. - -fridat-tHE ASHEV11.LE GAZOTTEAPRit 25, IMS. Malta-Vita will certainly please you. It is always ready to serve no cooking needed . There is no better health food in the cereal line. Call for it, and any other staple-and fancy groceries you need at H. C. Johnson Oo.'s Phone 188, No. 89 Pat. Ave. AWNINGS IT'S "IN THB AIR 59 CITY NEWS II Tke Ashevilie Hardware Company, j The session of the Farm school, near Swunnanoa, closed yesterday. 18R-7 BJcycling is due for a distinct re- vival, ;-. - : " ; , . '.- It will not be a craze or a 'boom and people will not ride simply "because their neighbors ride but because cyc ling is a delightful recreation, a charm tog means of obtaining health-giving outdoor exercise. Never before was it possible to obtain such splendid values in bicycles for jso little money. Fifty dollars will now buy a better Eagle than $100 would purchase a few years ago. Ready Made standard Fuel ANTHACITE-P,,.. OP Zebulon Vance cam, U. V. C, will be held Saturday morning at 11 o'clock. The New York life insuirance men held another short business session yesterday morning, sifter which -the party spent the day In driving over the city. Will Thompson was -openaited on yes terday afternoon at the Biltmore hos pital for appendicitis. The operation was a very successful one and it is hoped his recovery will "be raudd. JEIXICO-g.: "T- StcJ OOIM.. El WhnlAcoU 52 'vocuc dflQ KM And we have cheaper wheels for ...PHONE 40.., Ashevilie Ice anil Coal Pattoa aven those who want them. Ashevilie Cycle Company Phone 228. 18 &Ld 20 Church St Biltmore Firewood. Phone 700. 1 ' v: i r 4 ' s i ... Made to Order We represent the largest awning house in the country and the awnings we sell are Well Made and Well Hung. We solicit your pat ronage. Sawyer's Carpet House, Phone 228. 18 and 20 Church street. The Cars stop at Lee's. Do You Feel Well? Ho! Then Eat Grape-Fruits. J 10c at Wholesale and Retail Fruits b 25-27 S. Main. Phone 250 NEW ARRIVALS. Just received the latest' up-to-date styles of Lord Chesterfield hats, made by John B. Stetson, the only hat to wear to look stylish. Sold by I. W. Gleser, 18 South Main street. tf. The only way to dress swell Is for you to wear the John B. Stetson "Lord Chesterfield" hat. This Is the only up-to-date hat and is the finest quality in America. We have them in pearl, !?ray, and -black. Also black derbys. You will find them at I. W. Glaser's, 18 South Main street. tf. a j A Good Many Good Marks are siven to the man who wears Glean, White Linen 1 1 and in good repair. Tou will make no mistake by sending your laundry bundles here. Our wagon will call any time, Ashevilie Steam Laundry Phone 95, 43 W. College St. CLOSING EXERCISES OF ' ASHEV1LLE SEMINARY The commencement exercises last eve ning at the Ashevilld Seminary on Cum berland avenue passed off very success fully and those present evinced great in terest during the entire program. There were about 75 guests. The baccalaureate address wheh was to have been given by J. H. Tucker, was read iby Rev. Vines owing to th absence of Mr. Tucker, who was un fortunately, unable to be present. Miss Tanita Cribbs was to have given a recitation but unforeseen o bstacles prevented. The program was as follows: Prayer Rev. !W. M. Vines. Piano Duet Charge of the Uhlans Bahm. Misses Dowlingand Swisher. Reading (a) Seeein' Things at Night Field. (b) Bessie's First Party- Anon. Miss Ruth Ketcham. Voice Ave Maria. Miss Marie Swish er. Reading The Christening Anon. Miss Kate Lide Fore. Piano Fantasia Coenen. Miss Moo dy. Reading (a) The Baldheaded Man. (b) Tommy. Miss Ruth Ketchum. Voice Nymphs and Fauns Anon. Miss Marie Swisher. Awarding Diplomas and Certificates Miss Carrie Sloan Hammer, bachelor of arts; Miss Addie Montgomery Dowling, graduate in art; Miss Kate Lide Fore, English and French, Benediction. Misses Cribbs, Hammer and Bowling, of the Ashevilie Seminary, expect to leave today ifor their respective homes, in the south. A Big Fire 9k kindled in a few minutes with a new coal we have eotten. The best coal for cooking Carolina Coal and Ice Co. 23 Patten Ave. Phone 30. $15,000 Worth of Goods AT COST. Discontinuing business is the cause oi sacnncing in is tremendous stock consisting of the newest and best se lected stock of Clothing, Shoes, Dry Coods, Notions and Furnishings, Trunks and Valises. V Stock in charge of w. H. Wilson and B. Johnson. Place 27 N. Main St. Ashevilie, N. C, Cost signs of all descriptions are up on the street, but look for 27 North Main street, where the above men tioned gentlemen are staying. Monogram Coffee Is King of All Coffees, 3 lb. Can $1,00. N. Y. CoffeeCos Java and Mocha 30c per lb. Blue Ribbon Coffee, Porto Rico Coffee, 25c per lb. 20c per lb. HIRAM LINDSEY 450 S. Main St. The Grocer. City Market. NEWS OF OLD FORT; PERSONAL MATTERS Big Lumber Plant near Greenlee Wheat Looking Up. Special to the Gazette. Old Fort, April 24. Nature is donning her summer garb on this side side of the mountains. Wheat crops are greatly improved to what they were a' few weeks ago. The percentage of tobacco grown by the farmers will not be perceptably in creased this year around Old Fort. Lewis Clark is about finishing a gtood; frame dwelling ini our town. The railroad people are ballasting their road along here with stone, and are leveling up the ground around the depot with finely crushed stone, so we will not have as much mud this winter as we had last. Hon. A. M. Dula, who moved from here to California a few month ago, has purchased a lemon orchard for $5,500. He is delighted with his new-home. J. R. Harris has recently moved from Munford's Cove and opened a racket store In Old Fort. Mr. E. C. Westerman and daughter, Miss Kate, will soon move to Wilming ton. The Murrey Lumber company are erecting a very large plant near Green lee, in which they propose to manufac ture almost everything made out of wood, even utilizing the saw dust. METAL WORK CONTRACT FOR THE COURT HOUSE Two Bids on Furniture have been Re ceived. There was a meeting of the court house commissioners yesterday after noon and bids were opened on the con tracts for the furnishing and meta.llie work to be installed in the new ourt house. Two bids were received for the furniishine. one from the Andrews Fur niture company of New York and the other from the Grand Raipiids Furniture comfnanv of Grand Rapids, Mich. In sumibtLtting the aist for ibids on the furniture desired, the commissioners in cluded only the most necessary aru rTca Awino- r t.hp limited means at their command. The cost of the complete equipment in furnishings for the building would ag- .erpe'flift S6000. Tt was decided some time aro to order in (installments. The bids submitted by the two firms given were discussed and though no lormai action was taken it Is probable that the Grand Rapids firm will receive the contTOCt. The Metal Construction company of Jamestown. N. T:, received the con tract for the metal work which will be installed In the register of deed's and the clerk of the Superior court's omces. The amount of the fcid was 52300 . wiewfto- ."MArrlaee; should be & part nership arrangement." - Henpecke J "Yes, with one silent partner. ONLY Few Days! MORE To Buy The Roller Tray Trunk AT ST. Our Line is Yet Complete in Sizes. OXFORDS. The largest and most complete line ever shown Visit Our Store Before You Buy. Prices Right. The Boston Shoe Store Leading Shoe Firm. n See Sign of the Book. MAtVIrVIOr !C55 Hammock season is here. We have an immense line to select from Our prices are from $1 00 upwarde. ROGERS' BOOK STORE Phone No. 254. o. bouim Hp p: TT O I P Leading Tailor, 1 Ld 1 IV 1 l PHONE 347 For the spring season when fashion Introduces the ideas that will hold sway for the spring and summer months, It Is desirable to have a well cut and a well made Suit of Clothes to complete your todlet for the season. You can get this by ordering your spring suit from H. Petrie. Don t Delay Making the necessary preparations for the coming convencion. Look over your house carefully and find what is lacking. Remember We will make your window shades to order and can fit vou out with what you want in Lace Cur tains, Bed Couches and Lounges, Cots, Rugs, Chairs, Tables, etc. Large assortment to select from Green' s Furniture House, 43 Patton Ave. Successors to Mrs. L. A. Johnson CASH OB iNSTATiTiMFife WOODBURY COAL COMPANY, Manufacturers of Woodbury's Rubber Elastic Roofing Paint. Agents for Philip Carey Mi. Co's Burlap Roofing. Office 30 N. Court Square. Telephone 121. To Outdoor Sports : As the Baseball, Tennis and Fishing Tackle season is near, I call vour atten tion to my usual lare line of above goods, and invite your inspection. Prices are Right. BLOMBERG'S Leading Cigar and Soorting Goods Store. 17 Patton avenue. Established 1887. See Us For eveirthiDsin nue oeiorn our deciding to Kent or Buy. J. H. WEAVER CO. Real Estate Brokers 45 Patton Ave., Ashevilie, !N. 0 G W. BROWN (Successor to J. V. Brown & Son.) Funeral Director Telephone No. 65. 16 Church Street. Office open every hour in the year. NEW BOOKS 1 Leopard Spots, Thomas IWxon; The Colonials, French; The Bat tleground, Ellen Glasgow. Akin's Book Store. Tf Vnn A7o,4. ii Best of Meats Ail the Time send yt orders to Zimmerman & Whitetiea City Market. The best meats always in marJ Let Me Dye For J CARL SCHULTZ The only Chemical ru. vrfiv-ij and Practical Dyer in town 37 Sooth Main Phone 206. For Meats HILL'S T 'PHO 66 Picture Framing by Machinery "We have just received a Mat n ting Machine that cute perfect ml circles, etc. Vastly superior to th cut by hand. Can do it more chet; too quicker of course. Also cuts ! in oval and circles ovals and drl any size; ovale any shape. Ray's Book Sto MurDhy&C Brokers. OUR LAST WEEK ! MUST VACATE MAY 1st. We are selling all our goods at sacri fice prices. If you need anything in our line, come now or you will be disap pointed, i HAGGARS Oriental Store. Opposite Postoffice. mm SOUTHERN HOTEL, MRS. S. STEVENSON, Prop, Best $1.00 per day bouse In the cltj. Hot and cold baths. All lines of car pass the door. Special rates by the week. Centrally Located. 26 S. Main St. Ashevilie. N. C. Phone 649. Private Wire. Continuous Quntations 61 Broadway, New roi 11 Church SU, 4sjcve,iV. Refer to Blue Ridge National Bi We Offer For a Limited Time Desirable residence lots on Char lotte street, near Chestnut, cheap to close estate. Also store build ings renting well, for sale at a bargain. Some dwellings that will in terest you. Pine building lots. Aston, Rawls & Co,, 18 S. Main St. Mrs. J. V. Brown-. W. A. Blair. J. J. Mackey. BROWN, BLftIR & CO.. UNDERTAKERS, 45 Patton Ave. Up Stairs. . PHONE 193, J. V. BROWN, Manager. How About Your Spring Suit? After you get prices every where else come and see what we have and save money, GEO. W, JENKINS, 45 Sou th . Main St. - Petti john's Breakfast Food 15c pack age, Qmaker Oats, 2 packagesfosr 25c, Cheese Sandwich 15c per package, Pin Money Pickles . 20 and 35a per bottle. Hiram Lihdsey, 450 South 'Main street. Phone 200; - Maflia, Vita 15c per package. Shredded wheat Biscuits 15c per package, Gran- OS6 1 S ATl!t- nop innkb-n -I7t I - 10c per spackage.; Hiram Ldndsey, 450 J wwvwu iuaiui DUCCU JTlXKJiMS Zw The Hy-Lo Turn Down Lamp is just the thil tor a Porch, Hall or Bafh-roon for it tanas little curre that you can ford to kave burning. When want a light TURN UP. McKAY & FARE 10 Church street. Phone 158. stuffed Olives 10 and 20c Select Queen Olives 25c per Mammoth Queen Olives 25c per Home Made Jelly 15c per glass. Ulndsey, 450 South Main street. "200 ' vo' vim - -tv la