7-r , - i lie warm: i a . BY- TELEGRAPH Yesterday's Quotations op ne New York Exchanges O icago Grain Mar-ret STOCKS DRIFT "DOWNWASD Highest, Lowest and Closing Prices for Active Stocks Cotton Market Point. By private 'wire to Murphy & Oo. New York, Jan. 13. The stock mar ket today drifted downward throughout the session on scattered liquidation through the list, there were no develop tmenits in the (monetary situation to ac count tfor the 'weakness but there con tinued to be apprehension of gold ex ports. The uncertainty with regard to the decision of the U. S. Supreme court on the application of the State of Min esota to file suit 'against the Northern Securities company Was a bearish in fluence which was not lessened toy the postponement of the argument on the application for two weeks. (Congress uncertainties and the apprehension aroused by recent western failures were also dwelt upon effectively by the bears. The declines were very general and in numerous instances exceeded 1 per cent. The weakest issues 'were .St. Paul, Union Pacific, Missouri Pacific, Baltimore and Ohio and North West ern, in the Railway list. Atchison com mon was sold down sharply on criticism of the new "bond issue, but later the stock received considerable support. In 'the (industrial list Sugar suffered from profit taking and lost two per cent. Tennessee Coal & Iron lost over 2 points tout United States Steels declined with reluctance. Amalgamated was well absorbed by the pool in it for a time, but it finally ibroke 2 1-8 and closed substantially at bottom prices. There were frequent and narrow changes in Salt preferred, covering a range of a:bout 3 per cent. In the local tractions there were sharp reactions due to profit taking. The market closed weak. Am. Smelt. & R. . .. 45 Do. pfd .. 96 Am. Loco 32 Aim. Copper 79 Am. Car & 'F 29 Am.. Sugar Ref 121 A. T. & S. F 78 Do. pfd 99 B. & 0 103 iBkyn. R. T 66 Ches. & Ohio 46 Can. South 85 Colo. F. & I.. .. ... 85 Con. Gas 216 Del. & Hudson 173 JErie 41 -Great West 23 Rep. Steel 16 X.. N 105 .Manhattan L 139 Met. St. Ry 162 .Mo. Pacific 101 JN". Y. (Central 164 N. & W 57 Ont. & West 34 Pac. Mail 47 Pen n sy 1 vania 149 People's Gas 102 Reading 55 Do. 2d pfd .. '. 63 Rock Island 156 St. Paul 163 South. Pac 60 Southern 33 - Do. pfd 93 Tenn. C. & 1 64 Texas Pac 39 Union Pac 120 U. S. Rubber 14 y2 U. S. Leather 11 U. S. Steel 43 Do. pfd 94 West. Union ..91 45 96 31 68 29 120 77 98 102 65 46 85 85 216 172 40 22 16 104 104l 161 100 163 . 55 33 45 148 101 54 61 154 161 59 32 92 62 38 14 11 42 93 90 41 45 86 31 68 29 120 77 98 102 05 46 80 0 216 173 40. 22 16 104 104 162 100 163 55 33 45 148 101 55 61 154 59 32 92 62 38 14 11 42 93 90 41 Wabash, pfd. 42 New York, Jan. 13. The market op ened up 8 to 10 points on fairly active THE HOME GOLD GORE An Ingenious Treatment by which Drunkards are Seine: ured Daily in Spite 01 Themselves No Noxious Doses No Weakening o the Nerves A pleasant amd Positive Cure foe the Liquor Habit It Is now generally known and under stood that drunkenness Is a disease an not weakness. A body filled: with pois 00 and nerves completely shattered by periodical or constant use of intozicant liquors, reqffulres an antidote capable o( neutralizing and eradicating this poison on and desrtroying the craving tor la icants. Sufferers may now cure them selves at home without publicity or los of time from business by this wonderfu "Home Gola Cure" which has been per fected after many years of close stud, use according to dirctions of this won derful discovery Is positively guaranteed to cure tbe most obstinate case, no matter tow hard a drinker. Our res ords shrow the marvelous tranafomattoi of thousands of dunkards Into sober, in dustrious and upright men. IWTTES CURS YOUR HUSBAND ! CHILDREN CURB YOUR FATHERS ! This remedy is in do sense a nostrum but Is a specific Cor this disease only, asd is so skillfully devised and prepare that it Is thoroughly soluble and pleas ant to the taste, so that it can be give in a cup of tea or coffee without tfr knowledge of the person taking it Thousands of drunkards have cured themselves with this priceless remedy and as many more have been cured and made temperate men by having the curd adinlstered by loving friends and rel atives without their knowledge in cof fee or tea and believe today that the disconttoued drinking of their own fre will. DO NOT WAIT. DO NOT BI DELUDED by apparent "improvement' Drive out the disease at once and fo H time. "TELE HOME GOLD CURE is sold at tbe extremely Sow price o me dollar, thus placing within read of everybody' a treatment more effectu al than others costing from $25 to $50 Full directions accompany eacHi package Special advice by skilled physician when requested without extra charga Sent prepaid to any part of the wort on receipt of one dollar. Address Da partment D $8L Edwin B. Ottes & COM PANT. 2330 and 2332 Mark reet. Phil tmdingana crop estimate despite the fact that, the movement at the porte today, was esti mated at around 8,000 as against 23,000 last year, Desjpite "tfie rise in the mar ket there -was an absence of enthusiasm or air of confidence which usually sur rounds (movements 4n the market which mean permanency in the -maintenance of values. The (movement of cotton at presenjsr regarded as of far ereater Imports Ahao the Issue of croro eBtl- tejr ,jo.Jate dn the season. In fact ine -receipts nave ibeen so - very liberal that anything in, the (neighborhood of figures of the government are regarded as entirely . out of the question. Price reacted a few points after the early advance and the market was dull. Ca- Dies were one point lower. Thfe f eta.tnre of the early news was an estimate of It. T. Wilson & Co.. indicating- . mn of 9,455,000. The figures' are so cIom to those of the government and other prominent people who hawe "been at no litwe expense in gathering: information as to place he bureau figures in a much oetter light. It may tbe added that the firm issuing the report today were last year within 200,000 of the actual outturn while some other estimates put forth by them have 'been not far from a milMon bales out of ?wlay. it might fee well to (bear in mind that all of those estimates are 'based largely upon infor mation at band (from the same parties and the variety and intelligence of peo ple furnishing it could toe ibetter under stood at the close of season. COTTON. IMPUT "Vmlr icvrxrv- Olm X. 7Vfc O 74 IL, . High. Low. Close January 7.98 7.9a 7.86 March 8.12 7.98 8.03 April.. 8.18 g.og 8.09 May 8.22 8.07 8.12 June 8.20 8.11 8.14 July 8.26 8.10 8.16 August 8.12 7.97 8.01 September 7.75 7.68 7.68 October.. .. .. .... 7.60 7.60 7.58 LI VERPOOL, OOTTIKXN. By private wire to Murphy & Co. The following were the ruling quota tions in the exchange today: Tone steady. Sales 8000. Mid Open. January-February 4.26 February -(March 4.26 March-April 4.26 April-May.. ..- .. 4.26 May-June 4.27 June-July 4.27 July-August .. ..4.27 August -September.. (.. .. 4.24 December-Jamry 4.27 4c. Close 4.28 4.28 4.28 4.28 4.27 4.28 4.29 4.29 New York, Jan. 13. There was quite an active trade in wheat again and prices after opening up turned weak and lost the advance, selling below Sat urday's figures. Caibles were steady but this seemed to be without influence and for a while there was considerable wheat for sale. Later prices steadied with less activity. 'Northwest receipts were large and there was some selling on this account. Winter wheat received markets report steady and the weather continues cold and clear in the winter wheat states and the Northwest, with no snow in the winter wheat States. Foreign statistics showed but little change in the amount on passage, but Australian exports were large. Wheat was irregular in the afternoon with at times considerably selling, closing weak. CORN There was good trade in corn, the market opening quiet and steady then turned heaivy and showed a drag ging disposition during- the morning, in fluenced possibly by the heaviness in wheat. Caibles were quiet with Russian exports of only 603,000 'bushels. The receipts continue good at the west, and demand is reported (moderate. Corn was very firm at midday partially re acting at the close. Provisions quiet and steady. CHICAGO. High. 82 Wheat May July Corn May July Oats May July Ribs January.. May Lard May Low. Close 81 81 65 65 40 8.20 8.52 81 81 65 65 45 40 8.27 8.57 &2' 65 46 414 8.30 8.68 9.72 9.65 9.67 Pork January May 17.07 16.60 17.00 17.00 LOCAL MARKETS Prevailing prices of produce. Cor rected weekly by Hiram Lindsey, 450 South Main street: Cranberries, 12c. quart. Chestnuts, 10c quart. Dried Lima Beans, 15c. quart, 2 for 25e. Dried white beans, 10c. quart, 3 for 25c. 1 Dried Colored beans, 10c. quart, 3 for 25c. Dried colored peas, Be qt. Dried white peas, 5c qt. Onions, 5c qt. Water Cress, 10c basket. Tomatoes, 30c basket. Cucumbers, 5c each. California celery, 3 stalks, 25c. Lettuce, 5c. bunch, 3 for. 10c. Head Lettuce, 6c ibunch. Radishes, 5c bunch. Parsley, 5c ibunch. Beets, 7c punch. Cabbage 2c pound. Turnips, 5c. bunch. Carrots, 5c. bunch. Garlic, 5c bunch. Leek, 5c bunch. Sweet potatoes, 20c. peck. White potatoes, 25c. peck. Spinach, 40c peck. Onions, 30c. peck. (Black fWalnuts, 20c peck. Turnips, 15c. peck. Apples, 20-30c peck. Parsnips, 20c peck. Meal, 25c peck. If -r Pop-cora, 6c dozen. Eggs, 30c dozen. Oranges, 20c to 40c dozen. Tangerenes, 30c dozen. Lemons, 25c. dozen. Apples, 10c dozen. Quail, $1.20 to $1.60 dozen. Ducks, 30c apiece (dressed). Chickens, 25c to 60c each (dressed). Broiling chickens, 12 o to 15c apiece (dressed). Frying chickens, 15c to fiOo apiece (dressed). , Turkeys, 13c to 14c pound (dressed). Rabbits, 10c. each, 3 for 25c. Pheasants, 60c each. Squirrels, 10c each, '3 for 26c. Guineas, 20c each. TurkeyB, gross, 10c pound. Quail, 10c to 12c each. . I " a 5 Sr- jjj. , - . 1 1 "? :.f r; . : ' ' VI r.V . ' , : CiSs CZ r-, C--7 five There Home-made molasses, 60c. gallon. Vinegar, 30-40c. gallon. Butter, (cooking) 20c pound. Butter (table), 25c pound. Butter, creamery, 30c pound. Cheese, 20c pound. Lard, 14c pound Bacon, 12c. lb. Breakfast bacon, 15c to 17c pound. Hams, 12 o to 16c pound. Honey, 12c. to 15c. lb. Dried apples, 5c to 7c pound, Dried peaches, 10c to 12c pownd. Dried apricots, 12c to 16c pound. Prunes, 8 l-3c to 12o pound. Wheat, $1.05 bushel. Corn, $1.00 bushel. Rye, 70c bushel. Oats, (country) 50c bushel. Oats, (western) 70c bushel. Potatoes (white) 90c bushel. Potatoes, (sweet, 70c bushel. Meal, $1.00 bushel. Beans, $2.35 bushel'. Peas, $1.00 to $1.60 bushel. Apples, 80c to $1.00 bushel. Turnips, 60c bushel. Hay on wagon, 90c to $1.00. Hay, bailed, $1.10 per 100 pounds. CLEVELAND COMING SOUTH. Ex-President and Friends Will Hunt at Georgetown, S. C. New York, Jan. 13. Ex-President Grover Cleveland is so far recovered from the effects of his recent attack of pneumonia as to have arranged for a hunting trip in the south. He will eave his home at Princeton, N. J., Jan. 22 for an island off Georgetown, 6. C, where, with a party of friends, ne will remain several days. Mr. Cleveland's party includes Ad miral Robley D. Evans, General Mc- Cook, E. C. Benedict and Herman May. They will be the guests of E. P. Alex ander, of Georgetown, S. C. Quay's Health Improved. Washington, Jan. 13. Senator Quay, of Pennsylvania, who has just return ed from Florida, where he went for the benefit of his health, called upon the president today. He said that his nealth was much improved and that he did not contemplate immediate retire ment from the senate. "I shall serve out my term," he said. Old Showman Is Dead. Detroit, Mich., Jan. 13. J. M. French, the oldest showman and at one time one of the wealthiest horse owners in the United States, died at his home in this city Thursday. He was 71 years of age and was known as the original forty camel band wag on man. He owned J. M. French's grand circus and Egyptian caravan. To Consolidate Railroads. Monterey, Mexico, Jan. 13. It is an nounced that the consolidation of the Mexican National and Mexican Inter national railroads is to be consummat ed and both properties placed under one management not later than June of this year. The International rail road is now controlled by Speyer & Co., of New York. R.teOT3i to yow gamma. peiPSp sund h.o will give Cigarettes is no better "Bright Virginia" cigarette FIRE AT LOGANSVILLE. Loss of $35,000 In Walton County Town. Logansville, Ga., Jan. 13 Thursday night fire broke out in the business district of this town and for a time it looked as if the whole place would be wiped out by the flames. The fire originated in the undertaking estab lishment of Bennett & Langford. By the time the bucket brigade reached the scene the building was already doomed and the flames were spread ing to other structures. The storehouse and stock of C. C. George were destroyed; also the house and stock of W. O. McConnell. It was only by the work of the water brigade that the flames were checked. Loss about $35,000. Bennett & Lang ford had insurance to the amount of $500, McConnell $1,000, George none. Fair For Birmingham. Birmingham, Ala., Jan. 13. A meet ing of the Alabama State Fair asso ciation has been called for Monday, when steps will be taken looking to the holding of a fair in Birmingham the coming fall. The fair association has a lease on convenient grounds in this city, and according to the con tract must hold fairs annually. There was a breach during the past year, but the owners of the property over looked ft after request, but the asso ciation is now compelled to give fairs hereafter or lose the lease with all its improvements. There are several prop ositions on file looking to a big fair In this city next fall. New Telephone Line. Montgomery, Ala., Jan. 13. It is an nounced by the state convict board that the state is engaged in construct ing a' private telephone line to con nect the state penitentiary at Wetump ka with the state farms at Speignevs and in Montgomery county. The line will also be run into the office of the convict department in the state capi tol and 25 miles of wire will be strung. Convict labor is employed in building the line. Waylaid and Murdered. Ardmore, I. T., Jan. 13. Four dep uty marshals, armed with Winches ters, hurriedly left the city last night tor Springer, in response to a tele phone message to United States Mar shal Hammond, which stated that two women and a man had been waylaid and killed near Caddo bridge, which is on the road. The scene of the crime is about 6 miles from Ardmore. Gone to the Philippines. Chattanooga, Jan: 13. J. E. McGee, formerly clerk in the local office of the Southern Express company, who ab sconded with $1,200, funds of the com pany, has been traced to San Francis co, where all trace of him was lost, It is reported he entered the- army and went to the Philippines. FILIPINO REBELS YIELDING. General Bell Says Campaign Is Secur ing Valuable Results. Manila, Jan. 13. Colonel Marisigan, Major Cabrera and a renegade priest named Castillo, who stole a valuable image of the Virgin from a church, for which he obtained a large sum of money, have surrendered uncondition ally to General Bell, who is conduct ing the campaign against the insur gents in Batangas province. They had control of th district of Toael, ex tending westward to the sea, including the towns of Banan and Guenoa. The agreement is that these chiefs shall on Monday abfutely surrender every man and gun in their district. It is estimated that 160 guns will be turned in. Many men and guns have been captured during the past few days and small engagements occurred daily. General Ecll visited the city for four hours yesterday and had a conference with General Chaffee. He says the present campaign is securing "valuable results and that it is possible Malvar, the insurgent leader, will surrender next week. The United States commission has appropriated $2,500,000 for insular ex penditures during the first quarter of the year. CURES RHEUMATISM AND CAT ARRH MEDICINE SENT FREE. Send no money, simply write and try Botanic Blood Balm at our expense. Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) kills or destroys the poison in the blood which causes the awful aches, bone pains, swollen muscles and Joints of rheumatism, or the foul breath, hawk ing, spitting, droppings in the throat, bad hearing, specks flying before the eyes, all played out feeling of catarrh. Botanic Blood Balm has cured hundreds of cases of 30 or 40 years' standing af ter doctors, hot springs and natent med icines had all failed. Most of these cured patients had taken Blood Balm as a last resort. It Is especially advised for chronic, deep-seated cases. Impossi ble for anyone to suffer the agonies or symptoms of rheumatism or catarrh while or after taking Blood Balm. It makes the blood pure and rich, thereby giving a healthy blood supply. Cures are permanent and not a patching up. Sold at druggists, $1 per large Jbottle. Sample of Blood Balm sent free and prepaid, also special medical advice by describing your trouble and writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. A trial of Blood Balm Is our best reference. The Laplanders average . 4 feet 11 inches in height, and are the shortest people in Europe. C ASTORIA For Tai. ts Children. The Kind Yc : k ?ays Bought Bears the . 'ff , Sgnaturw of t ' I MumhydcCo Brokers. Phone 649. Private Wire. Continuous Quntations: 61 Brttadwsy, New lotk U Church SU9 Ashevilie, N. C. Refer to Blue Ridge National Bank riME CARDs Effective Oct. 27, 1901, rNcrthbound Passenger Mixed Mixed Chester Lv. 6.45 am 8.30 am Yorkville Gastonia Iiincolnton Newton Hickory Cliffs Lenoir " 7.50 am 10.28 am " 9.20 am 1.35 pm " 10.24 am 3.10 pm " 11.09 am 5.00 pm "11.45am 6.10pm 7.S0pm "12.15 pm 6.55 pm 7.50 pro Ar. 1.00 pm 8.20 pm 10. OS pm Southbound Passenger Mixed Mixed Lenoir Lv. 2.10 pm 6.00 am 2.00 am Cliffs " 2.57 pm 7.50 pm 4.20 am Hickory " 3.10 pm 8.10 am 4.50 am Newton " 3.40 pm 9.55 am Lincoln ton. " 4.28 pm 11.40 am Gastonia " 5.42 pm 2.00 pm Yorkville " 6.47 pm 8.58 pm Chester Ar. 8.00 pm 6.00 pm CONNECTIONS . Chester Southern Ry., S. A. L., and L. & C. Yorkville--e. C. & G. Extension. Gastonia Southern Ry. Lincolnton 6. A. L. Newton -nd Hickory Southern Ry. Lenoii: Blowing Rock Stage Line and C. & N. Ry. HAVEN & STOUT Bankers dnd Broktra NASSAU STREET, CORNER WALL, NEW YORK. Deposit accounts received subject to check on demand. Interest credited monthly on daily balances. Accounts of banks, . corporations, firms and Individuals received on favor able terms. Coupons, interest, dividends, notes, drafts collected for our correspondets. Orders executed for the purchase and sale on "'commission, of bonds, stocks, investments or carried on margin. Clients may telegraph orders and in structions at our expense. Copies of telegraphic code may be had on appli cation. Information regarding quotations cheerfully furnished. One hundred milion sacks are made out of India's yearly jute crop. Cali fornia takes twenty millions of these and China fifteen milions. The crop weighs 190,000 tons. Bean tbe Signttaro rTfca Kind Yon Have Always Bot :l U it i ? 1 jit m fir m li ft v Gazette want ads. one cent a word. ILL