lOTTON-AFFECTED BY WEATHER NEWS esterday's Quotations on the New York Exchanges.? 7 a ml 1.1 - 3 otton MarKei romiera ami Chicago Grain Prices. By private wire to Murphy Co, Church street. NEW YORK MARKETS. ' J High. Low. Close Februar'y-Marh.; "t'. April-May .v :.-t.'.. junerjuiy.rJ.v . July-August:,- . August-September. September-October. . t October-Nov ember." NovemberTDecembenU December-January':; . v. . i'. 4.5a ....',4.48 r 4.33 .f.26 4.19 AA8 4.58. 4.56 4.48 .433 4.25 4:22 4.20 A 1. 0. ATLAMT1G COAST LltJE RAILROAD CO, ' asheVii.i.b, , . oFirst Consolidated Mortgage 50-Year -ll'dWN;CTOPICO ? ; Four' Per Gent Gold Bonds. A SI L Lmg. Jopper .. Lm. Sugar Ref.. f rl U im, wmeii pi... t. & s. a... Do. pfd . & u kyn. R. T... & Ohio.. O. & St. I F. & I.. Steel.. .. pfd . 32 32 .63 .,;, .128 127' . 98 98 .. 87 85 .101 90 .107 107 68 .. 49 ..106 .. 91 .. 39 .. 90 .. 37 hes. . C. Colo. r. S. Do. rie. . tlo. K. & l . pia 0372 Illinois Central 165 lei). Steel 17 & N 141 lanhattan L 133 let. St. Ry 148 Missouri racinc lisy Y. Qentral. , .. ..160 K ....57 pnt. & West M 'ac. Mail 40 'ennsylvania 154 eople's Gas 102 Reading 67 Do. 2d fd 70 Rock Island 192 Ft. Paul 182 Southern Pac 66 Do. pfd 96 ITenn. C. & 1 64 Texas Pacific 43 ITnion Pacific 108 it. S. Leather 12 Do. pfd .. 84 Do. pfd.. 84 W. U. Tel.. .. .. .... 86 67 48 106 90 39 90 36 58 164 17 140 131 148 112 159 57 32 40 154 101 66 70 190 179 65 96 64 43 106 12 84 84 Vi 86 .32 128:. 98 87 100 107 68 49 106 M. 39 90, 37 59 165 17 140 132 148 113 159 57 .32 .40 154 102 66 70 190 181 66 96 64 43 108 12 84 S4 S- PROFESSOR of the art of ; print- J Dated July Jst. J 902' us, came into the TodIcs sanctum and sat down - to , restt .. "Couldn't you, reel out a story about the last time you " wefe In Rio de. Jenerto?" he was asked. . . , - Never been in. RJo," said he. Well, DagdadV then." ' : Never ibeen in Bagdad, either; ibut if you are not particular as to geography you shall have . your . : yarn . These events which I aim about to relate oc- Maturingjuly 1st, 1952 COUPONS PAYABLE MARCH 1 AND SEPTEMBER 1 IN THE CITY OP NEW YORK. (First. Coupon, due March 1st, 1903, will be for eight months' interest; last coupon, due July 1st, 1952, will be for four months interest.) --H. Coupon Bonds .of, 1000 - each to bearer, with privilege of registration as to Principal. Registered Bonds in denominations of $1,000, $5,000 and $50,000. Coupon Bonds are convertible into Registered" Bonds and Registered Bonds into Coupon Bonds. Both Principal and Interest payable in gold coin of the United States of the present standard of weight and fineness, without deduc tion for any tax which the" Railroad Pnnnmanv . raa v ha .ru.iiU tn nff curred in Central America. Iwas trav- I retain therefrom -under any (present or future law of the United, States, or of eltog on the country. I was furnish ing my own transportation. Rum wraa cheaper than water, or at least easier to get; for the rum was In the-house and the water had to be toted. Go up to a house and ask for a drink and they would generally .bring you to a bottle of rum, along with a calabash of wa ter, sometimes, as a sort of after thought. I came to an Indian village the inhabitants of which appeared very friendly. The head man invited me to become 'his guest, and as irhy clothes wanted washing, I decided to accept. I stayed in the village three days. During that time life was one grand, sweet song; a regular .symphony of rum. On the third day I rlz up and departed. The road was a- mountain ous one, and grievous to travel. The sun, moreover, was exceedingly hotj so, after journeying many hours I fi nally lay down under the shade- of a tree for to rest. When I awoke I was sev eral hundred degrees nearer sobriety than when I lay down, and my ideas as to the events of the immediate past were inconclusive, not to say, vague. Which direction had I been journey ing? That was a question over wnicn I pondered until my head ached. In both directions the road looked unfa miliar. Finally I decided that the pn ly thing to do was to set out, unless I expected to stay there always. I did so, and after six or seven hours hard tramping, I arrived at that same Indian Village. any State, County or Municipality therein. United States Trust Como any of New York, TRUSTEE, oTtal Authorized Issue, 80,000,000. THE MEU-YOlRI! TRIBUH E -'FAllEfl r v iu EVERY OF THE FARMER; FAMILY - . Established in 1841. For over - sixty! years it was the NEW YORK WEEK : LY TRIBUNE, known and read In every ; State In the Union, v- On November 7, 1901. it was changed U'tothe.Y,: , . " ; . . , ' New - York Tribune tanner a high class, up-to-date. Illustrated ag-; ' - ricuRural weekly, for the farmer nd his family PRICE $1.db a year, but you can set It for less, , How? By 8UbscriJblng through your own r vorite home newspaper. The' Qazette," AsheyiUe, N. C. Both papers one year for only $1.50. . Send your order and money to the Gazette. - x 1 ' , Sample copy free. Send ysur address to NEW YORK TRIBUNE FARMER, New York City. , TRANSYLVANIA RAILROAD CO. ' GENERAL OFFICES, BREV ARD, NORTH CAROLINA. Effect ivo Sunday, Way 25, 1902. Issued.. .. ., ..' Reserved to take up underlying liens...,. .. - . Reserved for future acquisitions, extensions, improvements and addi- .$31,034,000 35,102,000 tional equipment.. , 13,864,000 $80,000,000 M COTTON LETTER. New York July, 14. Early . cotton bnees were l to 3 tpomts lower today. phere was no improvement In the spec tulative demand and outside 'business was lacking. Everything turns on the weather news and all else is subordU nated. Cables today were af a charac ter not calculated to inspire either side with confidence and it is evident that piverpool also is at sea as regards the lcrop prospects. August delivery is a matter of uncertainty. " An immense Ishort interest is claimed in it. The fact is new cotton is not moving as pears expected and in some bear quar ters nervousness is shown oecause Au gust may fail to bring out any such tmount of new cotton as has ibeen cal culated, shorts may be in dangerous position as manipulation seems to be n thp ;iir. Sfl V('h had lra tn 9. inches of rain today. There was lizhtsome thought "anoi, noo weiu jc ain at Abilene and Palestine, 'Texas, joke into' a mon s neaa umi tj., tne rorecast irom vvasnington was for thunder showers in west Texas and the forecast from Washington was for hunder showers in west Texas. Re- eipts are dawn to a very low ipoint and Y NAME is Stewart Duncan Stew art," said a visitor to the office the other night. , A -i , '.'Judging from your name, I con clude you are a Scandinavian or a Spaniard, Mr. Stewart," said some one. "Na, mon," replied Mr. Stewart ear nestly, "I'm a Scotchman." Putting the name and the reply to gether, there was little room for doubt as to Duncan's nationality. For we rememibered the story of the Scotch man who, when someone remarked that the only way to get a jokaJnto a Scotchman's head was by boring a hole through his skull, replied, . after The undersigned having purchased $13,750,000 par value of the above Bonds, offer $10,500,000, the unsold portion, for salex at the price ef 100 and accrued interest, payable Thursday, July 24th, 1902, at which time the Bonds will be ready for delivery. The Bonds are limited to $20,000 per mile of railway (including underlying divisional Hens) an-are - secured by a mortgage covering, (subject to underlying divisional mortgages) the railways, appurtenant franchises and property of the Railroad Company.. For further particulars respecting the First Consolidated Mortgage 50 Year 4 per cent Gold Bonds .nd the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company we beg to refer to the letter of Henry Walters, Esq., First Vice-President, copies of' which can toe had on application at our respective offices. From this letter it will be seen that these Bonds are now a first lien upon about 570 miles of Railway, and that the net earnings of the system for the year ending June 30th, 1902,- will exceed $5,800,000; being approximately double the interest charge of the consolidated company for the year ending -June 30th, 1903, which, including interest on $31,034,000 First Consolidated Mortgage Bonds outstanding, will amount to $2,976,307. The Bonds cannot "be redeemed prior to maturity. Copies of the Mortgage'and Counsel's opinion may be seen at our respec tive offices . . ' WE RECOMMEND THESE BONDS AS A DESIRABLE INVESTMENT. Subscriptions will toe opened at the offices of the undersigned on Thursday, July 17th, 1902, at 10 a. m., and close at 3 p. m. the same day, or earlier, without notice. The right is reserved to reject applications and to allot amounts less than those applied for. - ' Application wiill be made to list these Bonds on the New York Stock Ex- Si Z 3 Q o 2 n m STATIONS. (Eastern Standard Time.) 1 a. m. 9:10 9:25 9:30 9:40 9:50 9:59 10:07 10:15 10:30 10:45 10:51 10:55 11:00 p. zn. 6:15 6:28 6:35 6:40 6:45 6:50 6:55 7:05 7:15 I 0.0 5.0 7.3 8.4 10.1 12.2 14.9 18.1 21.6 25.9 28.2 29.5 31.1 I Lv Henderson ville. . .. ..Ar.l Yale Horse Shoe.. .. .. .. .. ..Cannon.. ..Etowah .. .. .. ...Blantyre mm ii euros ,. .. ..Davidson Blver Ar BTevard.. Lv. , .' ..Selica .. Cherryfield Calvert Ar Toxaway.. .. .. ....Lv. 81.1 26.1 23.9 22.7 21.0 16.9 16.2 13.0 9.5 6.2 2.9 1.6 . S S as $ fi g S p ' t- a. m. p. m. p. m. 8:00 4:50 5:00 7:47 4:35 4.47 7:40 4:25 4:40 7:35 4:17 M: 7:30 4:10 4:30 ' 7:25 4:03 4:25 ' J , - 7:20 3:55 4:20 7:10 3:40 4:10 1 - - - 7:00 3:30 4:00 . , 3:15 v - 3:09 ' 3:05 3:00 change. . BROWN BROTHERS & CO., New York, Philadelphia acd Boston. HALIiGrARTEN & CO , New York. LYE & CO., New York, Boston and Baltimore. New York, Juljah, 1902. -' '.,.: . Flag Station. SOUTHERN RAILWAY TRAINS Effective Sunday, May 25, 1902 Trains on the Southern Railway arrive at Hendersonville as follows: No. -14, East Bound, 8:05 a. zn. No. 10, East Bound, 5:05 p. m. No. 40, East Bound, 9:45 p. m. No. 41, West Bound, 9:03 a. m-. No. 9, West Bound, 12:47 p. m. No. 13, West Bound, 6:11 p. m. Schedule of Tains Nos. 40 and 41 not effective until June 8th. Connects at Toxaway with Turnpike Line to the Resorts of the Sapphire Country At Hendersonville with Southern Railway r all points Wort.. a.L South. t,. J. F. HAYS. FLfcxiNG RAMSAUR. i Mana" Superintendent. T HE announcement has been made that there is reason to hope the street railway company in on extend its Biltmore line across the season' will end with anything but t the making the terminus at Bilt- i ue-iiisn aia-iiHiJiUiii sttuauou. u n - ; station This will not be done xoo lay's reports of rains were pretty gen- " , . M ' ;it a Aone- Tne incon- ral and especially .heavy in Georgia i 7' " . . . - eiaH,r fr0m sun or ind North Carolina. Pending tomor-i vt:mc"v-c . a w , . 4 . : th( rtna ana me uiuu v owes nnrp'nii rpnorr mr rnp wppk npn- i x'o.xix, le were holding aloof. of vice, and it follows, the cemeteries. They live upon discontent and morbid ity. They invade the family, they spread distrust and suspicion, they brush away the bloom of innocence, they leave us in uncertainty and ''dis content. The fair woman in the story left her husband's side in darkness and secrecy to go out and mingle with laiiif wjw , i - " - - q-t, itoT-mlTms constitute the greatesx i ehouls in their horrid graveyard feasts; ! r?ttfiMpnfv in the company's accommoda- I these newspapers openly live and grow Lightning Destroys Ginnery. Hampton, Ga., July 14. Lilghtninj:; has destroyed the large ginnery of Z. T. Peebles, 3 miles west of Hampton. The ginnery had the latest improvod machinery. The plant was valued ai about $3,000 with only $1,500 insurance. COTTON. New York spot 9 5-16. i tions. fat upon death and the body politic. decomposition ip. I High. Low. pan-uary 7.83 7.77 February .. 7.82 7.80 March 7.82 7.77 My 8.75 8.68 August 8.52 8.44 September 8.11 8.06 ktober 7.93 7.8Y November 7.82 7.79 December 7.82 7.78 -THE emphatic expressions of appre- 7.78 I elation of the sunaay 7.79 I whinh have come to us irom 7.77 sorts and conditions of men, are sur o soyf wiv ratifying. Surpris- fetrong this morning on small receipts, zette knew that the e5oS?; comparatively steadv .ftalhles and ama.ll Vnew that it 'was pruua,uij - world's shipments but weakness de- namer ever published in Asheyme. shortly after and the market -none of us expected the P11?"0 became dull in SDite of occasional imnressed very forcibly witn movements on buying side.. New York iThis does not imply that e PJf f fl nd the Southwest were large sellers. estimate upon euner uic xv-o eptember closed at ibottom, December : the appreciation of the P""- hou ed more strength owing to bullish even as we are busy witn oui eeling on the part of local crowd. The fairs, so you are busy wiui . Ming in corn today was -bearish, the limit of our strengtn arly selling of September said to be. for we who are interesxea m w uly bulls, caused an uneasy feeling in tion of this paper labor New GRAIN LETTER. York, July 14. Wheat 8.48 8.08 7.89 7.78 7.78 was Happily, the Gazette's community contains no considerable element who would encourage and who could be de based by mental pabulum intermixed with moral noison. In such a com- ?"8i"f T iicate that the pub- mg, Deduce c j , . t iroiim unon munitv as that whih takes the Gazette o m n c ri iiikiici j.i-.- i i -j - - a, . - 1 them to j with its breakfast and the., word com- v..oti pTTDected tne pd.yei better' than I munitv is here used in a very hroad place nf 1 iitv a H, xx,-a tbaueht. From our wwn 1 r," , . in mir onprdp.s and I .main lv.iew' T" , 5irr oroduction of favor 'w 6rtv and semi-weekly Ga- vance; to spread (wisdom without un me uauj, - rt is success. In the those things are received with ivhich tend to uplift and to ad- settling morality; debasing. to entertain without A LITTLE girl after 'looking through the fence at the deer and the pretty does on Dr. Burrough's ground said, "I b'leive I'd rather have a deer than an ostrich for a pet." If she had been older she might have re flected that the ostrich could supply fine feathers for her hat. ' w -""-.J villh VXJL , uv . . . t , inri (Tr uc niiti auu tnere 'was a. sr.ea.nv np- wnaiever iu - t " '.' . - J fjiOt Qt 1 raise this stanaara me. uneasiness was accentuated to "me extent by rather tree offering nf sfble. is pos- we ex- uly which sold down to 80 fvas not heavy, there being an absentee 1 outside orders. Oats opened weak i nd lower on the weather and never covered from the early depression . ' Flie selling was on a libera; scale with' nying scattered. Shorts took .profits phere was no feature out of the ordi- iary to the market. A. little buying p as done on prospect of tmore rains "in ome sections. Weakness in corn and pats helped the decline. Market closed veak and nearer the lowest,, Provis ons distdaved sam nw-aaknss laitA In ession to selling by ibrokera and some Oils: lirmirin'Hrvn Thorn ufatt ai frvtl- iderable outside b-uying '. iat opening PUi. the rl Prm nnf irtraa cnnrvnl i arl Ihv brwlr i s a nd nre vented mnore -t than a small Eeeline. - j 11 WAD ftade.pect you to appreciate M : ? - rrt at sub-conscicrus )w.j, Zt' Sou wl know that it will suffer STYLISH VEILING At Auteuil and Longchamps a few ladies wore long white and biacK malines tulle veils xver their broad- Well Known Authoress Dies. Denver, Colo., July 14. Mrs. JoI Vail, the author of several books ana short stories for children, is dead ar her hom in this city, after a Ion: illness. Mrs. Vail's maiden name was Charlotte M. White. Mrs. Alexander, Novelist, Dead. London, July 14. Mrs. Annie Alex ander Hector, the novelist, who wrote over the nom de plume of Mrs. Alex ander, died suddenly in London la'si Thursday. !j LiHOf A !NpI AN TER, Jjj E ; without change, ihite' eifher reach 1 S"'9 1 ? 3 If j'ou want to fimd a good home MOu,0,, Kr2r "-Wi S in Texas, where xbisf crops are TOOAuvtsTO vB 1 raised and where people prosper. - J B .write for aeopy of ourVhandsorae S , K 8 booklets, "Homes in tne) South- I west" and "Through Tezas with J A I a Camera." Sent freeutoany- C ' a body whoisanxioustobetthisr fl. B. SUTTON, T. P. A., CHATTANOOGA, Ttixrt. COBd'l'OP- 'WUBAl'aE,6'P&T'l 1 4. brimtmed hats, twisted once round the nninion. If you are a banker, I k and knotted at the side. White . ..t o imeTv.hant or a I Ttailo ora Tint an. -faeblrm-abli or a snotsm'aK.ei , your. Wheat- hep tember.. December . . Corn (September. . December. . Oats September. . December.. Ribs September.. Panuary.. .. Lard p?Ptember.. anuary.. .. Pork- Pep temiber.. Panuarv.. .. CHICAGO.' . High. Low. dose .:73.i:m; 72 . 74" . ; V73" , 73i4 .61 ;61 61. .. 47 : 46; ' . 46 .33 32: 32 32' ..10.85 - .10.80 l.;, 80 Vx81,57 32 - 32 10.85 8.60 If. 42 9.30 .11.45 411.35 , .;.9.45.-'9.30 ,18:7218.60 . 18.67 .;l.7S'. "16.40 " J6.65 LIVERPOOL COTTON. r By private wire to Murphy & Co.' I The following were: the ruling, quota pions in .the; exchange today; .' v f. . w iune easy.-j sales 10,000. Mid. 5 1-16. ' .;' t-V- '.,".'' -? -:' '' Open. ; Close. anuaryiFebruaryVU; 4.21 4.19 or x a anercnaii t - 1 1 nnnn JrHaitaf line; and the e applies w u. Wewho create tne paiiwi, have a standard or our wwn. " . - every piece of news or otner iau"6 matter' has a relative value, just as de finite as - the relative value of your vards of calico, or. your lace veils are. not so fashionable as they were. The latest novelties In white tulle veilings have a cobweb pattern upon them, 1 others being studded with minute black specks. Black tulle is also speckled In ; the same way, with white: The, meshes of the net are in all cases rather "large. ' Very fine cross barred tulle in all Id lack and "black and white, With three or four .very large spots on the portion that covers -the VACATION DAYS. Vacation time is here and the children are fairly . living out of doors. There could be no healthier place for them . j-You need only to guard against the ac cidents incident to most oPen air sports. No remedy equals DeWitt's Witch Ha zel Salve for quickly stopping pain or removing danger of serious consequen ces. For cuts, scalds and wounds. "I used Dr. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve for sores, cuts land bruises," says L B. Johnson, Swift, Tex. "It is the best, remedy on the market." Sure cure for piles and skin diseases. Beware of counterfeits. At Dr. T. C. Smith's Drug Store. bonds.' We imagine that we know more Iface, &re fancied. They njoy a well about what it tanes to maK a. paper -than you do,-, because it- is ou bread nq (meat to Know, ami it io yours. , jsut you, aatet. ...-, -" " arbiters. : For the paper thjit meets the approval of the public is a success, and MioriKnnpf that does not meet it ib a. merited? reputation of being very be coming. Colored veils were formerly thought rather vulgar In Paris, tout this season they-are worn by the very best- people, and they will toe -provided in colors suited to the new felts as it is understood that they must anatch the large size?-The. July ;r Millinery Trade Review pq iinri " W , expect that in a general I hats - with which they are worn The way you' will approve" of the things we I fayoritew colors are bright, dark blue, approve of, nut we nugm as wen. sajf 1 oronze ana gumett-'uruyyitBsasivi-, frankly that in the sunaay varactte iw t py-rea, juhuuvli, auu axLy-umc, aim xuc ibnilded far1 hetter than we knew " I chenille spots are of ten of extraordinary Tha auestlon may .occur to .-you whether, ' in the opinion of newspaper men, popularity .lg. the sole, test, of the : excellence or , a newsppei h Well no, , it Is not; but U Is the best test. ' Good preaching amounts to nothing without an audience.' In cer tain TornsmuniUeSv the low and .vulgar may predominate, and. these elements may bo a the same time the most sus ceptible Vof, culUvation. - Many news papers today are succeeding and grow ing in popularity by pandering, tomato Wo art ft atraetites. These Embrolderied India mulls, in white or delicate shades of pink, bebe blue or ecru, .made .over lawn or tarceta sups, -form very "pretty summer gowns which are almost if not quite as effeotive and dainlty as the . more perishable ; sniff on; New York ..Post. Wif, ' rk.e';V- TELLTTHTS TO YOUR WIFE. 5; Electric Bitters cure female com plaints, surely and safely: dispell head aches, backaches, nervousness: or -no All. druggists. -- -hv feeding them m, Txrtino- ail the old standards iP&y. BOc. the folk tb flivrirfA courts, tne naunts 1 otner, uaijr tut, "m Flowers for the dead for gratitude and remembrance; flowers for the living for courage- and inspiration. BEATS ALL, ITS RIVALS. No salve, lotion, balm or oil can com pare with Bucklen's Arnica Salve for healing. It kills pain. Cures or ho pay. 25c. j All druggists. REDUCED RATES Special round trip reduced rates of fered by the Southern Railyaw com pany for the following special occa sions: Account Annual Meeting Farmers National Congress, Macon, Ga., Oct. 7th-10th. Tickets'on sal Oct. 5th-6th, Inclusive, with final limit Oct. 14th, at rate of one first class limited fare for the round trip. Round ,trip rate from Asheville, N. C, $10.00. Account Monteagle Sunday-school Institute, Monteage, Tenn., August 11 23, 1902. Tickets on sale August 8-11 Inclusive with final limit August 25th. One first class limited ' fare . for the round trip. Round trip rates from Asheville, N. C, $10.05. Account Negro Young People's Chris tian and Educational Congress, Atlan ta, Ga., August 6-11, 1902. . From points within radius of 300 miles ol Atlanta one first class limited jar pins M membership fee for the round trip. No Russian officer he is twenty-three. majr marry until EXAMINATIONS FOR ENTRANCE TO THE A. & M. COLLEGE. Examinations for entrance to the State Agricultural and Mechanical col lege at Raleigh, will be held Tuesday, July 10th, in the court house (the coun ty superintendent, will toe tn. charge). Young men -desiring to enter that col lege and . obtain a practical education in Agriculture, Engineering, .Electrici ty, Cotton Manufacturing, and Mechanr to Arts, ; can . try their' hand at these examinations,... and thus save the ex penses 'of a trip to Raleigh ' 240 schol arships are offered, conferring free tui tion and room rent, " . " The Russian government- has orderea private maritime companies to : dis charge all foreigners who refuse to be come Russian, subjects. : ' ;- J . WHAT MAKES HUKY HEPS: , : The pare, ' rich blood,; made . by Dr. King New lAfe Pills. They promote beauty. Give clear skin, .rosy cheeks. 25c. All druggists. - - wil be charged by Joint Agent at the time your ticket is valldiated to be made good for the return trip. Account Annual meeting of Young People's Society, U. S., Tacoma, Wash., July 23rd-27th Rates of sale and lim its will be announced later. Round trip rate from Asheville $67.50. Account National Baptist Convention (colored) Birmingham, Ala., Sept. 17th 24th. Tickets on sale Sept. 14th-15th and 16th, with final limit Sept. 27th. Rate of one first class limited fare for the round trip. Round trip rate from Asheville, N. C, $11.65. Account Society of American Florist and Ornamental Horticulturalists, Asheville, N. C, August 19th-22nd. One first class limited fare for the round trip, minimum rate fifty cents. Tickets on sale August 17th-18th and 19th, final limit August 25th. . Account National Fraternal Con gress, Denver, CoL, August 26th-30th. Tickets on sale August 22nd and 23rd, From points beyond radius of 300 miles r with final limit to reach starting point of Atlanta one first class limited faare Sep temiber 3Utn. Ticicets must be vai plus '$1. 00 plus 50 cents membership fee idated by Joint Agent at destination for the round trip. Tickets on sale Aug. for which fee of 25 cents ' will - be 4-9, with final limit 15 days from date of charged. Kate or one first-class limited sale. Round trip rate from Asheville, ; rare ior tne. rouna trip. Kouna trip N.C, Including membership fee $8.45. : rate from Asheville $42.50. - Account Christian Workers Assembly Account National Association of Let- and Bible Conference. Montr eat, N. C, ter Carriers, Denver, Col., Sept. 1st-, July 20th-August 10th-24th, 1902. Tick- 6th, 1902. Tickets on sale August 29th ets on sale for Christian: Workers As- 30th- 31st, with final limit in which to Bembly July 17th-22nd," inclusive with reach starting point Sept. 30th. Tick final limit to return August 6th, and ets must be validated by Joint Agent at for Bible Conference tickets on sale destination tor which ;f ee of 25 cents August 7th-12th,-Inclusive with final will b0 chargeoVat the time. Rate of limit to return August 27th. From one first class limited fare , for-the points -within the state of North Caro- round trip. Round- trip rate from Una, the rate -will be one first class Asnevme $4Z.&o., - ; . - limited fare, for the round trip minimum Account Annual Meeting " Grand rate fifty cents and from all other Lodge, B. ;& P.O. of Elks, Salt Lake points not within the state of North City, Utah, August 12-14th, 1902. Tick- Carolina tne rate WXU De one fuui vuvjeu on me Atrguai b-vu, anai 1111111. 1x1 third fare for the round trip not to 4 which to returh . September 30th, but exceed the summer ? excursion " Tate Round trip Tate 'from Asheville, N. C, fifty cents. - - , ,. '; - " Account Biennial meeting Knights Pythias, San Francisco, Qal., August llth-22nd, 1902. Tickets on sale August tickets should be validated by Joint Agent at ! destination . for which a f ee of 50 cents will be. charged at the time.. '; Round trip rate from Asheville; $50:504. - Account B. Y.' P. TJ., Providence, R.' L. Julv: 10-13th, 1902.-" Tickets on - sale lst-2nd-3rd-4th-6th-6th and 7th with i July. 6-7 and 8th, final limit July 22nd. final . limit to v return September30th Round trip rate' from Asheville for-thls occasion will be $64.15 going and return ing via same ; route ' round , trip ? rates through Portland will be $75.15. These tickets can be purchased either for San, Francisco or, Los Angeles . ? "-In addition to the above rates a fee of fifty cents Rate of one first class limited fare plus 11.00 for - the round trip via" all rati routes. Round trip rate from AshevUle $27.50: .- - c . -. : : . ' w , .; For further In formation call on any Ticket Agent or- address ; Mr. F. Darby-CVTi &:T.iA.i Southern. Rau way company, Asheville, .N. , 1