VOL. VH NO. 86, ABBEVILLE, N. CU TOEDAY MORNING, :1TAY' 20r 1502 PIVB CSNT3 PE3 -"flBiwr FOUB DOLLAB9 4 TDAXt. OESTREIGIIER FOR Commencement and Btate Graduating Govns V- For These Purposes We Are Showing in White 'Goocls: FRENCH CHIFFONS 45 inches wide, prices 14510 90c. PARIS 2 yards wide, prices 35c to $1.50 Yard. ORGANDIES - 2 yards vide, prices 25,35, 50, 60, 75-1.25 PERSIAN LAWNS 30 inches wide, - prices -12 1-2 to 60c. FRENCH LAWNS From 25 to 50c We aho have a full line of Laces and Apliques and. Ribbons suitable for Trimming. Oestreicher & Co 51 Patton Avenue, 1 If We Have it it is the BT. Door Locks, Window Locks, Nailst Screws and hinges, in fact kind of hardware to yonr home. every fit up Let iis 'make' an estimate for you. Oar prices are al together reasonable. Asheville Hardware Co ON THE SQUARE. Asheville, N. C. fyou are undecided where to have your - 1 the advice of some fiiend who has had an art school educa tion. BROCK, Photographer Studio, Bfttion renu. Attend The Big Convention t No. 23 Patton avenue, 'Way workinc day in the year and you -will be irel mmd it a delegate. "When you In spect samples, it will be difficult for you; to make selections, you wiu e wanting all. - , The I. X.U.Depaimentore Phone 107. 22 Patton Are. Bananas 20 and 25c dozen, Lemons 20 and 25c dozen, Strawberries 6 to 12c quart. Hiram Lindsey. FOR SALE V S-room house, ' Montf ord avenue, : all modern, conveniences at a low price. Cottage,' 6 rooms, remited regularly, near car line, good neighborhood, pays 12 per cent on Investment. Can be bought at a bargain. t J BRADFORD & 10 Paragon Building. WAGNER, REAL; EST C1AY BOUBARD ST. PIERRE'RUIMS Ubraty. KCET ON ITS ARRIVAL MAYTAKE THIS METHOD OF RAIZING DANGEROUS WALLS. , . ' j her story. Sarah TurUipseed is from :, ; . i Atlanta and. is employed as anaid Iby.a Trt... a w V . ' lady from there who is at present visits VOlCanO Again in SUCH yiOlent ing here. She is of slight tmiid, mar- . -V i 'and 26 years old- She is saidto craptlOn Tnat ApproaCn XO he of good moral character. Luther & "ItL t i , t iWedls and H. B. Brown, colored, will tne RUinea City IS .PrOlU Ol tea. appear for the, woman and Craig, and ; v 'PCartef for G-fee'nleei Noah" Murrouirhs MINISTER PRENTIS' BODY : The Ashe ville Citizen. In its account TO HAVE MILITARY BURIAL yesterday of the arrest of Walter . Greenlee said that Greenlee is "a well - 1 known negro republican politfician.f' THE REMAINS OF THE MINISTER AND HIS FAMILY (FOUND WILL. BE TAKEN TO FORT DE FRANCE FOR FUNERAL HONORS V AND INTERMENT. Fore De France, May 19. At 6 o'clock this morning a Laffan Bureau correspondent on 1oard the eteamer Estafette proceeded' from Fort De France to St. Pierre. The " volcamoi (was very active. On arriving at Car bet, a suburb of St. QPiierre, gen darmes refused to permit the vessel to go further saying it was unsafe to venture nearer the volcano. After a short stay the Estafette proceeded off shore. A dredger landed scime laborers for the purpose of burying the dead-. As they landed there was a tremendous eruption- and the laborers lost notime in returning to the dredger which re- turned to Fort De France. When the eruption had partly su!b- sided the Estafette steamed near (shore to take off some fifty fugitives gathered on, ithe (beach. About this time the Aknerican tug Potomac and the British cruiser Inde- fiatigable arrived.. A party from the Potomac went ashore to recover the bodies of the American and (British con eula TWira V.O InAofa tftrflfKlft raiiilri anchor there were several ftremjemdous eruptions. The sight was ' terrible: The Indefatigable put a sea, followed by tfie' steamer Estafette. The Potom ac steamed along the beach, blorwmg her (whistle, and succeeded in taking off her Jamdiiiig party. -Immense quantir ties of lavia are falMiug inticr the sea frpim the northward. - The Indefati,ga Kble an the Potomac rmainedjoff shore awaiting another chaTiceto iaod . "Fort De France, May 19. Officers of the cruiser Suchet are discussing the questijon of razing the ruins of st' French squadron, now on its way to Martinique, arrives. The remains of the) American consul, Prentis and- members of his family have been. found." They will toe 'trough to Fort De France iwhere the remains nf Mr. "Prpti will fh hnrtAf! ,with .mSl- ttary honors. GAYNOR AND GREEN RETURNED TO QUEBEC Montreail, May 19. Colonel Gaynor and Captain Greene were retmanded to jail this afternoon by Judge Lafontaine, before whom extradition proceedings were heard. Subsequently the high constable of Quebec arrived, served a writ of habeas corqus on the governor, ordering him to deliver over the pris oners. The governor complied. Tonight. Gaynor land Greene are on their way back to Quebec. ARRESTED ON CHARGE OF-ATTEMPTING RAPE Serious Charge Against Walter Greenlee, Colored, of this,City. At 10 o'clock Sunday morning, Walter Greenlee, a well known colored man of this place, -was arrested by Officers Jamison and Jar-vis 'on a charge of A PLACE OP INTEREST. It wiir not be time wastedall are cordially invited to. visit (you will not he asked to buy). The store of J. H. Law, 35 Patton avenue-HWhite front. The Sign of Distress Your eyes "will give you warning If you overtax them in amy way, or if any thing goes wrong with, them, come to us, we will make them right with prop erly ground glasses.' Examination Free McKeet Optician t 64 Patton avenue, opposite Postofflce CFOR RENT-Unfurnlshed. 7 rooms, Atkins street $15.: . 8 wxms, Blake street, $25. ,9 rooms, W.1 Chestnut street, $40. 9 ,'rottms, Cumberland avenue, '-$30 . 8 rooms central . avenue; $15 . 6. rooms, Haywood street, $17. 9 rooms Haywood street $25. ' S-rooms, .Montford avenue, $25. . ATE AGENTS. Phvne S2S. c'-- ?r ; r criminal assault coininitted . on .. .Sarah. Purnipseed, colored. Greenlee waej. re leased at a late hour Sunday afternoon ;after giving hond in the sum of $50$ "for hi appearance tomorrow morning before Justice James when aj prelimi nary hearing will he given. The crime is alleged to have occurred on Saturday i night. The woman was a stranger in on, Hill street. The woman suspecting t wrong designs, made her escape 'through the rear of the house only j partly dressed. Sunday morning she I went to police headquarters andelated went the offender's bond. The roumsh- ment for offences of this nature is from 5 to 15 years in the enitentiary.- Walter Greenlee is not, nor never has been, "a well known negro (republican A1SJT politician," nor any other kind of a pol-AJNJ- itician so far as anyone knows. He has usually voted the democratic ticket. YESTERDAY'S LEAGUE GAMES At Pittsburg R H E Pittsburg.. .. .. ... .... .... 2 5 0 Tl 2 1 J i i a y n gCC': I' V o . 't. and Dooin. At. Chicago R H E Chicago 5 9 0 Boston.. .. ............ 2 10 2 Batteries: Williams and Kling; Ma larkey and Kittridge. At St. Louis R H E St. Louis 6 12 2 Brooklyn 5 12 Batteries: Popp and Ryan; Newton and Ahearn. At Cincinnati R H B NeW York'" : " " 2 7 2 "Vdie and'Veltz; Sparks and Ye&ger. " . OTITP iriOlir niliro OIHlL LChUUL UAIIILO special to the Gazette. At Newbern n tt rn Durham.. ..'2 6 6 Newbern 5 9 0 Batteries: Morris and Curran; Bass and Dunn. jj . tt- 19 AZ nariatie xl VV lttmngtOn . U S 1 S Charlotte ..-4 7 1 Batteries: Dunn and Fisher; Brandt and Lehman. nk uircuawiu- xv n iu itaieign 0 3 1 Greensboro.. .. .. ..2 Batteries Roy and Smith; and McfTeer. WILUAM VHITTAM COMPAHY The rwork on the William WhAtltam I Textile company building Lis (progras-j rain uprooted hundreds of shade tres sing rapidly. The brick Trails' otC the'3-1"1 Dlew sey6rai houses from their structure have been built to a height ! , .machinery will be to operation by July 1. ' V j The boiler room is ready for the I The th building will be run by stealm power after the completion of the ibuilding until the W. T. Weaver Pow er company have completed' their elec tric plaint, when the electric drive rwill be installed. ' The contract for the building ,of the operatives' homes' has (been , let and they will be under construction soon. NAVAL APPROPRIATION BILL WITH IMPORTANT AMENDMENT PASSES HOUSE Washington, May 19. The naval ap propriation bill passed the house today. Before the passage of the bill an amendment was adopted by an over-. Whelming majority directing the con struction of three ships instead of one by the government namely, a, battle ship, an armored cruiser and one gun boat. Appropriations were "provided to fittingly equip navy yards at (which the vessels are to beUuilt. The provision for 350 additional eadets was stricken put. The house alsio .-'passed the bill making a working day eight hours on all work contracted for (by the govern ment. : .Washington, May 19. Dolliver was f the only senator who spoke on the Phil- Open All night,- Raysorte Drug Store- : Soda'l Water at Gran,? Pharmacy tf Splendid mountain pasture in the Vanderbilt preserve for cows. 50c per head per month. Appi? Forest Depart- (ment, ; BUtmore Estate. v " tf dm . I AM QOINCf TO Hestpn's Bakery to gat some of their fine IvjCaktis. They h?ive a baker fthat just knows how to bakej Cakes; , HESTON Phone 183 26 So. Main St. p. r , n rf (25 OF TEXAS TORNADO BODIES HAVE ALREADY BEEN RECOVERED GOLIAD LEFT A WRECK. Oes the Iflll, "Mope than 100 Were Injured, and There Is Over $100,000 Losi; 'r TE2RIBLE WORK DONE ! 1 LWriHIN FIVE MINUTES STORM ALSO STRUCK SAN ANTO NIO, DOING 175,000 DAMAGE AND INJURING: SEVERAL PERSONS NO LIVES LOST EXCEPT AT ' GOLIAD. Goliad, Texas, May 19. The loss of the cyclone which devastated' 'this vicinity now reaches 125. Ninety bodies have already been recovered. The property loss will exceed a hundred thousand dollars. 1 Dallas, Tex., May 19. The death dealing storm which swiept over oeatral Texas yesterday afternbon snuffed out the lives of at least 90 persons, injured over 100 and left the historic little toTn of Goliad a gaping wreck. Within- five minutes the terrible wort ' VICTIMS of the (tornado was done, and those ; ProbaJbly only Gaberial Lopez, anem lucky enough to escape with their live pJoye ? an -insurance office. andFran- ' ? ZZ r .Cisco Suarea, the well-known anarch - an to wk krf rescue. igt wm e ,brau&ht to trial although The survivors at Goliad are too daz-.the others are still detained. Lopez's ed to estimate the property loss but a wife, when questioned by the police, jStrip of (town wo blocks wide and one admitted that her husband and- fre .mlle long was swept. The damage is quently had mysterious visitors recent heavy. Dead and dying andimals are ly. Lopez has fairly good antecedents, .mixed with the debris which marks the Prior to the present trouble he profess- . path of the storm. r . "e a federal republican. Lopez ThP ini,w aT (Ki o.w ifAr iw'and Suarez were again confronted to- morning by physicians ' and oiutrses who . . ... . . . arrived on special trains late night. j .The .storm' iwhlich swept Goliad des- I troyed much property in other sections ox tne state, Bjut so far as is known, no lives rwera Sost. r 7 2 i Shortly after noomt the storm (struck caQ ,be depended upon , to give knipor Sugge .giari Antmnirt strnA AptmMiY&A nmrurre tance to-the affair. Jo the extent of $75,000 and' injured sev-1 berai persons, none seriously. v Austin also- suffered." - considerable property loss. At 'Mimebla a iwindstorimi foldiorwed by Heavy trains fell throughout the west ern portion of the state and wM hUp crops materially. The "Panhamdle' was especially drenched. The Spanish have a proverb, "Any soul may be saved but the usurer's." The man who cannot be ruled! some woman cannot rule men. by To satisfy & woman it is not enough to make her believe you love her; you must convince her you do not love no- I body else. ippines. civil government bill in the sen ate today. Dolliver supported the bill. He criticised the attitude of the minor ity, eulogized McKinley and his policy, declared the Philippines are now enjoy ing peace and asserted that the United States is anore likely to cede the valley of the Mississippi to the heirs of poleon the Great than to relinquish the PhiliDoines. The bill went over and the senate adjourned. Choice Residences For Rent. UNFURNISHED. One of the choicest residences on Montf ord avenue; 9 rooms, electric lights, furnace, bath and other modern conveniences; stable, large yard. $40 per month to desirable tenant,.. . Another nice 7 room house on Mont- ford , venue, electric lights, bath and other modern conveniences. $30 per month toy year. Nine room house near-in on' Hay wood street, electric lights, bath, etc, large yard. $25-er-month. FURNISHED, i vt , . Eight room -bouse near South Main street, electric lights, bath and other conveniences $40 per month, --tr-. Nine room house on Montf ord avejjue. electric Dghtsv' bath and other Coh. venlences. $60 , per month. Six room house on Montf ord avenue electric lights, .bath and other conven iences. $35 per inonthv-three months' lease. Ten room house on S tames avenue, modern conveniences, 140 feet of porch. $50 per month. Large boarding house on Sunset drive (where the air is so pure); a low price to responsible party. Millie 'ft LaBarbe, Exclusive Agents, No. 23 Patton Ave.; r: 'Phone 661 ENTOMBED MINERS ARE ALL FOUND DEAD Rescuing: Party Reached Place of Night Victims ol Explosion Number Fully 150 and May Reach 2004-Seenes of Anguish at Mine's Mouth.r Coal Creek, Tenn,, May w.-i-wui bodies have been recovered from the Fraterville and Thistle mines where the explosion occurred this morning. One man was taken out aiive but will die. Definite figures as to the number of INVESTIGATING PLOT TO KILL ALPHONSO EXISTENCE OF AN ANARCHIST C ONSPIRACY THOUGHT TO BE CONFIRMED. , Madrid, May 19. The police here are extremely reticent regarding the d's covery of an anarchist plot to kill the young king. Several of the papers now question whether the arrested men really entertained the intention attribu ted to them. It is said that the author ities on learning of the purchase of dy- inamitej ordered inquiries made concern ing each "purchaser, and the existence of the conspiracy is thus thought to have been confirmed. Nevertheless the j Liberal today declares that, as a re- suit of the preliminary investigation, day; itb a mltT similaf J?-0! vestprflav. whpn . T.oneK declared that j Suarez gave him the dyijaiinite car- him to throw them as the royal coach passed through the Carrera San .Gero- nimo. The case is in Jthe hands of a rvnideTit (magistrate, who, it is Relieved. - ' IPHI HMDIlll UUl-UlllOIHll GATHERING AT COLON Colon, May 19. A. thousand govern ment troops landed here today from the steamer Louisianian from. Savanilla. Two thousand more are expected here shortly. On their arrival an attack will ibe made on the insurgents. PRESBYTERIAN ASSEMBLY Jackson, Miss., May 19. The fourth day of the general assembly of. the Presbyterian church in the United States was called to order by Mod erator Hall. Prayer was offered by Dr. Robson, of South Carolina. Several overtures Vwere presented on the sub ject of graded lessons. The report crt the trustees of the Presbyterian college at Durant, I. T., showed a promising future for the institution, but the im mediate need of funds for the equip ment of new buildings was pressing. Among the more important' overtures filed with the secretary was one favor ing a new catechism. This comes from a dozen different synods and was championed by Dr. Hemphill, of Louis ville. Dr. Walden opposed the charge and moved that the question of the new catechism be dismissed from future consideration. Tomorrow Dr. Z. B. Graves, of Louis iana, will appear before the assembly on appeal. He was suspended and his licenses taken away by the Louisiana synod on numerous comaplaints. Only a Few More days until we will commence to tear down our old store to build one large department store. We are offering thte Shoe at. JJ200 original price $3.00. Large line of Ladies' Oxford Ties $1.90, original price $2.75 Ladies' Shoes and Oxfords Just Half Price G. A. Mears, Explosion at 10 O'clock Last - s jmen in xne mine at the time of th explosion are difHcult to eet. Sta.te' j ments are conflicting, but Superintend- a.v,ci me iiuanDer at Z50 at least. (Continued on 4th page.) The Development of Turquoise Matrixt ' The Adaptability of Baroque Pearls, The Refulgent Beauty of Rose Goldr The delicacy of transpa rent and leaf enamel columns could be written and yet not express their true loveliness as shown in our handsome store. You are invited to call and see our stock. Arthur WL Field Company cases, ure and . Jueen Vlc- Leading Jewelers Cor. CburcU St, an Pattop A f, has pre- Writhe treat- e-Flnsea Wood's Seeds We have a well selected stock? t Wood's Seeds, Onion Sets and .; Lawn Grass. With few excep tions we sell at Wood's prices. Grant's Pharmacy Pop Sale. We are offering for a limited time the well known home o'f Bill Nye at Buck Shoals. This place cost over $25,000 and pVf taken at once will be sold at a price considerably less than cost. For further iparticulars. See H. F. GRANT & SON Real Estate Agents. 48 Patton Avenue. 29 South Main St. :. v' 'v' " v ' 4 i 9 V -"is - k , ' t ( - 4 free. 4 1 V I!- A3 - V ,.vt-Lri.' - ; ' , - - V ; 4. ' ' I - .r ( -

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