VOL. VII NO. 84 ASHJSVflJjEr N. C.,, 8ATUBDAYf;M0lBNIN(3, MAY 17, 1S02 f FIVB GSNT3 PBa COPY. FOUR DOLZASa 4 TBAB. : . 11 Qestreichef 51 Patton Ay 111 AT 51c Forty Childreo's: Hull, Lawn and Straw" Hats, $1.00 to $1.75 Each, to close out quick will put them on sale Satur day at 50c Each. SATURDAY AT One-Half Price 50 Dres Skirts in various materials includ ing Silk and Mistrals. Val ues range from $5.00 to $25.00. Saturday's Price Just One-Half. 1 51 Patton Avenue,' If We Have it it is the- BEST. You Gan Get en 1 001s Of all kinds here. If you want hoes, we have them 20 to 50 sets. Rakes 20 to 85 cents. Potato Hooks 40 to 75 cents. Spades 85 cents and $1.00. We have a very complete line of Farm Machinery Asheville Hardware Co. i- ON THE . SQUARE. Asheville, N. C. ' C you are unaeciaeq T where to have your the'advice of -some fiiend wno has had an art school educa tion. :. '.-.. ! Phiotoftraph e StudiOk 29 Patton avenue. ' Attend The Big Convention:; t No. 2b Patton avenue, every iworldss, day in the year and' yon will be wel comed as a delegate, a When youJn--epect samples, It will be difdcult f or; yon to make selections, you will eeT like -wanting aU. ' . ' , : The I . X. I..' Departmeitt3orc ehonel07. 22JPatjbon Ave.,r . Tomatoes 10c. pound, pgg-Plant, 10c each, CauUflower lOo each.- . 'Hiram Lindsey, City, Market.. Phone 173. v SI Oestreicher & Co orard FOR-SALE 'l; ;:,:FORRENTT-Uhfurnishedv t 8-room house," Montf ord avenuei all 7 rooms, Atkins street J15. - v modern conveniences at a law price. ? B rooms, Blake street, ?25.r , . , Cottage, 6 rooms, rented regnlarly, near rooms, W. Chestnutsitreet 540. car line good neighborhood;; pays 12 perj. 9' rooms; Cumberland ayenue, ,$30 cent on Investanent. Can.toe bought ate 8 rooms central- avenue, a bargain. 'l -. f f 'W iTerrooms, -Haywood street, $17. : " V: " :Zt ..rooma. Haywood street, $25. , - BRADFORD, 4 fit' WAGNER,- '' 8roomi, Montford avenue, $25.-; ;v 10 Paragon, Building. .'; REAL EOTATB AGENTS. V Phone 82$ mm. of SS SS PP INTIMATES THAT WALLER AND I ' SMITH COURTMART1ALS WEftE FARClCALi Deboe Replies, ; Defending- Phll ippines Bill Senate Ay ourn ed Until Monday. HOUSE AGAIN REJECTS SENATE AMENDMENTS TO OMNIBUS CLAIMS BILLr-A RE CURRENCE OF CONTROVERSY OVER THE PHILIPPINE SITUA TION INJECTION OF SAMPSON SCHLEY CONTROVERSY. '' .Washingtioin, May 16. McLaurin (Miss) concluded his. speech in opposi tion to the Philippine civil, government bill . in the eeinaJte today, (followed by Deboe in favor of the measure. Most of McLauTih'tS remarks were devoted to criticisms' of the icourtimartials of Major iWaller and Geiieral Smith for .the "inhuman" proceeding's in Samar. He intimalted thaJt their trials were farcical and their acquittal a foregone conclusion. Defboe in advoca.tIlng, the bill said It was a continuatikmi of the wise and (pa Itriotic policy if McKtoley. Alt' the close of Deboe's speech Dubois euer-(g-ested that when the senate adjourned it be until Monday. After some de murring, Lodge consented, to Dubois' suggesttion on tie assurance of ithe lat ter that debate on the (bill would go wi continuou'Sily raext week. After the pas sage of some imtantportantt bills the sea a)te adjoufaed1. v In the House. Washihgtan, May 16. Thereswas; a. recurrence of the controversy over the Philippines situation in the 'house to day. It was accompanied toy a sliarht injection of the Sampson-Schley conltro- I versy. by Williams (Miss.), who also, with CochraivMo.) defended; he.,ttn- llom . ireterans of the civil - -war from .charges that their conduct Was -similar to thalt of the Itroops in the Philippines. Grow asserted that Smith's order was justified, and Iiandis (Rep., Ind.) am- dignantly .repudiated the righlt of Coch. ran to speak for the union: veterans '. The house -again instructed its confer ees to refuse ito agree to (the senate aantendimemlts td the omnibus claim bill. REVOLUTIONARY CLUB DISCOVERED 111 MANILA PLANNED TO MAKE TROUBLE AND THEN ASK CONGRESS FOR A PROTECTORATE. v Manila, May 16. The consttabu'lary has uneaafthed a secret revolutionary society. The object of the society was to create a semfbiance of a revoution and then demaaid that congress grant independence tJo ithe Philipiyines under 'American protectorate. The leaders have been arrested. Generel Chaffee has concluded his ne igotiations with ithe (Moros. He has also visited the island of Samar and will re Jtnrm to Manila tamiorrowi. BRYAN SUGGESTS LEADERS iancaln, May -16. Bryan in today's Commoner says he. has toeen urged to indicate his choice of eaders, and while deciinimg to suggest any particu lar man ha (believes ithe. southern states offer an excellent field. He 'i, A PIACE OF INTEREST. It .will .not -be timie wasted all are cordialljr : invited to visit (you will not be asked to ibuy). The store of J. H. Law, 35 Patton avenue-nwhite front. The Sign of : Distress Tonr :yes will give yon, warning , If yon overtax: them in aay.wayw or if any thing igpea- xwrong with them, : come to ns, we will, make, them right with prop erly ground glasses. Examination Free. . McKee, Optician :'64 Patton" avenue, opposite Postoface. oames Senators Bate and Carimci; Governor McMlllin, Robert Taylor and Mayor Head Nashville. ' To the pt-j s&Die charge tmat mesa men iock rieace Bcryara replies that CleveaUd nerr ei had legisllattlje experience. ; OUTBREAK OF ANARCHY at Paris, May 16. Reports received this morning here that anarchy prevails at Martinique. A fierce fight has been 11 waged between troops and pillagers-lit the ruins of St. Pierre. Non-payment of salaries in the northern part of The - island caused a revolt. The situation is serious. " THE ALDERMEN'S WEEKLY SES Bid ofKeUy & Felthaus For mally Accepted Provi sions of Contract for Sale of Water and School Bonds. N. A. Reynolds appeared before the aldermen last evening in the interest of Mrs. Spears, who owns property on Merrkrion avenue, saying that her property had been damaged greatly by the grading under way and that she would not submit to having here prop erty decreased in value by making a bank 10 feet high on the side next to the avenue. He said Mrs. Spears was paying a heavy tax and that unless the city iwould compensate here for the damage done, she would undoubt edly take action to secure here rights. Mr. Rawls then stated that not onlyj iwould the high 'bank be left, but that the street would yet.be widened seveiu feet. This surprised Mr. Reynolds ver-y I much, and he went into- details regard- motion it was decided .to receive Mr Reynolds' andtion. Before .taking ijs seat, Mr. Reynolds -congratulated, the 'board on the successful disposition' of the 'water tonds. v j ; :- ... : A short discussion then ensued rel ative to -the water bonds. The ma ter of Mr. Barto's authority, was bjonght iJa an"AdertoanKRaMsro-a elalel?H1nldhonWt draft)r the- sum of; $2000 a; evidence of good- faith on their, parts , The sec retary, was ins1ucted to place the check and tlegram in the 'city vault, for afe keeping. The contract betweeh the city and the New JBirst" National Bank of Co lumbus . provides that the : water and school bonds will be taken -on condition tthat the bank is allowed to pay for them afi' follows: (Water bonds July 1, 1902 ..$20,000 August 1, ,1902.. .."... 20,000 September 1, 1902.. .. ..' 12,500 October 1, 1902. 12,500 Novemlber 1, 1902 7,500 December 1, 1902..' .. 7,500 January 1,' 1903 10,000 February 1, 1903 .. .. 10,000 March 1, 1903 10,000 Aipril 1, 1903; 10,000 May 1, 1903.. 20,000 June 1, 1903.. .. 20,000 July 1, 1903.. .. 1 20,000 August 1, 1903 .. .... 20,000 School bonds September 1, 1902.. $2,500 October 1, 1902.. .. 2,500 Novemlber 1, 1902.. 2,500 December 1, 1902 2,500 It will toe necessary for the city to give five days notice to the (bank in case the money is wanted 'before the time specified and it can be had at a rate of interest not to exceed 5 per cent, iper annum. On delivery of the bonds the purchase money is to (be placed by the bank on its books, to the credit of Asheville. The school board will not want their money before September 1. It will take a month to advertise for bids for the new school house in the West End. The work will (be finished by January 1. Isaac Swartdberg addressed the meet ing stating that he wanted Ithe board to issue a license, gratis, to Mr. .Sil verman, who was also present, permit ting Silverman to peddle, goods in the teity. Mr. Swartzberg asked ' that the 'city give the license free because Sil- (Continued on 4th page.) - Open all night,. Raysor's Drug Store. Soda Water at Grant's Pharmacy.1 tf Splendid mountain pasture In . ' the Vanderbllt preserve for cows. . 60c per head per month. Apply Forest Depart ment, Biltmore Estate. t tf Palmer's Hammocks .At HESTON?Sf 26S.Main.. All Prices. SIGN H,. ' WKaaaa. " J'i ,1-"'' JggJJJ'Bi' ' . flnl nPlfnAvnwn ,L1 N1F II V I it I UIM - Ub U HO I H I jLU ISLE ST. VINCENT I A CORRESPONDENT'S TRIP INTO f THE LAVA COVERED REGION OF THE ISLAND. Even in Georgetown the Ashes are so Thick as to Bear Down the Roofs oi Buildings. THE TERRIBLE WORK OF DISPOSING OF THE DEAD SULPHURIC GASSES CAUSE IN CREASED SICKNESS -THROUGH-OUT THE ISLAND A NEW VOL. OANO FORMED ON MARTINIQUE, ' NORTH OF MOUNT PELEE. . Kingstown. St. Vincent, May 16. A Lafflan Bureau correspondent has made an extended tour of the devastat ed countery, travelling on horseback. He lounn the topograiphy of the country entirely changed by the lava emiftted by Rne volcano SoudOriere. The villages of Wallibou and Richmond are totally burned. A ravine a hundred feet deei 'the source of the Babacca river is filled to-the level with dava. The river will, perhaps, be dry forever. WJlliibou Is partly under the sea. The houses in MOITT gOVTHIESE, VOtCANO wow EBUPTION IN ST. VINCENT. Richmond seem higher. Wallibou was sunk while Richmond was elevated, an inexiplioalbie phenomenon. The villages of Babbacca and Lot Fourteen were wiped out while the villages of Oransre Hill, Tourama, Mount Benltiek and Lang were partly destroyed. The num ber of people burned to dearth will reach 2,000. Three hundred stuff erers are in the hospitals at Kimgsttown, a hundred at Georgetown. At the aatiter place a carpenter shop adjoins the buildiner where the coffins for the dead are made. Patients in hospital can hear the making of the iboxes which are to hold them when they die. The buildings in Georgetown suffered severely although the place is . nine imdles from Soufriere. Windows facv ing the volcano are nolt touched while those facing the other way were smashed by hail stones, the wind blow ing them toward the. houses. Earthquakes have occurred at Sandy Bay. They did no harm, bult on Thurs day Governor Llewelyn, to prevent a calamity, ordered the inhabitants, Choice Residences For Rent, UNFURNISHED. One of the choicest residences on .Montford avenue; 9 rooms, electric lights, furnace, bath and other modern conveniences; stable, large yard. $40 per month to desirable tenant. Another nice 7 room house on Mont ford avenue, electric lights, bath and other modern conveniences. ?30 per month toy year. Nine room house ' n ear-In on Hay wood street, electric lights, hath, etc, large yaM. $35 per month. FURNISHED. Eight room house near South Main street, T electric lights, bath and other conveniences; $40 iper months . Nine room, house on Montford avenue,; electric?-: llghtsv fbath .and other con veniences., v $60 per month. : Six room house on Montford avenue, electric lights, ibath and other conven iences. $35 per -month, "three -months' lease. - - -..,' -,"' " " " Ten room house ' on Starnes avenue, modern conveniences,' 140; feet of porch .v $60 per month.- -, ? . " " ' " LargB boarding -housed onunset'drIve (where the air is so . pure) ; a low. price to responsible party. . T , . l"Jil!iie & LaBarbe, Exclusive., Agents, , Nol 23 PatCon-Ave. 'Phone 661 PLANS TO CALL OUT 500,000 Hazeltoa, May IS. The. miners con-, ventiori adjourned sine die a 11:45 a.m. xne aeiegates voted to leave the ques- men and pump runners to the district offlfvrfl omcera. at .i,.hW to involvet in the sfcrike ail the bitu minous and .anthracite coal miners in the United States. The Ihree anthra cite districts will immediately get Sinto corcrespondence with the bWurntaous albout four hundred, to vacate. Thev ' have sought refuge In Kingstown asd Georgetown. .j The streets of Georgetown are cum bered with heaps of ashes resembling snow drifts and ashes are also heavy on the roofs that in several cases they have caused them to fall -in. There will soon be' five thousand destitute persons in need of assistance from the government, which is already doing everything possible to relieve thef suf ferers. The report that' the volcanic lake which occupied 'the top of the mountain has diseappeared appears to be con firmed. A sea of lava, emitting sul phurous fumes, now apparently occu pies its place and several new craters have formed . The sulphuric vapors which still ex hale all over the island are increasing the sickness and mortality among the surviving in habitants and are causing suffering among the new arrivals. The hospital staffs are giving way ito over work and are with difficulty (bearing U!P. The stench in the a4icted districts is .terrible 'beyond description. Nearly all the huts left standing are filled with dead bodies. MANY PERSONS INJURED BY A ROOF COLLAPSING ARMOUR'S LARD REFINERY BUR NED, ENTAILING SI.OOGy 000 LOSS. Chicago, May- 16. Fifteen persons were badly injured, two profbably fatal- ly.' tby the collapse of the roof of a hogv shed. Hundreds of people had climbed nenrt&e shed towitness the burning f Armour & 'Ccwnpany's lardreflftery ait the tcK" yards tonight, when theJHMf suddenly collapsed. The refinery was burned. The loss Js a million dollars. NEW VOLCANIC CRATER NORTH OF MOUNT PELEE Castries, St. Lucia, May 16. The American navy tug Potomac arrived at St. Vincent last night. It is re ported that (the crater of Soufriere is quiet. Officials got to within five miles of the crater, but were unable to go further qwing to the intense heat. The crater of Mount Pelee is still very ac tive. A new volcano has broken out at the north of Mount Pelee. CARRIE NATION AGAIN GOES INTO RETIREMENT Topeka, May 16. Carrie Nation was today fined $100 and sentenced to 30 days in jail by Judge Hazen, for wreck ing the 'bar fixtures stored in a barn here in- February, 1901. She will not appeal the case and has gone to jail. JAMES WILSON DEAD Wilmington, N. C, May 16. James Wilson, a wealthy estate owner of New York, Chicago, Pueblo and Wil mington, died this morning of cerefbri tis, aged 76 It is estimated that over Itwo and half millions. His home was in New York but he spent several months here each year. The Laugh is On You If you dont "get in" on this great bargain sale. ML J j "VI & J - ) mM ,10,000 pair; Shoes at .'csi-Men,s Yonths' : Boys1 Ladies', : . 5 - Misses', Infants'-. J.All colors, styles and sizee. " : G. A. Meaips 31-33 South Main St r - , - ERS distrtotsi witn th wl . ? consent of XT?" of a call far a tpo!i niZZZ" , hvuw, UW1TI ! tlOmL St Wh WVl Vla .nn 1 . all thfi (bStumfrurviia wlnaM U-j.m.. . - I o. . " uuiea 1 Sfatfta in v.v x . . j 7: eiruggie wui be discussed. Mr. Mitchell said that. If a general strike did take place It would iiolve altogether 449,000 men, who are em ployed in about alUhe coal mines of the . United States. 1 Glow Glisten Glitter OUR Cut Glass IS the very best in quality and workmanship ito fee found. Th0 cutting is mathematically cor rect, and (beautifully executed, each piece is one of perfection and beauty, and if price counts you cannot do otherwise than purchase now. Arthjur: Pield Cot. CrcirSti. anattonAyer Do You Want , to Kent op Buy AOesirable 7-Room House Centrally Located. If so let us give you prices and tell you all about it. H. F. Grant & Son, &12UK Wood's Seeds We heve a well selected stock ot Wood's Seeds, Onion Sets and Lawn Grass. With few excep tions we sell at Wood's prices. Grant's Pharmacy IN s 3 .-1 si A : 1 V' 1 t "

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