I r 1 r , inw r I llllillUYI.IV j . 1 14. Seven yews ago. Dr. (Robert Koch discovered nis tubercuHhe (medicine for the cure of . consumption . v It was the first remedy that ever did actually cure this fatal disease, (al though, by Injection It only succeeded to a limited extent. Two years later the wonderful lnhala-tlo machine for the vaporization of oils , combined , with this Koch tuiberculine, was invented , and Sawported to 'this country toy Dr Bd rward Koch. 'By.the.nse of this invention oily va por ooniihihed jwith the tuiberculine medicines,' are (brought directly to the, lungs at the. seat of the disease, and thousands of "people have testified , to toeing JcurecL. .' Since these , two systems have been combined the patients of. the offices have been under the direct control of Dr. Edward Koch. Nothing but a direct application of Alter ear. of careful -observation and examining the sputum (hundreds of cases I am Yconyniced $bat fully three-fifths of ail deaths charged to consumption are, really only catarrhal bronchitis associated with dvaoensla. whlchf fs &r0ught-4n froto-vere do tagVnmost "of tlieVa&eir examined rib germs of tubercle bacilli .were found, which; are .always present in truer con sumption: -'- . frhia great remedy, . "when combined with the wdfderfar fteallfe ofl: " is thrown, into, a, vaporized state by this invention; so it can beibreathed direct ly 1n,to the lungs,, and .the most wonder ui results are- owamea. 'Even con sumption finds in this treatment Its conquerer. It takes the -place of stom ach Trredicices,- -which kill more--people than the. disease itself. Send -for. a Sympttttm- blaiik and book? tet.explathlng' the treatment. The healing vaporized . medicines, antiseo- home amrria.ra!tii nan hA spnt hv pmrpsx tics and 'germicides to the very . seat of to any part oifthe United States The the disease, -frU affect a cure of this? or any other lung case, and they can only be applied by inhaling- dn a vaporized state. The lungs constitute ,an air, cavity, and can toe reached medicinally only iby medicated air. fThis treatment was discovered, perfected and first suc cessfully' applied by me. It is the only, natural, scientific -and commonsense treatment'- ever applied for the cure of bronchial ' and ' consumptive diseases. If It fails, toothing else could possibly suc ceed. 'But it never does fall, .unless mortal injury to the lung structure has taken alace 'before it is applied. " ' 4 I German-Aanerioan,com'pany establish tte throat cut. the United States overrrment. fThe Koch Lung Cure w411 be pleased to examine the sputum or answer any letter of patients who will send a comr plete description of their case; giving the -"cost of treatment, if they will call or address Koch Lung lOure at 1334 Arch street, Philadelphia, or 48 'W. 22d street, New York, or 5 West Court Square, Asheville, N. C., -which is Dr. Koch's head. office for the German American company. PRETTY GIRLcr, HAVE RUN AWAY. Their Father Asks Assistance In Lo cating Them. Jacksonville, Fla., Feb. 4.- Letters liave been received in the city this Tweek requesting information of two young women who left their parents' home, 11 miles from Montgomery, Ala., Saturday, coining toward Jacksonville. The young women are Miss Belle IMastin, 20 years old, and Miss Grace Mastin, 18 years old. Until Saturday they iived at the home of their father, 'J. C. Mastin, a well-to-do farmer, at Hope Hull, Ala. The father says he cannot assign any reason for their having left .his roof. The father, in the hope of avoid ing publicity, has been searching quiet ly for the ycung women. His. efforts have been unavailing and he finally decided to appeal to the public to as .sist him. He is a Mason ssa wants "the brethren to aid him in finding his BANK OF ENGLAND 'By an Ex-Clerk. This the largest institution of its kind a in the world, was founded about the year 1694. The bank with its 'branches in Lon don, and the provinces, employes about 1100 men, and the annual payroll, amounts to over $1, 000, 000. Though authorized to transact the government's business, it is in. reality a private con cern, forty of the wealthiest merchants In London, with $500,000 invested in Bank of England stock, act as direc tors, from these are appointed every two years, a governor and deputy governor, these worthy gentlemen meet every Thursday dn the court room, ostensibly to regulate the rate of - 7 T - T ' . - - ww w ww) m wv oaoheo lato Frslght on TrMtls Feet High. Salt Uike, Feb, 4.--A special to Tb Tribune from Denver says: Colorado Midland passenger train. f westbound for Salt Lake and San Francisco, .bjutja narrow escape from instant destruction Sunday morning 2 miles west of Bnena Vista. The locomotive dashed into a .freight train standing on a trestle 65 feet high, hurling the caboose and one freight car into the creek bottom and instant ly killing Owen McCarthy, rear brake- man on the freight train. Engineer Peck and his fireman were prevented .from Jumping by the high trestle and remained on their .engine, expecting to be dashed to deatL The engine left the rails, hut miraculously remained on the trestle, almost bal anced on Its edge, not only saving their lives, hut, tfte passengers' as well. Oweno'McCarthy, the enly man to lose his; life, received orders to flag the coniih seiir traki, but tarried in the abwriag .himself , as the rnonftg was, extremely cold. He had J lust, started to flag the train when he Baw th healifeiitof the locomotive roi&ijfl ci':not 100 feet distart. Ije". retad;waid the caboose, but was 'icaugh- annknocked into the creeks hfeingr aaoekingly mangled. BY TELEGRAPH Yesterday's , QaotaUoos on 0ie lTei7 York Exchanges C icao Grain liar tet STOCKS EXTEE1IELY TRKKGUIiAB Highest, Xiowest and Closing Prices for Active Stocks Cotton Market Point. By private -wire to Murphy Jk Oe. 'T, OI- IT MURDER. Two Arrests Mater.hn Connection With -nfr Mrs. McComber's Death. ' NeVf ;Tori,nFcU 4. Two 'arrests rhaye'fieei njfqih connection with was ifQurid Saturday night in a basement jbbof a tfieiaeiit in Chrystie street, 'anj','$e' ;p9ice?'iur;now positive that ja; murder was committed. : It u is.; stated that -the woman was the daUghtfer of an' Episcopal clergy imaij!!ooMihespta;Vho had spent his life as a missionary among the Indians of the northwest. She came to this tjty from :Cloud, Minn., several years ag wiffi her husband, William Bl'CIaVkahd her 17-year-old daughter. The husband became insane ig months ago' "jbi, pni&ad in an asylum. t ;.,toen;;unar;.arrest are a bar tender and a butcher, who are sup ppsed to"; have seen the woman in the Bowery, shortly before her death, f oners' jPhysician Higgins per formed an autopsy on the body and 'announced that death was due to as phyxiatidh caused by Internal hemor rhage." ' ' 1 ; i I ' New York, Feb. 4. Extreme irregu larity marked the stock tmsurket tndav prices passing through various phases of alternate strength and weakness in the early tendency was mainly toward improvement and some sensational ad? vancee were recorded. The buying- ot i. xi. & w. was continued and the price scored a maximum improvement of 7 per cent. Nashville, Chattanooga & bt. iLiouas on small transactions, old up over 'ten jper cent, on rumors that" there was-to 'be aFearran Bremen of re lations between that company and the L. v& N. The recent advance in Min neapolis, St. Paul and Sault St. Marie stocks made rather violent progress the preferred selling up 6 per cent and common nearly 4 per cent. Canadian Pacific rose over a point on the suppo sition that the advances in the' stocks of the S. O. O. and South Shore roads Would be beneficial to the controlling line. The industral list was early strength in Sugar, (Distilling, preferred, Tennessee Coal & 'Iron and jRepuiblic Steel. The change in the course of the market followed the announcement of the engagement of nearly 3 million for gold shipment. Prices rallied again and then became (irregular and some what unsettled. The iRailway list showed strength. Sugar closed with only a small fractional advance. Lin seed was very erratic and closed at a net loss of 1. .Amalgamated was weaker on severe break In Rao-Tintos in London. 'Amalgamated closed at a recovery of only , Anaconda declined over a point. The local tractions ruled fairly firm and Met. St. Railway ral lied over 2 per cent. (Market closed irregular with a fairly steady tone on the reactions. Government bonds un changed. Railroad bonds active early but late became dull and somewhat reactionary. V KILLED ARKEST1NQ OFFICER. Jackson; Misa, Negro Puts Bullet Through Policeman's Heart. ; Jackson, Miss., Fen. 4. Jim Red- discount, etc., but as this important J . iV , : entirely to the direction " " f"1 v"vxuiau, wo. buui matter is left entirely of the chief cashier, their business is not of a very onerous nature, they quickly repair to the banqueting hall and gorge themselves, as only city magnates can gorge. The hours of business, compared to other city houses, being light, and the salaries de- it .r, , c-,tA . rauiv kuuu, nuere to tusixuran ix . , ! j.- - , . :mand for nomdnations, each director ty and attractive ana are believed to ;h(as two ann.ually in .&ift and they have changed their names. are very much over-applied for, many i having to await their turn for years. STRIKE HAS BEEN CALLED OFF. The examination of nominees takes place in May and December, there are . . as a rule, from fifteen to twenty suc- Clsartrakers and Factory People Come cesgful t on each occasion. to Agreement. the bank doctor having declared them Tawina. Fla.,-Feb. 4. A conference sound, they are then examined in ge- hatween a r-omrnUt- of the strikinc i ography, arithmetic, dictation and an dgarmakers and the officers of the American CM gar Company here, In whose factoriec the recent cigar makers' strike is effective, was held yesterday. An agreement was reached by j iwhich the strike was called off and all of the men will return to work today. The strikers did not get their en tire demands, it is said, but a compro mise for the present was reached. The exact" conditions of the agreement, however, have not been given out for publication. essay and though not really difficult, It is well to be fairly posted on these subjects, as a certain high number of marks has to be attained, and if not reached, one or all may be turned down, those with good eyesight and no particular scruples about reading their neighbor's papers, have a distinct ad vantage. The successful candidates are then ordered to appear before the board of directors, and the governor in a solemn and pompous manner de scribes the enormous advantages that accrue to them, by entering his ser vice, the importance of carefully "ruard In the bank's secrets, etc., they are then packed off to find 'bond .for $10,- 000 each, the old lady of Threedneedie street, like most other old ladies; ob jects to having her pocket picked, with out , some little , return. The rst two1 years of service, the new comer is on' what Is termed the xmattached list, 'that is, he is continually moved from office to office,, till he is thoroughly familiar with .the different dapartmens. he Is then -if his record and conduct"! are satisfactory, finiallysinstalled ftn one office for the balance jof his life,and his salary rery Often take a oig jump. The salaries range fropx $400 to? $5,00n! a i year, the latter sum is paid -to the chiefs cashier, M poiltion which :t is impossible. to?xbttaii;? without f the. aid of sgreatn influence -a4.. - A military guard takes possession of the bank every night, the ' others banks In the city send their cash there for safe keeping and contribute to the erSnse Xf thef iguara The 1 ibuildlng through the heart and instantly killed here Saturday night by a negro from Canton, said to be named Jim Frye, whom he was taking to JaiL ! Redmond called for assistance, and those who came had a fearful strug gle before they, succeeded in disarm ing the negro. . He was hustled off to jail with a mob "at his heels, and but for Sheriff Harding there would have been a lynching. Governor Japngino has called out the Capitol Light v Guards and they are now guarding 'the jail. Judge Pow ell sent .word that he had reconvened the; -eTinid and would give the negwn.iz$Gttedlate trial. Redmond leaves a widow and three young chil dren. The excitement here is intense. STORM IN ENGLISH CHANNEL. Fyny-Balsam Stop the TOeklinft TtDftodckhjflllfrrn hi,at1i1iH"rinin " tfaatfarna- Brfrigs Suit for $40,000. Raleigh, Feb. 4. Robert O. King, a traveling salesman of this city, has sued the Seaboard Air Line for $404 000 'damages for injuries received h a wreck at Cameron last September, The railway has filed its answer here; and denies responsibility for the ao cident, saying the latter was due to' the removal of spikes from the rail by train wreckers. t "? Snowstorm Unprecedented. MalonfelN. Tr Fob. 4.No storm recent years northern New pf'B najafroe forosapD&pinq Is sib-, ha pfiifched "snch propbrtions s are -febilutely fanpregnable tothe"assaul1 of now prevailing It commenced at nobnU.mobathere einfe BA-ajw'TTW8r feet of snow had fallen. For the last gome yea ago;af rumoc tiarte a run 10 hours the wind has been blowing on e (bank, and with such persistency a gale Train service is greatly de- did the public assail it, tthat the coin lvtA was rapSdly running out, the author- . YUC9 'WCiC Twv. 1..- - " j ,ri - j . .. V I CUieX oauSU3T new ehuu , he ordered the Jremaiiilnggoia com to be tnorougniy' ntw-teu, w over the counter in jthait condition, the scheme succeeded, the public naturally thought it was being cornea as iasi as they were calling for it, and the panic quickly subsided. ' " i XTeept Your Bowels Strong. Constipation or j diarrhoea when ennr bowels are out of order. Cas- carets Ca'ndv Cathartic will make them act natnrally. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Mever soia n hulk. All drujgrists. m. Qreaf Gale' Causes Many Disastrous ., Wrecks. London Feb. 4. After tossing help less in the English channel for 65 hours, the Dover-Ostend passenger steamer Marie Henriette was towed into Ostend this morning. The gale is abating. In view of the severity of the weather the number of casualties thus far reported is comparatively smalL The first officer of the French steanv er Chanaral was landed at Falmouth today. He is the sqile survivor of the crew of 22 men of the vessel, which : was: -capsized joff Ushant. . - The , bark wracked. off the Scilly Is lands last evening and which was sdp posed to be German vessel turns but to have been the. Italian hark Lo .arp. ' 4 :J--;, i -i News has just been received that th steamer Trawley Anlaby, with a crew of 12 men, belonging to Hull, has been lost in a snowstorm off Iceland. STOCKS. High. Low. Close Am. melt. & R.. .. 46 46 46 Am. Loco 32 Am. Copper 75 Am. Car & iF 29 Do. ptd 86 Am. Sugar Ref 128l A. T. & S. (F 76 Do. pfd 97 B. & 0 103 Bkyn. R. T 66 Ches. & Ohio 45 Con. Oas 216 Del. & Hudson 174 Brie 39 Illinois 137 Jersey -Central 197 Rep. Steel.. , 17 L. & N 104 Manhattan L 136 Met. St. Ry 172 Mo. Pacific 102 N. T. Central 162 N. & W 56f Out. & 'West.. .. .. .. 34 Pac. Mail 46 Pennsylvania.. 149 People's Gas 100 Reading 57 Do: 2d pfd 63 Rock Island 163 St. Paul 164 South. Pac 63 Southern 33 Do. pfd 94 Tenn. C. & 1 64( Texas Pac 38 Union Pac 102 Do. pfd.. .. 89 U. iS. Rubber 14 U. S. Leather 11 IT. S. Steel 43 Do. pfd 93 West. Union 91 stnnnfln Fire at Mentone, Ind. i ' WaVsaw, ftnd., Feb.. 4. Late last night' a disastrous fire at Mentone, this county, wiped out half the business portion of the town, causing a loss on buildings and stock of $40,000 to $50, 000, on which there was but little in surance. A whole block of stores and two residences were destroyed. IA CASTOR For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hava Always Bought Bears the - Signature of Colonel Moore's Widow feulcides. San Francisco. Feb. 4-Th0 identi ty of a middle-aged, ' richly dressed woman . .who,. r committed suicide in Stockton on 'Friday night has been es tablished hy. friends in this city, bhe was Mrs. kammond Moore, of New York city, the widow of Colonel Hammond Moore, an officer of the con' federate army, who settled in New York shGHly after the civil war. She came to San Francisco from Guate mala last May in the course of a touf around the world which she - began three years ago and which had just been concluded. The cause of her sui side is unknown. Jeffries and Fits May Meet. New York, Feo. 4. Pugilist Jeffries has arrived here and talks of more conferences with a view of bringing about a match with Fitzsimmons is rife. The impression appears to be growing that Jeffries will recede from his original proposition of "winner take all," and agree to a division of the gate receipts on the basis of 75 per cent to the winner. 31 73 29 86: 127 76 97' 103 65 45 216 173 39 137 196 16 103 135 170 102 161 56 33 46 149 99 56 63 161 163 62 32 94 63 38 101 89 14 11 43 93 91 32 73 29 86 127 76 97 103 65 45 216 174 39 137 196 16 104 135 172 102 161 56 33 46 149 99 56 63 162 163 62 33 94 63 38 101 89 14 11 43 93 91 New York, Feb. 4. The cotton mar ket this morning lacked aniimation. There -was a slight lower tendency around the opening due more ito apathy than attempts to force prices down. Outside surroundings appeared to at tract little attention with exception of the question of trade and this is being referred to repeatedly. The point is that manufacturers are filled to the brim with orders that they are working In "many cases to full capacity and that they have enough orders on hand to run their establishments indefinitely. It Is alleged that this applies not only to American Jbut to European mills as well with the exception of some por tions of continental Europe, more es pecially Germany. This trade situation is sadd to account for the firmness of the market- In the face of a heavy crop movement; So-called experts are en gaged In examining the stocks, ex ports, etc., from which they conclude tht the situation is extremely toullish. Bears on the other nana are , loosing alone at insight movement to date an the fact that we are so much ahead of last year is used for discouraging buyers. It is a question also to what extent the receipts have recently mod erated under the influence or had weather and how much of the decrease should be ascribed to. exhaustion. It (will require some time to determine this and mean while we shall probably witness a dull narrow market. Cables were unchanged. New York prices picked up 1 to 2 points during the fore noon. Interior receipts for the nair week were running so small as to cause no little comment but the question was will the decrease continue or be fol lowed by a fresh avalanche? COTTON. New York spot 8c. High. Low. Clofe February.. . March April.. .. .. May June July August .. .. Septamfber.. October . . . . LIVERPOOL COTTON. T?v nrfvnte -wire to Mumhy & Co. I The following were the ruling Quota- SL1 .i LAXAKOLA IT z l NO ONE BUT A MOTHER appreciate tbte benefit Clftmt uond ralraihl n v sleep fires to an ailing, teething-, feverish, colicky fretty infant. Almost distracted by Its constant crying, and worn out with weary, anxious care and watching-, ehe tries every thing possible to obtain even relief for the little sufferer. With what comfort and delight she sees' her little one drop ott J deep peaceful health-trivinr slumber, after its little clogged bowels are cleared of their poisonons harden by a single dose of Laxakela, the great tonic laxative and mother's remedy. jfiaxaltollalgspu liquid laxative, and contains valuable tonic properties which not only act upon the bowels, but tone up the entire $ystem and purify the blood. A few drops can be given with safety to very young babies, which will often relieve colic by expelling the wind and gat that cause it. Great relief is ex perienced when administered to young children suffering from diarrhoea, accompanied with white or green evacuations, as it neutralizes the acidity of the bowels and carries out the cause of the fermentation. LAXAKOLA will aid digestion, relieve restlessness, assist nature, and induce sleep. For constipation, simple fevers, coated tongue, or any infantile troubles arising from a disordered condition of the stomach it is invaluable. lAxalcoJaegreatWlc la r tire, is not onlr the most1 efficient of family remedies, but the mott economical .because it combines two medicines, riz.: laxative and tonic, and at one price. No other V."EVes 1 mucn for tn money. At druggists, 35c. and oc.. or send for free sample to THE LAXAKOLA CO., 133 Nassau Street; N. V., or 356 Dearborn Street, Chicago. J " x v I McGlure's yfRE you interested in your feUows ? Are you concerned in the affairs of life F De you care anything about the great men who have brought about the conditions in which you Jive, and those who are in tower to-day ? Do you enjoy wholesome, animated stories that are true to life t Do you care for beauty in any form ? Then there is no escape for you you must join the army who read McCiure 8 regularly. A FEW FEATURES FOR 1902 . 8.09 . 8.14 8.10 8.14 . 8.15 8.15 8.17 .8.17 8.15 8.17 . 8.17 8.17 8.19 . 8.20 8.17 8.20 8.07 8.03 S.tti .. 7.76 74. 7.7 .. 7,71 7v 7-7i New Romantic Love Story by booth tarkhgton. author of "The Gentleman from Indiana " and "Monsieur Beaueaire" a tale of love thwarted but triumphant, o gallant men . and beautiful women. It deals with life in Indiana at the time of the Mexican War. TAR- A dramatic, human story of the first and still the greatest of all trusts not an economic treatise, but an exciting history. Greatest of the Old Masters.! Clara Morris's Stage Recollec- Bv TOHN LA FARGE. Interest- tionS. Stories of Salvini, Bern- True Story of the Standard OiL By ida m. t, BELL, author of ' Life of Napoleon,11 " Life cf Lincoln,11 etc. ing and helpful papers on Michelan gelo, Raphael, Rembrandt, etc. , their finest pictures reproduced in tints. Mr. Dooley on His Travels. His views upon the typical New Yorker, Philadelphian, Bostonian, and in habitant of Chicago and Washington. William Allen White 6n Tillman, hardt, Mrs Siddons.and others. - A Battle of Millioliirs. By the author of "Wall Street Stories." The Forest Runner. Serial Tale of the Michigan Woods. Josephine Dodge Daskam. More Child Stories. Emmy Lou Stories by GEORGE MADDEN MARTIN. Piatt, Cleveland and others. Illustrated prospectus, describing in full many other features, sent free to a S. S. McCLURE CO., 141-155 Bast 25m oircei, new ny address Y. ONE DOLLAR A But at any price THE JBEST R o tions In the exchange today: Tone steady, sales 7000. iMM. 4 17-32. January-February 4.29 February-March 4.28 March-A-nril 4.28 April-May 4.28 May-June June-July 4.29 July-August.. .. 4.29 August-September Septemiber-Qctober .. .. .. 4.17 4.29 4.28 4.28 4.28 4.28 4.28 4.28 4.24 4.17 New York, Feb. 4 . WHEAT The wheat market was very dull (but very steady. The foreign markets showed a quiet but steady undertone and again foreign orders in futures were few, and recently foreign orders in cash have been extremely limited. Receipts were again small at the western points, partly due to the weather and tne ten acious holders. The weather was gen erally clear but severely oold, two to tea degrees below in the central and western wheat States, zero to ten above In the Ohio Valley and 12 to zs below In -toe-Worthwestv -iTlie apia well-protected toy snow from the severe weather irrevailing, but tne unfavorable crojpf toulletin for January has consider able Influence. CMoago private stocks Increased for the week 81,000 tousneis and public and private stocks are now 12,000,000. bushels. fces-were easier, late. ' CORN -Trade was active and prvees firm. The mar net naa regainea aooui half of the loss from the lowest. . Provisions quiet and steady. CHICAGO. Wheat High. Low. Close May.. .. .. .. .. .. 78 78 78 July 78 , 78 78 Corn-1- May.. 64 3 63 July.. .. .. 64 63 63 Oats May 44 44 44 July.. 39 38 38 Ribs May 8.47 8.45 8.35 t-ard May 9-47 9.40 9.47 Pork May 15.97 15.90 15.95 A MAN BADDY INJURED, , jOr painfully hurt, burned, bruised or w&unded, gets quick comfort from Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It conquers pain. 25c. All druggists. I Know One Sure Remedy torsa obstinate cold. It come 1 Prny-Balwa REDUCED RATES Round trip reduced rates offered b? the Southern Railway for the following special occasions: On account Mardi Gras, New Orleans . La., and !Mabile, Ala., Feb. 4-llth, tickets will be on sale Feb. 4th, to 10th, inclusive final limit to return (Feb. 15th, except that by payment of 50 cents and deposit of- ticket with joint Agent No 707, Gravier street. New Orleans, La., and 51 South Uoyall street, Mobile, Ala., on or before Feb. 15th, an exten sion of limit" wllibe granted to Feb. 28th. Rate of oneflrst clasa limited, one way fare for the round trip. Round trip rate from Asheville 122,10 to New Orleans, $18.56 to Mobile. Account South Carolina Inter-Stat and West Indian Exposition, Charles ton, S. C, Dec. 1st, 1901, to June 1st. 1902. Tlokets on sale daily from Not 30th to May 41st, 1902, final limit in which to return June 3rd, 1902, aleo tickets on sale dailr. from Nov. 30ti to May 31st, 1902, with final limit to return ten days In addition to date of sale except that , final limit will not ex ceed June Srd, 1902. On Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week from Dec. Srd, 1901, to May 29th, 1902 special iow rate tickets will be sold with final limit In which to return 7 days in addition to date of sale except that final limit will not exceed June 3rd. 1902. The round trip rate from Asheville (or tickets on sale daily and good to return until June 3rd. 1902, will be $13.35, for tickets on sale daily and good to return ten days In addition to date of sale, the round trip tote from Ashe viHe"wlU be $9.80, and: for tickets on 8414 TJbesdays and Thursdays of each week: with final limit seven days in addition- to date of sale, the round txvj rate from Asheville will be $6.65. For full information call on 'Ticket Agent, Southern Railway company, or address F. RDarby, C. P. and T. A., Asheville. N". O. International money order business is now" transacted with f orty-wo coun tries. twentieth CcnfawyMcdlcfna. wascarets Candy Cathartic are as a - Ahead of ancient pill poisons and , . !jMid physic as the electric light ot i. llow candle. ; Genuine stamped Never sold In bulk. Ml a. .. is, IOC 1

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