Si . 1L If i is j IairsreMi 'ifepfcls Motel fim t,he.CarIi InippoTmen is ' .. i -if" 9 ! i . -.-"Ci.""-. 3 i -I - 4 Wecim have the prettiest h?tel in the Sou'.h and wemiko thi3 proposition, thatt it yiu will come ta the spring aad donot admit that have the prettiest hotelyou ever saw, we wi rpay.yoar;R. R. fre to "an vpoint within 100 miles. Weltake no risk in making this proposition, as every one who comes to the spring remarks that this is the PRETTIEST AND an outside white enamel and brass heds in every room. All f ur niture is quarter-sawed oak, ;mattresses on all bed new. The table is furnished with THE ' A Flne QrchestmM 5 Pieces. T is Unexcelled Grounds wm sM Cool & Pleasant We have a large crowd of guests, the best people of the country. As to the water we claim to4 have the best oa th? market. A great manyk owners of mine, al springs claim this but we are going to make some big assertions. But we think we can: prove what we say We claim to have the Lightest Water on the Market, and if you do not believe this just take a bottle of WHITE LI THI A CARBONATED and at theame time open a bottle of any other water on the Market and you will be surprised how much longer White Stone Lithia will retain its gases than the other! To prove the softness of the White Stone bithia Carbonated Wafer, it does not burn the toague or stomach like other carbonated waters. The White Stone Lithia Ale will retain some of its gases 48 hours whille most of the ale on the market will not retain their gases 48 seconds. The analysis and testimonials of some of the most noted people of the country. You Come to the Spring and Drink the Water Freely and are Not Benefited We Will Not - Make Any Charge for Board. Rich Hill, on the Southern Railroad, is our station, which is only 10 minutes' ride to the hotel. t WHITE STOWE MOTE L CO. wumfm DIVIDED HIS TIME BE TWEEN JJUN AND PEN ed Convict Sends Mes sage For Publication. VOWS. DEATtf OF J SH ERIFF. In Mountain Fastness Montana Crim inal Writes Letter Winchester In Hand Ready For Action Pursued by Posse and Bloodhounds. Butte, Mont., Aug. 28. With officers ot the state penitentiary upon his trail, assisted by bloodhounds, convict Tom O'Brien,-, who last Friday made a daring escape from the state pris on, has sent a communication to The Miner, pleading for a public state ment of his alleged crime and vowing the death of under Sheriff Dave Mor gan, who alleged perjured testimony, the convict declares, sent him to pris on and wrecked his home. The document received bv The Miner bears the postmark of Anacon da. The writer dates his communi cation from a mountain in the: sur rounding hills of Anaconda and says that he wrote his- story behind a rock, dividing his time between his wiu Chester and his pen. The communis cation Is a literary freak and there is no, question aa to its authenticity, as the handwriting has been fully identified -by the warden of the peni tentiary and others' acquainted with the criminal. O'Brien's declared ob ject In escaping from the prison is ; to kill Deputy Sheriff Morgan. O'Brien was sent up for robbery iu BLOW ON HEAD CAUSED DEATH. Street Fighf at Louisville, Ga., Ter. minatSs Fatally. v, Louisville, Ga., Aug. 28 As a re sult of a street encounter here between J. J. Keith and Deputy Sheriff J. A. Newsom, Keith is dead and Newsosi is in the hands of the sheriff. ; v The parties were door neighbors ana the difficulty seems to nave risen ovor a chicken of Newsom's which was habitually coming into Keith's garden. The fight took place in front of th3 courthouse one heard the words passed between the two men. The first seen of it was the two together on the ground. - They were separated and Keith went home with a severe wound on one side of his head. . No one thought of It terminating as seri ously as it has. - Keith was about 60 years of age and was a prominent merchant of this place. Newsom to a young man- about 30 years of age and has lived in Louis ville for a number of years.- To Nominate Senator. Gainesville, Ga., Aug. . 28 Hon. Fletcher M Johnson, chairman of the committee," has issued a call for the . thirty-third sen atorial convention to meet at Gaines ville on Sept. 6 for the purpose of nominating a candidate for this district. The following" delegates have been appointed from Hair county: J. E. Red wine,- Jr.; Harrison Martin, W. F. Woodllff, W. H. Craig E. E. Dix on, J. W. Marion, B. J. Hulsey, F. T. Davie, S. S.lCarter, Dr. J. E Whel chel, .H. W. T. Gaines and J. C. Browning; As It ; Is Hall county's time to name the senator, and as Colonel H. H. Perry was overwhelm Imgly nominated at the primary on August 20, he will receive the nomination. net" " . ; Negroes Carrled-to the Pen. , Baleigh, Aug. 28. The negroes, Joe Oole, Sr., Joe, Cole, Jr., find Robert v - Ferguson,- held on' the charge of mur v clerlng Roadmaster Stevers, were this fttrnoon brought here' from the.Herr dfMrson Jail andpldced. in the penlten- , liary fr safe keeping. ; Political Situation In Peru. , New York, Aug. 28. A conference between the Democrats' and Clvillst committee. Just held, was without re sult la the direction of clearing up the political situation, says - a dis patch to -The Herald from Lima, Peru; Another conference wills be held ion Thursday!' ' The people t, hope that both committees will show - their pa triotism by settling the dispute. - The political 'situation is becoming ; seri ous, and business Is paralyzed; Con sul Hefdliska and Mr. Harlan; attache of tfce ;TJnIted States legation, will sail for home on Aug. 30, via Panama; ; Dr.Leyds JLas Been Deposed.' London, Auj, 27-In a dispatch from The Hague,- a' correspondent of The Daily. Mail declares "DrXeyds, - who was : the European, representative -of the i ormer Transvaal republic; ?S his been deposed because he . refused to account for ' a large sum -of money missing fTom ; the Boer exchequer Requisition Is Honored; Boston, , Mass.,""- Aug. 28. Governor Crane has honored the requisition for Julian A. Foster, the negro wanted by the authorities of South Carolina, charged .with the murder of Lewis White, a ' negro at Newmarket; Green wood county, South Carolina, .and Governor McSweeney, has - been, noti fied Foster is' now under arrest at Clinton. He will be taken back to South Carolina as soon as the officers" Irom that state come for nlm with the warrant. The; first papers sent here for Foster, were not", properly made out . and had te be sent ' back as they could not be honored " STRIKING LINEMEN CUT WiRES. I TRAIN WRECKERS ARRESTED. Cumberland Telephone Company Hav ing Trouble in New Orleans New Orleans, Aug.. 28. A gang of men last night again played havoc with the wires of the Cumberland Tel ephone company. . This time they operated, in the rear of the city, cut ting a large number of long distance wires and shutting New Orleans off from communication with a number of points. . With police protection the companv is trying to get its lines up again. Otherwise there are no new develop ments in the strike and there is no present prospect of settlemnt. j Sheriff Says He Has Men Who Wreck i ed Southern Train. Toccca, Ga., Aug. 28. Sheriff Boon Mops, of Oconee county, South Caro i lina. has in custody severaL. parties who he positively asserts wrecked the ' Southern fast mail 35 at Harbins Sid ; ing. between Toccoa and Westminster, Monday morning. Ever since the train was ditched Sheriff Mess, aids.1 by several South ern railway detectives, has been using his utmost endeavor to apprehend the wreckers. He has made several ar rests and asserts most positively that he has the right men. Dangers of Beaumont Oil Fields. Beaumont, Tex:, Aug. 28. George A. Hill, inspector of the oil field, gave out the statement in "which "he says: "The conditions of the oil field are alarming in the extreme. The gas is so dangerous to the lives of the op erators that over one hundred are overcome daily and danger of total blindness Is greatly, feared as a re sult of constant contact." Don't let your charity cover, too many sins.- - ' -- " Prominent EpiseoparDivine Dead.' Nerw Toi-k, Aug.. 8. Rev., Thomas Gallaudit; D.D., a Protestant"EpIscopal clergyman; who was noted for.hIi work among, deaf mutes, died at hie home : ln 'v.thla city - today. ' ; : He was born at Hartford, Conn., fat 1822.- V - Not For Whisky . Trusts . ; Peoria, 111., Aug. 28.7-Peoria's two monster Independent - distilleries are not'for sale." and ;ir 1H not be absorbed oy the recently ' organized - whisky trust. : - . v - - - - t Nothlngijars - a chronic Ja valid" "like beinrtold that he is looking weU.-7 j Russia's Evacuation of Manchuria. Tokio. -Aug. 11, via Victoria,' B. C, Aug. ; 28. M. , Pavloff, .Russian mirs Ister to Korea, who has been-visiting Japan,, has yeturned to Seoul. Re garding the question of the . evacua tion by Russia of Manchuria in .official quarters information has been re ceived to the effect that preparations for evacuation have begun in Kinchow, midway -between Shanghai Kwan and New.Chwang. : -. - Machinists' Strike Declared Off. , Galveston Tex.,,Aug. 28.--Generel Manager;. Nixonf the Gulf ,4 Colorado and-Santa Fe,v states that the atrike of the machinists In the company's Shops-' at Cieburne ; and other points has; been , declared off. . : 1 About -700 men- werenfvolved. " .-'. BEAUMONT MURDER MYSTERiES. Among the parties arrested are two fterday was buried without ; NEJW GBRM DESTROY ISH. r Tr. King's Jew. Discovery Mils Con sumption and Grip ; germs. Cures Coughs, Colds and- Lung: troubles or no pay.- SOc.r li00. AU druffglt ;" - young men by the name of Howard, who. it is sahL were seen on Sunday night in the neighborhood of the loca tion of the wreck. The officers quiet ly' followed on their trail until they were captured. It is said that one of the parties arrested has made a confession ,impii eating four other men, but this 'could not be confirmed. . . : ' - Those under arrest are Henry Love John Howard 7and Thomas Howard. It is expected that other- arrests will be made. HOW IS IT DONE. The first object in life with the Amer ican people, is to "get rich the second, how to regain, good healUu The - first can be obtained by energy, honesty and saving; the second, - (good health) by using Green's August -Slower. Should you be a despondent sufferer, front any of the effects of Dyspepsia, liver Com plaint, Appendicitis, Indigestion, etc, such as Sick Headache, Palpitation of the Heart, Sour- Stomach, habitual Costlveness, -Dizziness of the Head, Nervous, Prostration, Low Spirits, :etci you need not suffer another dUiy. Two doses of the well-known August Jlower win 7 relieve, you jeX .once .Go to- Jr. Smith's., drug - store and get. a sample bottle freei - Regular size, 75 cents. Get Green's' Special Almanac. r Texas Town Is Again Excited Over Supposed Crimes. Beaumont, Tex., Aug. 28 It seemn that Beaumont is to pass through an other series of iurder myste;ies simi lar to that which caused so much e- rit.Ampnt. several mnr.ths asro WMH five or six bodies were taken from the river in a short space of time. ., Sunday the body of a white man was found floating in the Nf chep n er, about half a mile below thf draw bridge of the Kansas City Southern railroad, and about .noon yesterday the second body was found in the same vicinity. The floater four.1 yes- icientin- s An , optimist is a' man mha) Is satis fied, with what he .doesn't get. - . Phonographs have no brains, "yet ithey talk fluentlv . s The same mav. tvS' sairl The Gazette waots" one cent a word, of dudes.' : ' J.- " . I B'ffnT"! cation, but from appe.arances it was the body of a Mexican laborer ae tween 30 and 40 years of age. Tie body had evidently been in the water about two days, and when found was among some bushes and logs in such a way as to make it necessary to tow it up the river a short distance lie fore it was removed. There was a slight wound over the left eye. This wound might have been caused by a small . caliber bullet. The 'body of the man found Sui day 2. was exhumed this morning ana examined by two men who identified it as that of Jim Broderick, an En lish -brick layeiv It is presumed Broderick attempted to walk across and fell from the bridge while intox icated. , Absolute mystery surrounds the. death of the Mexican, whose body was - found yesterday. wrkiT.TVa "RTBSTP PXXJ3 CUBE. Why" endure torture from Piles till von contract a fatal disease ti.i a oaiv 'Tires, or 00 pay. 25c. All druggists. Sickness , is the Interest we pay life's mortgage. on Onlf oATca imaaf bad to worse. : Always; true of Consumption. It Mtia mi nuiliiM "hmt "Dr. K1H6 New life Pills core or no pay. 25c. All druggists. rru htr.A that' flv th strongest iom have the finest plumage. k f" ' 2 1 SEE your doctor first, if you want to. and skb if he doesn't tell jou that you can't put : isto your stomach anything better than a proper combination of whole " "s "-'.wheat and malt' . . r-iV - - SEEyour- grocer, next and" buy "a package otl :; "FORCE, which is'compbsed of the whole of the " wheat and barley malt. - v - i-U new- easy ;t is tc eat a proper food wtcn vi f J "7 : BEE how easily the strength, the nourishment, wj --o.-: Tiuuiiy ,wmca.XMawire puts; ..mwiiun vuig - hrf ;;:c;-' T -writes that he geli from-R( aH the stren ' that hft hasaRtimarh " akealittleiW, J -before going to bed and sebTiow soundly you n . CI3 if you do not eat it right along after jou t T T" r'i j- n c- -'-r f n-nr f - -ioo'vn