v.. - - PAQB I. THE XSHEVI WE GAZETTE "Febrcaiit y "f. . is. T v v ? 'Pill f GLIMPSES OF LIFE III THE OLD HOBTir STATE Bloating Itexav?Th&fc 8bW rru.on of Tnrltiatriftl VXIO Jk A . and Social Trdgpres. J'',' . ; l . ' OF INTEEEST I1V THB liAND OF THE SKY tfleaaiiillni the Coluinas a t a Do-nhTrin Various Towns of tne Stat If the low lands of the Roanoke had been planted In pecan and -walnut trees twenty-five years ago they would (be eaual in value po a gold (mine. Sin gle pecan -trees oft the Roanoke hare ,been known to produce nut to the nl- ue of" 130 per year, and thirty or forty a. Av ornwn on an acre-- Pecan- 'LI CCD vnu o- . . , trees begin to bear when, aboutSeren years old. Walnut trees are highly, valuable for timber and theiry growth. If planted in the deep, rich soil of tb Roanoke meadowe, would toe rapid. Roanoke Chowan Times. Entries In the ra.ce for tne emooratlc senatorial Domination are Increasing. So far Overman of Rowan,. Glenn of Forsyth Craig of Buncombe. Capt. Alexander and Judge F. I. Osborne of Mecklenburg, are awwedsandidates. while Gen. J. S. Oarr. of Durham, and Cy. Watson, of Forsyth, are prospective candidates; and there majtoe others. On last Tuesday a pair o ,.mles driv en by a Mr. Tucker were crossing on a (bridge, near Buffalo mill, and It be ing slick they fell down. This morning Mr. Tucker -started to town with a load of wood, and when he arrived at the same brldgev his mules would noross. He used every means to get them to cross, but to no avail. He at last un hitched -them from the wagon and led them across by whipping them almost unmercifully. He then took them back and hitched them up, tout still tbey refused to move. Our Informant left him after an hour's trying, and as he cannot ford it, it is supposed he Is still on the other slide of Buffalo. --Concord Tribune'. As an evidence of the hlgn price be ing paid by Durham dealers for leaf tobacco the Banner (warehouse yester day sold atotal of 17,018 pounds for ..which the purchasers paid $3,437.14. This incltfde&every thing on the ware hose floorspfrom the trash tobacco to the 'best grades sold, which brought il per hundredpOurham Herald. CONFEDERATE VETERANS REPUDIATE RIXEY'S Bill Richmond, Feb. 3. After a stormy session tonight Pickette Camp, a lead ing body of Confederate veterans, re jected overwhelmingly a resolution en dorsing the bill offered in congress toy Representative Rixey, of Virginia, to admit Confederates to the national sol diers' homes. The debate was Ibltter, showing sectional feeling still alive. SCHLEY APPEARS BEFORE A VAST AUDIENCE Nashville, Feb. 3. Albout 7000. peopU turned out this afternoon and gave Schley a public reception at "the Taber node. Upon the platform were seated Govrn; McMlllin and other proml newtfiefa. Schley was presented with jewel. He made a speech. Early Mhis mornrng the admiral attended a reception at the Peabody Nonmal uni versity. MacU." San Francisoo, Fob. ian NordiOH is rnvains at tha Palate hc';'.L y-li' nervo;i3n:.". Er. Jar;n who is in ' v1" "''?. attack is nr-t wx.'s of the singer's v .;.c. railroad wv ..C:. ack Velocity of b.; . Ballston. N. Y.. F.-:V; snow and rain y. vs. foil , ed' -during tbe -ol'-JA by th.- so;-.'csi gale that has blown hr re r.j.-xi years.' The his:htisttV',.lof-iy of t!v- wind was 60 rauos ?.n ;.u-, in ! telegraph and 'electric i.U -Vi down before it: ij , OY BTTTLDING. ? mission OT oou vw,. am abundance prtnat food can be selected that will build up a toralrt as' iwell asTJOdy. ' 'One case Is thatria'IboT'and'the de scription Is rfven ,iby his mother. She" 1 aava; "This nartlclaar son ftas aVwaya had a delicate ; stomach, and when he wan an infant had cholera Infantum two or three seasons in succession; he wa exceedingly hard to raise, and was not well enough to zo to school when he became old enough." 'ine xnomer says, "iwany we cu- eluded to put him on Grape-Nuts ex clusively and see what the food would do for him. We did, and to our great astonishment our fooy Improved' daily. He Is now hearty and getting" along in school unusually well. He still de pends upon Grape-Nuts for a goodly share of hia diet. ' Whenever children are hungry at bed time it is always safe to let them eat Grape-Nuts and let them go to bed. T came to know of the value of GraperNuts by using it myself, and . f ound that I was unusually -well nour- j ished and g-ained rapidly injsfrength.. "Please do not mention my name. By the way, "we abandoned' eoffee in our family several years ago ana nave al rays -used Postum since. Would ?soon vhiiTejnneour oarrei ,emptyias be "out of Postum." Name ean be given by Postum ' Co . , Battle Creek, Mich . - , . J. ) 4. . . HThere GHOOTS STEAL HI8 HC3Y. Strang Vow Made by, a Negro Wli " Was, Hanged. f ' Vj 4 Charlotte, N. aFelrcgJim. roe. a neicroconyict&d orassault and hanged here'some'tim agosatd-that J he would make life raiprable for one Jim Peoples, -whoza Jie . implicated -in the crime. No"w Peoples is aaid to be the especial object of, atrange unac countable manifestations and ' spirit hauntings. - Munroe treat "fdtd. td tSe negra Peo ples before he was hang;ed that he .would send spirits from aiiotheif world to remind him of hfs guflt. and, from all .reports "this threat sterns to have been fulfilled. , t f. Peoples Is quoted as saying that he i8 haunted by day, and night When he goes to. bedvthe bed--turns .first to one side and the to the other. Some times in the Hlght he awakes and sees standing about him ghosts clad in all kinds of garments. When he gets up to take hold of them they disappearr-H Peoples, it is said, has closed tight every opening or crack in his house and placed extra bojts on the door. J H has actuallyXnailed the windows town and covered the top of the chim ney with tin, all o keep out these mys -arious visitors of tne night. 'But it is ill of no avail. Peonies, it is needless to aav. wants relief from his strange visitors. An old Charlotte negro told Peoples to get a fsh liver, fry it and place it -crfTa" Plate in tha middle of the rooni, aid thV- spooks would be scared away. Just how this method of scaring ghosts has worked has not yet been learned. rCE RIOT AT YO N K E R sT SbBenedict sawmill here yesterday morn- Austria r.s and Russians Engage In a Fierce Fight at a Wedding. New" York, Feb. , 4. race riot at Yonkers, the outcome of festivities in connection with an Austrian wedding, has resulted in the serious injury of five participants, two of whom were taken to a hospital When the police reached the house where the wed was held they found a crowd of at least 2,000 in the streets. Within many of the guests were engaged in conflict. After a fierce hand to hand conflict with the crowd the police, having been reinforced, got into the house. There they found John Stugo, the best man, and John Buela terribly cut and bruis ed. Three others also were badly hurt. Both the bride and groom in their efforts to restore harmony had lost most of their clothing. The bride explained that the row was the outcome of the hatred of the Austrians by the Russians who were present. After making several atrests and placing the wounded men in ambu lances the police withdrew and the ceremony proceeded. ' MOONSHINER LIVES IN A TR&E. Strange Discovery Made By Marshal In North Carolina1. Raleigh, Feb. 4. United States Dep uty Marshal Scoggins has made a strange discovery, that of a moon shiner whose home is in an immense poplar tree. He has not yet been cap tured. In the tree was found whisky, his bed made of leaves in a rough bunk, cooking utensils and clothing. The still was near by. The tree is nollow and made a dry house. Quick Work of Police, 'Columbia, S. C, Feb. 3. Special Of' fleers Thackham and Strickland did a neat piece of detective wort Thurs day morning. Early in the morning Chief Daly received a dispatch that 4 store had been broken open at Bla ney's, on the Seaboard Air Line,and that the burglars were supposed ta be heading this way. Considerable plunder had been carried off. The chief at once detailed the officers on the case and in a short time they had bagged the two negro burglars and re covered the stolen property. Kaiser's Gift to Miss Roosevelt New York, Feb. 4. The kaiser's gift to Miss Alice Roosevelt, in con nection with the visit to America oi Admiral Prince 'Hehr; say the Ber lin correspondent bt "The 'Journal and Advertiser, is to be a gold jewel case, richly studded with diamonds. " In the center of te lid is a portrait of the kaiser In enamel, 'with the Imperial -Lmohogram in diamonds. v. To Start a Rural Delivery. ' Montgomery, Ala., Feb." 4.-0 Igomery Isatxlaatrto haye a beginning of maU delivery. Postmas. tor Buckley has received r,he t an nouncement that the department at Washington has complied With Con gressman Wiley 's Tequest and the ape- cial agent will be here in a few days to put the service In operation, ' ; . ' ' -' Triplets Reach Ripe Old Age. triolets, whose home is at this place. va-0 T(Mwhtrl h oM nf fid AnH urn hale and hearty. They are William, Robert-and Thomas, and they v ara among, tbe best citizens of the county. Shot Wrana Man From AmbtMh. Raleigh, Feb.4!. Negroes in KCtth erford county, while lying in ambush for one of auelr rape named Walker, shot and killed Moses Holbert by inis take. The letter was walking on the highway when fired on. Lawyer Is KiileS. Marion, N. C., Feb. 4. Fred Dula, of Oldfort,' 'Saturday night shot and killed Mr. Shule'r, of Lenoir,! who fwas as law partner of Moses Harshawa, ; for- mer solicitor for the fifth Judicial .dis trict, . "'. ntir itiiiinrTk t mro at HUT IIUNUIifiU LIIU LUAI w4. 1 THE HOIIBO f.1lE MajfHt fef th Vtotlmi W meivand Mexicana, Very Fe ciJV JCwnfl at Work In th - aateiOwliarV Wiirbo Very'Hea 1 Sa& Antoniow Tex.: Feb. 3.-Tae lat est information from 'the Hondo, Mex- oen iuuy as serious- as at nst ve- portfa era at Thsre: Tfras a' totilofflOjT inin- ; orlin the mino; wheii tie ex- plos ocenrrea ana ail or tnem.are dead. The luajoriiy oltha victims 'are Mexicans. and Chinamen. '' very few ns being at work In the mine. Every, mule in the mine was killed, three ded ones beins taken from the debris yesterday. The woirk of clear- fng a1 way the wreck in orr to get to Hheoodies is being rushec! as rapidly as possible, but there !s no hope that any of the 106 men will be rescued alive. The explosion occurred in mine No. 6 and was occasioned by striking a gas pocket. 1he mine is the property of the Coaquilla Coal company, R. M. McKenny being the superintendent. The names of the victims have not yet been learned here. The loss to the owners of the mine is very heavy. TWO KILLED BY EXPLOSION. Another Fatally Injured as Result of Bursting, BoHer. Hohenwald, Tex., Feb. 4. The ex plosion Of' a bailer at tha Davidson- ingaemonsneu tno zmiMing, killed two men instantly and fatally injured one other. The dead: . Walter Hollister, inside foreman. J. N. Paxton. Injured: ' Ed Johnson, scalded, will die. Tom Mason, burned and cut about face ; will recover. N ( e explosion is thought to have been catrsetl -by the water gettine too low in the boiler. FOUGHT AT BALA K LAVA. ( Jamea Reld Escaped Bullets to Die by Asphyxiation. New York, Feb. 4. James Held, a British reteTan who fought at Sebasto pol andnhfteldQalaklava and had WchtTwo VedlsTlSsad in this city from asphyxiation. The old sol dier on retiring had turned the stop cock of a gas heater in the wrong di rection and when he was found in hi 3 little three-room flat the gas fum V? had done what the bullets of the Crimea failed do. , y Mr. Reld, who ! was 73 yeara bid, kept a small cigar and stationery store. He was b'prn in Edinburgh, Scotland. When he was 18 years old his father, who had distinguished him- self in the battle of Waterloo, moved to Australia. James preferred to fol low a soldier's career as his father had done, and he enlisted in the Brit ish army. During the Crimean cam paign he rose to the rank of quar termaster sergeantin his command, the Chestnut7 Troop of the Royal Horse artillery, thisrank he won by per sonal gallantry in action and he had two medals to attest the fact. Again he distinguished himself dur ing the cholera outbreak in devoted attention to duty in the stricken camp. Sergeant Reid purchased his dis charge . from the army and came to America in 1865. RAIDED MOONSHINE STILL. Government Officers Make Good Haul on Sand Mountain. Scottsboro, Ala., Feb. 4. Deputy Collector Root and Deputy Marshal Gess, together with Henry Pitts, Hen ry Arnold and Jim Rosson, have raid ed and captured a large copper still of 45 gallons capacity on Sand Moun tain, near Tally postofflce. They destroyed 6 gallons of moon shine whisky and 2,509 gallons of mash. They arrested Boat Harrison and son and, & J. Foe. Harrison is an old hand and always managed to' get away before. The officers also cap tured five small stills, but made no ar rests' where they "were found. . Harri son and his soand Poe were taken to Fort Payne and tried before the com-. missioner at that place and in default of $500 bojnd were placjtdh lal1 The place wnere tnis large sun was captured has become noted oh Sand Mountain for wildcat whisky. Boy Shoots Hla Stepfathe. Sparnbiafg, S. c:. Fe?, WiUiam i 1 J t. A 1 Will. j? Osier was auciueuuui; sum au tu ed yesterday afternoon at Caznpobel- lo by his 13-year-old stepson, Ernest Brown. The boy had returned from a hunt and was sitting by the fire dry ing his gun, Foster sitting near by. In rubbing the trigger the gun was discharged accidentally, the entire load entering the breast of Foster,. "killing him Instantly. Florida Postofflces. Washington, FebT4.-t-C. E. Tufts has been appointed postmaster at Har ney Hillsborough county, Pa. L H. Armstrong has Deen appointed post master at Plcolata, St, John's county, Fla. A new postofflce has been estab lished at Wahneta, Polk county, Fla. NtP THEM IN THE BUD. af you . have loss of appetite head ache", constipation or biliousness take Electric 'Bitters. It cures or, no pay. Only ' 50c. All druggists, . The Kind You Have Always Bougm ( 'Seats tlia Jiffnajn??'- loodf Sil T FOR TUB SOUTH TrucKer should Have Wood's iwz U1UI glim XCUOUXC) JUMiIWH ur- gow, most 8Qccessiul ways of growing different props, and much' other information of special inter est to eVery one who plants seeds, It telball ahont , V ' Vegetable and Rower Seeds, Qirass and Clover Seeds, , Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Tobacco. Seed Corti, Cow Peas, Sola . Yelvet and, Navy Beans, . Sorghuins, : Broom Corn, Kaffir Corn, Peanuts, flillet Seed, Rape, etc Catalogue mailed free on request. 1 T.W. Wood & Sons, Sesdsraen, NEWS OF SYLVA Special to tbe Gazette. : Syira, iFeb. 4. The rainy weather, has delayed the progress of the tannery to some extent. It Is rumored that Mr. Hobbs will lo cate and build a large furniture factury at this place soon. He may locate near ttbe itannery on the ipreperty of J. R. Lore. . There -nl be another kaolin mill built and operated near thla place on the property of Mr. Thud Dillard. Dr. 'C. Z. Candler was up from Dills boro this afternoon. The doctor Is quite a .talented young man and is up to date in his . profession, and he has great success. There wlll be another drug store in operation here Monday, owned by Rob art Turplp; a DIHsboro man. D.'L. l4oye went over to Waynesville last week on a business trip. There are two sawmills now running on full time near this place alid they cannot supply the demand for lumber. Namon Waldrtp was tried before Jtfklce Ray last week for taking fod der that did not ibelong to him, and was bound over to the" next term of the Superior court. Jim and John Dillard are complain-1 Ing very much about some one. stealing their corn. They say they know the panties and they found a part of their corn in a man's house, and tracked a woman to the corn, and (back to the house, and found the corai In a pot 'boil ing Unto hominy, and that chickens are squalling almost every night somewhere near them in the neighborhood. Prof. Crouae of Winston-Salem Has come to take charge of the Sylva Con cert band, 'which means uocesB for the i band this spring. kjhe trial of Rev. T. Bright and daugh ter before Commissioner wa.ton at Webster on the 18th of last month; was continued for cause on the part of the government until some time In this month. y Deputy Collector Ensley made araid on a little moonsnme sua on jtjarser-3 ereek near Dillsboro, and caught one of Dilleboro's justices sitting nack In sadd still house waiting for the run to be made. NOTES FROM MARSHALL Special to the Gazette. Marshall, Feb. 4. Business is now brisk at Hot Springs. The large plant of the Hot Springs Barytes company has recently started Ujp after an idle ness of several months. Th shingle and plamlnig mill at that place has also resumed operations. The Mountain Park hotel has about forty guests. Roads about Marshall are in very bad condition, rendering passage by teams almost impos'sl'ble. H. F. Swe&tland, representor the Knoxville Sentinel, is in tcwrn. J. L. Philipps Is sellfnig goods In town for C. M. McClung & Co., of 'Knox ville. 1 S. J. Barnett was in town yesterday. Mr. Richards, frepfeSentlfig E. W. King & Co., of 'Bristol, and Mr. Dow- den, representing Cowan A McClung of Knoxville, are registered at the Rector House. rt t C" on Every Tablet . Ever- tablet of Gascarets Gandy Cathartic bears the famous C.CC Never sold in pulk. Look f brigand accept no other Bew?re of fraud Wiit Witch naiel Salvo TUn-tarted S--fiMi:---:B6dBfti I ' '--i 1 4 Free nn.iiMDt anmMan mihe& prepared 'by3 the Chicago & North Western R'y will be aent free to arty address upon receipt oi postage namea Thedntorma-tlon contained therein' Is of great value to those who expect" to travel either for pleasure or profit. 'All of the publications are handsomely II-lustrated-wlth hall tone vlew. Oadifornia, Illustrated, postage 2c. Hunting-and Fishing, postage 2c. iColorado, Illustrated, postage 2c. Through Picturesque Wlsc4nslnf post age, 2c. Beautiful Country near ChIca.go, post age, 4c. Picturesqiie Milwaukee, postage 2c. Opportunities for Business," postage, 2c. fc , Copper and Iron and Where They are Found, postage, 2c ; " Across Picturesque nilnoi1, postage, 2c. Population cdt Cities .on . the; North Western- Line,' postage, 2c. The Indian The Northwest. A his tory of the Indian: tribes.. 60c. iNew, Mounted U. S. Wall tMJaip, 40x54, j i - - ' an colors.-. j.oc. Address W. B. Kniskern, G. IP. & T. A, Chicago & North-Western R'y, 2 Fifth 8aduCCfticagd;7 " th, :eaanlMirid 1' Our. Is proof positive that Our Facilities Unequalled. Oar nuu uovweou(yuii( jrwut We solfcitthe most' agjrravated couraeed with other treatments IPorrs . . f 'H J t Sundays 10 to 1. fc Proposition, ay i iin v-ureci 41eidlebergLPineryL.MedicaI Co. I 1 1 1 YOU GET THE ErYft of the man you want to reach by adver tising in the Gazette want columns. Any reasonable want can be" filled by telling the people of Ashe ville about It through a Gazette want ad. The Gazette want ads are read by so many jpeople that your ad will find some one who wants what you have to sell, or will sell what you want. The Gazette want ads cost but little. PEOPLE'S COLUMNS MISCEILIJEINBXD'US. PARTNER WANTED Offer a half in terest In well established business in Asheville to right man for 1000. Net profits likely to be anore than this amount next three months. Appli cants must be acquainted here, give satisUaotory references, and active business man. For informationajpply in writing through Weaver Alex ander, agents, P. O. Box 244. C, 30-6t. WANTED Two lady stenographers.' (Eclectic System and Remington.) Also lady and gentleman for teachers' course. Positions "out the city. $900.00 and $1020.00. Asheville Business Col lege, Srd floor Paragon Building. - . . . WANTED A gocd, first class coach man. Room on premises. Must be well recommended. Apply to O. D. Revell, No, 12 Barnard Building. 2t. WANTED Four young men to Join me and rent a furnished, up-to-date 10 room house, near car line. Average cost !per month won't exceed '$25 each. An exceptional opportunity. Address Ldz., Gazette. 303-3t. WANTED The traveling public to know -that W. R. Maney has newly fitted up his house at Democrat, Bun come county, and , can? comfortably care; for all- that come his way. . u 28-2w. eod. ORGAN 15-: stops,- price $25.00; piano; 6Quare $35 K); 6. new, oak.eheval bu reaus, $8.00; 6t new, oak bedsteads, glass -finish, . ,$4.5; woTenwire springs $2v00;vnew mattresses, $1.75; dining chairs stool bottom, 50 cents; ckersrr41.O0. -W- H, Medd Anc uoneer, 33 N. Main-treety r TO LOAN AND WANTED We have real estate or-;approveoy personal en dorsement. Wanted We have a cusr tomer v wh will ibtry foT' cash a good business well established.,. Groceries, - Hf good, or anything attraottve. See ursi once oiovai in us. xm.i. AUkiumw & Son Co.. Real5 Estate Dealers IF YOU are looking for a painter or a ? paper hanger, call ot 30 N. Main 8t. We also carry a nice tine, of wall pa per at lowest prices Fltzpatrlck Bros. Phone 157. x ; - tf for Riiirr. FOR RENT--Ice new cottage of six rooms and bath. Good Ideation. High and dry. 'Fine v4ew. Only $14.00 per month. Call on Mrs. Bettle A. Morgan . 4(f Morgan avenue 287-lm. ' - . "" "'H ' J ' ' FOR RENT One 0 room house two blocks from Postofflce, all modern plumbing; two six room " flats with bath, hot and cold, water. , one .seven room cottage just completed. Oliver : D. Revell, No. 12 Barnard .building. eod. tf. FOR RENT Fine exibmtoan home near Biltmore, overlooking. . Biltmore es tate. . 'J Ten acres in plot- " modern house, 10 rooms, . wih Igpod - barn and 4 room, servant' cottageJ Situated in large oak grove with fine :Iawn, (fur- ChtohicAfflictions and their Medical' Staff are ExrwMo r. BemediB arid Treatmen! Envip uwuub nrra yeigriDprB. ihey will cast hpse who areo: auj Consultation Parlors : Dune s umumor Block, nace heated, hot and cold water bath etc. Natt Atkinson & Sons' Co ' p-I? Estate Dealers. ' Real FOR RENT At Victoria, the fines suburb of Asheville, on an elevation commanding superb views witil grouada laid out by landscape tottM tect, four new furnished houses. wftK electric light and all modem tarov menta. Will be let to approved ten. ante. Address Biltmore Estate But. more, N. C. 15i-tf. ESTABISHBD BUSINESS FOR SALM A live mercantile business in &n location with, low rent. Best of rea aonm for selling.. Paying business, so, will not be sacrificed, party must have ready moneyor. negotiable uu per. Apply to N Gazette office. 4 160-tf. BOARDING. BOARDERS WANTED In private "c"u laiuny. jrieasant rooms nice table. Address P. O. Box 29. 300-lm! BOARD Pleasant rooms with board. viic euijr-une, iNorxn Mam strt Phone No.' 578. MISSES DOUGHTY' d. tt. ROCK iffiDGBOpposite auditorium. vi uumess OE pleasure. Sunny rooms, pleasant uvu;' x w per aay . Jirz L. V. Cole, Prop., 62 Haywood street! FAIRVIEW, on Sunset drive, now open for guests; new management- situa tion Ideal for those seeking recupera tion or rest. Eeverythlng new, ser vice first class; open fire places; gun parlors. Phone 340 for rates. . tf THE PEOPLE'S National Family Newspaper New York' In-Weekly Tribune Published Monday and Wednesday and Friday, Is In reality a fine, fresh every-other-day dally, giving the latest news on days "of Issue, and covering news of the other three. It contain all important foreign cable news which appears In tne DAILY TRIBUNE of prajme date, also Domestic and Foreign rrespondence, Short Stories, EJeprant Tone illustrations, Htunoroui i, industrial information. Fashion Notes, Agricultural Matters and Com prehensive and , reliable financial and Market repWts. We furnisBMt. with THE GAZETTE for $2.00 per year. Send ail orders to i THE GAZETTE Ashevflle, N. C. DEED OF TRUST SALE. . "Rv rtllP rf !tV O :nAwor rwP col a nrTi- rained in deed in trust executed to me by JamesUWSan Wills and wife, Blanch B. Wills, dn-tlie 4th day of January, 1901, and recorded in Book 51 at page 119 in the Register of Deeds-office for Buncombe county North Carolina. Default having been made In the pay ment of said debt therein secured by the said deed in trust, and at request of the owner of said indebtedness, I will sell at public auction at the court-J house door in Asheville, NY C, at noon on the 28th day of February, 1902, for cash, the following real estate in AsBe- ville, N. C, on, the corner of Elm street and Menrfmon avenue, being lot No. 23 in the plat of the Woodfin prop erty. ' Befirinhine at a stake in the corner or Elm street afid Merrimon avenue and runs then with Elm street (S. 79 de grees E.) JU6.2 feet65- a stake in the north margin of alley, then with mar gin of eaid alley (S 7 degrees and 30 minuteis JW.) 60 feet to a stake, corner of lo No. 22, then with said lot (N.. 79 degreetf 'anef W minutes W. 131.5 feet xc a sxaxe in tne margin oi Memu" avenue, then wlthx said avenue . v degrees and 80. minutes E.) 60 feet to the beginning. v This the 27th day of January, 1902. , :. F. M. WEAVER. -.. .v v Trust ee. Jan. 29, Feb. 5, 12, 19. . - . To Cure Grip In Two Days Laxative Bromo-Quinine removes tha cause. B. W. Grove's signature on every , box. Price 25 cents., When nature begins to assist a marr by parting his hair In the mlddls be (gets contrary and tries tto part it a the side. The stuttering mam is not always truthful, ,yet he sticks to hia word. WHEN' THE CHIMNEY Is choken with soot, the fire languishes and foes out.v When the bronchial tubes are dogged with phlegm, the flame ot Hfe flickers. Intelligent treatment wiw Allen's Lung . Balsam brings up tn Phlesm. allavs inflammation, stops tn 'cough and pain in the chest and, in irutu, vvcivuuio uivatc --i which if neglected soon become cB . euomptlon. A painter may not be superstitions, but he ds apt to believe dn signs. mat; yet be iAll who have seve need Dr. JCirig's Ne -ft' i 'i. Consvimptioh. It cures or no P $1.00 All druggists. riteme SA re ntin w 1 v i v.- -; - . " 1 , t f . .A

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