VOL. VII. NO. r-23, 5 x. - PIVD C2NT3 PE3 COPT. FOUR D0LLAB3 A TEAR. O H o p C U o O Si O 8 O H D 00 . v - c a -p CO o m a CO Z w S o O i CL, S ML E, 1 ARRAIi CHARGES MAO IS1 THAT BttL OF JtfDIQTMSNT WAS , IRREGULAR,. 1" - i J : -v i t i f 1 Jary of Tn White ahd Two Colored Hen Drawn -3. T. DorseU Begins testimony. THE HISTORY OF .' -1 - . ... rr ; Tfiis famous ckshi ageaplcson opened 'ith a few wu issues dUUment RtV brief remarks 1b, which he jstated .that. . i . . . . Ibehad been deinatedtiyJuae'SImm- AlUlUUff On tbil f a preside at this special .term, -that . he? 3Jd so with some- relueue a " he had mad his plans to he in, Florida ait o in 2 G a. 6 o o CO fc .... 1 -It we have it, it Is the BES1. ItWifl Pay You K you are farming for profit to equip the larm with up-to-date Farm Implements and Machinery We have need and prices. everything you will at attractively low Asheville Hardware Co. ON THE SQUARE. Our Leade Bed Room Suite with French. Plate Mirror in Dresser and Wash Stand; swell top drawsrs. Only 335 Mrs. L. A. JOHNSON'S 43 PATTON AVE. .. FAIHED IN 1897, AND THERE AJR? NOM0ROUS CHARGES AGAINST BOTH 3kIEN. 'The -.-United States District court, Judge Jackson presiding was cxmevned yesterday .morning'. This special trm of the District court Was called for the express purpose of hearing these (two caees. The history of the cases is this: The First National Bank failed to 1897 ?V:d, Breese and Dickerson', respectively president and director of Ithe lnstttation, were indicted for embezzlement, ab rfraption and misapplication f the funds. - iThe cases Were heard ibefore Judge T. B . Piirnell and the defendants .were found guilty of the charges and sen tc'3'ced to ten years in the penitentiary. At this trial the testimony produced by the prosecultion showed that for some time previous, to the suspension of business the bank had -procured' a large number ofoote's signed by persons who ..were insolvent, that some of these iotes, itdorsed by the hank, had been negoti ated and that others had been so placed qn fhe credit Side of the books as to vsjiow-the baak,& solvency. . - ' ( When -these worthless notes came due 'they .were destroyed and replaced, by other nat'es ual worthlessi. The sign' pjiatftaeAy- of Whomv were v 'rpeater s,- :iP)MaM vla- p3reris. testified that In iany instances they had not .only affixed- their sigiiia ;Hurf s jfco paper on which the amount was riflOttjctiiea out dut; iqai xney were ubvbp iy ignorant or wnat tney were signing. They further stated that they had not ? Received Any ; yalue for, the notes and had never paid or been, asked to pay any thing, n them. I During the trial tthe bank examiner who came to Asheville in 1897. and by Whose report ithe bank was closed in October, 1897, testified that as early as 1893 he had considered the condition of the! business as "extended" and that in 1894 aj& effort was made by dts officers ta. have- the instfitution. changed to e state bank, thus enabling the capital stock to be reduced " from $100000 : to $50,000. This effort was unsuccessful, owing to ithe refusal df some of the bank's creditors to agree (to the propo sition. When the bank closed its doors there was almost no negotiable paper in th bank's possession, and the depositors sustained a total loss. From ithe sentence of Judge Purnell an appeal was taken (to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals at Richmond. The appeal was heard before Judges Goff, Simon ton and Brawley and the decision handed down that the case should be remanded to the court be low for a. new tiial. y In this decision of the Circuit court it was set forth that there was no er ror' in the decisions of the court below upon the various points decided in the progress of the case, but inasmuch as the strong opinion expressed by Judge Purnel in his charge to the jury, in which he used the words "That, in his opinion, it was the du,ty of the Jury to convict the defendant," was calculalted to mislead the Jury, who perhaps con- well lighted. Value Makes the Bargain The price isvonly an inducement, "e oner tne inducement out never without the value. he I . X. L. Department S to pv Phone 107. 22 Pattou Ave. ffXovr Bowels WltJi Ruearecs, tvy Catbartfe, cure constipation forev ; II C, a O. talUCrzaz'. rertxoAtrrJ A GOOD iSTOJtE LIGHT CHEAP. Many are using my herW lamp for lighting their stores now, and they axe this language: -as .tt 4irectidh on.; thepart - of : the court, it nvasf , thought proper to order new trial,. From this opinion Judge 'Srawley dissented. , The attorneys .who appear for Mnjor Brefu : are -r Pijchi -Ad-ams and -Rollins,' and AJf udge jCharles A.' Moore. .These attorneys with the addition of Tucker & Murphy win defend' J. CUiDDiM n - . . . VOTE BILL n 01 -mcacer c Aiurpny w Ci iiK EDickerson, wiiose indict- 5yI?,DY MEASURE WILL THEN .ment-Js practically the same BXjLb&:rt-:jLMX. .. - " I Breese. , , Vr- f ' . - . COME,UP FQR PASSAGE IN I Judge John Jackson, clad in; A fflow-- '".-l,-. , ing Judicial robe1 of; black: silk.; took the bench 10 o'clock and court was alled; to order THE . SENATE. gapdingf His vCubanRecippocity. this Hp ftirthAr Uvia.t he Wo'tiM. endeaTbr to hear the casejs with KQSLlGttTEST CHANGS iaH speed compatible iwJth fairness---ta';.;: , J- both sidLes amd requested the co-opera-V ;V IN Hl POSITION Itioa of the 'bar in assisting him that v 5 v .. . . , " there might be as few delays : as possf- ' "" "';7 St ' hie. :.; , . :::v.$-ri6tjf w&xmimju'-QON&BR United States. District Attorney .HoJ- vrt . . gpwveajied: tn':wSwe':of- William ,r tP POSTPONE ACTION UNTI1. Breesej -who was present in "t the room to - aaiswer. f EXT TUESDAY ON OUSANITAR- iff QUESTION NO CliAiMR FOR during- -f tH-it;l. ' K Adan O?!01 OP MAINE DISASTER. Washington, March 6. The senate , (Judge Jackson stated -that' Mr. MBreese would istand oft "has bail proeress of the trial. -J; S counseKfor Breese, entered the ntea of 7Z1 l 7u" - w . - dewted today's session to the discus- the court thait. Ms plea might not , be .-J . M . , considered as interfering ith a. de- slof WU or the protection of murrer which the defense would make the .president and the ship subsidy bill, in regard to the legal status of. one of No action was taken on either; Clay the grand .Jurore who had found the resumed his Remarks in opposition to mdictment against Breese. . the ; shipping bill and v Hanna in a Judge Jackson said that he did not lengthy speech (vigorously replied to wish to sit through a long case and same, of the criticisms on the bill. - pany, o. H.1 IVBckham 4Sandy Manufact- uring, cofmpany. and Weneker-Morrls cooniany. . - vCrlf (P Weneker, acknowledged that he has been seen by. the promoters I to .reference to the 'trust. He said: "I j told them .we would go in if we got our j price and was ' told . thm ' wo Jt is understood that the promoters naye arranged to return s here next weeks when they will eiuTMmw irfn.. a. deal for options on the five, leading: eandy manufactories' in this city,. - - ' ' . i ; SILK STOCKINGS REASON EX-QOV. HOGG 01 D NOT . ATTEND KING EDWARD'S LEVEE. Ijondon, March 6. Klnr Edward held hfs second levee today. Ex-Gov. Hogg of Texas .was to be presentbut did not attend . In an .intervfe w he said X he had been inyjted ' by Ambassador 'hoate to attend, but, when he learned it was te established custom for' AmeAcaiis ' to' wear knee breeches, silk stockings and buckled- shoes he balked because he was not in shape for such toggery. He further stated that Mr. Cheat offered to make an exception in his case, But' he added, "I, did not not desire to make myself conspicuous or embarass Mr. Choate by wearing clothes different from others." EaiJy: In the session an agreement was reached to vote on the hipping bill on' the 17th. The- house resumed consideration of the rural -tree .delivery bill. It went inVAA .laritVimit mln.l'ivt tan A 4-ViaV mica r Mr. Adams then journed. after it was decided have' the trial an nulled because of a law point which could have been decided before the cas was begun. He asked to have the point raised so that a decision could be ren dered immediately. stated to the court that the defense had evidence that one of the grand Jur- J Washington, March 6. So many Con ors. C. Ci Phifer. wa not eomoetent fltctlne stories have hpn. ninmi latin or auallfijwi,to.8erve on the grand 'recently in regard to the-president's at- jpry ancpCi qsK xne. xrue ;diii or maact- uu uie vAioun utna concessions TBeaix:.wnicn naa oeen niea eigfamsx t WJ twiuwwg-- vmctai tuunuuc- j mem was omaae from the white house toiSht; "Any statement that the pres ident 'has changed his attitude on the Cuban reciprocity business is without the slightest foundation in fact." Breese; tltat Phifer, at the time he served as ' a grand juror, owned $200 ; Continued on fourth page.) TFAMSHIP C0LLIS10H; KILLED WAESLAKDV ONE - OF. 'pOLUOl NG VESSELSr jSANK IM MEDIATELY. '.London, March 6-rThe Belgian' steam er -Waesland, which sailed from Phila delphia February 16 for Liverpool, has sunk , off Holyhead, after being in col lision with the British steamer Har monides, from Brazilian ports for Liver pool. The Waesland's passengers and crew were transported to the Harmon Ides and are now returning on that ves sel to Liverpool. The Waesland belongs to the International Navigation com pany. The .collision was due to a heavy fog. London, March 6. The collision in which the Waesland was sunk occurred Wednesday night. Ed-ward Dasnglefleld, a steerage passenger on the Waesland, and Elsie Emmett, the daughter of a saloon passenger, were killed. The Waesland sank in 35 minutes. Washington, "March 6. At a. conter eniQeoI the house republicans tonight for the purpose of f fanning a bill3 grant ing tariff .oncesslonato Cuba, no action. Waa. taken .- An adjournment was :Cak-. en tintrtesda.y when another attisnip wm-tKif inaoe t rrame a. mil in harmony with President Roosevelt's: reeommen PRINCE'S DAY l GOSTOC T " WOUND UP BY: ATTENDING A : BANQUET GIVEN IN HIS HONOR 1 Washington March 6. it Is learned tonight that the controversy over the Cuban tariff concessions la not so much a fight between the administration and congress as It Is a contest between re publican factions In the house. It Is really a fight by members against an organization opmposed of the speaker, the committee on rules and leaders of the ways and means committee TWO-FEET SNOW IN ' PENNSYLVANIA MOUNTAINS Philadelphia; March 6. The snow fall which ibegan yesterday ceased last night and today the weather !s bright and clear. Reports from the mountain ous districts how twt ! .5 of !snow! In some districts. Trolley and steam traf fic, is very mush impaired and In some localities, abandoned .altogether. FOUR HUNDRED FEET OF RIVER BANK CAVES IN Aignsta, Ga.j March 6.-Four '--Hxta-fired feet of the river banlfr caved in this morning above McKinhey stereet, jendlh thatwnchrdf ihe" Charl'slton rand Western Carolina railroad Into ,the pvnnan rrvier. fnie warehouse" -of Rogers and. company was undermined and may fall at any time. m THROWN INTO WHITE HOT COKE OVB Washington, 'March 6. The Spanish! treaty claims committee has handed down a decision adverse to the claim ants on account of death or injury as a result of the battleship Maine being blown ut in Havana harbor. The claims so far filed with the com missi ore which will be affected by this decision amount to about $2,500,000, which will probably be increased to $50,000,000 had the decision been favora ble to the claimants. The commission decides that "seamen injured toy the explosion which desroy ed the battleship Maine in the harbor of Havana, had no individual claim against Spain, even if that government was responsible to the United 'States for the explosion and therefore such a seaman is not entitled to an award in his favor, from the -Spanish treaty commission." J. H. LAW, 85 Patton Avenue . Blltmore Wood. Phone, 700,ia better. Ahnandale Wood. Phone 878. 54 Fatten At. GLASSES Ground to Order. We have just com pleted our lens grinding .; blant, which .enables us to fit the most complicated leru&e Without delay. Satisfaction . c Quaranteed. McKEE, The Optician Oppu Postoloo. : ;POR SALE, , 2 residence properties on Blltmore road very oheai; ' '-.r " Z 1 Srroom house, three, acres of ground, J beautfl)ul . lawn "and shade " trees. l7 water. - r . lC-room house, lot 60 by 125 - '" r - Tbeae properties are splendid investments;" Apply' to "or address v - : BY NEGRO HIGHWAYMEN HOR-1 RiBLY BURNED AND WILL DIE. Cumberland, March 6.-Two colored highwaymen today threw Jeremiah Johnston of Davldsonvllle, Pa., into-a white-hot coke oven. Ills face was shriveled and one arm burned off before he was rescued. He Is in a hospital, dying. Johnston had stopped at the oven to i CANDY MAKFRS TO CONSOLIDATE MANUFACTURERS OF ST.- LOUIS WILL FORM A LARGE, SWEET TRUST. St. Louis, Mo., March 6.Edwln Cor- bln, representing a law firm with om- warm himself and the negroes crept up ce3 1few York and Chicago,- aocom- behind and threw. hin in. 'A posse is searching for the negroes. ranted bv a, rnresentatlve of a New 1 York Trust company was in this city 'several days negotiating for options on the candy factories here with-a ylew of merglng 'them Into a KTandy trust with a scapltal of $5,000,000. . . The companies approached ;were the following: Blake & Bro. Qapdy com- Takc It To FIELD'S" ft 1 MISS ROOSEVELT'S VISIT TO LONDON ABANDONED London, March 6. A Washington der nunv. P. D. Seward Confeetlonery com- ( . A 1 A flu . - xl 4 ' A Ki. . . " . nywicu vu uns j. uues sttys me proposea visit of Miss Roosevelt to the corona tion has-been abandoned. This ie the remark that will b6made to you by most anyone when your watch gets craBky and won't go. Our watch makers are skilled experts -ud bur charges made for repairs are reasonable. Arthur M. Field Company -v" Leading: Jewelers Cor. Patton Ave. and Church St. Visited Cambridge, In the After V ' . - -itr-v-.i.r. '-71. noon And Was Made 11 47 Harvard. MESSAGES RECEIVED FROU KAISER AMD KING BTEJBETS IN BAD' SHAB VGB. iBUT THETY WER3EJ, CLEJARBD HARD WORK, OVER NIGHT ' Boston, March 6. Prtaoe Henry wound up his sojourn" in "Boston tonight by attending a banquet at Somerset hovtse, given in his honor by city offi cials, and by holding a private recep tion arter the banquet at the residence 0 Mrs. Montgomery. He spent a busy moni) ing . in Boston receiving and returning officia visits, and most of !the afternoon waa spent at Cambridge where Harvard conferred on him the degree of LL, D. with elaborate ceremonies. While at the university the prince in (Contlnued on 5th page.) Blltmore Wood. Phone TOO, is better. Annandale Wood. Blltmore' Firewood. Phone 178. Phone 700. I' HESTON'S I BAfcERY j 8 Weseir you a ; nice Livtr Cake ior . i 5 and 25:ct nts, -Good ones None better."; : HESTONS !i CHOICp HOUSES FOR RENT, Six room-hottse, new, near Montford avenue; electric lights, porce lain bath, completely furnished, $40. Eight room house on Pearson Drive, short distance-from car line; electric lighteporcelain bath and other modernconveniences' com pletely furnished, $50 . - , . . 1 - . .Eigfrt r"oom; house on Cumberland avpxine,;one block from car line; electric lights, porcelain bath and ,L other, conveniences, completely furnished,-$50! "Five room apartment near Montford avenue; eleo trio lights, porcelain bath, completely famished, $37.50. TJNFDRNISHKD HOUSES MODERN CONVENIENCES; Six room honpe-CbPf'tnnt street, $181 Eight room house near Char lotte street, $2!-.- -Eight room house Cumberland avenue, $30. Nine xq&m house iHslwePU- aiontiora ana uamoenaou, mx. ivvui uwuse Soatfr FriVchBf vid a venue, $12. ; Seven -room house Hay wood street, $2260. Nine room hous H?y wood street, $27.50. Nine room hons, new , Fine UiicLrDttird, $27 Eight room house, Penland street, $20. Ut for' further particulars. - 'J - - Our,,, xhibition newest ana uest jstyies m - Dress Goods - ; TJ'e&h Silks And otner-lanclsoffle Ma I.K .1 N 11f.V K HHII ,if'fl lllliir -r, in lor the past Six Weeks. Onr Resident Buyer in New York seiects tbe oesf and most approved pat terns and in order to be Well Dressed and Up-to-Date inspect , ttie New Goods Now onDisplay ' AT - s UINE R'S Send or bamples. Visit the complete thmaware, Mattings and Rug Depart., ments also At SUMNERS The Leaders If You are Tired of Paying Rent Come and let us explain how we can sell you a good house on the instaRmeut plan. We have" several 'desirable places we can sell you this way. . v H. F. GRflflf & SOU . i8 Patton arenna. .V : Asheville, N C. , ion a Gougl hangs on and tend to become' chronic try GBAKTS,Xto EMULSION; fflt in both food 'and medicine .and supplies the system with - warmth land ' strength and enables lt;to throw oft thV cough." BRICB tl.00 PSItpINT "ROW. v. ' W. y&tX &AgWo Library h'lT. ; ' 1 , ' - ; ' : 4 ' : ' - ' - ' - . 'Phone 661 :

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