Is t lie Larsst;.Bibick; -IHIofel- ina ttto (Oarolfinna's r eopsla itftl&ll" 15Ioiflirii'' Itopr4vcimiits' We claim tqBayft tlie prettiest hotdJn ihp Sou.h and wemib tht Drooisitioa. thatirvou will come to Tthe SDrine and do not admit that we have the prettiest hoteryou cveway, wewill pay yourRl f ire to an? toiat within 100 miles. We take no risk in making this proposition, as every one who comes to the spring rema ks .that thjs is the . PRETTIEST AND BESTiVE NTIL ATE 0 HOTEL they .ever saw. Every room is an outside room, white enamel arid brass beds in every room. All furniture is quarter-sawed oak. Rex mattresses on all beds. Everything new. The table is furnished with THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS. Expert cooks and accommodating waiters. ' Orchestti mof 5 nieces Well S haded Delightful 4 the Scenery Around the Hotel r is Unexcelled. Drives and Walks. Climate Cool & Pleasant A Fine Grounds We have a large crowd of guests, the best people of the country. As to the water we claim to have the best oa the market. A great manyk owners ot mineial springs claim this but we are goiag to make some big assertions. But we think we can prove what we say. We claim to have the Lightest r Water on the Market, and if you do no! believetbis just take a bottle of WHITE LITttlft CARBONATED and at the same.time open a bottle, of any, other water on the Market and you will bs "surprised how much longer White Stone Lithia will retain its gases than the other. To prove the softness of the WhiiSnWLif hla Carboiiafed Water, it d s not burn the tongue or stomach like other carbonated waters. The White Stone Lithia Ale will retain some of Ps gases 48 hours while most cf the ale on the market will not recaia their gases 48 seconds. The analysisud testimonials of some of the most noted people of the country. 1 e - You Come to the Spring and Drink the Water Freely and Make Any Charge ' for Board. Rich Hill, on the Southern Railroad, is our station, which is only 10 minutes' ride to the hotel. are Not Benefited We Will Not LIT HO EL CO. vv iuiac7 (ivm Kyii l. liuBauBUHmakmamu IBTHEmi TRAlt4 i$ !iL0 OF Attempt to Bynaiaite Express Car Proved Abortive. OLD WHITE WOMAN ASSAULTED. YIELD OF GOLD AND SILVER. EKPLOSIVES FAILED TO WORK. Seven Men Force Engineer to Stop Train with Intention of Looting It, but Make Waterhaul Passengers Were Unmolested. Spokane, Wash., Aug. 27. Thu westbound Northern Pacific train waa leld up at Sand Point, Idaho, 65 miles ast of here at 11 o'clock last night The robbers, of whom there were seven, forced the engineer to stop.tha train, after which they uncoupled the baggage car. Then they compelled the engineer at the point of a revol ver, to pull up the track about 3 milea further, where they tried to wreck the baggage car with dynamite.-. The explosives failed to work for some unknown cause, and, after spending IS minutes with the - car the robbers de camped, allowing the engineer to ga back to the train with his engine, Two other thugs had guarded the train, keeping the passengers inside by firing revolvers along the sides. No attempt was made to molest the pas- sengers, and after fhe " engine came back the other robbers' left and the train came, out to Spokane. Th8 train was in charge of Conductor Wil Jiam Gilbert, of Helena..- The train as heavily loaded. Posse Is Searching for Criminal Near , PensacoTa. - j Pensacola, Fla.,Aug. 27. Mrs. Del la Dixon, a white woman, nearly DO years old, was. assaulted by' an un known negro at-her home near this city. She was . taken to the city, where she swore out a warrant for the arrest of her assailant. According to the woman's story, she was attack ed by the fiend while alone- on her porch. A desperate struggle" ensued in whiclt the . woman's shoulder was dislocated, beside receiving other in-' jurieSi . - A posse Is in search of the negro. A( corps of deputies were dispatched from here to the scene in order to protect the negro if he is captured. ' Peter 3. Hoe Dead. New York, Aug. 27 Peter S. Hoc, "the last surviving member of the origi nal firm of R. Hoe & Ckj.,v manufac turers of printing presses,. Is dead at pper Montclair, N. J.,JfronX heart failure. Mr. Hoe -was born In New York 81 years ago. ,In 1890 he retired Jrom the firm and hs lived since then in New Merseyi " r Fireman Killed; Engineer Hurt. Greenville, S. C, Aug. 27. The northbound freight on the Columbia, j Newberry and 'Laurens railroad was: wrecked yesterday . morning 'near; Slighs, a small station about 12 miles' from' Newberry. Fireman Henry, Burts, white, of Honea Path, was killed, and Engineer Oscar Land and two negro tramps seriously, injured. It Is supposed that the rail spread a: this point, causing the engine and oars to leave the track. The track was torn up for a distance of about -150 yards. The engine and six box cars were completely wrecked. The In jured were conveyed to -Little Moun tain, where they received medical attention. Director of the Mint Issues His Final Estimate for 1901. Washington, Aug 27. George E. Roberts, director of the mint, has is sued his final estimate of the produc tion of gold and silver in the United States during the calendar year 1901. Mr. Roberts' statement shows that during the year the United States pro duced 3805,500 ounces of gold, valued at $78,666,700, a decrease f $504,200, Or 0.636 per cent as compared with the yield of 1900. The silver yield for 1901 amounted to 55,214,000 ounces, of the commer cial value of $33,128,400,' which was 2,433,000 ounces, or 5 per cent less than it was in 1S00. The total value of the precious met als produced by the United States in 1901 amounted to $111,795,100, which was $1064,100, or 2 per cent, less than the yield for 1900. In 1901 the gold production of Geor gia' was valued at $124,500: silver $240. ' North Carolina produced $55,-1 500 gold and $12,180 silver; Sotlth Car olina $46,000vgold and $120 silver; Vir ginia $5,300 gold and $420 silver. Steed Not in the face. Butler,- Ga., Aug. 27. Kon. Walter E. Steed announces tajat be will rot be a candidate for speaker- of the house of ' representatives. He has written a letter to friends stating tbat he would not be in the race and re-" lieving those who had . pledged their support to him of any obligation to do -so. Mr. Steed has been a promi nent member of several general assem blies and during the two last sessions was one of the ablest leaders on th? floor of the house. He was renomi nated to the house from Butler coun ty by an overwhelming .majority and will no, doubt be one of the most prom inent members of the general assem bly whjch is to meet in October. DEMAND FOR BRITISH IRON. A ROYAL ENGAGEMENT. USE ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE, A powder to be shaken into the shoe. Your feet feel swollen, nervous and hot, and get tired easily. If you have smart ing feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot Ease. It cools the feet, and makes walking easy. Curea wollen,-weating feet,, ingrowing nails, blisters and cal lous spots. Relieves corns and bunions or all pain and gives rest .and comfort. Try it today. . Sold by all druggists and "shoe stores for 25c. Don't accept any substitute. Trial package FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. T. 'Refugees Killed In Train Wreck. Bloemf ontein, Orange .River . Colony, August 27;-A shunting engine crash ed .. into a train conveying refugees to Johannesburg yesterday, r The front cars were wrecked and a number oi .women and children were killed - . Padgett Surrenders' to Sheriff.. Chattanooga,', Aug. 27.-:-Henry Pad gett, who' shot - and tilled "Charles James, In , this - cityr Saturday nigfit, voluntarily, surrendered to the sheriff today. He claims justification for the act. Grand Duke Alexandroyitch to Wed ' Grand Duchess Cecil. New York, Aug. 27. Gossip is going the rounds, according to the, St. Pe tersburg correspondent to The Herald, to the effect that the Grand Duke Mi chael Alexandrovitch, known" outside his own country as the czarovitz, is engaged to marry the second daughter of the Grand Duchess Anastasia of Meg klenbiirg-Sehwerln, the r Duchess Cecil Augustine. Marie, who . is of the same refined, delicate type of beauty as her sister, who narri6d Prince Christian of Denmark. : Nothing would appear- more desir able than this reported engagement, adds the dispatch. The Grand Duke Michael celebrates his twenty-fourth birthday Nov." 24 next and the Duch ess Cecil enters her seventeenth year after this month. 3rhe Gazette fwaats" one cent word Steck Brokers Assign. Chicago, Aug. 27. Herbert, Hill & Co.,, well known LaSalle street brok ers, and members of the New York and Chicago Stock Exchanges, and the Chicago board of trade, today went into the hands of Clarence Day, re ceiver. Liabilities' $100,000 to $200, f 00, " : - r HIS SIGHT THREA1 .TENBD. "While picnicking last months my 11 y earmold boy was : (poisoned by some weed or plant," says W. H. Dibble, of Sioux City, la.' "He rubbed the .poison off hla hands into "his eyes and for awhile we were afraid he would' lose his sight. Finally- a neighbor recom mended DeWitfs Witch Hazel Salve. The first-application helped him and In a few days he was as well as ever." For skin diseases, cuts, burns, scalds, wounds. Insect - bites, DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve Is sure cure. 'Relieves Ilea at once n Beware of counterfeits. : Dr. T. O. Smltii's drug store. - v . ' - Increasing Orders From America Send Prices Skyward. New York, Aug. 27. Increased de mand for British iron from Chicago New York and Philadelphia has sent up prices here, says a London dis patch to The Tribune. A report that orders have been re ceived .for 80,000 tons has not been confirmed with authority, but the, American demand for manufactured iron and 'steel has sufficed to stiffen prices 'and compensate for .a declining trade from India anl Australia and the stagnant condition of South Africa. When the American steel combination was formed there was a general con viction among British ironmasters that there must be a defensive movement among the manufacturers here &nd in Germany and Belgium. Exports of Iron and steel from these countries have been increasing steadily 'since December, and' the effect of the Amer ican , combination is not dreaded as it was last year. The British market has not .been converted into a dumping ground for American iron and steel, and prices have risen with the increased demand for export to the United. States. XjEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by$ local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. . When this tube gets in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when It is en tirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its' normal condition hearing will toe destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing tout an in flamed condition of the ; mucous surfaces. w will erlve One Hundred Dollars Ifor any " case of deafness (caused by catarrnj mat cannot, oe vurcu uy mvu b Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold toy Drugglster 75c. Hall's Family .Pills are the best. ; If You Have Rheumatism URIGSDL the great tested and endorsed California Remedy will enre you. It also cures Liver, Kidney and Bladder diseases, caused by an excess of urle acid. It never fails, and builds up the health and strength while using it Send stamp for book of wonderful cer tificates. Price, fl per bottle. For sale by druggists, if your druggist can not supply you it will be sent prepaid upon receipt of price. Address Urlcsol Chemical Co., Los Angeles.Cal. or the Lamar & Rankin Drug Co., Atlanta, 6a. Distributing Agents. Tt. Waycrcs, Ga.. Aug. 27. A tlhficulty between the junior editor of The Eve ning Herald and the proprietor of tha Hotel Virdie occurred in front of "the Phoenix hotel here. A rough and inmble fight lasted several minutes without injury to either party. The newspaper man called the hotel man a liar, which caused the fight. Sach. combatant has slight bruises in -the face. ECZEMA, ITCHING HUMORS. PIM PLES. TREATMENT FREE. Does your Skin Itch and Burn? Dis tressing Eruptions on the Skin so yoii feel ashamed to be seen in company? Do Scabs and Scales form on the Skin. Hair or Scalp? Have you Eczema f 1 Skin Sore and Cracked? Rash form on the Skin? Prickly Pain in the Skin? Swollen Joints? Falling Hair? All Run Down?. Skin Pale? Old Sores? Eating Sores?. Ulcers? To cure to stay cured take B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) which makes the blood pure and rich, thed the sores win heal and the Itching of eczema stop forever the skin become clear- and the Mood pure,. B, B. B. sold at drug stores Jl. Trial treatment sent free and prepaid toy writlng to; BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. De ; scribe your troutole and : free medical advice given. Over 3000 testimonials of r cures by B. B. B. - : L-J I I II F ,,-n , .,usTiTmr- M. I hms-t -:mmmifixmmt(i, llil Ilk .inifflinTflTifuiiiuyiHh. I . Ilimih 4ftiHiHiamini -i - ' iL- ..I iilH 111 ?' l IllllTiTfflr.Timi r -..rulllllfe : Lm.,mf, Hmillp . llllllinn, y M 1,.,1,iilllllll i " . filiiiiilli;nillnfn? if,"' mm,,,! -nl, PZ i. it m; tT.n il t-Tf , 1 1' "i f,Ti, i iTi ;i , Liu HAND-WORKERS AND BRAIN-WORKERS dALL. IT A 5QUARE AlEAL, AND DELICIOUS ?r) - f jTtx .so, far as actual noixrishineni is coaS 'cerned, the very cheapest) ana best that caa -I be secured is presented by the cereals, which. - supply the waste of the body and the energyi .' and heat necessary to all animal; functions A- and hard labor,: . - PEOf Hakvet "W. WiletA : Chief of the Bureau of CheniistryV . . Department of AgrmjJureT.' - lYashmgtoh. D. UJ '

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