who desire a clean, enterprising (daily newspaper, de voted to the interests of this secticn,p whose oolumus are t i itt tc (i centre trd i ss)ft tdj vcill y move ment, the Gazette looks for its support, pledging to people of this section its most earnest endeavors to publish here a newspaper that will serve every useful end for which' a daily journal cat? strive in a progressive community ! f o each ana every intelligent citizen ot Asheville and Western North Carolina, we ask; Z:. -a xM Mt that t-5 Gaz aeswvea your ptrooat I oflasw yoa mart tiia amy newspaper publlshcoi In this section has eve offered; It woxka Kzstt 17 far the progress for which you bope J Is fearless and Independent Its opinions, it Tflil keep you in touch with th worM'o news and with mafc r t koa. Win you stop to think of all this, do you- tbart enter- pclfia fa ths comr:umity offers you bet t . value for your money or more richly serves ycur BupportT ' TV (VnitAVtV ilnirrodSi t!SA famous IbloOv miiWt-W: fl: f. STVitAKiin "Slood Balm into new hom9 -irlTt elve firvfay 10,000 treatments. B.' ru B. will toe tively cure all blood skin troubles ui)ce? soiOTHia; ecaenno, eating; sores, ltcnma iu ots, wrr&L'-t ptjmpiea, botle, oorbuncies, -fetone oais, rheuima ti smr t tLfrn: - riorn , Tvoison. arreoum fhrym tlHinTilcm&lca' cancer svreu.nw, i-eren stent pimipie or wart B. B. B. maicee tBa.oaooa purs an Wrih fri;l pvprr fwyra or '"urDtloa. an T4 TV "R mi' a h hlovi imira and 1. !Ftr tree treowrient aaaress siooa Balm Co., Atlanta, G. JjescrllDe trou til cured. B. B. B. cures oldi, deen-i seated cases tha reru to meeu unaei patent medi ines -r dootors' treatment. B. B. B. comaxwed or roure Docani dames and Is the finest blood purine hi the world . Diciests what you eat. This -preparation contains all of the aliftiS LU.il t3 auu u6"'u . " fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want, 'lnemostsenbiuvw stomachs can take it. By itsnsa many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everyining eise iaucu. m is unequaliea ior answiuaou uui-ww. It can't help but do you nooa The Gazette is the recognized (medium of summer resort advertising. B7E FOOT FID TBjEJ SURGEONS. AH doctors told Renick Hamilton, of West Jefferson, O., after suffering 18 months from Rectal Fistula, he would die unless a costly operation was per formed; but he cured himself with Ave boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the surest Pile cure on earth, and the best Salve in the world. 25 cents a bos. Sold by all druggists. There is no witness so terrible, no accuser so wonderful as conscience which dwells wi'thin us. Sophocles. gHSUiPT!QH. 1 TIVES O N BB KEPTFBFROM "yOU. iD CONTAU1U UB duo x T1IB :AIL- USR OF xr-A.ia CHLORIDES, 'WHICH INSTANTLY DESTRJTZ FOUL UUUti a.ml; EASE BRSSK i N MuLTi- JU. An odorless cc-i-D-rles: liquid; powerful safe and economical. Sold in quart bob ties. only b D u. agists ana Lign Grocers. , FHBB A practical treatlsj compiled from bxrd of health reports ca infectious diseases, such as Dir erU, Scarlet Feve.', Typhoid, Measles, Cosaumptioiv etc , hcisv to prevent and treat them. v wi Llastratlons showing methods of household disinfection will be msJiWl ;:; frea Addre3 Henry B. Piatt, 86 Pkitl , it., ' v.- Tork Cit7. k STOUT SUBCSRIPTOlii RATES: One Year .?IV. ... $4,00 Six Months.. 200 One Month One Week (by carriers In Asheville, Victoria or Blltmore) - pears TO EASE SORROW. Mrs. Talksmuch Mrs. Newrfch has a nevel way of consoling herself for the death of her aunt. Mrs Talkstoo What is it? ? . Mrs frtalksm.uch-.When she feels particularly (bad about it she goes and counts the spooins she inherited from her aunt. DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. 5&10 PACKAGES; IF NOT HANDLED BY YOUR DRUGGIST DELIVERED FREE UPON RECEIPT Of PRICE o 863 BROADWAY HewYor-c bankers and Brokers. xS'-SSAU STREET, CORNER WAJJ Ierosit i count-, leceived subject to check on demand. Interest creditea monthly on daily balances. Aoounts of benKS, cotpuiuwuo, firms and indi"iduals received on favor able terms. Couipona, int rest, dividends, noic drafts r" d. r oiir corresponden Or Tf uted for the pu,rcnesto c -a. yt orrnnission. of bond?, stocks. inveatir ta or carried on margin. .!lients may telegraph orders ana in structions at our expense. Copies of telegTs,phie nay be had on appli cation. Information regarding qu. .iuom dbjeerfully furnished. 7 AASkSkkA L4!Sn I 'tJ 111 1 I IH M II I ' I " the mm BAZETTEp Published Thursdays; eight pages. One 01 the best weekly newspapers in the state. 01.00 A EAR. a'dress Reports received show that Wine of fcrdul has brought permanent relief to 1,000,000 suf. ferlntf women In the last few years. Because ol Wine of Cardul, thoujandi of fufferers, seemingly on the way to premature graves, are mvt hwnw Vomen taking an active Interest In the duties ol life. .Mrs. Mitchell was declining In health wnea Wine of Cardul " performed a miraculous cure w her case. She suffered terribly with the agonies ol falling of the womb, Ieueorrhoa and profuse men struation. The weekly appearance of the menses for two months sappid her vitality until she was little better than a physical wreck. Her nervous svstem tfave way under the terrible pain and 5ra; vation. Then came the trial of Wine of Cardui and the cure. Mrs. Mitchell's experience ought to com mend Wine of Cardui to suffering women In words of burning eloquence. The Wine Is within the reach ofalL Woman who try It are relieved. You can get as much benefit as Mi Mitcrtell received. Ask your druggist for Wine of Cardul. Send to the labors, tory for the medicine if he tender you a substitute, WINE -tTfneof Cardui and Thedford'a Black-Draugn ton perrormea a miraculous cure iu l "Z. 'r Hewn a oreat sufferer fromfallincr of the womb weer bad oondition. husband Induced me m Wine of Cardui and Black-Draught, and r o try no vain. The leueorrncea nas aiasppor ;w I am in perfect health. Mrs. WILr dand For adrice in eases renoWns: roecfl"' Jffll it? 40i if Mf THE PEOPLE'S National Family Newspaper 43 HEW YORK TRI-WEEKLY TRIBUK1 Published Monday and Wlnesda an3 Friday, Is in reality a fine, Jreato every-otherlday daily, giving the late oTra iaiiT. and covering .-KAr three. It contain ; all mMjf appears w "rr.! S!5 Bdurtrations, Humoroua SSL tautrM Information, Faehior: nSS, cultural Mt 01; preu and. reliabls FtoSS. Market reaport. J'm1, negTilar snjbeenpKWJ ftw. m-w 7 We fomlA It with TUB GAZBTTTE for $2.00 per yeajr, j NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUME Published a rhursday. n0? g! nlrly sixty year. In tnS, United States as -. . fol NewSDaper ox ta u!iiuww - an by farm rs eaiw ----- Is clean, up to cunw, -itructivie. ..i i on met . -"- Send all orders to eWS and Up -.. .OB. . . ' National Importance ALOBE CONTAINS BOTH 3ail,byinaii, Sayeai aily and Snnday by mall, 8 a year The Bund ay Sun I tha reate undoy N vspaper In the World. 6 cents a copy. Byr' Address Ttxa bu, w EJf9 TOBACCO SPIT : - Vftilr I if AAWflvl can be cured of any torn c tooaoco . titr sn.ro.BAi;. You new me ana vigor V- ojA that makes weaa meu eitt tfn fM cured. All draggists. cure k STEKIINO Let a-dadSS8 5& New ySS . . ...... t lonri than to give. TO give employment Is better than either. " v ( 'v i'' ' I 1 , 1 ? i 1 ' l ' dheetlons. adires. THE GAZETTE. .9irv Departineni. mcf, Cb&ttanooga, Tenn. Asheville, N.ii. man Manat-.Tni7'. Fr- - j ASHEVILLE1 H. G. X i fX- . J. B

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