if 2vr - v 1 ? 3 ip '3 1- t t it;', f 1 CITY NEWS 1 WKjn von -want CiOtnm?u i . .v" - - r -.- , J , ' A., P.- Wilbar of Matshall waa in the vrtii rn n a rlnthin hOUSe. V i city yesterday When you want dry goods you go to a dry goods house. When you want groceries you go to a grocery house. - bo when you want Floor Coverings you will do wiselv to come to Sawyer's Carpet House, Phone 228. 18 and 20 Church street. Everything for the Floor. are nice 10 nave in uic q house and cneaper than 8 lemons. You get them at L Wholesale and Retail Fruits and Confections. We Launder The Most Delicate Fabrics I In the most satisfactory manner and return the garments without the slightest injury. Our maigoa iwill call for your bundle at any time and return it to you promptly. I Asheville Steam Laundry Phone 95 ' The board of managers of , the Bind ley Training school meet -this afternoon at 'the residence, of Mrs. M; B. mil liard. ""- The dance, which'; was to have been given last Friday evening at Overlook park, will be given tomorrow: evening at that nlace. v " TIT- . iThe law firm of Pritchard,- Rollins & Adams has been dissolved . by mutual consent . Mr. Adams will ; resume his personal (practice in this city. There were eleven cases' for hearing in police court yesterday morning. Caney Dryman was bound in" the sum of $50 for his appearance at the July term of the Superior court for fightingi A message received from Charlotte last night stated that the baseball game yesterday between the T. M, I. team of this city and the "Nine Won ders' of Charlotte resulted, Charlotte 9, Asheville 8. Capt. S. O. Smith will assume the management of the Bilfcmore drug store on August 1. W. F. Moody, the pres ent manager, will leave for his home in Charlotte at that time. Sunday school members of the Hay wood street Christian church will have a picnic today at Riverside 'park. Those who intend going are requested to be at the church at 10 o'clock this morning. Rev. Frank Siler preached a special sermon to the Pythians Sunday morn ing at the Auditorium. About 100 mem bers of the order gathered at the lodge rooms in the morning and marched to the Auditorium. Mr. Siler took as his subject, "Youth and Friendship," his text being Genesis 9-11. 48,699 CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS TAKEN Washington, July 14. The report of Chief Examiner A. R. Serven. of the civil service commission, for the year 1901, shows that during this period 48, 699 competitors were examined, 48,093 being for the-classmed service, of whom 32,521 passed and 14,572 failed. Of this number 252 already in the classified ser vice were examined-for transfer and 79 failed. One hundred and sixty-six (per sona were examined for the District of Columbia service of whom 49 nassed and 117 failed and 439 were examined for service under the Philippine com mission of whom 169 passed and 270 failed. This is an increase of more than 4 per cent, over the 'total number ex amined in the previous year, iwhich was 46,602. Mr. Serven urges, an increase of the facilities of the commission and says: "During the past five or six years the number of appointments through ex amination has increased from about 4, 000 to more than 10,000 per annum, and the number of classified positions from a little over 30,000 to about 100,000, and yet no additional employes have been provided upon the chief examiner's of fice occasioned iby this ,enormous in crease In the classified service." BRYAN'S ANSWER TO THE TILDEN CLUB INVITATION New York, July 14-Bryan's answr to the Tilden club invitation has finally turned ur. Bryan attributes the over sight to a negligent clerk. He tells the Tilden club that he cannot see why t Cleveland was invited when he never Im , dicated an intention to return to the .democratic party. Bryan winds up fry .saying that Cleveland's supporters -are nearer to the republican than to the democratic party. v A Big Pipe 'A kindled in a few minutes with a new coal we have eotten, The best coal for cooking Carolina Coal and Ice Co. 23 Pa Hon Ave Phone SO. . Carter Whips Weining. Fort Erie, Ont., July 14. Kid Carter, the Brooklyn middleweight, defeated Al Weimlng In the twelfth round of a twenty-round contest in the ring of the In ternational Athletic cluib tonight. 3,000 spectators cheered . the" decisive knock-out punch. Ninety per cent of the 128,000,000 peo ple of the Russian empire are farmers. Special Sheet Music Sale FOR THE NEXT 10 DAYS; The Asheville Music Co. will close out. their bid stock of music for a copy.. This includes some of the most Catchy and popu- UaEmusiCrl v: iHm' '.cc? To FARE well go to Woodlawm; Caf. A Good Thing lor the Public, Come in and see the many rare bar gains T am offering. Owing to the fact that I am changing, my; business, I will no longer .remain in - the ' clothing and furnishing, goods business, therefore I am closing out my entire stock at and below cost . I have nothing but f new and up-to-date goods. Some of our prices are as follows: All goods wholesale regular 22.25 doz en, retail price 25cts each,, we are sell ing at 19 cents. All ;goods costing $4.50 per dozen, retail price 50 cents each, are going at 39 cents. $9.00 goods retail price $1.00 each, cost price 75 eta. $13.50 goods retailing $1.50 now aft cost for $1.15. - . v 'Tne above are Quotations of Gents Furnishing Goods and are also making the same reduction on our Hn of tniw made clothing,' $3.50 : pants $2.25f $5.00 pants j.50; $7.00 pants $4.75. Suits formerly sold at $10.00 now $7.60r $12.00 nOfW $9.50. Oft rMfxr. til' Off MO rtA suits $14.50, $5.00 blue 'C serge coats -for W.60, $6.50 blue serge coats .for $4.50., , Ai fine s line of Silk ' Underwear, also large line of latest style hats". All goods going at actual cost.v . -Come and' look at our stock " ii you want good goods. , ' .,,-,' P-'ZH'sHi v-18'S. Main; St ;? f ; - 80 Patton Ave, By: a. Bncomoblle You can jave several " hours each day by using a Loco' mobile;, and with business men "time is money. Think about it arid see us.' . : , i Asheville Cycle Company, Phone 228. 18 and 20 Church St Fit f op a Goddess. Fare as ambrosial dews upon the Athenian hills and delicious as the neotar which Venice sipped, is the tempting richness of our Fine Coffees, Try our "Monogram" and "Beakfast Belle" Java and Mocha mixtures, HIRA1VT LINDSEY THE QROCSR 450 S. Main St. -Phone 200. City Market Phone 173. i vjotw jooiy, uuiy 14. ATCttitent. TlTi- Tfnnviv11T. Tenn.i July-14. An uncon- , Kimim.1 .mtifprwiii rifi rti. -V" - I uji M XEOXU.UUU CbXIU fliimo ratvirt Tisia rwi.fthed here that a . ,;. . )voirai wuay aoouc xne renoya- wit ojl iiuuiiu-b, uco . v.v.m, , uonf or tne white house teiltmore Wheat-Hearts 15c"package, Malta Vita. 15c V. package, Shredded Whole Wheat 15c, package. 2 for-25o. Hiram JLindseyr 450 South. Main street, Phone, 20; . 1 1 - ii " i. , I ... t ii... 1 ' '"" ' 11 '' Pi, SI. iS'iS-? eete Per-tablet;..Wtaki w:;Kvrr to see them.'-, - , v, ,,u. u cents. - fencii- Tablets,- 5 cents. r -'Phone 25 89 Patton Ave mm TRUNKS, SUIT OASES AND HAND BAGS We have a large assortment, any size, all grades, and prices to suit all customers. Lou Shoes The time is now on to buy cool, comfortable footwear. Examine our line before buying. . The Boston Shoe Store. Leadin5 Shoe Firm. H.FETKIB, beading Tailor, PHONB 347 I will sell during this month the few colored Suits which I have left over at a little over cost. This does not include black goods, as I have only a few suites left, first come will be first served: REPORT THAT LIGHTUIHG KILLED FIVE LIIIEMEII MRS. ROOSEVELT OFFERED $500 FOR MAGAZINE ARTICLE uiiuutm ULtiiiv UAULi num. ; "In one of -; the, -; principal ' -&6cery stores -a Myely scene took place (between one. of the clerks and; & daughter of Erin by the name! of, Nora Gallagher McQhee Smith. v Nora, believes ia physical cult ure, especially in. tbusiness, y and ..'j-the clerk who came in' contact iwitb , :ner thinks she took lessons under Sandowv The ", result of the scrimmagre; is, Nora is In the -lockup, 'the young - man jte nursing his "punchfaig bag face 'with witch . hazel and court, plaster, - ' and putting Motions on the top of his head The trouble; was caused by the grocery clerk endeavoring to persuade Nora to purchase' some xrther baking powder In stead of the " old reliable Ruanford, which she? has been; accustomed to' us ing. , . r ; Tickets Given with Each 5c Purchase 1887 1902 Standard Fuel "ANTHACITE Furnace , stovfl ; JELLICOr-Grate and Stove COKE-Furnaceand 8tove -WQOIXT-Grate and Stove. v Wholesale ana Retail ...PHONE 40... Asheville Ice and Goal Go, a Patttoa Ktm. In my Cigar ana Tobacco : j Department, which are v worth to the purchaser 5, per cent. World or Journal given free to customers on Sun day morn in gs. Blombep's Leading Cigar and Sporting Goods j Store. 1 17 Patton Avenue. Est. 1887. C. W. BROWN CSuccessor to J. V.Brown & Son.) Funeral Director Telephone No. 65. 16 Church Street Otttceopen every hour in the year. J. H. McGinness PRACTICAL. DYER AND CHEMICAL CLEANER. Suits pressed and sponged at short notice. 37 South Main street. Phonfe 206. OUTHfcRN HOTfcL, MRS. S. STEVENSON, Prop. Best, $1.00 per day house in the city. Hot and cold baths. All lines of cars pass the door. Special rates, by the week. Centrally Located. 26 S. Main St. Asheville. N. C. Osteopathy. Offices at No. 10 Church street. Three years since first offices were opened in Asheville. Have benefited many and injured none. V ,C. M. CASE, M. D. D. O., I Residence, 106 Haywood street. Choice Cuts of Spring Lamb, Prime Beef, Tender Pork and Muff on. Spring Chickens. Zimmerman & Vhitehead City Market. Phone I airs. J. V. -Brown. w. A. Blf J. J. Mac key. t BROWN,. BUIR &C0. UNDERTAKERS, r4llon Up stain, XMUJINJU 193, Sec Us or Bverytningin ' our line before deciding to Kent or Buy. J. H. WEAVER CO. Real Estate Brokers ' 45 Patton Ave., Asheville, H . C eatsfTy H Mill n 'C 'phonM Murphy&Co Brokers. Phone 649 Private Wire. Continuous Quntations. of Droaawav. w vn,t tl Church St. Ashvnim ai A Keferto Bine Ridge National Bani viitori flvp Rronloves of the East Ten nessee Telephoned company who were stringing a line. They are-. B. biuubx of North Carolina, M' C. Hawkins of KuOXVUie, A. XI. riymci- i Tom Mitchell, a negro of Valdosta, and Will' AJlU'Oen.," a? uegiw ui Auaiiw- i half dozen-others are reported injured. CLEVELAND COUNTY DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES Special to the Gazette. ! . - froni;the) democratic (primaries held to inis county oatuxuay w; vue convention; held;, here;. today show the following to be ihe nominees: House, Secretary Root sailed at 4 pi m. on the E3anawaha for New York ' Senator Spooner (Wisconsin) was here Sunday night: t He will go to Paris to arrange the matter of title (to th p. ama- canal and treaties. , , M, . Mrs; Roosevelt .'itarol-rorl " in - nAo-ma mail a $500 check (from a magazine which asked, for a one thousand .words Contribution. Thft nViolr Woo - . " "".i"""' NEW REGULATION FOR FREF RURAL DELIVERY wasnington; July 14 -The postmaster eeuerm looay issued . an order provid llg that after October 1M902, each per- snerilX, a.. i. ouiiu; regrater wi. vic-v- j wi wuiuer Jl, jlwz, each per- J. , F .Roberts, and' treasurer, W. R j son; desiring -rural free- delivery service instructed lor Piatt -D.- -JWalker of TOad8ide so that'carrlers wia -I .. ' , -f , v, ,,ieuuu. u cents. - encii-Tabl ROGERS'. BOOK; STORE. MeciuenDurg i.or.soucuor, .n.- x.. w wu, f L.'Webb' and CRHoey all of Cleveland f Or -congress, ; solidtor and state, senator, respectively .'."C.' R, Hoey was made chairman of the' executive committee: All . the candidates made speeches except Walker, who was not herer. 7 ';;; r .'Sl;j How much worry the troubles that never happened have causey us. venlent access to It. : -imaii ikwv lonmng wwn the orders1 of; the depart- w1" o"t- om tmrust not (be xised for more than one famiw , ; . , . , wmucra Of -the tWStOfflce dt-narifmant niDiieu.arum 'DeconMang agents tfor jfres aeuvery uoxey. - - In Russian factories are usually near forests,- v ' bi2 still the chief fii ' Have just added a line Wm. H, Brown & Bros.' Perfumes and Toilet Goods Every piece guaranteed lo give entire satisfaction. GEO W. JENKINS, 45 South Main. A Safe Opportunity offered large and. small investors to participate in profits of responsible book-making concern. Co-operation in vited of persons desirous of investing $50 and upward for purpose of making a book on, different -tracks. Profits have averaged $28.00 monthly on each $100.00. investment. Commercial and financial reference. S. B., Jackson, Dowling building, New York. Till August 24, eod. cPure Quaker Oats 15c, 2 for 25c, Ral- ston's Breakfast Food 15c, 2 for 25c,' Cream of Wheat 15c jxackagel Hiram Ldndsey, 450 South Main street, Phone 200. City Market, Phone .173. Ping Pong Or TARIFF. TTNXtto " "HXIJLUi I l"8eta: : : aJ cotter ouB, wooaen rack- Glre.tB $1 to $ oKin covered racket? fi2 ko o,. Ray's Book Stord o ixorrn uourt Square, Private Board In suburbs of ARhoiin A t mountain car line. Beautiful -ituatloif miSa and Jtter. etc.. In abundant Table supplied with best in markets tal addition to our own traoir rm uat.i W.00 to $7.00 per week. Furnish tena with special rates for board to partiei desiring them. MrsT Col. J. M. Ray. "RAMOTH." Telephone 295. Apply at Ray's Book Store. Piano Tuning and Repairing! xierr msmtz, of New York, expert piano tuner and rprvn f-rai- wnij- mur. anteed. Leave orders at Ray's book o xn. ouri square. Phone 67. . - Lmo. Boneless Gold Band Bacon 20c pound, Gold Band Hams 16c pound, Armour's" Pure Leaf Lard in 5 pound buckets 75c Hiram Lindsey, 450 South Main street. Phone 20ft.. l . ; - : Nice fresh .Celery. 1 25c ftyunch -Home Grown "Cabbage 2e pound, Home Grown Cucumbers- 10c dozen i TTirim. t a ta 450 South Main street, Phone 200. ''City $1,500 GUARANTEED SALARY To high class man or woman, with w viuuumon ana aavancea alary to have charge small office at home or In home town, to attend to vvwmjuuuw,. advertising ana omer "via' cuuiuesa oi nignest order &m backed (by solid men financially anil nnlWltallw a - . .v.f right- person. Enclose self-ad dressed stamped envelope for full axticulars to WALTER B. REDMAN, GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT, Corcoran Build ing, opposite United States Treasury, WASHINGTON, D . C. . Helnzs . India Relish 25c bottle. Henlz's Mustard Dressing 25c bottle, Heinz's Tomato Chutney 30c !-::tle-Hiram tlndsey, 450 South Main street Phone 300. . Ladies? and Misses', Oxfords, . Slippers and Balmorals, . made by '. E. P . Reed, Ziegjerand Cox, at short profitsV,: ;- ;Me'fl Stylteh i Sof tHat4 j andc CDerby .Wool i r f " ' -, a Ki.jrxiHu. Dui.u-.xLaA3 1 ana ' .iter v ---i ' ; -7- Just received. : Big values-in ,W ; "V V ' V 44? Squares; : Rugs,-;' Shee'tir' Coverlets, -c,'--:t;.f .ToweisBtc, j..:;5nrT ."; - ' mmommm" I Dry Goods, Clothing Shoes, Hats, Buttericfc; Patterns. .'"-'v..-'... .'"..' 5,.. ' ;' l . 1 1.. ,," 1 1 ' ''i- '' ;. . ..." ,' "