VOL. Vn -NO.H06; ASHEVIIiLE-N; On FBIDAX MORNING,- JUNE ;BT 1902 FTVB CENTS PER COFSV FOUR DOUJLRS A YEAR. ' . . JO,. J? .r' ' A. V. - ' - . ' ! - i -" j - j, 3s- ? ' r . a : - OESTREICIIER &C 0. TaUdrlVSalde Suits and Skirts At $5.98 About 50 iacUes tailoa: made euits, regular prices were , from $15 to $22.50 to close out quick, Monday's price the suit-$5.98. At $7.98 Ladies' tailor made suits, reg ular prices were from $22.50 to $35 the suit, to close out quick" Monday, price the suit, $7.98. , The skirt or Jacket separately would he worth more, in 'act double the price of suit. We also call attention! to pur exteaielve line of silk and wool dress skirts which we have marked down for this sale. Oestreicher & Co 51 Patton Avenue, n Good Grindstone -i Is a necessary article about a farm, or where edged tools are used. We have' all sizes of stones with or without tframes at prices ranging from...... 50c to $5 00 Asheville j " ' .- - - ; Hard ware- Co ON THE SQUARE. WHY? u J -K-ftdflV have ns , do, your:. Kooas , Should you finishing? - (1st.) Our work and reputation is evidence that we know hxxwuto xnake.om u . .7 nTrl' Jork ths satne -fm careful attention that f,ww and getthe4est there, toft.f (3d . ) we charge no - nr ttaa yo pay Inferior wortanea.Jr BROCK & KOONCE Studio 57 South Mal jrtxeet 1. - The I. X. I. Department Store AS SIMPLE AS A B Bigger values, lower prices, - ntmtg novelties, larger varieties, w . jitronger leaders is what it "means to buy of The 1 X L. This is a lesson that hundreds bave learned with profl',i an4 ipleasure, in the school of experfmce. . The I . X. L.' Department iStore Paone 107 22 Pattn Ave, - When you wan goods, delivered ? In time for dinner call . Phone ,173 or ,200. ?lram Lindsey: 6 room house S. Main St., v. .? $12.50. 1 room house, Atkins St.; -.'kV' 15,00. 4 room house, Philip "street .V.v ' '10,00. 6 room hoiiaft.-Ttai1ev street. ;.X 14.00. Eight Voom completelyurmshed ing or rentinff houses in Asheville, call V "BRADFOftD. Pwagon Building. . i ' HEAI ECT THE Cflt AL BILL Muni wm ' mm ' .'.M".7 H I 1 EJh Vial 111 I L I Ml-' ; ULlNlH' l C; . , Tm" I - 'r , . ' lyiOBGAN : AGAIN VIGOROUSLY ATTACKS THE PANAMA' , . ROUTE. mgrnt as well Throw that Forty llillionjlnto the Ocean. He Declares. 4 it A SPAT BETWEEN MORGAN AND HOAR RESOLUTION ASKING FOR STATE MENT OF EXPENDITURES AND I Jt., . . r f VUUJiiUriUJSS ;1N' UUBA IN SENT WJLdjXJTiONS IN CUBA IS SENT TO THE CALENDAR. Washington,. June 12 .At, the . con- olusion of routine business .In the sen (ate today, a resolution introduced, by fMr. Canmack fTenn directinar th comi mittee on civil service . and retrench ment to lnvestigaJte the discharge from the war department of Miss Rebecca J. Taylor, a lerk in that department, was called up and referred to the com mittee on civil service. The TesoluJtion introduced yesterday by Mr. tjullberson (Texas) directing the eocretary of rw'ar to send to the senate an itemized statement of the expendi tures made from the Cuban funds from the time of the American occupation to (May .l of this year was sent to the cal endar. j Consideration then was resunned of .the; London dock charges bill. Mr. I Piatt (Conn.)- remarked ; that it was difficult to asceritaln what was sought by the bill. Mr. Nelson ' of Minneapolis explained the provisions of the bill. Mr. Piatt I further held that; the question present ed rw&s not a subject of national leg islation. -" Mr. Mallory of Florida advocated the Jpass'age of the bill, although n iwas not certain that the hltmers wld I ireanivery reaibenerlt -fromr iti tlirf wnnflW.;m Hale- maintained that it was an absurd ; proposition. 7 v -. ; Mr. Spooner advocated the mil. Mr. Morgan again took occasion o flay the Panama canal. He declared f the government might as well throw, "the $40,000,000 asked for by thlat broken down company into the sea as to pay it J to the officials of that concern because, he contended, the concession now held j toy the company is not vaiia. ne quox ed from the manifesto of the provision,- 1 al government of Colombia and from j J the constitutloh of that country in sup port of his contention, .tie rezerrea to the chJampionship of .the interoceanic canal committee as a place thrown out to the democrats, whereupon Mr. Hoar interrupted to assure him that he was given that chairmanship because he was recoenized tas one of the greatest, living authorities on that great ques tion. I "I will soon be one of the greatest dead ones," Morgan retorted, "unless the republicarl side of the senate shall ; take up this question in honor of the 1 memory of MoKinley, who was more re . snonsible for it than I, and General Grant,- who was more responsible still." Notice of several substitute amend ments was given. Mr. Hannia gave no tice that he would address the senate on the isthmian canal bffll Wednesday. Washington, June 12 The house de voted today's session to the considera tion of the senate irrigation bill. Mon dell made the principal speech in favor of the bill and, Ray the principal one in oposition, the latter arguing against its constitutionality. BEET SUGAR SENATORS SUBMIT All ULTIMATUM Washington'. June 12. A conference of, the -beet sugar . republican senators was hel dthis afternoon. After oiscuss- " -mMicaar maior- r,,Ynn tariff reducUon - Taw t th de. ' Our automatic blue flame Oil Stove fmiflTrA vour Kitchen comiorxawie 4lr:nnl,M hot days, gSf PattonvenuV H. 4 Glasses name to us -and we will tell you Just what your eyes need; : free of charge. :;f , McKeey ;oStetah v v : 54 Patton avenue, opposite Postoce. QfJirk rhnuse. Central avenue.... , 05.00. 17- room house, TYench" Broad av ;.40.00. 10 room house, uaywooo. buwi..v.w. 'hoise br-$35f0O permontt.. exore w; on or address t WAGNER, ATS AGENTS. , - Phone 82S. r fl -1 Tn CI v. maiid.for -a hill providing for-, the pay fA mai'of ,a' rebate tifS tariff dues .on. -Co?. j ban products ImportedL into the-United tates' anct ir aejeated la tnat mww , present at " confferemce should ,oId themselves.free to vote th: the, dem-1 oitsor the tariff bill as Yt iMissedihe! house or to amend "it." This Agreement !-e J!!!t- tnnatum ' - ' " -'' '"- .-h President Roosevelt to. expWed to send u messasre to conerrera ' 'urine f prompt action by the passage ots the reciprocity tariff reduction 4ilii k He conferred -uptil a late x hour : tonight -with Senatprs .piatt and spooner on v,uiu xarra fiiiuauon, p; . BRYAII COIITEHT VITII, WORK HE IS DOING w WLL LEND HIS AID TO PREVENT "CLEVELA NDIZING" THE DEMOCRACY. 1 inooiin, June 12. Bryan made public tOaay a lettPr iwritton tr. Qa-nfn A lVo.n !reraHn Tt AllZTr , i cvpi a gubernatorial nomination : He o J J . T v. . .... . I se tenmal celebration of the (military the work which I am doing but I be- senttM4on of diplomas to the 100th lieve that in this way I can 'accomplish' graduating class. .The program includ nxore for my state and for the United ed tn presentation of diplomas by States. My candidacy is not necessary, President Roosevelt, an address by to defeat the reorganizers.- ' . Gen4 Dick of the visiting . board and "I expect to do all within my power to remarks toy General MileS. 'aid .those who are determined to pre- , The weather was fine and the cere- S2fv vSJ?1? to!n'Sfn?K!l2 motty took lase olit f doors on that dt2ynotTd1pened oT X.2rJdT multitude of earnest, honest, loyal den.' pyalry- plain. An open tent over a ocrats who will snare no mains to rvro- Platform had been erected for the tect the party from another such hu- miliating disgrace. RESULTS OF STORM III DES MOINES TELEGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION WITH WASHIMGTON AT LENGTH RESUMED. Des Moines, Iowa, June 12.-nFor the first time in two days telegraph - and tol(1TlVin Jlt tJ1X? telephone communication iwith Wash-; has been obtained. Four iwagoa ;iau uj. Biuueijia eujoyiug a pupnao ax ?Vr nwr their return 5 Journeys - K)ne wagonroa- talnlng nine membersKof the high school class which had just graduated sought shelter in a school house, which was !wawa l? pieces, ourying au in tne -ae- bris . The injured are: Mildred McAtlin, chest crushed; will die.. , . , charle. Chance, badly crushed all over; still unconscious; recovery dou,bt- fui Myrtle Stewart, badly bruised about the hea and faek - tne neaa ana race. Blanche Stewart, shoulder dislocated, head CUt. Myrtle Shields, leg badly injured, se- verely bruised. - Jessle Klein, back wrenched, badly cut Gertie Reeves, face cut, seriously. Mary Jerrard, ankle dislocated, sev- eral flesh wounds. "rauT MINE SUPERINTENDENT SHOT AT FROM AMBUSH Wilkesbarre, Pa., June 12. Last- night as Superintendent Thomas came out of the William A. colliery riding on a lo comotive, as is the custom', a number of men in ambush opened fire on ithe lo-. comotive. Fortunately the engine was traveling rapidly and it was soon out of the range of fire. The Miners' union I STATE BANKS ISSUED BY COR fe doing everything possible to have its j DnDATInN nniuiMi.:;inN idle men at that point keep the peace Six persons were on the locomotive- engineer, fireman, conductor, two brakemen and Superintendent Thomas. A a ktwyti hr th flrlnsr beeaJl the six men - o immediately dropped to the floor of ithe locomotive and tender and in that way saved (themselves. The window panes or the cafo rwrere broken; and the locomotive and tender perforated with bullets and kivstiAt - " PPKSTTIENT BETTTRNS Washington, .June 12.-President Roosevelt arrived from West Point at 9:30itomght and was driven ianmediate ly to the White House. Penny .Photos at the Tent,-College St. - . , . i , Delicious Ice cream soda; all flavors, loo. Oranfs Pharmacy. tf. Bilttoore Butter,: 35c pound. Phone 68. - ' tf . RitomaiA ; mountain nosture In the Vahderbilt' preserve .. for'; cows. 50c per head per month.- Apply Forest Depart ment, BUtmore Estate. tf fBakes a Bread specialty adapted for Sandwiches.' You get it at;, ; ; ' Phone 183 ,T56 So. -Main St. . 4 THE GEMTENNIAL OF WEST POINT - , i PRESI DENT PRESENTS DIP, n. - MOSTO IOOTH GRADUA- TING CLASS. Speakers Were Generar Root, General Miles and General -It .CEREMONIES OCCURRED IN THE OPEN AIR DICK.SAYS THE UNITED : STATES DOES NOT MAKE WAR FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONQUEST. West Point, N. T., June 12. v V, , UUC Ail. 1UC speakers and officials and standing, at the front of the . platform President Roosevelt presented each new officer with his diploma. . The president made no remarks, simply shaking hands -with each cadet. ; ' I' The audience .comprising 'ladies in .'fashidnalble summer costume and the .entire cadet corps and several hundred I-Visitors occupied chairs on tho lawn Under the trees and ! the clear sky and ibeautiful scenery about West Point gave the exercises a picturesque set ting. -..! Sp!aers were General Dick for !5? d of vi.sitor. General Root for the government and. General Miles for the e.nmv t General pick 'said in .part after giving aaviee to the. cadets w conaucrea ,tpy jne umtea Cuba is now fc siser5repnblk!' and Porto mco nas nior ireedom and contentment than fY6 'ThS war with Spain was Tlit IfST Our authority there must be as abso lute; as our responsibility. That we iwill succeed gloriously in the work we have taken up in the Philippines the world now knows." He said that West Point would last a? long as the nation needed an army. Secretary Root said it was a fun da- menTa "ncipie tnat tne jni itory branch of the government should be subject to the control of the civil. He to3d the cadets to (hear in imJnd ithlnt their ArtiinaMnn wao nnrf- iKir a nv means complete, and that they could go on learning to be good soldiers un- til they restlred, if they were lucky , enough to. live until the age of sixty- 1 ltour regular army in time of war, he was a nucleus of a greater or- ganization including the militia and ; national guard and he advised the ca- i dets to get the good will of these bodies and f citlzens interested in the army. lilllE HORSES SUFFOCATED 111 FIRE AT RALEIGH REPORT OF CONDITION OF special to the Gazette. Raleigh, N. C.t June 12. The report 0f the corporation commission on the VrtndiHrm.-' rvf t"h ata.te. Tyriva.te audi F3.V- wv- v 9 xr ings banks at the close of business April -30 was issued today. It shows total resources and liabilities of $18,- 925,752.02 divided as follows: State banks, $14,598,308.79; private banks 1, - ak ovc tr ,on, iKflni t2 902.4S7.47 . Total capital stock, $3,298,259.58; total deposits subjeclt to checks $11,840,652.09; to and discounts are $181,587.31. 1 1 Invcsfmcnf pepfy . . . departanent today dismissed Clyde jea- Twelve room toe.ta- - Ashevme, ment house in respect- 0 able f neighborhood, paying 2o per cent on price tasked; $iopo.j (This;: .pnce includes 'two vacant lots adjoin- ine the house. This it proposition : is v Iworth investigating wen Uiliiie & Real Estate and . Rentins Asents,, LaBarbe Governor rAycock today; appointed the following hoard of visitors to. state in stitutions: W. P. Wood Randolph, I. P Jetter of Burke: and T.- JW. Patton of Buncombe i - This Is a non-partisan board created ty; the- last legislature. : Nine horses were suffocated in Isaac Kelly's livery stable, which caught fire this morning. The loss on building . is $200, on horses, $1.500,.,; The: building was insured, hut there was no insur ance on horses. - - V t ' ' Miss Lucy Wyatt was married this morning Jto Rev. WiUiatt F. Fry, pas tor of ' the East Durfiam : Baptist church. Rev. -W. C. Tyree, pastor of the First Baptist church of Durham officiated. .. . - , .; CAR'STRIKE TROUBLESi III RHODE ISLAND El GHT CO M PAN! ES OF JNFANTRY , PATROLLING STREETS OF ' . PAVVTUCKET. ' Piwtucket, R. I., June 12. The city officials have declined to increase 'the police force to meet the unusual con ditions resulting (from the strike of the Union Traction company's men here and in Providence. By order of Gov- trnor Nickal eight companies of in fantry are patrolling the streets today. The action of the governor was pre cipitated by a serious disturbance which took place last evening when detachment of sixteen special deputy j sheriffs were attacked by a crowd which had held up and demolished a street car. Several were injured. There was no semblance of trouble this afternoon. The soldiers were sta tioned at short spaces and maintained practically a solid line, while cars were run, each with a guard of deputy sheriffs, the schedule being maintain ed with some show of regularity. There were few passengers. The quiet which prevailed when, the troops arrived was broken just Ibetfore 1 o'clock. A car, escorted, by a squadron of -cavalry and filled with deputy sheriffs, waa stalled on Main street by a mob. Stones crashed through the windows and a tumult, was raised. Then a .volley of shots . fired, by : Ithe deputies rang out. John Peterson, twelve years of age, who was in., the crowd, fell, having been hit by a bullet. Apparently TjeJ wa;thjohi P injur. ted but the Incident staggered; the crowd. The car passed on,. It was badly damaged. All the windows were broken. A doctor who was near at hand ex amined the Peterson boy and said he was critically injured. Providence, June 12. There was no renewal of rioting by the street car strikers of Paiwtucket up to a late hour tonight. The militia seem to have full 'control of the situation . TO BREAK MONOPOLY IN ICE AT KHOXVILLE The Frosen Necessity Imported from Cincinnati by a New Company. Knoxville, Tenn., June 12. The mon opoly of the ice business here is to 'be broken. The Sentinel this evening says: A new ice company for Knox ville is practically assured. The money has been put ux and wagons have been secured, and this afternoon .it is ex pected that the company will be in shape to go at once into the ibusines of retailing ice on the streets of Knoxville in competition with the City Delivery company. On the railroad tracks of the Southern yards, are two car loads, of ice, or 65,0 pounds which will be ped dled through the streets tomorrow. The wagons will be marked so that the public will know them. The wagons will sell ice cheaper than the City De livery company, it is claimed, and in any quantities that the consumer may f" ,Thfl o Ai,.,.irn uip the fight against the .City Delivery Lv.o.-. : wumtcuLij p uic .WUIU5 wvvi.ci.jr ivi iuiluiuuii- tion about the supply.. They want 90. - 000 pounds ; a day and have now the assurance of .65,000 pounds a day. When ithe additional ice Is secured, the com-I 'pany wiU be ready to announce to the public its prices, "and methods of busi- CLYDE DEAVER DISMISSED ' FROM THE CARRIER SERVICE His Acts while on Duty;, Investigated with the Above Result. , Se iV?bnH. i above result.; There Are Dollars In This Trufe x For You. Do You Want SomeP - The. Greatest Trunk Values Ever Heard of. -3 - . ft- . .- V. 7-.- .- i . ..... . . f UO PASSENGER TRAINS WRECKED FAST MAIL AND ACCOMMODA, TION TRAIN CRASH TOGETH, ER ON THE N., C, & ST, L, J The Two Firemen and an Exi : press Messenger Killed and ' Seventeen Persons Injured. MAIL TRAIN FAILED ? - - - - : TO OBEY ITS ORDERS Chattanooga, June 12. -sAa accomrnc dation train and fast mall train from Nashville on the Nashville, caatXanoo ga and St. Louis road collided this af i ' ternoon near Hooker's station. The firemen on both trains and the express 1 messenger on Jhe mail train were kill- J ed. Both engineers were injured1 but' the engineer on the mail ia alone be-. lie ved to be 'fatally injured. 'About fifteen others were slightly injured. ' ' " Both trains were almost completely wrecked. The accident was due to failure to obey orders on the part of the mall; train. Reief train was sent ouit from this pace and the injured brought " here, . mm' Souvenirs In Gold and. Silver OUR STOCK CONTAINS MANY BEAUTIFUL PIECES OP GOLD AND SILVER WHICH WILL RECALL - PLEASANT morp; ' $rB Visit to asheville. tour name, or that op a friend, mat be engraved thereon ip you WISH. WE WISH YOU TO COMB IN AND LOOK AROUND. Arthur M Field Company Leading Jewelers. Cor. Church St. and Patton Ave. Ice Cream Sod; Our Ice Cream Soda with crus$ fruits will please you. We use the best crushed fruits and in the ice cream nothing but the best pure cream. - .Ne , milk, gelatine, etc.,-. Price 10 cents. 6rantf s Pharmacy F o i f C n i 3 desirable furnished houses ion Mo&tipra avenue, au modern Conveniences Cholc- estjocation in the city. Be sure to see them before rent- i. ixif Igi nifcrtM I2uKhW W CUM Beal Estate The entire samDle stock of the . Virginia Trunk and Bag Co. of - Petersburg, Va., bought by us - at 45c" on the dollar. ' Do you want a chance on this? i 'We will save youbalf the usual price if you say so. . " 6, A. MEARS, 1 33 S. Mal St. , . ' i V! ft' X ft : 1- 4 S 1 -v. r