lulita ft FEBBUARY 4, 1902 1?- 5 x rotni dollars rz I 1, ien you it, If 1 get -what ot in you -we'll Son.) Street. year. o ons. YorAi w , N. C. al Bank best undry Ave. in yur .you flg- electric Lnd sarry lies. street. Inages of 5 JL Paqn Avenue c Direct Attention to 'Their - v ! Daily "Arrivals of ftTEBBW'S fined COM ATfuN V thirty-three Business Houses Burned at a Loss of $?,500,000. 5 pnng Seeond Odtdreak of F&raee, in a-Big Hotel, Caused a Pduie iu iha City, I i ill I mm I THE SENATE . . . . . ' " v acK Leads in the Affray InvBiWng Philippine 2 , t r JMjLlTiA;ARE STILL , i ' " -- -n i m o m Krn TUF R ! U N Q In Woolen and Silk Mixed DRESS GOODS FOULARDS. WASH GOOD5 ' In. Colored and White, Tab!e Damask and Napkins. ttf experience a itoparalletea efi3Sra. wWfd: was, of almost tort wied ;Sew 3aen Hartfora, f3rid$e pbrt, Naueatuck ,and j nsteaTWta in atj hour special trni frtmeae ctties were Bpeedlng twwdtWi2ir5r Kwith apparatus. -i : i " 'itSfei . . fh arrHai of help. semac t couie ; ambiifir Waterfettrtan 1 ttlVil the tee eoirtinued its tr of ticm Meaah41e. thief eV toofe ;tuak tage of deserted hotwes and It &se&9 necessary to order Qttt ra0 fauitto aftf (two companies of the Second regune&ti A and G, were placed on duty. Before mmrri?M.m6re than a hple ty th36: had been laid in ruins and there.fieex&tf i' fee no end to the work of haToc; Jsf as the firemen seemed about to stanap' out the fire; dt rould foreafc out aaln In another place.,, " ' . a 9-n m . .twenty hahdeome bldcKi oooiiriiAfl nn lower floor by Stores aT4 1 on uper floors W tertt a r ! fi!CTelW v tNCRASlkG SAURIES gaining control of the fire.- aiARt' OPPOSITION' TO i i j a. t mam i n ri ii i i mi rzmnam rn . - i . their homes, -only Ho tee thrown,' vlntOtl ,;. mm -" ? I ,'ll' in 01 Sr. Policy. tiSgennd Tillman Clash Ope-ffliirFordy Con-! flict; ; ; Personally Investigating Matters That Were in R Before Conrt of Inqniry. ; - -. . . . . V' n rendering final decision In the appeal of Admiral Schley oe wu (pe t u inquire into the movements of the Brooklyn- during , tne. awe- ot,- ou, I-n carrying out this determination ne today conierrea jwun Aunura flns nf the Iowa: Taylor of the Indiana. Captain dark ol the Oregon Commander : Wainwright of the Gloucester He questioned - tnew lenehilv in regard to the Brooklyn's loop, her proximity to we lews 'tbe sialllnof. the Brooklyn during the battle. ' , t MhM iikJEES ST BUiSlNlSSSPAil renewe;,)anlc by another ouyyreaki - . . 1 luij uiuc s ' ITiTT TTfTW CTTY BURNED sr:-" .7 - . V'J(l(i- 1 . fir Viall . 1 1 rill LU Ll. . ED HOMELIER., . " Waterbury Conn.. Feb. and Is surrouoded- - , :" ibeing 'in is entirely ti.Waehingtkn, Feb. 3 -Oarmaok in h.s Mr -rninoan. entirely' difCerent' sug- i i 'inis are, Che billar4rpom1 with mystery. -GMovnaa tw.rtv hlerh leant from 3. The mte,. ... . a . tta 'SoOTflIei'fii.5: ' mwai.'ta'-Uje nate on the PhiHppines .Mr Foraker. said be would content rthat raged'in ihia city' last"nigbt .afl, of the.Souse .gJW irfnue-b411 today Iled the TeputAtoana hkmeelf now with united this morning has causea a wss oi ww , lue,1 e"- --vw. t-r- .py-acw-njs ut, tw Igtates. "The .relation of the island to proposed increase "Qt the salaries of cir cuit judges to tne circuit juage oi Porto Rico. Mr. Clark (Wyo.) moved to amend the amendment by extending the proposed increase in salary to the TTrriTi TTcr'iOTtTO TOSCO ANlS'l Rlao was in the United States or not. ? HAfWlAnBOMuyEWJ-E!RlNE3 isil Mr. " Foraker, :that Pprto Rico oeiongs to th TTnited states TYTKmT.SKTaT) 1 r,0 'msMoi' ftf eloneine to' and "has been Hi.. " ' acres. l second fire placed. tne, cuy m--pwivHA senator had studied tne eian- . TTniteA gates said he,. ySZT' isV Wsiness Por.i:.'eodr4 congress and approved I'tion of 'the Kl ' of tbe most . forming' a triangle, ""T caret W. J. nether s . meat xnarsett i v , . . . mv- , rv.a Ixr TTnited States supreme ty. including J;;,; Wore. Descher & Klerf an .u.e noonsiderable oppeBkionl.wa develop- DIBtaent WSffWrMn L,W' barber shop aU- of explanation why he was not L tothe nmenSSnt and- MK Former rJrrTrme it- uTj fW :'to fll3?us.2r wJ!l- withdrew it rather ;thah JeopHdin the . . - t risk tj ivv I'l ir 'ix liiw v -1 , m - i m tmm U7 wp i -w a --v, v,v s -w.TPHnineo mace. o i i n fvf sMnna nre. t" r" t . iwil , t " "J - . . WMHrCTTn Uie m v.. tehtA . tar. n CHERRY TREE CO. CAM FFFFP.T CQMPRDn It C IV - : SPECIAL bounded on vtl Vet: the flame, 5 i T-ira Almost wine "wu. WkrT rr ir asserted that ey naa xmy . reolfered it St once.. tn vxv, , - -1000 feet from he store a, we. fvciu the revenue features or tne ie- irVmit was laid on the table -r ' ... Dry Goods companyhere the. Beveria -was espfftellly vehe- I wft? .T0 B ine nrsi u , Vr 1 1 first Are originated, "s aejH in rreBen wnu7 IC 1 'Xt 2 o'clock th PhlHtvoine tariff f be Reid & Hughes Dry , tv halL i,A TUlman clashed over tha".At z ociock tne rnuippines- tarm S u15 -ovfTvt not ias . jr-" .i--'JiW !T4i,; a--4ii the Phititwdnes Iwlt was taken un. Goods company pa MrettLwaf P The Sfccfeanse notef'.e&ndiKlt of the war itte rMBSgl I .L. irr.M LdiLr' K- MR. HOLTON WILL rUSn THROUGH THE COURTS. Special to the Gazette. Washington, Feb. 3.The -A i Owens Cherry .Tree people acteTO to effect a compromise of theirMl today. TneiT txmxpTunmi lyivyvwj was miade to D4stirct Attorney -Hp; this afternoon in this cfttyj.w beni rctvua nr v. .t. justice, atton ed to entertain any cocoproanise I tpJil mh the cases through the cpttl -RivrMMnative viviooay 'ww .w those who spoke tonight at the hp caucus of rePUPHcans on $ns packer Wll. 15 V 1 109 pieces fox Dresse&and Waists at 11 coasired under ooatrm -burned le iinder. p2,m,M orth JlJPr-nrti a weli-k fl 4trtrorea. 'W?r, .;LL..ralJ player and a ro II Aw-tfiwtmetlie-firenaen uppoM ... AAvnMftv - a avvm II ai. 1. 4 th 'flnmM under control, a joc ? juu sec4 fire brose out House. tn"e' city's leAdln ''tTfPUVMan 4 thorf -were Dlenty of lOffl' .W dfertaged themselYes aehflaned 3oKwF Caraaek denouncing the mernber of tnf .B&.-a-deaared W?ws Protection Hose company; was lounj, JnJ9hipo3f Oestreictier & Co 1 rfw vears airou fl FIBI1 ASv TO CUBA hVtbP W Judge C. I. . Z.TTr THAT -WE SHAH- PUL- .pieieijr tcu. " , . . rork. and at nao oegun w ?lf, V: eVrorvt . uv.v v. r . . . . . 'ths rumr an - wuiua uiw wt""" - toti x f i np ullih liuuuh gutted. P :ecT Stlynehed in the -The firemen continued their fcouthr end fteinpwngageo m ma- had begun to ain , ingttomopeoe FIL MORAL AND POLITI CAL OBLIGATIONS. i hotel were their. night ctothei. ....... , - , not UJlttl ten o'clock, however, Wkh the ymgtegnf a second alarm, 1 wM definltely felt that the fire ( ana-e- he entire xtty was Jtnrowninw a pmc, . ynouered. The Scoviue Thwrflwa a sieroe xaie roiww i House and the Franklin House n the' course of fate, peroration Car- in .the administration sky riamcA' "Ol wfeoan was it lended a fight between t eparks from the burning hotel were mn.1r TrtmCHl ! US WHUU1 -wa.o Iienaea utv ruins ax ty. M inrobhet -spoke when nei . eftr.rPt.rv Root and - ' - .... 1 M 1 Ci " . 7 I AVer" fvvxi uioiub - Dar&u, , Via driven in showers over a great area. I :Umtel(A -volumes of smoke arose, from ; Jerusalem with iniquity. I believe ne The occupants or -Dwiawi& : " 1 the path of the wind prepared to leave. 1 Although the Waterbury fire depart f ment was, reinforced, from nearby tje it was fpr-a time tapgBftle to stay the pfogress oXi.Jfianies fit4tt laing and in the amine saidj they build up Zion with iblood and 51 Patton Avenue. ii - . - IfcWaVe it. it i the BEST. You 11 Be Surprised At the small prices we "are asking ior gtylish ehiclcs They're all right as to rnike. finish and material and the price is a money- saver, : s a iraS wSwini a gale and the cold was Intense, it seemeo at otoauub as though every structure in the heart of the otty would be destroyed. Ti, t.ta instances the work or tne theebris. was taiKing oi luc Wbfxn the flames iroke out eariv in (iugnterj. the evening, rain was falling. After wards a heavy snowstorm set in, and Washington, Feb. 3. -The house to m . .aimmct TuVinllv consumed in marked the flooded streets Kor fpii an the icy pavement many were injured by being itrampled upon by the surging crowds. Th engines' are till throwing Utreamsr on the ruins of the great fire nMivir nonr tmii niTMr i mk i:tFi net ui . n - vo oro nmir LtruxKiAs ILF Ul J uauor Muv4Dt " - ; cv , TJonV find Grand streets was saTea , three buildings e wui the Wind became a mild nurneane. ' HisJnrion of the oleoanargerine 'bill In the fire district thousands or peopie e noUce ne would call up en expression firemen proved of no avail. The' -Water- Iware; although the New England Engineer ing company's $70,000 building, but a few feet away, and the Masonic Tem ple, on the north side of the bank -bund ing, were wiped out ot existence. During the night tne mayor was m communication with Governor McLean and the militia was called out. Com- panies A and G, numbering aooui men, were detailed about the fire dis trict and are still on duty, xne cu, : la T1JTW nraffticallv unfler martial law. Th armory. the city bail, me Uhnrrties and other public places have on f i,7niAf! into . temDorary shelters, hundredB fbeing rendered homeless tha flr broke out almost simultane- ously on the tftiro ana .nun wt. TaiA anA Hiwrhes' store. The burning i.flMnf was located in the heart or tine j v.n tHow or many rej- amims xwhicji flank tne oity par. wi: UWUVVW) ' - - -J iri.. The firemen soon aiDanaonw lany attempt to eave the burning struc- Uure and turned their attention w au- iacent property. It was of no av however, wiinin iuieru SaWation Army barracks, to, itne rear. were 'burning. From, there (the flames 'Ownpar- hich por- x e president e republican mmhana of the wavs and means com- uiwutww - inittee is already blowing over. The president talked plainly to Henderson and Dalzell during an interview at the white house Saturday but there was no hitterness on either side. There was of honest difference oi An ooinion as to wnat congress-oavum "i . lV now, newv will buy styles in jytany oi ., fli,ncv bill tomorrow and jHr, of the bill to increase I . i- thr smme vuiioiu" - . TT line nresiueiiu umuc - SateTuTtsVn r sumedTne thlnghould be done for Cuba. lISnent was that offered Today Payne and Groevenor had ( by Mr. Stewart, Increasing the salaries I onver9ation w4th tne pTesident and of senators and members of the house l M t them what he said to Hen- U rvLatves to $7500 annually, oe- i. mnn artA ralzell Saturday. He - . j Aa fKTifvf (lift- l"v. , . . . i TTrUa WftS aflvely few were renaereu nn? vu . ted v" ' t. nolitical and With tbe exception vi u "Tt then of- " ,Trr:;- "n ifl repeated 15 tO 44. A" ' ; - . I moral UWB"'J"S, - . vtt- rTToraKer exxeuuiug uf ,m,mCnt as to t-ucya ue"6 v- wiki w e every ibuflding 'bumed was devoted to business. So far as known nui . life was lost and nobody was seriously njured. Mdlitia are still guaramB burned district. - '. ADMIRAL AIID MRS. SCHLEY IHUITFn Tfl ASHEVILLEUS H11III.V iw 1 vm. hOUSe FOR RENT. FURNISHED. Seven roam house Haywood street, avenue, $35.00. Five room nouse IN ALL PROBABILITY THEY WILL. COME HERE FRIDAY. M-aior D. P. McKissksk has extended room house $60.00. (ESght ($60.00. iFive room nuuwe $37.50. . , ct.f.ot. House Central Central avenue. Church street, Chestnut, the "r.hHd of the United States with cvv . x . 1 a right to claim ner iprotecuuu Th t there will -be a Wll granting tariff concessions to Cuba there is no , ov vinn. I will probably take the form of a reciprocal! arrangement i,rr T.oitiinnR' on Cuban imports into the United States in return for similar reductions on imports from tne United States into muoa the regular pricesfrpm $2oo to $4.00. Sold regardless of cost. West filix room $35.00. i tA a 7ormp Nine room nouse vuauwci iuu Htev&- room house Cumberland ave- to: Admiral and Mrs. Schley, w no are now. at Nashville, an iatlt mv. frnriav a definite re- tii v o4vori from the admiral ""ir-C.,, -Hle to come ne-$50:00 ii jq rn wnpmer tic 'v, m . .. . i " Z MrTr ,w.-Wilson, chief Merit I - Ten roottn of tf,jriuin-htraserNashville,r w.aa ,$100 r cleric at the Battery ST nnthe invitation was given 1nue, $50.00. ,Jy.vnr, ihv Ma . Wilson. In cas.e Ad- ".li -- jMw Wtne to COmCKinne. $55.00 .r;0A,; nronosedt Seven room house O CHOCK 111DCU o-fc i u. w. A Midwinter Clear ance Sale at Sumner's Finest quality Steam er Rugs, All a; Wool Blankets, Woolen Suitings newest shades It always pays to visit Diamond Book Cases . r -and' .... ieaPtACrpss.Bank street .and .-wiped o -ouowins - WSm the rrwelve mom house thr pteces Jtrf sinesv later the are agan. .oru ty.'.r". wni iko fn their honor r Ten Mrs. L. A JOHNSON'S: 43 PATTON AVE. Vttie Makes the Va inly an inducement. wfoffS'toe lXcyeme. bat never without the value, r - The I. X. 1.. UPar""""A7 Phone 107. 22 Patton AVe. m no. a. : iteSeet and destroyed ifhe Masonic Tem olei-After forty-aye l,u" .rur.mnKr'.lUfm I1UU Jt--- - , ... . 1 rTJ-jJAMP tt6;W $2.90. nt4ilv new.- The uaost pleasing at- 1 . jml?' J ttAffMt. tie Btovet ever maae , H. IAW,' 35 Patton avenue. .. " .. . . i iPMnnll- . Vl ViT Tna KTlTKlllB A tin.- W 'uc cl ' V - - m1wA AA nave c .rx- r wm house ...dixMiTiMi and t ooaslbae to arrange I $75.00. house Chestnut street, Eight room house OumDeriand ave- ght 'room house Cumberland ayfi- Charlotte street, amset' Drive, room house French Broad ave- Troom house. FJat Bock, N. C, house Haywood Haywood street, Ten room house Montrora avenue, FAghteen room Schley wm. wire yoti-tomorrow ouse auontford avenue, cisioh: in an probability v tney w"' lift 05 If I can be of further service command 00;- m Merrim0n ave- .'I VU lli WM- i me. 64 Patton Ats. Madetoj GLASSES. In other words we make glasses to fit vou.. Eve examina tions free,. :mckee The Opticiad Oxro. postbffloe. 'HOMER W. WI1SON1 Blou berg's Leading Cirar 8tore, Patton Ave. Biltmore Firewood. Phone 700. Three properties on Park avenue Very -ii nr, Victoria drive, ad- V- eBtate. Fourteen I joining V"vr!L' ,Hrrwater: - - ; v 'iAWt month. -Ttro Daui,w-,;r:! - f5m l.lerntut Of city. limits, .6 acre. '-are TlMrseotrVd vestments iworth loowng axv - - r.r ? . : . .r-- : 87 Library Building' Phone 719 - t ; r . Hand Made and Hotel Bread is liked by every one that uses it AHESTOK'S 1 Phone 183 -rSS. Main hue. $150. - ariP Seven room nouse muimwu ' $50.00. . r, .1. W.lnatMt Eleven room nousejsouu $65.00. ma nft (Five room cottage me v.v.. lESght room house Pearson Drive, $55.00. . . : -.j. laann Eleven room nouse oiar. , Oft ftA tow-w. .... .i. Nineteen room nouse ' nrujk wumi nruinp 'tvuuuiui - ' SlgUV iwui " I arWeWrooW elegant, iFWl 'pdrtieurs at our: offl-V Lr!l naiM na fifom above ?J:wrrfmmiRhed houses in choice locations at, fromm5"P Heal r ite and -menu, , That comes from our store has prestige. The owner, how little he understands values, is assured of ite real worth. For nearly 20 years this store has been looked up to for judgment of prec ious stones, and that meansimuch to the reci- pient of Diamond Jewelry s Arthur M. Field Sumns Department Store First Kimball Pianos Are Soothing to th Nervee and Delightful to 'Hear. Dunham, Stone & Co. 43 Patton Ave. Gdmp If You out of town and n No. 34 Colds and Launppe $ena 21c n nntaflre stamps ana . a uua will be torwaraea: oy. reiuju- , . mail, v Address; :7 --- 1 . f I. - . w f i a '.-it r V;v ii A .- t J t ' . . . ea - - m for