Aslieville Busmess Directory COCKE GOES TO TRiP : vith oath OM Lips ttaWDSOMB SUITE nms for gentlemen. v giving rooiuo Best Appointments Wm. Johnston, Jr. 20 Temple Court Apothecary .?am TkTlTTO- no. L. B. - MODllio Wheeler, -tion' Phone flf Public' Phone 471. . Prescriptions ,0Ur special. -7ZTtAc Paper Hanging ,,.PiT.T. 26 N. Main. ' Phone 469. J. K- 1 .- Trfrative painter and Jlcl ix- irTiStlC Paper Hanger Latest de- ir, -fmr- vnur insDection. in cuiiai' i" v . - - nship guaranteed. una TYTRT CHEAP -Tt?T :or sale cheap, on College street; pVrK street, Woocinn street, xiey :eat and Merrimon avenue, j- " nnv Co.. R. ' M. Ramsey, Mgr. rXme Bone and Tallo Co . TiAne Meal and - a ' n T rH GRADE FERTILIZERS . H1U" Pive prompt -attention. Phone io6. . . -, rXTcniie Pressing Club ,TTTJiR 'Proprietor.. North JV0Crt sauare." Phone 389. C JOIN MY CLUB. . - tjnnirinff. Dyeing and Tail- Cleanup. eoTrt fnr and de- orinf Jl UI UC1 D . liit-red. Phone rnie Wagon and Horse AS shoeing Shops r r WALLACE Proprietor, Lexing Jv - .Qr,,,p nd Willow street. Man- Sacturer of Farm, Road and Delivery wfins Carriage painting and trim-. wnrse shoeing a epwuwty. An "ork guaranteed. Phone 326. Annandale Dairy Phone 378. .. superior milk and cream, for those -who want the beet. Address, , . -J Tnhnrton. Jr. . 20 Temple Court. ym. . . jV- , - -. r. Barber" "V , v : n a 17 TT ATjTj BARBER SHOP. . ttt wnwMAN. Proprietor,-1 Patton J For a (perfect Hair Cut, Shave or Shine try the Oak Hall Bar- tier Shop. ' .z .. Brownhurst Greenhouses ; i nnnositP. Oaks Hotel). '" - ' CLEARING SALE We will for the ia vs sell bedding plants from on ko ner cent, below the usual prices. Cereals The leading Health F6od to BILTMORH WHEAT-HEARTS. Cleaning, Dyeing, Repairing aA Hrtthirar - thoroughly scoured wr Tvrftjudn. Work done for ladles ger- .?!Lri - waists cleans - I cerience. Work sent for and delivered . I W.i B. WOOD,- . : WOOD. Pi one 556. - - 49 College Street. Country Produce U Specially. JS0REG W. DAVIS, naywwa ov. i Phone 786. I have just cxosea cu- tract with a southern farmer to keep J my stock of green groceries complete. Free. FREE Swimming . Lessons to Bathers frp Riwimoaine Bath with Hot Rhnwr. 25ct Tub Baths. 25c: Tub i Baths, 25c; Turkish ' Baths, $1.00. onpn niirhta till 10 o'clock. Turkish Baths, Haywood street. For Rent FOR RENT At $10 per month, a neat store house near the passenger depot. Apply to J. B. Bostic Co., Room. no. Apply 15 Temple Court. Phone No. 601. Groceries and Feed CALMER ft JOHNSON, near Passes- J vrer depot. Phone 672. Dealers in I 672. Dealers in Groceries and Peed. We handle the 1 Busy Bee Hams and Breakfast Ba con. Try our Perfection flour. Prices the lowest for cash. Prompt" deliv ery. - : Hide and Metal House 8. STERNBERG Offlce Phone $3$, Residence Phone 486. I-pay highest cash prices for Hides, Metals, Second Hand Machinery, WooL Purs, , "wax and Ginseng. . - If You Have Rheui URIGSOL the sreat tested and - endorsed California Psmwlw will -; Ann It also cures Liver, Kidney sod gadder diseases, caused by an. excess of uric acid. It never fails,: and builds up toe health and strength, while Wing it - Bend stamp for book of wonderful cer1; "ncates. Price, $1- per bottle, v For sale b7 druggists. If your druggist can not ppiy you it will be sent prepaid upon uricsol Chemical Co.9 Lbs Acgeres.Gu or the r?$?i ili umar & Rankin Drug Co., Atlanta, (&; Distributing Agent. :;; ; livery and Sale Stables" ; 4 -to 47 7N.W Mainland "proprietors of Manor stables. - We make a specialty of high class eale horses; Phone 180 Always open. Millard & Lasater. Jlayery Stable . - R. OATES, U College street. Fkone ou. esi equipped id very Stable In Ashevllle. Well rroomed hanM. en tarrfagea and reliable drivers. A MEAT MARKET LETFORD & FORD have opened up a mswvmeat maricet at their old stand, ; 339 W; CHaywood . The best of beef. lamb, mutton, veal, poultry' and same. - i-none oraers given prompt attention . none ,181, 339 "WV Hay- Monumental Granite Works 3. I, BEAN. 103. Patton avenue.- Phone 526. Monumental Marble and Granite Works. Tablets and Tiles. Estimates turnlshed on Building . Stone Work. ..-Music House ; a. PAUL. Proprietor ' 37 South Mam street. -i Phone 2ti - Gaebler and Kel ler & Sons Pianos. Sheet Music. Pianos tuned. A Full Line of new and second hand furniture stoves,. etc., just in, sold, on easy terms. ? BAIRD & RECTOR, No. 39 North Main Street. , " J- Footsteps to Success Follow the footsteps of successful men and they will lead you straight and sure to desirable goods goods of worth and merit goods of reputation, which always gives the highest satis faction at J. B. Shope. 57 South Main street. . . . FOR RENT TWO six room cottages, with all mod ern conveniences on Bailey street, near Phillip street, . will be completed .'by the 15th of August. Apply to W. Q. Wolfe, Monument block, Court I'lace and Market street. -f For Rent BEST LOCATED modern cottage "Park Terrace' 530, new cottages, modern conveniences at .$20. Three at $15 each, one $12.50, also, a beautiful cot tage furnished for $55 near in on street car line. D. S. Watson, 26 South Main. All Nervous Disorders ARE permanently cured by a course in J ItALSTUN PHYSICAL CULTURE. Instructions by Miss Cornelison, 3rd floor Paragon building. Real Estate and Loans J. M. CAMPBELL, 9 North Court Square. Dealer in Real Estate and Loans. Buys, rents and sells. S room house at BUtanore for sale. Price $1,809.00. Pbone 154- 169 S. Mam St. q t itj. .m S. J.IHaTlS, Dealer in Groceries, Provisions, Glass d Queen's Ware. Shoes, Dry Goods ana JNotions. Willi save von 3S tn as per cent on every dollar spent -with us. -- OOUVemrs. NORTHJRN; SO RESTORE, SO patton avenue; era for sou venirs of s .jfijvffle a6d -lcJnity, Rhododendron Wood and Leather tiooda a specialty. Staple and Fancy Groceries m. Hi. tAWKJi2N, 571 South Main. Phone 392. Dealer In Flour, Feed, Hay and Pine Groceries. Extra qual ity sweet potatoes. Orders promptly ueurerca. Stoner Brothers CASH STORE, 30 South Main street i the nlavi m t. the gplace to make profltaJblft caah trades. You are invited. Stone WHEN YOU need any stone call phone two rings, or have any stone worn, excavation, grading steps' or curbing to set. Ring us and w will do your work promptly. Remember our phone, 290 two rings. Respect fully, H. A. Brown and W. H. Britt. Steel Ran&res and "FTflatfno. Stoves W. A. BOYCH, U South Court Square. Phone 17. Ten per cent, reduetinn a all heating stoves for the 'next St days. We handle, first class ranges. Oregon's Official Vote. Salem, Ore.. July 23. The official vote for governor atthe recent 'elec tion was as follows: Chamberlain (Dem.) 41,857; Furnish (Rep.) 41,581; Hunsaker (Pro.) 4,383; Ryan (Social ist) 3,771. R. S. Bean, Republican candidate for supreme court judge, re ceived, a plurality-of 17,146, the largest ever given a candidate in Oregon. ' ' ,.Gold Going to Europe. . 'J' 7: New ... Yorkr July 23.r-Ladenburg, Thalman &.Co. announce today the en gagement of - $500,000 gold for ship; ment to Paris on Thursday. " " f " Cholera Decreasing In Manila. V Manila, July 22; Cholera continues to decrease in; the city and provinces. iTbe authorities, think the epidemic ia 'lesandentr 'fWhh:lii & -A For the Murder of Englnr VYray Ash- " ley Cocke" and Tom Lauderdale Pay i f .- . - - - " Death Penalty at Greenville, Miss. Former Raved Like Madman. ' ' Greenville, Miss JulySAt 11:41 o'clock this morning Ashley -Cocke and Tom Lauderdale, the murderers of En gineer Wray, expiated their crime up on the gallows. Cocke died cursing everybody in Greenville and . the of ficers of the law. Lauderdale, met his f ate calmly.., . . . At early dawn great throngs of people began to arrive in tfie city, and .by 10 o'clock the place was crowded to its utmSfct capacity; Sheriff Hunt had sworn in a large number, of depu ties, and every precaution was taken to prevent any possible trouble. Cocke and Lauderdale; after a good night's sleep, awoke at 7 o'clock. Breakfast was offered them, but both declined fc? eat. v Cocke was visited by Rev. Cunningham. wKo tried his utmost to 'induce the doomed men to embrace religion, but all to no purpose. At 11 o clock the two men "were brought into the corridors of the jail. I where, the last farewells were said. They were then taken to the scaffold, and in full view of thousands of people fcoth were hanged.. Lauderdale remained firm and quiet throughout, but. Cocke raved like a mad man, cursing everything and everybody in Grenviile, and finally, when the black aap was adjusted, he uttered a fearful oath at the sheriK j and his deputies. There was no sem blance of trouble. , Buried Alive In Clay Pit. Wauchula, Fla.July 23 M. J. Raul- erson was buried alive in a clay pit here. He was working in the clay pit, and sat down against the bank to rest. Without warning the banl; caved in, completely covering him with 800 or 1,000 pounds of dirt. Work men soon dug him out, and, while he was slightly bruised, he will be all right in a few days. "Red Bird" Harris Dead. , Muskogee, I. T., July 23. R. B. Har ris, known throughout the territory as "Red jBird" Harris, one of the most prominent men of the Cherokee Na tion, is dead at his home -near here. He was a lawyer, practicing in the United States courts, and was a broth- er of Chief Harris, of the Cherokee Nation. i Will Speak at Montgomery. Montgomery, Ala., July 23. An nouncement is made that former Gov ernor Joseph ifi. Johnston. win open his campaign for the nomination fo? governor with a speech in this city on Thursday night, July 24. Both sides are claiming Montgomery county and promise to fight for it. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. Mrs. Jane Hyes Gaige, cousin of the late President McKinley, is1 dead at her home in Binghampton, N. Y., where she had lived 48 years. Cardinal Ledochowski, prefect of the congregation of the propaganda of the Roman church, died this morning in Rome after a long illness. Cardinal Ledochowski was born at Cork, Oct 29, 1822, and was the descendant ol an illustrious Polish family. Francis W. J. Hurst, one of the most prominent members of the New York Yacht club, and formerly manager ol the National, line of steamships, is dead at the home 'of his daughter, Mrs. J. Borden Harf ma, at Mount Ki s co, N. Y. -j. It is statedirimall street that Gen eral F. V; "Greene resigned- the" res dency of tbe Asphalt Company ol" America several weeks ago and that his resignation was accepted. Accord ing to The Herald, John M. Mack will be president of the reorganized com pany. ' ' General T. J. Wint has been assign ed to command the second brigade in North Luzon. 'Gerieral J. M. Lee goes to Batangas . when General Frankliu M. Allis is relieved. .Vatican Appointments. ' Rome, July 23. Besides an apostol ic delegate for the Philippine islands the Vatican is preparing to appoint ia archbishop of Manila, whp will proba biy be Bishop Sebastian Gebhard Mess mer (a Swiss), professor of canon la at the Catholic university in Washing ;tousinfcel8' Three newi Philippine dioceses 1 will be created. '' Governor ' Taft n starting for" Naples to visit Ppmpeii f aid Mount Vesuvius; ex pressed a;' desire that' the bishop oi one of the new dioceses be a native o! the Philippines. Jo Porter has stajdfOT Parito spend;a,few days ithere ofe, returning; to Vashingtoa VWgi'l'''''a?'j'a . - . liDiraiKis p .1 Vne Band from FL'ORO DORA Cigars 'CUB AN OLA", "CREM0" "GEO. W. CHIL DS"or 'JA are of same value JHUMMUND NATURAL L EAF. OLD PEACH & HONEY ' STAR'.' GOODI ISSUES OF NEXT CAMPAIGN Should Be Tariff, Trusts, Philippines and Ship Subsidy Says Griggs. New York, July 23. Congressman James M. Griggs, of Georgia, chairman of the Democratic congressional cam paign committee, who is in this city to meet other members of his committee, says the issues of the next campaign from a Democratic standpoint, shoulc be the tariff, the trusts, the Philippine and ship subsidy. - "I think there is a very good chance',' said he, "for the DemocratsTto-contra the next house on the issues I -have named." Mr. Griggs will meet Lewis Nixon the chairman of ths finance committee of the national committee today, and arrange" with him for the establish ment of the headquarters of his com mittee in New York. The committee will have its home at the Hoffmau House, beginning Aug. 1. -. WHITES FLEEING TO COAST. Barbarous Acts by the Natives of Africa. Lisbon, July 23. The governor of Zambesi has notified the authorities of the dispatch of a punitive expedi tion consisting of 300 hundred J3uro peans and 700 natives from Cinde for Barue to suppress the native insur rection in Angola The natives there have committed, many barbarous acts against resident 'Europeans, having de stroyed . their property and compelled an exodus of the white population to the coast- . Seventy white persons have reach ed Covo Redondo in a sad plight. They had traveled 250 miles on foot. Much anxiety is felt for, the fate of others. It is reported that a number of traders who were unable to escape, have beeu captured by the natives, Twfco cut up and burned tliMr bodies. A-,.::: : ; Gold-bilcki purchasers aire Horn eiftexJ enough! tot -keen' tbe inftTOfaidUEca from, going out of business - ... Do not try, to , iforce a. parsimonious iman' into ;do3iQg.:a ; generous act. - ygars iitltii world ! ' .C-O-'l- as One Tag from E.RICE GREENVILLE: IICK: or "RA7 OR" Tnhar.r.n. SHOT WIFE THROUGH HEART. Mad With Jealousy Harrisburg Steel worker Commits Double Murder. Harrisburg, July 23. William Filer, a steelworker, shot and killed his wife, Clara Filer, and Harry Bennett, a ma chinist, today at Steelton, near here. The Filers and Bennett boarded at; the same house, and it is alleged that Filer was jealous of Bennett's atten tions to his wife. The parties had a bitter quarrel last night and Filer left the house. He returned this morning and shot Bennett, killing him instant ly. Mrs. Filer ran into the street, followed by her husband, who shot her through the heart. She died while being carried into the house. The murderer escaped, and is still at large. - . ;' Ochs Buys Public Ledger. Philadelphia, July 23 The Philadel phia Public Ledger has been purchased by Adolph S. Ochs from George W. Childs Drexel and the Drexel estate, and possession was at once given Mr. Ochs. The purchase includes all The Public Ledge estate, comprising about half a block of improved property on Chestnut and Sixth, street, facing Jn diependence iall. The price paid for it is not made public, but it is stated on good authority that over $2,250000 was involved in the. transaction. A GENTLE HINT. In our style of climate, with its sud den changes of temperature rain, wind and sunshine often intermingled in a single day it is no -wonder that our children, friends and relatives are so trennemtto token from na .bv neglected colds, half the deaths resulting directly j . 1 . A L .lit TvAii AAe I from this cause.- A (bottle of Boschee's German Syrup kept about your home for Immediate use will prevent serious sickness, a large doctor's bill, and per haps death, by the use, of three or four doses . For ouring Consumption, Hem orrhages, Pneumonia, Severe Coughs, Croup, or any disease of the Throat or Lungs, its success la simply wonderful, as your druggist will tell you. Get a sample:, bottle free .from Dr. T. C. Smith's r'drug store. Regular size, 75 cents. Get.Green'a-Special Almanac. -A or Two Bands from s CKS0N SQUARE" Cigars NOTICE ! on and after date the cars of the North Main Street Line will not run beyond Coleman avenue. A 20 minute schedule will 'be "operated and cars will leave the square at 6:40 a. m. and every 20 minutes thereafter, until 11 p. m. This change is necessitated owing to , the fact that the county convicts in constructing! a road underneath the trestle have damaged it to such an ex tent as to make it dangerous to run cars over until it is rebuilt. ASHBVILLE STREET RAILROAD CO. Ashevllle, July 16, 1902. Assassin's Victim Dies. Lexington, Ky., July 23. Jomes Cockrell, of Breathitt county, who was brought here from Japkson at 6 p. .er last night, mortally wounded, died at 6:30 o'clock this morning. He was shot from the- courthouse window at Jackson at noon yesterday by an un known assassin. Friends who accom panied the wounded man here say they fear his death will be the signal for a prolonged and disastrous war fare. Cockrell was . preparing to leave Jackson to get out of the feud when the fatal shots were fired. Ha was the town marshall of Jackson. MOTHER ALWAYS KEEPS IT HANDY. "My mother suffered a long time from distressing pains and general ill health due primarily to indigestion," says L. W. Spalding, Verona, Mo. - "Two years, ago I got hef to try Kodol. , She grew : better at once, and now, at the age of seventy-si, eats anything , she wants, remarking that she fears no bad effects as she has her bottle of Kodol handy." ,. Don't waste time doctoring symptoms.' Go after the cause,. I your stomach Is , sound your iiealth will be good. . Kodol rests" the stomach and strengthens the' body by digesting your food. ItisJia ture's own tonic. At Dr. T. C. Smith's j Drug Store. Central Park West, New York, ' - FORCE rOOD CO f : :V Gentlemen, I think it my duty to write and tell you: how: 1 appreciate the good quality of your " FORCE" Breakfast JVxxi I have had , stomach trouble for a year and am unable to eat ; an vthin but ''f FOBCE " and milk. It ia - the ' only solid food;! eat and I never get tired of it and have gained four pounds. I eat about three ; . packagesa weekIt is better than .any other food on the market,' and I cannot praise it too , 4- 1 1 x- -V-'' i- - 1 Tours very taruly, r Name furnished on application.. V-'. y' ' ' L ' - ' - . ' k - ' . "; ' ' 'tc--';J.."'vv 'v.-v .- y c : : '- , v ..::.- ... -: .v - ... --. . : - . .' . -v. ". 'V.-...; ii ' . --!? . . - . - - - - - yJ ' Ki: KTr .r-:'-.-l-X- JL X 'XvVT1 -";,J. -- ; I i 7.- - 4