Pre 1 J'-, .-.-J-. '.V ' 5 - .4 f -: i. rr- Br" ' i CF ASHBVILLE, N. naASHBVILLB GAZETTE, PUBLISH- ; c, , $ "f inO COMPANY. . "C' v'Cl S Pobiished Eyery Morning Exc Jxne eV Norton. ...President and Editor, ' r.' L. Cutting Business Manager. j A heresy trial is In progress in Kan 'as in which'Eve and the serpent" are prominent. They have been prom inent on such occasions since the days y of -Adam. . The thermometer felt perfectly satis- j fled When dts mercury registered 60 Yesterday, and is stayed right there for j ten hours. . - j Mr. Cleveland, being 'asbsed about Col. ' .a - Bryam's attack on him,repneu, uii u.- ' stance, that it didnU matter.Tftat is tne AdTiantaire of having oeen permahent- ly killed once before. "T-h -NTafihville American, thinks (v,QrQ or more southerners in New . 1110I Mf-v- " - ' - York City than in amy city m ine t mot excepting New Orleans If negroes j Mminated. So New j vrkis a southern, city among other I things. Prince Adalbert, the third son of the n Emoeror. will probably be the - ,a,i fm. niext member or ' ily to land in America, a -7-on the training ship Charlotte, which will reach Baltimore about May 1. lThis is (what might be expected, and no doubt other princes will follow. Town advertising, .... J. ... city, T tttt! fap.t tnait a t.uw" spends money in advertising its advantages to outsiders, indi cates that its ofilcial's are alive. Romethtog that they believe m, and are progressive. For any munici pality to remain unadverfised, as to its tudvantages to the outside investor, means a dead place.-New Bern, Jour- "tt is especially beneficial to Asheville to advertise, 'for fe have much that -is worth advertising, tooth as a resort and as a place for ithe profitable in vestment of capital As a practical illustration of the val- ; of advertiiatog a town -we can cute ue following: A gentleman in Brooklyn risrew York) received a copy of the Special Asheville Edition ctA earlv in the -winter of the Ga- and he and his family and some neighbors became sntor-psted in the town. Later they received the special Waynesville edition of the Gazette and plans forth rwiith were made for a visit to thas city and our pretty neighboring village in Haywood county. The party consisting of a aady and three children and an other lady and the young son of an other family six persons in all came to Asheville on February 20. After a prief stay in Asheville the went to Waynesville and returned to this city shortly before their ; departure on March 20. They went ' back with the intention of re:turning here at a later date and the accounts they will give their friends of the attractions to be found in the Land of the Sky will prob ably send others here. Thie is (but an isolated instance of what has been, and can be, accom plished by the right kind. of advertis ing. Less than, a her Cent In surrection IHERE is every indication that the Philippine insurrection, so nec essary to the ipoliticians of the Tillman stripe in their 1 "anti- imperialism" campaign, will be a deaa duck before the time comes when it -would again (be valuable "capital" for . politicians. There is but little left of it now . The New Torn ii - j ijT JXIj Cj JL X XL Monday 1 of Fiday last published a perbw .'may be with parliamentary iww." ter written !by the acting governor oz f At the j made this . the Philippines, a democrat, uuage ; statement h informed the prese that Ttontipssf. 'isrivingr a JUUK.6 XLi . vv 1 151". ' w clear statement of the situation as it was when the letter left Manila several weeks ago. This letter was addressed to Gen. Marcus I. Wright, a relative of Judge Wnight. The democratic acting governor says: . "The press reports of the last month ' or more, wliieh have reached us , here, 'seem to indicate that the general opin ion is that the islands are either blaz ing with insurrection or else that out breaks are prevented only by the use of troops on an extensive scale . "This Is wholly misleading. The real truth is - that in 95 per cent of the territory of - the islan'ds there is no insurrection, and Americans go . about singly and un 1 armed with about as much safety as they would dm a large majority of the states at home. There is a. fast-dying -, insurrection dn two provinces of the great island of Luzon- and in the re mote southern island of Samar." As the New York' Sun observes, since this letter -was written, and "since f, Gen.,, Miles suggested himself to the war department as the proper person to 1 deal with, the jninppine . kilu.iiw ' 'np.wfl.has ome that the "fast-dying" - -l"' "-inonprOTHrav fn Samaria dead. Tills Wi..B ; . 'j news "is-not unofficial it is official. Gen,. Miles informed his superior offi- -cers' that the proper measures for the winnrfission of the finsurrection in the -PhiirtTmlnes have not yet .heen aaoptea; , ' " and he volunteered the reoommendatJon - -V - v,o -ha rten ' Miles, be sent ito tne isi- Aands to Straighten out the business. ' This'1 contribution) "from Gen: Miles amA almost simultaneously with the iPttwr'from Judge Wright. So it looks as If Jeu." Miles hasrelegated himself to thft class' of ' those rwho have ignor- antly diagnosed the situation in the ', Thnirminesl while ' criticising the au- thoTStipa who . were dealing suaoess- iftillv with1 it. And' be is fully as bad 'ip. ... frtrtVieh -antd-imperialists, ',inee'."lie waited until th eleventh hour xfti,e. ' maTfine- a- ODUblic exhibition or r x"htimseli: TtTITHIN.a few weeks our old stores will be entirely torn ayay; to VV make place for the mammoth new store contracted f or. 'This season's business must be . finished within four weeks. , Faster, Hurry, Go is the whole thiifg in a nutshell; of this great rebuilding sale. From thi& date pricies we regard as a small matter. TOuH lffl0i An opportunity to buy your ear s presented. v Dress Goods "36 5nch , Melrose, an. ideal dress goods 'tor sarins, all -wool aniline1, (fast colors ,fn n'avy. garnet, cardinal, pur- and Value 25c. Sacrificed at 15c 36 inch dress JUannels, all wool, black,, brown and tan. Value 40c. Sac rifice at 19c erge half wool serge fast colors, and brown. lie J-ajiei Taffeta Silk, 36 inches, Mack taffeta, , ;all silk pure dye. Sacrificed at 89c 19 inch colored Taffeta, all silk, high lustre, very soft and fine. Pink, rose, castor, white, lavendar, red, navy and brown. iValue 80c. Sacrificed at i62 l-2c G. A. MEARS, 33 South Mam St. TlLLMANISM UP TO DATE. T HE TMmans of South Carolina- one, Ben, ia United States sena tor, the other, Jim, 'lieutenant governor,, are both at the liead of the dominant democratic ring that rules the statfr have always courted sensational publicity, bulb lately it is supposed they nave received more taan enough. The latest Tillman develop ment is the most shocking of all. In the "Capital Chat" column im the "Washington Bost of last Saturday was an item stating that Lieut. -Gov. Till man haj telegraphed ito Senator Prye, ifor a decision on parliamentary law and on' receiving this decision had pro ceeded to "misquote" it as sustaining his own decision! in a ruling as presi dent of the South Carolina senate. The matter had come to light in Washing ton through an toqudiry made of Sena tor Frye in- regard to it by the editor of the Columbia State. Yesterday the State delivered a broadside 'exposure of Jim TiMmam as a "proved fasifier." The State quotes from the journal of the South Carolina senate that Tillm'an ruled, during the investigation of a bill, that a motion of fndefinite post pomemeinit was not debatable. The ruling was questioned. Some days la ter the committee on rule submitted a report that the motion was delbatable. Lieutenant Governor Tillman asked permission to state his position in the Journal, (which was granted, and he made the following statement: "The chair respectfully ' cites the committee to Jefferson's Manual and heartily commends it to the committee on rules for dilligent study. Since making the ruling the chair has taken occasion to inquire of the two highest parliamentarians of this country as to the correctness of the same and is much gratified to learn that it is sus- tained by them. Of icourse the toter j pretation placed on the rule by' the i committee 'on rules will ;be henceforth "Observed, howeve'r much at variance it Wieai A Ceniimepi Kid Glova ON Sunday We have the exclusive agency in Asheville for this f am on 8 gve and your size and the color you want. It is the embodiment of these three qualities. , Style; Beaufy, Goodness. Bon.Mapehe THE DRT GOODS SHOP, - ' ft tr On-,, nr. ) CM-r.n - iv, ouu'vu 4uuu succu Farewell (The last TXDR THIS PAIBJETWIILIj SLAliEJ: Iarger stock than ever before, handsomer hats than ever before finer materials than ever (before, better milliners than ever before, lower prices than ever be fore. Ladies Wrappers High grade parcales and flannelettes, fast colors, extra wide flounces, waist lined, stylish, revers and epanlettes braid trimmed, perfect fitting. A crack-a-jack. Value $1.00. Sacrificed at 75c Muslin Underwear The celebrated staghead brand, the finest, cleanest, most artistic under wear made. All that is dainty and ele gant. during that day he had telegraphed to the president of the United States sen ate amd to the speaker of the house of representatives stating the question and that "both of them sustained his ruling." The State wrote to Senator Frye and Speaker Hendersom, "suspecting that Tillman had not stated the question fairly." Senator Frye .replied: "I had a telegram from' Lieutenant Governor Tillman . in relation to the in definite postponement of a measure and my reply was: "Jefferson's Manual si lent. Motion necessarily delbatable. Debatable under rules of senate." Speaker Henderson replied: 1 "On Febreary 12, '1902,, 1 received form Jas. H. Tillman, lieutenant gov ernor, the following: Kindly wire me if In your opinion1 a motdon to . indefi nitely postpone lb debatable under Jef ferson's Manual." At once on receipt of the above I telegraphed the follow ing reply: 'Yes. The hous of repre sentatives debates the motion to post pone imdefiniitely and; has ' done so "for many years. Had the Manual forbid den it, this would hardly have been done (without a special rule givdng pos itive permission." The State in commenting on the ex posure says: "We were prepared, as we have said, to learn that he had misstated the question to Senator Frye and Speaker Henderson", but we were" not prepared well as we knew 'Ufim" Tillman, for the revelation made in the letters of theee officers the revelation that with their telegrams before him, flatly antagoniz ing his ruling, he wrote and spread up on) the Journal of the senate the delib erately false statement that they had 'sustained' his ruling. "This was not only a formal and in tentional (falsehood, but a fraud upon the senate. The presiding officer of the senate of South Carolina, with the purpose to exalt himself at the expense , of parliamentarians of that body, per verted the 'official record' of its proceed ings by Interpolating; . therein that which reflected upon every senator and was precisely the opposite of the 1 truth." NORTH CAROLINA NEWS The 'democratic state committee meets at Raleigh today to select a place and time for holding the state convention. The state charters the Dan Valley Lumlber company, at OVTt. Adry, author ized capital $250,000, nvith $50,000 paid up. ; Arrangements are completed for the annual "convention of the North 'Caro lina Music Teachers' association at Raleigh March 31, Aipril 1 and 2. - . r The new Episcopal ichurch at Lexing ton will be formally opened lor wor ship and services held for the first time on aster Sunday. Mary Branch, . a negro girl who has been missing in 'Louisburg since last Sunday, was found dead in the woods near there Friday evening. She held (been shot through the head. Jim Fbgg, colored, has been arrested on suspicion. John (Nlvens, the negro who was shot some days ago by' Convict Over seer Oscar Preyatt, at Lumberton, died Saiturday evening at 1 o'clock. ; iNivens was threatening ; the overseer with an 'axe when shot. TRAINS CRASH TOGETHER : IN A HEAVY FOG Youngstown; -OhioT March 24. In ; a head-on. collision between freight trains at,. 7: 10 o'clock this morning on -the - Pittsbnrer, -r Youngstown & , Ashta bula , division . of x the1 Pittsb urg,f Fort Wayne5 Chicago road, four men" were 4,, -, -' V 3 7 , ' wr;!; n, ' about .fty-five years of age. ; -The.trainsrcrashed toother , in , a. Mrs naMon,a departur sErmn To, heavy fog, completely -Wrecking botn kn ..v- w ' '4 , engines yandilini' the catsup so that JJJ'ttor' trafficwas suspended for hours.: The L 2"? ' - of dause of the wreck is ;not yetdeter- als here?, No efBort ha yet .'.been w, f&Hrtnoera'.on: Jsoth trains made, by Miss Bois to carry out." her claiming . they -had orders to go -htad.' Only a few weeks left ur til the ;finish the J5C!(!il 13 supply that seldom is in the old store) Gowns, 39c to $6.50. IChemises 33c to $4.00. Skirts, 59c to $8.50. Drawers, 13c to $2.50. The entire lot at exactly wholesale. Written for the Gazette. , An ang ambassador, hastening to earth, This message to Nazareth brought: "To God's divine Son shall a virgin give birth," And a virgin named Mary he sought. I "Hail, Full of Grace!' dng sublime was the greet- Which thrilled her young virginal mind, 1 "Of thee shall be born THE DESIRED OF ALL TIME The SAVIOR AND LORD of man kind." "Be it done unto me as Thy word doth imply, God's handmaid submissive, behold!" "Was the virginal mother's dnsoiring reply; r; Resounding through ages untold. And the WORD was made FLESH and HE dwelt amongst men, As the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIGHT; Redeeming our souls from the bondage of sin By HIS death upon CALVARY'S height. EDWARD J. WALSH. Washington, D. C. A BRIEF COMMENT BY ,1. WILEY SHOOK "The Hon. Grover Gleveland has been described as "political nonen tity." The geintleman who applies this description is the Hon. William J. Bryan, iwho was overwhelmingly de feated for the presidency on two occas ions. The gentleman to whom dt is ap plied was twice elected to that high office. Is there room for comment?" Yes, but it is short. The first time Bryan was defeated he got a million more votes than Cleveland got the last time he was elected. Further, at the election .between these two events, while Cleveland was yet president and Clevelamdism was the ruling feature of democracy, it met its Waterloo, in that only 14 democrats and allies were re turned to Congress from all the north ern states while the south returned 42 opposition members to that party. Hill was defeated for governor of New York by more than 150,000 majority, while North Carolina, Maryland, Ken-, tu'eky and West Virginia quit the party to only return- through fraud, violence and violation of the national constitu tion. Regardless of what may hereafter happen Mr. Bryan was the salvation of democracy in 1896, and he is eminently correct when he says Cleveland canmot today get the delegation from a single state in a national convention nor can he ever get the delegation' of a single state until two things happen. First ten million voters kt this country who lived through hds administration) and who ueualiy vote the democratic ticket will have to forget troubles, and second, united democracy wiilhave to be made (believe he is the only man it can elect. i. When these two things take plaice the millennium will" be so close on hand their victory would be an emp ty one. J. WILEY SHOOK. , TOPEKA MAYOR HORSE WHIPPED Continued from- 1st page.) . Miss Boise v gave the mayor a severe cwwl'rtll im- Z TCZZ: "A! r-::,, are running openily in Topeka and ftr the recenit murder which1, mras ted in a saloon. She theai pulled the hraewTHrv rfw, J ad struck the - mayor 1 three times l.UMruie nea and shoulders. Missi lBoise & a nurse tY profession. She is threat to "horsewhip Stanley. ,' .:r Milliner; Opening SNNN j j LMI Easily I The Angel Gatriel's Greeting Ping Pong (alias Whiff Whaff) Also Thz Laughlin r Fountain The Waterman J V Pens At :B AINBRIDGE'S BookfShojC v47 Patton Ave , ' ; t -. ' ate t San Antonio, Texas. it Tempting: Candy Choice Nuts at THEOBOLD'S : - .'Quick Lunches Six troom cottage in VICTORIA FURNISHED, $30 per month, all mod ern improvements . See Hiram Lind- sey ..'"' Where io get the best Steaks, Roasts, Chops, Sausaee, Chickens, Tur keys or Game in season Answered If you buy your meat of . . . . ; He Lutz Phone 754. City Marker, (Florida Onions, Florida Cabbage. Florida Green Peas at Hiram Lindsey's. City Market. Phone 173. New Cabbage, iCauliflower, Head Let tuce. Hiram Lindsey. Phones 200 and 173. THEODORE H. PRICE Readers of the Gazette, especially those whose attention ie directed to the cotton market will be interested in some f the recent published infor mation regarding Theodore H. Price, whose dispatches on the cotton situa tion are appearing in many of the daily papers of the .south and east, including the G-azette. The foltowintg is from the New York Commercial: "One of the ablest men connected with the cotton trade is Theodore H. Price, and in point of natural ability not a feW regard him as the successor in the trade of John H. Inman. His enemies would make him out a sort of commercial Machiavelli. His friends regard him as an intellectual force that simply goes straight to the mark with out too much regard for obstacles in his path. He was formerly head of the firm of Price, McCormick & Co., which failed May 24, 1899, with liabilities sup posed to reach some $13,000,000, ail of which he says will be paid dollar for dollar if it takes him a lifeitime ito do it. He is a man of studious habits, do mestic in his tastes and is absorbed in the study of the cotton commerce of this country and the resit of the world.' In 1899 he was right in the iforecast of the market as subsequent events proved, as the price afterwards rose to 12 3-4c, but like young Leiter, in his fa mous wheat speculation, who was also right in his forecasts of the market.he was overwhelmed by opposing forces and a lack of capital, though his re sources -were undoubtedly large. Big interests antagonized Theodore Price as they did Mr. Leiter and cotton was thrown at him as wheat was thrown at Lefter, with the mathematical certain ty that sooner or later the offerings would prove too heavy for him to take care of. In Letter's case it was fig ured that there would come a time i when even a lot of 5.000 bushels would prove too much (for him as he last straw was too much for the camel. and Mr. Price's experience was very simi lar, though It was partly complicated with (transactions on the Stock Ex change. Recently this striking figure In the trade has again become more or less prominent. It is understood that he has been operating "for himself and a syndicate of Wall Street people on the long side of the market, arad i very successfully. Interests represented by him were understood to be. long at an time anywhere ifrom- 60,000 to 100,000 bales. ' He is in a position very similar to thajt occupied years ago by James R Keene, who came from California with $13,000,000, and lost it in stocks1, grain 'and "puts" and "calls," tout in his dark est days always said: fI will come up again some day." As he did. The same prediction is made for Theodore H. Price. His father was an old-time cotton merchant, a member of the firm of CMarch, Price & Co. Theodore came up from . an errand boy fin his (father's house, served In turn as sampler, book keeper and everything else aiul in short learned the cotton ibusinesB from the lowest rung of the ladder upward. He understands it thoroughly in aOl its intricacies. His circulars, which of- tentimes are (brochures to email, books. Deliciotis bra A Meaty Subject Into thet great commit-tpildJlemS Of traAV afd ls- TtTZlUTi in that connectixm that have ever ibeen done.' 1 C C;; on Evcry Tablst Ever tablet ; of Cascarets CanAt Cathartic bears the fambtis C:C. C fever sold in bulk.. Look for it aha accept no other, BewFre'of frstsi Celery, 3 stalks for 25c. wwLb?. sey. 173. Store Phone 200. Market phon; Professional Organist All Souls', Biltmore late sub-organist of York Min England,, will receive pupils for pu?' Singing, and Harmony. Biltmore C, ox at 34 Patton avenue, Asheiii' N.-'C, Tuesday 3 to 4 p. m. Asaevi1 DR. R. R ANDERSON & Dentist. & Over Wingood's Drug Store. Phone3so Dp. A, Sfauffep, VETERINARY SURGEON. Graduate of Germany. Office : Chambers & Weaver's Liv ery Stable. Phone 18. MASSAGE arid Hydropathic Physician, EDWIN GRTJNBR, No. 37 S. Main street, se pnd floor, Phones: Office call 206.' rei nofiC 79. Edward E. Welles Solicitor of Patents Patent Office Drawings Furnished. No. ftfi Startles Ave. COMMERCIAUPOSITIONS KJan (be secured" in the early summer through a thorough course at Asheville Business (College. Written applications on, file now. We want eight more young people to begin a course at once. Total cost $35.00. rfeaSCENT POSTTIONS. Miss (Lizzie Thoana&on with T. P Cover & iSon, Andrews, N. C; Walter Britt with Asheville Supply Co., City; James -Welles with Ordway Bros., Charleston, S. C. Please call at once. It's important to begin NOW. H. S. Shockley, Prin cipal, 3rd floor, Paragon. New Cabbage, Cauliflower, Head Let tuce. Hiram Lindsey. Phones 200 and 173. W, E. Rankin. Geo. J. Williamson. ANNOUNCEMENT We are now ready to do aJikjDjfe of Pressing, Repairing, and Clean ing, for both gentlemen and :' ladies.. All clothing sent for and delivered promptly. All work guaranteed. Rankin & Williamson Prebsing Club, 1st Floor Opera House Building. Phone Call 322. SIX Room cottage in VHOTORIA FURONHMr-$30 per month. See Hiram Lindsey. $1,500 GUARANTEED SALARY To high class chance for promotion and advanced salary, to have charge small office at home ot in home town, tjn uttpnri to correspondence, advertising and other work. Business of highest order and backed by solid men finaniaiiv nnfl P11itlCally A STeat opportunity for the right person. Enclose self-addressed sfcamed envelope for full particulars to WALTER B. KBDMAN. aRTSTPTRAT, Corwiran Rnil fl ing opiposfte United WASHINGTON, D. C. tf. Take a Course of Shorthand at the Ashevilie? School Stenography & x ypewxiungr. New Classes started iMarch 3. For further Inforimjation call at class room 16, Sondley Building or 'phone Miss Fannie Emanuel, Telephone 394. HE DOES HOUMAKEflT Your grocer anavhA nprfpflv rnn- Scientioua in reeranimAnrHno- annhr flour to toe "just as pure as 'Clifton,' ' ouc net does not and cannot know it to oe? so. IbecausA , ho ha whir. r, ha witn its maJdn?.. '.t ihchmo vnn. -therefore, . to tuy an absolutely guaran- u. nour-one tnatfhe Anti-iAdultera- uon League PUts its registered trade -marls ; onand suo.h a ford's 'Clifton: it is hot onlv abso- Iutely.ure. but it. ts h ik win tPV wheat patent flour in the market. Ask your grocer for it. Hiram Lindsey, Boling- & .Rogers and Geo. W. Davis have ordered it. . Others can tret It. if you insist on having It. Biltmore Firewood. (Phone 700. An , old bachelor says it is evidently a gTeater, pleasure to' die for some women. than it is to live with them. ; A' (girl's Idea of genuine misery is to get a aiewt bonnet on Saturday and have Jfc'raib all day Sunday. ' '- Fools seek , pleasure; 'wise men hap- I piness; '. " - 'i - u :; i r MM WW, Vi 4 V

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