i (r ,, , pagc f -Tuesday- THE ASHE VILLE GAZETTE -October 14,1902. ; , , 1 - Vf' 'V ' . 4 .1 1 : . ' ' " " " t. '.- ' - ill r. s W - . .J1 1 ii 1 A 1 ft, , 1 1 1 ' u 4' ' f 10 PfiR CENT J j! DISCOUNT Our tuyer Is now in the north purchasing CARPETS, RUGS and MATTINGS, and in order to reduce our large stock before these goods arrive we are offer ing 10 per cent discount lor cash on any carpets, rugs or mattings we have in stock. This Is an ex ceptional opportnlty to secure your fall floor covering tinder the regular price. SAWYER'S Carpet House Phone 228. 18 and 20 Church St. Everything for the floor. v Fresh Today Grapes Pineapples Telephone 250 for anytning you want in FRUITS LEE'S 25-27 South Main Street. Phone 250 BOYS' SUITS 7, 8, 9 and 10 Years For $3,00, They are $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00 Stilts. Here is a bargain if you have a 'boy they will fit. A brand new stock of Hats, Shirts, Neckwear and Hosiery at reasonable prices. The Toggery Shop Phone 261. 18 Pattoai avenue. 1000 Patterns of Woolens for suits made to order. Bestowing Care on all goods, fine and course, sent here for laundering IN THE WASHING, IN THE IRONING, IN THE FOLDING, IN THE WRAPPING, IN THE DELIVERING. in fact, everything that would in any way tend to improve our work and make it more satis factory to our patrons is the plan followed at the Asheville Steam Laundry Phone 95. A Trial Of our Coal will con vince you that you can save money by using it. Carolina Coal and Ice Co. Phone 120. 23 Fatton Ave. Get Your Stock Fat Before the dead of winter comes and they. won t ioe so nara to keep and while we sell feed so cheap.. Just received a car of cotton seed peal and hulls, fresh new stock, Hay, corn, oats, middlings and bran, Groceries and Vegetables in abundance. FRANK S. FOSTER. Corner Depott and Roberts .street. . Phone 512. Contractors Let us do your electrical worki We will, gladly estimate on , any thing in our line. Repairing and job work given prompt attention. Wl. Hearn S& Go. ' Rmt 4S. : t i Pattoo avenue. Electrical CITY NEWS ' The Asheville Hardware Company, There is a new coal company-'; in Asheville. Its -title is "The standard Coal company," and William RT McCoy is president. The .office is at the Oaks hotel and the coal yard id1 opposite the depot. - - ' - , There were 14 cases in the police court yesterday, mostly drunks and disorder lies. One Flem Moss was bound over to court for carrying concealed weap ons. The cjase of R. F. Capps, who Is charged with larceny, was left over until this morning. ' J. M. Copelin, who was taken to Waynesville Friday In the custody of an Atlanta, Ga., officer, on a charge of embezzlement of the Haywood White Sulphur Springs hotel has been re-' leased under bond, and is to apipear there at the next term of court to an swer to the charges. J. C Ross of the Eastman school, Eastman, N. Y., is in the city and will teach penmanship in the iputrtic schools during the next three months. Mr. Ross has strong estimonials as a suc cessful teacher of penmanship. He will also co-operate with Prof. Shockley of the 'business college. Sunday night Captain Jordan and Patrolman Page arrested three .men, Jim Franklin, Sam Crawford and Hen ry McDowell, for stealing a case of half pint bottles of whiskey from Pat. Mclntyre last Wednesday night. The officers found an mpty bottle in Crip ple Creek and worked on this clew until they found their men, who were tried before 'Squire James and bound over to court. The extension of the Asheville ' & Craggy Mountain railway from Over look park to Stevenson's Gap was for mally opened with an excursion Sun day. The extension is d mile and a quarter long. Steam is the motive power used. It is announced that within two weeks the track will be laid half a mile fuiher, to Locust Gap. Dr. C. P. Ambler of the board of trade committee on the Y. M. C. A. is in. receipt of a letter from James H. Cutler of Bangor, Me., saying that Mr. Cutler is willing to pay $50 toward the expenses of bringing to Asheville the Katherine Ridgeway Concert company, for a Y. M. C. A. benefit. This com pany charges $135 for each perform ance. They appeared here last year, Mr. Cutler paying the entire cost. He will pay $50 this year, if a large house can be guaranteed. Miss Ridgeway is one of the very finest elocutionists in the country. The date proposed for her appearance is February 20. Fish, Oysters, Game, Willis'. Phone 23. tf. Blomberg's Selecto cigar has been improved to a long Havana filler and is now the leader in Asheville. Changes His Politics The following appeared in last week's Madison Eagle: To the Editor of the Eagle. I take thds opportunity to say to the common voters of Madison county that I have always in my past life voted the demo cratic ticket, but seeing so many good, honest, but poor voters in Madison county disfranchised by the Simmons gang i intend, in the future to cast my lot with, and work for, .the republican party that stands for equal nights to all and special privileges to none. H. D. FRISBEE. Joe, N. q., Oct. 6, 1902. "Finding out that they had tax paid tags on 'em." When a man discovers that his best umbrella has disappeared it indicates that a storm is brewing and the bet ter the umbrella the harder the storm will be. WHICH IS IT? Is it a question of money, or is it a question of value? Big values for little money is our motto. We hatve now ready for your Inspection one of the handsomest and most select lines of Men's Clothing and Men's Furnishings you have ever had the pleasure of se lecting from. It is no longer a question of how cheap you can buy a suit of clothes or replenish . your wardrobes with furnishing goods. But the question is where can vou buy the latest - styles and obtain the best qualities. These questions we will answer by Inviting you to our store and showing you our beautiful fall styles, in Fine Clothing and Men's Fur nishings, the handsomest and most unique designs in shirts. Neckwear, Silk and Wool Underwear, Hats and Caps of the latest creation at I. W.' GIA.SEil, 18 South Main street, Asheville, N. G. tf. The largest selection imported goods in the state at Blomberg's sporting goods department. Grand Opera House Whitlock Bros., M'rs. Three Nights and Matinee commencing Monday, Oct. 20 MEL "The Idol of the South" supported by the : Southern Stock Company in a Repertoire of Plays at Popu lar Prices. . Magnificent Costumes. Special Scenery. New Songs and Dances- Matinee Wednesday af ternoon 10 1 and 20c. Night prices, 10, 20. and 30c. Seats oh flftlfi ar. tVift Par a arm Printr " ' And everything pertaining to them can be had at tne store of the : : : : : Asheville, Cycle Company Paono 228. . " ' Nop. 18 ar.d 20 Church street. Free Air for Your Tires. 66 There'll Be Somethina Doing ' of unUPual interest every day opportunity it presents to you just the right price. HIRAM THli Store 450 S. Main Su Phone 200, easons Why youjshould buy TRUNKS YAL.ISJ&S AND HAND GRIPS AT THE 5 BOSTON SHOE STORE Reason One : This is the largest retail shoe store in the State. Here you can get Jwhat you want. Reason Two : All goods are bought di rect troni manufacturers. Here you save middle man's profit. t Reason Three : rvery pair of shoes you buy here is guaranteed solid leather. Reason Pour: Buine for cash, selling for cash enables them to give you better values. Reason Five : They do their own work. No extra prices are added for clerk hire. Reason Six : When you buy any article and wish to return it they refund your money. Reason Seven : When you make a purchase here you can rest assured that you are treated right and are buying the latest styles The Boston AN INTERESTING BOOK and the evenings will not appear 80 long. If you want the latest new books you will always find them here. It is our pride to kep up with popular new books as they come from publishers. BOGERS' BOOK STORE, 39 Patton Ave. Sign of tne Book. Phone 254. The Finest . Line of French Briar and Meerschaum Pipes South of New York at . the rurms Window Shades made to order and made to fit the win dow. Our Jine is complete. Two large furniture stocks to select from, Two delivery wagons to ?ive quick service, GKEBN BROTHERS 43-45 PATRON AVENUE this season. DON'T MISS the to get quality beyond question at LINDSEY n-BOCER City Market Phone 800. BERKELEY CIGAR STAND. We can supply all the furniture. Fine Roll-Top Desks, Flat Top Desks, Chairs, Art Squares, Rugs and Couches. A good Coal or Wood Heater, Shoe Sore Office says dem dare.Hbg'5 Foots at Nolands am pow'ful ood; Dey tasts jist likes dcm Ole Mossy use ter put up. D.G. 21 N. Main St. Phone 51. See Us For everytbiDin mmmmmmmmmmmummmm our liue before deciding to Rent or Buy. J. H. WEAVER CO. Real Estate Brokers 54 Patcou Ave., Asheville, M; U The Market Tea Store Tea, Coffee, Spices, Ex tracts, N'ut butter. Co coa. Chocolate, Coffee Substitutes Coffee Koast ed daily 3 College St. Piiene 719. . C P. Baker. Prop A FEW VACANT ROOMS Several good comfortable rooms va cant. House In cool grove io. suburbs of Asheville. Finest well water. Fresh Butter, milk and eggs in abundance. North Main street car every 20 minutes. Phone 295. Ask street car conductor for Mra. Col. J. M. Ray's, Ramoth, N. C, or apply at Ray's Book Store, 8 North Court Square. soUlntttlN HOTfcL, Mils: S. RTEyEN&ON, 1 rop. Best $1.00 per day house in the city. Hot and cold baths. All lines of cars pass the door. Special rates by the week. Centrally Located. 26 S. Main St. Asheville. N. C. Fall and Winter Has Now Set In How is your ClothiDg and Dregs Goods ? We can suit you in Style and Pric9. SEE TH S POINT ? GEO. W. JENKINS, Phone 12S. 45 South Main St. FOR SHERIFF I herby announce myself an inde pendent Republican candidate for the office, of sheriff of Buncombe county. H. L. HERREN. t' Compells me to sell my stock as soon as possible and shall do so this week at COST: Bird Seed 6c a pound, packages or 'bulk. Cuttle Fish, 2c pound. Bird' Gravel, 5 and 8c. Parrot Biscuit and Food. 16c. Mocking Bird Food, 19 and 26c. Bird Bitters and other remedies 17c. Fish Food, 5c. Gold Fish, 5 and 10c, big ones. Dog and Puppy Biscuits 24c. log Collars at Cost. Dog Soaps at your, own price, all kinds. All Aquariums and Ornaments, Bird Cages, etc., at just what they cost Come early to get the pick. THE NUT SHELL, 25 South Main street, opposite Heston's . Your Dog Tax Must be Paid Before Oct. 14th. The dog catcher will be loosed on that day. This gives ample time for all to get tags who have already paid their tax. v J. S. Fullam, Chief of Police. NOLAND SICKNESS rornimmn h. REDWOOD & CO. www I HIGH ART E Made by STROUSE, well cut md well trim- 3 med, of the materials most in favor this autumn, 2 1 $10 to $20 I gr This merchandise is almost up to the grmde of cus g torn work at about half the price. We show a 2 gr choice line of it, 3 iiUiUiuiu 7 and 9 Patton Ave. luuiiiiuil ?arii: Superior equipmtRl ; are at your service if you want good i;-- coal. The bet that can be bought. Screened ;,t our own yard. r1 I Asheville Ice & Coal C H. T. Collins, Pr. . Dlinna A f n ni o. i nunc 3 . anon A 'e. Choice Cuts of Spring Lamb Prime Beef. Tender Pork and Mutton. Spring Chickens. Zimmerman & Whitehead City Market. Ph one For in If1 A TC , 66 J. H. McGINNESS Successor to Carl Schultz. ..Practical Dyer and Gleaner,, No. 37 South Main Street Phor. e 206. Films Developed While You Wait I) New method of develop- Sfc uy uayngut develop me.nt machines. Less J time" Better relts. Deve Bfl lop and fix in 8 miDUtes. !m Machines for sale. J RAY'S BOOK STORE (ft) 8 N. Court Square Osteopathy Is curing thousands of chroDic cases elsewhere. It can do it here. Asheville ought not to be behind the times. C, M. CASE, Phone 683. No. 10 Church St. Murphy & Co,, BROKERS. Phone 649: Private Wire. Continuous s Quotations. 61 Broadway, New York 11 Church St., Asheville Refer to Blue Ridere National Bank THE GOOD OF MEAT Is In getting the best of it without paying too high a price. You always have the BEST to choose from here plenty of variety and the best of eajh. Lutz Meat Co. City Market. Phone 754. To Esvepy One Do not sell your Furniture without seeing Lacy. He will give you a:i that it is worth. Try him. Call anJ see him when you want to buy or soil Furniture. Stoves or anything in that line. He tries to treat every one fair and square. A good $80 organ going at less than half price. Don't miss this bargain. Remember His Number, 33 North Main Street- CLOT HILL'S n - Ul HING 3 j