'"5,. . Jw- jfAGj! 8 sundat THE ASHE VILLE GAZETTE august 3, 1902. 1 t .A 1 . v. - SOMETHING j 4 M E W CITY NEWS We have just received a ship ment of HODGES FIBRE Carpets and Rugs This is a beautiful goods and is what will please you. We cordially invite you and your friends to come in and see this beautiful and durable goods. Carpet House. The Ashevllle. Hardware Company.. Half a mile of the new pipe line has been laid.' v . There .were six cases for hearing in police court yesterday morning. . Hev. E. K. McLarty 'will preach at Woolsey Hall at 4 o'clock this after noon. . " Miss Celia Johnson of the Halcyon hospital, Atlanta, is visiting relatives in the city. There will be a meeting of the Flower (Mission Monday afternoon at . Mrs. Burroughs' at 6 o'clock. Mr. Bowles ibegan yesterday the erec tion of a house at' the corner of Char-, lotte and Clyde streets. The newly paved portion of Merrimon avenue was otpened to travel for the first time yesterday. There has been an average of 150 ar rivals in four of the leading hotels of the city for the past three days. Cushion Frame Bicycles at Bar- ; v gain Prices y i In order o introduce these Cushion Frame Bicycles we are offering them at a considerable reduction. These bicycles are especially desir able if one cares anything for comfort. Let us talk to jou about them. Phone 228. 18 and 20 Church street. RTISTIC work is a feat ure of our frame depart ment. "We have a choice line of Mouldings to select from, and prices will please you . LEWIS & RILEY, 7 and 9 Patton Ave. If You Laundered Your Xdnen Yourself You Could Not Handle it More Carefully Than We. To wash it we use abundance of pure clear water," best soap, best starch, fine machinery and skilled labor. Better send us your next bundle. Our wagon will call for it any time. A he vi He Steam Laundry Phone 95 There were fewer cases for hearing in police court last week than for any preceding seven days In the past year. The frame work on the dome of the new court house has been completed. It stands' nearly as high as the tower on the city hall. It is the intention of the contractors to start the paving of North Main street fromi Collegt street for one block north, tomorow morning. Beginning Monday there will be a bowling tournament at the Battery Park." Already there have been twenty five entries from among the ladies and gentlemen who compose the house par ty at the hotel. The excursion itrain from Winston Salem, bearing 250 passengers, returned to that place last evening. The excur sionists have been in the city since Friday afternoon. The Sharpless heirs, of Philadelphia, have sold to Mrs. Laura Mustin the lot at the northeast corner of - Merimon avenue and Chestnut street. The con sideration was about $2,000. -1 f" First Lieut, and Battalion Adjutant Arthur W. Freeman has been detailed by Col. J. F. Armfield to command the First Pwegiment Band, relieving Capt. White G. Smith, quartermaster of the regiment. Ashevllle Cycle Company Phone 228. 18 and 20 Church St ADythiDg For the Bicycle.. ' None but the Be-sf. We keep nothing but the best in all lines. Nothing pays better' for the money than Nutritious Foods You need just that kind. Give us ycur order and we prove to you that we know souae of the hest goods on the market. HIRAM LINDSEY 450 S. Main St. Phone 200. THE QEOC SR City Market Phone 800. Aunt Where did you -get 1 that big loaf ? Why, this is :- Peter Kern's i steam bread. Well, , i. the only place you can geH t ie" down ' there from v : D.G.NOLAND on North Main St, Phone 151. lec Us e.very fcns in line oeiore our deciding to Rent or Buy. J. H. WEAVER CO. Beat Estate Brokers 45 Patton Ave., Asheville, C 1887 Standard 1902 Fuel ANTHACITE- Furnace JELLICO-GrateandgLe COKE Furnace and stov ' WOOD-Grate and Stove. Wholesale ana Retail ...PHONE 40... Astieville Ice and Goal Co. 11 Pttoa arenu. : Osteopathy. -. There are many cases of spinal curva ture, hip joint trouble, lame back and other lameness that Osteopathy can cure. Investigate. C. M. CASK. Phone 683. 10 Church St. Oasette "waata" one rent Gazette "wants" one cent a word. The largest line imported and Key West cigars in the city, at Blombergr's Cigar Store, Patton avenue. DON'T MISS THE CHANCE. My stock of Clothing, Hats and Gents' Furnishings are going rapidly and all who miss, the big bargains offered here are standing in their own, light, My stock consists of nothing but the best and latest styles. Some and see for yourself. I. W. GLASBR, 18 S. Main street. tf. To FARE well go to Woodlawta Cafe. Ten per cent reduction on all my sporting goods, Blomberg's Patton ave. END OF CASE IS NOT YET IN SIGHT Continued from first page) A Big Fire kindled in a few minutes with a newtoal we have eotten. The best coal for cooking Carolina Coal and Ice Co 23 Patton Ave Phone SO. A New Line In addition to our complete line of musical instruments of every descrip tion, sheet music, etc., we now have the celebrated STANDARD SEWING MA CHINES and will carry full line of all sewing machine supplies. The. "Stand ard" Is acknowledged to be the fastest sewer and easiest running machine tnade, doing the same work, in ten hours that the "best machine of any other make will do in twelve, and running lighter, than any other machine. Sold on easy payments. Drop In and see ' thetm at . .... Ashevllle Music Co. j; 80 Patton Ave., ' stand by Charles A. Webb.- Mr. Webb said he recalled one occasion- When he met Mr. Pulliam in the fall of 1893and that Mr. Pulliam irupressed him as & very sick anan. After Pulliam left the city, Mr. Webb said, that he talked with his brother Alex, frequently aibrtut the. disappearance and that in the course of one conversation Alex. had told him. that the defendant was crazy 1 and the family had no idea where he was, although many telegrams had been sent to places where it was thought he might be. Later Mr. Webb proffered his services to Mrs. Pulliam, who said she at that time realized that she should not have allowed Mr. Pul liam to leave the city alone, and that she would never forgive herself 'for having done so. Miss Susan Yeatman testified that she had known !the defendant for ten .years and that in 18S3 Mr. Pulllam's manner indicated that he was morose , and de pressed. She had also gathered that this was a fact from the attitude of ther family towards the defendant. One morning she had met Mr. Pulliam and he had remarked that he iwas drunk, not from drinking whiskey, but from using morphine. Mr. Pulliam had add ed the request lor her not ' to tell her brother as he might arrest him. This notwithstanding the fact that her brother was not any way connected with the police force. ' v W. R. Bearden gave evidence to the effect that Mr. Pulliam's family lived in his house in the fall of . 1893. He knew Mr. Pulliam intimately. "I hve placed my hands on Mr. Pulliam." said I Mr. Bearden, "and he would toe cold, yet ipen&piration would fall from his finger tips and face. The veins on- his forehead would stand out like whip cords, and I have helped to administer narcotics to him -while he was suffering one of his spells. The last week, before he left Mr. Pulliam iwas ibeside himself with pain.- 'There were -times when ha did not! seem to grasp the- meaning of simple questions. He was under the in fluence of narcotics practically all the time and I know he was not responsible! for half of his acts. On' the 30th, the day he left, I do not 'believe ,he was able to t determine between, right and wron." . - - . ", -v Mr.- Bearden was given - wide latitude and was allowed to lell his . story and indulge - in numerous expressions , , of opinions without interruption; from the. district "attorney; VOncross-ecicamina tion Mr.' Hoi ton pressed the witness to Our Clearance Cost Sa le Din Shoes, US and Slippers DOS Choice Cuts of Spring karnb, Prime Beef, Tender Pork and Mutton. Spring Chickens, & Whitehead City Market. For Meats HILL'S fry 'PHONE 66 Is the Talk of the Town. And the Prices They Are Being Sold at Appeals to Your Pocketbook For Only a Small Sum. i l rr Th Roller Tray Trunks We have a large shipment in transit In order to make room for them we offer our present stoc At a Reduction. ostoo Shoe Store Leadin$ Shoe Firm. H P FTI? I F Leadin$ Tailor, 1 I 9 1 Ilk. I PHONE 347 I will sell during this month the few colored Suits which I have left over at a little over cost. This does not include black goods, as I have only a few suites left, first come will be first served. We keep Bananas, Lemons, Peaches, Apples, Cantaloupes, Grapes and Wa termelpne. Hirann vLindsey, 450 South Main street, Phone 200. City Market, Phone 800. When you want Celery, Eg Plant, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Roasting Bars, TjlTTlfl. "Rfl.n and Pare-lanr -i tt; OIUJ , gy LKS Xlll OJ1U. Lindsey's, 450 South Main' street. Phone zuu. crty Market, Phone 800. C. W. BROWN Successor to J. V.Brown & Son.) Funeral Director leiepnoneJNfo. 65. 16 Church street. wuiue upea every nour in the year. J. H. McGi nnocc PRACTICAL DYER AND CHEMICAL CLEANER. .S ..A sPnd at Short nfi n Maln street- pboae AT COST. Big lot of CLOTHING AT COST. u. j, uauureu jvien s, jfouths' and Boy buits at and below cost new stock. Can gave you from 25 to 50 per cent Don't get left. 6E0. W. JENKI, Phone 125. 45 South Main St Mrs. J. V. Brown. w. a Blilr. J. J. Mackey. BROWN, BUIR & CO. UNDERTAKERS, fatten Ave. Ud StAkl. PHONE 193, ASK Mr, Ray ABOUT YOUR KODAK HE KNOWS. A Safe Opportunity onerea large and small Investors t participate in profits of responsible DOOK-maJOng concern. Co-oneration Id vlted of persons desirous of investing $50 and upward for purpose of makinl a book on different tracks. Profit" have averaged $28.00 monthly on $100.00. investment. Commercial and financial reference. S. E. Jackson, Dowling building, New York. TJ11 August 24, eod name some specific act" which justified mands; for, to make advertising pay, 15 the conclusion that Mr. Pulliam was irresponsible, especially iwhen he had the ability 40 go to the ibank before leaving and straighten out the bank books. Mr. Bearden could not recall any special instance that led to his conclusions as to the defendant's irre sponsibility but inferred as much from ! his general demeanor-. The cross-ex- amination ox. ima wiwiwa 'lwk. a.suiuc- what humorous turn. Tne district at torney fired away like this: "So you may be crazy yourself, Mr. Bearden?" Mr.' Bearden: "Why, yes;" I might be." .. The district attorney: "Well, if you are crazy, stand aside." , E. L. Brown testified that Mr. Pul liam had once told him that he be lieved he was going crazy. Mrs.' Ella S. -McLoud, sister of the defendant; said" that she had observed the very greatest' change in her brothn er, in his manner and conduct. ' This was noticeable more and (more as time passed- and he would avoid members 6f the family.1 ? He looked haggard and careworn, and he eeemecl to be Buffering constantly 'K . ' 4 - - r Topographic Map of Western Norths Carolina This map how's elevatlo location "of:mo adJ ipublio roads.'" Moup.ted "bn . praslih convenient for pocket for5;cents. , ' ROGERS' BOOIC STOREV V, Phone 259 ,. r 39 Patton Ave.r LARGE SPACE ADVERTISING Every one' who 'has "'met with suc cess of a" mercantilenaturev tyiii 'read ily acknowledge th importance of ju dicious advertiskxg. r - But aow',and thea we hear it saidby those who :f or the most part areT unsuccessful - in c' their business undertakings, that advertising 13 a useless expenaiiure. .persons who. pxtvress ithemselves- thus,f have k never given the subject the attention It . de-; ; it must 'be gone about In a way charac terized (by all the earnestness, careful forethought and persistence that the most important feature of the business would demand. i I presume that none will deny that the best place to carry an advertisement is in the daily papers. "Whether a large -er .small space is selected, let it be re- memlbered that the selection, should be with a view to a specific purpose. If the person "believes that a small space will iserve that purpose, then let him re memfber further that to reap adequate, returns his advertisement must be kept -alive by frequent changes, and must not ;be carried- tor a few days or .weeks, but for months. 1 . . , .. . - Those who. areaoquainted . with - the mame appended to this article, will re member to have seen small 'space an nouncements in the Gazette with fre quent: changes during the past . six" months, - The -writer did not expect immediate and- very lucrative returns' from these; small-space', announcements ; tout had expected enough' returns to Justify, the expense - with am added, profit, , and in this . he has' not-'' been . disappointed But these smallspaoe " 'announcements were carried "wlth a view of preparing tne .way -for , a ' larger space, ' and . re- cently. a. larger space.; was 1 contracted : tor. . Here is where the ; whole ,scheme. was to ; culminate and the profits to be realized 4 It ; iwas..noi doubled f ram , the beginning !that':this-lwould bring' am' pie returns,, and it didt - . . v 't c H. S. SHOCKLEIT. ,t Property Owners WtMx Tak e Notice. If you want a good roof buy Carey's Cement Burlap Roofing far superior to any other roofing on the market. Guaranteed in every respect. V Price $3.00 Per Square Including paint, cement and nails, or applied to roof for $4.00 per square, all complete. Woodbury's rubber elastic roofing paint 50c per square extra. . , Por All Tin and Metal Roofs ; Rubber Elastic Roofing Paint, rGuaranteed to be the best roof paint made.1 pyiGoaI Co Wbddbu