if ;.:-WElNSEiAYrHE;ASHEVILLE GAZETTE -march i2,-iW2.; : ; .0 r V K 1 A- - J .. ' " ,ujy,y,iy.uijyw 'SjjfffgjBggHBwj' w . For Infants and Children. I f W1(ratf: ' Have sinutatmgJlteFood andBcgula- Prom6tesI)(gfe3tiohCfieerrut fiess andRestConlains neilher I WOT "NARC OTIC. , frtmptui Seul' sflx.SenJut JlaueSeed. flarimd Sonar mntmytweti Flavor. : ) Aperfecl Remedy for Coiistipa Tion , Sour Stonvach,Diarrlea Worm? jCorivulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLFEP. Facsimile Signature or NEW YOBK. I; Jests the EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. I Thirty Years THE OENTAUII COMMNT. NCW YORK CITY. HAVEN & STOUT Bankers dud Brokers. KASSATJ STREET, CJORNER WALL, NEW YORK. Deposit aocoHntfl received subject to check on demand. Interest credited monthly on dally balancee. Accounts .of Thanks, corporations, firms and individuals received on favor able terms. Coupons interest, dividends, notes, drafts collected for our correspondets. Orders executed for the purchase and sale on commission, of bonds, stocks, investments or carried on margin. Clients may telegraph orders and in structions at our expense. Copiee of telegraphic code may (be had on appli cation. Informiation regarding' quotations Cheerfully furnished. The helm of a ship has a stern duty to. perform. Ojn'tToliaccoSpit and Sniose tear Ute Avtjcy,, To qui" tobacco easily and foievei. ue mat t.et.c, full of lif " crve and vigor, take No-Tc Tac. the wondei-worker, that makes weak met 6(.ruiig. All druggists, 50o or fl. Cureguaran if.cd. Bcokle'w and sample free. Address HftMin? Remedy On. cuicago or New YnrY Even an automobile entails running expenses. Keep Your Bowels Strong. Constipation or diarrhoea when your bowels are out of order. Cas carets Candy Cathartic will make them act naturally. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold ir aulk. All druggists, ioc REQUEST hKUM THE DEADv -'" Dew Savage TelU How. Bla Son Gave Kim u'SIeKscge - , .Dr. Minot J. Savagethe wfell known Unitarian "minister in Kew York, writ ing, on spiritualism in .AInslee's Maga-" ziue forMarch'sajs: - ' , I auj now to detail a little e:per!once which septus to me to haveshbout it cer tain features whicli are ve'li ' iinusiiul and; therefore worthy of seciitl re mark. Never in 'my life until my sou died two years ago did I attempt to get Into communication with any ipecial person at . any -sitting held with any medium. , I ha ve'al ways taken the atti tude of a student' trying to solve the general problem involved. On two "or three occasions, however, within the last two years I have tried to see if I could get anything that appeared to bo a message from my boy. He died two years ago" last June, at the age of thirty-one. . I was having a sitting with Mrs. Piper. My son claimed to be pres ent. Excluding for the moment all oth er things, I wish definitely to outline this one little experience. At the time of his death he was occupying a room with a medical student and an old per sonal, friend on Joy street, in Boston. He had moved there from "Hl room he occupied on Beacon street since I had visited him, so that I . had never been in his present room. I knew nothing about it whatever and could not even have guessed as to anything concern ing it which he might say: He said: "Papa, I want you to go at once to my 'room. Look -in my drawer, and you , will find there a lot of loose papers. Among them are some which I wish you to take and destroy at once." He would not be satisfied until I had promised to do this. Mrs. Piper, re member, was in a dead trance at the time, and her hand was writing. She had no personal acquaintance with my son and, so far as I know, had never seen him. I submit that this reference to loose notes and papers which for some unknown reason he was anxious to have destroyed is something which would be beyond the range of guess work, even had Mrs. Piper been con scious. .Though my boy and I had been inti mate heart friends all our lives, this re quest was utterly inexplicable to me. t It did not- even enter into my mind to give a wild guess as to what he meant or why he wanted this thing done. I went,' however, to his room, searched his drawer, gathered up all the loose papers, looked through them and at once saw the meaning and importance of what he had asked me to do. There were things which he had Jotted down and trusted to the privacy of his draV er which he would not have had made public for the world. ri have gone 14 days at a time wttkont a mTaent or the boweM. nofc being able , to move i.tiem except by tising hot watei InjecUous. Cnrouio constipation for seven years placed we in tuis terrible condition; during tbat . time I did ev ery tUiuR I heard of but never found any relief; such was my case nntli I began nsln& CASCABETS. 1 now have from one to three passages a day. and ii l was ricii 1 would give $100.00 for each movement: it is such a relief. Ayuieu L. Hunt, ' ' 1689 UuasellSt.. Detroit, Mion. v rffpS CANDY ; CAT With a Tali. ; " fhe ;C ? with a tail is the. trao mane off Cascarets Candy-Cathmcl Look for it bnthe light blue enameled metal box! . Each tablet stamped C. a a Never. solc in bulk. All iraeeists. loc-, Muffins nnd cems will taste better and be Ughiter if the-pans are heated before nects at. Salisbury, Greensbo SOUTHERN RAILWAt rln effect Decemiber X 1891. . -v-vuuk la pul as information and Is subject to without notice to 'the public. (EASTERN TIME). 6:S5a. an.No. 36, daily f0r bury, Washington, and the East the batter is put im. r5riSHant' ralatable Potent. Taste Good. Do Bood, Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, 2Sc. 50c. .CURE CONSTIPATION. Htoribv BMdroatpur, Ckieno,.Bmtrwa. Bm tmk. Sgt - Aged Man Burned to Death. - Tampa, Pla., March 11. The whole community was shocked Thursday when it learned that W. H. Thornton, an aged and respected "citizen, had been found burned so that death re sulted in a few hours. lr. Thornton was preparing to build a new home for himself and wife on a lot recently purchased. It is supposed that he set fire to some trash, and owing to - the high winds it was getting the advan tage of him, and in his efforts to save" his tools he was overcome with the heat afod fell exhausted into the fire. His body was horribly burned. $100,000 Fire at Canton. - Canton, O., March 11. Fire in the Novelty Iron works plant has ruined the foundry and pattern house, caus ing a loss to the building of $40,000 and to the patterns and contents of $60,000. The plant was crowded with orders for six months and 200 men are idle. Insurance $50,000. The plant will be rebuilt. Some people make mountains out of mole hills, and others just make a bluff. Gazette "Wants" One Cent a word. U. S. Supreme Court Decision. Washington, March 11 The Unit ed States court today decided the Illi nois anti-trust statute to be unconsti tutional because of the provision of the law exempting agricultural prod ucts and live stock from the opera tions of the law. The decision was rendered in the case of Thomas Con nelly and others against the Union Sewer Pipe company, of Ohio, and was delivered by Justice Harlan. Death of Oldest Resident Lawrenceville, Ga., March 11. Mrs. Mary A. Orr, the oldest citizen in this town, died last night. She leaves a brother, Floyd Cobb, of Cedartown, and Mrs. Judge N. la. Hutchins, her only living child. WORKS WONDERS FOR .WOMEN. Electric 'Bitters invigorate the female system: and cure ; nervousness, head ache backache and constipation or no pay. 60c. All; druggists. ' It is better to have a good ear Sfor music than a bad voice . for it. They Work While You Sleep. While your mind and body rest Cas carets Candy , Cathartic repair your digestion, your liver, your bowels, jput them in perfect ortler Genuine tabiets stamped C. C. C. , Never s&3ft ir, bulk. All druggists, ioc Siillicus "A great many young men have a false idea of marriage," Cynicus "Yes; some of them even expect to have their own way about it." r NO TIME TO FOOL A WAT. Coughs, . Colds and lung troubles de mand prompt treatment with Dt. King's New Discovery. No cure no pay. 50c., $1.00. All druggists. Here's where I make light of my trou bles," remarked the confirmed humor ist as he prepared to commit suicide by inhaling gas. DO NOT EXPECT MIRACLES . If a cold, long neglected, or iimiprop erly treated has clutched you by the throat, you cannot shake it loose In a day, but you can stop its progress and in a reasonable time get rid of it alto gether,; if you use Allen's Lung Balsam. There is nothing like this honest rem edy for bronchitis .asthma, and other affections of the air passages. "I always take my dog with me when I make a balloon ascension," said the aeronaut. "A Stye terrier, I suppose," remarked the village wit. ARE SIMPLY PERFECT. Dr. King's New Life Pills are prompt, safe gentle and always satisfy or no pay. Best for stomach and liver. 25c. All druggists. .- Blobtos "I hear you lost your suit. "Was the Judge's charge unfavorable?" Slobbs "Oh, I'm not sore about him. What makes me sore is the lawyer's charge. Gazette "Wants" One Ceni a word. "CM With a Tail. The "C" with a tail is the trade mark of Cascarets Candy Cathartic. Look for it on the light blue enameled metal box! Each tablet stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. Danville, - for Charlotte, RawX S ..t.wuwut. iuiuua unman si vine,: Salisbury and Danviiu Chrousrh Pulrman sipmor k. ' . wf w iWMn 1:30 p. m. No. 12, dally for Sait.v jTosiuugwiu sum aii point Tnrxragu . ouiman sleeper Nashvuie, Chattanooga, AheviUeK WasMngton and New y 7:05 a. m.-No. 14, daily for srJ. burg, Columbia and Charl8ton necta at Spartanburg for Atlanu me souxn. unanoue and the jtwO Throueh Pnllma.n 1 . uLween Btl Louis, Louisville, Knoxville, Ash.7i5l ummuia ana unarie&ton. 2:50 p. m. No. 10, daily for ftn burg, Columbia, Savannah, Jackson and ail points South, connects at a tanbUrg tor the North, Cohimhi. Charleston. Througrh. Pullman between Cincinnati, Knoxville iJ i . . ' vixio, opujtrumtJ'urx, uoiumDia, Sa. and Jacksonville. 8:30 a. m. No. 17, daily (excent day;, for WaynesviUe, Brywn City all intermediate points. 3:00 p. m. No. 19, dally (except ftJ MurDhv and all Intertmlata - - - -.vv- trviaa. (CENTRAL TIME). 6:10 a. m. No. 15, daily for o, Springs, Morristown, Knoxviiu tJ Bristol, connects at Morristown M Chattanooga and New Orleans. u3 also at Knoxville for Cincinnati," Luk ville and St. Louis. Through Pun.. sleeper between Charleston, Columw3 is ville and St. Louis. 1:15 p. m.-No. 11, daily for Hot Springs, Knoxville and all points wjl connects at Morristown for Bristol, J Knoxville for Cincinnati and Louisviiul at Chattanooga for Memphis and NaalJ vuie. rnrougn ttiiman sleeper tween New York, Washington, Salii. bury, Asheville, Chattanooga am Nashville and through Pullman sleet between Jacksonville, Savannah, Col-j umbia, Asiheville, Knoxville and Cia. cinnati. 12:25 a. m.-No. 35, daily for Springs, Morristown, Knoxville, ehtl tanooga and points West. Connects t Chattanooga, for Memphis and inter mediate points and at Ootlewah June, tion for Rome, Selma, Atlanta and l. termediate points. Call on Ticket Agents for time tabla and detailed information or addrea .tf'.ttAINK. S. GANNON, 3rd V. P. & G. M., Washington, D. C. S. H. HARD WICK, General Passenger Agent, Washington. D. C. F. R. DARBY, C. P. & T. A., Asheville, N. C. Baggage called for and checked froa hotels and residences to destination,' lsj The Asheville Transfer Company. i III Pi 99 "The- (Darlbad Asranerieaap 10 TT&e HTst UDeliftiitflial JHTealtlii ainall 'JPleasare HBesorf -in the -1Tnl 164 milea east of Chattanooga 42 miles east of Knoxville on the K. & B. Railway, in tfte I' veiiest valley of the East Tennessee mountains. Two ho tels, 25 cottages, 40 acres lawn, walks and shade trees. Electric lights, Complete system water works, wi th modern hatha. Splendid orchestra, spa cious hall room, telegraph and long distance telephone; in tact, all the amuse, ments and comforts. Best German and American cooks. Write for 40 page hook -FREE Price of Water Shipped. The T&ter is shipped iL bso8 of the yea in poDlar Darrein, Oo i f finh. Half-barre. $3.50. Cases, one dozen half -gallon bottles, $5. 5 gallon Rocker jchi i.275. !0 ga?oa Rockerjohn, $3.75. 5 gallon crated Deraijohc, $2 J5. 14 gallon ,'ab -fWbdj, "$3.75 Special rate to dealers in car-load lots upoi application. Terms cash .nit by P 0 Order on Tate Spring, New York exchange, or registered letter to 1?.tt S..ri?.tr, T-m; Shipping daily at the rate oi over 4,000 piickagen pr annum,. Special frtfi;h. ue to k points can be'secured. Tate water is sold hv the iBost reliable druggists ia i! prmcij" cities and towns. Last year shipments increanod ovf?r 100 per eeat. of any T-r m n m y r Analysis made by Dr. T. S. Antesell, M. D., Professor oi Chemistry in Na. c: ! H(iicJ College, and Chemist to the U. S. Department oi Agriculture, and can be icmi n . page pamphlet. Mountain Spring li Milex . From Tate Surins. Fine Lithia and Chalybeate Springs flowing from side and base6f Clinch Mountain. Beautiful scenery among the hills. Hotel, cottages and grounds greatly improved and now open to vis itors at these low rates. $1.00 and $1.50 per day, $7.00 to $8.00 per week; $25.00 to $30.00 per month. Hack line from Tate at. moderate prices., Privileges of Tate draught .for those desiring it. For further information, address THOS. TOMLINSON, Owner, Tate Springs, Tenn.' 4 w The following list is taken from 5000 on file in the proprietor's office .They oame from every point of the compass and represent persons in every walk 'pfltfe. fckJKIIJMa v Senator E. W. Pettus, of Alabama " 7 "I have found Tate Spring Water a ; genuine specific for the cure of malari al troubles." .:v,i: R. L. Taylor, Ex-Governor of Tennes see, Nashville: "I regard Tate Spring as the best on the continent.' Thos, A. Mellon,: of Mellon Bros., bankers, Pittsburg, Pa. : "I believe there is no waterin this country equal to Tate's for the cure of neuralgia, as well as dyspepsia and liv er troubles." J. W. Thomas, president and general manager of Chattanooga & St. Louis railway: "I take pleasure in recommending it to any one who wishes to enjoy contin uous health." . R. A. Hemphill, Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Ga.: ' - "I greatly appreciate Tate Water and highly recommend It." 1 t GREAT WAGON MANFACTURER. J, M Studebakef, South Bend, Ind, "I believe there is no spring1 In Amer ica that contains the healing qualities that, Tate Spring does.!! ' THE GREAT TOBACCO MANUFAC TURER. J. S. Carr, Durham, brv C: "I think it is the nest water to ber found anywhere." PRESIDENT OF LARGEST SNUFF CO. IN THE WORLD. Geo. B. Wilson, 224 Arch street, Phil adelphia, Pa.: "In 1894 I -suffered very cntely from indigestion, which lasted until 1895. In the f al of that year a friend sent me a case of Tate Spring water.Before re ceiving the water I was visiting a doc tor three times a week,taking all kinds of medicine, and after using the water ' for a week I have never since that time been to see a doctor in regard to my Indigestion, and have never taken a drop of medicine for indigestion since. I believe this water saved my life; and consider it the finest water for indiges tion I have ever known. I nave recom mended this water to a number of friends who have used it, and have never known it to f an in beneficial-results." v - . .V . .. v IT SAVES LIFE. E. Ii. Greer, Washington, Pa. : "It saved my life, beyond a doubt." , RECEIVED SUBSTANTIAL BENE I FIT. A. E. Carr, Cincinnati, O.: "We have received substantial benefit from Tate 'Spring water." GREAT GREAT BENEFIT TO A BUSINESS MAN. James Swann (of Inman, Swann & Co.), N. Y.: "I have found Tate Water of great benefit." FRJM THE COURTS OF JUSTICE. Judge Henry R. Bryan, Newbern, N. C: "It does -me more good than any water I have ever used." CURES CHILLS. J. M. Elliott, jr., of Kyle Lumber Co., Gadaden, Ala.: "It cured me of dyspepsia, chills and malaria." EFFICIENT TONIC. . T . M . Miller, Vicksburg,v Miss . : "The most efficient and agreeable tonic of which I have any knowledge." ONLY . RELIEF FOR CHRONIC MA LARIA. G. D. U. CantreU, M. D., Little Rock, Ark., "It was the only agent J found that gave relief for chronic malaria.- " " INFALILBLE CURE FOR,' DYSPEP SIA David Kirk, president of McCalmout Oil Company, Pittsburg, Pa.: "I be lieve Tate Spring water is an Infallible cure for dyspepsia."' . MAY USE HIS NAME. W. S. Pope, Columbia, S. C: "Con tinue the use of my name, and I will cheerfully distribute as many of your catalogues as you wish to send." THE WATER Cares Indigestion, Dys- pepsa end nil troubles ot Liver 'Stomach, Bladder Bowels", Kidneys, Rhtz? mutism and Blood Ds eases. SHIPPED ANYWHER , ANTTIMF Asheville-Dr T, C. mith. The Paragon. T; E. Wingood, C. A. Rayaor, W. 0. Carmlchael, Pelhamrs Pharmacy, Theobold's Candy Kitchen, Pat Mclntrr B Mclntrye, Bonanza Wine and Liquor Co;, Hampt ' . f BUtmore Dr; T, C, Smith flendersonyffle:- Franklin Franklin Pharmacy. BryQoa.Cityr-Jt E, ,3 nlcii C) Bryson &Co, WaynesviUe k ; ' ; f ; Capacity of Hocei'soo; 40 Page Book Fhe. Alt thj comforts and amusements; v J (Coi ood-fc ood .e The by arles ajor U tb so. hen 1 'sbevi Wibe VorU: Jon? kan state ak He. 1200 any. lent, Vok Dr. t rhic: Jttd i tb iten f70,0( hate 1 r pruigsy -it, 5