' 1 1 . '"' -" - ' 'r' VOL. VII NO., 225 ASHEVILLE, N. G., THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 30, 1902. FIVE CENTS PER COPT. FOUR DOLLARS A TEAR. 1 ,r 25c - or 25c , r 25c . r 25c r 25c ;' ir 25c ,) ?r 25o or 25c Hgara V w1, Here At Last! (Cold weather) Also N C. 10-4 Wool Blankets offered eyerv day this week (50 pair) at$2i50 pair. ' Kersey Coats Tailor made, bought to sell at $8.50, 'for $6.98. English Kersey Coats S styles, guaranteed. Satin linings, tans, cas tors black ana Diue. Bought to sell at $12.50 and as good as others sell at $12.50. J$1Q is our moving price and your mone refunded if equal value offered for less than $12.50, Some swell tight fitting short coats in this lot. Underwear from 10c to $3 a garment. Good val- ues and sizes for all at. Sumner, Sons & Co. BLOCKS PANAMA NEGOTIATION CHARGE BROUGHT Ur y-ORE- TARY HAY AGAINST THE COL OMBIAN MINISTER. MUSIC OVER A Crisis Admitted to Have Risen in the Negotiation fop" the Canal. THE SWEET POWER OF POWERS POWER Editor of the Gazette: Yesterday I called the attention of the citizens of Buncombe county to the j Reed-iculous and re-Mark-able disap pearance of one Bryson Douglass, col ored, from the county chain gang with in a very short time after the beginning of his term of imprisonment . What I had then to say was necessarily vague and uncertain . It was stated, however, that said Douglass was the owner of a very fine organ whether it was, or is now, a Reed organ I cannot of course tell; as Capt. Powers says, "there are others who know more about that thin" T do. But. as said vesterdav. it has THE QUESTION REGARDING THIS j been persistently said that soon after PHASE OF THE MATTER SAID TO wagon was seen pursuing a virtuoso V noi cr'h'hnrh noii BE THE CAUSE OF HITCH IN Gf the home of the Reed-iculous captain k I of the convicts. Other circumstances THE PROCEEDINGS. I have now been brought to my attention ' which may throw some light on this Washington, Oct. 29. Secretary Hay mQSt interesting and romantic affair. has complained officially to the Colom-' These circumstances may not seem Io nian government of alleged obstructive ' some-and perhaps are notoi mucn . . , . iixroicrVit in lpnHm? ns tn tnp truth. Of tlllS tactics by Senor Concha, uoiomDian r " aH Wppri GREAT PARADE AT STATE FAIR YESTERDAY'S PROCESSION RE QUIRED AN HOUR TO PASS A GIVEN POINT. AMERICAN AUTHORITY OVER THE RAILWAY. Railway's Appeal in a Damage Suit Causes a Sensation in Superior Court. NEWSPAPER CHARGED WITH FALSE REPORT. MRS. CARRIE NATION DREW A GREAT CROWD Mrs. ' Carrie Nation has been gone. She spoke briefly last night in the court house and again out on the square. After seeing and hearing her, one no longer feels like calling her Car rie. She is a nice looking old woman, unmistakably of limited education and intellectual ability, but a ready speak er and the possessor of an earnest a;r and rather pleasing manner. he has a strong voice, with a ring of sweet ness in it. She makes 6imply an or- j tnodox temperance speech, telling vne things, most of them home truths, that minister here, in connection, with the negotiations of the Panama canal treaty. Concha Saturday declined to begin negotiations until he knew the interpretation his government, placed on the action of Admiral Casey in as serting American authority over rne traffic on the Panama railroad. Jtiay has instructed United States Minister iculous mystery every little thing which can by any possibility throw light on it is to be carefully considered and puch importance given to it as we may think it deserves1. I The new circumstances are tlisse: Rumor has it that there is much more music organ . music in Limestone township "Capt." Powers lives in this REPUBLICAN EXECUTIVE COM MITTEE OF FOURTH DISTRICT FAILS TO ENDORSE AT WATER'S CANDIDACY. and have been told many times before. So says she is a common woman, at the common people. At the end of her lec ture she has souvenir hatchets to sell, the proceeds to go, she explains", to the founding of a home for drunkards' wives in Kansas City. She came early in the afternoon and stopped at the Oaks hotel. She leaves early this morning for Columbia. A large crowd assembled on the square early last evening to hear her, and when she began to speak the court house was packed and Jammed. 'She received liberal applause. SENATOR PR1TCHARD SPEAKS AT CONCORD Hart at Bogato to complain to Co- township than there was before the Bristle Goods Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Bath Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Complexion Brushes. We carry a fine line of .all bristle goods, prices to ' suit the k times. Pfafflin's Drug Store, Corner Patton ave. Street. and Church lrm hi a. of Concha's obstructive meth ods. It is virtually admitted that a crisis has arisen in the Panama canal negotiations. At the Colombian legation it was declared tonight that the state depart ment was mistaken ira believing Con- cha has had in his possession for sev eral wpeks instructions from his gov- ahead with the canal f n YoulNeed a Ouiek Heating Stove Today One that will look well, last well and consume the smallest amount of fuel. Let us send around a Cole Heater For wood or coal. We also have large lot of coal scuttles, shov els, pokers and tcfngs, all little priced. AshevilleHardware Go. t nn-ntit.tlnr; IT WIS SaiU xl the legation that, instead of obstruct ing the negotiations, Concha has done everything to bring about a more lib eral disposition on the part of his gov ernment toward the United btates. A HIGH TEA It was announced Sunday at the Aud itorium that the. Ladies' Parsonage Aid society of Central Methodist church would give a high tea at the new par sonage on Church street Friday after noon and night of this' week. Mr. Stikeleather, who made the announce ment, said it was called 'a high tea be cause 25 cents would be the entrance admission, the proceeds going xo we furnishing of the parsonage. Genelemen as well as ladies are in vited. Hours 4 to 10 p. m. Friday. passing of Douglass and it is said that the lonely wayfarer, iwith a very slight excess of his imagination, may hear, as if from the voices of woodland sprites, to .the accompaniment of a sweet toned organ, the wor'ds of the pretty little song: "Shall our parting be foreveSt, Andour future life be drea I When the bonds of love we'sever Ana 'We go liiiu nicnuo v u.a,i . Flemish Oak plate itacks, a nice line just in. French Mammoth Freesia mixed Ro man Hyacinths and Darwin Tulips, for sale at J. H. Law's, 35 Pattoa avenue. Or this "Could ye come back to me, Douglass, t Douglass, In the old likeness that I once knew, I would be so faithful, so loving Doug lass, Douglass. Doug-lass, tender and true And out of the distance the man'y voice of the tender and true one replies: "Some day I'll wander back again; Or: , .... - - - I know not when our eyes may meet, I know not when our eye9 may neet. What welcome you may give to me, Or will your words b sad or sweet. It may not be till years have passed, Till eves are dim and tresses gray The world is widebut, love, at last Our hands, our hearts must meet some day. Some dav. some day." etc. Reader, the election will soon be over and then, let me congratulate you. For many say, as Capt. Powers' neighbors say now: "The air is now filled with music And the cares that infest the day Have folded their tents like Bryson And as silently stolen away." Isn't this all Reed-iculous? INQUIRER. On the square. Aeheville, N. Phone 87. C. You Can't Fit Your Eves with a Tape Measure Come to us, we will give them a scientific examination, and grind the leases to fit each eye correctly. Satis faction guaranteed. McKee, - Optician (Opposite Postoffice. 54 Patton ave. RTS . : Experience Stiff Bosom Shirts for Fall and Win ter wear in neat figures and stripes At $1.00 and $1.50 t, T It If you have never med one ask your neighbor that has, he wi)l tell you the E. J. MORGAN APPROVES MR. WARREN'S CANDIDACY Editor of the Gazette: I understand that the executive com mittee of the citizens' ticket has placed on the ticket the name of J. W. war ren as successor to E. J. Morgan. I wish to say that I am well pleased witn the choice made. Mr. Warren is one of the most energetic and capable vnunc onen in the west end of the county and will command a strong vote. I regret the circumstances wrnicn iorc ed me to resign for I wish the ticket success. Respectfully, - E. G. .MORGAN. fFSTERDAY'S FOOTBALL Ths AshPviiiA school second football tp-nrm defeated ths Asheville second team "by a score of 6 to 0 yesterday af tAmnnn. Thfi teams were very evenly imatphod onri tha B-a.me was a hard fought one from beginning to end. suvp.rai men were knocked out on pithpr: -side. The scoring wlas done in the first half and at no time during the second half was the Asheville goal in flanker, while the Asheville school goal was threatened several times. The line up for Asheville was: Ottinger, f. b. Rniherts r. h. : Miller. 1. h.: James, q to.: Beatles, r. e.; Koone, r. t.; Goodwin, r. er Roam, c: JiiomiDerg, i. g.; wbuv, i t Mills, l. e. Substitutes Braman, Whittington. Special to the Gazette. Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 29. There was never before in Raleigh such a pro cession as the industrial and floral parade, in connection with the state' fair, today. There was a large number of floats and decorated carriages, ana the military feature alone was unprece dented on such an occasion. There were seven military organizations, be sides the Agricultural and Mechanical college cadets, the latter having 400 boys under arms. It took an hour for the procession to pass a given point. The attendance today was variously es timated from 8,000 to 12,000. A sensation was created in wake Superior court his morning when, the suit of F. G. Sigman, a former em ploye, for $50,000 damages against the Western North Carolina railway and the Southern railway for the loss of an arm and other injuries was called. F. H. Busbee, attorney for the railroads, presented an order from Judge Purnell removing the case to the United States circuit court. This order was given on affidavit of Mr. Busbee ini which he claims this is a suit between a citizen of this state and a corporation of an other state and asks that it be tried in the federal court. He spates turtner that from oreiudice and local influence the defendant cannot get justice in W'ake unijV' He- deefttres further that there is a daily paper in Raleigh which prints false statements about ilu-flv L.nd its officers anrl nreiudices the people in this sec tion. The Colley case is cited, and the affidavit declares that this news- naer. the News and Observer, sought tn influence this case against the de fpnm diirine the trial. Mr. Busbee asked Judge Timberlake to ;strike it fT-r, the Wake docket, as the case is in the federal court. Judge Timberlake sairl that the Southern railway had become a domestic corporation, and he refused the prayer. He ordered the in The attornev for the r-dncH then annealed from Judge i Timhprlake's ruling ave bond. Judge j Timberlake said that the witnesses had heen hrnns-ht here and the case should I 0 . JlJ-y-s. iKe trMort The Southern then onereu w pay the Witnesses they had summoned, and this' was so ordered. The republican executive committee f v, -cnnrth riistriot met here today 'tnke nation in reference to nominat- iriicr a ran didate for congress. Some were in fawir ot endorsing Aiwi. but it was decided to take no action , whatever. V - - KING LEOPOLD WILLI VISIT ST LOUIS Special to the Gazette. Concord, N. C, Oct.. 29. Senator Pritchard spoke here today to a packed house. He was introduced by F. L. Emerv. superintendent of the Odell mills. He spoke one and a half hours and made the best speech ever heard in Concord by any one. iviany lauies were present, and 'the senator received - - - . -TT a number ot bouquets, tie couumcu the democratic hard times of 1892 with the republican good times of the present. None present wanted to re turn to the conditions under democratic administration. In state matters, he showed the comparison of the two ad ministrations to the great advantage oi the republicans. 'The speaker was cheered enthusias tically all through is a-ddress. Many votes will be the result of the speech.. Several prominent democrats congrat ulated the senator. The republicans will rarrv Cabarrus by 300 majority. Senator Pritchard speaks tonignt at Salisbury. London, Oct. 29. A Brussels die patch says that Kipig Leopold has ac cepted an invitation to attend tha Louisianan purchase exposition at St. Louis. RHYMER-GWALTNEY frrACTiATi ri en oe of the Gazette. Alexander. Oct. 29. J. iU. uwaitney. cn.n nf .T . A. Gwaltney of Alexander. and Miss Sallie Rhymer, the beautiful nnrl arwmvnlished daughter ot antcneii Rhymer, were married, tnis morning au s o'clock at Alexander chapel by Rev. Mr. BassetCJBTJrj3fijnany,je tives and irienas oi uie uouiiaiut, narties present, who wish them long life and happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Gwaltney spent yester day and last night at Mrs. P. J. John son's boarding house and leave today for their home at Alexander. STRIKE GOMMISSIOH ARRIVES IN SORANTOII Mitchell Preparing the Miners Side of Controversy for Presentation. Wilkesbarre, Oct. 29. Mitchell will not be present at the first day inves tigation of the strike unless he changes his plans. He decided tonight to re main here and finish the report of th miners side or tne controversy, which he hopes to present to the commission early next week. He denied the re port that ex-Senator Hill of New York had been engaged to represent the min ers before the commission. This after noon he discussed with District Presi dent Nichols and W. E. Weyl plans for presenting the miners' side. Scranton, Oct. 29. The members of the strike commission reached here shortly before 11 o'clock tonight rand wept to tne lotelermyn. They trere mei'at the station by T. H. Watklna. The commission will hold no formal sessions for the express purpose of taking testimony while in Scranton. On Friday they will be driven arouncj the mines of the city and Saturday will go to Wilkesbarre. Select stocky trees with rather low hearts. If they have plenty oi feiue shoots, all the better, as these indicate plenty of good roots. Good, straight stems are desirable in the young apple, pear or other trees, but plenty of clean, bright roots is of greater importance. Biltmore Firewood. Phone 700. tf. There is not precious or semi precious gem that possesses more beautiful colors than the Hyacinths Glasses in For growing in grasses the single named varieties are best. Choice bulbs in popular colors) 10c each. Hyacinth glasses, Bohemian style, 15c each. t(l INDUCE NEGROES TO Zr:. OSTRACISE THE LAWLESS New Orleans, Oct. 29.-The execu f,V v,'itt nf the. Southern Negro i'rck- in session here, has resolved n,t wich hea flnnarters in each or IV CO L Ci. K1-1 i ' VfrS'-Wrern states. The omcers at VJfeS'o h'SflnuarteTs will investigate all reports' of atrocities charged to negroes 5tilW the facts. The congress win rv inflnpB the neeroes w usua- 4,o thr.a nf their race who are an rfectlv or indirectly connected with law- . - , , i isesness. OP A L 6rant Pharmacy r - J-t -VT C 4 A.t J APT ..mm.4. We have thousands ot them to show you which we have lust bought at one-half their value and will be glad to give you the benefit of the reduction. Grant's No. 24 cures cold, 25 cents. Shirt Waist Patterns IS Big variety to se lect from. WHITLOCK'S 41 Patton Avenue. Wilson Heater" the Best Stove on Earth She But mamma ays you refuse to I listen -to reason. He Gerat cuns! Does she, call her self reason? Houses Pop ' Kent. v. no ryf furnished and un A QlUNUe XAOfc - furnished houses in various sections, ot the city. Modern will be glad to give onnveniences. " We 3.. Interested '. pax- We have a car to select frbbi. . load W. A. Boyce 11 South Court Square Any and all Leading- Brand 5c cigars 7 for 25c, at Blombergrs cigar store. Biltmore Firewood. Phone 700. No One H For Sale Oir Exchange. ties full information and enow housea upon application at our office. Wilkie & LaBarbe Real Estate and Renting Agents, Real Estate Agents, No. 23 Patton ave. Phone 661. Arthur M- Field Company Leading Jewejers C!or. Church St. and Patton Ave. i , Asheville, N. C, Shirt Waists so in Just Recei A car load of Flower Pots, and owing A heautlful modern country home I noy TJ!ntrVQm anhftftl.; I'HoUSe 9 rOOmS, 10 ares of land In high state of culti- to delay in shipment. Xrom factory will j property. We are. offering- splendid terested call at once as they are ibound Buys our Lady Fingers and Maccaroons .but they say they are the best ever bought. These. I Patton avenue and Main street. aTe all choice values. , ; - HESTON'S Phone 183i , . 26 So,,Main. 1 0YEII16 AND GliMIIIIG Agents for the Old Staten Is land Dyeing establishment. Es tablished 1819, New. York city. Bon Marche, 15 ; South- Main street. Write or call for price P.op Rent Ijaxge boarding house on Spruce street, recently repaired and renovated, good rfiade, for $60.00 month. for Sale, Beautiful suburban house with 60 acres, -water and sewerage. Astbn, Rawls &Co We are showing lsmartM and "exclusive" designs materials for waists, those heavy Madras, suitable for fall and winter wear. We are also showing some very neat and (attractive ready-to-wear shirt iwaists in Velvet, Flannel and Madras. The fit is "perfect. If you -wear iwaists you should see us. I ill We Do Merchant . Tailoring mm -1 '! . :r: V i 9 ii il ii: i "1 m ii; V . j 1 j; m is t Si. ii! ii t .1 !! ii . V'5 jf-. 1'i j i"i : ' f C ' ' . j - ' - ... - i j - . -i r " MM - .v.'4W-'.! i . 'J f tf- ' - -i - v - mi I' Vt--V-.: to go. The I X'Li Iepartrnent. Store, 22 1 list r t Patton avenue: Phone 107. V 1 'J 1 . 1 i Natt Atkinson & Sons Co Real Estate Dealers. T : . -. -v 1 v ;.y.. ....