,. ' -l . . .:. -. V-:r -.-,' - n-. . ..- :-c ,C- - . ... i Monday arid kuieiday 5 AT THE- ' , 0 Inn M& hWfm i v 17 South Main Street. X ZED PARuEH-DEAD FROM ;IIIS INJURIES Recelved in Fall from Street Car Fri- . , ; " ;,, day Night. " X . " Ztt - Parker tf Weaverville, iwlio fell frjpia a moving street car Friday erven inon, South Main street near Goodlake carve jand reoeiTed a frecture of the kiied yesterd-ay morning ait an early Hour. As was told In yesterday's Gazette, he .was taken to the Mission hospital where he received proiapt med ical attention after the accident. The remains were faken to Nolan's undertaking rooms and later in the day removed to Weaverville, where the interment will take place this morn ing. . ; JIir EAOTII QOAKED : . DURIIIG THE ERUPTlOll Corset Sale, Table Linen Bargains, Bed Spreads Greatly Reduced; : One hundred Corsets, ihe Sum merset, worth 50c, special tor sale days 25 See our $1 Summerset Corsets re duced for this Sale 48 cents, 60 inch Table Linen worth 50c yard, Special, 25c. 72-ihch Pure Tble Linen, worth 85c yard, Special 48 cents. Bed Spreads worth $1.50, special 98 Cents. 81-90 Bed Sheets. 49 cents. Sale of Embroideries, worth 1 o and 20c, special 7 cents. Towels worth 10c, special 5 cents. Towels worth 1 5 c, special 10 cents Towels worth 20c, special 2 i-2c. Bargains For Monday and Tuesday g ocooocoooccco HERE YESTERDAY COMMENCEMENT AT THE Ij THREE NOTABLES WERE NORMAL AND COLLEGIATE Baccalaureate Sermon Will Be Preach ed Today by Dr Lawrece. At Oakland Heights Preshyterian church today at 11 o'clock, Rev. !Thoma Lawrence, D. D., will preach the bac calaureate sermon to the graduates of the Normal and Collegiate institute. The public 7are invited. - Tuesday evening the aamual concent in the college chapel will take place, admissioh to which will be by card. For this occasion a imost excellent pro gram, consisting of choruses, vocal and instrumental song, K solos, part songs, etc., has been arranged. The commencement exercises take place Tuesday evening. will A GOOD TOWEL Is always in demand, whether It comes around 48-tDounds of the ibest patent flour, or is tooueht at five cents a yard. A good many people would rather get a 60-inch towel out of the sack their flour comes in than buy the towel at the dry goods store, and that Is iwhy every 48-pound sack of "Clifton" is -packed in regular toweling. Ask your grocer for "Clifton" in the towel sack. Biltimore Butter, '35c pound. Phone 68. . y; tf C. S. McManus, August Belmont and H. B. Spencer Latter Still Here. There were three private cars at the Tyassen'firen station yesterday, whicn brought to the city mien of high posi tion. C. S. MeManus, assistant to General Managier C. H. Ackert of the Southern, was one Of these men. He had an interview with Superintendent LoyaM of the Asheville division. Mr. McManus Is on a tour of inspection August Belmont and a party of friends were here on their way from Florida, bound for Louisville, Ky. H. B. Spencer, generaa manager or the St. Lkuls & Liouisviiie raiiroaa, arrived in the afternoon and win be a guest "at the Battery Park f or a few days. Mr. Spenoer-is he son of Saamiel Spencer, president of the Southern Railway. He Is accompanied by his wife. Why not have-'a comfortable kitchen and save unnecessary expense these warm days. You can se a "Brooklyn Automatic '"Oil Stove," which is the simplest stove made and enjoy your summer season. For sale by The Ashe ville China Co., 12 N. Court square. XX Toaay's Services At The City Chur dies First Baptist church. Services at 11 a. m. and 8:15 p. m. Preaching at,both hours by the pastor, Rev. W. M. Vines. Subject this morning, "The Phil osophy of Missions." Subject tonight, "The Mountain of the Great Tempta tion." Special music at both services. Sunday school at 9:30 a. im. 'B. Y. P. U. at 7:30 p. m. All are cordially in vited to attend these services. French Broad Baptist church (comer Patton and French Broad; avenues) At 11 a. m. the pastor will preach the second of a series of seven morning ser mons on the seven sayings of Christ on the cross, and at 8:15 p. m., the sec ond, of a series of four special sermons to young amen and young women . The (pastor's Bible class meets at 10:40 every Sabbath morning. The Bible school at 9:30 a. m.; also an a'fternoon Bible School at 8:30 a. an. Pious, camipeteait, consecrated, loving and faithful teach ers of the Word of God will wait both to welcome and teach new scholars in bdth schoos. The mid-week prayer meeting, and also the Bible teachers' meeting, will open at 8 and close at 9 p. m. every Wednesday. A cordial welcome to all. West End Baptist church, W. B. Rutledige, "pastor Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.; preaching at 11 a. m., and 8 p. m. First Presbyterian church, 'Rev. R.F. Campibell, pastor Preaching at 11 a. n and 8 p. m. ; Sumday school at 9:30 a. on. Central eMthodist church. Last Sunday in old church. The pastor, Rev. Frank Siler, twill preach at 11 a. m. Subject, "Methodism's Centennial in Asheville. The presiding elder, Rev. R. H. Parker, will preach at 8:15 p. m. Sunday school, 9:45 a. 'm. Strangers' class, taught by G. B. Van Horn. Ep worth League 7:15 p. m., Charles E. Pless, leader. .Friends ajnd strangers will find a welcomie at all services. Rev. D. A. Braswell of the Metho dist Protestant church will hold ser vices today at 4 p. m. in the church in North Asheville formerly occupied by Southern Methodist congregation. All members of the Methodist Protestant church are requested to attend this ser vice and others are invited. Hayrwood street (Methodist church, Rev. E. L. Bain, pastor. Services, at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school 9;45 a.?m. ; Epworth League 7:15 p. m. North Asheville M. E. church, eRv. E. K. McLarty, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Bethel M. E. church, Rev. John W. Moore, pastor. Services as follows: 9:45 Bible class amd Sunday school; preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. All cordially invited. Christian church Rev. L. M. Omer, minislter. Services at the usual hours.; Firsk church of Christ, Scientist. South Main street Services, today at 11 a. m. Wednesday, 8p. m. SECOND SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. St. Lawrence's Cakholic church Father Marion, Pastor Mass at 8 and 11 a. m. Trinity church Rev. McNeely Du- Bose, rector Holy communion at 7:30 a. m., morning prayer 11 a. m.; Sun day school at 4:45 p. m.; evening prayer at 6 p. tm. . All Souls' church, Biltmore, Rev. R. R. Swope, D. D., rector services at 11 a. m. and 5 p. im. AH seats in ithe church are free and the public is cor dially invited to attend the services. St. Matthias' church, Rev. McNeely DuBose twill preach at St. Mattnias r.hu'rch toniierhit at 8:30 d. m:. There will be a choral service by the choir. CLOUDS ABOVE MOUNT PELEE D AS DESTRUCTIVE AS AT THE GREAT OUTBREAK. Port De France, June 7.lt Is report ed from Morne Rouge that yesterday's eruption of Mount Pelee was very sl vere. Hot ashes and etaaes felfi. There was violent trembling of the earth and rivers overflowed. Captain Thlron of the French cable steamer says he iwaa five, minutes off gt. Pierre picking ujp a broken cable when the eruption oc- ciM-rea. ine sum was mvmvh -nHtth Stones. The cantata saMert a Wanr o a ha feared his men iwouM; be asphyxiated. The eruption and dense clouds were as destructive looking as the great out- ibreak which swept off St. Pierre. 1 1 . wopRing eDepapf men i n r wooa A Warm Welcome The Groceries we sell always have a warm welcome at the home. Our system of delivery a.trroachs the perfection poinrt, and our stock is m Keeping .with the wishes of the best housewives. Our "Clifton" Flour is proving fine qualities wherever used. its E JSCREENS FOR WINDOWS AND DOORS J HAVE YOUR SfTRPPisis iwatw TO ORDER, SO THAT THEY WILL FIT. ALL KINDS OF HOUSE TRM. J South Main St reef Eddy's Refrigerators Have Several Compartments and it ib not necessary to take the risk of put ting milk and butter in same part of refrigerator with meats. The Eddy Refrigerator has closet for wine as well as for milk add butter, and sev eral shelves for other foods. TMck Walls, Slate-stone Sheiyes, Steel Ice Rack Tne "Eddy" represents perfection in refrigerators HIRAM LINDSBY, 450 South Main street. City Market. Phone 200. Phone 173. Miss M, PARR Millincpy Parlors, Asheville, N. C. IS Church St. Upstairs. Lubin-Schiller Furniture tGo. 16 Patlon Ave. Williamson's old stand. Rugs, (Mattings, Lace Curtaina, Cook Stoves, Hammocks, Porch Shades Crockett Springs and Baths Open June 1st. Elevation 2000 Fee. Arsene, Bromide and Lithia Water Cure Nervous Pros- itration, Dyspep-aa, Rheumatism, 8kin and Kidney Troubles. Clears and Beautifies the complexion. Write for Booklet M. O. THOMAS, Manager, Crocket t Springs, Ya. Hot Weather Annihilators are the electrical fans we sell. Turn a switch and you have a cooling breeze, ; no master how sultry the day. We u.v. i.A,im axavuvx0 uixc irvs L nuake. Pans of the stand bracket or ceiling pattern. These fans and mo tors don't get out of order. We al ways furnish them, in perfect condition. McKAY & FAKR 10 Church street. What We Will Do If ever there is an article that is not "laundered j ust as it should be don't hesiJtate to tell us. We want to do it so it is right. We guard against mishaps, but they are liable to occur in even the nest regulated laundry. But if they do we are more than anx ious to rectify them. The Swannanoa Laundry Phone 70 , - No. 22-24 Church street. Large, Well Ventilated Rooms With Good Table Board. Address OHIO," Care of Gazette Office, Swapping "horses dsn' t nearly so risky as getting married. , ' mm : mam . v-s- Over 7,000 Pairs of jOiie0niQu ality Shoes lire Hade .Every Working Day-if ihe ' it"-'' x Veai. Tboy Are All Sold. al- That a selop while is not. wave Itc- KcKrr.ommendation, U mov fifr qo nhorlv :or be so homely that v - -. if it. Our footweaf wears so well that when you shoes you ; will go : to V : r ipurchase hew Delicious Food and Drink Our aim is to keep the best Coffees and sell them at a little lower price tnan any other grocer asks. We strive to maintain all our goods and prices at that same standard, and the taidt that we invariably give satis faction indicates the success we achieve. HIRAM LINDSET, 450 South Main street. City Market. Phone 200. Phone 173. P J. W. SCHARTLE. The Tailor, Has moved to 57 S. Main street; (up stairs) where he will (be pleased' to see i his old customers. I have for sale 1 safe, two tables, two sewing machines. Excellent Cooking IS NOT DIFFICULT if you provide first-class materials with which to work. Our groceries and pro visions make easy the preparation of tempting, wholesome, and satisfying food. Such materials make "rare 'good eating." Buy here and (buy right. HIRAM LINDSBY, 450 South Main street. City Market Phone 200. Phone 173. POSITIONS SECURED The following situations were recently secured through Shockley's Agency: Miss Cruser Roberts, book-keeper for J. H. Law, Jo. Croyle, (book-keeper for Waynesville Manufacturing Co., Oscar Jones, bookkeeper and stenographer for Toxaway company, Sapphire, N. C; J. W. DuBignion, book-keeper and stenographer, Greensboro, N. C, 126 SITUATIONS 126 were secured the past year. Young men and women should 'begin a course af"once at Asheville Business College, and get ready for the fall and winter 'business. College 3rd floor Paragon, H. S. Shockley, principal. PHONE 754 For the Finest Spring Lamb, Prime Beef, Veal and Chickens. Pork, Lutz Meat Co City Market . JUDGE CHARLES A. MOORE. Ex-Congressman W. T. Crawford in a puDiisnea lexxer rtfuimuiienuD ca Judge Charles A. Moore as a candidate for associate justice saying: "Judge Moore is in all respects -worthy ana qualified for the high place. His char acter is above reproach, ms loyauy and fidelity to his party is, and always has been, beyond question. Strong in mind and body, upright and energetic, he is a type of the finest :i - mountain manhood. By a life of tireless industry and perseverance he has worked him self to the very front rank in his pro fession, and is known toy thebendh and bar of the state to toe weu.mwiu tmu qualified to fill veith honor and credit to himself and his state a : seat upon the highest tribunal in the state. Book Sale. 100 books, standard authors, embrac ing fiction, adventure, poetry, etr., to be sold at a ' great 1 Teaucuon . me greater number marked at hair pric Akins' Book Store, 30 Patton avenue tf ; Emotion is pathy. of ten- mistaken for sym- Selfishness la a disease of which mat rimony cures some people. It isn't the girl who fires top quick est that makes ithe toest match. ... ,A civilized man-la 'a, savage who is compelled to earn his daily bread SPANGEM i ! CAPUDIWE S Cures Headaches, LaGrippe - Leaves no bad effects. , what & . ever . Sold by Jail drujrjriste- - Old Straight Cat and Wilson Whiskey $1.00 per Bottle R. G. & Cos Monogram and Antediluvian Rye $i,S0 per Bottle Schlitz Milwaukee Export Beer $1 00 per Dozen Bottles. Guaranteed the Genuine Sterilized Schlitz Export Beer. Paul Jones' 4 Star V'$ 1,00 per Bottle. Standard XXXX Old Corn 75c per Quart Get Them From The "Bonanza" Wine and Liquor Co., The Place that Made Asheville Famous, : 43 South Majn St Telephone Nof 72, 'it r ' - i t . X : . ; -,. .. t f - 1 -ft 1 k z h 1 , x if X 1 1 t 4 - - f t 'v : t . if. i ' r 4S f , f . ? i 5 v. ( V.. Trunks and Valises Court Square