AsfievDle Busifless -Directory: A HANEsOISXE STJITH Living rooms for gentlemen. . - ;Best Appointments.' Wm. Johnston, Jr. . 20 Temple Court. Aslievilie Lock and Gun Sho j 2 South Court square. , Phone 849. Trunk, Typewriter and Sejwlng Ma chine Repairing, Umbrellas recover ed. Repair work .of all . kinds. Knives and SciWore sharpened.; All rwork guaranteed. J. S. Week Pro prietor; J. J. Rigdby, Manager i PARAGON DRUG .CO. ; EDWARD HOPKINS, President. . Li. B. WHEELER, secretary and trees Opposite- postofflce. Prescription; Phone 260. Public Phone 471. Prescription our specialty. - Are you going to Build P ARE TOU GOING TO BUILD? . Brick, stone or wood, get "my estimate. Geo. W. Wrenn, Ibuilder. Office and job shop, ,36 v Phillip street, on Bailey street carUine. P. O. Box 167.' An Studio JJ. HOWELL LEWIS, 7 & ft Patton are. LEADING ' ARTIST I PHOTOGRAPHER. I have New Back-Grounds, New Styles, New Ideas, and want New Faces to Photograph. Artistic Pafeer Hanging 4J. R. McFALL, 56 N. Main. Phone 469. House and Decorative Painter and Artistic Paper Hanger. Latest de signs in Burlaps for your Inspection. Workmanship guaranteed. , Asheville Dray Co. .ASHEVILLE DRAY CO., R. M. Ram sey. Manager, No. 1 Court square. All kinds of dray work given prompt attention. J Asheville Bone, and Tallow Co Manufacturers of Bone Meal and HIGH GRADE FERTILIZERS . 'Ail orders receive attention. Phone 833. Asneville Pressing Club it t WTT.RAR. ProDrieXor. 4 North Court square . Phone 889. JOIN MY CLUB. Cleaning, Repairing, Dyeing and Tail oHne. All orders sent for and de livered. Phone 889. Asheville Wagon and Horse shoeing Shops jt n. WALLACE. Proprietor, Lexing ton avenue and Williow street. Man ufacturer of Farm, Road and Delivery Wagons. Carriage painting ana trim ming. Horse shoeing a specatjr. All work guaranteed. Phone 225. Attorney at Law iptt(was A. JONES. Attorney at Law, rvvmrrrfoatoner for New York. Notary Public. Rooms 16 and 17 Legal Building, Court Square. Annandale Dairy Phone 378. Superior milk and cream, for those who want the best. Aaaresa, TWm. Johnston, Jr. 20 Tempi Court. Barber ' OAK HALL BARBER SHOP. 3. W. BOWMAN, Proprietor, 1 Patton avenue. For a perfect Hair Cut, Shave or Shine try the Oak Hall Bar ber Shop. Choice Carnations 60c per dozen, former price 76c. Brown- hurst Greenhouses. (Uptown omcej The Paragon. Cereals CThe leading Health Food is ' BILTMORE WHEAT-HEARTS . Cleaning, Dyeing,, Bepairing soiled, clothlnsr thoroughly scoured before pressing. Work done for ladles and gents. Heavy skirts and woolen w.ists ieajied Drooerly. Ten years ex perience. Work sent for and delivered. W. B. WOOD, Phona .556 . 49 College Street. Countrv Produce a Specialty. BEOREG W. DAVIS, 847 Hay wood St., Phon 786. I have Just closed a con tract with a southern farmer to keep my stock of green groceries complete. Groceries and Feed PALMER & JOHNSON, near Passen- ror denot. Phone 672. Dealers in Groceries and Feed. We handle the -Rna-v Bee Hams and Breakfast Ba con. Try our Perfection flour. Prices the lowest , fur cash. Prompt deliv ery. : Hide and Metal House 8. STERNBERG, Office Phone 838, Residence Phone ,48. ; I pay highest cash orlces for Hides, Metals, Second Hand Machinery. WooL Furs, Bees wax and Ginseng. livery Stable 7. OATBS; 8 CUege-itreet. Fqn 60. ;Beev ewped' uyery pcanie Asherttle. WeU gloomed horsean ...... -- r .l ita carnages sna ruB.oio I4very Feed artd Sale! Stable Aci .yoactorstoertTl i&tntM and youu wffl Phone 1. witys T.TTIT - r . r4..;t :what atikxs ruby mps. The pure, rich, blood, made' by Dr. King's New Life Pills. They promote beauty. Give .clear skin, rosy l cheeks.? 26c. " All .druggists.,-. - h r Many persons Tookioni She, iwrong siae tof life, to see the funiiy side of it. - t. For all. the seasons go so. fast, some people dnsJst on- rushing" the. season.; . , i U i 1 - t" 1 , ' THE r- PERIL OF OUR TIME ,' Is , lung ' disease." " J. "C King's j New piscovery for Consumption Coughs and Colds cures' : lung ' trouble or no pay.: Rte., ll.COi: All druggtrts. . ; r J 301 feet front, 250 feet deep on Merrl moa avenue, beautiful 1 oak" 'grove, ground .lays pretty for uRding nic home, easy terms. Appljr to" W. O. Wolfe, ' Monument 'works";: K Z .V , anicuxre MISS CRUISE, .122 French' BrtfeuJ av-e. Phone .. 425. . Manicuring, Chiropody, Shampooing and treatment of- the scalp. ana wer calls at your res idence. u ' ' r M ... . . , , , . Meat Market TDFORD & FORD, Riverside Market Phone 511. Best quality . Beef, Pork, Mutton, s Veal and , Sausage. C.Poultry and Game In season. Orders deliv ered. Monumental Granite Works S. I. BEAN, 103 Patton avenue. Phone 526. Monumental 'Marble and Granite Works. Tablets and Tiles. Estimates furnished on Building Stone Work. Music House C. FALK, Proprietor, 87 South Main street. Phone 206. Gaebler and Kel ler & sons ioanos. Sheet jangle. : Pianos tuned. " '. New and Second Hand Goods BAIRD & RECTOR, 89 North Main. Phone 854. A complete line of new and second hand furniture, sold on easy payments.. A .liberal allowance for goods exchanged. No Greater Mistake can be . Made f - ... Than imagining it is economy to buy cheap goods because the price is low. Prices and quality sell our goods. The lowest psices .consistent with, a high atandard..pfJ,;excenence Obtained at J. B. Shope's - Harness and Saddle . Store,' 57 South Main street. Bent, Beat, Bent RENT! RENT! RENT! One of the (beet located modern cottages "Parkv Terrace" beautiful view, near -in. Never occupied by any one' sick. $30 month. Three other pottages, $15, $17, and $25. D. S. Watson 26 South Main street. . Ralston Physical Culture MISS CORNET JSON, Ralston Hall, 3rd floor. Paragon Building. Phone 704. A new term 'begins March Srd. Terms on application. Remember that Health insures Happiness. " Beal Estate and Loans J. M. CAMPBELL, 9 North Court Square. Dealer in Real Estate and Loans. Buys, rents and sells, 8 room house at Biltmore for sale. Price $1,800.00. BimMmmMmMMmMmMMmmammMwmMMmmMMmmMMMmMMMMMMMmmmmmMMmmMamMMMMmMMmMMM Phone 154. 169 S. Main St. S. J. Harris, Dealer in Groceries, Provisions, Glass and Queen's Ware. Shoes, Dry Goods and Notions. Will save you' 10 to 25 per cent on every dollar spent with us. Souvenirs. NORTHERN SOtfypNIR STORE, 80 patton avenue, headquarters tor sou venirs of sheyiUe "and -lcinlty. Rhododendron, Wood and Leather Goods a specialty. ;! Staple and Fancy Groceries M. E. GARREN, 371 South Main. Phone 392 . Dealer in Flour, iFeed, Hay and Fine. Groceries. Extra qual ity sweet potatoes. Orders promptly delivered. Stoner Brothers CASH STORE, 30 South Jdtajn street, is the place to make profitable cash trades. . You are . invited. Stone WHEN YOU need any stone call phone 290, two rings, or have any stone work. Excavation, grading steps or curbing to set. Ring us and we will do your yrork promptly. Remember our phone, 290 two rings. Respect fully, H. A. Brown and W. H. Britt. Steel Banges and Heating: Stoves W. A. BOYCB, U South Court Square. Phone 17. Ten per cent, reduction on all heating . stoves tor the next 80 days. We handle first class ranges . er WILLIAM H. GRIFFIN, Jr., 21 Tem ple Court. Phone 785. Stenography and Typewriting, Court Reporting, Correspondence, Copying. , : TURKISH BATHS MR. AND MRS. fTOLHURST, Propr- etors, Haywood street, opposite Bat tery Park Hotel. Turkish, Russian and Electric Baths, also Massage by latest Improved methods. Lady and gentlemen attendants. NO. 11 STARNES .AVENIJBr-Large ' Shady lawn and near car line. Specie ally, pleasant . for summer, - Rates reasonable. Phone , 729-3. , . ; ' If you need anything in Watt Paper it wtlltpey'yott'to to 51 E. College street I have just Tece!vedi70(l rolls, all new designs. ' My - prices afrraygr ttm lowest. . . .T(J. PERKINSON ' An aiieiuce wlir not (be "cold1 If Jt Is wrapped up . la the performance, r f " - Like .cider, 5 some people remain sweet untft it is time to go to work, i " WANTS OTHERS TO KNOW. 7 "Lv.hve "usedv, PeWltt's -Littler. Early RIse.rsi'foT Hoonstipa,tlomd oripid liver and.,they are all- right, fv 1 am .glad i to indoise them for I ; think when, we find a: good thing we ' ought ,to let others know. It,' writer Alfred. Heinze,. Quln cy, Hi, They never gripe or distress. Sure, ' safe pills.' -.Dr. '.T..C.'t Smith's drujf gtore V r. 'f, 'h-';. f - It STOCKS DOLL ID FEATURELESS Yesterday's Quotations on the New York Exchanges. Cotton Market Pointers and Chicago Grain Prices. ' ' ' v ' (By private Svfre to Murphy & Co. No. 11 Church street.) STOCK LETTER. New York, May 19 .-'The stock mar ket was only moderately active today but a large part of the selling move ment was under way. Scattered liqui dation was in evidence but the pressure was not severe enough to cause de clines of much more than 1 to VA per cent the average. The Whit Monday holiday in London prevented arbitrage operations and afforded no opportunity to test the opinion of London on the favorable local bank statement on Sat urday. The uncertainty of the extent to which the industrial contest in the Pennsylvania coal fields may be car ried sufficed to restrict dealings. In. the afternoon the development of a small opposition at the meeting of stock holders of the United States Steel cor poration was utilized (for pressure against the. steel stocks, the declines in iwiuvn nuwever leu (oeiow z per cenx. Money market showed realization and crop news continued decidedly favora ble in the main: In the final dealings numerous stocks made substantial re coveries and in some instances estato lished net gains for the day. Con spicuous in the latter category was Sugar which after showing a good de gree of resistance to depression all day' closed higher than Saturday. As -.a rule the net charges throughout the Railroad and local traction group were smaller on both sides of the account. Total sales stocks today 60Q,000. Bonds $1,988,000. Am. Smelt. & R. . ... 45 Do. pfd 95 B. & O ....105 Do. pfd 95 Erie 38 Great West 28 45 95 104 95 35 27 45 95 105 95 35 27 153 55 148 101 170 63 36 94 61 39 13 30 67 126 77 96 65 46 97 220 94 89 16 137 131 146 N. Y. Central.. ..' ..155 153 N. & W 55 Pennsylvania.. .. 148 55 147 100 170 63 35 94 61 39 13 29 66 ' 125 77 96 64 45 95i 220 94 88 '16 137 131 136 97 153 55. 32 100 60 66 170 165 63 61 102 86 S3 People's Gas.. .. Rock Island.. .. . South. Pac.. .. .. Southern Do. pfd.. Tenn. C. & I.. Texas Pac . . U. S. Leather.. . A. L... .101 .170 . 64 37 94 62 . 40 . 19 . 31 Aimg. Copper 68 Am. Sugar Rer 126 A. .T & S. F 78 Do. pfd 97 Bkyn. R. T 65 dies. & Ohio 46 Colo. F. & 1 97 Con. Gas.. ..220 Can. Southern. 95 Do. pfd 90 Rep. Steel., .. . .. 17 L. & N.. 138 Manhattan L ..131 Met. St. Ry 147 Missouri Pac 98 98 N. Y. Central 155 N. K 55 154 55 32 Ont. & West 32 People's Gas 101 101 Reading-.. 61 Do. 2d pfd 66 60 66 170 166 63 62 103 87 8J Rock Island.. . ,.170 ..167 .. 64 .. 62 ..103 .. 87 89 St. Paul Southern Pac.. Tenn. C. & I.. Union Pac. .. Do. pfd.. .. . W. U. Tel.. . COTTON LETTER. New York, May 19.' In the cotton market this morning Interest centered on the news rami Texas indicating a (big storm in the Southwest section and as a result prices moved up a little. Some private reports claiming serious injury to growing cotln but the gen eral trade disregarded thej? reports. The fact that Liverpool was closed to day restricted business and the feeling was nervous and unsettled There was plenty of rain at Fort Smith, Memphis, Oklahoma, Vicksburg and little Rock. Some were claiming too much rain at these places and some were claiming too little. Receipts were running mod erate about 4000 for the ports against 11,000 last year. There was more or less talk of poor dry goods trade. The main thing against activity was the holiday at Liverpool and without ad vices from there people here were at sea but nevertheless renewed disposi tion was shown to liqsljye as the morning advanced and at the same time it was said that there was now danger of the market being before long oversold as it previously had been overbought. A heavy estimate" for Houston tomorrow Intensified the lower tendency shown at times and the ab sence of decisive news : of crops inquiry in Texas, kept , the trade dn suspense and the majority were inclined to take the short side. One block of 10,000 July, sold at .71 today. New York advanc ed sharply 'before noon on reports from New Orleans where bull leaders were active. .. COTTON. New York spot &. High. Low. Close. January.. February... May...: .. June. . . . .. July.. August;. ... September , "Octolber.. November:. December.. T..89 7.83 7.87 7.88 9.05 8.01 8.82 S.50 8.08 . 7.97 7.8 7,8$ 8.90 .86 8.65 8.39 8.00 7.88. 7.85 7.83 9.05 8.93 8.81 A 8.55 8.07 7.96 7.88 7.87 S GRAIN LETTER. . New York. May -19. Wheat rather slow today; July, lower; September steady and higher the - difference Jaas harrowed to -1 -"cent : between the two options. July was neglected twhile commission houses had1 'buying orders in Sentemlber . Local crowd was oh the Selling side arid , the .feeling generally bearish. Htavy; rains .Northwest on set by good growing weather? South west r? Country offerings are increasing. St.- Louis had about hundred thousand wheat! mostly' frorh Karisas, crop ad vices xwere generally better except in the Red River valley where excessive fains are retarding seeding. . , CORNr There has been rather weak i market in corn " today? selling ,by coin? i mission houses ? freer, country ; offerings and fine - crop prospects all served to depress prices; Harris-Gates, -bought some and prevented more than a small decline. Market dosed with a loss of 1 to 3-8 cent. ' Local sentiment. was (bear ish. There was no conspicuous trad ing and greatly increased receipts as predicted by cash houses last week have not as yet materialized but the prospects cause leas desire on the part of the outside spectator. Oats: Oats were easy with the other grains and inclined to dullness. ; There wcr no features to the market old wuiy wasvireeiy onerea. aii opuons show a small , loss for the day. There was an increase in the visible and re ceipts are 'becoming larger, v. Cash de mand Is still good and - serves to strengthen the" market. Crop advices are very iavorable. PROVISIONS: Opening in hog pro ducts was" strong due to better tone on the hog market and smaller receipts bu offerings became liberal and lack of support .caused a decline and weak ness developed. There twas some buy ing at the decne on the 'part of (brok ers who have been the main support of the market for the past month or two. This had the effect of steadying prices to some extent, There was no feature of importance, trade dull. CHICAGO. Wheat High Low. Close. July.. .. .. ...74 .73 ..' 61. .. 59 .. ..424. 74 74 September. - 73 60 59& 42 34 73 61 59 Corn fV- . July. .. September..' uats May: . .. .. July.. ... V. 42 34 Ribs July .. 9.67 September, . 9.67 Lard-r July.-.-.. .. 10.25' September.. : Pork.. 10.25 July., ., .17.35 .17.45 17.25 17.35 17.25 September.. ,17.35 - LOCAL RETAIL MARKETS : Prevailing ; prices of produce. Cor rected dailv by Hiram Lindsey, 450 South Main street and City Market, Phones 200 and 173. Strawberries, 15c per basket. Cauliflower, 10c each. Rhubarb, 5c per bunch. Asparagus, 10 to 25c per bunch. String Beans, 10c quart. Early June Peas, 5c per quart. Sweet Potatoes, 30c peck. Cranbemes, 13c quart. Dried colored peas, 5c qt. White Peas, 7c quart. Spring Onions. 5c bunch. I h ... 1 Water Cress, 10c basket. f Tomatoes, 10c pound; - 1 Cucumbers 2 for 5c. ' Head Lettuce, 6o. , Curley Lettuce, 8 for 10c. Radishes, 6c bunch. Mint 6c. bunch. ; 1 New Turnips 6c bunch. New Beets; 7 to 10c. New Cabbage, 3c pound. Turnip Greens, 26s per peck. Carots, (new), 10c bunch, for 25c. Carrots (old) So -bunch. Garlic, 5c bunch. Summer Squash, 3c peund. Leek, 5c bunch . Florida, New Onions, 10c bunch. Corn, $1.00 bushel. White Potatoes, 30 to 40c pack. Spinach. ,80 peck. New Onions, 50c peck. - . . i. Yellow Turnips, 20c peck. Apples, 20-30c peck. Parsnips 15c peck. Meal, 25c peck. Eggs, 15c dozen. Oranges, 40c dozen. I Grape Fruit 10c. 8 for c. Lemons, 25c. dozen. Bananas, 20 to 25c dozen. DUcks, 32c apiece (dressed.) Chickens, SO and 40c each. Spring Chickens, 25 to 35o each. (dressed). ... Turkeys, 18c pound. ti Guineas 25c each; ' ; Turkey, 13c pound gross. Home-made molasses, 60c. gallon. Vinegar, S0-40C. gallon. Creamery Butter, 80c pound. Butter (table), 25e pound. Dried Beans, $2.00 bushel. Hal, baled, $1.10 per 100 pounds. Hay, loose, 90c' per hundred pounds. Shorts, $1.25 per sack. Lost Job and Suicided. Raleigh, May 19. Robert Cash, su perintendent of Durham county home lor the 'aged and infirm, was discharg ed yesterday. He attended a funeral, then bought a pistol, walked 2 miles in the country, and while walking along a road and in the presence of Rpvpral nersons blew out his brains and -also shot himself in the breast Death quickly resulted. When the spectators reached him they found hia clothing on fire. . Sues Saloonists for $7,500. 'Ptfrmineham. Ala.. May 19. E. A. Tucker .has filed suit against B. F, Oldham & Co., saloonists, asking for $7,500 damages. He says he bought whisky from the defendants and ,took two small drinks out o the flask. If' immediately became deathly sick and declares that he has not been able to earn a livelihood since, having "pains In his head," etc. He says ha Hnnnr was noxious and caused his suffering. . . . ; ' Gift for Alabama. Washington, May 19.T-The senate has passed a bill to donate to the stafe of Alabama the spars of the cap tured battleships Don Juan,de Austria; and Almirante uquenao. ' A "woman would rather -be tyrannized hy the maut she loves than tyrannize; the man she doesn't love. ' " 4 TjTktb jL Crowning man. ' . " "Siva vears ago a disease -the doctors called dyspepsia took ; such holoV of me that I could scarcely go, writes Geo, a. :Marsh; wsnk3uwn attorney of NW cona, Tex, I took auanttltles of pepsin and other tneddotnes JmtTiothlnsr neioea cne. As a drowning: man graha at a stnaiw I crabbed at Kodol. I felt-an InvDroyement at once, and! after .a fevr bottles am sound and well." Kodol Js hthe only preparation which eoactly re- imroduoefl the'- mtural idigestive juices and oonseauently Is 4he only one -which digests any good ' food and - cures . any fonm of stomacn troume. , j-r. Emith's drusr store. J,V v, . S' M OSTIilTTIiE BABIES DIE, either from lowel troubles or from diseases which they contract because they are in a weak: and feeble condition from bowel troubles. Mothers who are teekuiR the ideal and constipation, diarrhoea, colic and simple. remeay. It is the bett and most effective laxative made entirely of harmless ingredients. ipes or causes pain or irritation. J2ST luse fjftuaren uxc u ana asxjor u." It is a dangerous thing to give little their little bodies. DON'T DO IT give them A few drorjfl can be riven with safetv to colic by expelling the wind and gas that cause it, and it also will check simple fevers, breax up colas ana eie&r tne coatea tongue Oreat relief is exnerienced when administered to voune children sufferinjr from diarrhoea, accompanied with white or green neutralizes the acidity of the bowels and digestion, relieves restlessness, assists nature T. A TT A TC O L A. It Is a gentle and safe remedy to use during all coodiHons of health at the gwntler ex whenever their peculiar and delicate constitutions require a mild jiy Trrnnrriv' and efficient laxative tad tonic, and Is invaluable in assisting to rcHerc ph. Jj Uu VYlJxLJbSI structions whith otherwise would lead to more or less severe pain or Ulness. it improves rtne auickens the circulation, rem ores muddy and blotched tainty by removing te emu: To women suffering from sauownessof the skis and dyspepsia, Laxaroia will invariably bring relief and a speedy cure. At druggists, 25c. and 50c., or send for fine sample to THE LAXAKOLA CO., 13a Nassau Street, N. Y. 3 56 Dearborn Street, Chicago. IMPOSING CEREMONIES. Reinterment of General Rosecrans Re mains at Arlington Cemetery. Washington, May 19. With imrps- ing ceremonies the remains of Major General W. Stark Rosecrans today were re-interred in Arlington ceme tery under the direction of the Society of the Army of the Cumberland. The services were presided over by Gen eral D. B. Henderson, speaker of the house or representatives, president Roosevelt, member of the cabinet, senators and representatives and a host of friends, including many of his old army associates, were present to pay their last tribute to the noted sol dier. Full military honors were accorded the remains, which were borne to the grave on a caisson ai.d escorted by the president, high officials of the army and navy, as well as by General Rosecrans former comrades in arms of the civil war and many other nota bles. When the funeral procession reach ed the cemetery the remains were con yeyed to the pavilion. In the opening exercises Speaker Henderson, wfip presided, delivered an address in which he reviewed the rec ord of. General Rosecrans in war and peace and paid a high tribute to his ability and bravery as an officer ana his sagacity and integrity, as a mem ber of the congress, minister t,o Mexi co and as a business man. The exercises at the pavilion over the cortege moved slowly to the grave, where the committment service was read, closing with "Nearer, My God, to Thee," by the quartet. Taps were sounded, followed by a salvo of artillery and the last sad rites over the distinguished soldier had been performed. WAR BENEFIT TO SPAIN. Loss of Her Colonies Proved Blessing In Disguise. New York, May 19. Spain's condi tion cannot be accurately judged from the pleasureable excitement of a pop ular festival, when the streets of the capital are thronged with visitors and there is a brilliant display of equip pages in the parks, cabjes the Madrid correspondent of The Tribune. - Without reference to adventitious aid to the present ceremony, with its Spanish vivacity and holiday humor, the facts justify the conclusion that the country is in a greatly improved state and that the war involving the loss ef the colonies has proved to be a blessing in disguise. The terrible drain upon the re sources of the kingdom from military expenditures has ceased and the pres sure of taxation has been relaxed. The law adopted a year ago requiring the payment of import duties in gold has operated well and is enabling the treasury to create a gold reserve avail able for resumption - purposes. While nothing definite has yet been, accom plished in the direction, of a contrac tion of the currency; there has been a material increase in the purchasing power of the depreciated medium of exchange, and there has been also a great gain in the buoyancy of the pub lic confidence. Bankers and merchants are convinc ed that a better era has opened for Spanish Industry. , Dyers Strike at Patereon. ' New York, May 19. a Jmeetlng ef the striking dyers' . helpers, of Paf erson, N. J., a committee' was appoint ed to call today on the helpers in; the mills, where terms had. been granted and are how operatingiUad" ask them to so out today at noon In sympathy with the: ether dyers who haTe not ,been able to get back to .work: owing te Oetr employers refusing i- to come to their terms. ",Tha commltte Was in-. structed.'to Inform the. men working in the dye houses that if they refuse to unit work there "may be troubled, wooer medicine to sive their little ones for fevn irill find Laxaxoi. the great family for children. BEST because it is safe and BEST because it is non-irritating and neves Decanse u is sure ana never i&us. ujsst babies violent remedies that raek and rend Laxaxolx. verv voune babies, and will often relieve evacuations, from the fact that Laxaxla carries out the cause of fermentation, aids ana inances sleep. complexion, Dngntens tae eyes, shaipens the appetite. condition of the skin and cures sick sick neadacne to a cer chronic constipation, headaches, biliousness, dizziness. The village church at Upleatttamy North Yorkshire, is claimed ta be the smallest in England. It (measures 17 feet and 9 imches by 18 feet. The church dates back. 900 years. Some of the tombstones in the igraveyard are dated 1550. - THIS WILL. INTEREST MANY. . To quickly introduce B. B..B. (Botanic y Blood Bahn), the famous blood purifier, -, . Into new homes, we will eend absolute ly free 10,000 treatments' B. B. Bv Quickly cures old ulcers, scrofula, pain ful swellings, aches and pains in nones or joints, rheumatism, catarrh, pimples, " festering eruaxtlons, boils, eczema, itch- t lug skin or blood humors, eating, bleed- -ing, festering sores and even deadly cancer. B. B. B. at drusrstores Sli For ' free treatment address Blood Balm Co.V: Atlanta, Ga. Medicine sent at' once, prepaid. Describe trouble ana tree medical advice given until cured. B. .B. B. cures the most deep-seatea peases, : after all else fails. B. B. B. heals ey-;. ery sore and mages the blood pure and c rich, . . ;. . r, - As a memorial of the late Queen Vic-1 toria, Sir Pe.ter Walker, Bart., has pre- sen ted the Derbyshire Royal Infirmary with a complete apparatus ifor the treat ment of lupus patiemts by the Flnsea' light system. . State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County,, ss. u Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior (partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the , City of Toledo, County and State afore-, said, and that said firm will pay the -: sum Of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for:, each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. , L . FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this 6th day of December. A. D. 386. I A. W. GLEASON, . ? (Seal.) Notary Public. ; ; Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. ; Send for testimonials, free. -- F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. ? Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. "r. Ae a result of experiments with ''ft' new secret explosive, the Itallam gov-; emmeot has decided to manufacture a', new type of cannon for garrison artll-; lery and coast defence. "- TELL THIS TO YOUR WIFE. Electric Bitters cure female com-1 plaints surely and safely: dispell head- aches, backaches, nervousness or noV pay.r 50c. All druggists. V Permission has at length been given by the German authorities for women x to attend ipolMcal (meetings. -They must sit in sipedal places, however, and .. make no speeches. -yt DONT START WRONG. Don't start the summer with a ling-. wing cough or coid. We all know what a "summer cold' i. Jt's the 4 hardefk kind to cure. .Often it haam on- through the enure season. .Take - One Minute Cough Cure will set . ou . -right, 'Sure, cure for coughs ; colds, '. ' . crmxp, gnp, iDoncmus, au uroai ana ' - i a a.-- ::V. lung troubles. AJbsoiuitely safe. Ads vr at ohce. ' Children' like It. '"One Mlrf- ute Cough Cure te the best cough med- ..- wans ever -iiseu, says j. n. cuwies,. Qmvftrflm T T iavw tcmrtA nv. 4 quickly." Dr T. C. Smith's drug store. ,.y. m hi WHAMffiiv a mm Am.mms stmm TJMmn r . t dtog the fwrapplng: up of food stuf&t fa y rriA riaiugrvina.. Viaa 4o VkAn aanAA W j '- a wfcfcwv i inw r-nr-i-- l, w ' DANGEROUS IF NEGLECTED. , Burns, outs and other wounds often fail to heal property if neglected and become troublesome, , sores., ; DeWltt'S Witch Hazel Salve prevents such - con sequences; i' - Even where delay has ag gravated the , Injuryvr DWett's 'W'ltch': Hazel Salve effects a cure. ."1 had as running sore on my leg thirty years,". says3H.vCi Hartly, Yankeetewn, Tnd MAfter using many remedies, I tried Pe v Wltrs wrtctt uazei sarve. a rew ooxes , y healed the sore' Cures all skin dis-i eases. Piles yield to . it at once. Be- -. ; ware of eounterfelts. Dr. T. C Smith's v ; drug store. " j r . -,'H: ;s' 'r1 ' " . . : e ' -, 1 , ! . . -fi-.i g f-fc r' Transylvania Just: Tiam, 4s--, ifamtne-,- ; stricken, 'and .;' potatoes -are befog :.dls-H,T triblitedl amcin'.th s peasantry: by the Hungarian government. : .i r KIT ,v '6 X,' ...

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