If- r,-' - v v : ' , J . 1 ... . . - 1 t . tudaxtHE r ASHEVILLR GAZETTE October 14, 1901. . r 1 : i J" 1 V i 1 V . t :1 3 1 : I' '? I" f ii 'I U S! 1 ; N: J ..... I '5 l i. A i t 1 i ! v : 1 -i 5 I : . i i Isv6nly one of many distressing symp toms vfhich point to the presence of womanly diseases. If women thoroughly understood the relation of the local wpm- anly health to the general health, they te a the time of the Eoston tea par would understand that s. j . , mCiatn of " mp dizziness, faintness and similar feminine ail ments, cann.: be cured until the womanly health is established. Dr. Piercc-'s Favorite Prescription cures dis eases peculiar to. wom en. It establishes reg ularity, dries the drains which weaken women, heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. In curing these local dis eases, it cures the ail ments which they cause; backache, bead ache, sideache, dizzi ness, faintness, nerv ousness, and other ills peculiarly feminine. "I wtote you for advice February 4th. r?A" writes Mrs. Iyonia lialstead. of Claremore. Cherokee Nat.. Ind. Ter. "I was raekinsr with pain from the back of tny hea.l down to my heels. Had hemor rhage for weeks at a time, and was unable to sit up for ten minutes at a time. You answered my letter, advised me touse your valuable medicines, viz.. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, 'Golden Medical Discovery,' and - Pleasant Pellets,' also gave advicw about injections, baths and diet. To my surprise, fn four months from the timeM be jsa'n your treatment I was a well woman and have not had the backache since, and now I put in sixteen hours a day at hard work." Weak and sick women are invited to consult 'Dr. Pierce bv letter free. Ad dress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. The Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 pag-fc, is given away. Send 21 one cent stamps, the expense of mailing only, for the book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the volume bound in cloth. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y. May Oppose Carter lute. Gainesville, Ga.. Oct 13. If Hon. Farish Ct-ter Tato, the present con gressman from the ninth district, runs again two years from now he will ha7e opposition in the person of Hon. Thom as M. Bell, the present clerk of Hall superior court, who will without doubt try to win the nomination at that time. He is a native 01 White county, ami has been prominently mentioned for congress several times before. Historic Building to Be Razed. New York, Oct. 13. It has been de cided that the old hall of records in this city, which wras used as a prison in the duys of the revolution, shall bo removed to make way for the rapid transit tunnel. If possible, the His torical society will get poseession of parts of the building in the hope that they may be put together again on an other site. NATURAL ANXIETY. Mothers regard approaching winter with uneasiness, children take cold so easily. No disease costs more little lives than croup. It's attack is so sud den that the sufferer is often beyond human aid before the doctor arrives. Such cases yield readily to One Minute Cough Cure. Liquifies the mucous, al lays mflarnmation, removes danger. Ab olutely safe. Acts immediately. Cures oughs, Colds, grip, bronchitis, all throat and lung trouble. F. S. McMahon, Hampton, Ga.: "A bad cold rendered me voiceless just before an oratorical contest. I intended to withdraw but took One Minute Cough Cure. It re stored my voice in time to win the medal." Two Injured by Explosiorf. Arabi, Ga., Oct. 13. Frank Parra- 4 W more and a negro laborer were seri- J machinery, causing both lees and arms ously, if not fatally, injured by the ex- to be so badly mangled that amputa plosion of the boiler at the gin cf tlon of one of each member was nec Pitts & Nippers, near here. The : essary. He also sustained internal cause of the explosion is not known, ' injuries and it is doubtful if ho. will and the amount of damage to tjje ma chinery and building can hardly oe estimated with any decree of accuracy. Rooseve t Will Vitit Memphir, Memphis, Tev.n., G'2t. 13. J -a:!-..? Hammond, of th.; United Stater, cewt, today received positive r.2".;7 from President Rocscvclt tha;- ' here Nov. 19 to raitic::.::1 In the pub lic welcome home to be c:t:"r J :r; Vice Goverr.ox Luke E. YVrlrM, r enroute from the Philippine?, li vaca tion. THE WORST FORM. Multitudes are singing the praises of Kodol, the new discovery which is mak ing so many sick people well and weak people strong by digesting what they eat, by cleansing and sweetening the stomach and by transforming their food into the kind of pure, rich, red blood that makes you feel good all over. Mrs. Cranfill, of Troy, I. T., writes: For a number of years I, was troubled with indigestion and dyspepsia which grew into the worst form. Finally I was in duced to use Kodol and after using four bottles I ami entirely cured. I heartily recommend Kodol to all sufferers from indigestion and dyspepsia. Take a dose after meals. It digests what you eat. Dr. T. C. Smith's drug store. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of W AS 132 YEARS OLD. Oldest Person In United States Dies In Illinois. Chicago. Oct. 13. 'A "woman who. nentaJ con.?re9s. is dead at the home for Ared.aiH-Infirm Negroes. If the reports of hr a?e should be cor rect. S'he was the oldest person In Il linois, and possibly In the United States. f The vc -n was FMen Stewart, a slave before the civil war, three times married. frM roMicr of four children, the Is? cr v-Vim dieil several years jrr c "?. Ac-dinsj to her story e.v Mm in 1770. and cons. ov-tH v"? vears eld. The offi-"-p.i or tV r-Htut!on. in which she d'-f''.. cftnr p- i-vesti nation as thorL rvri es could be made, credited he? p't.1 -.Trent TTrti! T-sihin a few months o? her jV.'.th tM wosn v5?? in 'omrilte con. rI of her -;-'-?s and tald many s-tor-ifs of men ard women distinguished t. '"r rsys of Virieinia and Kentucky. She was born in Virginia. Orders Children from Factories. Chattanooga. Tenn., Oct. 13. Th stete factor' Inspector, as the result of-' the invesliat'm tht h? has been mek.'ng fr several days, bas nerecn1" torilv ordered r r,xrr--r rf factor:'er: in this city to discontinue the employ ment or children, and the order han been obeyed. The greater number af fected by the order are girls under 14 3"ears of age. Raised Employes Wages. City of Mexico, Oct. 13. The ques tion regarding wages between em ployes of the National Railway o! Mexico and that corporation has been 6&tisf.a'.-torily adjusted. The wages olj engineers and conductors have been raised en average of 15 per cent. BRAIN-FOOD NONSENSE. Another ridiculous food fad has "been branded by the most competent author ities. They have dispelled the silly notion that one kind of food is needed for brain, another for muscles, and still another for bones. A correct diet will not only nourish a particular part of the body, but it will sustain every oth er part. Yet, however good your food may be, its nutriment is destroyed by indigestion or dyspepsia. You must prepare for their appearance or prevent their coming by taking regular doses of Green's August Flower, the favor ite medicine of the healthy millions. A few doses aids digestion, stimulates the liver to healthy action, purifies the blood, and makes you feel buoyant and vigorous. You can get this reliable remedy at Dr. T. C. Smith's Drug Store. Get Green's Special Almanac. Press Feeders on Strike. New York, Oct. 13. A strike of 1.20H press feeders employed in the' book and Job printing trade of tbis ci.y has involved ?50 precsmen. and has, it is stated, nearly tied up the business in a large number of plants. The strike may prevent rnanv magazines J periodicals from coning cut on time. Hie Arms ar.d Legs Broken. Columbus, Miss., Oct. 13. James Kill, a machinist, in the employ of the Columbus Machinery company, fel'l from a ladder at the plant and be i came entangled in the belting of the recover. ECZEMA. ITCHING HUMORS, PIM PLES. TREATMENT FREE. Does your Skin Itch and; Burn? Dis tressing Eruptions on J3B Skin so you feel ashamed to be seen In company? Do Scabs and Scales form on the Skin, Hair or Scalp? Have you Eczema? Skin Sore and Cracked? Rash form on the Skin? Prickly Pain in the Skin? Swollen Joints? Falling Hair? All Run Down? Skin Pale? Old Sores? Eating Sores? Ulcers? To cur to stay cured take B. B. R. (Botanic Blood Balm) which makes the blood pure and rich, then the sores will heal and the Itching of eczema stop forever, the skin become clear and the blood pure. B. B. sold at drug stores $1. Trial treatment sent free and prepaid, by, writing to olood balm co.t Atlanta, Ga. De scribe your trouble and free medical advice given. Over 3000 estim.oniolB of ures by B. B. B. We are looking iror you, and it is to your interest to be looking for us when you want good things for the table. HIRAM LINDSET, 450 South Main street, Phone 200. City Market, Phone 800. vary Woman interested and should know about Che wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray 'he new Vaginal Syringe. Jnjec- The: Itnec ; Saf- Hon and Suction. Best- est Most Convenient. ii ueanses Instantly. ink TO-ir rfn!K?it far It If h -!vnot supply the Jr2AtlVKl. accpiitnn otlier. Inn Rand r:.'iiiu fnr il lustrated book s-ii.it gives iull particulars and rti '! hie to huties. 11.4 nvKi. . it mi, r a SHIP MAY BE FLOATED. Engineers to Examine oteamer Apache that Is Grounded Near Charleston. Charleston, S. C, Oct 13. Chief Eineineer S"heldon and Senior Captain Pcr-.ington, of the Clytlc Steamship company, arrived here last night, hav ing been detailed to make an examin Etion of the stranded steamer Apacho. vhich was zo haQy claarag-sd in a col lision with 'iiVlroruois in. the haivior Thnrzdcy rrr.rninir thait the chip had to be run a?rcund at Cuarzint: Point to prevent her sinVnir. L The Clyde repre-osnts,tivs. in cor-- T)any with an agent a: a i:-;w Yc.' underwriters' associs-iion. will make-n-i inspect icn of the wrecked ship tc day to get at the monetary Iczs s::2 ta:ce;l and asce-.ain whether or not the ship can b floated -v; it"". nut the as-t-fs lance oi a wrecking vcs il. Other t;t;amers have tkert t"ie r:ze of the will be occa-Hicnod ry the rsccnt acci dent. injured e.Vps and no further delays WOMEN WSTMZS3 EXCUTION. Negro Is Hanged .At C'bcrton For , Assault. Elherton, Go... Oct. 13. Henry Jones, a negro, wa-2 executed yc:t?rday after non in the p:-2s-er-ce of thousands of men and vcm-en for an ascault upon a white woman in th:.: ccunty. The drop fell at 1:07 o'clock and in about 2.0 minutes he was pronounced ('ead by the rt-rd'ing physicians. Death was caused by strangulation, the body saving caught on the trap c.oor, from where it was released by the officers. TbenegTo was hanged in a valley near town, the hillsides affording a good positiou-f.or the curious who had assembled to witness the execution. He appeared to be somewhat dazed as he ascended the steps of the scaf fold and declined to make any state ment except that he was innocent. NUSSVUM DIES SUDDENLY. Representative-Elect of Decatur Coun ty Drops Dead In Bainbridge. Baanbridge Ga., Oct. 13. Representa. five-elect Bonbart Nussbaum died of heart failure at noon yesterday. The deceased, fn the Democratic primary, led the ticket by big ma jority, attesting his wide popularity. He was interested in many enterprises in this city, and has bev,n a potent factor in the upbuilding of Bainbridge. He was of the firm of the Nussbaum Light and Ice company, president of Oak City Cooperage company and Live Oak Cooperage company and a direc tor of the First national bank. He leaves a mother and a large fam ily of brothers and sisters. May Not Issue Bonds. Jackson, Miss., Oct. 13. The state officials are now trying to figure how Mississippi's financial affairs can be worked out for the next GO days with out the necessity of a bond issue, and the belief is expressed by Auditor Cole and Treasurer Carlisle that the in come during the period will be suffi cient to meet the outstanding obliga tions, notwithstanding the fact that the debit side of he ledger nearly trebles that of the credit side. Priv ilege tax payments, however, are ex pected to be sufficient to balance the pension appropriation of $200,000, and also the current expenses of the gov ernment for October, which will amount to nearly a quarter of a mil lion dollars. The financial situation was anticipated several months ago and is causing no uneasiness. Weely Bank Statement. New York, Oct. 13. The statement of the associated banks for the week ending today shows: Loans $874", 847,900. increase $2,344,200; deposits $872,340,600, increase $164,600; circu lation $37,072,500, increase $411,400; legal tenders $67,247,300. increase $1,319,000; specie $152,338,200, in crease$l,068.300; reserve $219,612,400, decrease $250,700; reserve required $218,085,150, increase, $40,150; sur plus $1,527,350, decrease $325,825; on United States 'deposit $11,719,675, de crease $291,850. Steamship Ljne Absorbed. New York, Oct. 13. Prom an official source, says The Journal of Commerce, it has been learned that the American AiaAic Steamship company, which was recently formed by capitalists interest ed in the China Development compa ny, has absorbed the Philippine Steam ship line, which is operated by tne Philippine Transportation and Con struction, company. The steamship business of the latter company will be entirely absorbed,, biu the Philippine end of the business will be continued by the old company. FORTY YEARS' TORTURE. To ne relieved from a torturing- dis ease after 40 years' torture might well cause the gratitude of anyone. That is what DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve did for C. Haney, Geneva, O. He says: "DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured me tit pllea after I had suffered 40 years." Cures outs, burns wounds, skin disease. NIGHT FIGHT WITH MASKED BURGLARS Prominent Citizen of Lexing ton, Ky., Killed. SON GOES "I HIS RESCUE. Encounters Robbers In Darkness of Hall and Exchange of Shots Occurs. He Was Mortally Wounded Citizens I Searching for Murderers. Lexington, Ky., Oct. 13 A. B. Chinn, ,of the firm of Chinn &Todd, dry goods merchants in this city, one of the most prominent business men and con federate soldiers in Kentucky, was shot to death by two masked burglars at 3:30 o'clock this morning in his bedroom at his home at the "south end of the city. His son, Aza, who heard the noise, rushed to his father's rescue and open ed fire on the burglars through a clos ed door -with a rifle. The burglars returned the. fire and Asa was per haps mortally wounded. Citizens and police are searching for the murderers but no clew is yet found. The battle in the hall was a terrific one. So close were the burglars to Asa Chinn that there were powder burms on his face, and1 he is lucky to have escaped with Ms life. His room is directly in front of that of hda par ents and he had scarcely gone to sleep when his mother's screams aroused him. " Covered with Revolvers. The two burglare stood at the bed side of Mr. and Mrs. Ohinn and, strik ing a match, covered them with their revolvers, demanding money. It was by the light of this match that Mrs. Chinn Saw their green masks. Her impressions of the personal appear ance of the men is very hazy. When ; young Chinn heard his mother's screams and the voices of the bur glars, he jumped from his bed and grasped a pistol and an old rifle ani went through the hall to the door of his parents' room. The door was partially open, but not so that he could aim at the burglars, whose voices indicated that they were direct ly behind the panel. Chinn attempt ed to fire through the panel, but his bullet deflected. This caused one of the men who had his revolver pressed against the elder Chinn's breast, to discharge it through his heart. Young Chinn's Brave FighL The two then made a break to es cape, hut encountered Young Chinn in the hall, where he attempted to fight them in the dark. The elder Chinri, in the meantime, though fatally wound ed, made his way to the hall, thinking to aid his son, but staggered and fell dead. Young Chinn received three wounds. One bullet grazed the tip of his nose and ploughed through the cheek. Another inflicted a wound in the neck and shattered the jaw, while a third struck him in hue left arm, causing him to drop the rifle which he had in that hand. A. B. Chinn, the murdered man, was a deacon in the Central Christian church. He was 68 years old. WALL CALLAPSES. Five Workmen Were Buried Under the Debris. Jackson, Mich., Oct 13. Tne nortn west wall of the Otsego hotel, in pro cess of construction, collapsed this morning while 13 men were at work on the roof. Eight of them escaped by jumping to another part of the structure. The other five went down as 'the roof fell. One, Henry Gilt ner, is still buried in the ruins, while the others have been taken out seri ously, but it is thought, not fatally in jured. Their names are William Thomas, George vanAlen, William Mc Key and Pat O'Connor. The contractor for the building ?s Mayor Pickles, who was in the struc ture when the wall collapsed. It is said that the building was inspected and pronounced satisfactory by the in spector last night. Kempton Park Races. New York, Oct. 13. At the Kemp ton park meeting the rich imperial I produce plate of 3,000 sovereigns, for 2-year-oiais, nas oeen won, says a .tier aid dispatch from London, by Sir Dan iel Coopers' Flotsam, 7 to 4, on the favorite, 'with the American Jockey "Danny" Maher in the saddle. Sir H. yincent's Countermark, a 20 to 1 Chance, was second. W. C. Whitney's Zaza, with "Skeets" Martin up, was third. The king's colors were car ried in the race by Persistence, but the youngster finished' nearer last'-than first. DON'T COUGH ALL NIGHT. Restful sleep follows use of Dr. King's New Discovery, . the best run cure In the world. No cure, no pay. 50c $1.00. All druggist. . The Kind You Have Always in use for over 30 years, Allow S7? All Counterfeits, Imitations and ' Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR 1 A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. Large Ccal Shipment. Harrisburg, Pa., Oct. 13. Twenty five cars of anthracite coal mined and broken this week at the colliery of the Liken Valley Coal company, were shipped frorn Likens yesterday. There was no demonstration as the cars were started for Harrisburg. on their way to Philadelphia. The breakers at Likens and Williainstown are be ing operated without intereferenca Money Raised for Strikers. Butte, Mont.. Oct. 13 The various labcr bo-dies of Butte have raised over 53,000 for the benefit of the striking ccal miners of the Pennsylvania an thracite fields. Under the auspices cf the Miners and Smelters union it is proposed to give a ball at which it is expected every union man in Butte and vicinity will attend or buy a tick et. There are about 8,000 miners slvA smelter men in Eutte alone, and it is expected to raise about $10,000 for the Pennsylvania miners. THE PEOPLE'S National Family Newspai New York Tri-Weekly Tribune. Published Monday and WedneidM and Friday, is in reality a fine, fre every-otber-day dally, giving the latest news on days of Issue, and covrln& news ot the other three. It contains all important foreign cable new wbici appears In the TXAJLY TRIBUNB ol same date, also Domestic and Poreii Correspondence, Short Storls, Kleg-urt Hali-tone Illustrations, FJumorou Items, industrial information, Fashior Notes, Agricultural Mattra and Com prehenslve and reliable nnancial acc Market reports . We furnish it with THIS SEil WEEKLY GAZETTE for J2.00 rf' year. Send all orders to TUB GAZETTE, Ashevillt. N. C. Mil I M-tes Mwt Effective Oct. 27. 1901, Northbound Passenger Mixed Mi-. Chester Lv. 6.46 am S.SO am Yorkville Gastonia " 7.50 am 10.28 am " 9.20 am l.lipm " 10.24 am .10 pm " 11.09 am 6.00 pm "11.45am 6.10 pm 7.iyi, "12.15 pm 6.55 pm 7.pir Ar. 1.00 pin 8.20 pm 10.01 Lincoln ton Newton Hickory Cliffs Lenoir Southbound Passenger, Mixed Mixi Lenoir Lv. 3.10 pm 6.00 am 2.06 n Cliffs " 2.57 pan 7.50 pm 4.20 ats Hickory " S.10 pm 8.10 am 4.(0 a Newton " 3.40 pm 9.55 am Llncolnton " 4.28 pm 11.40 am Gastonia ' 5.42 pm 2.00 pm Yorkville " 6.47 pm 1.58 pm Chester Ar. 8.00 pm 6.00 pm CONNBCnONS. Cheater Southern Ry., S. A. L., ac L. & C Yorkville S. C. & G. Extension. Gastonla Southern Ry. Llncolnton S. A. It. Newton and Hickory Southern Ry. Lenoir Blowing Rock Stage Una v r- Bought, and which has been has borne the signature of and has beenmade Under his per sonal supervision since its infancy no one to deceive you in this. Signature of NOTICE. District Court of the United States, Western District of North Carolina. Greensboro, N. C, Sept. iSth. 12. It is hereby ordered that a special Perm of the District court of the United States for the Western District of North Carolina be held in the city of Charlotte, N. C, commencing on Thurs day, the twentieth day of November, 1902, for the hearing and trill of crim inal cases only, and the following cases are hereby designated and set down for trial at "the said Special Term, to-wit: The United States vs. Wm. E, Breese, the United States vs. Joseph E. Dick- erson and the United States vs. Wm. H. Penland, and it is further ordered that the said Wm. E. Breese, Joseph J- iiftti ijuii dxii 111. li, i r-.a.ju personally appear at the said term in obedience to the recognizances hereto fore given by them and each of them to appear and answer at such Special Term ae might be ordered for the trial of the said cases. It is further ordered that the jury commissioners at Char lotte draw a jury from the box, of SO in number, to serve at said term, ar.d that the clerk issue the usual order to the marshal that they may be duly summoned. It is further ordered that a copy of this order be published for four weeks in the Dally Charlotte Ob server and in the Ashevilie Gazette, and that the clerk also certify a copy of this order to the United States attorney for the western district of North Carolina and to the attorneys of record for the above named defendants. v JAS. E. BOYD. U. S. District Judge. I, H. C. Cowles, clerk of the district court of the United States for the west ern district of North Carolina, do here by certify the foregoing to be a true, full and complete copy of the original order as fully as the same remains on file and o. record in my office. In testimony weherof I hereunto set my hand and .affix the seal of the said court at office in the city of Char lotte, in said district, this the 19th day of September, A. D. 1S02. (Seal.) II. C. COWLES, Clerk of eaid District Court. till oct2l CHANGE IN SERVICE OF SLEEPING CARS Trains 41 and 42 will be discontinued between Spartanburg and Morristown, with last train leaving Morristown, Tenn., Sunday, October 12; last trau leaving- Spartanburg for !Morristown Monday, October 13. With the discontinuance of tbf-s -' trains, the Macon-Asheville sleejirg -:ar line will also be discontinued, las: r leaving Macon Saturday night, October 11; last car leaving Ashevilie Sunday night. October 12. Mobile-Asheville sleeping car lire wi.'l be shortened to Mobile-Birrr.ingham line. Last car for" Ashev.iie K-aving Mobile Saturday night, October 11. Last car leaving Ashevilie Monday, Oc tober 13. Charleston-AshevilJe sleeping car line on trains 9 and 10 will be shortened to Charleston-Columbia line; trains 15 and 15. Last through car leaving Charles ton Saturday night, October 11. Last through car leaving Ashevilie Sunday, October 12. The Memphis-Asheville sleeping car line on trains 11 and 12 will be short ened and made Chattanooga-Memphis line. Last through car leaves Mem phis October 18, and last car leave3 I Ashevilie October 20. Light Biscuits; Light Cakes; Light Pastry ; and, Light Hearts, i Q,uickasa'Wink! ( AnS ihe SemsnS h tacb thai &abt'ifycacsn buy H Tt3 HO 2? !;-.,T , , - I