r A TTn OT3 ATrTT w - THEGAZEXTJF ASHEVILLE, N. C. THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE PUB LISHING COMPANY. James E. Norton President and Editor. F. L. Cutting Business Manager. Senator Money was not as good as his name -when it came to putting up 5 cents. i !j Nature is arraying hersalf in 'beau tiful colore, and the milliners and dresa makers are doing the best they cam under the circumstances. Another mew democratic party, made up of samples, is to be .inaugurated in New York city an June 7. It Trill be known as. the "Liberal Democracy." and its liberality consists in a recogni tion of all the democratic sms of the last five years, with room left for all the new ones that are floating around without attachments. they? Great (tracts of fertile land, not surrounded t by - fences- and stockades, where the people may live and work in .perfect riberty tprateoted froma mnir derous desperado's demands. Read the story of American concentration in Marinduque. . The Filipinos there were fed with food bought by Afmerttmn money. When those who terrorized them had been killed or captured, Fili pino physicians signed voluntary state ments that 'the people's health within those American lines was fifty per cent, better than it had been in their own homes. And those people departed to their .field, at last made5 peaceful, with rejoicings On their lips that 'they had finally been rescued from their own opp'ressors, and wfith blessings on the American flag 'and the American sol diers who had worked that deliverance." It is Hot Tillman this time but anoth er equally vehement anti-imperialist senator who is in trouble dn Washing ton. Senator Money of (Mississippi re fused to pay hie fare on &, street car, and after fruitless persuasion and due warning the conductor fired Money off the car. The senator drew his jack knife and slashed at the conductor, making sundry iwouods, and the con ductor planted' his fist on Money mouth. If the Mississippi senator val ues his dignity and- his ibeauty at more than 5 cents he was a loser by the process. Tarantulas are now Ibred in Austra lia for their webs, the filiamente of which are made into thread for pal loons. Each tarantula yields from twenty to forty yards of filiaments, of which eight twisted together form a single thread of sufficient stoutness, and it is much lighter than silk. In university, me buk spiaer oi outn Car olina a relative of the tarantula, could be successfully bred for its s ilk product. I land in the ,tpwn.of palmers ville' h7J. TTOUnung Property , in each direction for nearly three miifes. : . "All INFAMOUS LIAR" ' SAYS 80V. DAVIS Was Refering to Whoever Said He Drunk, or Gambled. Little Rock, April 24. Governor Da vis, who has been notified of the charges preferred against him -by the feecond Baptist church, today wired a reply -saying that whoever v, drank or gambled was an infamous liar, and that he was rnriv nv.v. and defied hypocrites and traitors to do their worst. He says his only offAn & V lent his assistance to the defeat of J K. Jones and the official decapitation of Governor JJagle. He adds: "They may turn me out of their church, but the Lord .wail .take- care of "1S5 wwii. ixwiagnt a copy charges was ftaid before the committee. FREP KEHT MARRIED. . TO MISS OAVEIIPORT THE WEDDING OCCURED AT ALL SAINTS CHURCH IN BAL- TIMORE. of the church Our Waynesville correspondent makes fitting reference to the unjust restric tions placed on citizenship in this state by the requirement, that before a citi ; zen can vote he must have been a res ident of the state two years. Article vl of the constitution of North Car olina provides thait a naturalized cit izen twenty-one years old "who shall have resided in the state twelve, month next proceeding the election, and ninety days in the county in which he offers to vote shall be deemed1 an elector' . This is changed by the amendment to read "in the state of North Carolina two year, in the county six months." There vram no just and legitimate reason for the change. It was made from purely partisan considerations, on the under standing that the greatest number of the -new residents of the state are re publicans. Had Asheville held a May election this year, as it had in preced ing years, citizens who have been res ldents of the state for one year, (would hare voted at that election and found themselves disfranchised i-m the Novem ber election by this clause in the consti- xuuonai amendment that had become effective on July 1. W "That submission to one's lot means that one should sit helplessly before sorrow and disappointment "while weeks and months pass by, is a terrible mis apprehension' To yield faint-hearted is surely ignoble, for there is not life so barren, or hard1, or sorrowful, that it does not hold gome doov to wider liv ing, if we will but seek it. "Is it loneliness that closes about us and shuts joy from our days. Have we tried honestly and patiently to, touch other lonely lives Is dt because we have no time to study that life seems so hardand (barren? A friend of work ing girls advised them to learn a poem as they went to and from their work instead of simply reading street car ad vertisements. A verse, a line of poetry, a single, noble thought every day who of us could not make time for this, if we would? And how rich a harvest one short year iwould give, us! Is it pover ty that is eating the gladness from our days? It is hard; but there are things within our reach that no gold could pur chase for us friendship, the power of an upright life, the joy of earth and sky. Dare we, with all we have within reach, bemoan our poverty?" Frank H. Sweet, in Home and Flowers. Springfield, O., for April. INSURGENTS SURRENDER IN THE PHILIPPINES Manila, April 24. General Bell trw 4-T-J. . V OIie Hernandez surrendered uui a omcers, 110 r iflemen and 100 bolomen. The last of the Ladrones who hare been) creating trouble in Ne gros have surrendered and sworn allegiance. The South is in a position in every way to gain by high prices for meats, for its opportunities for raising stock are cheaper than in other sections, and the months when grazing: is impossfble for stock is less than half compared to northern sections. Stock feeding costs little in the South, when the cheapness of cultivating feed is consid ered. New Bern Journal. QUEEN'S TEMPERATURE AGAIN RUNS HIGH Manifest that Every Care Still Re quisite Z VST" A?irai The bulletin ucu luie, morning from Castle Loo 7,m 7T. "mina had another Z .t Tl1- 1De Pint's temperature -H . -..uwdouBT ana she tts taking suf ficient nourishment. 3 o clock thlis evening said- "Recuirrenoe of Migh temperature this afternoon makes it (manifest that every care is sitiai requisite.'.' POTATOES AGAIN SOAR AROUND DOLLAR MARK Special to the Gazette. Norristowfc, Pa., Apil 24. A notable wedding took place at Ail .Salints' church here . today when Miss Louise Davenport, the daughter . of Mrs. S. Elizabeth Davenport and a well known society belle, was married to Frederick Kent of Asheville. Rev. Herbert Burke officiated. The ushers were William Hester Jones of this place, Dr. Lloyd Dewit BLckley and Richard Wiiiliami Tull of Philadel phia. They were followed by the maid of honor, Miss Margaret Cottrel Parker of Reading. Master" John Glenside, bearing a siilver waiter on which rested the ring on a white cush ion walked next with the flower girl, Miss Alice Anderson Hall of Norris-town. Then came the bride, leaning on the arm of a relative, Walter Seymour Bal ou of Providence, R. I., who eave hpr 'away. A wedding breakfast was served in the parish .building of the chuirch After this4 Mr. and Mrs. Kent left on thetta wedding touar. They will return to Norristown for a short time, after which they will take up their residence in Asheville. Heacjquartersior StationwykndBoob OFFICE SUPPLIES BAIHBRIDGE'S, 47 Patton Avenue. 20,000 ROLLS Wall Paper on Hand Prices from 5c to 40c 3o and 4c a roll. We have a ni n roll. Big lot Broken Combination. at w e nave ace lot of Silk and Satin Vi'u ouriapp, etc All at P,in -o v J"JD" 1 PG, tmitatm I OurPaDer-HaDgereareall Firet-Clafls. FITZPATRICK 30 North Main Street. BROS, Phone the indiana:platfqrm (Continued from 1st page.j it 'nWitneT'a Chowxihow 20c toWle. These gooj a..e stSXai? THE BEST The Charges Against Judge Clark E HAVE no douM Judge "Wal- r Clark -will answer tVi ar'ges made against him by Major James W. Wilson. Th , inteident, however, is chiefly interesting ; as limstratmg present conditions in the democratic party in this state. Were , . the party united and harmonious and blessed with upright leadership Clark would have escaped this assault, either because if guilty of the charges he would not have been so important a per sonage in the present political campaign as to have drawn upon him this publi cation by a fellow democrat, or if there was doubt of his guilt that portion of the democratic press that now rejoices in the opportunity to assail him would have come to his defense. As it is now Clark is the candidate of one faction of the democratic party. By the other faction he is hated, chiefly because of , his factional connections. There is plen ty to be said against Clark as a poli tician. We (believe him to be an un scrupulous partisan, and in other wavs not nitted for the position he now holds. But we mark the source of the present attack on him and note the vivid light it casts on the present distressfulposition of the democratic party in North Caro lina. Judge Walter Clark is the only democratic representative on the bench of the Supreme court of this state. By the syndicate of politicians that now controls democratic politics in North Carolina he is slated for the democratic ' candidacy for the chief justiceship at ythe coming election. The charges ntow made against him by a prominent 'democrat, and supported by certain .newspapers that have in the past trained with the party may force the machine I 'itO TPtrifiO tVia alalsv j. - ... i ,30, ana put iorwara its second choice. How much the charges .will effect Judge Clark beyond his candidacy depends upon the proof Wil son can furnish of his allegations of misconduct on the bench. If these al legations are ptoved they can be fol- .iuwcu Dy nothing less than peachment of Judge Clark. THAT P )hl TAX MATTER It is usually held that one of the qualifications of good citizenship, is to be prompt and honest dm the payment of taxes. But this year, judging from the newspapers published in this state, there must be a lack of smdh citizens.- New Bern Journal. Despite the frequent warnings to the white voters of Rowan county over $00 white men who are liialble to a poll eax have not yet naid this tax. Only six days are left in which the votes of those who have not aid can be saved. An earnest effort has been made to induce all the white men of the dounitv tn make immediate settlement with sheriff and if the tax is not paid no one will be responsible but the voter himself. Salisbury Sun. An Advance of 13 cents S!nr i ' - w w tacii Saturday. Chicago, Aprfi 24. -Prices or pota- day wholesaie market yester- rhi h,as a-1 advance of thirteen cents since Saturday last and the present prtee Sis the highest Since a August, when the prodwS 11.25. The crop of old potatoes has N J? n 7mrketS unusually sSjT rlS soId 0 a toarrefyes: " vjum jouieiana. SOUTHERN EDUCATIONAL Ath CONFERENCE AT ATHENS ternoon Robert C. OgdepreSding A oUSaEL "on. JWrtdent of the Georgia state Normal school chair man A statement was ivTn ouby Baldwin, chairman of th0 'JT cationai board. He ?Zlu- that the purpose of ttecoJZZ?ZZ to nrnmiAtr, -, . v education. -vH8 Perfty of the-people at h6me and the giory of the reoubliV aiHT-n.Q r j., flo.5 s v . 'au- Pressed that Cuba is soon to become a republic and liberal reci procal relations with that couiutry are irovernme,; TTnThehSl1 Piete-Schoiarship: ' " "iC vtronm opposes those who continue to resist the authority of the United States, whether nnii JFW or - lllc UIlliea wtates, or in svm (Pathy - with the insurgents. "We holdTo a ,rv""lc' ine P-iaiorm slays, "that SEEr .tyL must be respect- Zr" uuuxeo states and all ter- POSITIONS IN ASHE. VILLE AND OUT OF IT Are filled 3y business college graduates. More writing applications osmfv? recived smce e St oi ?he the number of Wils en! S J!?-, We want young peoSe to begin a course at once on ouf a'SSl? Please call in person to accept city. Prefer those who are willing 4iuu.iiu.ua away rrom I he Lvitz Meat Company o Always have on hand the choice cut. Beef, Pork, Mutton and Veal the Our special who oZZr. '- -cresi ail Ctoii7-i TT V"" "na mean business, tt a c-I , , 1 paragon, Phone 704- ritory under i . . . j.(u,ihhi 'Lwomsnment of absolute r-miippmes and the form of the im- TTT :;Are Our Soldiers Bru tal?" E ARE havine nlentv nf from our "anti-imperialist" friends in congress on the "brutality of ithe Amprn ...soldiers" in the Philippines, based on .. the charges that are now being tried by court .martial against officers for sub ' Meeting Filipinos to the 'Heater cure .treatemt". Senator Beveridge, who is ' acquainted with affairs in the Philip- pines from observations there, to his - Indianapolis speech Wednesday' touch , .ed in. a gemierial way.on the wholesale charges made by those who use that method of disparaging the whole policy of our government in the Philippines He said: ' - "Do they tiell us of the brutality of American soldiera? War has no record . or mercy, tenderness and care that compares with the American treatment 01 (Prisoners In the PhiUpfpfiines. Gen erals Otis, Hughes, and McArthur have a H to care and kindness of ; Americau officers and men to Filiipino : prisoners. They are cared for even as '.OUr OWn. I h9.V SCAon imas J . . - vi nwuo vri. tuf j own- hosnjttals turned over tfo FiMpino j , , sick and wounded . American phy si- f ciana attend them, American nurses , , minister to them. We are told of re- . concentration camps. Arid what are NORTH CAROLINA NEWS There is talk of an electric rati 1 way connecting Greensboro, Winston and High Point. The North Carolina Classis of the Re formed church will meet with Daniel's church in Lincoln county, May 15-18th. A Raleigh man offers to give $1000 to the Baptist Female University it the First Baptist church in Raleigh will raise $3000. The Whitney Reduction company, which is developing the "JSTacrows" and building a railroad from Norwood to the Yadkin, has purchased nearly every 3 YESTERDAY'S LEAGUE GAMES yj nunjiig ijeague played yesterdav At New York R NftW Vftrl- Boston.. .. Batteries: Mallarkey and Kittridge -n.L JTiniaaeipnia r Philadelphfa.. Brooklyn.. .. Shames were H E 8 5 8 11 A Maitnewson and Yeaiger; The os- Peace in the erectnirmi rr o-rvi j. j . . iu ea that the nortrvia n u , . k . isrdiias shall be given increased .ma-r,- iJ anrt a . ' "wstwnce tZT ' edi-goverrament." Op position is exoresaeri oil W""L5?? whi restrict lv tn Vv T T . prices and esipecial- 2h is favored to prevenl effnr ,TT' fTent Roosevelt's " , ""e me laws against illi- The platform further adheres Pol cy of protection, but favors guarded reciprocity arrangements wheSeT u oan be done "without interrupting xne piainform continues: "While we t vor such moddtfwtnc Hllf W? fia uoea as from time to time aTV by changing condiM TJrF - -ywM.w principles of protec- i a?,d tificatdon is expressed Jhat republican. dipJomacy hemSeSS. hfn -eDa,blin the government to art ZaT'Z0 mnaL demands tLT f0r strinffent national and state laws against anarchy and the en actment of a Chinese exclusion f law; laws Tn enOI?6inent of dimmiffration laws. In reeiard tn rni iL . UrgeS Uberal 'oviior4 for abled veterans or their widows 'orphans. The platform then deal wh state issues and endorses ,the conduct ttv S'a Senators d reawiesenta SrStSnTr: " in" byThaecc?amn:n0minon8 hSSS?' i5 .Package, Wh-eat eakfa Txn a. - . V V I tiZ-t I I m ILTI TajPlTQ (rn TTi Phone 200. City Market and; ik fre- Wheat IOC oer namlrtiou t-, , . Lindsey, 450 S. Main street. India Relish 25c H. iOKr fin7'fl 0r 4- J tt tie " iT'Sl Ka.dish 20c bot- wV, tt "xed Pickles 10 to bottle. He n!o , v bottiA ions 10c 50c Hiraim TjinisA-ir street. Phone 200 450 S. Main AT THE OPERA HOUSE "See Yaki's celebrated growing th .so tree reproduced on sta in si, tne iamous Hindoo all read of but never before n in this country outside the Boone YiaVi company at Grand opera houe Mondav v, fty, O0j OU, - Phone 754. Professional Organist All Souls', Biltmore Late sub-oreanist nf . . Singing and Harmony. Biltmore n C., or 34 Patton avenue, Asheville N C, Tuesday 3 to 4 p. m. ' W' Or. A, Sfauffer. VETERINARYSURGEON, Graduate pf Germany. Office : Chambers wMno.i T :.. ery Stable. Phone 18 J. L. MR. SMATHERS RETURNS ' FROM BUSINESS TRIP Smathers is hom f. Q H;rrru na. southern f fnl X," rf: . to the interest inV.o " IT?. xraae- He reports bus- ioiji glXHJ . MASSAGJB QHDNffiR, NO. 37 S. Main at ond floor, Phones: Oftw o "TT dence 679. H P 10 6 """euro . vnorneoo or. t .kj. cnjrviiLuscn ; R 2 5 H 8 Ladies' iRibbed Underwear McMakin and Ahearn At ittsbure- Pittsburg Chioae'n MaanS Kto,g Zimmw; Wil At f!inrirtiol CinclnttT" , t ? ' " -a-ivruin .... - 4 StatDaniel E. Storms, ruwf6 ?fSu!prem Court-John H. (jiliett, of Hammond. Judges of AppellaJte Court W D Robinson of Princeton; William J." Henley of Rushville; James D. Black of IndianaDolis: Daniel w IZZ' iiank Roby, of Auburn oijaLe atacisucian R rr ti Fowler. -i State Greologisit W. TT Indianlaipolis. Iavid Sherrick. of MrKi-n nomanated for state auditoT on' tnt SL" ?nWB R' Henry, of ESMERELDA INN ARRIVALS Correspondence of the Gazette Esmeralda Anril O A rni . . ie latest ar rivals at Esmeralda Inn, Hickory Nut Mr. and Mrs. James Morrison of Chi- mr. ana Mrs. R. Sawyer of Hart- 7iU' nn., Air. and Mrs. Robert An- .u:iouu or Cincinnati, Mrs. K w Hager, H K. Gudger of Asheville, Mrs Potter of Boston, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey . x. iner, Miss Fletcher, Miss .uSuaii jtseaumont, Texas. of Bilatchley, of Halin and Dz;-Ocelli and 2V '"kP knd Will Celebrate Centennial. cimTIe Academy, Winston Salam N. C, will celebnate its centen mal, May 23d to May 29. This school lis known nil 1, o .1- Wi . .. , vrw owui, ana omamv i'uimmo ure piannmg to gather - ".-"-.r in-n- uie ceieoratiion of in the "The Book of the Presidents' Frank Martin, of Lebanon. We have here all that woman's heart could wi sh in the way of Underwear for ladies for sprimg nd summer at most extraordi nary littleness of price. Armless Undershirts, low neck ind sleeveless for evening1 wear, ace trimmed in white 25 and 50 cemts. Low neck, sleeveless Undervests V neck and with wing sleeves at 10; 12 1-2, 15, 20 !5, 30 and up to 75 cents. Union) Suits, 35, 59 and 65 5ents. r . We have the largest and bet 1Ine i Ladies and Childrens Hose in the city ; J I iHIM Misses' lace ltele IS to 50 cents. i Bon Mapche THE DRY GOODS SHOP, 15 Soutn MaIq Street V LAST EVENING'S DANCE A DECIDED SUCCESS i be dance given' at the Battery Park twlkus was iput a repetitioni of the successful and enjoyable ones of the tgaven under the same manage- -"Sx mo Suesis were some- iate m arriving, the evening's fes tivities were none the 7as Oo,n0fnt m - wwviiaivi jr - wLy &Uest present -was dancing and" entered fully into the enjoyment me evening at the very beginning. Although stags were much in evi dence, the clever forethought of others had well supplied what would have been a deficiency of partners, by each bringing two and three of the gentler sex. Major McKissick had" the .floor iwell prepared and the music furnished by Mr. Spears and his orchestra, was pt- cepttonal in its even time and -well se lected numbers. The elements flavored the event and the twofold blessing of (being allowed to dance and then to cool off in. the open air without d anger of catching 'cold, was very satlsfactoryv Among the guests present were: Mesdames Glaser, Smiser, Branch, Darby, Secor, Houston, Misses Horner, )Wiard, Cribbs, ' Dofwltag, Radeker, Daisy and Louise Branch, Bayless, "Ruland, Hamner and Foley; Drs. Sawyer; Faucette Hunt, and' Gorman, Messrs. Bostic, Rufus Hunt, Griffin, Renfro, Eugene 'x Sawyer, Adams, Wheeler, Smith, Pulliam, Fry, Holt, Adlckes, Settle, Wiaddell, Branch and Sampson. Pi-EA OF GUILT BY SALISBURY'S ASSAILANT had no btate asrainst wath assault In memory of their royal mistres, 600 servants of the late Queen, Victoria's' household have endowed a bed in Clew er Comvaiescent. Hospital, London. v In the Superior court vstAr,, ttu.t lam Mills, who was acnmitu- nho. . Vi me csC Ui 'imuiruCT, wias diisicharged, the "uui ulIlouIllCln, uiar ho other charges agtadnst him. ine next case called iwhs tv. fres. Salisbury at the Glen Rafi- wi ' n' defendant was represented by Harrison irown, and plead grualtv judgment was entered, and -at the re Jt elicltor was continued "nta Knfxt Tuesday, Mr. udger stat ing that he w-as considHnr ? t1 'a bil1 as1adn!at the defendant John Brackett was conviW assault land sentenced to tfh A number of colored iHrrao m saiivvung, an of whom rsr-ey Yesterday Solicitor Gudg-er was called Oocke iCCWI1"-e.a by William J lm "V" xTW"! State , " "wh, icnarged wflth the imurder of Will Williams, aT pKSn Srtfkeleather's stable, L Lf The State in rthUs Locke Craig and Frank Carter Thl dendnt !s a white man af out on By Gen. Charles H. Grosvenor, 20 years member of Congress t nounced the most sumDtuons nificently beautiful book ever issued in the United States. Contains 27 full- 5 x-nocogravure Portraits, reproduc ed from the best paintings in the White "uuse ine congressional Library the Oapltol Building and the Corcoran Art Gallery of Washington. Contains Department of Autograph Letters, showing an- autoeTanb latt each President of the United States otf I and Denartm ures have never before appeared 5n any book ever issued. Both President McKinley and Presi dent Roosevelt posed specially in the White House for their portraits to be , L" exclusively in this work. This is the sreateet honor ever con ferred on any publication ever issued in this country. This work credit upon the nation. Every patriotic American citizen will buy it. Sells at sight. Small fortunes being made by men and women and large fortunes will be made on this publication whhin the next three years. High class men and women employed on commission or an P.art con. $1,500 yeany. Also. r0. Edward B. Welles Solicitor of Patents Parent Office DrawiDgs Furnished. "No. 35 Starnes Ave. Miss NORA WARP. Teacher of Pian O ft n rl S f Instrumeuts. Cor. Spruce and Woodfin Sts. ft 01 EL M01STREAT, Monireat, IS. C, RIGHT IN THE WILPWOODS. ' Mntnfw, , UL FOR. SITUATION. Nothing like it. New Hotel with all modern comforts, an ideal spot for sHSSJ"?" d Pleasure seekers. fonA. S raa (Soutern Railway) W. D. PAXTON, Prop. Archbishop Corrlgan III. New Tork, April 24.Archbashop Cor Tn SeriUSly U'l 3th a v?ulSt 4-' guaranteed -wanted to onpn amaii . n,?0.'0 hav Char of agents and correspondence, look after the ad! t! 0ther work' Write for terms end circulars. Address THE CONTINENTAL PRESS Corcoran Building, Opposite tL S. Treasury, Washington, D. C. Biltmore Firewood. Phone 700. The parliamentary rehirm THE 616 BALD MOUNTAIN Notice of Administrator's Sale Notice is hereby given that on Wed nesday, the 7th day of Ma v. 19. t sell at public auction v, ?id!Sn.!"y term' all of that piece tatenf iff Delonarliw to the es- LtLe OI Jtt. B. .TnhneAn Sf tl? n unt boundary, situated Sna ? ?fey, county- North Caro lina, and partly (n TTnwi nessee ""'-' This property Ha wt or nortn of Ashw Ha distant ' "-" -uoux io miles .JS.S0?. railro nation, con- ehrht tTL,' and comprises from iL"6!! (! farming, fruit grow- etc Af and forest Preserves, 2?n i?dantly watered with moun Black flT ttoraing some power. frets' an?1 adted meadow iLT ' 500 acres of green ?!! SndW'mf r0misine cation, of cor unaum, mica. ?rflnH4rA . xi , uable minerals. ULUt?r vai" 8ater?Urth,?r Particulars, terms of saie, etc., call on or address WM.f JOHNSTON JR. 9a n , Administrator, 0 Temrole Otmr a n.,n xt Long distance phone 378. tf. W" Rankin. g. J. Williamson. Rankin & Williamson PRESSING CLUB .Membershln $1 Art n.- 4--U T5 S;0 a baffle :in the.SSS? - - ine tntnr nnmi . kibu Bneciai attention. delivered Th tntT .v:- . " rrr taengers carried iao : x" swas eaued f0r 'PHone 822. Office Opera House block. of

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