i: 1902. PAGK t " " z - A THE DISASTROUS FIRE OF WELCOME' FOR ROOSEVELT. S. C) mong the Buildings Burned Was the Sunnyside Sanitarium. Which Was Hampton Say Carolina's Gates Will 'tbe Thrown Wiae upen. rninmbia. S. C March 6. General Wade Hampton has been quite ill re cently. Yesterday lie took a drive for Pilled With Northern People, but no first time in a month. Fined wi He exerted hlmSelf to speak about Fatalities Are Repoea.,. recent incidents in connection r tM Viaro I ... t- -j TDc.Qirlt'a-- visit;--t . a n Mnrfii v.' rate "yy. w;rn.rre8iueuv j.wwov rlv this mdrning destroyed nine Gbarlecion. General Hampton at first T?,uLL A gale was blowing at the talked of incidents that led up to the PICKPOCKETS IN CHURCH. JJU""i'? . iKrVit un 4tq the. names weo w"- f i Tin j rro9t difficulty. fatalities;. Several people were injur ort however, in Sunnyside sanitarium, trouble, which may have given the im nrrssion that the president would no L wairnfflA 3n South Carolina, and then said: IT.O fl ,mnnir the buildings de- All of that, however, has nothing to v. nonn H woio i rir with ijw iuibul ixxuuii.?. j. w Etrnvprt Many uwici " , UiMiff I Say U1W. 1 liao mine ... .v. i -1 . , i . rArOo that t nrtdition to the sanitarium tue - irom wnax a hiiu ux ..nt.rps were burned: Ly- Charleston and all of Carolina, win Vinol Will Create Healthy Appetites- Unsurpassed as an Aid to Digestion. Loss of appetite is extremely distress ing, furthermore it is dangerous. . We An not have to tell tou how much you are missing when you do not enjoy J what vnn eat. Without food at is im-- possibie to live. ro maiwr "uw .wuou you eat if that same food is not properly assimilated and changed into blood, flesh nnd muscle there is somexmng wroug aim danger in the way of illness is very apt to follow. ii. a R-ernr(ier office m nail t iiH - l li and the residences of Mrs. Quash, the ti a t pt Loomis. A num.- Misses ruiu u.vi ber of stables were destroyed. The financial loss is not large.. Three Minister Are Victimized at Baptist Tabernacle. -Atlanta; March 6. A gang of pro fessional Cpickpocketr, composed of men and "women, made their appear ance in the Baptist Tabernacle yester- day afternoon wniie me iuie cuiiici ence was holding a session, and before they left thay succeeded in rifling the pockets of three ministers ot tne gos pel. ' v This sacriHgious as wen as ieiom ous act was partly witnessed by Dr, Broughton, pastor of . the Tabernacle, who chanced to see the gang when they came into the church and when they robbed one of their victims Pickpockets are said to do very bold acts, but it is the first time that ever a gang of thieves operated in a church In Atlanta jln the broad daylight and while religious services' were going on. SAVANNAH IN DARKNESS. IF IT II u rn ii in Releifin24to.48.oui" j Fire Near Power House Destroys the Wires, Breaking Circuit Savannah, March 6. Savannah was shoruded in darkness last night. Save for those of a very restricted section of the city, all the electric lights were .The fundamental principles of ,the eive the president a royal welcome: good done by our Vimol that we recom fr, tho nr-ooLrioTit will I mfiTid so stroDely lie in the fact that it is iue lectyuui .mm, 1 . m receive in Charleston wUl be, ban- a some, cordial. -and sincere, inere is i . . . svstem is to give vim and no city in the whole . country that . f tl e stomach.- It makes that , i,... rr-rkTs9 I .,..,Ti Mm -TWa TrARi rlTit a. better we!-1 , ,to f.H it enables it to digest A 1 orp-p receDVlOU W ao a" o- l nuiuu iuuu i'- uig" iiv.v, . . , , j nyrnv -arii ati I . 1 .Tia fond that is eaten. - at the home pi majur ------- ,.,Kof fTlo nrPR-PTlt Where Vinol is taken., the elements ho Are broke out, ana ine sucblo i " """" i:r.- . --- . , k ,K flffi.4 ftll ah. vuu ... I I ... ' , 11 iV.Ann- nHn 1001100 Lllill ttlO tUUWMUOU m the house to obtain a better view. . win noi airow any ox tuc , dispersed to ths various parts ffinao who w&tnessea uie uc- tq mnueitc uiiu m a.ujr - I kw prpthfiv nreneeaea. 'in at i xrt r,nlv wer tti arc lients on struction of the buildings were Lady tion with ms proposed trip to Charles-1 hich .g necessary to create firm, hard I the, streets dark, but incandescent Constance Mackenzie And Mrs. mom- ton." bone is tnus ootameu. "-J ligMs ln houses were without current vvnen aea wnai n "V"' me"1B"rl "aV I The trouble occurred at about 3 : 30 rnninn jmmrrl iTlPlflPTlT nP Sain T. IlLL II U 1 8. ISO JtLrUlCU.. TENNESSEE STILL HIGH. Southern Will Resume Regular Sched ules to Asheville Thursday. Chattanooga, March 6. Rains of yes terday and last night held the Tennes see river at a height above the dan ger' line at this point today, although a fall of 3 feet since yesterday is noted. The high waters floated a tres tle of the Central of Georgia railroad near Rossville, Ga., but it was saved by weighting with rails. The trestle at Head creek, near Sriffln, has been repaired. A telegram this morning from Su perintendent Dodsoh, of the western division of the Southern railway, who is in the flooded district personally eiinprintPTidinz the work of repair, ontpd that the trains would fcJ lfe V x THE PEOPLE'S National Familyewspaei New York Tri-Weekly Tribune. , Published - Monday and Wednesday end Friday, is in . reality a fine, freak every-other-day dally, giving the la teat news on days of issue, and covering . news of the other three. ; It oontaina all important foreign cable news which TV A TT r rrT TtJTTXTn . game date, also Domestic ahd FoTelgi Correspondence, Short stories, Eltgant Half-tone Illustrations, Humorous I Items, industrial information. Fashion 'i Notes, Agricultural Matters and com i preheasive and reliable financial and Market reports. We furnish it with THE SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE for $2.00 per year. 6biia all orOjttiB to THE GAZETTE, Asheville, N. C. Mm f nr Cahu, Effective Oct. 27, 1901, How Much Money Do You Want? . Look over the Gazette want columns and see if. there are any "money to inan" nronositions that uit your case. If you don't find what you want, ask I if J?.. I IOr IX LlirUUgll iX uaicuc yy a-. cv Mixee YokviUe , Gastonia Lincolnton Newton iUlluau ..""-I v KMitw flfish tissue is found, o'clock, when a fire broke out in xam has not keen able to .read mucn aoom -"T" ; , 1 L an flnd 0,w ,a9t thP nower house. The Lota of -neonle in this, town want to the matter, but declared he had no , It a ffoa .money. If they would say so i , , .1 StTtmiiVU HID CAIUCU wu. .w XI Ct HI CO U1C11CU LUC mito i,uu.. " 1 rs - ' , . ,a . . . i -l 11 .nnnAAnKla nannla 1 . . ... I I rt rnontf Tl-O Yl f Q I thPV WOulQ noUDt UEB'T. LllfcJ icayctiouic I -.V.arI nnhinir hut PaOd neaiCU Can xk. r on1 Vio Mirrent XfcflS ""S" - VJCi-0"0 " -J W I (,U ifV " W w Srf w w follow. broken. If you are already i l, you wm nnaxna m,nBtroi. performance was in prog- 3.10 pm 5.00 pm 6.10 Dm 6.55 pm 7 .SO pm 7.50 pm deeply deplored this incident. MAUSERS FOR INSURGENTS. mwywuuuxux.. rvaflTOI. whn t.hfi liehts XCOa Oil. wuwvv. u Ship Flyintj 5erman Flag Lands Cargo on Batangas. Victoria, B. C, March 6. The Ma nila American, copies .of which have j bition for work, was sick to hex stomach iCt Hapti reived, savs it has very and had faint feeling in the morning. eood reasons for believing that recent- She was persuaded to try Vinol. In two inm.iv TtrAao-riherl there tk nothinsr in this world that can compare with Vinol. went out. The show was practically mtxi Tat.t.5a Gnvfi of Biddeford. Maine. I hrniTAu un. as the eas formed but. a says she was all run down, she had no poor substitute. appetite, was urea out, snu uu no m- find grood. borrowers. Lots of people want to borrow money They, too. can find what they want if thev will ask for it through a Ga zette want ad. Gazette want adds are low in price, but high in results. OIL TANK EXPLODES.. i n 11.. - -t 1 o i ly a vessel nying iue ucimaj ""o landed Mauser rifles on the coast of Batangas for the use of the insurgents. It is said that the shipment comprised 70 cases, or about 1,400 rifles, with ammunition. The vessel was seen hovering about leave the coast of Mindoro for several days, n'nottsnnnea at the schedule time to- : finally dropping up to Batangas almost morrow morning through to Asheville, within cannon shot of Manila and later schedules would disaDDearing. About the same time a 1H. J., CilAH ivO - - - be made from that time. TRIED TO MURDER FA1VIILY. Rejected Suitors of Italian Girl Go In For Revenge. careo of arms was landed. The desti nation of these weapons, The Ameri can says, can be readily imagined. The rifles can be fought in Germany and Japan for something like $13 Mexican and they readily command $50 gold on New Orleans, March 6. Georgie being delivered to the insurgent com Maretto and Angelo Auzelmo, two ' manders. young Italians, rejected suitors of 1.-year-old Annie Ciaccio, visited the Ci accio home last night and tried - to murder the family. The father and mother were stab bed with , knives and Joe Saragusa. a visitor, was also wounded. The girl escaped from her room and hid uncer the house all night. Neighbors an1 the police discovered the crime today In view of the" existence of numer ous recruiting stations in the district of Manila -itself, The- American be lieves these importations are serious. weeks she gained seven pounds. From Blazing Stream Destroys Much Prop- the first dose she oeganxo ieei Dewer, and today she is strong and rall and en- we cordiallv Invite anyone interested to call upon us for we want every citizen in thu town to hear all about Vinol, and to learn why we are so wining xo renraa erty at Uniontown, Ala. Uniontown, Ala., March 6. Yester day afternoon the oil tank or tne Standard Oil company at this place, caught fire from some unknown source. The fire made rapid headway, and Northbound Passenger Mixed Chester Lv.6.45aan 8.30 am 7.50 am 10. 28 am 9.20 am 1.35 pm 10.24 am 11. 0d am 11.45 am Cliffs 12.15 pm Lenoir ' Ar. 1.00 pm 8.20 pm 10.03 pm Southbound Passenger Mixed Mixed Lenoir . Lv. 2.10 pm 6.00 am 2.00 am 2.57 pm 7.50 pm 4.20 an 3.10 pm 8.10 am 4.50 am 3.40 pm 9.55 am 4.28 pm 11.40 am 5.42 pm 2..00 pm 6.47 pm 3.58 pm 8.00 pm fi.Ofl pm CONNECTIONS. Chester Southern Ry.. S. A. L.. jid L. A O. Yorkvillt S. C. Ar G. Ex'-uaiui. Gfat-Lunia Southern liy. .Liiicolnion S. A. L. 'Newton snd Hickory Southern Ry. Lenoir- BUv ing Hock Stage Liie ani C. & N. Ry. Cliffs Hickory Newton Lincolnton Gastonia Yorkvillt Chester Ar. . v.. I .I.KNBOUS. its cost to anyone not satisfied with the in a short time the tank exploded, scattering the oil in all directions, l he burning oil set fire to two nice dwell ing houses and two negro cabins close by, which were also totally destroyed. The compress, which is located next to the ourning house, also caught fire, but good work on the part of the vol untary firemen -put the compress fire out. Later they succeeded in getting food we claim it will accomplish. H.A.PFAFFLI DRUGGIST. MANY SHIPS WERE LOST IN LATE GALE h6 flreuDtor control. BOOM OF SLOCP CONDOR FCUMD NEGRO KILLS AGED WHITE MAN. wAWin "Pnnils in Denmanshio at ' Asheville Business Couege, 3rd floor, Paragon. Day or evening classes. Tuition $1 per week. Improvement guaranteed. t . WANTED Tiwo or three furnished rooms for light housekeeping by young .man inpnrian ent. Address XYZ. 3t LOST A bl-ack satin bag, on Chestnut, between Pine and Merrimon, on Mon day aJbout noon. Return to 261 Chest nut, and receive reward. N' ws M OpioiiS OF NATIONAL IMPORTANCE 'WE SUN A 1 ONE CONTAINS HOTEL. GIRL WIFE TRIES TO SUICIDE. Her Husband, Aged 70, Accused of IH Treatment. Newnort News. Va.. March 6. Mrs mi. i4. t hmid roco-nhlfd n T.iila Turner, the eirl wife of H. T i ue iiiwei iui ui mo uuuou ( j w shamble, large. Maretto and Auzelmo are at Turner, of Isle of Wight county, who is about 70 years old, attempted to commit suicide at the home of her pa rents here by drinking laudanum. Physicians were summoned in time to BATSON BEHIND THE BARS. Alleged Murderer of the Earl Family i save her life. Held at New Orleans. j New Orleans, March 5. Ed Batson, of Spikard, Mo., who is charged with I the murder of six members of the Earl family near Welsh, La., and who waa recently arrested at Lawrence, Mo., crossed the length of Louisiana in safety last night and in charge of Sheriff Perkins, of Calcasieu parish, was safely landed in the parish prison here. He will stay in New Orleans un til his trial is called. Governor Heard is exerting himseli to give the prisoner adequate protec tion. Batson still persists that he ia innocent. Mrs. Turner, who is not yet 20 years of age, having been married in 1900, would not give the reason for her rash act. It is understood that her husbanci, who is quite wealthy, treated her un kindly, and about six months ago she This Is Regarded as Further Evidence tw th III. Fated Warship H?a All on Board. He Claims That the Latter Got Knife and Gun. Mobile, Ala., March 6. James Jack son, a negro, who killed John Tucker at Hamilton's bluff, was captured last night in this city by the police. Jackson says he was passing Tuck er's house when the old man called him and charged him with stealing a mandolin. Words were exchanged and Tucker got a shotgun and knife, and, vibrio P. C. March 6. The steamer Queen City, which returned last evening from a trip along the woct onast of Vancouver island hT-w rpnnrtH which eo to prove that gays the negro, tried to cut him fu, ono vpssoI met with disas- The negro snatched the gun and hit r thA tap at t eales. In the Tucker on the head, felling him t,h,tyct rf thA hoom of the ill-fated furniture. Best of prices paid. For I y u a J"" - sale Three singer sewing machines, I jailv and Sunday, by mail. $8 a year one organ, soia, ucu-iuuusi 'bureaus, etc. No installment or easy plan, but the lowest ipriees for cash. W. H. MEDD, 33 iNorth Mam St. WANTED At once a salesman and col lector to take charge of our business in "Yancey county. The very best ter ritory and on money making con- tvaots. The Sinser M'f'g. Co. Ashe- vtllp TJ C tf The Sunday Sun is the Greatest Sunday Newspaper in the Worid. Price 5c a copy By mait $2, a jear, Address THE a UN, iSewYork. sloop of war Condor on Long Beach further evidence is produced to show that the vessel' went to the bottom in the December storm. Further north tiwe officers learned of other wreckage coming ashore, pre sumably from a sealing schooner, parents Yesterday, it is said, she re ceived a letter from her husband which seemed to unbalance her and drove her to take the poison. It is said her husband refused to provide for her in a suitable manner. She is a pretty young woman, with a host of friends here. He did not think he had seriously in jured him, but hastened to a station and took a train for Mobile. SITUATION WANTED Boy 16 years isifl wants work of any kind. Call at or address Steady r"y at Gazette of fice tf Raftsman Drowned Near Greenville. Greenville, Ala., March 6. Whila attempting to raft some logs on Pig eon creek Eben Andrews was drown ed,, A negre was assisting him. The water was so swift they tied up the logs and started to swim ashore. Mr. Andrews gave out and reaching a tree clung to it while the negro went for help. He went down before help ar rived. His body was recovered and buried at this place. To Build Mercy Hospital. Decatur, Ala., March 6. The La dies' Benevolent society, of New De catur, has begun an active campaign to build & Mercy hospitaL Nearly $1 000 has been raised. The land com pany donates a" fine lot to be deeded whn $5,000 cash is on .hand. Winona council, Junior Order United .Xmeri , can Mechanics, donated $150 last night. - left him and came to the home of her there being pieces of canoes and seal ing boats. This probably means that some schooner has had her decks a wont s Hid thA sealer C. Rand off the Columbia river. The officers o the Rand report having seen a lot of wreckage off the Columbia river, but this may have been from the little schooner R. I. Morse, which was blown up after her crew had been rescued Pioneer Fish Merchant Dies. I OtheT sealers arriving on tne coast re- Chicago, March 6. Alfred Booth, port having encountered very severe who founded the firm of A. Booth & I weather. Co., in the fish trade, died at his resi- denoe here today. For two weeks the patient's arteries have been gradual ly hardening, and last night it became Will Attempt to Reach Men Imprisoned practically certain that the end was! In Ingram Basin. near. The deceased was born in Eng- Telluride, Colo., March 6. A res- land 74 years ago and came to Chicago cue party has been organized here to in 1850. The year after the great J attempt to go in to Ingram basm, fire Mr. Booth began to extend his where seven men are known to have business, and soon gained control of J been working when the storm cut off the fish trade of the great lakes. In 1 all communication. 1880 Mr. Booth Tetired from, active business, leaving his affairs in the hands of his sons, Alfred E. and W. Vernon Booth. In 1899 the firm be- Killing In Lee County, Ala. Opelika, Ala., March 6. A killing has occurred on the farm of T. J. Whatley near Opelika. Sam Matthews shot Link Dallas. It seems from the reports that Matthews had had trou ble with other people's cows eating his cotton seed., and becoming exasper ated, shot a cow. Dallas heard the shot and seeing the trouble, thought it was his cow and came to the scene with his shotgun and a quarrel ensued. Matthews says he did not shoot Dal las until he had been knocked down several times. Matthews is now in the hands of Sheriff Hodge. IP YOU are looking lor a painter or a oaoer hanger, call ot SO N'. Main St. We also carry a nice line of wall pa- at lowest prices, tatzpairic per Bros. Phone 157. tf FOR SALE. RESCUE PARTY FORMED. Ingram basin is one of the most dan gerous places " in -winter in the San Juan country. Many believe that all the . men have perished in a slide or came a corporation (A. Booth & Co.), that while they were at work in the Little Child Burned to Death. Courtland, Ala., March 6. The 7-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wash Paine, living near here, was so badly burned Tuesday that she died in a few hours. The child was out where washing was being done and was left alone a short time, and when her mother' saw her she was a sheet of flames. Mrs. Paine had her hands bad ly burned in trying to put out the fire. It is probable that her hands are ruin ed for life. REDUCED RATES Round trip reduced rates offered b the Southern Railway for tne following special occasions: Un account Mardi Gras, New Orleans, La., and Mobile, Ala., Feb. 4-llth,. tickets will be on sale Feb. 4th, to 10th, inclusive final limit to return Feb. 15th, except that by payment of 50, cents and deposit of ticket with joint Agent No 707, Gravier street. New Orleans, La.f and 51 South Loyall street, Mobile, Ala., on or before Feb. 15th, an exten sion of limit will be granted to Feb. 28th. Hate of one first class limited, one way fare for the round trip. Round trip rate from Asheville $22.10 to New Orleans, $18.55 to Mobile. Account South Carolina Inter-State and West Indian, Exposition, Charles ton, S. C, Dec. 1st, 1901, to June isx, 1902. Tickets on sale daily from isov. SOth to May 31st, 1902, final limit in which to return June 3rd, 1902, also tickets on sale daily from Nov. avtn, to May 31st, 1902, with final limit to return ten days in addition to date of sale except that final limit will not ex ceed June 3rd, 1902. On Tuesdays ana Tfinrsrlflvs nf each week from Dec. ard, FOR RENT one y room nwise LTV" 1901, to May 29th, 1902 special low ran blocks from postoffice, all anoaeru Ucketa gold wltli final limit m plumlbing; two six room flats wiui j which t0 return 7 days in addition to ibath, hot and cold waiter, one f.vc"date of sale except that nnai limit iu not exceed June 3rd, 1902. FOR SALE-nReady for occupancy an attractively furnished house in best location, near Arverside drive, xsew Vflrk T!.itv. Prive $32,000.00. Address Machson Bros., 567 Amsterdam Ave., New York City. 20-6t FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE We will exchange a desirable store house in city for city or good surburban prop, erty. A big bargain can be had in this. Natt Atkinson Sons Co., Real Estate Dealers. FOR RENT. fomtoleted.. Oliver r "RAvell No. 12 Barnard Building tf w- -Rmrvrrr- Tarsre sunny rooms, furn ished, for light houseKeepurg. lJnMa ArMress A. B., Gazette l easuiiaui- office, City. 20-6t with a capital of $5,500,000. Piggott Guilty of Bigamy. Denver, Colo., March 6. The jury in the case of Henry H. Piggott, the wealthy Philadelphia attorney who was tried on the charge of bigamy, has returned a verdict of guilty. The penalty, is a fineof 1;000 and a sen tence of 'not' more' lhan two years "in the penitentiary. A motion for a new trial was entered. Death Was Ship's Captain. Vancouver, B. C, March 6. A small schooner-rigged vessel was towed in to Vancouver last night with the bod-ies-o two. men lashed to it. The ves sel had been overturnedby- the storm Monday night and was picked up ear ly yesterday in the gulf. The names of the dead men are hot known, and it is impossible to tell whether or not more were drowned than the two whose bodies were found. tunnel their bunkhouse, filled with pro visions, had been buried beneath tons of ' snow and ice. With their snow- shoes lost, it was impossible for them to get down. If this is the case, then they are perishing for lack of food and shelter. . The body of John ' R. Powell, who perished in the slide last Friday, has been found. Parties are at work open ing" the trains in order to reach the places where it is known that bodies are buried under the show. S Houston Stands for Re-Election. - f Atlanta, March $-G. f, Cf oustdii has '!announcedt himself "a? candidate for :'to the general assem- New Editors for Papers. Hogansville, Ga., March 6. George Billinghurst has given up the manage- i meht of The Headlight to take edito rial control of the LaGrange Reporter. Rev. George W. Morgan assumes the ' management and editorial control of Miss Roosevelt Will Visit Cuba. Policeman Behind Bars. Waycross, Ga., March 6. Matt Rob inson, a policeman, has been arrested here charged with complicity in the Plant system car robbery. In default - 4 Alb of $500 bond he was placed m jan. Large quantities of goods were found hidden in a horse stable at Robinson's mother-in-law's home, "4 miles from 1- 1 1 .rl town. Her son says itoomsou yiu ' him $4 to haul the goods there and bury them. Alabama 'Tenants Emigrating. Courtland, -Ala., March 6. The ten ants, both negro and white, are leav ing plantations without .notice in large numbers for' Texas find other,, points. The round trip rate from Ashevilis for tickets on sale daily and good to return until June 3rd, 1902, will W $13.35. for tickets on sale dally ana gooa to return ten days -in addition xo aaie of sale, the round trip rate from Asne- ville will be $9.80, and for tickets on sale Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week, with final limit seven days in au dition to diate of sale, the round trip tf Irate from Asheville will ibe $6.65. . For full Information call on Ticket 1. I a anf Cniiiihai-Yi "RnUwnv onranamy. or A live meruaumc . I Afl,Hii i n . . i -r.T kbiit rrr rna- i - --- location wit" wn i"-- - sons tor selling. Paying business, ,m va sacrificed. .Tarty musv have ready money or negotiable pa FOR RENT Desirable cottages for rent itTmtnre. S1S.UU to at v, Ainrr-vlv flt tne OlllCt; J1 U1U11U1. ii'J Biltmore Estate, Biltmore, N. C. per. immk to N.- Gazette otnee. " " 160-tf . New York, March 6. Miss Alice J The situation is becoming serious and Roosevelt, accompanied by Harriet I there wiH be thousands k of 4 acres of Blaine' Beale, w,ill, It is reported, leave j land uncnlitivated irl" the Courtland val- Washington Sunday night for Florida and will sail Tuesday from Port Tam pa for Havana. They go to visit Gov- bly from Fulton county.. He will make J The Headlight and will be assisted by ernor Qeneral and Mrs. Wood, and will ley this year. Owing to ; the prolonged rainy season there has-been no plow ing done in this seCtionyet. " 5' the race 'as a labor (candidate. DecaturV Ala., frrvites Schlej'. , New Decatur, Ala.,' March 6. Admi ral. W. S. Schley has "been extended anv invitation by .; Winona, Council No. 3, Junior 'O. U. A. M., to visit Decatur while on his trirft soutli the .snit of thisw ?carderl SI la bt ilmd whi yet- James Tigner. remain in Cuba two or three weeks. ' New Industry for America. Allegan, Mieh., March 6 H. T. Marshall, 'Of Allegan county,-has sold to Count Carl Kleinstuck 360" acres of land In Martin township, which vthe Cincinnati Celebrates Centennial. Cincinnati,, March 6. The centen nial of the incorporation of Cincin nati was celebrated today with appro- the northeastern; Circuit,, sup ject to tne nriatA JftVerritSteR -.hv the mnnicinal au- 1 Democratic primary. ine;prebeni m Colonel Charters Announces. i Dahlonega .Ga., March 6. Golbnel W. A, Charters of this, place, has 'for mally " announced himself axandidate "for re-election as solicitor general of company- intends putting fiatd " peet thorities, both Vexecutive and legisla; ications ate that Colonel Charters will beds. This will be an entirely new, 'tive.'.the" chamber 1 of ' commerce' ana thaye no, oppositign,,, Keep Your Bowels Strong. Constipation or diarrhoea when irfinr bowels are out of order. -aS" parets Candy Cathartic win .1 n. r toilets . . (dro o 1 nera act naiuraiiv. vjcuuhh. Hotel Montreal can avvv, . . j Onft; am 1 rt onmnpr -rnmnpn I I I ! c v c i ow-' - column of this -paper. BOARDING. lnlV. -AH driTgsr tr. rrmr TiwnrS'B OrKpoSlte auditorium hAst location In city? for business ot oleasure. 4 Sunny rooms, pleasant hnmA .Tta'tes $1 to $2 Jfcer day: Mrs. L. V. Cole, Prop., 62 JIaywood street It is a common error, of which a vise man -will beware, to measure the worK of our neighbor by his conauci ourselves. BOARD-1 Pleasant rooms :.,with board One sixty-one, North Main street, i Phone No. -678. MISSES DOUGHTY eod. tf. After a woman has been married a few years she looks at young, girls in wonder tha!t they can find so much to laugh about. " ... The flower of the family. Is of ten the latest to rise. c- Woman does, not 'enjoy, a funny story An excellent formula, for chaffed sicm is wiiifll oarts of glycerine juice. The lemon - juice should strained into the glycerine, out any pulp or eeeds. -.ke C" With a Tail. Th r " with a taif is the t mark of Cascarets cancy Lai- -Look for it on the light blue enarr.e; . C. C iSver sold I'a bu flrugeists. lor. whether he will accept. t w Industry for this country. other organizations. unless- there is a man in it.' - J ' - r 1 -t ' 1 ' 1 - i, S: '-,