ft? - v- -f . ' - .. ... ; page ft ' --s atuhd a Yt THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE ii-SEPTi av 1902.; : - 1 ; -a V 8 J, 1 '3 1 4 1 1 1 - r Goes the crockery and the waitress will probably be called clumsy and careless. Her plea of sudden dizziness is not allowed. "What right has she to be dizzy?" they ask. Women who are suffering from dis eases peculiarly feminine are liable to sudden dizziness and faintness, and it-is only by curing the womanly dis eases to which they are subject that dizziness and other ills can be entirely relieved. Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription makes weak women strong and sick women well. It cures irregular ity, dries disagree able, weakening drains, heals inflam mation and ulceration, and cures female -weakness. When these conditions are cured, backache, headache, dizziness, etc., are also cured. I suffered for twelve years with femnle trouble." writes Mrs. Milton Grimes, of Adair. Adair Co., Iowa, which brought oil other dis eases heart trouble, Bright' s disease, a -id at times woijld be nearly paralyzed. Had neu ralgia of stomach. I can freely say your medi cines (nine bottles in all, five of ' Favorite Pre scription,' four of 'Golden Medical Discovery.' and two vials of Dr. Pierce's Pellets), have cured ine, I can work with comfort now, but before I would be tired all the time and have a dizzy headache, and rav nerves would be all unstrung so I could not steep. Now I cn sleep and do a big day's work, something I had not done for over eleven 3-ears before." " Favorite Prescription " makes weak women strong, sick women well. Accept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women. doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the most desirable laxative for delicate women. MILLIONS' IN MONEY MOVING. Chicago Banks Shipping Currency to Handle Western Grain Crop. Chicago, Sept. 19. -Chicago banks are shipping from $1,500,000 to $2,000 000 to the country banks of the north and northwest and south and south' west sections of the country to meet the demand of the farmers for actual currency to pay the expenses of har vesting and marketing the grain crop. The movement is in excess of last year's shipments, although the harvest. ing season is far from being over. It is estimated that over $7,000,000 will have been shipped by Chicago banks, in Mils of $5,' $10 and $20 denomina tion, to the farmers of the Missouri valley before the crops are all put away for the season. This large amount of money is not coirsidered an Indication of abnormal conditions by local bankers who have kept closely in toueh with the situation. Some state that the first time in four or five years thp banks of this city were able to meet the demand for currency, which is inevitable at this season, without experiencing any trouble. is the fate of sufferers from dyspepsia and indigestion. If your food remains undigested it can't build up the body. In fact, it does actual damage by decaying in the stomach and poisoning the system. Digests What You Eat. Kodol is the sensible remedy. By digesting what you eat it strengthens the body and at the same time rests the stomach. This rest soon restores perfect health. Cathartics and stimulants only reach the symptoms. Kodol cures. Tt is Nature's tonic. t.tia rffWwixi xoii iirsnensia took such a hold on me that I could scarcely go. I took quantities pepsin and other medicines, but nothing helped me. As a drowning man grasps at a straw I grabbed at KodoL I felt an Improvement at once, ana alter a lew bottles am sound and well. George 8. Marsh, Attorney-at-Law, Nocona, Tex. It can't help but do you good. The $1 bottle contains 2H times as much (actual measurement) as the trial size which sells for 50o Prepared by E. 0. DeWltt & Co., Chicago. Sold by all dealers. , Dewitrs witcn Dazel salve ;k& T. C SMITH'S DRUG STORE. Senator Bards Condition Improved. Los Angfles, Sert. 19. United Strc s Senator Thomas H. Eard. obtained some much needed rest last night an:' his condition early today shows slight inf-rcvement. Paris Short on Funds. New York, Sept. 19. A deficit in public funds here is becoming as trbu blesome a the national deficit, say a a Paris dispatch to The Times by way of London. The authorities are now collecting a new tax of one-half of 1 per cent on rentals in order to sup ply the revenue lost by the remission of the taxes on so-called "hygienic drinks" wine, beer and cider. To meet the further deficit of $1,600,000 next year, due to the increased expen diture on public works, the prefect has suggested surtaxes on coal, but ter, game, poultry, meat, cheese, etc It is doubtful whether the government will agree to this step. EDITOR ROBERT L. HOKE D;"3. "Crst Known Newspaper Men in Ter. ressee Passes Away. Nashville. Tcnn., Sept. 10. Robert L. T-Ichc. one of the best known news paper men in the state, is dead alter a lingering illness, aged 39 years. He was e native of Athens, Ala., fcr years naa been a member of ti editorial staff of The Nashville Ban ner, sickness necessitating his retire ment from his duties 2. year ago. H-j was the author' of many productions, under the pen name of "Brutus," and a volume of his writings is to be Is sued from the press in a few days. Brass-work can be kept beautifully bright by occasionally rubbing with sale and vinegar. Woman's Home Companion. BRAIN-FOOD NONSENSE. Another ridiculous food fad has been branded by the most competent author ities. They have dispelled the silly notion that one kind of food is needed for brain, another for muscles, and still another for bones. A correct diet will not only nourish a particular part ot the body, but it will sustain every oth er part. Yet, however good your food may be, its nutriment is destroyed by indigestion or dyspepsia. You must prepare for their appearance or prevent their coming by taking regular doses of Green's August Flower, the favor ite medicine of the healthy millions. A few doses aids digestion, stimulates the liver to healthy action, purifies the Iblood, and makes you feel buoyant and vigorous. You can get this reliable remedy at Dr. T. C. Smith's Drug Store. Get Green's Special Almanac. Funeral of Nicholas Fish. New York, Sept. 19. The funeral ot Nicholas Fish, banker and diplomat, who died on Tuesday in Roosevelt hos pital, was held today at St. Marka Episcopal church. The pallbearei8 were G. P. Wetmore, Charles A. Pea body, Frank S. Wether bee, W. Watts Sherman, George W. Folsom, Com mander Rogers, U. S. N.; Frank N. Pendleton, Dr. J. McG. Woodbury, Tal bot Olyhpant, Louis L. Lorillard, Geo. E. Dewitt and Richard Martin. The interment was at Garrison, on the Hudson. A SAD DISAPPOINTMENT. Ineffective liver and medicine is a disappointment, but you don't want to purge, strain and break the glands of the stomach and bowels. DeWitt's Lit tle Early Risers never disappoint. They cleanse the system of all poison and putrid matter and do it so gently that one enjoys the pleasant effects. They are a tonic to the liver. Cure bilious ness, torpid liver and prevent fever. Dr. T. C. Smith's drug store. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be Incurable. For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease, and by con stantly failing to cure with local treat ment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitution al disease, and, therefore, requires con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitu tional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. While their pupils are holiday mak ing from May 1 to September. 1 many of the Swiss cantonal scholmasters round Zermatt take situations in the hotels as waiters or porters. RED HOT FROM THE GUN. Was the ball that caused horrible ul cers on G.B. Steadman, Newark, Mich. Bucklen's Arnica Salve soon cured him. 25or All druggists. REDUCED RATES Special round trip reduced rates of fered by the Southern Railyaw com pany for the following special occa sions: Account American Bankers Associa tion, New Orleans, Louisiana, Novem ber llth-13tth, 1902, and United Daugh ters of the Confederacy, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 12th-15th, 1902. Tickets on sale 8th, 9th and 10th with final limit ten days from date of sale. Round trip rate from Asheville, $22.10. Account National Convention Chris tian Church, Omaha, Nebraska, Octo ber 15-23, 1902. Tickets on sale October Hth, 15th and 16th, with final limit Oc- toBer 28th. Round trip rate from Asheville $30.50. Account 22d Nnnual Session of Grand Special reduced rates offered by the Southern Railway company for the fol lowing special occasions: Op account national encampment G. A. R., Washington, D. C, October 6-11, 1902 Tickets on sale October 3, 4, 5, 6, with final limit October 15th, except by depositing tickets with joint agent at Washington on or before midnight of October 15, and upon payment of a fee of 50 cents, an Extension of the final limit of return will be granted to No vember 3. Stop over at one coupon station will be allowed for ten days, within the limit. Call on ticket agent for 'further information of this stop over privilege. Round trip rate from Asheville $10.00. On account merchants' carnival, Knoxville, Tenn., October 13-18, 1902 Tickets on sale October 13-18, inclusive; final limit October 20. Rate one fare for the round trip. Rate from Asheville $4.00. For military companies and brass bands in uniform, 20 or more on one ticket, the following rate will apply $2.60. On account state convention W. C. T. U., Burlington, N. C, October 3-6, 1902 Tickets on ; sale: October 1," 2, 3; final limit October 8 Round trip from Asheville $8.60. On account thirty-fourth annual state fair, Columbia, S. C, October 28 31, 1902, inclusive Tickets on sale . Oc tober 26-30, inclusive, and for all trains scheduled to arrive in Columbia prior to noon .October 31; final limit Novem ber 2, a? the rate of one first class fare, plus 50 cents admission to the fair grounds, for the round tri. Round trip from Asheville $5.50. For mili tary companies and brass bands in uni form, 20 or more on one ticket, the following rate will apply: $3.30. On account annual horse show, Rich mond, Va., October 14-18, 1902 Tickets on sale October 13-18, inclusive, with final limit October 20. Rate one first class fare, plus 50 cents admission, for 'the round trip. Round trip rate from Asheville $12.50. On account General Association of Congregational Churches of North Car olina, Raleigh, N. C, September 24-29, 1902 Tickets on sale September 22, 23, 24; final limit September 30. Round trip from Asheville $11.00. Account Baptist State Sunday School convention, colored, Wilson, N. C, September 23-29, 1902 Tickets on sale September 22, 23, 24; final limit Septem ber 29. Round trip from Asheville $13.25. Accotmt national convention Chris tian church, Omaha, Neb., October 15 23, 1902 Tickets on sale October 14, 15, 16; final limit October 28, except by depositing ticket with the joint agent at Omaha not earlier than October 16 nor later than October 24, and upon payment of a fee of 50 cents an exten sion of the return limit will be granted to November 30th. Rate one first class limited fare for the round trip. Round trip rate from Asheville $30.50. For further information call on any ticket agent or address F. R. Darby, D. P. A., Asheville, N. C. mm M4wm life flME CARDs Effective Oct. 27. 1901, Northbound .Passenger Mixed Chester Lv, 6.46 am 8.20. Yorkville Gastonla Lincolnton " 10.24 am Newton "11.09 am Hickory " 11.46 am Cliffs " 12.15 pm Lenoir Ar. 1.00 pm 8.20 pm lo ox SoufchhVrmnl Pas Lenoir Lv. 2.10 pm 6.00 am 2 oei Hickory Nerwton Lincolnton '.warn 10.28 am Q OA 4 . - .v emu nm S.10 pm 5.00 pm 6.10 pm 6.55 pm Si to 7.56 " iawiu w.wam 2.00 &.tl a.wi puu i.wpm 4.20 ia S.lOptm 8.10 am 4 I " 2.40 pm 9.65 am .. yui JLX.TV O.IH fLa ofnln r in . n t v--j w.-x iixi s.w pm Yorkville " 6.47 pm 1.58 pm Chester Ar. 8.00 pm 6.00 pm CONNECTIONS . Cheater Southern Ry., S. A L L. & C. Yorkville S. C. & G. Extension. Gastonla Southern Rt. Lincolnton S. A. L. Newton and Hickory Southern Ry Lenoir Blowing Rock Stage Lint lit C. & N. Ry. S i&4 Hi I DO B2K3Ejfi5S 7IA Chicago, Rock Island, and Pacific Railway Bock Island Svstem Choctaw, Oklahoma and Gulf Railroad (Chostaw Route.) Low Rates to the West and North west. Round Trip Homeseekers' Tickets P. D. BLACKMAN, T. P. A. No. 12 West Ninth Street, Chattanooga, Tenn FIST HUH 1231 SRH.ErSXfJXUa Er5KEWB Between St. Lotus and Kansas City and WICHITA, DEM is re, mwi WORTH knd principal points in 'Terns and the South west. This train ?s new throughout and is made up of the finest equipment, provided with electric lights and all other mcueu ;raveling conveniences. It runs via our not sompleted Red itiver Bivisiesi Every appliance fcnowi to modern ca? building and railroading has been employed In the make-up of this "service, including Cafe bserviisfcTi Cors, under the management of Fret. Harvey, Full information as to rates and r'Jii details "of a trip via this new routo vriU bo' cheerfully furnished, upon application, by any repro entative of the Come to the Mountains Leave the Cities With Their Dust and Oppressive Heat Breathe the Pure Mountain Air and Drink I AGE EPS Om SPRING WA5E R The New Hotel The most delightful health and pie east of Chattanooga, in the loveliest Two hotels, 25 cottages, 40 acres lawn, heat, with modern baths, telegraph comforts. Tate's, one mile of depot on B. R. R. connects at Morristown, Tenn., grants stop-over privileges on round R. G. Dunn & Co. asure resort in the union, it4 mues valley of the East Tennessee mountains. Electric , lights, water-works, steam and telephone; all the amusements and Knoxville & Bristol R. R. The K. & with Southern Ry. The Southern Ry. trip tickets. Reference as to reliability; TESTliVONlMLS. The following are takwn from 5000 testimonials now on file in thegproprietor's office. SHE GREATES5 AMERICAN REMEDY- BAST TENNESSEE. The Carlsbad of America. prai OS, The Water cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and all troubles of Liver, Stomach, Bladder, Bowels and Kidneys, Rheumatism, Ma laria and Blood Diseases. Analysis made by T. S. Antesel, M. D., Prof, in Chemistry in National Medical College, and chemist to the TJ. S. Department of Agriculture. "Water shipped anywhere, any time. In popular barrels, $5.00; half barrels, $3.50. Cases, one dozen half gallon bottles, $5.00. Five gallon Rockerjohn, $2.75; ten gallon Rocker John, $3.75. Special rates to dealers upon application. Terms cash. Remit by P. O. Order on Tate Springs, Ex press M. O., New Tork Exchange, or Registered Letter. Tate mcx Only .Relief for Chronic Malaria G. D. M. Cantrell, M. D., Little Rock Ark.: "It was the only agent I found that gave me relief of chronic malaria. For digestive derangements of stomach, bowels, kidneys and all different forms of malaria, Tate Spring water is unsurpassed. It flushes out the system thoroughly and allows na ture to reassert itself. Gives relief and comfort to all mucous membrane de rangements of functional origin." The Greatest Wagon Builder in the World Traveled all Over . Europe, but found no Re-' lief Until He Visited Tate Springs. J. M.Studebaker, South Bend, Ind., "I note that your shipments have in creased 100 per cent, the past year. This is no surprise to me. My first vis it to Tate Springs was in 1872, when there was nothing but two log cabins and theic, occupants were the three Tate sisters. I had traveled all over Europe seeking my health and I found no relief until I visited Tate Spring. Two weeks restored my health and for these many years I owe my life and health to the waters of Tate Spring. and I take pleasure In making the above statements to all humanity who are troubled with general nervous de bility, or diseases originating from com plaints of the liver, kidney or stom ach." H.' Green, M. D., Boiling, Ala., "1 have had several patients who have had great trouble with torpid liver and indigestion very much benefitted by a few weeks' stay at your place. I have sold quite a good deal of your water here this season also. My observation is that its use is nearly always followed by improvement in those with torpid liver. I think a great deal, of Tate water." J. H. Blanks, M. D., Meridian, Miss., member of the Am. Med. Association; of the Am. Pufo. Health Association; of the Miss. State Medical Association; of the Miss. State Board of Health and State Board of Med. Censors, etc., writes March 2, 1885: "The great bene fit to be derived from the water in almost every variety of dyspepsia, con stipation, pure air and hygienic disci pline, combine to place 'Tate' almost without an eaual.". Dr. James Bryson, Little Rock, Ark., "My wife has been a dyspeptic for years, and nothing has given her so much relief as the Tate Springs water. She Joins me in certifying to its effi ciency. " Nothing is equal to it." John M. Bass, M. D., Sewanee, Tenn., Professor Diseases of Children, Uni versity of the South: "I know of no other water, certainly not in America, combining properties both alterative and tonic, which possesses half so many virtues as the Tate." Dr. T. C. Smith, Asheville, N. C, wholesale druggists: "Our trade in Tate Epsom Spring water has increased in value a hundred per cent in the past year. Our sales of Tate water are larger than any other water. Con sumers of Tate water seem entirely satisfied with the benefits from its con stant use when all other waters are excluded." Dr. Francis L. Parker, Charleston, S. C, Dean of the Medical College of the State of South Carolina: "This water acts specifically upon the mucous membranes, and is therefore applicable to disorders of the stomach and Intes tinal tract embraced under the general term dyspepsia and its various compli cations, and to the affections of the bladder classed under the term cystitis, with its various manifestations. It also acts with no less activity upon the glandular system, and is applicable to diseases of the liver and kidneys and their numerous complications, embrac ing rheumatism and gout, gall-stones, etc.; the uric acid diathesis and kin dred affections, including malaria, which deranges the glandular system, restoring these organs in their natural functions." Located 1 miles from the celebrated Tate Springs, at the base of the histories Clinch Mountain. Two Fine Cnalykate Springs "Tate Water fresh on draught." Beautiful beech grove, wildwoods and flowers, amusements,' neWwater-works, baths, etc. Quiet, comfortable, Inexpensive, just the place for families. Reasonable Rates $1.00 to $1.50 per day, $7.00 to $10.00 per week, $20.00 to $30.00 per month. WHITE FOR 40-PAGE ANNUAL FREE Hotel Open and Water Shipped Throughout- the Year. ( Water for sale in any quantity, and by eading druggists in all priucipal cities " and towns and is prescribed by physicians generally. MAST 0J1LIIS0M, Owner and Proprietor, Tate Springs Tanu -It J. - "J - - r--", -