. - - ,.. . -. I - - , " , -V. s !-" 4 - --v-'-i f V - J . -4.1, . . f " - i i " i -- n t- " ' .y-i-- ... r - - - . , -" PTVT3 CENTS PER COPY. FOUR DOLLARS X TEAR. : V $- - - - - T our store for display and: decW ation" are 20 : -pairof "Ijace - Curtains. hey are SlaQKEIiY SOIEEb. IS WHY they will be sold - J - Safurdayv ;5 and Monday AT HAL PR1CB - $6 Point d'esprit-and" Nottinghams. . . . . $S $350 Nottinghams and Net Curtains r.;.:..$1.75 All otherT? grades the. same 1-2" priced-; k Canany careful-house - keeper afford, to neglect ' this rare' chance P - Cotton :Huck 10c' yard for: Embroidering Pillow : Covers and "all - shades of, Embroidery. Cotton 6c spooL- - : SUMNBR'S Saturday and . .v --Monday If we have It, It la theBl2ST; ' Sowing Wheat la made easy7and much .more profitable If it is done with, the famous , " . " HoosierGtrf;; 4 . ltlll -r ; is With thisdrillxou canopen the, furrow, disjtribute.the fertil izer,' iplant therwheat and -cover ' it a wonderful- machine and , worthy the examination of every progressive farmer.-... . - ; ; . .. .... , . - Asheville Hardware Co. " On the Square.' - . Phone 87 .Asheville, NC Si SALE QF SOFT STIFF HATS Kht carried from- last jseason to go" at 50 bc, fore the New Line arrives;: Tiiey sold for $2.50 aiid -$3f THe. sizes run frorh V 3-4JO 72, T ; , :FL ; Si) -Cotfftncys 'P?oeXf(St;ii8Patt6n Aye! sijitstmade : ; TO ORDERS : Doh'tTalk r. Like that .bargain near- passenger de- "-pot,- one 11 xom house and one 3'rooni Anousfr.fOT. J950.-:Irthis Is ; not cheap ;. enough. - Apply for. a free deed f or ft 7 or--rent, cnorce o room- cottage r-on V Chestnut street. Nice 7 room house on Haywood street .near InW"- " --, Natt-Atkinson '&-S6n,Co'., ... . Real EState Dealers., Money : "!C We buy "-our j s as- low as any one and" sell on a' ser rnargin Brooms. l" good quality. : lot ; Oil, kerosene, per gallonttl2Hcj Vincirar, best, per, gallon, "5 20c; Sugar, "standard granulated,. 18 lbs. . for $1.00; Sugar, brewn, 20 lbs. for $L0Q; V " Coffee, good per pound, 10ci Coffee Ar- " Tjuckles; per pound lie. v- THfc I X L DEPARTMENT STORH, ,22 Patton avenue, - : Phone 107. SOUTHERN HOTEL; MRS,"S, BTEVENSON, Prop, - Best $1.00 per-day house in the-city. Hot. and cold Jbaths. All lines of cars pass - the door. Special rates by the Centrally Located. - -2S S. tlala St Asheville, . ? , ' HifERESIuENKaiSSg FLEET Left Washington O'clock: Last KnejWiU. Address Wow r -: -..- ;: -: : " , -r : - Aycock invited. : 7 J V WasIilnfijifSept-5.--PresiAent Roofie- ( velt's train arrived here'"t 612 tms i evening;. : The president and party iia imediatety' Vent to the Baltimore & Ohio etation, where he boarded-onothea? train for his southern tourr - tj A-lar.ge crowd gathered at the station amd -cheered-th6 -president.- The - tralit pulled out at 7:30, and the crowd gave the president an enthusiastic; send. on Cheering .and 'shouting t'good President Rooseveirlmiywledged these by a.pgearing on Jthe' j:ear- platform and bawiflMT. " "Z.- , The -first stop will ibea Wheeling, which will be reached tomorrow mojrn tns. . - . SJ - - - - - ; 1 Oyster; Batff &I.. ept 5.-The pres dent, . accoroanied4.fey.- Mrs. - Roosevelt and the children, left Jiere on the "Sylph at 9:25 a. m; Mrs; .Roosevelt and Kex- mit will be"" landed Jat New Trk' and - Jersey ?$U at. 1:14 the Sylph will ?then-proceedto City, whence the president aaafe hi tywiU depart ff roxn Washington, at. 1:14 1 p. m. . u-ne- presiaeni win iravei : i special oar. which, will; be attached to o Ti,ia ?r, ; nn rHvino- at-1 Washington the car will be-switched to I a Baltimore & Ohio train. - e - 1 President Roosevelt has recelvedrom I congratulating iiim upon his escape I from serious jnjury in; the accident of Wednesdav , last. A similar message 1 ,::Qver;Baltimore Ohio, Shortly r .After: 6 invictqry b ut 6e .l - of Mexico... - I The anessage senrt)y King Edward the president Is asTolldws: . r. - i -i"r "London, Sept. 5, 1902. .VThe news of the accident caused -me J the deepest-cccern:-! earnestly- trust I to; receive Turther . assurances that it I has not resulted to f serious comeequence to yourself. (Signed) . . . DWmV'' - r-r i"-.f f Kew;Tork, Sept. 5; -President Roose veltJeft JexseyCity Qtu Washington QVArrihJBensylyania railroad at :1 o'clock this afternoon. He was accom- f has ibeen' received from .President Diazfiera two hours. story -thA mrv. irmftween the army and the-hostile fleet" is panied by,rr, .Lung Secretary; Cortel- " " , , UI ciprocKy andpros- out-ot action - , ... ydu,r Stenographerav; Lata ancL. Weaver P6""7 Ior Cuba. - . . it is possible that the fleet will make and Detective Taylor." jAt "Washington --r - .""-'P3ELATO GARCIA, another . atjack tonight or tomorrow, the' party willbejoined by Secretary- - . President of thho'use." morning upon; Newport or iFort Mans- Baraes.--Chief. of. TIsMTMurpny.-jof - field, ' and by tomorrow noon the war Jersey cnty, and forty, uniformed : menr r. Jesterday anorning Charles McNamee Wl e OYert T , , :. besides -a- score of detectives, were : on as chairman of the reception committee Paring . the attack, this afternoon on duty" at the ferry Jiiouse ' and 'railroad telegraphed to 3overnor Aycoek an in- Newport, not only all the forts were station and a careful guard was kept vitation - to..rparticipa,te in 4he reception undr e: from the fleet but the hand over the (president until his tralnde- tdbe ?giVen .the president -'Tuesday some 'villas- of summer residents were loarted. - - , -' morning. The invitation of 'course in- figuratively raked by the guns of -the "."rmepresIdentiaUpartywnt-ed an ob- eluded -the governor's" etaff.. it is not fleet ' seryatory car which iwille- used ' on known yet whether the governor f will - A terrific fire was maintained both by the southern 'ifrip - In- response to the accept, as no reply 'was received to thfi' ships and forts. The engagement lasted BLitnuiJuuLiaaLci- inquiries, iuf 5 iireaaeni i saia ne was reeling quite weii. secre-., tary'Cortelyou said hie watf feeling fair-J iy wen. aiiu -itirom; recoverea irom-ine effects- of Wednesday's .accidentia . Washington, Sept. 5. President Roose- velt and . party -Twill reach WasMhgtonU.eception .'of the . presiden t Tuesday o'clock this Vvening- and leave-for ;the southern tour ' at 7:30 p. mi., , over cthe eauimore & xnio raiiroaa . xne loarty will tjonsistrof the president, Secretary uorteiyou, Assistant Secretary Barnes, Tr. X. A. Lung, the president' physi - ?ian, Stenographers Latta and Weaver, If i-ever you- needed" & FILTER-it- is right now! Muddy water is theCuni- versal cry! ; A lot of best tested . FIL TERS arrived yesterday at Law's,1 85 Patton, avenue. - - " - T wish to thank n mVfriend for;thp. nAnw'f jtAinitdAlan " -A-w-f-n-v l Ai -.''m - T1 my misfortune.' Will , add, also, -that. I am prepared to rdoj business wii ; equal promptnesses toefore e Respectf uUy, Sv UIIVIcKBB.IO THE, OICIAN Si. Patton avenue- " Opposite Post of flee. MpheylVlade. - You can save money by using- stoves .iiwlll wnA waii'iImmV m 'It r Wt 4m .Yixi Mc vu ,t receIved,a carJoad'orthe'famou3WU- son Heaters- and: other air-tight stovea from .$175 to - $20.50.-'.- -. Also anice line of Cr oaliDUPneps Fenders '3ire .s'ets land" Andirons In brass and -Berlin-black".' TiV-'-V' : -When we put'up stove it is. done by mechanlcs-and :we guarantee the work. - IT South' Court Square. Money V. - -vr , - - - - . x-- - 'I rUfllO, Drl 1 IMU' I DU.L IIOpS HDL flllFL rlllTl I OUHir r " - -r'vr-- .-i-.;r" set representatives of. three press associa- Uons,'Tlne,jUluBtrated,- weeklies -'the I WashlnSqn' newspapers' and Western I union, ana .-ostai Telegraph comaanies and twaiphotogranhers. Thealtlmorp I & Ohfdr has placed at the disposar of the president and hla arty the nrivate car Riva; drawingrQomund.8leepingxaraj Xemia and Clairion, "dining car Manhat-I tan. and .a conxbined (baggage car. and smoKer.- The -. president tvrivate car - wv -lf w"-" " ' T': Rlva. to-. well" designed for the trfpT il is -T&tmSDAY NIGHT .RESULTED IN sixty-seven -feet -Jon?, finislied -in ma- "DESTRUCTION"" op thp t?t iifrr hoganyhas a parior seventeen feet ln yKUCWONOFi THE FLEET., length.-an. observatipn-rooin' eight feet r -Newport,1 -Sept. -5 At' 10 clock to ropma. are separated bv curtaink-fram -th his fleet on the Newport forts and the-body ,of these rooms - . 1 The party, will leave here at 7i"30 p? quickly that 'it will be- a, marvel if the m," ahd passing through Harper's; Fer arbitrators da not award; him an un--ry,Cuoifterland, and Grafton, wilt reach qualified victory wnemKrw,,V4., at 5:30 a, an., east-I ceea, touching . Cambridge ZamrtTnip. vrw jv, - "oiuanous and Cinoihfti where they-will toe tranierred Wh. Balttamr & 7t rroia the ceht road. -. , - - - - A rr?f The rain"will Wriv a ' -1. atr30: a, vm "September 7 rw. !t t ber. 8, when they will start or rin 1 jyiye over the Southern "railroad" nrriv- ?ng tnere at 5 in sK i'- I . ..--..-,..--,. v lviuit: i n. v u continue to Asheville. whPrA.th in tol-arriveat 8:S0 a.' on., Sentembpr a tjL1 ;.--"o ' ''ri.! ,j.w nui, tasif i .. xi was ine- mosivDruuanc action m era Umespteinber 6v. .Remaining, Jnjdash and. skillful manoeuvering' of the 2rylWhrte wek: -XTher a terrific even, touching -Oambride - 7amc,ii Kct v. S Aslieviiie at 12:20 p. m. -th samalnd sound the , fleet -.sailed towards aay theywill arrive In Washington "af I . ? avaaaA Set. 5, The- house, of rebret sentatives today sent- the": ' foUowingl1 defenders! the ? fleet.-: toeing-' driven message to President RoosprPif- - i ? Iba-ck in each-movement, and- finally re- i'Sir:-The Jiouse f-' renrpkpntfltwoa rtMtoJ. satisfaction- which: it feels "at vnr" irfa having been'-saved frJm LU? Jr J.-rm5"?S.fJF f tdflp iVfj "1'cafantthe " - wwaaBa tne-gen- icjcsraau . ittsc nignt. ' It nrtawiiAd i;ui.i jovernor-Avcock waQ-nnt in. t?i- elgh yesterday sand that he will todav i iwogmze .tne -Teoeipt of the - message. 1 Congressman Moodv fmnf-9ttTAav in Asheville, conferring during srntA I Part of the. time over the mlariH for th I u?h; averse to the idea of having th I President speak in the auditorium tak- I & me position that if this nian i fi- I lowed a great .many people will leave 1 witnout . havmg. an opportunity - to see I the, chief executive.1 Others tak n ?im- I Har view, and in fact,- so "strong has ucw;viij j ma opposition to thp inrirtw meeting,- that, the original broernm will 1 doubtless toe,; altered. - The chairman 1 ot au tne committees have agreed to tne cnange. . As heretofore etated. Sen- ator Pritchard was re Presented as sav- ing the president did not amnrove-of tho open-air speaking, tout Major Rollins - "It was a-very clear and -bright star was, not satisfied with- this and fee took light; night. and. even if all searchlights the first train "-for, Marshall." He re- are ruled out by the fire from the ruis turned armed with a letter from the ers the battleships were easily seen and senator, saying there had-een some mistake, and that lie th oi j el, t th p -nrPsi- 1 4ent would "find an ooen-air eatherine I -a . v OUU LllO ncaiUCfi J.Maior Moodv "ihrKno-T, -OTtf, V J couplev of large 1 flags : to" be" used -in the I decorations" of fhe city.4 The 'flags are iiic;: uucsi uxiuer mnicn tne;iXTSt JNOrth Carolina regiment entered; Havana. . Col;-J.F. - AranfieldLof'-Statesville commanaing the First resknent N. C S." G,7 4s "expected to bp hprp Tupswav and" take ' command . of "the omnantP'Jtle, heading in at" 12,000 yards,,' At 10:28 tnatLwili form the nilifary, escort of the iDfesiaent. ? a-.-- . - l"-r v.' r Actions of most .men -everlastingly knock the stuffing- out of their good in- tn;;-- v.m r-- , -I itentions.- "During courtship he- talks 'and Sne listens; after marriage' the 'order. 4s 're versed.-- - ' -j . '--T- I - tSmrtV-.'BWnx TT r. 4 J Nothins- like It on.; the jmArirpt: SmaJiP size at 10c at Blomberga Cigar Store; for today's" trade in the Bakhig " V.at.Heeton'er Sfop in' arid get . - .Ta ice box of. Cake adelicious ' :" Layer Qak or Sunday:'.' ::AtJHESTON'SV 1 Prone 18J; - . 2S S. Main St 11IES UliSII The Dav Battle was' Apparently in Fayorpf Army :Longt4Iot-H,oosoveit, w ,5 " 'x "--r L"," " " - " 1 iy r OUffllL ISngasrement. I VlTXASl AT XXhLAh. A NEWPORT . . "RAlfffTV PVTIli? t?TDt?l"t w7 ."Tt r , t7s : . - "AlViUi; HX ,1 jUJS JriUJSthe railroad officials. Luckily it suised GENERAL Mac ARTHUR CLAIMS THAT THJ3 - - ENGAGEMENT OP I ran' ytheni. with five of his ships,, so .It was the most brilliant action lade between' the forts and ships; W emen; nowerer latflin smP got so , close before the forts fired them jthey wpn, the victory: r 1 The ships - steamed tonight up' the and - they ; passed beyond ; the 20 minutes it .wae all oyer. New ; Tnnon. spnt. K.Th wr. . g - - , . ldrarwing:to a close Beaten in every effort to force a passage into Long Is - Newport todayand this afternoon tried vices indicate - a completer-victory for llsed, after the-loss of'several battle- Ships s- -l. ; ;.T The-battle this afternoon wasL not de-r cve, howr asha'aefndera.fQutad it necessary tinpesanst'ine 4eK fiisionof-the naval. 4anpire-that thesig- ,nal station t at Price-'e Neck - waa-put I i.wjiu. 1 New London, Conn., Sept. 5. Major I vjexierai -maaajrxniir,- comimanaing' tne I department bf the East, this noon made I Public a statement of the progress-of I test .night's engagement Ibetween. Forts I Wright,' Michie and Terry and Admiral I movements of the fleet before and af 1 ter.4h&tr engagements as reported from I me various- signal stations, rne state- joient.says that Fort Wright' fired 32& I snts, ,aoci air ; caii'bres, tne fire com I mander claimhig the destruction of-the I entire-fleet-'by three or four times the l "uuiucr- ui wumia leuuueu. . jr wt jsiii- I chie's batteries fired at all the ships un 1 111 the last one ,was out of range3 and I c"3 to nave put out xne .lirooKiyn, i maiana anq. . AiajDaimaj. inort Terry in I the aneantime .was engaged at long range. . The, statement adds! i suffered severely from" the batteries at I Wright and Michie' . - . ; - J - After the .engagement the :fleet pro- 1 ceedftrt n -' anchor spveral -thousand . .. " . . ..." lafter -6 oclock the battleships - passed througtiT-the Race, returning, apparently to JBlock: Island. : At ;this , timeno firing J-'"" u-l-'11-c vy.i.uo buijib uu in; .. ruii I Wright. Later the Panther, Prairie and 1 Mayflowerlef t their anchorage north of I inontauK ana movea eeust ; ai :u. .u ort I Adams reported the-fleet in lifie of 4at wivAgams reportea ine xeuna. emver- liuff jiie aaruuc uyuig un ui uiKe "t- t 1 flfl flflfl flFPflQ ITT R 1 J IUUUUU uu umi Correspondence-of the Gazette..-- Greensboro.' N: C. Septr 5V The Se .mirJtv: nrw rAtinuItTT eomoahv of GreenS- 1 flairinalfoi! it fir! Cfoinmiseioner-Young $100,000 ' dollars 'to emarantee all. of its' insurance '".con- tracts.S-ivr r-s lie I finds himself far: ln:rthe rear' sooner or lalerusuaHy sooner,";, Cf . S5v-"V - ' .We 'have "always "made-a spe--r -clal effort to show -a-fine line of soapsy "but-Hhe present-stock-is " surprisingly c.'fine. i Everything;: - good in; soaps 1 ishere TThere ' - isn't a , chance ' thati we . canitot i v"pleaselyoui'r; V ; ; , . r--S'- - Cor.-Patton-'Aye. T'and "Church. St.i ITEDnY R. JB, Si SHOOTS k den?: Flushing Chickens, i r; 1 Huron, ; S. D.,'- Sept. 5. (Theodore jr;who.is hunting,an this vicinity the guest of some railroad offl- cials, nearly Jellied on the officials yea7 terday while hunting, near. Keaneia . a flock of prairie chkkefiSvrose suddenly and Theodore, in his , exxjitement, fired his gun too ; soon. The charge went through' the canvass- clothing of ; one of no anore than a slight wound, ;but young Roosevelt was very much frightenedf.' WHITES ARE SLOW S r'. Many Sunrises ranU Unexpected Developments From New Vii1- . " """-" -" " - - . . - - . ginia Constitution - - Richmond, Sept. ""-5. Returns today froma," registration undeK.the. new con stitution show unexpected and surpris ing results. ' The white voters axe not showing much Interest In registration and the colored vote is large in some places . In. Lynchburg, vJtorr instance. in a iargewhite ward,: 150 negroes regis tered and Jess than 100 .whites notwith standing the understanding clause. and the tax requisite.' The percentage in some places . in - the . country is ; large A strong effort will toe, made from now on to get the white voter, registered. CATHOLIC CHURCH AT . . HENDERSONVILLE FINISHED Bishop Haid will arriye in Henderson vllle this evening,, arid tomorrow will dedicate the new Catholic church which has lust been jcompleted A large num- ber ,-will go-from. Asheville tomorrow morning to -attena tne -i aetucation jt Ath thelergymen: In attendance' will Yx fathers Fell ofT Belmont and Ma- i rJteotETaygttejrtile. The churchawhiCZri;" chargeoi vainer juarionxM Asneuie. Workwas begun- on - the fbuilding ohl about eight weeks-ago, and in? thattime a very pretty building has (been erected, The chapel jwas rendered necesearyby the great "number of communicantsitha t visit Hendersonville in summer,- , t I The choir or St.Lawrence's, undecthe direction of Mi. Hamilton, will attend th dedication.": : ' . " - It is betted a man should toe abused than ?rgotten.-. - . : - There is not precious or semi-" -precious gem that possesses more beautiful colors than the . O PAL - ' - " v . . . - We have thousands of them to show you which we have . Just bought at one-half their value. and will be glad Jto give you the '"benefit of the reduction. " OAithur .M. Fi LeadihgJewelers Pattoii'Ave. Cor, Church : Strai Asheville "Twga boardlng-lioiaBe" on Spruce Street, - recently repaired and renovated; "good shade, for $60.00 . montn. H in i i i ...J1 1niiiifi"" nrrHTi tl ; 60 acres, .watery andf serwerafee. , ; "18. South MamJ3teeef;;V--p IN REG1 TERNG PTOSTILlPs STICKS TO IT REITERATES HISTDECLARATIOM - THAT END OFSTRfKr iS : : - AT, HAND.. CepatoraStill J)eclare'iStike; Will End- Only When the" Mi ners Go Baek to Work. : - 7 THURSDAY FIXED AS H- ' - DATE OF CONFERENCE New. York, Sept; 5. Senator PIatt"' today reiterated his statement that. the " r coal strike-will be settled In afortniehr V from last Saturday, and representatiyea l or, tne coal companies reiterated : that' there shall be no; settlement except1 by " the miners returning- to wbrk.? ISenatop - Piatt said today: ' , , rxne strike will e "settled ' fit weeks from the time Ianadethe prer diction." He refused to say how. !t;." would "be settled, -'ut,!' he added, ?V stand'by iny original statement onthe-T: subject." " The officials' of the coal companiest declared," when told- of Piatt's- state--?-' i ment, that he made it on his .own -.re- t': eponsibility, 'BramweU,W. Va., Sept, 5. The fire at West - Pocahontas .mine " continues, , rbnt.the .three connecting mines' ; on the a West- Vlrginfct side" are not seriously C damaged,' and will : toe opened when the strikers, resume work ' next ; Monday i r The - entrance' from the Virginia- sidei - auwever, is -still tne - scene of active". worfc m the endeavor to subdue "the connasrauon. J - Harrisburg, Pa.r Sept. 5. Governor at -In ordertt6;ifitfdducduf i5 i': ents Michelson's Soecial Cr- - gar, we wltf on SATUkKAY, -1 wri. 6Uis-sell 7 of Micfieh - son's -Special CigarVforvva -. sale is for one dzy 6xfh MGHELSON'S . - Qgars ToBacco .5 North Court Square T" Spinach Seed ; We can supply fresh; SpUf; I nach Seed ' for fail printing; Also Radish beed in winter-; varfetiesr ' v Kr-A. Grants Pharmacy ;: Tr Agency for Wood'a Seeds; .:V- department; " f , - - ." . i" r Merchant: r Tailoring, We are now- showing our fait . and winter TBuitingb androuser- ' -i ings. Call and inspect awhile - DEPARTAIENT Phfpps Af chfson Hats are" now; on sale They are.unu- ;, " .sually attractive, -this 'A season, i ' and .the r.style is ralwayathe ; the smartest, h , 7' . - , XT ' ' " ll - J-1" is. - v. ",; '-

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