o O --1 - -5. vrtv ST 4 .-' I flIL.ll.lt VOL. VII NO. 108. I? ' AfcflEVJLLE, K. Ci SlJNbAY MOBNING, JUNE 8. 1S02 FIVE CENTS PER COPT. FOUR XXLULRS A YEAR. 'A',-VA -'i6 'till I - .-'-.-1111 11.11 II 11 s - J H - 1 " 1 y - il I 1 2 V - - :r."' i t-:. .'7" OESTREttR 1 ie or Tailor Made Suits and Skirts N At $598 About 50 ladies' tailor made suite, regular prices were from $15 to $22. SO to close out quick, Monday's price the suit $5.98. , At $7.98 LadieiB' tailor made suits, reg ular prices were from $22.50 to $35 the suit, to close out quick Monday, price the suit, $7.98. The 'skirt' or jacket separately would be worth more, 1m fact double the price of suit. We also call attention to our extemslTe- line of silk and wool dress- skirts (Which we hare marked down for this sale. A Dry Goods Drive From 9 to 12, t'clock Monday on ly . 600 tyards aU1 mxik - cha31ie i regular price 36 and 39c the yard, from 9 to 12 'clock Monday, th yard, 19e. 9 If We Have It It is the BEST. - ... The Tonic for Your Garden Is good tools, properly applied. We can't apply them but .we can -------- i furnish the Best Garden Tools at very small prices. Garden Rakes hoes 20. 25 and 50 cents. 20 to 85 cents Pototo hooks 40 to 75 cents. Asheville "A Hardware -Cov Off THE SQUARE. Should youTiave do your Kodak finishing? . : v - ' . (1st.) Our .work, and reputation is evidence that we, know how to moke photographs. (2d.) We give your work the same careful attention that we &ve our oro and get the hest ther in yoiir ne - (3d.) We charge no more than you pay jitferlor worianenV- . r, BROCK & KOONCE Studio 67 South Main irtreet. The I. X. L. DepaHrnent Store AS SIMPLE AS A B C. Bigger values, lower prices, newer novelties, ' larger- varieties,, stronger leaders is what It means to buy of Tne I X L. This Is a lesson that htmareas have learned with profl'i and pleasure in the school of exneSnce.' - The I . X. L. Department Store Fnone 107. : ranou ayb. When you wan , goods delivered in time for dinner call Phone 17S or 200. Hiram Lindsey. (snn CAKH fc-' SEVEN room house, modern conven lencps ' i r miinntW. walk from Court square, nice, .neighborhood ' at. low, price.. . , Rents ' u ,w WHY itenrs i.ou.- ..j " r', ? t , "Ao'hviiiet call onor 'buslne oi tenune Keal;Este In or nd.TU?;;- ';:;ft?RADPohD: Before DEPEITS SPEECH ON PARK BILL FULL TEXT OF BRILLIANT NEW YORK iSENATOR'S PLEA IN ITS BEHALF. When He Had Concluded, the General Disposition was to Pass the Bill at once. AT SIMMONS' REQUEST NO VOTE WAS TAKEN SENATOR PRITCHARD GIVES NO- TTCE THAT HE WILL, ASK FOR A VOTE SOME TIME. THIS WEEK THINKS THE. MEASURE WILL. PASS BY AN ' -OVERWHELMING MAJORITY $10,000,000 for 4,000,000 ACRES. Special to the Gazette. Washington, June 7. Senator Depew today delivered his speech on. the park bill ibefore a well attended senate and well filled galleries. At the conclusion of Mr. Depew's speech there was a general disposition on 4;he part -of the senators to pass the bill without further debate, but Sen- Jator Simmons had made a request that no action . be taken in regard to the 'matter until he could address the sen jate on the subject. This had the ef ! feet of postponing the vote for the pres ient, but Senator Pritchard gave notice : that he would ask for a. vote on. the bill some time next week. Senator Pritch- ard has been doing effective work in behalf of the measure, and he is of the opinion that the senate will pass the j bill toy an overwhelming majority. It was rumored that Senator Simmons would have spoken yesterday, but that the attendance of the senate was small and he preferred to delay rather than again address an empty senate, f Senator Depews -speech iwas as f ol- I ' Mr. Pnesideht," Senate bill 5228, for the purchase of a national iforest reserve in the southern Appalachian mountains, to Ue kown as the "National AppalachlaD Forest Reserve,"- has iheeh carefully examined, and received" a unanimously favorable report from the committee on forest reservations and the' protection of game. As. a nemtoer of that committee I was deeply impressed with t the testimony presented. The results of the investi gation were so convincing and satisfac tory that legislation seemed to the committee Ito be imperative. President Roosevelt In his message to the present congress under date of December 19, 190L 6ay: : I heartily commend this measure to the favorable consideration of the con gress. The secretary of agriculture, Hon. James Wilson, in his report to congress of the date, says: The agricultural resources of the southern AoDalachian region must be protected and preserved. To that end the preservation of the forests is ah in ispensabie. condition, which will lead not to the reduction but to the increase of the yield of agricultural products. I The preservation of the forests, of the 'streams, and of the agricultural inter ests here described can toe successfully accomplished only toy the purohase and creation of a national forest reserve. The .states of the southern Appaach ian region awn little or no land, and (Continued on page six.) ! A FORMER POSTMASTER SENTENCED TO PRISON Special to the Gazette. Raleigh, N. C, June 7. In Federal court today former Postmaster J. T. Conbett of Salem was sentenced to five years at hard labor for stealing the Filter all . water , now. Use the natural stone filter; ft is the safest and A. Alia wrrr-a fa TflOtT O VO In 1 j. H. Law. 35 Patton avenue. TOMGS ? (tlLAlt5 Gome to us and: we will tell yon just whaJt your- eyes need, rree oi cnai. McKcCt Oppidan ,64 patton avenue,, opposite Postoffice AIVD RENT T - , - nrt croa .frrm.'4. F.TGHT - uniurniBiiw yns. , -to 8 worn each,, ranging in price from ;?;V S?r.month. All parts of the Glasses contents of a registered packag4 . . Horace . Haywood, a, prosperous col ored farmer at Garner, is dead and his family is" in a- critical :comditionrith Symptoms resexablmg .larsenioal poison ing1. ,The eoroner went out' today- to hold an . inquest. - . V Three Iboys of . the total, weight of twenty-pne sounds- came to, the home of J. S. Bailey, a Wake county farmer, this morning. ' , : WHALEBACIti STEifR , SUDDENLY SINKS Iuluth, Minn., June 7. The whale baek Wilson was sent to the bottom- of Lake Superior toy collision with Hhe steamer Hadley (today. Nine of the Wilson's crew were ,lost. The Wilson was outbound with a cargo of iron ore. Immediately after the crash the Wilson sank. The survivors say not over s a minute elapsed after the crash before the boat plunged to the bottom. .The Hadley -was beached just In time. The Wilson sunk in sixty feet of water and is a total loss. She was owned toy the Steel trust and was valued at $100,000. VIOLENCE THREATENED AT PROVIDENCE, R. i. Providence, R. I., June 7. The street car strike situation is threatening. The police ordered the saloons closed at 6 o'clock' tonight. Everybody on.- the street is kept moving.. Imported ipaen fare .arriving and violence is" threat- I 1 4 enea. $ NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES At Philadelphia R H E St. Louis. . 6 8 2 Philadelphia 5 10 1 Batteries: Wicker and O'Neill; White and Dooin. At Brooklyn R H B Chicago.. 1 2. 4 Brooklyn .. ..2 7 , 2 Batteries: Williams and Kling; New ton and Farrell. Cincinnati-Boston game postponed' on account of rain. At New York R H - E Pittstourg.. .. .. , 6 9 1 New York.. 0 4 1 Batteries: Philipi and O'Connor; Evans and Yeager. Second game R H - E St. Louis 7 10 Id Philadelphia 0 A Batteries: Murphy and O'NeilU Mc- Gee and Jacklitsch. '., Second game Chicago Brooklyn.. I Batteries: ""Taylor son and Farrell. R H 3 12 5 12 B and "Klmgf STATE LEAGUE GAMES At Newtoern R H E Raleigh 5 12 9 Newbern 16 15 2 Batteries: Childs and Leonard; Pas tor, Bass and Foster. At Greensboro R Wilmington 1 Greensboro 3 , Batteries: Dunn and Fisher; and Meyers. At Charlotte R Durham.. .. 4 Charlotte.. 5 H E 2 3 4 1 Suggs H 9 10 0 Batteries: Morris Brandt and Lehman. and Curran; A COLORED MINER LYNCHED Bluefield, W. Va., June 7. John Wy nich, a colored miner, was- lynched to day for assault on a little girl. The deed was committed in toroad daylight. He was arrested tout the jail was brok en into and the culprit dragged out and his ibody ridddled with bullets. BRYAN DEMOCRATIC PARTY New York, June 7. The state conwen tion of the Litoeral democratic party, made up of Bryan followers, tonight dominated a full state ticket headed oy Edgar Ryder" of Westchester for gov ernor. Bryen's name was cheered. Hill's name was hissed and his name derided. The convention' had the approval or Mr. Rryan, and it was saia we HnnLnf the oartv was' the first gun m fthe campaign for the organizing of the party throughout the state thorougniy, to down Hill and t,he regular demo cratic ticket this year and In 1904. Speeches were made by Judge. Seatoury, Charles Frederick Adams and others In which Hill was caller "traitor," "a oal- Biltmore Butter, 35c pound. Phone 68. tf. Soda Water at Grant's Pharmacy, tf Splendid mountain pasture in the Vanderbilt preserve for cows. 50c per head per month. Apply Forest Depart ment, Biltmore Estate. tt O up" "Cake Baker ' keeps everything nice and neat. . L-He knows just now to duus cakes. Try- our maooaroons, vivy are delicious, i , HESTON'S, FAILURE AHEAD FOR TIIIS STRIKE SEEMS PREDlCTEjiaY OPENING DAY IN WEST VIRGINIA V MINES. Only a Small Percentage of 10,000 Ordered out Have Quit work. NOT A PLANT IDLE IN CLARKSBURG DISTRICT THE ONLY DISTURBANCE REPORT ED IS THE KILLING OF ONE MINE BOSS IN A FIGHT. Clarksburg, W. Va., June 7. The or order of the National Mine Workers union for ja general strike in this dis trict was obeyed by a very small per centage oi tne 10,000 miners. The mines are worked as usual. Reports from all the coal mines tax this region have been received here today ana tnere is not an idle plant. Charleston, W. Va., June 7. Reports rrom tne Kanawaha and New River coal fields up to noon today was a dis appointment to those who predicted a general cessation of work. Koansoke, Va., June 7. 'Officials of the Norfolk & Western claim that 30 mines in the Pocahontas fields are in operation today with reduced forces. The Clinch valley aim inarccmer neias, tney are saying, are working as usual. Elkhorn, W. Va., June 7. The gen erai etnke order has been universally observed In every field along the N. & W. railroad. Huntington, W. Va., June 7. A skir mish ibetween mine officials and strikers s reported at Keystone. One mine boss (was killed. No names or particulars are availaJble ANTI-ANARCHY BILL DISPOSED OF ' Washington, June 7. After a. full weeK's consideration the house today practically disposed of the substitute for the senate bill to protect the presi dent of the United States recommended toy its committee oh judiciary. Per sistent efforts were made in committee of the whole to amend the bill in sub stantial features, but all were defeated, a solid majority supporting the com E i mittee throughout. 0 i In the senate the canal bill was dis- cussed after part speech. Depew had finished his W. J. BRYAN REFUSES NOMINATION FOR GOVERNOR Lincoln, June 7. Bryan tonight posi tively declined the fusion nomination for governor. He says he can accom plish more in national than in state politics. . ORGANIZED IN NEW YORK lot box stuff er," "snap convention champion." etc. The platform de nounces the bogus "reorganization" of the party "under the lead ership of such traitors to democra cy as David B. Hill.' Ut ratifies the Kansas City platform and demands Philippines independence, initiative and referendum, Henry George's "single tax," election by the people of United States senators and public ownership of telephones, railroads and telegraphs. Investment Property Twelve room tene ment house in respect able neighborhood, paying 2o per cent oil price asked, $ioop This price includes two vacant lots adjoin ing the house. This ppdsition is well vrtli investigating. ; Uilliie & LaGarbG ilTCHELL WARNED RIOTING Governor will Be Asked fop Troops if Such Disorder as That of Thursday Night Is Resumed Loss to Date from Penn sylvania Coal Strike Is Estimated at $1,000,000 Pier-': pont Morgan Hanged in Effigy, Wilkesbarre, Pa., June 7. The sher iff has notified Mitchell that if such rioting as. that of Thursday night Is re sumed he wall call upon the governor for troops. It is quieter tonight but violence has not ceased and the au thorities are apprehensive of an out break Tuesday wtoen the Importation of PonTUtaion. engineers, firemen and pump men will begin- in earnest. Boycott tactics are toeing employed against' the men and the relatives of those who remain at work. The . re sult has been an increase in the strik ers' ranks. The street car mem threaten to strike if non-unionists are permitted to ride. Tradesmen refuse smods tn those who do not join the strikers. At Hanover a coal and-lrora policeman namn Sweeney was hit on the head by strikers with bricks. When he was unconscious the moto kicked him. Swee ney did not regain consciousness tonight, and it is feared he will die. Sixteen war warrants were issued.. tout the assail ants escaped. An engineer named Fredericks ,was se verely beaten by the same crowd. It is believed troops will be here with in a week. Losses on account of the strike to date are estimated at $21,000, 000. Wilkesbarre, Pa., June 7. The hang ing in effigy of J. Pierpont Morgan in one of the streets of South Wilkesbarre by a crowd of men and boys -was the only tocident to mar the stillness of the Wyoming valley. After the effigy had been hung the crowd cheered and pelted the obstacle with stones until police came along and dispersed the several hundred persons that made up the throng. AH the mining towns surrounding the city were very quiet.. The news from Washington! that President Roosevelt could mot find his way clear, ito.. take a hand In toringing" atoout peace between' the miners and operators was. refeeivjed here with genuine disappointment. It has toeen strongly hoped that the pres ident would toe able to find some means of opening upi way to peace. Today marks the end of the fourth week of the total suspension of coal mining and the miners and their em ployers are farther apart than. ever. The colliery and- Iron police who are ; charged with the shooting of Charles j W. McCann, the thirteen-year-old boy J ;at the Stanton colliery Thursday night, were given a preliminary hearing today and were committed to jail for a fur ther hearing at such time as the result of the boy's injuries shall be definitely known. The only witnesses examined was a physician who attended the lad. The boy's condition! grew worse last night and it is feared he cannot recov er. The bullet has not yet toeen locat ed, t : Drifton, Pa., June 7. Mobs of strik ers today not only drove1 away the en gineers and pumpmen tout the clerks GENERAL AMNESTY RELEASES RATHBONE Havana, June 7. .The senate today passed the bill granting amnesty to all American citizens under sentence or against iwhom proceedings are pending. This action releases Rathbone, convict ed of postal frauds. Nichols, Ryan and O'Neill of St. Lou is are said to compose the nomenest catching corps in the National league. ! v- Why Not? When yoq can get a $5.00 Patent Vici for $3.50, best quality and latest style. v 10 m j 29 S, iUST END and bosses and even refused to permit; tne omoe tooys and chief accountants to go to the company's offices. FOR - Potato- Bugs 10, 15 and 25c Per Box. Grant's Pharmacy op nen 3 desirable furnished houses on Montford avenue . All7 modern conveniences Choic est location in the city. Be sure to see them before rent, iog. H. F. GRANT & SON Real Estate Agents. Styles of Vici Kid, Pearl j; Jewelry ivj ! The popularity of the Baroque ! "! ' t ; Pearl Is more than a passing i 'l '' i j! "fad." ' ! i' ! The combination of the char- V - j! acteristic pearly softness, with i , ' ,4 , a shell like irregularity and del- ! j, lcate shadowing, commends itself ''J to the refined and artistic taste. ' , Jt j! We have some beautiful pieces ; .' 1 . j of Baroque Pearl Jewelry and ' i especially invite you to see it. ! i"? 1 ; Arthur M. FicI(J - ir Company ; ; v j Leading Jewelers. , ; ; , CJor. Church St. and Patton Ave ! w Green rapis Pnce ,$35o and $4oo or Just $2.75. choc. 'fore, Main St. v i ' Phone 183 'h-.t ' "f 26 So. Main St. address, .. ' ; ; : BRADFORD Real Estate and Renting Agents,. HEAL EOT ATB AGENTS. It Paragon Building;

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