ASHEVILLJ; DAILY GAZETTE,, TUNE 7.IQ01 page i. , - " - - - - 3 1 1 t v.- 1 1 S i - ? - - a 4-' r Jl & is ( n i : .1" -' i H 5 4 v3 i 'I I - ' t .."-J J t 1-7 Received,, 75 Rolls Straw batting In Beautiful Patterns. If you want good matting that (will wear, we can suit you. We want you to see the goods they will do the rest. Sawyer s Carpet House Plume 22S. No.18 and 20 Church St Fop Rent op Sale Furnished and unfurnished houses in choice locations. Several bargains in fine farms. See us before renting or buy ing. H. F. GRANT & SON, 48 Patton Avenue. Three Important Reasons Best Results, Most Courteous Treatment, Prompt Hervice are the three reasons why your laun dry work should come to the Asheville Steam Laundry 43 W. College street. Tel. 95. Class in Shorthand. . The Asheville .School of Stenography and Typewriting will commence its summer class on Monday, June 10. Also special class with special terms for school children, to commence on same -day. Persons wishing further information of either of these classes will please call cm or before the tenth Inst., at class room, Sondley bldg.. corner Patton ave mie and Church St., or telephone Miss, Emanuel. Telephone 394. Mail inquiries receive prompt attention. Telephone 133. MTHER80H& MOORE,. U1B1NG IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Tin and slate roofing, Guttering find. Ctornice Work. Repairs of xll kinds usually done in a first jlass Tin Shop promptly attetnded J to. Steel Ranges, Fire Bricks,-, Fire Clay and Tile Pipe for roof Irains always on hand. 45 College Street. E CD IE. Leave your orders for ice at 20 N. Court square, or Telephone No. 121. rrHv m tv. TOcured from wagons. wat omieT Ice Delivery Company ! THE PL u Extraordinary Values in Clothing fhave taken out of my regular stock all small lots of suits and placed them on the Bargain Counter at the following Cut Prices: $10.00 Suits at $6 48 $12.50 Salts at $8.68 $15 00 Suits al $9.98 $18 and $20 Salts at $t3. 98 Many of these suits are of this season's make, but only -one and two suits of a lot. Alterations are Extra. Phone 72. - Of I MIWS. The AAevlUe Hardware Company. A baby girl was recentfy ; born to Capt. and Mw. . E; Pickens of Ju piter. Capt.and Mrs. iPickens have been married more than 22 years. The fire department has received an invitation to attend the state firemen's tournament, to toe held at Charlotte July 23, and 26, Inclusive. The second quarterly conference of t, wmtI -will meer at xiayww church at 7 o'clock Street Methodist this evening. orders have been received at the re- rrulttaie station from the War depart ment to enlist desirable men for service in the coast artillery, an-a sena mem i Fort McHenry, Baltimore. James B. Sieghe, for several years junior member or J chk Pa tton avenue grocery firm. Uittjwv t has been appointed postmaster at New found, to succeed Levi PlemonS, resign- ttv,q fflA -wilf lbe at J. CM', and J. B. Siegbe's store and has been made a money order office. There will be an excursion to Waynes ville on the 18th, instant, under the auspices of St. Lawrence's congrega tion. The price of tickets will be $1 for will be dancing at the Wnite Sulphur Springs hotel, the music Refurnished be at the depot to drive the party to There will be field sports the hotel also. cigars worth smoking at Biomberg'. NEED FOR HEW COURT HOUSE Just before the opening of the Supe rior court yesterday morning Hon. H. A. Gudger, in behalf of the new court house committee mounted the judge's bench , and spoke a lew minutes to the 250 talesmen summoned .on the Emma burglary case and others present on the needs and feasibility of a new court house. Every man present reaiizea uie need of one before the day was over and any one who doubts the need of a new court house should have been pres ent at this trial yesterday. The most overwhelming argument that could be advanced was the uncomfortably crowded condition of both the seats for the public and the members of the !bar. The aisles were constantly filled not only with spectators but talesmen who could not obtain seats. . In all cities elsewhere the size of Asheville and 4n counties the size of Buncombe there are court houses with modern conveniences and now that public spirited men have paved the way we should-have a court house commen surate with our needs. Miss Exwight of Converse College, Spartanburg, is visiting at Mrs. Branch's, on Stames Avenue. W. F. Snider of Salisbury is here. John Seibles of Columbia. S. C, is here on a short visit. Xs Raymond Lyons of Knoxville came up yesterday on a short visit. Mr. Will Ross is enjoying a week's stay at Asheville, tN. C Knoxville Sen tinel. J. F. MiIler, editor of the Hickory Press, is in the city for a few days. gx$ Sheriff Ramsey of Madison came from Marshall yesterday. C. E. Weatherby, representative of the Rumford (Baking Powder company, is in town. S Mrs. J. Tj. Kelly, rwho has been stay ing at 70 Orange street, left for Wea verviHe yesterday. There she will (be joined by her husband and children. voluntarily amid conscientiously, and With much pleasure we reocommend to our readers Pain-KMer. We speak from experiealce when we say that it removes pain as if by magic, and Is one of the best medicines in use for diar rhoea. It is iatpplded both internally and externally, and none who have used it would .willingly be Without it In their homes. Avoid smlbstitutes, there is but one Pain-Killer, Perry Davis'. Price 25c Bind 50c. All Dairy Products. Pure Milk, Cream, Butter and cream cheese delivered nrnmnflv OrHpr hv m-ail A.J. . S" "J. HILLSIDE DAIRY, EmmaP, O, OUTFITTER 13L Patton avenue.. 1 "See 'Sign -of tfce Book,? ; Pf- .t;- ' -- -V WW - Itis "time to select: your 'HAMUOCES ? - oa rtf fine durable kind: atrtow price; Hi fiee thTtUr r dJufuc ve leave the merit of our values to your Judgment. Croquet, Base Balls, CPoOf Oiube ana genera! sporting line. . ' ..---" r i'- - phonC as4, ROCERS" BOOIT STORE, s-Matn st- Has arrived, and 'tis and see it. Asheville i pj,one 22- Lawn Swings Croquet - Base Ball Goods New Books - - Stationery - - News Andrews' Book Stores n HOW FOR A GOOD VEGETABLE DINNER. I A-SDaraeUS, Cucumbers, Peas (home grOWn), Peppers, tfipg KeapS, New Potatoes, I Spring Onions, Cabbage, Mustard Old Onions, i strawberries, Oranges, Batter, Eggs, Chickens, Turkeys and Ducks. HirfitTl I V i Mil &LMMI Lsiuuavjr, S falbbfr FLKtir Pfinrf d.u? tt MONARCH" Easy Motion The comfort of riding depends on the care with which the running parts have Been put together. These wheels are made to insure rid ing comfort today and are of durable material to make certain, long, pleas ant rfciimg-. , " 'fi J M. Hearn & Co. 4 Patton avenue. Opposite postofflce THE BEST SHOE The best known shoe in all the country for $3.50 is the Walkover. Oxfords in Tan and Black Vici, Shoes in Box Calf, Vici and Tan. The style and wTear of the . highest priced foot wear in this well known shoe. SFANGBNBERG Court square. If "Straws Show Which Way The wind Eiust be blowing directly straw hat stock is slltag rapidly, and feet style is shown by the many men of .chased them. Are you one of them? once while we have every shape and We Sell Hats tor 50 We have some splendid negligee neckwear for the warm weather. Don't you want to see it? Wdodburv' Hi.'S. Cnisrtni Haberdasher. r " LAST That Coaster Brake Cleveland Chainless a beauty. Come in Cycle Co. Nos. 18 and 20 Church Street. - Hammocks Tomatoes, Lettuce, Radishes, Turnip Greens, Bananas, Greens, 450 s Main Street, on Biltmore car line Phone No 2nn 200 Paint Youp Roof! With Woodbury's Rubber Elastic Roofing Paint Old roofs can be preserved and put in water tdght condition for years if given in time a coat of our roof paint. It will not crack or peel, We. are agents for Carey's Magnesia Flexible Cement Hoo ing. Sold by the Woodbury Coal Co. Mrs. Senator Foraker says: OSTEOPATHY will do more for chronic diseases than any other system)." C. M. CASE, M, D. D. O. Drhumor Block. BRICK. Fire. Red, Repressed, Bidewalk and building Brick; for sale by the THE ASHEVILLE BRICK & TILE CO., Office JTo. 10 library Bids. Dr. A, Stauffer VETERINARY SURGEON, . . Graduate of Germany Umce : Chambers & Weaver's Livery Stable inone 18 The French Broad Press are just now opening a fine line of box papers in assorted colors. 'See their ndowjdispay.We are headquarters for photo supplies. Picture frames and framing a specialty. 32r34 Patton A v. the Wind Blows"- out. of our store, "for our great the proof that they are In per fashion who have already ur" If not you had (better coone In at quality. cents to $3.00. Is your stock of banded! " turn down collars for the warm wea ther complete? Right. 18 Patton Ave 9T 1 Heinz Sweet Mi 20c qt. H. C.Johnson Co Phone 18. 39 Patton Ave W. A, BLAIR . J, MACKEY BLAIR & MACKEY UNDERTAKERS 45 Patton Ave. (up stairs . OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Telephone 193. nam UUIHUI TBTJSTEE'S SALE. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain deed in trust made by J. B. Red and wife S&llie L. Reed ito the ulndersigned trustee, dated De cember 3rd, 1894, md registered in the of. flee of the register of deeds of Buncombe county, North Carolina, In (Book of Mortgages and deeds of trust No. 38 at page 216 et seq., .to which reference is hereby 'made; and by reason of default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured! by said deed In trust, whereby the power of sale therein contained has ibecome operative, and the person entitled to receive the money due on account of said Indebtedness having made demand upon, the said under signed trustee, that he sell the lands and premises odnveyed in said deed in trust, according to the terms of sail in strument, and apply the proceeds as therein directed, the undersigned trus tee will, on Saturday the 6th day of July, 1901, at 12 o'clock noon, Bell, at public auction, for cash, at the court nouse door, in the city of Asheville, countv f '"RainprxmihA jind stttt.te tvf "MVirf-h Carolina, the lands and premises dies cribed and conveyed in and by said deed of trust, and which are more particular ly described as follows, to-wit: The fol lowing described piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the county of Buncombe and state 0f North Car olina on the soutih-western side of .the Buncomhe Turnpike road, north of the city of Asheville, adjoining the lands of J. B. Reed!, the land formerly owned by. A. W. Rich, J. M. Campbell. J. M. Ray, and others, and with the exceptions as hereinafter noted, being the same land and premises as conveyed by J. E. Reed and wife Sallie L. 'Reed to The Asheville Loan, iConstructiota) and Im provement Comipany, by deed bearing date, the 19th, day of-June, A. I. 1890, and further described and more partic ularly (bounded as follows, to-Wit: Beginning ait a stake in the south-west corner of the original tract of land, in the line of the Rich land, and where the wlhite oak corner formerly stood; and thence running east ninety-nine (99) poles to a stake in the branch: thence down with the center of the branch as follows, to-wit: north eighteen (18) de grees east four (4) poles and thirteen (13) links; thence morth thirty-eight and one-half (38) degrees west eleven (11) poles and two (2) links: thence south seventy.nlne and one-fourth (79) de grees west seveim (7) poles and eighteen (18) links; thence morth fifty-six and one-half (5) degrees west nine (9) poles and six (6) iriks; thence north twelve and one-fourth (12) degrees east twenty-one (21) poles; thence north twemty-eight and one-fourth (28) de grees east eleven (11) poles and nineteen (19) links to a stake in "the center of the road'; thence with the center of the road north twenty-four and onehalf (24) degrees west seventeen (17) poles ana mane (9) links; thence north sixty two (62) degrees west eleven (11) poies and twenty (20) links; thence nortli sev. enty and one-half (70) degrees west eleven (11) poles and eighteen (18) liDks; thence north sixty-seven amd one half (67) degrees , west six 6) poles and nineteen (19) links; thence south eighty-eight (88) and one half () tfe- iee west several (() poiea and thir teen (13) links; thence north fifty -eight kooj uegrecs west twenty (20) poles and twelve (12) links to a stake in Reed's line; thence with it south (11) degrees west eignty-seven (87) poles and nimo teen uj iinKs to the place of begin- mng: containing tMrty-seVen and twn. thirds (37 2-3) acres, foe the samp mnra or less; excepting herefrom the two lots a set norm and described in a deed of release executed by Samuel TT. t?op.i, trustee, amd approved bv J. tt; pi' the cestui que trust to The Asheville Loan, Construction and Improvement Company, bearing: date ,Anri? tho A. 13. 1891, and recorded in Rnnv nt 77, of the records of deeds ntf tw or the register f Heoa county, North Carolina, at nae-s 0t " wnicn oeea or release reference is Hereby made as a part of the descrlp tlon of the land herein excepted from the operation of this rforj, .f ,a m W VA. VJ. UO m Til' 1WM aiso excepting herefrom of lots numbers thirty and twenty-one uh. numoer nrteen of the map of The Asheville Loan, Construction and improvement Company as conveyed by a quitclaim deed' made and executed by the Western Carolina Bank to one George W. Pack in dV which deed! and to said map as recorded! in the office of the register of deeds 1 of Buncombe county, North Carolina reference is nerebv mado x ' """"" uc"puuq or the jsame. Also excepting herefrom three othef pieces, two of which are described) t,JZ t" x , a OT release executed by J-i. Jr. Mcdjoud. as trustee - JS? x'rS??1011' ted'FeiS; 2th, 1895, and registered-imi th u ' register of deeds for Buncombe county ana the other of which is descrltoedSid released in a deart roi . . T ti ir T "twe uwat try J- MoLoud as tnistfto n t oh -f-.- Jl.i. . . w IIW. XucCU. I uatea iMay 15th. 189S. , ' I said reirk T" l?" "i deeds, at pages 592. " or This J-une 6th, 19Q1. L. p. 'McLOUD, Trustee V 7, 14, 21, 28 "aiee. 4t- The Kind You itaw Alwajfs BoggM - h THE BEST FLOUR, Biltmore Patent. . Sells at 65c per quarter aaf t AsheYille Ice & Coal Co j Best Anthracite and Jellic, I J Zimmerman 4 Whitehead, Dealers in Choice Native and Western Meat . Phone 4. City Market Don't Worry atoout where to buy fresh, juicy meats. We buy only the best Z of animals and our cuts are nlc Call or Send for what you want. We have It All orders promptly filled. W. M. Hill 2 Co., City Market. Phone W. i BALL & SHEPP4BD, 16 Court Square, Any ome wishing to put steam heat in their (building could do so better than put In a HARRISBURG BOILER But you must have experienced Workmen to do the work, and we are confident that we can please you. Ball & Sfieppard. TELBPJJON'E NO. 83. 55 S. Main trest. Pkons UM Carl Schultz, The Dyer, Chemical Cleaner and Furrier, Will Dye For You! Clean your garmsnta Alter your gap,. nt Repair your gaainemtf . Let them be of cilk, woolen, mlxM. or fur of mnr .id. t SAWDUST . . . Nice, clean Sawdust for f Pcrse bedding, floor pack . mg, etc, for sale by the Asheville Dray Company, R. M. Ramsey, Mgr. Office No. 1, West Court Square. Phone 223. He (noi's, If Its... a tender, juicy steak, a nice roast; woaxMQOng gooH to fry or game of any kind that you wait you will airways find the best at MIKE LUTZ. Phoine 754. City Market.: s Fop Fine Values.... In Wash Goods of all kinds, White and Printed, from 5c to 40c per yard, call cn H. Redwood &Co Phone 4o. E. T. CQLLtn i " Ask Mr. Hay About your Kodak. Bears the Blgnatme of - . -V ' . " - .... .-.... . ...... ' : ? .. ..