Asfeviiie Business Directory. A HANDSOME SUITE Living rooms tor gentlemen. Best Appointments. IWm. Johnston, Jr. 20 Temple Court. Apothecary PARAGON DRUG CO. BDWAKD HOPKINS. President. L. B. WHEELER, secretary, and treas Opposite postofflce. Prescription Phone 260. Public Phone 471. Prescription our specialty. New and Second Hanoi Goods BAIRD & -RECTOR, S9 North Main. Phone S54. A complete line of new and second hand furniture, sold on easy payments. A liberal allowance lor goods exchanged. Artistic Paper Hanging R. McFALL, 26 N. Main. Phone 69. House and Decorative Painter and Artistic Paper Hanger. Latest de signs In Burlaps for your Inspection. Workmanship guaranteed. Ashevilie Lock and Gun Shop 22 South Court square. Phone 849. Trunk, Typewriter and Sewing Ma chine Repairing, Umbrellas recover ed. Repair work of all' kinds. Knives and Scissors sharpened. All work guaranteed. J. S. West, Pro prietor; J. J. Rigdby, Manager. DIRT CHEAP XIRT for sale cheap, on College street, Park street, Woodfln street, Bailey street and Merrimon avenue. Ashe vilie Dray Co., R. M. Ramsey, Mgr. Footsteps to Success Fpllow the footsteps of successful men and they will lead you straight and sure to desirable goods goods of worth and merit goods of reputation, which always gives the highest satis faction at J. B. Shope, 57 South Main street. Rent, Re at, Rent RENT! RENT! RENT! One of the best located modern cottages "Park Terrace" beautiful view, near in. Never occupied by any one sick. $30 month. Three other cottages, $15, $17, and $25. D. S. Watson, 26 South Main street. STOCKS DECLINE FHACT10MALLY Yesterday's Quotations on the New York Exchanges. Ashevilie Bone and Tallow Co Manufacturers of Bone Meal and HIGH GRADE FERTILIZERS. All orders receive prompt attention; Phone 813. : -f - Ashevilie Pressing Club a. C. WILtBAR, Proprietor, 4 North Court square. Phone 389. JOIN MY CLUB. Cleaping, Repairing, Dyeing and Tail oring. All orders sent for and de livered. Phone S89. All Nervous Disorders ARE permanently cured by a course in RALSTON PHYSICAL CULTURE. Instructions by Miss Cornelison, 3rd floor Paragon building. Real Estate and Loans J. M. CAMPBELL, 9 North Court Square, Dealer in Real Estate and Loans. Buys, rents arid sells. 8 room house at B 11 tin ore for sale. Price $1,800.00. h '.- ' : Ashevilie Wagon and Horse shoeing Shops U. C. WALLACE, Proprietor, Lexing tnn iLVfmie and Williow street. Man ufacturer of Farm, Road and Delivery Wagons. Carriage painting ana trim ming. Horse shoeing a specialty. All work guaranteed. Phone I2i. Annandale Dairy Plum S78. Superior milk and cream, for those who want the best. aaank . iwnm- Johnston. Jr. 20 Tempi Court. .. i Barber OAK HALL BARBER SHOT, j. w. BOWMAN, Proprietor, 1 Ptton avenue. For a perfect Hair Cut. Shave or Shine try the Oak Hall Bar ber Shop. Phone 154. 169 S. Main St. S. J. Harris, Dealer in Groceries, Provisions. Glass and Queen's Ware. Shoes; Dry Goods ana Notions. Will save von m tn sr per cent on every dollar spent with us. Cotton ' Market Pointers Chicago Grain Prices. and was a little" higher for July and-lower for September and December. Corn has (been fairly strong- July fluctuated widely and showing a good advance. December (was in good demand toy com mission house while offerings of Sep tember -were more liberal and resulted in a loss at the close of 1-4 cent. Pro visions were strong again today but did not show the wildness of yesterday and offerings were freer, selling of ribs by brokers supposed to be acting for Cud ty was a feature of the market, out side liquidation was not iced in pork and lard, brokers bought and commis si on houses were on both sides of the n arket. FAST FLYING GAR CATCHES ON FIRE At High Speed Trolley Is En veloped In Flames. PANIC AMONG THE PASSENGERS. Souvenirs. NORTHERN SOUVENIR STORE. 20 Patton avenue, headquarters for sou venirs of Ashevilie and -iclnity. Rhododendron, Wood and Leather Goods a specialty. STOCK LETTER. New York June, 24 The market to day received a shock in the announce ment of the King's illness. Before the stock market session got well under way however cable reported announce ment that the operation upon 'the King had been successfully nerformed and :there result was that prices as a rule declined only fractionally in early trading. Subsequently there was a dis position to recover and the Gould stocks displayed special strength. There was more or less feverishness through out the day .and London was moderate seller in spite of more reassuring" report regarding condition of King Edward. In the last hour a general selling move ment, set in which carried prices to lowest of the day. The decline was in spired by the reports that King Ed ward was dead tout which report was promptly denied and the market ral lied somewhat. Net loses for the day nevertheless were fairly important especially in the international shares. In the industrial list C. P. I. continued wieak las did Amalgamated Copper. Ice preferred rallied sharply on rumors that dividend may be paid after all. People's Gas lost ground on announce- I raent of increased assessments by Chi- ed weak. Government bonds unchang ed; Railroad bonds somewhat lower in sympathy with reaction in stock mar ket. Sales 503,900. Wheat July 74 September 72 Corn July 68 September ... 60 Oats- July 37 September 29 Ribs July 10.87 September.. .,, .. ..10.80 Lard July 1070 September dO.75 Pork July.. 18.40 September 18.72 CHICAGO. High. Low. Close 74 71 67 59 37 294 10.65 10.60 10.57 10.60 18.12 18.35 74 72 Fuse Burned Out and Explosion Fol lowed Many of the Cccupants Wera Badly Burned, One Fatally Others Were Injured by Jumping. 60 37 29 10.85 10.77 10.67 10.70 18.40 18.67 Staple and Fancy Groceries M. E. GARREN, 371 South Main. Phone 392. Dealer in Flour, Feed, Hay and Fine Groceries. Extra qual ity sweet potatoes. Orders promptly delivered. Stoner Brothers I CASH STORE, 30 South Main street, la trades. You are Invited. BroTSrnhurst Greenhouses (Opposite Oaks Hotel). - in CLEARING SALE We win next 10 days sell bedding plants from 20 to 50 per cent, below the usual prices. Cereals The leading Health Food R1LTMORB WHEAT-HEARTS. Stone WHEN YOU need any stone call phone 290, two rings, or have any stone work. Excavation, grading steps or curbing to set. Ring us and we will do your work promptly. Remember our phone, 890 two rings. Respect fully. H. A. Brown and W. H. Britt. Steel Ranges and Heating Stoves W. A. BOTCH 11 South Court Square. Phone 17. Ten per cent, reduction on all heating stoves for the next SO days. We . handle first class ranges. LIVERPOOL COTTON. By private wire to Murphy & Co. The following were th ruling quota Tone steady. Sales 10,000. Mid 4 15-16 Open January-February 4.20 May-June 4.53 June-July 4.51 July-August 4.49 August-September 4.42 September-October 4.32 Qctober-Novtemlber 4.25 November-December.. ... ..4.22 December-January EARLY DESPATCHES ON THE KING'S ILLNESS (Contined from first page.) Low. Close. Cleaning, Dyeing, Repairing Soiled clothing thoroughly before pressing. Work done for ladies aid gents. Heavy skirts and woolen waists cleaned properly. Ten years ex perience. Work sent ior tuui unv.. W. B. WOOD, Phone 556. 49 College Street. Country Produce a Specialty. OEOREG W. DAVIS, 347 Haywood St.. Phone 786. I have Just closed a con tract with a southern farmer to keep my stock of green groceries complete. Stenographer WILLIAM H. GRIFFIN. Jr., 21 Tem ple Court. Phone 735. Stenography and Typewriting, Court - Reporting, Correspondence, Copying. Bathers Free. Lessons to free. Swimming Bath with Hot Shower. 25c; Tub Baths, 25c ; Tub Baths. 25c; Turkish Baths, $1.00. Sen nights till 10 o'clock. Turkish Baths, Haywood street. For Rent IFOR RENT At $10 per month, a neat store house near the passenger depot. Apply to. J. B. Bostie Co.. Rooim) No. 15 Temple Court. Phone No. 601. N.9 C. & St. L. fI V IV "THE ATLANTA AND MEMPHIS LIMITED" Groceries and Feed CALMER & JOHNSON, near Passen eTdepot. Phone 672. $-zm and Feed We handle the Busy Bee Hams and Breakfast Ba con Try our Perfection flour. Prices SeowZ for cash. Prompt deliv ery. Hide and Metal House . STERNBERG, Office Phone Residence Phone 48. I pay highest caTh prices for Hides. Me Second Hand Machinery. Wool, Furs, Bees wax and Ginseng. Xiiveryr Stable V. R. OATfcS. M College ?set. Phone W. Best equipped Livery -Stable to Ashevilie. Well groomed horses, nne carriages and reliable drivers. Ijivery, Feed and Sale Stable 43-45-47 Noxth,Mato St. i itmi r customer? mi von will be. Phone 180 Den. Post Box No. 1. Lasater. INAUGURATED APRIL 13 SCHEDULE DAILY READ DOWN 92 4.30 pm 8.55 pm 9.10 pm 1.30 an 1.40 am 4.57 am 8.20 an Lv. ATLANTA Ar. Ar. CHATTANOOGA Lv. Lv. CHATTANOOGA Ar. Ar. NASHVILLE Lv. Lv. NASHVILLE Ar. Ar. McKENZffi Lv. Ar. MEMPHIS Lv. READ UP 91 -11.45 am 7.20 am 7.00 am 230 am 2.40 am 11.20 pm 8.00 pm Solid Vestibuled, carrying PULLMAN SLEEPERS MODERN Day COACHES FINEST SERVICE EAST WEST, WEST EAST W.T. ROGERS T. p. a. Raszvllfe.Tans. II. r. SMITH traffic mok. J. H. LATIMER S. P. A. Cbsttaaoogat Tees. W. L. DANLEY SCR'L PASS. SOT. NASHVILLE, TEN N. 31 32 624 63 32 32 125 125 i 46 47 97 97 80 80 (100 100 106 106 66 66 46 46 103 103 89 89. 218 218 37 37 88 88 156 156 17 17 135 135 (130 130 148 148 107 107 155 155 32 32 150 150 1 00 100 66 66 69 69 170 170 171 172 63 64 35 35 95 95 41 41 103 104 89 89 12 12 83 83 89 90 46 46 STOCKS. High A. L 32 Amg. Copper 64 Am. C. & F v 32 Am. Sugar Ref 126 Am. Smelt.. 47 Do. Dfdv 9& A. " T. & S. F 81 Do. pfd 100 B. & O ..106' Bkyn. R. T 67 Ches. & Ohio 46 C. C. C. & St. L.. ..103 Colo. C. & 1 89' Con. Gas 218 U. S. Steel 38 Do. pfd 89' Illinois Central 157 Rep. Steel 17 L. '& N 135 Manhattan L H31 Met. St. Ry 148 Missouri Pacific 109 N. Y. Central 156 Ont. & West! 32 Pennsylvania., 151 People's Gas.. 101 Reading 67 Do. pfd . 69' Rock Island 171 St. Paul 173 South. Pacific 64 Southern Ry 36 Do. pfd ,95 Texas Pacific 43 Union Pacific 104 Do. pfd 89 U. S. Leather 12 Do. pfd 83 W. U. Tel 90 W. X. pfd 47. BUREAU REPORT. Washington, June 24. Week in cot ton has experienced favorable condi tions over the northern' portion of central and "western districts and gen erally throughout the eastern portion of the cotton belt, lice are more exten sively reported and some .fields in South Carolina 'are grassy with very little rain in Texas and only scattered showers over the Southern portion of the cen tral districts. The growth of cotton has been checked in Louisiana and Texas. Within the last named state shedding blooming tops and unsatis factory fruiting is reported but lice and boll weevil are disappearing. Always Millard & Ijotsor Sale 301 feet front. 256 " feet deep on Merri- . -.-Mm ft'.': a. 1 ground lays pretty for.ilWta nloi home, easy term, apvu " Wolfe, Monument work. grove. ice O. Meat Market Phone 511. Best quality Beet-Pot. Mntton, Veal and Bunaac. and Game in season seed. Poultry Orders dellv- Monumental Granite "Works B. I. BEAN, lW Patton avehtie. PhftHe 526. Monumental Marble and Granite. Works.- Tablets nd Tiles ' Estimates furnished on Building; Stone Work. " rMusic House , - rj. PALK." Proprietor, 37 South' Main frAt. - Phone zw. uaeoier wjq jve y A. Anna , ViaJOCM . - EXAMINATIONS FOR ENTRANCE TO THE A. & M. COLLEGE. - Examinations for entrance , Jto the State Agricultural and Mechanical col lege at Raleigh rwill be held Tuesday, July '10th,' In 'the court house (the coun ty superintendent win ne: an eniwsvi.. Young men desiring to enter that col lege ftrid obtain, a practical -eaucaion in Agriculture, Engineering, Electrici ty "' Cotton Manufacturing, and Mechan ic' Arts can try their hand at jthese examinations, ana thus; save the ex penses of a trip to Raleigh. 540 schol arships -are offered, conferring free tui tion 'and room.renjt.,, .-v5Xi'h.-. COTTON LETTER New York, June 24. No littlp sur prise was occasioned this morning when the market for cotton rose 2 to 5 points and continued to advance until 10 points gain was shown. The early prices from Liverpool were puzzling as to prices but after their receipt came news of the king's illness and indefi nite postponement of the coronation. This caused a temporary halt in the eagerness of bulls to buy on the Texas weather situation. No train was re ported in that State early in the day and moreover no rain was in sight while there was expectation of a bull ish weekly crop report from Washing ton at noon. But regardless of all other considerations the fact remains that the month of June is drawing to a close with a drought of severity in some sections of the State and vthe sit uation Is fast approaching a serious one. Rains may yet help to make a big crop tout the delay may reduce the yield decidedly and this is borne in mind. Shorts were covering and Liver pool was buying here (but despite the early gain the market was dull. The weekly crop report from Washington made no reference to the drought in Texas and was on the whole favorable Louisiana and South Carolina. Receipts at ports were 6000 against 19,000 last year. Ashevilie, N. C, June 16, 1902. "Effective June 14th, trains Nos. IS and 14 between Asherflle, N. C.r and J except for portions of Texas Charleston, S. C, will carry first class J day coaches through without change. These cares are some or tne rery pes and provided with , smoking room. This improved service makes the day light trip " betreea Ashevilie and Charleston In both directions very pleasant and comfortable." p. H. DARBV c. P. & T. A. COTTON. New York spot 9c. . HSgh. Low. Close. January February March 7. 91 June. 9.04 July.. .. 8.68 August 8.36 September. . 8.05 October 7.94 November ..7.85 7.87 7.83 7.88 9.04 8.56 8.31 7.98 7-89 7.84 7.87 7.88 7.90 8.98 8.68 8.38 8.04 7.93 7.87 Gazette "wants one cent a word i GRAIN LETTER. New York, June 24. Wheat has been barely steady today except for July which has been "bought In large quan tities toy local shorts and acted in a very erratic manner. The opening was ' lower- throughout Ihe entire day on good weather in wheat belt and un- responsive .cables. , Shortly after open Ung a- good' demand developed for July vand this helped' the further months but when the demand 'ceased the market declined 'nlyc to strengthen;' again .oh big'decrease invisible and an improve ment "in the cash. situation.. The close Churchill personally delivered to the mansion house, the official residence of the lord mayor, .a message regard ing his majesty's illness, and at this mornings rehearsal of the coronation ceremony at Westminster abbey, the bishop of London, Right Rev. A.P.In gram, made a statement as follows: "I have to make a very sad announce ment. The king is Buffering from ill ness which made an operation necessa ry today. The coronation, therefore, will be postponed." The bishop requested the eongrega- tion to join in the litany out of the coronation service and pray for the re covery of the klng During the afternoon pari Marshall, Duke of Norfolk, issued the following notice: "Earl Marshall has received the king's commands to express his majes ty's deep sorrow that owing to his se rious illness the coronation ceremony must ibe postponed. The celebrations in London in consequence, will ibe like iwise postponed, but the king's earnest hope is that the celebrations nn the country shall be held as already ar ranged." The king also expressed to the lord mayor his desire that hie majesty's dinner to the poor of London should not be postponed. Nothing yet is de cided regarding the movements of the foreign guests. The first intimation that Whitelaw Redd had of anything wrong, was obtained in a cornmunication cancel ling the state bamquet which was to be held In Buckingham palace. New York, June 24. The disturbing effect of the illness of the king of En gland caused a downward swing to prices at the opening of Wall Street, but the decline did not exceed a point in the leading stock. London,. June 24, 2:46 p. m. The fol lowing bulletin is posted at Bucking ham palace: "The operation has been successfully performed. The large ab eess has been evacuated. The king has borne the operation well and is in a sat isfactory condition. " It is understodd, however, that the special ambassadors and royal gueste will return to their respective coun tries as soon as definite news is re ceived of the result of the operation. At the various palaces and hotels where foreign representatives are stay tag the news created the greatest dis may. Royal carriages were already drawn up in readiness to take the guests to the reception at the palace, but the moment the "tickers" announc ed his majesty's illness, all prepara tions ceased. On the streets the change which came over the crowds was most pro-' noiifcced. Traffic seems paralyzed and it was long before the full effect of the startling intelligence was felt. The streets, as the day wore on, became more and more congested, and the hol iday concentrated into groups reading and rereading the extras. Most of the people seemingly felt dazed and scarce ly appreciated the full report of what they read. Work on 'the stands erected on all sides to enable the people to view the coronation procession was gradually discontinued. The lord mayor has in structed the workmen to demolish the stands in front of the mansion house. Those in Piccadilly will be taken down tomorrow: The king treated the idea of an oper. atfom very lightly his great concern being for the disappointment of the people. "This, however," added theiof ficer, "was entirely unavoidable, as up to the last moment, the medical at tendants confidently hoped that in any case the patient would be able to get through the more important of the coronation ceremonies. Many of the foreign representatives called at Buck ingham palace this afternon to make Inquiries about the king's condition. London June 24, In the house of commons, the government leader, Mr. Balfour, announced that an. operation had been performed on the king, and that his majesty was progressing as well as possible. Balfour added that while the king's condition was un doubtedly grave, he did not Intend to increase the public alarm Iby adjounr tng? the 'house. London-,' June 24. Lord Salisbury, In the house nf 4ords. said the surgeons entertained the most satisfactory view in" regard to the progress of the distin- guished patient. . -. ' I, New York. June 24. While running J at high rate of speed a Myrtle avenue trolley car in Brooklyn took fire, burn ing the motorman and five passengers, one probably fatally. Other passen gers were badly injured, jumping to es cape the ilames which swept the full length of tlie car, being carried by the wind. Those injured were: Grace Von Birkland, 17 years of age, burned about the face, arms and legs; will die. Oscar Von Birkland, Mrs. Grace Von Birkland, Thomas Huff, motorman; Philip Ross, Jr., and Frank Loretti, all burned about face and hands. The car was making a return trip to the Breoklvn bridge from the Ridge way picnic park. It was loaded to the utmost limit, the conductor's register showing 110 pasengers, when there was a report that was heard three blocks in all directions, and which al most lifted the car from the track. fuse had burned out, and a flame ira mediately caught the woodwork and also burst through the motor box. This flame was carried up over the front dashboard, and, being caught by the draught, caused by the car's speed, swept back, burning all who were un able to throw themselves into the street. The motorman, although much injured, stuck bravely to his post and applied the brakes, bringing the car to a stop. Miss Von Birkland received the full force of the flames, and was uncon scious when the car was brought to a standstill. Her father and mother were so badly burned that for a time It was feared that they might not recov er. The car was almost entirely destroyed. Close 4.19 4.53 4.50 4.48 4.41 4.31 4.24 4.21 4.19 TROLLEY CARS COLLIDE. At Full Speed They Come Together In. juring Ten Persons. Chicago, Jue 24. Ten persons were hurt in a trolley car collision last night. The accident occurred at Clark and Twelfth streets, a south bound Wentworth Avenue and a west bound Twelfth street car meeting at the crossing. Each motorman thought he had the right of way and both cars were going at full speed. The Injured: Aronhouse, Louis, head severely cut. Cohn, Harry, severely bruised. Cotter, James, motorman, left am broken. 1 McLaughlin , Mrs. Anne, back se verely wrenched. McLaughlin, M. L., .side cut bv splinters. McLaughlin, Duke, head bruised. Osterzetzer, Bennie, severely bruised. Ridner, Lee, severely bruised. Schmidt, Miss Lena, bady bruised. Sucher, Mrs. Jane, wrenched and se riously bruised. No arrests were made. SOUTHERN: RAILWAT r? In effect June 8th. 1802. . Tnis condensed schedule Is published an information snd is subject to chaS ftitaoui notice tu the public. . - ' (EASTERN TIME). ' t , 6:65 a. m. -No. 36, dally for B22-., oury, Washington, and ine ifiasc, con;-, nects at Salisbury, Greensboro xxAi. Danvilie, for Cfiaiiott-, KatWh ami - Richmond. Through t'ulluum ftleepSB J between Memphis. Chattanooga, Asa vllle, Salisbury aod Danville. Als through Puhman sleeper between Rti Louis, Louisville and Ashevilie. J 3:35j?. m. No. 12, dally for Salisbury, Washington and all points Through Pullman sleeper .Vashvlile, Chattanooga. Knoxvui and also between Memphis and Ashe vilie. 7:05 a. m. No. 14, daily for Spartta burg, Columbia and CharlsstOB. Ooa nects at Scar tan tmrx tor Atlanta and the South, Charlotte and th Nsrtfc. 4.00 p. m. No. 10, dally for Spartan burg, Columbia, Sarannan, Jacaaosvllla and ail points South, connects at Spar tanburg; for th North Columbia tat Charleston. Through Pullman aleepec ; between Cincinnati, KnoxvUle, Ahs . , rllle, Spartanburg. Columbia. Savanmaa. i;k and Jacksonville, also between Ashe ville, Columbia and Charleston. 10:05 a. m. No. 17. daily, for Waynes ville, Bryson CKy and all Intel-mediate points. ., 3:20 p. m.-No 19, dally (eiept Sun- day), for Waynesville, Bryson City, fcuruhy and all Intermediate Doutts. "8:40 p. m. No. 42 daily for Spartan- ' burg, Greenville, Atlanta, Macon, con necting at Atlanta for the south and . west. Through Pullman sleeper be tween Ashevilie, Spartanburg, Atlanta and Macon. ' (CENTRAL TIME). 6:10 a. m. No. 15, dally for Hot Spring., Morristown, Knoxvllla afta Bristol, connects at Morristown tor Chattanooga and New Orleans. Ami iiso at Knoxville for Cincinnati, Leuls ville and St. Louis. Through Fullmaa sleeper between Charleston, Columbia, Spartanburg, Ashevilie, Knoxvllla, L- Is ville and-St. Louis. 1:15 p. m. No. 11, dally for Hot' Springs, Knoxville and all points West connects at Morristown for Bristol, at; Knoxville for Cincinnati and Louisville, t Chattanooga for Memphis and Nash ville. Through Pullman sleepr be tween New York, Washington, Salis bury, Ashevilie, Chattanooga aa4 Mashvllle and through Pullman sleeps oetween Jacksonville, Savancah, Col ombla, Ashevilie. Knoxville and Cia cinnattl, also between Ashevilie aijd Memphis. f 12:20 a. m.-No. 35, dally for Hot Springs, Morristown, KnoxvUle, Cbat tanooga and points West. Connects at Chattanooga, for Memphis and Inter mediate points and at Ootlewah Jume tlon for Rome, Selma, Atlanta an4 In termediate points. Through Pull man sleepers between Danville, Salisbury, Ashevilie, Knovxille, Chat tanooga and Memphis, and between Ashevilie, Knoxville, Louisville and St. Louis. 9:20 a. m. No. 41 daily, for Morris town, Knoxville, Chattanooga and points west. Direct connections for New Orleans, Mobile and points south. Through Pullman sleeper between Ashevilie, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Bir mingham, Selma and Mobile. Call on Ticket Agents tor time tables and detailed Information or aidress: C. H. ACKERT, General Manager, Washington. D. C. S. H. HARD WICK, j General Passenger Agent, Washington, D. C. P. R. DARBY, O. P. 9l T. A., Ashevilie, N. C. Baggage called for and checked frost hotels and residences to destinatloa, by Tbe Ashevilie Transfer Cempans'. 7" S FOUR PICNICKERS DROWNED It Boys Were Riding in a Boat When Capsized. St. Louis, June 24 Four boys were (frowned by the capsizing of a boat al Fern Glen, a resort 15 miles from here. They are: Eddie Flynn, 17 years old. Robert Regan, 16 years old. " Peter Larkin, 17 years old. Alphonse Kerns, 16 years old. The drowning occurred at the annual picnic of the St. Louis Turnverein. Crazed by Cudahy Kidnaping Case. Omaha, June 24. Mrs. Kate Feeley, who became mentally deranged a yeai ago over the Cudahy kidnaping case, has been taken to the insane asylum at Clarinda, the commissioners having aeciaea sne was insane, ane was brought here from Troy, N. Y., by Dep uty Sheriff Askin, of that city. Shortly after the Cudahy kidnaping case Mrs. Feeley became seized with the hallucination that she had wit nessed the perpetrators of the crime divide the $25,000 paid by Mr. Cudahy for the return of his son and that in consequence they were following her with the intention of murdering her. LOCAL RETAIL MARKETS Prevailing prices of produce. Cor rected dally by Hiram Lindsey, 450 South Main street and City Market, Phones 200 and 173. Cherries, 7c quart. Cherries, $2.50 bushel. Strawberries, 12c quart. Raspberries, 15c quart. Blackberries, 10c quart. quart. Cauliflower, 5 to 10c each. Rhubarb, 5c per bunch. Asparag-us, 10 to 30c per bunch . String Beans, 4c quart. Gooseberries, 5c quart. Tomatoes, 8 l-3c pound. New Peas, 30c peck. String Beans, 30c peck. Cucumbers, 2 for 5c. Head Lettuce, 5c. Cur ley Lettuce, 2 for 5c. Radishes, 5c bunch. Mint 5c. bunch. New Turnips, 5c bunch. New Beets 5c bunch. New Cabbage, 3c pound. Turnip Greens,, 10c peck. , Carrots, new, 50 bunch. Garlic, 5c bunch. Summer Squash, 3c pound. Leek, 5c bunch. Florida New Onions, 5c bunch. Corn, 1.00 bushel. White Potatoes, 30 to 40c peck. New Irish Potatoes, 30 to 40c peck. Spinach, 15c peck. New Onions, 50c peck. Meal, 25c neck. Eggs, 17c dozen. Lemons, 25c. dozen. Bananas, 20 to 2Sc dozen. Ducks, 20c each. Chickens, 35 to 40c each. Spring Chickens, 12 to 20c each. Hams, 14 to 16c pound. Country Hams, ISo pound. Turkeys, 18c pound Guineas 25e each. Turkey, lJc pound gross. . Home-made! molasses, 50c. gallotL Vinegar. 80-40c. gallon. Creamery Butter, SOc pound. Butter (table), sse poomd. Cookinjr Butter 15 to 20c pound. Shorts, 11.25 per sack. ! ' Hay, 1.10 per 100 pounds. Bran, $1.10 per sack. Oats, 68c bushel. Big Gun Ready for Trial. New York, June 24. A 16-inch gun, the largest in the world, will be com pleted at Watervillet arsenal by Wed nesday and sent to the United States government proving grounds at Sandy Hook. Its operations are expected tc astonish the world. It is the ' most powerful weapon yet devised by mas and is expected to revolutionize the art of gun making. The work upon v 6uu v i Bugllle8s ls never lively wfth the un. monsxer cranes nave ueen constructed dertaker, no mater how busy he may in order that the various parts of the record-breaking gun , may be conveni ently shifted Lbe. Cold Snap in Iowa. . ues Momes, towa, june unssa sonably cold weather continues, aul fires are being rendered necessary The seriousness of the crop conditio; has been further augumented by ac ryny-Baiaam Stops thm TIclrtTnft psC cnfcfcbj aOsvB tuflsaunaOos in. fee rosfr Fashionable charity keeps the left hand fully posted as to the operations? of the right. 11 lOf 1 L1C 1LJU C4V.C l-1-' er'as easily as they make trouble their hftnrs - ,. ... ,., - overtime.' Gazette Vants" one cent-a word. Pianos tuned. ,r- J it -

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