ASHEVILLE DAILY GAZETTE. TUNE 8. iqoi PAGE t J Everything for the Floor STRAW MATTINGS In all grades from 12 c to 60c per yard. We will sell you any am't i you want from m r trav1 11 r 0 UUC jaiu up to the full roll and our aim is to give value received. We be lieve we do so. Sawyer's Carpet House Phone 228. No. 18 and 20 Church. 6t OTTTf" NEW! Fop Rent or Sale Furnished and unfurnished houses in choice locations. Several bargains in fine farms. See us before renting or buying. H. F. GRANT & SON, 48 Patton Avenue. The Abbeville Hardware Company. The old club room, on South Main street has been chosen as quarters for the First Regiment band. Ex-Sheriff Brookshire is getting along quite well at the hospital and his friends are hopeful of bis speedy re covery. . , W. T. Herritage has resumed his du ties in the government printing office at Washington, being located now in the first division of the main building of the office. R. H. McCracken was accidentally caught by the bellows in the new organ of the First Baptist church yesterday. He was quickly released from a dan- generous position by timely assistance of Ferdinand Dunkley. Dr. McBrayer yesterday gave a favor able report of the condition of J. E. Joyner, who was shot Tuesday even ing. Rev. L. W. Penley will preach to morrow night, June 9, at 8:30 o'clock at the Riverside Methodist church. The services will continue each night dur ing the week. The public invited. .'Natt Atkinson's Sons company, real estate dealers, have sold for Henry M. Brown his attractive residence on Montford avenue to Mrs. Elizabeth S. Rorison of this city, who will at once take possession. "See Sign of the Book." It is time to select your HAMMOCKS We have a complete line of the durable kind at low price; see them before deciding; we leave the merit of our values to your Judgment. Croquet, Base Balls, Golf Clubs and general sporting line. Phone 354. ROGERS' BOOK STORE, 20 s-Main st- The TP. A iTLT rT7r ttc A T "ROAiD &TTr5"ft Aw tlA 4 a a IUaK (money can buy, and on this wheel you get the Eagle Mechanically Joined! frame Ani4 T11 HnH -w-T .T.i f 41 i . , . -i ELAGcLE. Cheaper (Eagles, from $25 up. Come in and see them. ASHEY1LLB CYCLE CO., Phone 228. Nos. 18 and 20 Church st. Get pur price on Hay, Grain and Mill Feed. H C.cJohnson Co. Phone 188. 39 Patton Ave. W. A, BLAIR . J, MACKEY S Lawn Swings - Hammocks Croquet - Base Ball Goods New Books - - Stat ionery - - News AndpWQ' Roolc .fnpoQ38 patt a - - . V M 2g Main g- Three Imporfanf Reasons Best Results, Most Courteous Treatment, Prompt Service are the three reasons why your laun dry work should come to the Ash eville Sfcam Laundry 43 W. College street. Tel. 95. ( Little Senorita Gracia Peza, daughter of the ipoet Peza, who has been called "the Longfellow of Mexico." and is one of the country's distinguished men, Is in the city. She accompanies one of the missionaries attending the confer ence. Emmet Gudger was among the class at the state university graduating June Mr. Gudger took highest honor the distinction of cum laudio. Miss Kath- erine Gudger graduated on the same day at Richmond, and was class prophet. The body of Arthur Stokely arrived here on the midnight train, and fun eral services will be held at the resi dence of his parents, 176 Merrimon ave nue, at 3 o'clock this afternoon. The pallbearers will be Charles Nichols, Jas. Perry, Irving Long, Roy !Rankin, Perry Cobb, Elmer Ownbey, Hubert Gudger and Baxter Henderson. WHO TOLD YOU SO? Asparaeus, Cucumbers. Tnrmtn reas nome grown), Peppers, String Beans,- New Potatoes, Spring Onions, Cabbage, Sweet Potatoes, Summer Squash. Old Onions, Mustard Greens, Strawberries, Oranees. Butter, Eggs, Chickens, Turkeys and Ducks. Hi mm Lindsey. 450rs- ala stret on onmon wk-rwy Car Line Phone No 200 Lettuce, Radishes, Turnip Greens, Beets, Spinach, bananas, Class in Shorthand. The Asheville School of Stenography and Typewriting -will commence its summer class on Monday, June 10. Also special class with special terms for school children, to commence on same day. Persons wishing further information of either of these classes will please call oa or before the tenth inst., at class roam, Sondley hldg., corner Pattern ave nue and Church St., or telephone Miss Emmanuel. Telephone 394. (Mail Inquiries receive prompt attention. The exhibition of the work of the students of the Asheville Academy of Pine Arts and School of Manual Train ing will be held in the old Library building, beginning June 12, and con tinuing: until June 15. The hours will be 4 to 9 p. m., refreshments toeing served daily. Tickets are 25 cents each and are on sale at Carmichael's, the Paragon, Theobold's, T. C. Smith's, Wlngood's, and all book stores. i 'nmHsammmti m i i in wm 10 NORTH COURT SQUARE? Paint Your Roof ! With Woodbury's Rubber Elastic Roofing Paint Old roofs can be preserved and put in water tight condition for years if given in time a coat of our roof paint. It will not crack or peel. We are agents for Carey's Magnesia Flexible Cement Roo ing. Sold by the Woodbury Coal Co. s BLAIR & MACKEY UNDERTAKERS 45 Patton Ave: (up stairs). OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Telephone 193. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. New York, June 6. Georgia bankers to the number of 93 arrived here to-day ot steamers from Norfolk, Va. Memphis, June 6. In a letter to a friend here. Jim Scanlan. the Pittsburg middle weight, says he will probably never entei the ring again. New York. June 6. The Consolidate! Tobacco Company, incorporated in Neil Jersey on Wednesday, was formally or ganized in this city to-day. Atlanta, Ga., June 6. The Rev rr tt H. Kerfoot, corresponding secretary c! .ne baptist Home Mission Board is erit. icaJly ill at his home in this city. the BEST FLOUR, oiltmore Patent 8ells at 65. AsTiiieIce&coaiV 1887lfeli,M. "ij . "lyOI Best Anthracite and Jellico ft and Wood. 101 Phone 40. H. T. COLLINS, Zimmerman Whitehead, Dealers in Choice Native and western Meat . Phone 4. City Marktt "Don 't Worry about where to buy fresh Sts- We buy only tie of animals and our cuts are hJ and tender. mc Call or Send for what you want. We hT h All orders promptly filled. w. M. mil a Co., - Phone Lrndcn, June 6. It is said that nn cminaticn of the hull of the Shamrock II. ik'ws that no injury was suffered thr. In consequence of the recent accident. Bfrrrinprham. Ala., June C A specia. from Tuscaloosa. Ala., says: PhysiciarM trc-nonnre Governor Samford extreme! :il. His family have been telegraphed for "Washington. June fi'. The President to day made a large number of appointments to the regular army, among them Fitz hvgh Lep. Jr., to be first lieutenant in ths cavalry arm. ''MONARCH'' Cigars worth smoking at Rlomb erg's. Telephone 133. M'PEERSON & MOORE, U IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Tin and slate roofing, Guttering and Cornice Work. Repairs of Jill kinds usually done in a first ilass Tin Shop promptly attend d to. Steel Ranges, Fire Bricks, Fire Clay and Tile Pipe for roof Irains always on hand. 45 College Street. CLASS DAY. Program Rendered at Normal and Collegriate Institute Last N erht. A 'large class assembled at the Normal and Collegiate institute last evening to witness the class day exercises. The urogram: Class yell in the hall. Seniors march in smgmg Come Seniors, come. Address of welcome .. ..Miss Sue Reesei Essay "No Steps Backward1." Miss Allene Drake. Class History Miss Emma F.Ijake Piano duet Misses Allene Drake and 'Lillian Powers. Recitation "Mark Twain and the Inter viewer. Miss Lula Chambers. 'Essay "The Pan American Exposition" Miss Lizzie Boyd. The E?rpositor Miss Florence Bradford. Vocal Solo "Tit for Tat." Miss Frances Moore. Class Prophesy .. .. Miss Ha'ttie Howie! Class song The class Motion p Mrs. Senator Foraker says: OSTEOPATHY will do more for chronic diseases than any o'ther system." C. M. CASE, M. D. D. O. Drhumor Block. The comfort of lidimr denends on the care with which the running parts have oeen put together. These wheels are made to Insure rid ing comfort today and are of durable material to make certain, long, pleas- J M. Hearn& Co 64 Patton avenue. Opposite post office i viuiiliiuj( aoi'u cons'cienuousiy, and i with much pleasure we reccommend to our readers Paln-KiTler. Wp snoot from experiemice when we say that it removes pain as If by magic, and is one of the best medicines in use for diar rhoea. It is supplied both internally &nd externally, and none who have used it wouiu willingly Ibe without it in their homes. Avoid substitutes, there is but one Pain-Killer, Perry Davis'. Price 25c atod 50c. I Men's ! 3hoes I that fit as no others do, a shoe 5 that once worn makes yau always S want them. Price $4.00. BRICK. Fire, Red, Repressed, Sidewalk and building Brick for sale ty the THE ASHEVILLE BRICK & TILE CO., Office No. 10 Library Bldg. Cleveland. June P. Smafor M. A. Han r.a has been arcipted a colonel on tM ofTirial staff of onra Rassieur. com-mnrrlf.r...v-l-!(f Cf )e Grand Army ci the rie;.ubKc. Vir-krbrrc. Mi.-- . 6. Ten person? ff7 :;vrr,T. rfr --r:ciiply. in a heaO otm"! r-!i:c:-rn i c!w.-.-t- tv-o Mississippi val ley nassrnrcr trains this morning north of Vir ixshurg. London. Jur-P ".-"Tl'1 Ch'.npse Govern ny t." savs th F'-anrai correspondent of the Daily Frrrrcc. "has ordered thai bonds 1- epnrcd fcr the payment of thf indemnity."' ; Berlin. June Tl-p Hamburger ccrre- p-orn-r.t puMirhes a diratch from Th( Hgue. asserting tv.nt fhe Arbitratior C-urt yesterday hold a pcret session ro- garclirg the war in South Africa. Milwaukee, "V7fs., June 6. The Pah" Browing Comranv suffered a loss hv firf to-night to the cxttnt cf between $15Q.m and J2C-O.0CO. fuPy covered fcy insurance One man was killed during the prosres of the fire. Bill & SHEPPiSD, 16 Court Square, J Any one wishing to put steam heat in their building could do go beftter than iut In a HARRISBURG BOILER iBut you must hare experienced workmen to do the work, and we are confident that we can please you. Ball & Sbeppard. TELEPHONE NO. 83. Havana. Ji-ip Hons from V,;'-' Piatt srerrirrrt v; h.--irg trars-laifd o official inptr',7" 'or regarding thf frrive1. They ar will !e gent to th Dr. A, Stauffer VETERINARY SURGEON, . . Graduate of Germany. Office : Chambers & Weaver's Livery stable rnone 18 -uhan Constitutlcrjal Convention to morrow, Jacksonville, via.. June fi. Thf mm. ner"s jury hnldina- the inquest ever the hnriy of jarnes MaA Ulster. who was killed in the housn rf T H. West voctjp! day n'ternrnr,. adiournnd to-night till to morrow, without rmohing- a verdict. All Dairy Products. D, . AHIU. rv it Leave your orders for ice at 20 N. ! . U1C ,vlllK- "V-.Team, DUTter court square, or Telephone No. 121. and cream cheese delivered Tickets can 0e procured from wagons ; promptly. Order b"V mail w m HILLSIDE DAIRY, . Ice Delivery Company.' EmrnaP, O, The nicest line of bakye' and I IE children's slippers caoi (be found! E is at ... - Spangenb erg's, L" ' Court square. m 5 -wi. A 'M , k. The French Broad Press are just now opening a fine line of box papers in assorted colors. 'See their window display." We are headquarters for photo supplies. Picture frames and framing : a specialty. 33-34 Patton A v . Nw York. June fi. At the months meeting to-day of he hoard of mannsrers rf fhp .Vmnr BiM Sooietv. thp T r- t IT. Wrasrsr. of Newman. Ga.. was appoint ed a rer-irs acrrnt to work avion tvc colored population of the Southern States! Nov York. June fi. The winning r,t Horp-ist at to 1. was the feature nf th. rai-a at Oravesend to-day. He made most of thp running in the sppond t-o and lasted Inrp enough to win by a hea.1 In a hard drive from Bluff. Landry h?3 the mount. Now York. June 6.-T)ip otmncv jTichtmpr ciroles to-niqrht was rlearM hv Mie arrnai m i'ew York of W Tyi Duncan. Jr.. from Nr-wrort witi, formation that the Ccnstitu t inn ttt oi'l 1 v. ready for the trial rocs with the Colum- oia witnm two v-ceks. New York. June fi rj(v-,r rrr herland. known to th Ame-'-an taSe os George XV. Thomn?on "Fr;,t,0L r Elks." Is dead in Brooklyn from blood no'sorfn.H-. following an AnT-n ;.-,w, r.t h -- - i - v. . . ix uuil Ills and. Funeral pervs vril h held to- uiT(.w. ie was born in New York cltv In 38?6. y ; oo 0. aumn street. Phone .06. Carl Schultz, The Dyer, Chemical .Cleaner and Furrier, Will Dye For You! 'Clean your gajiments, Alter your gar meats, Repair your garments-let then be of silk, woolen, mixed, or fur of uj kind. SAWDUST . . . Nice, clean Sawdust for hcrse bedding floor oack ing, etc, for sale bv the1 . . j Asneville Dray Company, R. M. Ramsey, Mgr. Office No. l, West Court Square. Phone 223- Ask Mr. ley About your Kodak. He Knows, THE - - - 9iyffj00r& OUTFITTER ' jggg" ASHEVILLE. Kl-C.!, T Extraordinary Values in Clothing J 1 have taken out of my regular stock all small lots of suits and placed them on the Bargain Counter at the following Cut Prices: . $W.OO Salts at $6 48 $12.50 Salts at $8.68 $15 00 Suits at $9.98 $18 and $20 Salts at $13.98 Many of the?e suits are cf this season's make, but only one and two suits of a lot. Alterations are Extra. Phone 78. 11 Patton avenue. - gJ! . ! 1 ! . !l Tenderfoot Comfopf: Is what we call our well shaped, well made shoes. Our HAN AN SHOES at from $2.75 to $6.oo are made to fit the shrpe of the footinstead of pinching and distorting it. Qur shoes are not only handsome and elegant, but look well andwear well-two splendid qualities! Haberdashery and Shoes. 18 Pali on Avenue. Courtney, BOERS SURPRISED AND ROUTED". etorin. Ffr-"" t Colonel Wilson. w'b ?in Tf. LL?' routed 400 man J. . ' COm LnIIIy bJok? floi. leaving Mid I all, IJjelr .wajrons And-supplies in- UT,. ' loss of the latter was wiw "iea and fifteen wounded. Beyers' main enmmn n? orT,nj the. scene soon after the. engagement, um. s cuautuic fn a eniM-nU. . ... w ft "piMes, xseyers was tnus lef t prac If Its... m tender. Juicy eteak, ale roast; something good to fry or game of any kind that you watt you will always find the best MIKE LUTZ. Photo 754. City Market. Dbnl Accept a Substitute ! When you ask for Cascarets he sure you set the genuine Taar " CJ V- IO Candy Cathartfc! Don't arrPnf fraudulent substitutes, invitations or counterfeits! Genuine tablets stamp ed C. C. C. Never sold in buiK. All druggists, ioc Pop Fine Values... In Wash Goods of all kinds, White and Printed, from 5c to 40c per yard, call cn H . Redwood Co i i inMT Try a Gazette "Want" ad.

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