1 1 4 r - k - PAGE t -rSATURDAT i-U, ASHEVI 1 - - r" I mi 1 ' r - ' - ' ' ' 7 ss liiiiiiii s 1 1 1 1 ii... . -' - -- . . --1 THE HOCE-BUm CURE An Ingenious Tieitment3Iby which Jriiai-1 - Una: urel Daily in Sp.te otTh- mselVtii Ko Noxioua Doees No Wakendn o the Hn X pieaaant wi Poaitiva Cure fot the Liquor Hbit It is now generally known And onder tood that drunkenaeM ta & disease nc not weakness. X body filled with , poia oak nA nervee completely AfttterM by periodical or eonatant use ' of intoxicaat liqwors, reqltulrei an antidota eapatte of neutraHzinn and eradicating this polaoa on and deartroylnc the crwtnc tor la icants. Sufferers may bow cure tbem el-v at borne witbout publicity or loa of time from tmainoee by thla wonderfu "Home Gold Cure" wnicfa aae been per fected after dmaj year of close stud; use according to directions of thia won .derfful dscovery is positively gwaranteed to care toe most obstimate c&se, at matter tow bard a driafcer. Our res ords sIltow tb marvelous transfomattoi of thousands of dunlcards Late saber, in dustrlous and uprikt men. WIVES CURB YOUR HUSBANDS 1 CHILDREN CURB TOUR FATHERS ! This remedy is in bo sense a nostrum but is a specific for this disease only and Is so skillfully derlsed sad prepared that it is thoroughly soluble and pleas ant to the taste, so that it can be give in a cup of tea or coffee without tb knowledge of the person taking iU Thousands of drunkards bars cured themselves with this priceless remedy and as many more have been cured and made temperate men by having the cure adlnlstered by loving friends and rel, atlves without their knowledge in cot fee or tea and believe today that the dlsconttoued drinking of thefr own fre will. DO NOT WATT. TX NOT BI D12LTJIXEXD by apparent "improvement Drive out the disease at. once and to all time. THB HOME GOLD CURST is sold at the extremely low price .0 one dollar, thus placing within react of everybody a treatment more effectu al than others costing from $25 t $5. Pull directions accompany each, package Special advice by skilled pbysiciaji when requested without extra charge Sent prepaid to any part of the wort on receipt of ese cellar. Address De partment D 181, Bdwia B. Giles ft COM PANT, 2tS and 2332 Market street, Fail adelpibJ-- HAVEN & STOUT Bankers And Brokers. NASSAU STREET, CORNER WALL, NEW YORK. Deposit accounts received subject to check on demand . Interest credited monthly on daily balances. Accounts of banks, corporations, firms and individuals received on favor able terms. Coupons, interest, dividends, notes, drafts collected for our correspondets. Orders executed for the purchase and sale on commission, of bonds, stocks, investments or carried on margin. Clients may telegraph orders and In structions at our expense. Copies of telegraphic code may be had on appli cation. Information regarding quotations cheerfully furnished. IVTAYBB VICTIM .qF?JFOUI. FLAY. - 1. - Abbevllte County t-:8s Farmer jMys " terlously Disappears. Greenville, S. C, April 11. Sam Morrow, a prominent farmer of Bor deau section; Abbeville county, mys teriously disappeared from Abbeville courthouse Saturday. All efforts to lo chte him have been futile. borrow lives. 12 miles from Abbe ville. He left home Saturday morning and drove to Abbeville. Shortly after his arrival he disappeared and has not been seen since. , Foul play is suspected, as it is known Morrow had a considerable sum of money on his person. His wife and six children are grief stricken. GREWSOME FIND IN CREEK. Body of Negro Had Been Mutilated With Blade. Abbeville, S. C, April 11 The body of a negro was found yesterday after noon by some fishermen in Long Cane creek, near the Tullis bridge, about 4 miles from this place. The jaw and head had been split open with an ax or some sharp instru ment. The tongue had been cut near ly through and hung out of the mouth. It is supposed to be the body of Mor gan Belcher, who had been missing from that section for about ten days. - ' MVg Hl"t(l ;r Tiff HunclredeXHly Have Beer, victim- DISASTROUS PRAIRIE FIRE. Terry County, Tex., Suffers Loss of Many Thousands of Dollars. Big Springs, Tex., April 11. A prai rie fire swept over Terry county Wed nesday and Wednesday night, destroy ing many thousands of dollars' worth of property. The fire-swept area is from 40 to 50 miles long and probably half as wide. Tne grass is totally destroyed and many cattle were either smothered and burned to death or seriously injured. Every sprig of grass was destroyed on one pasture of 25,000 acres. Governor Hogg Returns. New York, April 11 Governor Hogg, who has been in England for some time and sailed on Wednesday for New York on board the Teutonic, enter tained a dinner party at the Carlton, says a Herald dispatch from London. The American, German and Russian ambassadors were among the guests, as well as Lord Claude Hamilton and Viscount Deerhurst. WeajoAprfl ?l4iil& ". Barber. Pt8l4et,Jt? th tWuAnjion company; a publishing concern whose " annual business is estimated "at $500,000. has been arrested by, the J United States postal authorities on the charge of using tbe mails for fraudlent purposes. The company transacts business in nearly every state in the Union. Ac cording to Inspectors Stuart and Ketcham, the arrest of Barber and A. J. Munson, a former secretary of the company, who. was taken into cus tody at the same time, followed charg es of numerous persons who claimed to have been- defrauded out of small amounts of money. Barber and Munson were taken be fore United States Commissioner Humphrey and released until April on giving bonds of $1,000. The com plaint on which the officials were ar rested was sworn out by J. D. Desau sure, of Atlanta, who claims to have been swindled out of $10. When Depu ty United States Marshal Cass served the warrant on him in his offices, where several hundred employes were at work, Barber was greatly furprised. The plan upon which it is said the company has been securing agents has been to guarantee . them a salary ol $8 a week to start with. The agents, it is alleged, were obliged to sign an ironclad contracts which, they claim, makes it impossible for them to earn wages, which depend on sales that cannot be made. When the sales ,are not made the agents are left with the outfit on their hands for which pay has, been collected in advance. Mun son says he resigned his position as secretary of the company last week. Outbreak at Ning-Po. London, April 11. A dispatch to a news agency from Shanghai published here today, says that allegations of cruelty against Catholic missionaries have caused an anti-foreign outbreak at Ning-Po, a city in the province of Che-Kiang, where a statement was cir culated that some of the missionaries gouged out a boy's eyes. Two. British and two German warships have been dispatched to Ning-Po. MB JM Irtll jsU .Oil Iftgllt oa,vhe-JRoad. eljddttbi!3ellfas; ffrnged for another .xtnro.ugn special ffpm Memphis to DaHas, which wifl leave liemphis at U;S0. p; m.i April 20thr and will arrive In iaHas early to, the afternoon of Apirila.st in plenty of time ;to enable veterans to make (arrangements for lodging- before .night; ' This train- iwlll make connection with special train arriving in Memphis via Southern railway and will offer veter ans from East Tennessee and North Carolina excellent facilities for reach ing the. reunion only requiring one night on the road. Full patriculars as to time of sched ule, rate, etc., will be furnished upon application to Mr. H. H. Sutton, T. P. A., Chattanooga. Tennessee. . till April 18th. Paul Muller, who is said to be ths old est man in Germany, celebrated ,nis 109th birthday this month. He is a glassworker by trade and lives at Klien kathan. ' NEGLECT MEANS DANGER. Don't neglect biliousness and consti pation. Your health will suffer perma nently if you do. DcWitt's Little Early Risers cure such cases. M. ,B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., says "DeWltt's Little Early Risers are the most satisfactory pills I ever took. Never gripe or cause nausea," Dr. T. C. Smith's drug store. NemaM Opinions op l . ' NATIONAL JirJ?OBTiiNOB5 1 ..; -1 . II' Mil ' .ALONEI CONTAINS BOTH Daily, by mail--,- $6 year Daily and Sunday, by mail. $8 a year The Sunday Sun is the Greatest Snndsv Newspaper N in thur World. PriCe 5c a copy By mail $2, a year Address THE New York. THE PEOPLE'S National Family Newspaei New York Tri-Weekly Tribooe. Published Monday and Wednesday and Friday, is in reality a fine, fresh every-other-day daily, giving the latest news on days of issue, and coverlna news of the other three. It contains all important foreign cable news which appears In the DAILY TEXBUNB of Two hundred and sixty members of game date, also Domestic and Foreiga the British parliament have notified their approval of the compulsory adop tion of the metric system of weights and measures in England. THE SIGNAL OF DISTRESS. Whites of eyes and skin yellow show liver trouble and Jaundice. Dr. King's New Life Pills cure or no pay. Only 25c CXF ALL HOT WEATHER ENEMIES of . humanity, cholera is the worst. Treatment to be effective must be prompt. When vomiting, purging and sweat announce that the disease is present, combat it with Perry Davis' Painkiller. All bowel troubles, like diarrhoea, cholera morbus and dysen tery are overcome by Painkiller. It is equally health-promoting in all climates. Condition of Dr. Talmage. Washington, April 11. It was an nounced this morning that Rev. Dr. T. DeWitt Talmage, who is lying criti cally ill at his home here, had "held his own" during the night. There will be a consultation of physicians this afternoon, when a signed bulletin re garding Dr. Talmage's condition will be issued. I Know One Sure KemeOy Qor&n obstinate cold. It oame is Pvnv-Balsaa Gazette "wants" one cent a word. "Am I as dear to you now as I was before we were married?" inquired the soft young wife. "I can't tell," un guardedly responded the young hus band. "I didn't keep account of my ex penses ithem." WANTS TO HELP OTHERS. "I had stomach trouble all my life," says Edw. Mehler, proprietor of the Union Bottling Works, Erie, Pa., "and tried all kinds of remedies, went to several doctors and spent considerable money trying to get a moment's peace. Finally I read of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and have been taking it to my great satisfaction. I never found its equal for stomach trouble and gladly recom mend it in hope that I may help other sufferers." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures all stomiach troubles. You don't have to diet. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests -what you eat. Dr. T. C. Smith's drug store. Miss Susan Hale, a sister of the Rev. Edward Everett Hale, D. D., has come from far-distant Algiers, to participate in the celebration of Dr. Hall's 80th birthday on April Z. AWFUL LOS OF LI5TE. (Follows neglect of throat and lung diseases, but Dr. King's New Discovery cures such troubles or no pay. 50c, $1.00. Correspondence, Short Stories, Elegant Half-tone Illustrations, Humorous Items,, industrial Information, Fashion Notes, Agricultural Matters and Com prehensive and reliable financial and Market reports. We furnish it with THE- SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE for $2.00 per year. Send all orders to THE GAZETTE, Ashevills, N. C. $33 Dollars-California From Chicago, $30 from St. Louis, $25 from Kansas City; same reduction to Phoenix, Arizona. Daily, March 1 to April 30.. Corresponding rates from East generally. In tourist sleepers and chair cars on the Santa Fe. California offers great induce ments to home seekers. It is less than four days away via the most comfortable line. Santa Fe G. A. Dobbin, 16 North Pryor street, Atlanta, Ga. SOUTHERN RAlLVuT In effect December i Tfcis condeased schedule t as Information and m 8ubj( without notice to the PZ! to (EASTERN TfilS, bury Washington, and i nectr at Salisbury, art Richmond. Through SmJ1 S between MemphisTchlnr0 W viHe. SaiiawT o JT?Vl tfcrough Pullman sleepeTSl6 LOUlS. LoutevUU i -v .7, . oeWHi ;7 leston. ' d 2:30 d. m tfn i Washington and .TS Through Pullman si W AsheviUe. Washington and kS ...w . u. v. j.4 daily fn-r a burg, Columbia and Chariot 11, nocts at Spartanburg for Ttf' the south, AtZ Througfli Pullman sleeper w Nw, Louis, Louisville, Knorviii Columbia and Charleston 2:60 p. m. No. 10. daiir'f . turg, Columbia, Savannah, w1 and all points South, contecSI North. ? o,ricutuu. A-nrougn PuUm,n 7 between Cincinnati, KnoxvlJ! ville, Spartanburg. Columbia, and Jacksonville. Rvm, 8:30 a. m.-No. 17, dally (eicent day), for Waynesvillo Brvn7?: 8 all intermediate Doints. 11 M 3:00 p. im.-HNo. 19, dally (exc day), for WlavnenHiia Murphy and all intermedial (CENTRAL TIME) Spring--. Morristown. ttJ-J,. M Bristol, connecte at Morrlstow! "f Chattanooga and New Origan. . also at Knoxvliu for cv.J' H viUe and St. Louis. Through vSt sleeper between Charleston, CoW? Spartanburg, Ashevllle, Knoxrliu 7 isville .nrt TsnUm 1:16 p. m.-No. li, daliy f springs, Knoxville and all point xcIT connects at Morristown for Brlt Knoxville for Cincinnati and iSnJ at Chattanooga for Memphis and W vtlle. Through Pullman sleepr ? tween New York, Washington r,v Nashville and thronc-K T.r, between Jacksonville, SavanrhT? cinnati. 12:25 a. m. No. 1R Springs, Morristown, Knoxville tanooga and points West. Connect2 Chattanooga, for Memphis and into! mediate points and at Ootlewai iZ, tiom for Rome, Selma, Atlanta aniT termediate points. Call on Ticket Ant fr and detailed information or adw 3rd V. P. & G.' M., Washington, D. C. S. H. HARD WICK, General Passenger Agnt, Washington, D. c. F. R. DARBY, C. P. & T. A., Ashevllle. N. n. Bacrrasre called for hotels an residences to destinatioL FtTU A T- tl, mm " H xiits xsiieviiie iTanrer uompan. In a case of emergency it is son times advisable to reward the man ti helped you to emerge. J Ida U JJi EAS TEi TTIIkb ETosH; UDMsHnttflttnt IKTeaMHi inall IPloasimire JBesaarit im it line HJnnfsE. 164 miles east of Chattanooga, 42 miles east of Knoxville, on the K. & B. Railway, in tne Weliest valley of the East Tennessee mountains. Two ho tels, 25 cottages, 40 acres lawn, walks and shade trees. Electric lights, Complete system water works, with modern baths. Splendid orchestra, spa cious ball room, telegraph and long distance telephone; in fact, all the amuse ments and comforts. Beat German and American cooks. Write for 40 page book FREE Price of Water Shipped. The water is shipped tj. tssons of the Tea in poplar barrels. Oat Ifi eah. Half-barre. $3.50. Cases, one dozen half-gallon bottles, $5. 5 gallon Rocker job 1. sf.75. 10 gallon Rockerjohn, $3.75. 5 gallon crated Demijohn, $2.25. 14" gallon .'ob Carboj, $3.75 Special rate to dealers in car-load lotp upon application. Terms cash emit by Order on Tate Spring, New York exchanjore or registered letter to ii(t Spring, Tenn Shipping daily at the rate of over 4,000 packages per annum. Special frtli ate to ao points can be secured. Tate water is sold by the most reliable druggists in principal cities and towns. Last year shipments increased over 100 per cent, of anj prt vijus year Analysis made by Dr. T. S Antesell, M. D Professor of Chemistry in Na. onl Medical College, and Chemist to the U. 8. Department, of Agriculture, and can be k un n the page pamphlet. TATPSADDBL Mountain : Spring l i Mile From Tato Snrines- Pine Lithia and Chalybeate Springs flowing from side and base of Clinch Mountain. Beautiful scenery among the hills. Hotel, cottages and grounds greatly improved and now open to vis itors at these low rates. $1.00 and $1.50 per day, $7.00 to $8.00 per week; $25.00 to $30.00 per mont;h. Hack line from Tate at moderate prices. Privileges of Tate draught for those desiring it. For further information, address THOS. TOMLJNSON, Owner, Tate Springs, Tenn. The following list is takn from 5000 on file in the proprietor' office. They came from every point of the compass and represent persons in every walk of life. 3 itt'J" Senator E. W. Pettus, of Alabama. "I have found Tate Spring Water a genuine specific for the cure of malari al troubles." R. Li. Taylor, Ex-Governor of Tennes see, Nashville: "I regard Tate Spring as the best on the continent." Thos. A. Mellon, of Mellon Bros., bankers, Pittsburg, Pa.: "I believe there is no water in this country equal to Tate's for the cure of neuralgia, as well as dyspepsia and liv er troubles." J. W. Thomas, president and general managet of Chattanooga St. Louis railway: s "I take pleasure in recommending it to any one who wishes to enjoy contin uous health." R. A. Hemphill, Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Ga.: "I greatly appreciate Tate "Water.and highly recommend it." GREAT WAGON MANFACTURER. J. M. Studebaker, South Bend, Ind. "I believe there is no spring in Amer ica that contains the healing Qualities that Tate Spring does." THE GREAT TOBACCO MANUFAC TURER. J. S. Carr, Durham. br C.:A "I think it is the nest water to b found anywhere." PRESIDENT OF LARGEST SNUFF CO. IN THE WORLD. Geo. B. Wilson, 224 Arch street, Phil adelphia, Pa.: "In 1894 I suffered very acutely from indigestion, which lasted until 1895. Ia the fal of that year a friend sent me a case of Tate Spring water.Before re ceiving the water I was visiting a doe tor three times a week, taking all kinds of medicine, and after using the water f of a week I have never since that time been to see a doctor in regard to my Indigestion, and have never taken a drop of medicine for indigestion since. I believe this water saved my life, and consider it the finest water for indiges tion I have ever known. I have recom mended this water to a number of friends wbo have used it, and have never known it to fail in beneficial re sults." IT SAVES LIFE. E. .L. Greer, Washington, Pa.: "It saved' my life, beyond a doubt." RECEIVED SUBSTANTIAL BENE ! FIT. A. E. Carr, Cincinnati, O.: "We have received substantial benefit from Tate Spring water." GREAT GREAT BENEFIT TO A BUSINESS MAN. James Swann (of Inman, Swann & Co.); N. Y.: "I have found Tate Water of great benefit." FROM THE COURTS OF JUSTICE. Judge Henry R. Bryan, Newbern, N. C. : "It does me more good than any water I have ever used." CURES CHILLS. J. M. Elliott, Jr., of Kyle Lumber Co., Gadaden, Ala.: "It cured me of dyspepsia, chills and malaria." EFFICIENT TONIC, T. M. Miller, Vlcksbufg, Miss.: "The most efficient and agreeable tonic of which I have any knowledge." ONLY RELIEF FOR CHRONIC MA- LARIA. G. D. M. Cantreu, M. D., Little Rock, Ark. "It was the only agent I foundtthat gave relief for chronic malaria. INFALILBLE CURE FOR DYSPEP SIA David Kirk, president of McCalmout OH Company, Pittsburg, Pa.: "I be lieve Tate Spring water is an Infallibl cure for dyspepsia." MAY USE HIS NAME. W. S. Pope, Columbia, S. C: "Con tinue the use of my name, and I will cheerfully distribute as many of your catalogues as you wish to send." THE WATER Cures indigestion, Dys pepsin and nil troubles ot Uver 'Stomach, Bladder Bowels,. Kidneys, Rhef mutism and Blood Dis eases. SHIPPED Ashevllle Dr T C. Smith, The Paragon, J. E. Wingood, C. A. Raysor, W. 0. Carmichael, Pelham's Pharmacy, Theobold's Candy Kitchen, Pat Mclotrr B Mclntrye, Bonanza Wine aad Liquor CoM Hampton & Featherstoo, Carolina Pharmacy, ! Biltmore Dr. T. C, Smith, Henderson ville W. H. Justus. Brevard J. E. Clayton. Franklin Franklin Pharmacy. BrysotLcity J S. Sum x, Bryson&Co. Waynesville McIntoh Co. , Waynesvilie Drug Co, Hot Springs M , McFali. Capacity of Hocel 500. 40 Page Book Frse. All th comforts and amusements. Y . ; THOMAS TO3ELIN80N, Prop., Tata Sm-ini. Tn n.

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