'-f"r - t-r-v- . '7, r ,t x : - ' ' nelMI V, Ocsiroichof ft Co LN .T, 1 . . . J " '.-1-1. ' r , d w . . m w 3S 3 si 0 J A. ' mi 6i 'HI CbiTTTrr uu; ituuun -ikub.ji'.'.u 1 no. j-I 'JL.'tttii:' 4ts&i,e t lc-e?-2 V , 5.4. ,0 .K mkA JSTTSSK) SHT SOI!, of the Boer nrmv i?JTir,fL -- ..!., . 1,1. i .' j r, 1 ( ; t(l, miM-.-hne. -.irr rr T": k tiie rePJy -.TJrfSftrMftdfc teusnufc. jmiaiaaft jaiiLteA j - -. hfioil Jaodt U5 line ! i tT?TOM,s 4wwwhi xw. ' - . I LSchley . jTke Aliment J3iBhart.MaBl ; SW3 nuxic ti u9 uwl ueeii maae numi" r. iiT - t? trnTE"w.' nt"v' i - ; . . ' YfeifiOoi'iEin tout feSfetl mem m tag mazier, it ia ireugrea witkj ; r. V - V A T wr-v- ! oqn spj .njUOOl 903 HI SKIP nTTV " " -f AMifmit ha nioim. v - evwy einsie vessel in"tn6' AttieTiean ana revent a-battlc. "thMhv ftwAatHiiii 4 r una 0. !ll on- f oja 8c .8. ij i .c B.1 a, m 1 MrttcoTi t orii.aiiiiuffttDcomMf " D : -ve ; Tx ri TM OPPOSPn TO MISS ROQSEUELT4S OTCtTARES flfiUPAT flM-,vflF Trf, 3'- TfTVrT : T, r ViTr J-H TITT-. T'T . . . . .rSxj i r 1 c. -i -fe 1.,' . a- MnlaM; v.vf! :' 'h p' -ir .rr.-.hfi i land aeclared th&. naitlon'A maBlovtJvra& " Bi'.ti-iin hpr viaff mitrht be nroduc- riDatiaihdufit to alL the trad.obttaiaable , - - T V. Kiliifi.Ji31-iJ3lUiaa uu ....s-.;4 f -tire ormuch gooci ir sue ra;maae tne tTnrxnis wnw. 4 5.r.aBVni5 ioi- ir-of Wjtiftbtf' cotkl-ilg- r 'H a&sefte ' tldHt XT mlsy dp. M lPQRTEQW!NSTOH SALEM 5 ? inxATabJho.tste tUCll3c,8f,t had jriven nstr,,cnn to rAv Lgplp, ber83we6ifli'xdi9 for hoisttn the sigrial directdng Com- this signal, hafl vbeen brouKht xatdjeck Wder the regTrtionjL . theaT3nrorria:te 1aC fifinfetiie- tMi3c- s: fie iG een Hsted ittttexr'tne eneinytin- $100,000 for a public (building at Duri The genate passed- the bill aDDroirl-f bams tm,foo?&? pMi'&u&ffiitti 0 If we have it. it, is the BESTU .03 mi t v - ; uu 15 oue or cnicsen vara. You'll fil8 all kinds in thcthe 'Sffltoft&T-weib ibusfly'eekfed ecutive and JudTcfcil appropriajtion.. bill- ltfean0dittee?"lmm&- K bdaiffnfcjKafluJ -eb JEIii-Easre -ijja;tly noacrhHA isM. .bJ itrcdi otiai ( eTEhj-eeranwH) perishediiipthe -flaineS. ''TV SU ? Ar m kWl,l34fss:i;WS?:-srJ;f- that she ilPbeacKschpHee ancPhiiinift'teesihftv M&i ipjpoltited tonreceive iirr; There is llttleSifebQ'Se legislature I vrili accept her -off er'trr-setl BeaTrvtor' 5biiida.e6dles W$&, fo WPTO. bM iwMat Ti rTfi fiiS T".H , - . r t E. ard today offered anKamendoaent to the pension appropriaupn diju. jproyiging that; -a'tniatf ho? serVed ii- tlte J6hted- Union army- hqul& ? have 1 a-,vpensidnaftfl"a status. Appoint ofo-order aaint the amendment by" Mb, .Galleger, yjyaa, us icunea. Senator 'Prttchard", evincing the out come of - Ms osjfppdtfbmenf aFthe loss of -his fttflendSaent; gaJnfotk;e,!thM he jfpul'dTiat tlt- ntrti maiiyfiibiHs wttl erjeaiPteji.-igo jttougJ fiH$ilroieshui 5 j 'fetaaoiFliead by?TJttcib 6 !bei.Ktorg3Hariotte MIed 6it a&M&fr Prttchard today in beh'alf-of Postmaster Mullen.btTEteySBOtftefjplftof that aiitY.- wanted hba retaliiecLiaB .r?wrstaia3- 'his condition s & jUOri fxrHBilfTOl W9D TtfOl ,fbl All S -...v n J AtllV ,.yA0WA fferzfjrgir'ar .bfl Aliiipm 1 - - -a.'. r,i ... r57V no1 1 n,7rtT&nr'lHri rT1 joining W4nTlerbtestaTe;sFourteeh , per 'ioontb. bTWRtStfi rootffls cfy -water, ST Library Buildings -Phone 71,. to' iLvrV'oc esySESf m .V noriS. I rttfiriwwwiaMiiw iiiftaiw '."- -'5'.: A.-i... ;.--. '....v ;'-v v:- filuLttl HI ffi&k affc?Hhe frnnad:icWet:fr Bta.nuLiii tiie rear imiornp, tpn-fn- 3itha, xirQwd T9e f(6lieMF0yy eager tfor a hand-shake ajfi, a,, word with the sailor and. Ma, wife, Dresseayfi b)eibreast erjcoat and, -cap, tg adiifialsgreed a1,ainftle::an0wo4'd, &y&y tpn.tsfjie' i5in .ta.ajQthartjvaeisva tfaos&.inrtiKA tfee etturyd Ttrip9iftoufSthe south-id idmiral'leyfTfeakBd-t&Cl hefdid ot iMh&zth&ttf01fe&&&mifrftiM t(fturiiCjire6latk;i!f hiBifep F o. uvusc roaay anpb-f 'j Battle every i oui ox sient IP Ol command durijtte btth7.'i- ago.- The paperSPbVoBMrffiy W " cSfir:f5fPSottn' Ad . fhowj,,th,wheneyer. te i9fmnajkdfiiS' chtef left.thAJjlQcWding s S. ''- S.- '..'5 - ; - oir;wier aeg xeave, as attorneys tor i 1 r .1 0 CI biL''2r' 1 . est leave, as attorneys tor Rear AdttflraT w.v Tr'Satop&cta ' ahd on e I nwoenair,-5 to'aubmn rtne ronowing bllitvl liojEof tReaJr Aflnjiral .W'SSSChitly ask- eivG. sattc 0? rjdiv no-, t.irv &d.! inSK0el?f:?owe bis condBftnnaiioffls t f s bo brill &ti 9-wriT.v.iB38kTitai?: ported by a court of .nquisy aoad ap- b- jrorek'by pfajQe&jtrfh&ttsrfy. kj belf'h'guHpi obinrJ. a oi- bioj iviai idiKK mop?- llgaani! 'BatiSK?' f J1?! .i snritf- bet nibiixic' ebsfioow- on hrrtio'Tf- ehra eir v?tiri. vfiC o- -fjtL iteWfelrtafitorfnee dTer&twg- Ari St&iCbWsoxi VsCllTJrCbi rthete a&rinhasbegfPdefifed Wjc , iarpJaiaik ad6l46nX'iSin?p!J gSd M levyiiirkQUK': ejliCpnaffT: rbf fiGftlK3&w!,r tedtefeS cteeibiof- ftW4iHjix:MwMv5 ens jfrRyr: ing youF.-approyaL "We wemtriay'xtbeh najUaii; rirv p.rii-ipit bnt r:- '-r sib MjiaareW ihicWdWblaa HSKlwlt te be. Dietused-and tHoilhfef After the train wag again imade uip and Ihejgtraafiioaiig the itfe -outside, we want toTpolcat tlng Its breath again aftesofibeasttei- lsh,ment "qnapfl y fV iow sent the 0kserre&&ortsi the ttrXuIIe W?lesi(to re l6fHg tiichefctdhpostflitWi-JO server reporters who circulated ApttOBf the people yesterday were impressed with the ttMtBttt5F 6i the ' sytnpathy for (PpstatefJMJ "Mpvirell as the cordiality of it. Tfie -sentfaaent of the fdtv la. almost Tin andmouft' in "hte feehalf . baa tn&as mjosBtrroapadte saMcsssnht fsnaiter well and tnat &rn8iAee'flpU&': 1wnajPtSl8n4x(bjtfMft:w I Quisod'.apBfectoir nltHen.ftflSfierg it aoit4MQi u2k5fffioeal1toi, WifSS" hjgfseawai Wd etate thp confidence. of. tthe rasAnle.&nM taereifffcJccsien'iw. ngntirpryou agamr JMca. Schley wag ineeuumd a. (bouquet of .red anflSfeiHfSKy CJyrene Qaraowiulefy.niisttttL ,xJ3Pteippto7ra A the enltttfatKrf cWth'nTW !th enSUatetS &pfteotsJfni tMe'Uhitri ! et-f- i ilil 'OL"t;''"j.baoi' H'iaurww "juut biff? r.3Ji( " V -Alargen-fefaber ' of the; fcartct- T (toooceirand. -pendants eait Htir'JeaMblbinient' are" Irom. our r VSlTfe deslgna ? iasd dot to- pe seen eisewnere . ..... ,jiY J.o5J: ill. ti:u;:..i,-.. iT- f : &uri j&M&Ktt., is ,lan .interesting O-enof - bi? rri oxrvof ,mo v ..it . . . I. -i, I ,urw.vooo -fiH ' .. ' 7 eft ' rt TTlfTC aff.M rm tit1 Linage yfl rltfirlTf slf Ve3 Sl: rigiirpirJrCAsfijjiltt rreri? .;njs3sni " to? ?uq beqdii"- 3TJ bat or!v I-f.ij i Ln ,7Prlclt essesyHaow at iiuura lnit ii-i:.'iwr.)itv .1 i I fects aa:A!SuBeb,. aod' ertsbjs aatroi' svu a: jj-'.it:; for. s'-ti .bootsrt ' . . ... . j- .mr '.rw thtit-- sJ... v- W.air ft z r 1 .in . - -j " . Jt t k r rvrm n r ' I f I I 1 fll 111 I 11.1 , r:!'l T.llfl'l.l YII'.T' I ' IIU - .11 II 1 .1 .1 Ani U11.J.1KU1 iLT.fi rtin- n .'if.rya.i;.,! ,"" -.. - 7 v .. J s. 1S93," I899ril00 afcd iJ301';raiiJeacli'a MP ir'y cord ,lveaeri.Hand i-theneaiefir b itlue fcrrU month of January, 1902 exceed- that of . any pfOTHnaifl ' wmnth in thft history of to bf rrr rr 4 a. ;. , , "Q" . . to maintain" euch ajMMmPAt tlona 6eservedia'the Reward .flf-rfhArtt. aiotfat nw npaiw ..,wtn Antif kV. . tnA an call -nTntot PvniVrIt iirnjy a Httfc more than; the. rental Typewrit Hxcb angey 23-Pattdn !Ave; Bouse of 8 rooms with i3P?SM efflff: veniences, good gtar chlcketf "houseg .taw . . A AAA AYV - re -youi prices for 2i ma noard varie cfltl 61' Ilfc -rHik i rijn -, I . 1. : s; A" ? brs XiiUvyjciiiuw:.iUi sets. ,v fwy"-':-; . '--Iff! StlB-i-i , 1 rt : v.- ,c. : - 1 - - f r t t f 1 C r