:;1 ft - VOL. VH NO. 128. wmi uututi uk 8- 0 a- ft. 1 - r, 1 K (- staffs together with. Gen f Marin, a most important, liberal leader at the depart-. arms oa" account of a guarantee offered toy the1 Bogota goterament; At Carmen en tJe Tacap defeated V the Liberal forces.- under (Sen: Munez. I? "-J. .'killing or wounded over 200 meo. hls: , geuerEu aiso .won -Ticiory over F?PE5ATON OF: LABOR PID NOT forces of Geir..CarcI-RoyeVia thu6,; SANCTION TJHE MOVE OF FREIGHT HANDUERS. 1 i is Claimed, rendering it useless to cause ' ' any jmore bloodshed. ""i'f t' COf.l'lG COEtOClATlOU Jobbing- Interests r of . the City SekousAffeeted" by, Situa tion at ' the Freiglit Houses : 4 i YESTERDAY'S EVHITS ; III THE HENLEY REGATTA KING'S WISH WAS GRATIFIED IN FIXING EARLY DATE FOR , - ; THE. CEREMONIES. " SENATOR PRITCIIARD'S REPLY TOSIfllHS'STATEfjEtJi HEAVILY LADEN TRUCKS: i f WAITINGfxd BE UNLOADED n : - in vsmt' lit .-II ' : : .,:t:L--. ' . '. -Ill ' "-: . -'-v' 'rr'. ' S : . i .'V.r. '"I QUESTION WHETHER TEAMSTERS WILL COME TO THE AID OP THE Lane mills Not such a long time nowtii; you'll be thinking , hi Sorghuinc, makiig. If. you want to get all thg Juke from the, -cane- you; will . not fail to (buy the . " " ChaffanooSa , Mill Cane which is a very, compactly built i mill, nd a light puller , i We have j .the -i, ; v';'- - fr ' ; BvaporatinJ Patifr of various'vsiMS, end all Teasoxjr ablyriced-j.4 f fi V , ON ,TH& SQUARET. ; t : IDLE MEN jSOMEJ " HANDS' AT WORK ON PERISH A1BLE FREIGHT Chicago July 8. The freight hand lers striked which called out 9000 'men yesterday and . seriously curtailed fthe handling of f reight, appeared no nearer settlememt today than it did yesterday. Chairman Job, of the state - board ,of arbitration, when asked if he had re ceived an answer from the. railroads or the ,mento his offer of arbitration, an swered in the negative. rAll the freight houses pickets endeavored to persuade newcomers trom taking jobs and sought to lure away men already at work. In the yards of the Illinois Central, the men brought in last night were at work tn perishable freight. , They spent the night in sleeping tears brought tf or the purpose and ate their breakfast in, din ing, cars anostly of the pattern used on construction trains. A man familiar with the present trouble and experienc ed dn strikes said tody: - - "If the teaansters iqome to the aid of the freight handlers they will win; if not the chances are that, they will lose. It is too easy for. the (railroads to bring in-new mien.'" - J r - v' This statement's of meaning. In con nection with the statement of officials of the teamsters' union, who have said that' the freight handlers proceeded to strike without the sanction of the Chi cago Federation- oft Labor and that therefore they would be allowed to fight out their own salvation. " ,The jobbing interests 'of the city are seriously-: tied upin' their shipping de- ipartmentsrHeayiiy f aden trucks whtch stances still Lin waiting 'to be unloaded, TfaeJ-roads so far', have had but s little chance' of handling-apything save peij ishable freight . ... - . ' : 1 FLEMING AND COIILEY HANGED AT SALISBURY . , ... -rrr-r ' BEATON GOT A REPRIEVE AT THE VERY LAST FLEMING DE CLARED HIM INNOCENT, titus beats field, th e am er- ican, in , diamond skull . . . race. : ; Henley, , Eng;,, July 8.-Given a con tinuance.of the fine weather now pre vailingthe Coronation Henley- regatta promises to be of jfecord from the view poinit: of those who regard it v as a society-picnic. Luncheons, drags,' motor cars and trains -emptied; a? great con- bembcpatie .Chairman's : "Discovery" ;Raises; a Question ' as to .:r:'LegaIrProc C Same time Disgustingr-rThe Disfranchised White Men Court at Buckingham Will not' X be Broken up Until After the August Event. ;N Special to the Gaaette. Marshall, N. C, July Pritchard, chairman of the republican state committee, gives out the following statement; - - : v I constitutional m a suit (brought b ' 8 .Senator . "white man -wherein ,t was alleged' that ne ougnt- not ito be denied the right to vote on: account of having failed ' to' pay his poll tax is an mault- to the In- telllgence c(f our. people; No one knowa"' EDWARD'S CONDITION time disgusted with: the statement re-J I have been. amused and at the .same t better thaa 'Mr, f Simmons v that - tha grandfather t clause of - the v sroposedl course of people at he river , side to day, and the town accommodations were taxed to provide shelter- even for those willing to pay the exhorbitant "charges prevailing. The Americans' inferest in the regatta .was enhanced by rthe ,act that a numlber of jtheir countrymen were members of the various English crews. nrkvrrnTftTTmn i .. I cently. sent out (bv Senator Klmmnna amenament to our constitution: can nev vviuinuiia rAVUKAmj&ithat th rantifnoTt Uaor. aiiKi er be passed unon until ihrAni i. o n T erately decided to stit up strife and pro- ' in,ttited y some one who Is dtecrlxni-'i; mote cusentions and independeaxtism In ,ua' 6bi. uy -lis provisions. JL PHTSrciANS SAY HISPROGRESS IS i the ;ranks of the MemOcracy,' and that slmPleV statement of th proposIUoa ia att TWAfr aw T,t7 T:. I between the first and . fifteenth' of Oc- enougn no convmce any one -of the ut- ALL THAT CAN BE , DESIRED I toben they are ta inaugurate a plan by rer atsurdiiy of the, position, assumed max BOARD HIS YACHT FOR A I wnica some wnwe man who has failed V - -, . SHORT CRUISE. to pay. his poll tax is to test the consti- 1 can weu understand why- Senator tutionality of the recent amendment to Simmons should dread he white man . ' London Tiiiv a Tkfl x. : t I Wir wusumuon, wnicn is to pe aeciarea ; - r . u vu . -ionaon, July 8. The news that the hiT,rvhTitrnQ t tax provision, to view of the rfat that - coronation of King Edward was ' to be District court, upon the ground thdt the Ye tstatedto the people of North Caroli- " v " held before the middle of August was grandfather clause Is in .violation of the 4 na a S, iu plain and une-,,. published in America before it was 15th amendment to the constitution of qulTOcal sage, that no white man,-- tnown hpri Tint iv tj 2. the United States " : Anv staten D. Milburn of Buffalo, N. Y, rows No., and other papers thfa anorning confirm I tn effect .that the., leaders of the re- anxendment to out constitution, I no- T ceiient source -it is learned today that w each wnich senator Simmons is Quoted aa - , the pressing forward of the coronation other as to the policy -mentioned by havin that eight thousand demo- f was;due.to the personal; insistence of Senator Simmons is absolutely false in 'carta : and ten thousand white repubU- r ;. the king. His doctors -were at first op- every particular, cans would (be disfranchised as at result posed to such an early date, but the The story which he publishes is an the Do11 tax Provision. It was also 5i J?, 45 J i ,fny 4 6toer improbable One when you come to con- tha Senator Simmons was pleas-. ' 'r plans. The ' doctors, finally realizing T thft MmMa:Af f9r.t n d with the situation. I cannot under-v ' - SJ0 afe which he bases his assumption. He one could .(be pleased f ; in i opposing hismaaest3r on this point, Ma ai. a . m urith a situation wherein it is admitted White, son of Henry White,, secretary1 of. the United States embassy, pulls No S in the JEasiern crew. - ' . The racing began at 12:30 p. m. In the first heat for the grand challenger cup, the Leander Rowing club beat the Kingston Rowing club easily . by a length and a quarter. Time 7 minutes 34 seconds. m the second heat the Argonaut Rowing club, of Toronto, ibeat the Uni versity college, Oxford, by two ana a quarter lengths. Time 7 aninutes and 25 seconds. ' The fourth heat first ofithe day) for; the diamond sculls, attracted by far the most attention, as the result was expeoted to " - show the Americans' chances of carrying off the coveted, trophy. Titus easy victory over FieldV who is holder of the Oxford University sculls has alarmed many for the. safety )o "the diamonds . TitusL who was dn the. Berks ..station, had ttne.'toeasures oi ms opporientts5fromi the fifst. The Oxonian stuck to his work manfully for .three- quarters of a imile i At Fja.wi.ej Court,. nan-tne -course, aixus, wa oij, vtvu- further and, "further away. Field; betog exhaustedi'Titus performance' rmade such an Impression that r even -inoney was laid on his wining the diamond sculls. . . ' ; ? $1,500,000. A WEEK L FAR STRIKlilGMIIiERS 6i cm - iu h. , iney now . see the kirterl " - . . . . .... ., was right and that it will be fer ;; to Pay his poll tax is to.rastitute a suit if r". Yrm,,, B for him to get through the turmoil of to test the constitutionality of the act. u rairaaicmsea ana notpermittea to the coronation as soon as possible than Any one versed in legal procedure must Cxtrrtsi.'ie wsnest right Incident to . ' -to have it hanging over him for months, be aware of the fact that no question : citizenship, on account -of the fact that -King Edward has determined not to can' be decided in a lawsuit which is ey !y able ;?ePT. their poll - break up the court at Buckingham pal- not raised by the pleadings. The only on w before the first day of May.- - - aw am aner tne coronation. He may I question which could (be raised byv" a ,u:.auMcwn x wia say inat m my ' , , go on board his yacht for a feiw davs'ltxrhUa rv htoA-atiMitn' m.!m';w1 - . cruise, but he is more likely to; remain poii jtax under the'-amendnwi'''"1 .U)raitcme4 In' j ' hMT iW .w-over ana constitution would the question piacmg . r then take a prolonged holiday. whether or not the poU tax provision of j Jf PU tax provision In the consUtu-; . ; - London " Julv -hniiPHn the amendment Is constitutionai, and I JQQVtotoB our.people to pay , " ic suppose .there is not a.: lawy the lr poU tax;Wor;ibeforethe first day V posted at-Buckingham palace at in state , who will undertake tc-say -that , v'- : t . - f, xi., rt?l? Vd4Uce I. ' Occupyinsr tea I doAhe chairniaiishln t - jnorwng, says; - ulV.u" ,rrne kimg's progress es all that -lal. " Such beiflg the case, hisiuit www uufb pe .aesirea.vrl; v -. . I be' .dismissed,: and nothing would: come it. dn way w ithe other Tlie idea of wiiknii attempting to jnaxe, wemTemgeiw. peo- pie of. North Caroliaa believe that there TRnnP AT P AnD'TUnPIAC! & lawyer in the state who would en- iiwvt v ni unmi I lUllinO!io Salisbury, - N. - C July 8. At 10:52 o' clock this morning Dick Fl eming and Arch Conley fell through, the traps of the scaffold that,-was built for the Emima tourglars at Asheville, and suf fered death f on "theiricrimes . Fleming on' the . gallows, declared that Dick Bla ton had no. hand in thelassault on Mrs. . . .. . . i . . iiivmgeton, inat.ps aiqme was-guiuy. Blaton was to have been hanged with the others,, jbut Monday knight a reprieve for hiaotr' until July-21 came from Gov ernor. Aycock. , BotA men spoke a few "Words .before the black :cap iwas placed over their heads, Coifley . declaring that he Jknew 1 he nvas 4'savd,''- and Fleming exonerating1, Blaton -; ana saying - "i haye made my peae with God and am ready: to- die'-' .They were singing a hymn that : had :been . started, by a col ored preacher Who was among the score .of spectatOra of .the exeoution.when the signal was given for the trap to fall. Both men. died without a struggle, from twrdlcen necks.f V x . v. Conley;.kUledfGus: Pavis. a negro at Salisbury Fleimmgcommittea rape on diwhite woman. " , 1 Wilkesbarre, July 8-Pi-esident White of the United" garment workers repre senting the , executive, council of the American Federation i of. ,labor offered President Mitchell today $1 weekly as sessment fpom every one of the (million and . a half anem'bers of the American Federation This in effect aneaois $1, 500,000 a week for the striking miners . Mitchell has not yet accepted the offer though he welcomed it. DEADLY HIGH TEMPERATURE CONTINUES III PITTSBURG Pittsburg, July 8.-TThere are no indi cations 'of an early abatement of the hot wave. The mercury at 11 a dpATOT ito have the erandfather clause 'Washington, July 8.ryphoid - (fever iu our -constitution declared to be un- nas Drpxen. out among . the Seventh cavalryjand Third battery, , field artil lery at camp Thomas. They .are em- camped In a park, not. housed in $ar- racKS. .surgeon Major Jefferson! B Kean and Contract. Surgeon Jmes Sar rol are tojnvestigate whether germs re mained in the soil from' the Spanish, American, war times " ' PRESENTS FOR reported within the last s twenty-four hours. , . , fc :.-rJ TO LAY ANTI-TRUST. BILL1 RAIN IS BADLY NEEDED UI DAQTQ flC TUP CTATC Wtilahine? -.-. .. I , . ; - Ill I fftll I U iW,-Il Winib evidence that we 'uyw , N c July g.-The weekly photographs. -i-nA crop bulletta Issued today eays thathe m r Wo dve your wprk.tne aam , 1 wi, awaA careful attention! w VZZv eight .to -ten' degrees:-above: normals nnd CPt the best-there JVU- lT rrrrr,-nXita. ttHaAn fvf aUve.', train fall. Crops are -begiUning to suffer. (3d.) . we .charge TTrs , , " J and another Week- like conditions would pay Inferior wr3a., BROCK :r KOONCE ! Studio 67 Souta IlaJa tfrett. V J be ruinous. PANAMA LIBERALS GIVEFUP; The I. Department Store fER UEUISIVt I lit AS.SIMPLE A3 A u v,. " . -paa ,JuIy 7.-Gen. SaUzar.-rthe er ; values. law. , JfJces, f Jgg eovernor of . Panama, .has ' receive a novemes. larger "1 xha dispatch to Bogota,; he , captaia- ,an erslswh I X L. V.Thia is icBDU" -7"- r-. T -rnl arpJa nr their have learned with proais wu-; it, rr. ' "rr . ' . in the ; school or. expentmw m. BUENCAMINO VISITS GEN. LAWTOH'S WIDOW Louisville,' July 8. GeneralBuehcam ino, former secretary of state in Agui- naldo's cabinet, arrived in the city to day and presented an address, express ing sympathy of the federal party an the. Philippines, to the widow of General ; Law;t6n who resides at Pewee Valley, a suburb of; Louisville. The address pays a high . tribute to the ability of General Lawton, who was killed in the Philippines in December, 189.9, and who, General Buencamino says, was the friend of the Filipinos I in that he was the first to establish; a rrmr, OA A m.nnct ; 1ilnfan luotha amn stir serious cases of prostration hve been Z"' r, : t. General BuencaimSno will leave Louis ville toaight, going direot to San Fran-J cisco, whence he will embark ' for the Philippines after having been im this country two months. , - BEFORE THE PRESIDENT FERGUSON FOR JUDGE; "X MH . i T ' T ' JmITT- o A ; 'pTnin-'" I ' dons rain storm ketpt the president in KHTMlN NJK Mllll.lllln! his Sagamore Hill noone eany i;oaay. igpecjaj to. the Gazette. :u,el "Lr,r;w Btryson dty, July S.-The sixteenth ien oty a. J tt I Judicial ' district convention -was held. S?,?r!2 rVhe bere today, with the following result: whU.h Mr. Littlefield is I Garland S. Ferguson, of Waynesville; j,tv,--Thiei.i-ntMVTi'anrA nT Views i waa luwuuuaiea wr juukc ouu auo.u Will be made the basis of the first arart joryson or ewam county iot soucuor. of .the measure. 'rne presiaeni-nas et it be "understood that he will spend: lit tle time in the-executive , offices to the town. 1 - - rR Pf tnresident' had as' a "guest for luncheontodayi Montague ,White,- for mer representatifve. of the Boer .repub-. lies Xn ' wasiunswH.- uaiw iie the secret' service .menand-we'nt hbrse- back ridiflg with :Teddy - -. : CHILDREN "-If you desire a gift lor a small friend, and do not know just what to givea visit to our store will settle the matter. There are ; Rattles, Spoons, Combs, Brushes, IPjott---. Boxes,' ;Mngs.l..POErlngers, Pin Sets, - Button -Sets. Puffs, Food-pushers, Napkin-holders, Manicure " Articles - Bracelets, Pens,,. Buttons,' Necklaces, Pow der Boxes, Cups, Knives. Forks. and many other suitable articles.. v (Continued on . 4th ;page. r r . T-. noicesf 0 Vacant lot on Montford avenue' can 1 ? 3 be bought fOr Jess fr it taken, at once. es than its, actual value,' -. . " !e - If you ' contenupiate buying don't fall to let us show it to you. Wbuld you like to lookf "through J. HIA-vs Toilet Sels,'Iunps,'etc.?? The loveliest assortment hk town; . ,Na- 5 Patton avenue. -vV;;-4 's d.;j. McClooIteyi n!.T ot?tf- Broker Room 9 Paragon-Building t-: Tl!rnprovecl, property for sale.- Furnished and ; unfurnished houses for rent. " mTSV ;...' , JIENTING DEPARTMENT. I have a competent man who gives hisaSenUon exclusively to the-Renting I have for rent tne uiui tIgSs to the village of- P" the; furnished "hoses'-on VERNON HILL, Biltmore Estate. Victor..-- Plans of these houses can-be reen In tny fSce. --,--1 Yo UP. By 90 Per XcnU vMAHMeome trpm aeiecwv .-ilt' vv. in most cases can: be re lieved with proper.Glasses. Examlna tlon free' U'",. - ' s lVlCiCC, Optician, r , . El rttn ave-us, crP-lte rc-tcdes. Hamrndclts : i.We'. sell lots of -them,' sell them -. . r: if 's - f ' because jwo -nave the; 'best Ham- - - mocks "nWde-Falmers, have hadi thTeeshtPments, this season. V HBSTON'S. - ' 20 Go. Hairi.' 'J A Montford Ave. Residence For Sale Th offerfauBra In that popular resi deuce' section are getting few and far between (that la at bargain prices), but we hare one residence and large lot on Montford owned by a non-reaident on which we have a price-thai we con- Blder very towiiV?m wiU be pleased to give you full particulara. ,v-' Arthur Gomp X3or Churclr StQ and'Pation Ave. H. F. Grant 6c Son, 48 Patton Ave. We Take . , great pride in our Flavoring Extracts Lemon, Vanilla and Orange They are made with great care from the choicest material. If you want the best they - will surely please you . Sold ' in " any quantity. Grant's Pharm acy Agency for Wood's Seeds, ., Hi.- GaroncG "3 t r :.1 VJilliie. & .UBarbe, Real Estate and Ren tr j After the Vaudeyiaic at Riverside : Stop JnaP the Tuneda Dairy, ;.'vIiiiBch ' on .the square and get a - lass of coldmllk and a' slice 5 of pie. Tnls .makes an .ideal bed-time" lunch". 'Lots ot other 1 ,x' ' good things, too. -Come in to nights 4 A.-nice Place ,for nice X uneda- Daiiy LuhcK Beginning July 1st vweoffet erverr thing; in our "Ladies Department? at " a liberal discount It la our desire to , carry as JltUe stock aa possible froxa -season to season, : " . To accomplish thJa - t , we anake the following price concea- s? .v. sions: , v ; '; . f.uf .x . ".V ii r . OFF - all this -'..season's waists.'. l-fl. OFF . Muslin Underwear r l'OFF Walking Skirts ; 1-A OFF; Dfess Skirte, : :vV? -9- OFE Tailored: Suits ; ; '; -. .1 ' r mg 23Patton ;AV6v ::LHonV'66i. , : 'MISS. CRUISE; MctmrigiandHairdressing ONE LOT of ; Waists.. . 69c" 6NE;t6lof SuiWS4.98 ONE XbTJof IsuiW; J&7.93, V0;: Do 'Merchant Tailoring.; Phone 73. U Pattern Ave. P

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