. t i ' i .' -"' i t 5 V.,, , . "'1' 4,- , V ; L " - V- Psaob s -rWEDNESDY-CTE ASHEVIH-E GAZETTE rNOv. 5.i902. r "7e Perecf , 5 ... PURE, PALATABLE, POPULAR t MlUions Arc Eating MALT A-VITA -'The Perfect Food" Malta-Vita is so prepared as to be easily digested and assimilated by old packties at 15 cents at your grocers. MaltaVita- Pore Battle Creek, GEORGIA LEGISLATURE. Both Houses Will Get Down to Busi ness This Week. Atlanta, Nov. 4. Now tfcat the standing committees of tooth, house and senate have been appointed and organized, the legislature- will get down to business this week. Some thin;; like 200 bilte and resolutions have already been introduced in the Louse and referred to appropriate com- j mittees, which will have about allj they can do this week getting these measures in shape and reporting them back for a second reading, or, If the report is adverse, f6r such action as the house may see fit to take. One-half the measures introduced o far are purely local; perhaps even more of them apply only to particular sections or communities of the state. All of these except where there may he a local factional fight will be re portcd back favorably and passed with out discussion. Many of the general bills introduced will have hard fishtine for life, while ethers will die from adverse report. The legislature has given pretty fair Indication of its oomposition; it is con servative throughout, and it is evi dent that radical legislation will have a hard time fighting its way to the statute books. So far no really new general legis lation has been proposed in either uuu&e. rracticany every general dui of any consequence introduced so far is a counterpart of or similar to some measure that was before the legisla ture last year or the year before. The same amendments to the constitution that were proposed last year and which "were thoroughly discussed before a Joint committee of the house and. sen ate, are now finding their way before Joint committee of the house and Senate, are now flnHn? thlr wjlv hr. 1- 1 . 1 .11 1?1 fore both bodies. This year, however, those proposed constitutional amend tteir Win be considered by the regu w standing committees of both houees anri reported on separately and in reg. ular order. There will be no joint committee as last year, when VC was fn"nr1 that this committee's work oc cuPi'M so much time that it was im- '"-iii,e at the close 01 the session to piv, the proposed amendments prop r f lnsideration. Tni-re are some new measures on ei ational subjects, and a bill to pre Tpnt bribery in primary elections which H doubtless receive serious consul- "inn. However, the session has "Illy lip-min nrA mnn-. -,V, vMvn.t. le, of r'"". emu iiia.lL v umci uicao uico li""i e3t will doubtless appear) in course of the next week or two. ARB SIMPLY PERFECT. 8ar- King's New Life Pills are prompt, e gentle and always satisfy or no Best for stomach and liver. ?5c. 11 druggists. opie are charitable after all When " 'nan goes from a $50 to a $100 job 'ls friono vi .... -i , uiuw aooui 11. out wuu; ts bark tn Q tin Is gaici. . 0 1 The Kind Yon Have Always BsqgEt 8i :r Food" or Sram V Removes the Cause Dyspepsia and Insomnia Malta-Vita is the vital, the life-giving food; the invigorator ot brain and body. Malta-Vita is rich in phosphates, or brain food Malta-Vita is -the original and onfy perfectly cooked, thoroughly malted, flaked and toasted whole wheat food. Malta-Vita contains all of the gluten of the whole wheat, and is the peer of all prepared foods as a bone and muscle builder. Jferfect Health is Sustained by a Perfect Food Malta-Vita, "the perfect food," eaten for breakfast and supper, insures perfect diges tion, and removes all causes of insomnia and dyspepsia. 00 of the ills of life are due to poor digestion. Perfect health, sound restful sleep, clear complexion, bright eyes, clean, white teeth, sweet breath, are the blessings that follow a regular diet of Malta-Vita. Beware of Imitations. Insist on getting Malta . Vita, "the perfect food." Requires vo cook ing, always ready to eat. Michigan MURDERS NEAR SAVANNAH. Dead Bodies of Old White Man and Negro Discovered. Savannah, Ga., Nov. 4. G-ugie Bour quin, 65 years old, and "a negro man were murdered some time yesterday near the place Oi the former, about 6 miles from the city. The two were driving together when they were shot. Bourquin's body was found in the buggy, and that of the negro was found 100 yards distant. Both men were dead. Edward F. Lovell, Jr., and H. S. Dresses, who live in that neighbor hood, made the discovery. They re ported their find to the authorities upon their arrival in the city and deputy sheriffs, with bloodhounds, are seeking to find. the trail of the mur derers. The' motive of the crime is not known. From time to time Mr. Bour quin has had trouble with pot hunt ers who have sought to ehoot the game that is to be found In abundance on his place. It is thought possible that the killing may have grown out of some such trouble. Behind the buggy was found a doublebarreled shotgun, with tti percussion caps missing, though the gun was loaded. MASONIC HALL DESTROYED. Building and Contests Burn at Buch anan Loss $3,000. Buchanan, Ga., Nov, 4. The Mason ic hall, a two story frame bulkBing with the hall above and store room un derneath, was destroyed by fire yester. day morning at 1 o'clock. Loss of Masonic lodge, upper floor and furniture, $800; Insurance, $600. Odd Fellows, loss $500; no insurance. Mrs. Henry Hammond, who owned tha store room underneath, loss $400, cov ered by insurance. Loss ot Strick land Bros., stock, of goods, $1,500 ; insurance, $1,000. A small unoccu pied store room owned by Mrs. Bella Bishop was also burned, loss $200, no insurance. Loveless & Son's store was also damaged, but extent of dam age has not been ascertained. Loss rsred by insurance. Origin of fire nown. England's Volunteer System. New York; Nov. 4. England's toI unteer system is virtually on its'teial. according to The, Tribune's Ixralon correspondent. "War Secretary Brode rick has decreed' that tho volunteers must spend six days in camp at a fix ed period and this regulation nas caused a great deaLof dissatisfactioa. Notices i of numerous resignations of officers have been given, and there has 'been a big falling off in the re cruiting returns. The exact state of affairs will not be known until offi cial statistics are issued. Called to Door and Slain. Nashville, Tenm, Nov. 4. A special tn T'ho 'RnfiTWvr fvnm Rnnrta form 'that ' last night J)y unknown parties wiio emotied both barrels of a shotgun in to His breast, and he Hied wrthin a few hours. Burgess was a private deteetive. . ' r V " . . - Gazette 'wants" one cent a word. '-If;' and Muscle of and young, sick or well. Large r; m. B00" Food C Toronto, Canada PASSENGER STRIKE3 ENGINE. . Illinois Central Limited Wrecked at Jackson, Miss. Jackson, Miss., Nov. 4. The north bound limited Illinois Central due here at 2:30 o'clock crashed into a switch engine in the soifth end Jackson yards this afternoon and both engines were completely demolished, as was also the mail car. Engineer Jarvis, of the limited, and Engineer Brassfleld, of the switch en gine, and their firemen jumped, there by saving their lives. Several pas sengers were badly shaken up and bruised, but only one J. J. Roberts, of New Orlaens was seriously injured. The members of the Frank Daniels Opera company were badly shaken up, one girl having a tooth broken out. Dr. Albert Rawson Dead. New York, Nov. 4. Dr. Albert Leighton Rawson, known in this coun try and Europe as a writer and illus trator of bibillcal works, is dead at his homo in this city at the age of 74. He spent many years of his life in the Holy Land, and received degrees from a number of institutions of learning. In 1872 Dr. Rawson married the daugh ter of Laura Keene, the actress, who came Into fame through being the leading woman on the stage of Ford's theater In Washington on the night preceding Lincoln's assassination. HEALS AS BY MAXHC. If a pain, sore, wound, burn, scald, cut or piles distress you, Bucklen's Arnica Salve will cure It, or no pay. NOVEMBER M'CLURES The November McClure's, which ap pears with a permanent addition of six teen pages of reading matter, is a strik ing and memorable number. Undoubt edly the' most important magazine ar ticle of the month is the first instalment of Ida M. Tarbell's long announced announced History of the Standard Oil Company," which it is safe to wfagier will be the most widely-read se rial of the year. Tn the "Birth of an Industry" Miss Tarbell outlines what had been accomplished in the oil regions' before the Standard Oil was born. It is a story that finds Its parallel only In the history of the discovery of gold in California. It is better reading than a novel. Following Miss Tarbell comes a tale by Conan Doyle, seductively .baited with the title "The Leather Funnel," and with gorgeous illustrations by A. Castaigne. There is no need for picking and choosing among the stories; every one is first class. There is a fire depart ment story, "A Change of Profession," by Lewis E. Macbrayne; a story by Miss Dtaskam aliout a, "trained nurse, "In the Valley of the Shadow;" one by Hamlin Garland about Sitting Bull. NO TTMH TO FOOL AWAY. Coughs, Colds and lung troubles de mand prompt treatment with Dr. King's New Discovery. No cure no pay. 50c., $1.00. All druggists. After being out steel pens are an nealed and tempered iwith oil to insure great springiness to the pens. v Up-to-date Young Woman Some of them do; but I should advise you to stand on a stool. In dressing a chicken one should make a clean breast of it. DISPOSAL QF PUBLIC LANDS dTONCLE M Eeport of Commissioner-General Land Office. r NCR EASE OVER PREVIOUS YEAR. Public Lands Disposed of by the Gov ernment During the Year Aggregated 19,488,535 Acres 1,000,000 Acres Were Sold for CasTi. Washington, isov. 4. The annual re port of Binger Herman, commissioner of the general land office, shows that the public lands disposed of by the government during the year aggregat ed 19,488,535 acres, an increase of 3,925,738 acres over the previous year. Of the aggregate 1,757,793 acres wo?e sold for cash; 17,614,792 acres were embraced in miscellaneous entries, ana the remainder was Indian lands. On Oct. 1 last there were 54 forest reserves, embracing 60,175,765 acres, an increase of almost 14,000,000 acres since the last report. During the fiscal year there were 1,663, forest fires discovered which burned over 87,799 acres. The constantly decreasing area burned over was 67,799 acres. The commissioner said the proper policing of the forest land during the year has shown the following result: "1. The work has proven self-sup porting. z. it has In addition brought m a revenue to the government. "3. Needed timber supplies have been placed within lawful reach of the public. "4. Timber depredations with the reserve limits have practically ceased Concerning re-forestation, the report saye: "Assuming that the re-forestation of the denuded areas in the forest 'e- serves where sufficient moisture pre vails to make the germination of seeds of the native trees possible might bc- erpected to result in good time, if the recurrence of the devastating fires could be reduced to a m inimum, and proper limits and reduced to a safe basis. The forest force has been re quired to make extra exertion to pre vent damage by fire and to keep the office fully informed relative to the effects of stock grazing and to keep out stock not licensed to enter the reserves, and all the evidences point to almost unvarying success." ROBBED INDIAN OF $22,000. Disguised as Squaws White Men Make Big Haul. Missoula, Mont., Nov. 4. iA wealthy Flathead Indian named Matchell has been robbed of $22,000 in cash, the money consisting of $100 bills and $20 gold pieces. Matchell visited the town of Plains and during his absence at night a man dressed as a squaw visited his home on Gamas Prairie and engaged in con versation with Matchell's squaw. Mrs Matchell noticed, that the visitor was not an Indian squaw, but a white man, and her suspicions were aroused when she saw two men run from an outbuild ing where the wealth had been stored, carrying something with them. The robbers jumped on their horses which were nearby, the man that had been talking to the squaw joined them. and the three hurried away, leaving n clew. Matchell is the wealthiest full-blood Indian on the reservation. He has large herds of cattle and horses and was always known to have money, which he kept in an old trunk in an outbuilding. LADRONES MURDER TEACHER. Superintendent of Schools In Centra Negros Slain. Manila, Nov. 4. D. C. Montgomery, superintendent of schools in central Negros, was murdered Friday by La drones, three miles from Bacolod. Mr. Montgomery was going to Bacolod for a consultation with the acting superin tendent and. to assume control of the division. He had a large sum of money with him. Six natives, armed with bolos and spears attached him', quickly killed him and then mutilated and robbed him. The constabulary have offered a reward for Montgomery's murderers and it is thought they will be captured. Robbery is understood to have been the motive for the crime. This is the first instance of a teacher in the Phil ippine islands being harmed while in the discharge of his duty. Mr. Montgomery leaves a widow, who is a teacher in the island of Ne gros. " Death Calls Rev. A. B. Pope. Zebulon, Ga,, Nov. 3. Rev. A. B. Pope died at 11:30 a. m. yesterday at his home in Concord after a lingering illness of several months. Mr. Pope had 'been ' a member of the North Georgia conference, but his health faiL ing him he was relieved at his request about four years agp, and resumed the practice of law, which he had pre viously abandoned for the ministry. He was a son of the late Judge Pope, of this place, and leaves four little children and a widow, who is a sister of State School Commissioner W. B. Merritt. Found Dead in Their Room. Baltimore, MxL, Nor. 4. W. Mur ray, of "Baltimore county, and Kenneth Steed of Henderson, N. C, were as phyxiated In taeir room Sunday. Ash ouille Business Directory. A DESHtABLE OFFICE, in Temple Court for rent. WM. JOHNSTON. Jr., 20 Tenule Court. Apothecary. - PARAGON DHUO CO. Id ward Hopkins, president; L. B. Wheeler, secretary and treasurer. Opposite P. O. Prescription Phone 260. Public Phone 471. Prescription our specialty. Artistic Paper Hanging J. R. McFALL, 36 N. Main. Phone 469. House and Decorative Painter and Artistic Paper Hanger. Latest de signs in 'Burlaps for your inspection. Workmanship guaranteed. DIRT CHEAP DIRT for sale cheap, on College street. Park street, Wooctfln street. Bailey street and Merrimon avenue. Ashe ville Dray Co., B. M. Ramsey, Mgr. Asheville Bone and Tallow Co Manufacturers of Bone Meal and HIGH GRADE FERTILIZERS. All orders receive prompt attention. Phone 333. Asheville Pressing Club J. C. Wllbar. Proprietor. 4 North Court square. 1 . 'PHONE 389. 'ire Merchant Tailoring and Cleaning I'anama Hats a specialty. 'PHONE 389. Anheville Wagon and Horse shoeing Shops ' S. C. WALLACE, Proprietor. Lexing ton avenue and Willow street. Man ufacturer of Farm, Road and Delivery Wagons. Carriage painting and trim ming. Horse shoeing a specialty. All work guaranteed. Phone-S2S. Annandale Dairy Phone 378. Superior milk and cream, for those who want the beat. Address, Wm. Johnston, Jr. 20 Temple Couit. Cleaning, Dyeing, Repairing Soiled clothing thoroughly scoured before pressing: Work done for ladles and gents. Heavy skirts and woolen waists cleaned properly. Ten years ex perience. Work sent for and delivered. W. B. WOOD. Phone 556. 49 College street. Country Produce a Specialty GEORGE W. DAVIS, 347 Haywood St. Phone 786. I have Just closed a con tract with a southern farmer to keep my stock of green groceries complete, Free. FREE Swimming Lessons to Bathers free. Swimming Bath with Hot Saower, 25c; Tub Baths, 25c; Tub Baths, 25c; Turkish Batbs, $1.00. Open nights till 10 o'clock. Turkish Baths, Haywood street. Groceries and Feed PALMER & JOHNSON, near Passen ger depot. Phone 672. Dealers in Groceries and Feed. We handle the Busy Bee Hams and Breakfast Ba con. Try our Perfection Flour. Prices the lowest for cash. Prompt delivery. Hide and Metal House S. STERNBERG, Office Phone tZi, Residence Phone 486. I pay highest cash prices for Hides, Metals, Second Hand Machinery, Wool, Furs, Bees wax and Ginseng. For Rent FOR RENT Six room new house. No. 100 Bailey sreet. All modern and very convenient. Apply to W. O. Wolfe. Monument works, corner Court place and Market street, Asheville, N. C. OUR STOCK of choicest seasoned and selected lum ber is ample to meet every demand for any and every kind of mill work. We've all the regular sizes of sash, both glazed and unglazed, doors and blinds in stock, but if they don't please we'd like to figure on any special size or design you require. We can save you money. 6. H. LAMBERT 87-89 South Main St. If You Have Rheumatisi I IF) If ft ill the great tested and URlGSUL T'l'Z you. It also cures Liver, Kidney and Bladder diseases, caused by an excess of uric add. It never falls, and builds up the health and strength while using it Send stamp for book of wonderful cer tificates. Price, 1 per bottle. For sale by druggists. If your druggist can not supply yoa It will be sent prepaid upon receipt of price. Address Urlcsol Chemical Co.,LosAngeles,Cil. or the Lamar & Rankin Drag Co., Atlanta, 6a. Distributing Agents. When a mother calls her boys to get up In the morning, she has so much sympathy for them that she never calls loud till the sixth time. If here is anything in the supersti tion that rice-throwing brings good luck, it is a wonder it Is not thrown after the hearse at a funeral. ST Boars ths Signature of Tha Kind You HamJUvrajs Bcnp Lady (engaging a maid Was your last mistress satisfied with you? Maid Well, mum, she said she was very pleased when I left. For Sale Cheap FOR SALE CHEAP A good pair ot gentle match horses. Millard & La ater. Reel Estate REAL ESTATE if you wish a board-, ing house, furnished or unfurnished, or any other kind of a house. Call on D. S. Watson, 26 South Main street. Iaivery Stable J. R. OATES, 38 College street. Phont 50. Best equipped Livery Stable la Asheville. Well groomed horses, fin carriages and reliable drivers. NEW MEAT MARKET LEDFORD & FORD have opened up a new meat market at their old stand. 339 W. Haywood. The best, of beef, lamb, mutton, veal, poultry and same. Phqne orders given prompt attention. 'Phone 19L 339 W. Hay wood street. Monumental Granite Works S. I. BEAN, 103 Pat ton avenue. Phons 526. Monumental Marble and Granlt Works. Tablets and Tiles. Estimate furnished on Building Stone Work. Music House C. FALK, Proprietor, 37 South Main street. Phone 206. "Gaebler and Kel ler & Sons' Pianos. Sheet Music. Pianos tuned. Monuments and Tomb Stones I will have in a complete new stock at iow prices, designs of the latest at low nrices. W. O. WOLFE. Wolfe Building, Court place and Mar ket street. BOARD! BOARD!! BOARD Good board in private family. ciucmxiu iooauon, large front rooms, near in. Terms reasonable. Apply H North French Broad avenue. Cereals The leading Health Food Is BILTMORB WHEAT-HEARTS . . School of Ralston Physical Culture. Private or class instruction by Miss Cornelison, third floor, Paragon build ing. FORJSALE ( FOR SALE Eight room brtalr hntiM and 4 acres, one-half mile from Bilt more $3,000. Beat bargain near Ashe ville. J. M. Campbell. Phone 154. 169 S. Main St. S. J. Harris, Dealer in Groceries, Provisions, Glas and Queen's Ware. Shoes, Dry Goods and Notions. Will save you 10 to 25 per cent on every dollar spent with us. Staple and FancyGroceries M. B. GARREN, 371 South Main street. Phone 892. Dealer in Flour, Feed, Hay and Fine Groceries. Extra quality sweet potatoes. Orders promptly delivered. Stoner Brothers CASH STORE, 30 South Main street, is the place to snake profitable rh tradee. You are invited. Steel Ranges and Heating Stoves W. A. BOYCE, 11 South Court Square. Phone 17. "Wilson Heater," the best stove on earth. A car load to select from. Read What the First Profess ional Pastry Baker of this Country Says of Rum ford Baking Powder Hotel Frontenac, Round Island, St Lawrence River. "Rumford Baking Powder has been used exclusively in this hotel and the Bon Air, Augusta, Georgia, ever since my connection with them, and I have found it SUPERIOR to anv of the other baking powders for fine pastry work, griddle cakes, waffles, biscuit, etc. From many remarks heard among our guests I am satisfied Rumford Is not only the FINEST of all baking powders in its work, but the most healthful of any." J. .GEO. VORHATJER, Pastry Cook. Murphy & Co., BROKERS. J 1 Phone 649: Private Wire."1 Continuous Quotations. 16 Broadway, New York 11 Church St., Asheville Refer to Bine KicUra National Bank "Is there much tone to her- new dress?" . ' "Well, it has accordion plaits and fluted ruffles." A wdman always speaks of her muff as her furs. ' - X-'.v . 5 i I V 1 1, J 3 'i i t s -I I v-! t n . h ' i I, 1 1 . ... , . - i . - I ' i' . V ' V s. -1 VS. v '