ASHEVILLE DAILY GAZETTE. TUNE 7iqoi PAGE 1 WOMEN'S BOARD- OF FORHStt Missions Twenty-Third Annual Ses sion Opened Last Evening. MESSAGES OF UNITY " a .FROM DE. ALLEN OIILY ELEVEII FROM VEIIIRE THE COTTOII DUCK TRUST Twelfth Juror n Emma Case - Will Be Chosen This Morning. THE jJBEAT COHBIIIE OBGANIZCD llY KI.ECTHWI OP OFFICERS. GREAT BANQUET TO . HARDWARE ME A A TRIAL WILL TAKE ALL THIS WEEK Jury Failed to Agree Southern Railway lar- f c tins an Authorized Capital offtSO 000,000 Will Operate 400,000 pln dies and Produces Nearly all tbe Heavy Duck, a Large Portion of the I'lffbt Dneki and Nearly all lhe High Belting: .and Bote Snck - JSannfactared in This Country. Three Hundred Quests Feast ed at Battery Park Last Evening. EXQUISITE MENU DAINTILY SERVED. intc Returned Missionary' Tells of the Needs in China's Field. . ..nni aoti of the case consumed the entire forenoon and Mire V"CUVJ m x ledanfl OX fKa ir-ntvo fliimmnrw trv A-nnpap flt 10 J-rvM- ... .. .a 1 o cj-4 ceny Case. In the Superior court yesterday the concluding speeches and the judge's charge in the Southern Railway larceny south, opened last o'clock was dismissed until after the noon recess. The jury retired and late in the afternoon came into court and an nounced that they were unable to agree WnTTlPTl'8 tar "El .vVl.THfVl . r-l .rMT", Wnodist'church KrThtionof missionary work done by tihe women-ot nssiona Rth. and is com- the no., L.Zi'' Vrf thirty-five' nouncea tnat tney were uoawe to agree posed of f?!1 onaaasers, with! and asked to be discharged. In view WTlfereniCS, it irua mm tan Vi.a H?a ia tVio aa.nn-nA itlmo a prt" treasurer. Instead- or this case has been tried an agreement secretaries sx rHv Tvr . A1-' i, v. oiota Mvunnai usu jj.0co fhe foody last , tv woi ,a .a. him e At- I Grange. Ga it ox .uxx, I. ... . more: E P. Caroenter. Manchester, ri missionary "brought . ifnwdihie trMiuuui t whir.h the and love; m- v. a mesa-'fev. - .mont ana th juage wuseuicu. iw uie uiu us uuseu len -nisrht Thft venerable ' u,. ncM,(rp OX UI1ILV sreat misbiuiia.rj u MW tannda- the defendants plead guilty and were n,cin es ' v-v . . tion of its 'conduct, go iuili - ooinria. This elemeni when the Tben raner at 1:30 there was f commerce is one of the leading forces a TUBh the court r00m, everybody that great work of toringing Wk anxious to obtain seats in order to hear York, June 5. A meeting for the 'organization of the United State! Cotton Duck Corporation was held to day, at which the following were elect ed directors: S. Davies Warfield, Bal timore; E. A. Brinkerheff, New York". Spencer Turner, New York; Sigmund Lehman, New York; William H. Wei lington, Boston; Richard Cromwell, Baltimore; James E. Hooper, Balti more; Michael Jenkins, Baltimore; Charles K. Oliver, Baltimore; David H. Carroll, Baltimore; Thomas M. Turner, New York; Theodore Hooper, Baltimore; Henry A. Parr, Baltimore; Trenor L. Park, New York; Horace S. Sears, Boston; James M. Barnard, Ia W. K. Cromwell, BalU Two gTeat forces each sentenced to the chain gang for inhristian. civilization four inontns. missions, one of the l jJl -ry tor mafl to God. 'domimerce is ""7" the beginning of the Emma burglars' change of mental, moral ana row. trfa and fey Ume tne judge wag on improvement. missions1 the bench every available seat In the 0q the ouieine ,ramlsgion hioh is court room was occupied and the isles it has a wen There is nothing so packed and jammed that egress and TnHnative in missions. They are in- 4ngrees were almost impossible. u.m"' ,. , -nrhorf" - rr.nreiEirei A ii. . i-u i u a crv "nracticai . " , lwmg lu tne laui mat catii uclciiu- t-rot went to China, houses were ant was entitled to so many challenges, there with windows "f86.1.? The the -drawing of the jury proceeded pared so as J" V; nVTnce them lowly and it was near night when the prS eiiueavui v, ! OCA hondf on t glaSS, iUUl XIO rcillic UL iitiu noo guiauui.tU tiiivi ieners en of the supcii j M .nnge the eleven jurors having been drawn. An amount ot a s ihnilidSne our orflftr was then made bv consent direct Chinamai V v.oim srlA5?S Win- CT oV.niifP anmmnn an o M t inTlfl 1 and pLacis . u"' bouses flnWS. nri tv and changes gjj piaAib The Chinaiman sees the P! venire of 50 men to appear -at 9:30 this .v. nr. a T-iis own. iProceeu LT1CL l,irO'6CD . iuuiuius v icast resistance or. T A. . A. . u u i along tne mica -r QV time xn oraer mat me writ wum ie cac conscious want. ene!e42se uted within "mited time, the sher-keepers-a etrsiness. they iff is not required to go outside Ashe- water iock, -,,,,0 see our ville township, as was required by the are almost etches and they first order, hut is allowed to su imroyed ciocK Th& tele wherever he can find them !lc, and railroads have been, found following are the jurors selected yes Z? ,.,.,it,a nnso.ious rwants. War minds of the ipeopie. j M D The Vest. J. M Davis. "W. B. Cook, YOU can t -.iiismv , Ar.i,-i, .0 . XT' c 'f- . .--.a. i JKL. J-'. dJCillltri , S3, v aouivvi 111, 'vj . a- . . . T XVm n H I I W I. a Chinaman Duy- -f- . Tumer, N. R. Rogers, Chas. Littrell, we tome to the subject 01 mis - , 0 at. ;-e find the question the same. x. w. . w, . Mf v.. !!? ! thought of foreign mission! ows. We have e mmatiir l' tvia im-v Txriii Vie rTn,nlAted this morn tr, mnoh along tne nue -j-w . mions. The line of 'least resistenc and the taking of testimony begun. :; (v,t rrf smrlvin the neeuy. IS Ut v-ucii- Spring IIAI wagons areiust the -ticket" to brine in vour PRODUCE tsithL LOOKS better, SELLS better, IS better. By the way, I heve a great sale on single buggy HARNESS, and theo Farm and Lumber; Wagons without number, all sizes; Don't miss the place; place. 86 Pattonr Ave, 0. B. WRIGHT, Proprietor, Carolina Carriage Co. Tt heincr evident that this case will Eight-tenths of the people in iChima 00 consume the remainder of the week. not need charity, nor rwm iney uwve the announced that all persons Christ's words "The poor have .JSL 1 not engaged in this case and not wit pel preached to them" c nesses to go before the grand Jury, need the Jes tute. but they P. not. come back untU. next week. The Shnanrou rmissioniry erSrTrheloS:1 grand jury has much business yet in flipd to charity and neglect the mass? hand and it is important that 'grand TO meet the needs of this eight-tentlha jury witnesses should understand that is the question. There is something they they are not to leave the court at all. want, which can be given lay the mission j A large number jbills have been re ary. ' They want education, literature turned already, among which are ten intelligence. Along this hne4 J ,Dms against- J. F. Jarvis, charging tinev win 1 - UL: G. K. Sheridan, New York; Robert S. Grun, Elizabeth, N. J. The United States Cotton Duck Cor poration has an authorized capital of $50,000,00-, divided into $25,000,000 b pei rent, cumulative deferred stock and $25,000,000 common stock. There will b: issued at this time to meet all presem i-e-anirements $16,100,000 preferred ana $10,000,000 common stock. This com nany acquired through ownership o stock, or by direct purchase, the Moui Vernon-Woodberry Cotton Duck Coir. nanv. which has a consolidation 0 ir v ' iftiii-tppn pntton duck mill3 locatea 1 various parts of the country, the cap :t?.lfeation of which is $23,500,000; 1 1 .tark Mills, Manchester, N. H.; La . . . . 3 4-1. Grange Mills, iatirange. Ura., aiiu tu iiogansville Manufacturing tompau. Hogansville. Ga. In connection v... these properties,- the new corporatie will operate under contract with optlo to purchase the West Point Manut'ac turing Company, Lanette Dye Work ind Bleachery, and the Riverdale Mar. ufacturing Company, all of West Point Ga. The United States Cotton Luc Corporation will operate 400,vv spin dies, producing nearly ail of the heav: ducks, a large portion of the light ducks and nearly all of the high belt ing and hose ducks manufactured in this country. At a meeting of the directors the following officers were elected: S Davies Warfield, chairman of th Board of Directors; Richard Cromwell president; J. Spencer Turner, James E Hooper and William H. Wellington vice-presidents; D. H. Carroll, secre tary; C K. Oliver, treasurer, and Sid ney E. Coolidge, assistant treasurer. foH mpmhfr iX lit? lUUUYVlIlg "tic c,.v,v - Of the executive committee: S. Davie Warfield. E. A. Brinkerhoff, Michae Jenkins, William E. Wellington, Henr. A. Parr, Thomas M. Turner ana ig mund Lehman, the president and treas urer being ex-officio members or tn rnmmittee. The following stanain. committees for the purchase of cotto was named: Messrs. Lehman, croa well and Coolidge. TWO CADETS DISMISSED scious want, It is ex- onu-i . - .,M,ri, men- lorgenes aim auraiiicurcm. s?hooll JlZ: th diffusion of pected that he will be tried during the v,ova kati reached. xney needed these and have gladly accepted, them. Jaipan, halving qualified for com ity with the nations, flaunts her flag in BODY WILL ARRIVE TONIGHT The body of young Arthur iStokely, Japan thus enjoys & superi- wh0 accidently shot himself on Wednes- nw iw is ntrauiBwus Hence she is seeking eoiuaH- China, but China caarnot flaunt her flag in Japan . . vi Ai. 4 hiwn oritv over cmna, wniuu """" v day is expecxea xrom ouiu, ence sne is bwjuub .rZZ night. It is said that Charlie 'Nichols, will thiJ7Jr.; who was with Mr. Stokely at the time i-t do it; the consuls oaa aMant w, the re- to China tyy; iboi't who Tiriryili lnlr . ' ardent. wi accompany the re , 1.. xjo aonris as the mains home. to supply xnis toeen No arranffementa for the funeral teacner 01 me naLKJ". - - made the ward of Christendom. ! have been made yet. The whole government ia based on civ- . il sen ice and this is based on educa- HOME INDUSTRIAL tion. fBvery aspirant for the office must - - From tne mtlltnry Acnaeray FnlMly ObtlnIns Permission I.enT the Post-Kcwly Appit Cndels Report for Fxaroianlion. West Point, N. Y., June 5. Tw tadets, members of tne coming nrs - . 1 j slass, were summarily dismissed iron the United States Military Academ. lo-day. They were Stephen B. Verne, of Syracuse, N. Y-, and Charles I Perry, of Iowa. They were court-mai tialed upon a charge of navmg iais ly obtained permission to leave tl. post. This permission navmg granted them, they were subsequentl; detected by an army omcer annK-uiK bar in Newburgh. They were ais missed without travel pay and startt- for home immediately. Fifty-six of the fifty-nine young mei Who were appointed caaeis 10 ih Military Academy since March 1st las- rpnortd for their examinations ic One of the Greatest Events of the Kind Ever Seen in Asheville. Just as the meeting of the Southern Hardware Jobbers' association eclipses, in some respects, any previous confer ence held) in Asheville, so the banquet tendered last evening at the Battery Park hotel by the entertainment com mittee of this body eclipsed any similar function of the many that have been held in the dining room of that cele brated hostelry. Did you eiver sit at table with three hundred people. The needs of such' a number ere supplied with a quarter of a mile or so of table, and some thous ands of pieces of table ware, not to men. tion the bushels of eatables and the gallons of drinkables that are required. On this occasion the great dining hall was filled) almost to its capacity witih a crowd of distinguished looking men and beautiful women, comprising the bail- ware people and a few guests from the city. The toastmaster's gavel was wield ed by Henry B. Lwpton, and his ad ministration of the pleasant events which followed one another in rapid suc cession was a comibination of fact, wit and wisdom The menu was a triumph of epicurean knowledge in its arrangement, a tri- unagh of culinary art in its preparation and a triumph of dexterity and discs1 p'line in its serving. Cream of tomatoes, sherry, Spanish mackerel, Maitre D'Hotel; potato An- glaise; sauterne; tenderloin of beef.dham pignons; sweetbreads en croustade, spa them people. By the time Mumirn's ghetti au Parmesan; chicken roasted, gi'blet sauce ;Mumim''s (Extra Dry; mash. ed potatoes, green peas, rice, vanilla ice cream, apollinaris, assorted cakes, cheese, crackers, coffee, cigars. Spears' 'Orchestra rendered its sweet est selections to give an added zest. "Dixie" came with the sherry, and was received with tumultous applause; for this, (mind you, is a convention of sou thern people. By the time Humim's well known prescription came around the multitude of banqueters was ready to burst forth in song, and "A Hot Time," "Goo-goo Eyes" and other clas sic selections furnisbed the necessary (provovation. After the serving of coffee an"d cigars E. -F. Eshleman of New Orleans pre sented the association with a very handsome gavel purchased with the funds remaining from the last conven tion. Toastmaster Lupton then introduced R. !R . swiHiams Of New York, who made a short talk, sparkling with humor and compliment to the fair queens, the light in whose eyes was 'later to kindle the Irishman's pipe. He was followed by tbe genial chairman of the reception committee, Irby Bennett of Memphis, who, in beautiful language, spoke of Asheville and paid1 no end of tribute to nil LiNJ AT BIG DISCOUNT 25c Paper at 15c a roll, 10c paper at 6, 7 and 8c .a roll. A large stock of all kinds "of paints, gold and bath tub enamel, paint and white wash brushes, wagon and carriage paint, 500 gallons of best ready-mixed home paint, all kinds of varnishes and hard oil. Phone 167. No. 33 North Main street, Asherille, N. C. w e Sell Office Desks Cheaper are Than exclusive dealers do. These thoroughly modena desks superbly huilt and made to afford In satisfaction full equivalent for the busy business man, they last & lifetime. Full of conveniences for what one pays for them. HKr. Blair & Smathers, FURNITURE DEALERS, Phone 75. 45 Patton Avenue Nourishing Beverages. . . her illustrious statesman and her fair The sort of wine you e&tJoy andl appreciate women. 'With a few well chosen words and in the face of considerable confusion Dan iel Stern of Chicago, with "The Press' as his theme, W. R. Walkley of Brook lyn, in "Fish-hooks," and T. Jame Feney, secretary of the national asso ciation, addressed the 'banqueters, wb then dispersed to meet next year in Nev Orleans. RAIN SPOILED GAME. They are the MnU made from sound "ripe fruit, handled to secur the great est amount of satisfaction. You are sure to appreciate them, not onfly for the pleasure they give, but for the tenefit your system Kserives from them. Pints or quarts, delivered. GARR & WAIRD. The Boston Saloon. Pfcene No. 268. Box 90. No. 285 S. Main St. as many as 24,000 only 250 can be chos- Quating Exerciff 8 "at Ha'.f Past lay.Among the newly appointed cadet en. The time has come when the lack wraauaniiB re : O. S. Albright, Tennessee; K . of these universities along tne line oi Aen loaay iiuuress uy xi. mathematics, philosophy, etc., must be Winston. i i j TrrL. a n cniirvTir need: Sr.VrrfKto tie emper-! The primary and intermediate classes -,e.vj, tTkw are nf th Home Industrial school neld ors question, leceiiLij' - , we to meet the present crisis?" his their closing exercises at the school yes viceroy replied!, "We must irflake imen. terday afternoon. The graduating class A recent graduate of one of our schools hold its commencement exercises struck the keynote likewise, in tne su'u- thig morning at 10:30 o'clock ject of her essay "The greatsi After the xerciseg xr. .Winston, or na is women S t resi(Jent o the A. & M. college, will oi conscious neea wat wj. "u - V,1T1 ladies men of culture and edhicaUon the ques- deliver an address to the young ladies tion is solved. An enlarged view of e Arnold, Arkansas; iugn 1. iiroac hurst. North Carolina; jj. n. crei lhaw, Kentucky; J. a. Dusenour. South Carolina; R. I. Howard, l. v Jones, Jr., and St. Clair Newben North Carolina; E. S. Oliver, Sout Carolina; - W. E. Pridgen ana l. t 6choenmaker, North Carolina.. CONSOLIDATED TOBACCO COM PANY INCORPORATED. ME. PACK'S BIRTHDAY. question is what we need1. ' This morning at 9:15 the sessions of the noflivt rwill bejrin. 'Afll visitors are cordially invited to foe present. He Celebrated His Seventieth v ter The program for tne remamaer , , i n 4.i; the coJer.WfMia: I day-Messaget of Congratulation ir fljdklress of welcome Georare W. Pack was seventy years and reponse. nresident's annual address; olj yesterday. Haywood Parker, on corresponding secretary's and treasur- benai,f of tne Asheville Library aesocia- er s reDorts. . ! ttnn .TAhn A.' Nichols; on behalf of the Saturday evening ten minute ao Trade, aTid the county com- Jressea by returned missionaries from 6 jgr offlcials all aaafn5- sermon by TimtLgrams of congratulation nd Bishop A. w Wilson, 11 o'clock. Jgood wishe. - Sunday afternoon- o'clock chil- ,Mr. Pack is much beloved by all our Wren's mass meeting, conducted toy Mrs. people, and they one and all wish him M. l. Hargrove, assisted by. returned happy returns. Missionaries. I Sunday evening addresses tiY Mrs. CTflOC CttTCDm A- Wilson, just returned from a -dlUtlt cnitncu. year s travel in Japan, China andl Korea; The store of Henry Doster at the cor an3 Rev. (Mr. Tarboux, returned mis ner of Valley, fand Eagle: streets was sionary from Brazil. . Entered lay burglars -vyednesday might Monday evening-recfeption and ap- cash taken from the drawer. Tu 01 mlSSl" r16!; Se burgllrs pried open a shutter, in lups iay evening echoes from the mis- J-ne DUI6'1 , -w-o.mb. rry conference held! in New Or- the rear of the store and breaking two teanp April 24-31. Mrs. M. D. "Wight, panes of glass obtained an entrance. mar Miss M. L. Grbson and others. i The police could obtain no clue to Business session daily from 9:15 to the miscreants, but later In the day ,-:4- a. m. The public inJvlted to attend Jlm Haynes, wrho owns a pair of blood nes- morning sessions. j hotmds came by the police station and officers of the board are Mrs. OJ. 'that' he had by. means of the Jll--. .Charleston, present; tL DUrelara to a small ifsident, Mrs. A. W. Wilson, negro nouse.ner .17 more, 2nd vice-nresldent:. Mrs. S. owner of the store retuseu Jruehart .MaoWwillja nrvrrf.annniiinsr fain trmnble he had called tne 'QOgB secretary; Mrs T. B. Hargrove, Kansas 0t the trail. ' - J't , rppnrrltn. nnnA4.. (. XX XT 1 - . Vif..r Bait e: eire, Nashville, treasurer. X a,ure makes us ww.n Mrth' ruefhen . . , c Know nothinip- lhn e!ha. Mrraa ,ita tfia' i "mile at fleWE, That we have no feminine synonym. Q the work sco-undrel is a good sign of th nobility of women. - i Know OneSnreBonedy fMaa obstinate cold. Itimune in Psny-Balsamr. Trenton, N. J.. June 5. The Consoli ftated Tobacco Company, with author. Ized capital of $30,000,000 was in co rpo rated here late this afternoon. The company is authorized to cure leai tobacco and to manufacture and deal In tobacco in all its forms. The capital stock is all common with shares of the har value of $100. The incorporators are Herbert C. Lakin, Francis Wood bridge, Louis Downer, all of Jersey City. NEGOTIATIONS RESUMED. Sport at Riverside Dissolved in Damp ness Yesterday Afternoon. The rain which came up yesterday afternoon spoiled what promised to be the best game of the Asheville-Knox-ville series. Asheville went first to the bat, with Newman in the box. The big pitcher started out by winding Dynch up in a mystic maze, and three men went down, without a hit or score. Burnette bothered the men from Ten nessee, also, and the first inning ended without anything very startling having taken place. It looked very much like a score for Asheville when the rain came up or rather down. Redwood was on third, with one man down and some of the finest hitters on the team due at the stick. A hard downpour sent the spectators scurrying into the little refreshment tent and Into 'the cars. The clouds looked threatening and the game was abandoned. It was hoped that the Knoxville men would stay over and play it out today, but they decided to go home. It would be a good thing for the park management. to stretch that MR. L0UGHRAI1 MAY SUE THE CITY New York, June 5. The Mail and Ex- I promised canvass over the grand stand." It is likely to rain from ume to time in this country. The members of the Knoxville team are all fine fellows, behave as gentle men on the field and elsewhere, and have made' many friends in Asheville-. A game with Anderson, S. C, Char lotte or the Morganton mutes is prom ised for next week. fcress to-day says: "Negotiations be hMen the C ramp-Maxim-Vickes brout of shipbuilders and stockholders Sf the Jjetnienem oieei xo.vo een resumed and the consolidation originally mapped out nas aciuauy been arranged so far as that is possi- pie without me ueuvei y w owm FATHER PHILLIPS WAS NOT POI- Nw York. June 5.-The report of George A despatch from (Chicago to New York Al Furieson an analytical chemist, who Tribune tels of Uhe death of 'Mrs . Bessie made an examination of the stomach ol Vance. It says that the Christian Scl the Rev. E. S. Phillips, bIC Hazleton, Pa., entists ar (trying to comfort the half who was found dead' in tbe apartments of crazed! husband. She had1 a new born "Dr " Kirke Stanley three weeks ago, !haby and died of hemorrhage. The de- hnvs that Father Phillips was not poM-rtch savst "fFor three weeks Mrs. soned. Stanley was arraigned Deiore mm coroner and released. Application for Writ to Con strain Hickory Au thorities. The continued discussions about town are regarding the action of the city fathers last night in refusing the issu ing of liquor license to the applicants whose applications were regular and in keeping with The Code, after the ques tion had been settled by an election of 20 majority in favor of licensing the bars for $1,000 each, this being a special amendment to our charter enacted by the last General Assembly. Messrs. B. B. Cline, of Hickory, and S. J. Brwin, of Morganton, with whom will prob ably Ibe associated Mr. Poster A. Sond- ley, Mr. Frank Loughran's home at- torney, of Asheville, in behalf of Mr. Loughran, applicant for liquor license for a bar in the Hickory Inn, have this day begun proceedings, the papers in which will at once be forwarded to Judge Council!, asking him to order a mandamus against the aldermen of the city to appear before his honor in chambers at the earliest convenience. While these proceedings are much re gretted by our best and most conserv ative citizens, it is hoped the matter can be contested as early as possible, as the city is likely to be involved in case the amendment to the charter Is regular and the decision is in favor of same. Mr. Loughran claims tnat n the court sustains him in the action, be will at once institute suit for dam airainst the city, in case the re- NORMAL AND COLLEGIATE. The ' Commencement Exercises Take Place First Days? of Next Week. The commencement exercises of the Normal and Collegiate Institute will be gin next Sunday and conclude Tuesday evening, me general program loncrws: Baccalaureate sermon, Sunday, June 9, 11 a. m., in the Oakland! Heights Pres- ibyterian church; annual concert Mon- day, June 10, 8:30 p. m.; exercises of the graduating class Tuesday, June 11, at 8:30 p. m., in the assembly room ofl (the Normal and Collegiate Institute; exhibition of industrial department, Tuesday, June 11, from 6 to 8 p. . 3. The graduate s for this year are: Jennie Mae Allison,. Lizzie Boyd, Florence Thorruwell Bradford, Lillian Harvey Burgin, Lillian WoodfLn Chambers, Car rie Warren Cliff, Eva, Allene Drake, Zllpha Bmima. Flake, Vistula MauxJe Guffey, HattBe Lenora Howie, Grace Kirkpatrick, Rebecca Laney, Emily Jane Merrill, Frances (Elizabeth Moore, Mar garet Jane Parker, Lillian Ada Power, Sue Bulalia Reese, Bessie Mildred Rey nolds, Jessie Elizabeth WiHiams. : r-v Try a Gasette "Want" ad. Vance died slowly, while the (women J opening of the Hickory Inn is delayed stoo at her .Deasme UM.iwie uer "vDy jhe action. Hickory correspondence, PHEIR FINAL TRIALS ORDERED. to think of pain.' 5th, to Charlotte Observer. A Delightf ul Place to Spend ihe Summer .' TJp ta the mountains i where the wlM flowers grow; Where the rippling brook o'er the pe bles run And the coolest breezes blow. RuSby Hall Hotel B UNSET DRIVE. M Finest location in Asheville. Foe rates apply to A.M. THROSSELL, Prop Phone 766. "Washington, June 5 The Navy De partment has authorized the final trials Of the battleship Wisconsin, now on the Pacific station, and the torpedo boat a knlll ot T? Ir-Virruinrl TtiPSa EE wil'l take place about the 17th or of Carr & Ward win be dissolved Friday NOTICE OP DISS0LITTI0N Notice is hereby given, that the firm lStb instants, respectively. Educate Yotir Bowel With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, oure constipation forever. 10o,25o. If a C. C. tail, draggis refund ar. June 14th, 1901, and that . fixtures and lease for two years with privilege of five will be sold to the highest bidder on that date. The purchaser of same toj f.VA stock of eoods at cost. 94-13t THE BONANZA WINE & LIQUOR CO Phone No. 72 P. A MARQUARDT, Manager, 43 South Mam Street, Asheville, N C i ? yf t - e f

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