-r-i v.ti'.O-"'- v ' -l ' t - ,A " I", ' ' A r.vVi . . .' ' ? -i r . V - 4 v 1 , - 1 C3BS s-ratmsSiYHg : r .-7 a. - - 1902. SOUTHERN RAILWAY n ffet Daeemiber 1. HSS1 TbiB condensed sctaedmlA to Be information "'and Is subject without notice to tne pobuc. (EASTERiN TIMB). 6:56 a. m. No. 86, daily for Salis bury Washington, and the East, con nects at Salisbury, Greensboro and Danville, for Charlotte, Raleigh an Richmond. Through Pullman sleepei between Memphis, Chattanooga, Ashs viHe, Salisbury and Danville. Alc through Puliman sleeper betwesn 8t Louis, Louisville, Ashevllle and Char leston. 2:30 p. m. No. 12, dally for Salisbury Washington and all . points Bast. Ttirough Pullman sleeper fcetwss Nashville, Chattanooga, Knoxvtll AsheviUe, Washington and New York 7:06 a. m. No. 14, daily for Spartas burg, Columbia and Chariest on. Com nects at Spartanburg tor Atlanta and the South, Charlotte and the Nertk. Through Pullman sleeper between St Louis, Louisville, Knoxvllle, AshariU, Coiumbia and Charleston. 2:50 p. m. No. 10, dally for Spartan burg, Columbia, Savannah, JaoksomTillt and ail points South, connects at Spar tanburg for the North, Columbia for Charleston. Through Pullman sleeper between Cincinnati, Knoxvllle, Ashe ville, Spartanburg. Columbia, Savamaah, and Jacksonville. 8:30 a. m. No. 17, daily (except Sun day), for Waynesville, Bryson City amd all intermediate points. 3:00 p. m. No. 19, dally (except Sun day), for Waynesville, Bryson City, Murphy and all Intermediate points. (CENTRAL TIME). 6:10 a. m. No. 15, dally for Hot Spring., Morrlstown, Knoxvllle and Bristol, connects at Morrlstown for Chattanooga and New Orleans. And also at Knoxvllle for Cincinnati, Louis ville and St. Louis. Through Pullman sleeper between Charleston, Columbia Spartanburg, Ashevillti, Knoxvllle, L isvllle and St. Louis. 1:15 p. 'm.-No. 11, daily for Bet Springs, Knoxvllle and all points West, connects at Morrlstown for Bristol, at Knoxvllle for Cincinnati and Louisville, at Chattanooga for Memphis and Nash ville. Through Pullman 'sleeper be tween New York, Washington, Salis bury, Ashevllle, Chattanooga an4 Nashville and through Pullman sleeper between Jacksonville, Savanraih, Col umbia, Ashevllle, Knoxvllle and Cin cinnati . U:25 a. m. No. S5, dally for Ho Springs, Morrlstown, Knoxvllle, Chat tanooga and points West. Connects a Chattanooga, for Memphis and inter mediate points and at Ootlewah Junc tion for Rome, Selma, Atlanta an in termediate points. Call on Ticket Agents for time tablet nd detailed information or address FRANK S. GANNON, 3rd V. P. A o. M., Washington, D. C. S. H. HARDWICK, General Passenger Agent, Washington, D. C. P. R. DARBY. C. P. & T. A., Ashevllle, N. C. Baggage called for and checked fro tiotels and residences to destinattoa, V? The Ashevllle Transfer Company. Lost Jrr m. Tor BaUoosu Piankud8 and other Jewels have been jos in all sorts or quee ways, but in nope more imusual than the accident mentioned in the Boston Transcript, by whieh a diamond brooch was snatched from the owner's dress and left some where on the great.plaihs. A young woman was traveling by rail through Kansas. At Kinsley, where the train made a considerable stop, a fair was in progress. Here the young woman bough't of a peddler a toy bal loon for a little girl who had won her fancy. The child was delighted with the plaything, and as they rode along she chatted with, her new friend and pulled tb balloon up and down. At length she playfully fastened the string to the lady's diamond brooch. The train was rounding a curve at the moment and a strong gust of air came through the car. The balloon was carried out through the open window. The sudden jerk on the string loosened the brooch, and away it sailed. The jewel was so valuable that the young woman offered a reward of $500 for its recovery- Spurred by this in centive, cowboys scouted - the plains for days in all directions, but without success. Poor Choice Either Way. "When passing through a certain sec tion of a certain state once," said a man who has traveled much, "a friend and I stopped at the house of a neigh bor for tea. Soon after we had sat down at the table the housekeeper look ed toward us and asked whether we wanted long or short sweetening in our coffee. As she asked that question I looked tdwaru" my friend, and he look ed at me. I nudged him in the side, meaning that I wanted him to speak. He said he would take long sweetening. With that she put her finger in a cup of molasses, put the same finger in his coffee and stirred. That was long sweetening. "Then she asked me what I wanted, ;md I said immediately, 'Short.' So she put her finger in another crip, took out something that resembled maple sugar, put it between her teeth and bit it in two parts. One part went into my cup and the other into hers. It seemed to be a case of no matter which sweeten ing you tried you'd wish you had taken the other." WANTS TO HELP OTHERS. I had stomach trouble all my life," says 13d w. Menler, proprietor of the Union Bottling Works, Erie, Pa., "and tried all kinds of remedies, went to several doctors and spent considerable money trying to get a moment's peace. Finally I read of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and have been taking it to any igreat satisfaction. I never found Its equal for stomach trouble, and gladly recom mend it in hope that I may help other sufferers." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures Women are naturally tender hearted i81 s01111! troubles. You don't have Jno woman has ever delihera.teiv -u -r m j , uttl juu etn.. xjt. l . v-i. oiiu til B umg store. has ever stepped on a mouse. Gretclien, the daughter of an oM Ger man named Kroegel, had been serving as domestic about two weeks in the household of Judge Vaughan of Rich mond, when father and employer met on the village street. "Veil, yoodge." said Kruegel, "how you like dot Gretchen by dis dime al retty?" "Like her?" returned the judge in his blunt way. "Why, she's just great! We never had any one in the house in her line that entered into work with so much spirit. She's full of snap all the time." Kruegel turned ponderingly away, and, meeting his frau at his home por tal, he sorrowfully said: "Teresa some ding must goed wrong mit dot Gretch en. , I yoost dit meeted Yoodge Vorgan, und he saidt dot she vas full of schnapps all de dime." What the Death Mask Shows. The value of a plaster cast as a por trait of the dead or living face cannot for a moment be questioned. It must of necessity be absolutely true to "na ture. It cannot flatter; it cannot cari cature. It shows the subject as he was or is, not only as others saw him in the actual flesh, but as he saw himself. And in the case of the death mask par ticularly it shows the subject often as he permitted no one but himself to see himself. He does no,t pose; he. does not "try to look pleasant" In his mask he is seen, as it were, with his mask off. WILL MKE "AFFIDAVIT New Lease of Lffe for an Iowa Postmaster. Postmaster B. H. Bandall of Due lap, la., says: "I have been a great sufferer from indigestion and result ing evils for years. Bei ng unable to ob tain permanent relief, I resolved to try Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Before 1 had taken one bottle I knew I had found what I had long looked for. After a few bottles I was cured of a soreness in my left side that I had not been free from for over ten years. I am better to day than for years. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure has given me a new lease of life. "If any suffering person will use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, I believe, if it is a diseased stomach from which they suffer, that they will receive perma nent relief. Anyone wishing can have a sworn statement astothegenuinness and truthfulness of this statement." This testimonial is the voluntary statement of a man who has suffered, found relief and wants others to receive the same benefits. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will cure any case of stomach trouble. It rests the stomach by di gesting what you eat. The rest alone would restore health. But Kodol Dyspepsia Cure also contains tonics which build up the organ and hasten the good results. You don't have to diet. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will di gest what you eat. Helps children, too. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Cures all Stomach Troubles. Prepared only by E. O. DeWitt & Co., Chicago. Tne fi. oottie contains Ztt times the &oc. size. News and Opinions A Sure Sign. Little Dick Papa, how does thunder sour milk Papa It is not the thunder, but the electricity. "How does electricity sour milk?" "It works certain chemical changes in the constituents, of the fluid, which jDures quickly. That's what it's made for result in the formation of an acid." ONE MINUTE Cough core "Of course. But how?" "I don't know." "I thought you didn't, or you wouldn't have used such big words." Dr. T. C. Smith's Drug Store. Christians and Jews, When Charles Lamb was berating an enemy, some one said to him, "Why, you don't know him." Lamb replied, "I don't want to know him for fear I should like him." Christians and Jews make ignorance of each other a claim for judgment and seem to be afraid to become aciruaint od for fear that they might like j;iob otlier. Pett-rs' "The Jew as a Patriot." THAT AWIFTJXf COLD, And its terrible cough can soon be cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption . Try it. No 'cure, no pay. 50c., $1.00. Ail druggists. Many men believe honesty is moder ation is the best policy. A WONDERFUL CHANGE. Weak, sickly invalids are soon changed by Electric Bitters into heal thy men and women. They cure or no (pay. 50c. All druggists. The girl who has broiled lobster Tvith champagne sauce rarely marries the man who pays the bill. NO VENOM IN 'EM. No poisonous' purgatives enter into Dr. King's New Life Pills. Easy, but prompt, they cure or no pay. Only 25c. All druggists. Civilization would have been perfect long ago if shaped by women, and men were not historians. SAVED MANY A TIME. Don't neglect coughs and colds even if it is spring. Such cases often esult seriously at this season just because people are careless. A dose of One Minute Cough Cure will remove all danger. Absolutely safe. Acts at once. Sure cure for coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchitis, and other throat and lung troubles." I have used One Minute Cough Cure several years," says Post master C. O. Dawson, Barr, 111. "It is the very best cough medicine on the market. It has saved me many a se vere spell of sickness and I warmly re commended it." The children's favor ite. Dr. T. C. Smith's drug store. OF NATIONAL. IMPOE.TANC 3 THE SUN ALONE CONTAINS BOTH Daily, by mail- --86 a year Daily and Sunday, by mail. $8 a year The Sund.aF Sun is the Greatest Sunday Newspaper in the World. Price 5c a copy. By mail $2, a year Address THE SUN. New York. HAVEN & STOUT Bunkers And Brokers NASSAU STREET, CORNER WALL, NEW YORK. Deposit accounts received subject to cheese on demand. Interest credited monthly on daily balances. Accounts of (banks, corporations, firms and individuals received on favor able terms. Coupons, Interest, dividends, notes, drafts collected for our correspondets . Orders executed for the purchase and sale on commission, of bonds, stocks, investments or carried on margin. Clients may telegraph orders and In structions cut our expense. Copies of telegraphic code may be had on appli cation. Information regarding quotations cheerfully furnished. ONLY ONE CENT PER MILE hTo the United Confederate Veterans1 Reunion at Dallas, Texas, April 22, 23, 24 and 25. For the above occasion tickets will be sold via the Choctaw Route from all points. Double daily service between Memphis and Dallas making regular connections with all lines from Mem phis. The Choctaw Route is the only line taking you through Western Arkansas and the beautiful Indian Territory "The Land of Promise." Stopover priv ilege allowed both going and returning and cheap side trips will be given to all points in above territory, Oklahoma and Texas. Side trip tickets to Indian and Oklahoma Territory points at one fare for the round trip. Luxurious reclining chair cars, seats free, Chat tanooga to Dallas without change. By taking the Choctaw Route your side trips to Oklahoma and Indian Territo ries will cost you less than half what they will should you go any other way. For detailed information apply to F. D. BLACKMAN, T. P. A. 12 West 9th street, Chattanooga, Tenn. GEO. H. LEE, General Passenger Agent. Little Rock, Ark. $33 Dollar California From Chicago, $30 from $25 from Kansas Citv . reduction to Phoenix Daily, March 1 to Corresponding rates from ' East generally. In tourfct sleepers and chair cars on the Santa Fe. California offers great tn meats to home seekers ' It is less than four days Tia the most comfortable Santa Fe G. A. Dobbin, 16 Ncrth tw. Atlanta. Ga. r 8N THE REY1YAL iiavt i ou ieen It? bookstore a.nrl ' K Mle' j. upy, What it;is. It is a religious magazine Duhn n "Z" M Vfl-f conta: 60 images of choice reading It reports the address VTI at thA christian wv.. .uc"verei t viivcia and Bible Conference held or, I at Montraet, N. c. it .icvivai "Wort 0J methods in all our churches itl tcguiai uuiiai mummy. WL The Editors "O MT TXT 1 4- T T 1 , Is the editor. Mr. Weston R 2 manager of the Summer Conte? The Contribntm. Such men as R. A. Torrev t bur Chapman, A. C. Dixon, Jsl M. Gray, L. G. Bronghton S H Hadley, Arthur J. Smith and otherj Special Feature T. M. C. A. Notes. Tiding the field, editorials, book review.! oiiuuwca!. iicuio, a. sermon by ftJ editor, devotional tiiDle Studies i ImDortant. To introduce THE REVIVAL to the! readers oi tne Daily Gazette will send the magazine, tho fid year,- for half price ONLY Firm sena stamps. Splendid advertising medium (or Asnevine Dusiness men TheMontreat Publishing CJ MONTREAT, N C. Gazette "wants" one cent & ford. A cement that will mend stove is made by mixing wood ashe common salt and a little water. Gazette "wants' one cent a rord, Hi HE OP) UNI IF1 .TTIhei (CairDslbad off Airaiieiriea.. TO EAST TEI Tritoe Msit JIDeUgMffral Hffeaaitlhi audi IPleasrair HBesoFtt in itto XUrais 164 miles east of Chattanooga, 42 miles east of Knoxville, on the K. & B. Railway, in tiie liveliest valley of the East Tennessee mountains. Two ho tels, 25 cottages, 40 acres lawn, walks and shade trees. Electric lights, Complete system water works, with modern baths. Splendid orchestra, spa cious ball room, telegraph and long distance telephone; in tact, all the amuse, ments and comforts. Best German and American cooks. Write for 40 page book FREE PWC9 Of XTflitSr STntrafln. The water is shipped u, wb of tfcevea wi " ww mjf2m in p0piar barre8i Uat fft each Half-bairc. $3.50. Cases, one dozen half-gallon bottles, $5. 5 gallon Rockerjobi 10 gallon Rockerjohn, $3.75. 5 gallon crated Demijohn, $2.25. 14 gallon sh Cerho, $3.75 Special rate to dealers in car-load lots upon application. Terms caeh mit by P.O Order on Tate Spring, New York exchange or registered letter to i - tc 5H ring, Tenn Shipping daily at the rate of over 4,000 packages per annum. Special frttah; tate to ar. points can be stjeured. Tate water is sold by the most reliable druggists in eh principal cities and towns. Lastyear shipments increased over 100 per cent, of anj vtk year Analysis made by Dr. T. S. Antesell, M. D Professor of Chemistry in Na: "on si Vledicfll College, and Chemist to the U. 8. Department of Agriculture, and can be k nn 1 n the page pamphlet. TATESMJHEX. Mountain Spring U Mile& From Tate Surincrs. Pine Lithla and Chalybeate Springs flowing from side and base of Clinch Mountain. Beautiful scenery among the hills. Hotel, cottages and grounds greatly Improved and now open to vis itors at these low rates. $1.00 and $1.50 per day, $7.00 to $8.00 per week; $25.00 to $30.00 per month. Hack line from Tate at moderate prices. Privileges of Tate draught for those desiring it. For further information, address THOS. TOMLINSON, Owner, Tate Springs, Tenn. The following list Is taken from 5000 on file In the proprietor' office. They oame from every point of the compass and represent persons in every walk it- Ul. UAOl Senator E. W. Pettus, of Alabama. "I have found Tate Spring Water a gennlne specific for the cure of malari al troubles." R. L. Taylor, Ex-Governor of Tennes see, Nashville: "I regard Tate Spring as the best on the continent. " Thos. A. MelUn, of Mellon Bros., bankers, Pittsburg, Pa.: "I believe there is no water in this country equal to Tate's for the cure of neuralgia, as well as dyspepsia and liv er troubles." J. W. Thomas, president and general managet of Chattanooga tc St. Louis railway: "I take pleasure in recommending it to any one who wishes to enjoy contin uous health." R. A. Hemphill, Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Qa.: 'I greatly appreciate Tate Water and highly recommend it." v GREAT WAGON MANFACTTJRER. J. M. Studebaker, South Bend, Ind. "I believe there is no spring In Amer ica that contains the healing qualities that Tate Spring does." THE GREAT TOBACCO MANUFAC TURER. J. S. Carr, Durham, fc, C: "I think it is the nest water to b found anywhere." PRESIDENT OF LARGEST SNUFF CO. IN THE WORLD. -Geo. B. Wilson, 224 Arch street, Phil adelphia, Pa.: "In 1894 I suffered vary aoately from indigestion, which lasted until 189. Ia the fal of that rear a friend sent me a case of Tate Spring water.Before re ceiving the water I was visiting a doc tor three times a week, taking all kinds of medicine, and after using the water for a week I have never since that time been to see a doctor in regard to my Indigestion, and have never taken a drop of medicine for indigestion ekice. I believe this water saved my life, and consider it the finest water for indiges tion I have ever known. I have recom mended this water to a number of friends who have used it, and have never known it to fall in beneficial re sults." IT SAVES LIFE. E. L. Greer, Washington, Pa.; "It saved my life, beyond a doubt." RECEIVED SUBSTANTIAL BENE I FIT. A. E. Carr, Cincinnati, O.: "We have received substantial benefit from Tate Spring water." GREAT GREAT BENEFIT TO A BUSINESS MAN. James Swann (of Inman, Swann & Co.), N. T.: "I have found Tate Water of great benefit." FROM THE COURTS OF JUSTICE. Judge Henry R. Bryan, Newbern, N. C. : "It does me more good than any water I have ever used." CURES CHILLS. J. M. Elliott, Jr.. of Kyle Lumber Co., Gadaden, Ala.: "It cured me of dyspepsia, chills and malaria." EFFICIENT TONIC. T. M. MUler, Vlcksburg, Miss.: The most efficient and agreeable tonio of which I have any knowledge." ONLY RELIEF FOR CHRONIC MA LARIA. G. D. M. CantreU, M. D., Little Rock, Ark.v. "It was the only agent I found that gave relief for chronic malaria." INFALLLBLE CURE FOR DYSPEP SIA David Kirk, president of McCalmout Oil Company, Pittsburg, Pa.: "I lleve Tate Spring water 1b an Infallible cure for dyspepsia." MAY USE HIS NAME. W. S. Pope, Columbia, 8. C: "Con tinue the use of my name, and I " cheerfully dittribute as many of 7 catalogues as you wish to lend." THE WATER Cures Indigestion, Dys pepsla and ail troubles 0 Liver 'Stomach, Bladdtfi Bowels, Kidneys RM1 matism and Blood Dl eases. SHIPPED ANYWHEKE ANYTIMF AsheviUe Dr, T C, Smith, The Paragon, J; B. Wingood, C. A. Raysor, W. 0. Carmichael, Pelham's Pharmacy, Theobold's Candy Kitchen, Pat Mclotr Mclntrye, Bonanza Wine and Liquor CoM Haptoi & Featherstoo, Carolina Pharmacy, BUtmore Dr. T. C, Smith, aendersonville -ST. H. Jaatua. Brevard J. Clayton. Franklin Franklin Pharmacy. Bryaon City J 8. SaiUfci Co,, Bryson & Co, Waynesville Mcintosh Co., Waynesville Drug Co. Hot Springs M , McFall. Capacity of Hocel 500. 40 Page Book Frse All th comforts and amusements. : B THOMAS Mi Prop primgs, Tenn - r - i- ' ' ' tr' . .1 "V 9 ' ' -: yy1': ' y!::fyl yMy o -t y: ct . A' , v V