5 - i 4 'AC 4 J " i viHM- - v- ' i . - - 3M - 5 - , '. I - - - :- v - I ?i I 'J- niEpliliiJliv V' V-.jt... .- v. Vi' T 5 s lnsteaa 1 v ..hamB anaZephyr8.v A - . ? " r 350 Fine ImpohedSScotib: ' and FreiichQiDgtamir 'a v : of iXWtxJMR 350 C y "ardsX. - fiife ' jtmpor ted piecesof Silk ; Ginghauls fflLKISEHDED f f v- It; wiurder nd suicide, The tretgredy r , j took place just as -the funeral 46f Dn, D. V - I O,"-Mitchell," " the- faonily V physician of wb oeing:,' yreacnea across xne treet4rom the.scene Two pistol re ports rang: out In quick succession -and tthere -was a, stauzvoede of the tattendints . .H i.1 ' . . - i."' . . r v - v ine lunerai twno rusnea into ithe. K.U-, :' grore , cottage. ,In the rubbish rooti In IPYCONFERENCb QE. MR.. PAYNE rear'of theulldlragr was found; the a- A f (. WITH PRF-mPNT Dnnccv , ! ,'ins n poois or iDiooa. une woman iiaa n"- I, " - i"Sr"?5"- . been shot through the head, while ith i '-tWr---vtr':,r - 'v,? ." !l i r' ihueband.had sent a bullet throughiliis .1, . L k B W L-'-I " . rVFl T,' YPtcbnv5 .T( . it..!'' j- 6 -M jSiu J. brain' by putting: the muzzle-of the7 gurf in his mouth. A portion "of the headJ- was torn away; , No cause, Is.assigneU Reciprocity with Cuba Treafv Is for deed' Kiigrore -was arrang "to .it0f to fie Effected at Next Session, f f6riner homexteek.Two raofoii ERIE COAL COMPANY GlVES ALL em ployes a ten perx SpENrBOUS-, Other Coal ?Mihinff t(mpanie AAIIOST UNANIMOUS -f,,'". - V i 500 yktdi -Fancy f Cheyiots. This ia'rery en i table - for Shirtwaist SuitsVv? OiiraiioPG:;: v oi ration Avcnue- WILL BE EFFECTED: BY; TREATY, "INWHICH HOUSE MUST-CpNCUR,' -AS QUESTIONS jOP ;' REVENUE WalbingnTjTuirra Payhe'tJf v the" hotfse " committee' 1 on 11 ' " , " ' , -J - ..! V r-.i , , i im t ll MmWFF I II 4 V ".Kilg-ore rwa formerly chief of police m : Uhattanooiga. CIVIL GOVERNMENT ' 1s ' f .F-1 III PHILIPPINES IS NOW EXTENDED OVER ALL , " THE CIVILIZED PEd- - Washin!gtonJuly:3.Secretay',lRo'6t has received 1 the following- reply 'from rActingrH Qovernor Wright, ofT the- Phil- ways and aneans," today conf erred with ' ippines' his - congratulatory . caible-tfU.- ' - i gram sent yesterday: . " . - w, , - BresidentIlooseveltiin regaird'to C&ban reiirp:l,tyvjUjwnleavin&vth yesterday "Provincial gosvernment nvas' inaugu rated : in' Lacruna.' on Jurv 1. hsr' tive quartens, Mn, Payne Jn response to pletlng- the establishment of ; civil gov questions ox), ,theVubject said ha-was l ernment oyer all, the. (civillzed people satisfled tWt:eciirocitv Iwlth jbnba ! i16- archlpelago. Acceptance ofAmer, v- j iem, auiiiurity ana general pacincauon would be effected at the next session complete. ; I beg to offer congratula- or . congress with -almost a unanimous . ons. to. - you. ana. tnrougn you to the vote In (both houses' The method: "by Pr?sident on the success ' of wise' and which this r will, be attained, he .said, " V y iixfusu d,L?u oy.-c wiU .be y .he treaty.-' Under ordinary jjf1 McKlnley and continued hy Prtsl Conditions, he said,' a itreaty; is.ratifled ' dent JEi0080YeIt' s: -1 -by. the senate onlyibut'-ia matters of V v ' 'c. . 1. .this' klnd Involving question's oX-. rev-- DDCCinCflT" DnnCCtCI T enue; under the ,DIngley law, the house I IILOIULII I llUUuLILLl Itftrlilwll A! iAA-SFliiitiAn Iiaff: AmiFll !4n-ln i"T ' ..': ' a'- ' , : ' ..;-, ; iV!!-..- Sf-s r. ,MW rfeVeefMrPa ' "-tAVtoiTUn Tl I loDUKu the ipresident and -his - subsequent ut-1 Washington, July , S.The ' president eueviuauy .yuts au ena w ex- left Washington tonight Tat 7;i tfor iEoTirth of July ' oration. at i Schenley park, Attorney Creneral Knox, Secrdta- ryCortelyou,- Jr. 'John F. Jlrlc and Ml 1 A . Xatta ot Pittsburg accompanied the president . .The party occupied a- car attached - tdlthev reguiar IPlttsbttrgf vex-' ipress on the Pennsylvania -roaa. are ; Expected , to : FoUoW in ! . SHALL RIOT LEAD TO f . j::' THREE MORE ARRESTS WUkesbarre, July 3, The "Erie Coal company "tdday gave all" its employes. Including .those who returned since the last pay day, a- ten per cent; ' bonus as a reward for their faithfulness durine the strike. -Other companies are expected to-xoirow suit. ,-. . President Mitchell - returned home from.the-west this afternoon. j A small riot at Drifton.'leflto three more arrests. .AH the 'coal and iron guards at Uher William" colliery8 :: of; the tehigh ; Valley Coal company, where there was rioting yesterday, were with drawn from the mine or placed in build'-' tng away from sight, to be -taken -out during the night. . The change appeased th Italians. - - J. " . committee , and; tewis Nixon; chairman or y.tne ; detnocratic finance r coanmittee to get things In working! order for the fall campaign. '; Griggs left, for his Georgia' home last-night after ;ringa parting shot at the republicans.4 -Sec retary Edwards - of the congressional committee has asked the democxatle senators and, representatives how much time each can spare for speeches: The - .t.: camipalgn material will be readr'ln- a' S!R FREDERICK TREVES; ATTEN few days, including Hoar's" and Ma- i ' ' ; ' " ' v N;. .v - - . ' TITC CirnTinno nninn ,rv ofcvtri days OIHIL CLCUIIUIIO UUAnU London , Julyv 3:-The .foUowingr ImT-i morning 'from -Buckingham palace:- , The King hasslepV well and noth-r HELD I1EETIIIG YESTERDAYS vSC. s!a!&Eg';m COUNTY BOARDS 'TO v CONSIST ' hM ?(?curred to the excellent, ' " ' " . " v " . Prsresshls. majesty Is now making. - rt OFTWO DEMOCRATS AND rtV;p4, - "HIs majesty W a cora- , fortable. day. Hist srenerar Andinnn one. republican: Special to the - Gazette.'. ; FIERCE VIIID STORM IN AFID.IIEAR BALTIMORE Baltomore,1 July ZA " great rwind storm this aif ternooir did much damage. Several were injured (hy flying missels. pne, ,matt was killed' inr Green : Springs Valleiy iby a tank being' blown on hlm, - DEMOCRATIC COMHinEEJ' r PREPARUIB FOR BUSIHEiiS . Washington, July i.-fA" conference ls to 'toe held. Monday between Chairman Griggs" or the democratic, congressional campaign" committee'' Ben;- T; Cable; chairman: of vtbeMemocratkr 'executive still furthers Improved and tnewounif now v causes 1? hbn comparatively - little . .pain, v' .i - aieign, juiy.-The state board. of. " Vv-" V-' elections met todays all the 'members X1r2,IMlolr 1' July Discussing ' the Claywell of Morganton was ordered" to rit has been "necessary to remove' the notify the state chairman of .the repub- . drainage:, tubes' as , they' could not be " ' -Ucarf , and :' demccratlc parties i to . pro-;.: tolerated and gause plugs are now used cure-the names , of 'persons desired, to -instead.' The wound is-granulating' sat- "' ' serve on county . election boards .and to lsf actoriiy, the discharge -; has dimin' - -report at the next -meeting of the state lehed and ' is , perfectly - Inodorous His ' 'board. Augusts. County boards,. will majectys-temperature - has been nor- ' MutMBii ui. ue repuiDucan. tana wo asm- mat since June 2S: His constitutional " ocrats. k The populists .will 'be Ignored; : cond;iUon Is. admirable." ' -. ' - Governor, Aycock, today announced, vThe British Medical Journal, "in ex-' " the appointment., of . state directors fC pressing a similarly - satisfactory view ' 1 the North XJarollna railroad. ",They are of the king's condition," says " "v' the same as'forthe past year "At no .time has it beenVnecessary ;At Smlthfletd-: today.- the democratic? since the operation to use sedatives to' convention" of , the Sixthdistrlct.nonil-' induce the king . to- sleep.' To medical -: ' nated W, R. .Allen of GoldsboTto-for men who have read,-he daily bulletins - ' judge, and Armdstead Jones of Raleigh,V it has een obvious that the statements ' -for;solicitoiv - ? y ; . therein, were entirely frank. -There twasT 'V Auditor B, "P., Dixon and Treasurer great anxiety- at flrst.V Sir Preerlck 1 B. B. Lacy went to Morganton tonicfrt Treves dld not to deliver patriotiie and. educational ad- nights. But the load of anxiety id now. dresses tomorrow.- , , ;.v lightened,' if it "has not entirely dlsap- V " - ' ' "-s - -'.jpeared-. The ramors ' regarding the' v ' PRF.RIIlFfJT VVII I TAIIT e healthcare altogether un- " - IIILOIilLlli HILL IHLlY -k . ! founded .nd confidence Is now felt -that,; . pllDAN nCPIDDOPITV thanks;in "umisual degree tohls - UUDHIl IlLiflrnUblH ound constitution, the king wlll'make ' Washington. Julv 3, ThA-; niMtAa. recovery." . v ... - - - 4 , during. his western; trip - the coming y .'i r-'",1 11 i " - ,-"' ' " summed and fall will r strong . argue, DR. LAIIBERT HAS SOLD v ? " ?' the ppUcy of Ctafban Reciprocity In' thef : mo r a TiT-rTTT yn7t-. L ' x: 'i very districts whose republican. senatora auiw LflirAlilUlilU - ULI1II I L- -At lit I'iPLI LllUn 111 fLtlllll 111 j HUTU iininnrnrnrn Trn ri innniTrNrnn I I I I H IIIUKHH MIHI I HI rrilKllmi IhL hSS HVI I II U III IILULULII I JLU LLnUUlIn I L.I1LUU ana congressmen; were active, in oppos-1 ..rr r- w "t,ik -if ' ' ( - SE ATE COULIITTEE e i -ihiSSliH - 'V : t ITn VISIT PIIHlPPIfTPft ion ,6, .woodridor depart- Sumjneirs I I- 1 y- would lie.' unibearable ;were ltjiot for.a good hose eLn reetihow "tables, plants and "flowers wash windows and .cool the atmos- r phere t , . t , , A '.FSSi'ns,y-! Hbse8:arid,l6caFo6t.;:ii f . vuY' v. - , fv' pi f t h. -i,- j . - : rf' AsKeviUci ? v r i- s tHaPdwareA-o "AC'n the'squarb; : ft T-Wasmtf5tott, Jtilr 2,-Thear epart5 intent .made btiblic 'toaught the procla mation of- amnesty to t9 tssaea "tomor Ideht It declares -the InsuTrectiou , in V - V theTPhlllppines at an' end and peace es- "- " ' 4- ttatbllshed isCaU parts of the' archipelago "V except Moro country. 7" Complete sura- J ' nesty is granted to all persons in Jthe 4 .Philippine who participated in the in- Th blsreest Fourth of JulV that ever Marcus Erwfn. rr. Jy. ET. Sevlerc I. EL 3 J surreotion agalat Spain - and the out- took place' In Ashevilie will be seen. Perry, - and i the blanket tossers: v George Hsreaxs 'aKainstTne "American 'arau. enjoyea ana iwereomea .octay. irre- iianeer tiiram Xrinasy. ir - ju. Jt tIt erjends a jparaon to natives wno may !Paranons vtnai nave: 'oeen on nana ior a yuenn, ' 1 . JfranK soxu tn, x oung .havevlolaJted, the "laws of -warfare but month received their finishing .touches and John Carroll. -. iwt to (persons ! already convicted of last .evening ana witn Drmiant aispiay Alter the procession naswenaea its ,ii!-,i':tit yv. Aij!. : i.. i and .deaf eniner noises the ity will revel wav i throueh the crowds; and traxttDed T" i rn iiui in i i-aiu'i-iH . hi m m -m it r . w - -r- - u -- -- a.a u the entire day. For soroeOunaccounta- the principal thoroughfares, everybody : T on7rX? v,rThmn reason, the spirit ot - celebrating will be expected to go , to- Riverside tary control, and to -place, the PhlliD- . . t- h te mmiunitv about three Park. RrvaH and Ashevilie will ! pine gorerament. euuraj iu dayg a Joy wln relgn supreme. again cross .bats and give the "cranks" of civil authorities. ... jFrom 10 o'clock-this morn-rig." until 12 an unquestioned right to liberate, their - -x v ; 1 t ' ' . 1 tonight there will be enough-to satisfy pentupv enthusiasm. No matter 1 what wasnmgion, juiy o. HiraiucUi.. he Hardest to miease nerson tnat may their; oosition mav toe. the dianity or rwrill promulgate to the army tomorrow- thin the city's limits.:, Enterprise theii1 profession or anything ilse.that tne.iJourtn.orj Juiy aaaress expet,iijK and activity, have been a ipredomlnat- ordinarily (bars people.' from being na aPDreciation'iOf . the work 'of "the j.iand m& jeatuj-ev vthe Unselfish ones who itural, - everybody will be- , expected to forces lnytneiinuippmes, :, vuoa ; :anajfiave gacrifiieea time and money, for this "root" seriously, earnestly and consci Porto Rlco Simultaneously aji official day. 1 f. ' " entiously for the .Ashevilie iboys.' . - ' , order will be promulgated roy Koot, an- i At r 10 o'clock s the clerks -will play a -There will be a tub race on the new nouncinsri termination of Insurrection '.mtti p of hasp-hall with theRoval - Ar- la-Vf- Tho ifplinw wTiftThfl thp. longest jand rfclieyirag' The, friends of these two or- arms' may be counted on as winner for- Uiiuwi j w. . ... . V.HV- AF.bF-:. gAliiaauuilB JOUVUiU vxlVFUt guaituv. Lilc IWULCI. Will. XlVfL . LH VI V jr V discontinued by the turning. over. of-the., good crowd..-, i :' : . - depth and a long armed competitor government - to j;the civil ..authorities,-1 .The B. iP. -O: !!, twill . hold a business may find some advantage in toeing able The -president's, addresswlllibe read as session at 10:30. At 3 p; an." the most' to propel his vessel by digging with his a general' order at paraae tomorrow in elaborate andexpensivet parade ever hands. - '-'K. every jniilitaty post in the country, w organisation will The -evening's performancej at the Philippines, - Cuba and Porto ( Rico. ; -t ;? t gladden the hearts, and - delight ,;the casino.tO; be given by the EakS, ' will no ; " ' ' -! . - eyes of the thousands that" will -view doubt - make a ' satisfactory climax to HIIDnCD Afin CIIIPinE V' the ' procession' ih all. Its r glory., f; the day's festivities. What the pro- IllUnULn MllUtwUlulUC, - Whit dtlck suits arid reeh caps will gram -will toe, nohody seem to' khow - ' " nflMMITTCIVIII TCVJtCile worn 'Dy the jfliKsana a Drass oanu but the "boys." If the reroarKaoie ex " .V' tV bUIlllllll l CU III ICARO will furnish , bright,-. 4ively,, music to hibition of vocal ; powers that could; he IWasntngtbiulyi-enatorsC "Mllih ell of Oregon; Foster ot . Washington,' Benohof,jKajisaiCockrett of -Hfcsflouri, 31ark-of jMontanav the. subcommittee, of 4;:i-ine commirteon facmc islands and 4 ortor.ico appointed vto ivisit uawaii in the irecessTjf. congress met today and aeowea.. -to -wave ssan 'rancisco - for Hawaii an Atferuat 1. ' ' 4, V 4 T A PERFECT "V (S'r Our work and , wputatioa M evldenceat we knoV,,to. make photograph . , z , ' " - - : . ' (2d.) .We give your rk the same -fftion that we glr oar own and get the best there to ta, select., from (3d.)" We charge more than you pay insrenor BROCK & KOONCE Studio "57 .Soutn Liao grfc The IPX. I. Departrhent Store ;as simpus asva-B c.:. novelties larger .varieties, . 'ttjgj leaders.ls -what itf means WjS; I X L. This is a lesson tt undreos have learned f with profits and, pleasure in tho srhool of experience. ; The "I XI L. DepartmenStore ilia, l . 'v'rtrt av .-. Phone 107. . x T - - - ... -s - -. - iieriTn T.nfv TOOT-STervs sum - tineei ... tiic niniri hv-anvnnp nwrin 4rvjKn T.ne iniu.ii k'ta' f dAiio soul-of every parader. ? ' rooms for the last week is to be a part run. .ci vnm..yU& w, ""r t The route will be Tas follows: Church of the - entertainment . then everybody , .Kills Self jand I Wfe. -, - - ,j street to'. Willow-:Williow to South ought to goif nothingr else- can be - Fortv Worth Texas, July Z.-A tele- -Mam street, south juain street to uouii. guaranteed to take aiiace. - nhonef'-. message- tonight" from .Bowie square, thence circling the court house , Them another things Elks as.avrule e-ivp Ta.rticulars of a horrible tragedy to Patton avenue to fHaywooa,; way- rtake the opportunity of giving iwnat is , gives parXlCUiaJT Vi 'U1C . Wnrrth .TTVoVi -RfrtarJ 'i TMrtrth ronFl1 rtof nh rtn- WWUVCU " -V 1 . T A ,Ti 4-4- . TVlQ i , J 1 4.1 ed than De xoid an exaggerated i Grand i-Exaited Ruler C. P; : Picket, way. ; It's- pretty sure to be an original, T.ijii' iiifu 1 1 a An t: - t i i1' Tk mut. - t ..- r i J. j SEQUENCE i OF HAPPINESS " ' CAN BE FOUNT IN ANY OF THE ART TREASURES DONE IN 6IL.VER; GOLJJ AND , , PRECIOUS 1 4.. HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS ON ' CHAR- with " Furnace, Electric , lights a;d alll " modern conveniences. On carilne." V jlw itUUJML JtlUUbJbl ON COULEGE STf; '"- : ttaFRr1w.MlMiF.4 "J. ..... . .v .... iiiiicvi auu uune wveiiiectric lights andA all moderm .Focaiveniences. 5 ". 7 Centrally.'lQcated aild on ..WreAt nu Jin V, T. 4-8-Patfon Ave': . F- ! Atones. 1 NOW, FOR SALE BY . v I ' 1 .. A - committed In tnait town. tDexween 2uux v - - , 1 ------ ci" - :.-"-'Vt"'xl X-r '-A ts' o'clock this afternoon and as a re- 1 French Broad to 'Patton avenue. : .The casions anyone .had much 3 J . . V, TTodak ' suit J. P. Itllgore and his wife are dead. parade -will he eaded by six mounted hear . the above mentioned Should -you; have -us doyourKOoax suit u. x-. xyis . rf polieefollowed by carriages containing about It the "next day in ar For 10 days we wilt give special prices President" Cr F Tomlinson'Past" Direc- unique and entertaining performance. In our . picture framing. ' department ) xor vre . v nuwu y 1 ". ma vtn!, (ni,iT ti" frame will 'do .General Harvey M. Dickson. , r. and well selected stock, of mouldings to . ,r t , E. Hearn: the Blue Ridge x3L lVlUllVlOI V XXV a :inttaer(i at six room, A f VUBjr 7MH'b vvo- ft ft mm month, Hiram T.mdsey. Phone. 200 , i j; H LAW,' 35 Patton' avenue; YciiiP T! ' 1. - 90erXcnt- I'Ztemeaw '. from 4- defective eVes. which, in most cases can, be re JCSrSS Tnroper Glasses,! Examjna- tion iree., . v- T The1 9-i r. Vf 6 ro6m "hooss S. tlala St.. t.. W-w. 7 roonr house, Atkins 01., . - -4 room house, Philip ftreet...... i-.w- room housa.Bailsy ctre-t. li.u. WrrVt room' cc rr.pl etc! y fjr:.x .ie- n McKee7opticeian 54 patton, avenue,' opposite Postoface, ' . , . . i , . . -r, ' i s fin ; 17 room Sofitreet., -'25.00. 10 room i"';--'.-,,- Rifles, Oapt. F. M. Ldndsey and the va riou's "lodges of the state in ithe' follow ing order:, ' : -; i j - . ; ... Charlotte lodge, Salisbury, Greens- tooro,,Kaieign;.' Winston, 1 wumingxon, Durham, Klnston,lNew(bern, Goldsboro, Sfx ' blanket tossers ,ln- costume, Ashe vilie -lodge,- Visiting: Elks. : -?? The marshals wilL fbe: ' Dr t J5 A.- Gor-r man and D. G Noland; chiefs, Dick Weaver, J. ,G. Stikeleather, C O." Mil lard,, Dr.1 vPaul .TaQuin; W,' HCooper, 15.C0. iVj.rrVnncP Starnes avenue C3 per monui. -- cur-i for 23 ca cr ' gSSPlflPf Ii; i , S 1 ' For Decorations.. .Jlsbi HBSTOri'S. 1 Residence Why can!t . we induce i ou C to use Grant's' -.:"v; ;c : Taleum inpreference to other 'b'raridsi; ' It is just as: pure, is "delight-;;: fulfj . pert umecl and much;--"" cheaper. lQc per -box; -3 ' for 25c. Grant's Pharmacy; ;. -Agency for Wood's Seeds; ' Armur-m .Field 44 . Company ft'- U ; Leading Jewelers - ,r Cor: Church Strand Patton Ave. JOR-Y r - Olearande t 4 , - - , ale For-SaleV. f - v . F . 'if ..' 1 ' The 'offerings to. that , popular resi dence section are getting, few . and far between '(that is at ,v bargain ' prices), but we have one' resideaceand large lot oa , Montfoird Wined -toy a' non-resident on .whlch we have a price that we cca- sider'VeryJlOTr We will be pleased to give you' fuU particulars', '-l '' . , -I,, f-f- -Kfit; ffvi Uilliie f: IriRnrhn w LUuUIUUQ Real Estate and Rentr : ing Agents.;:, . NBrogranif for Corned Beef Hash Ham Omelette Eggs, Any . Style. ..15c '...10c ITorfolk Deviled.' Crabs.'. 4.0c. . Corned Beef-r6andwich.v,.. 6c. p. ChlckenF-Ham - Sandwiches . .5c Tongue and Egg Sandwiches 6c - Cold Milk andJPie, each,i : 5c 'I Famous French Drip-. Coffee 5c Yuheda:;Dairy- Bunch rs i ;-r t IMISS CRUISE;- i Manicuring andHairdressmg; Parlor : ' Boom 17 Paragon ' Building Phono 425. thing , In. our' f'Ladles' Department" at -A 4 a liberal discount. . It Is our desire ta-i?iv carry as ; little stock as possible tromr season to season. .To acconmUsb thlf S we make, the following . price conces - slons; - - rvjid.':- i OFF( all ; this v season's ; :; waists.?;: - liA OFF7 Miislin' Underwearl;r -fl. OFFWalking Skirts f!i V f: tJ'OFEresf Skirts ' I vjrnfiaiiorea ouii : ONE LpTTdfWaistsrr. 69c ONFLOT of :SuiE.7.98 Wo Do vhercfiant. -Tailoring. U Pcr-

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