. ' -. r, 'V V 11 t PAGE 5 WEDNESDAY THE ASHEVILI.E GAZETTE NOV, 26, 1902. ! t" Ill' VIRGINIA NEGROES 1 TEST MAKE win TOBACCO TRUST WILL LIKELY YIELD Bring Civil Suit for $5,000 Each Complainant, for Al- iflp-ed Damages on Account of Suffrage Amendment. for in tioll. nd, Nov. 25. It was learned moon that John S. Wise and lays, counsel for the negroes nd to contest the new const! are iUviug lyiiuicu luiius iiic- hereby negroes throughout the v filling in tneir names, may ,uit, if the court allows, of $5,- alleged damages sustained by ,,t having been refused registra- The paper declared the entire tillltl"l r"U I UCL'U cttt lire uiciu- ,f the convention were not sworn .iiort it. and that the governor is fry I 1 J 4. 1 A. 1 worn omciai anu uie enure ship conspirators, operating to jm citizens a constitutional i:i vir iU tut i-" brinf? ! tot THANKSGIVING SERVICES The French Broad Baptist church Cordially invites the public to unite with them in Tnanksgiving services this evening from 7:30' to 8:30 o'clock. LADIES for see lor. inhi f Th- ; -la t'M- t r 1 1 , ...r asks that the governor, leg statc board of canvassers and rtion othcers who refused regis to applicants be anade amena i.iinages. Great indignation is iiMT the move, as it will ex riip'dity of the ignorant class. juilgment in a test case would 1 1 a large portion of the leading ill.- state. To the Pressure Brought to Bear by the Independent Warehousemen and Growers No Extra Session of Ken tucky Legislature Likely to Be Held. Frankfort, Nov. 25. A committee consisting of legislators and others pre sented a petition to the governor today calling attention to the refusal of the tobacco excange to admit the Home To bacco Warehouse company, and re questing him to call an extra session to regulate warehouses and grant such relief as independent warehouses and tobacco growers sought. The governor promised that if the trust failed to take action in giving relief within four days he would take proper steps to give those discriminated against whatever assistance he could. Tobacco people believe trust will now admit the independent house and it will be unnecessary for the governor to call the extra session. A DISORDERLY CROWD Tr! .lu- li w i h.-iul'-l uiity. Thanksgiving service program, First Baptist church, beginning 11 a. m.: Organj prelude Gloria, from Mozart's Mass . Inivocatio'ix. Doxology. Anthem "The Lord Is Loving Unto Every Man," Quartet. Reading df scriptures the pastor, i Hymn "Coronation." Reading of president's proclamation J. C. Martin. Reading of governor's proclamation J. M. Gudger, jr. Hymn "America." Prayer Rev. W. A. Therrell. Quartet "Cottman," Misses Moore and Hildebrand, Messrs. Dalton and Riley. Sermon Rev. W. B. Rutledge. Offering for Orphans' home at Thorn asville. Postlude "Festival March," Cramer W. M. Vines, pastor. John . Dalton, chorister. J. P. Howatt, organist. First Church of Christ, Scientist Thanksgiving service Thursday at 11 a. m. Our fine tailor made garments ladies are exquisite. Call and them. F. l. HORTON, Prop. (over Theobold's Cafe) No. 28 Patton avenue. Phone 595. Grape Fruit, Oranges, Malaga Grapes, I Lemons, Bananas and Apples. Hiram Lindsey, City Market and 450 South Main street. Imported and Domestic Ggars Sold by the Bar at Factory Prices at the KELEV GIGAR STAND If You Want.... HERE AT LAST Our New York milliner Is later this I season than usual, but at last he has sent us TWO HUNDRED of the most beautiful Ladies' Pattern Hats we have ! ever had before. You will remember last season we made a big sale on these hats at $3.48, but being late in getting them we will place them on sale at $1.98. A very rare chance for the ladies to g&t a nice hat for less than one-half its valro. THE BIG BALTIMORE. Something Nice for your THANKSGIVING DINNER Go to The New Groceryman, 2 doors from Market House. Agent for Kingan's Reliable Hams. JERSEYS 3Y EXPRESS IHT.- 1 ilSlol f.-:i..i:: Will! v. . I " (!' h:iri,ri Th- tv. i Before Justice W. A. James Yesterday. James had eight or nine ne- i, before him yesterday on the of being drunk and disorderly nought that more were in the hut they have not been, appre as yet. All but one plead not hut the evidence showed that iic crowd had gone to a dance v. -mile, disturbing the people out y fighting, cursing and shooting Squire James put each de i upon the stand, and the re as slightly ludicrous. l the exception of one, every wit uore that he was not drunk. It hown that pistols were tired in owil, but every one denied that 1 anything to do with that, each n ur that some one else was the party. magistrate fined the whole par th the excePtion of the one who Three Fine Specimens Arrive at the Biltmore Estate. A telegram was received yesterday afternoon by the Southern Express company's Asheville office instructing the management here to be prepared to handle three jersey cows consigned to the Biltmore estate. The stock came by express last ev ening from Virginia and are fine specimens of their kind. Thanksgiving services will be held at All Souls' church. Biltmore, tomorrow morning at 11 a. m. Let me furnish your Thanksgiving dinner table I have a fine assortment of everything for the table. Hiram Lindsey, 450 South Main street and City Market Professional IcunleHSfil DR. DUS0N TO LEAVE v. V. Duson, formerly 1 1 ; 1 1 V Atit"ri with . P. Ambler, will in all proba make his future home in San Tex. A letter to this ertect p-veived by Dr. Ambler and w.i Ah is. thi l s aWo stated by Dr. Duson when is w- last that he was expecting a elsewhere. iMison 'will be interested in. land ipme-nt in the future. HiS father iz- .l a company several years ago ow owns 170,000 acres of land in It is the purpose to irrigate w section by an extensive sys f canals. IMPROVEMENTS AT BATTERY PARK M. E. HAYES DEAD Postmaster M. E. Hayes of Leicester died yesterday at 9:30 a. m. He had been very ill for about ten days and his death was not unexpected. Nothing definite has been learned of the funeral ar rangements . Mr. Hayes has held the position of postmaster at Leicester for a number of years. J, DIKES GRANBEBRY, 0, 0 OSTEOPATH RECTOR'S AID SOCIETY Re-wiring of the House Has Been Completed Other Improvements. The re-wiring of the Battery Park hotel has been completed and the ho tel Is now a first class insurance risk. Several hundred dollars worth of new bathtub haye been put in and. many departments of the hotel show much improvement, as new furniture, car- Well Attended Meeting Held Yesterday. The Rector's Aid society of Trinity parish met in Trinity chapel at 4 p. m. yesterday. The meeting was well at' tended and the usual routine business was transacted. A committee was ap pointed to draw up fitting- resolutions on the death of Miss Amelia F. Miller, who was a member of Trinity Sunday school, and of the society. NORTH CAROLINA DAY pets and curtains have been added. A bright, heavy carpet will in a few will Be Generally Observed in all the days be laid on the steps leading from SchooU - i i ma 13 i.iui in ttiuiiifa uwj For several days a torce oi laooreib . G. . r,rorQr. Zyll VVJlt3 J'VJ1 IV, T ' J U Maid In attendance. Hours 9 to 1: 3 to 5. 10 Church street. White Onions, yellow Onions, red On ions and Spanish Onions, yellow Tur nips and Cabbage. Hiram Lindsey, City Market and S. Main street. If you buy of us you get the very best 1 in the market. That's the only kind we handle. Hiram Lindsey. PEOPLE DELIGHTED The many people who have seen our new Wolfe Shoe say it is .vonderful how we can sell them so cheap. Now are you among those who have not seen this surprisingly low-priced line of Sol Id Leather Shoes? If you are, as an ex tra inducement to get you to try jus one pair of these shoes we will for one week offer them to you at the follow ing prices: Sizes for children 5'to 8 at 50c. and 75c. Sizes 8 to 11, 85c, 90c and $1.15. Sizes 11 to 2, $1.00, $1.15 and $1.25. Boys' sizes 9 to 12, $1.25. Sizes 13 to 2, $1.35 and 3 to 5, $1.50. Ladies' all sizes, $1.25 and $1.50. Remember If any Wolfe Shoe we sell is not all leather we will give you a new pair free of charge. THE BIG BALTIMORE. rS 5 For all the Very Latest and Up-to-Date Styles in ..Footwear.. SEE 6. A. MEARS 32 South Main Street, Opposite New Building. 9 Si 3 have been at work on the lawns, and pprnenters have been repairing the summer houses, walks and fences. LAND AND LUMBER CO. BREESE ON THE STAND Th. lab- Him Incorporators Are Now Prospecting in the Western Section. An article appearing in the Gazette yesterday morning has caused much interest among local lumbermen as well as others of Asheville who are interest ed in the citv's development. The ar ticle referred to was an announcement that the Alleghany Land and Lumber company of Asheville was chartered with an authorized capital of $25,000 Two of the incorporators, A. M. King of :'iiamsport, Pa., and Judge H. B. Stevens of Asheville, are now on a prospecting tour in the west. It is their purpose to make additional purchases of timber lands. Their operations will no doubt be very extensive. ation for North Carolina day has been going on in all the public and private schools of the city. Among the schools that have a very entertaining -program planned is the Home and Industrial. Music, recitations and songs will con stitute the exercises. All of the celebrations will take place this morning and parents and friends can feel confident of being entertained anould they visit any of the schools. Spe. ial to the Gazette. charlotte, N. C. Nov. 25. The de- in the Breese case today placed Major Hreese uipon the stand. His testimony will probably consume ai ist two days. morning hours of the court were of character wiTnesTer Among REMEMBER MISSION HOSPITAL h v.-re A. T. Summey, G. W. Wil- iamson and Mayor Miller of Asheville. s, Hyams, clerk of the Asheville it. testified as to the identity of cer i .beds of trust. tit or special from Elizabeth City says: 'How prisoner today asked Jim "x if he would .be content with a li' i f murder in the second de- Wilcox said: "Give me liberty Kiv- me death." Your oorrespond- ntl.-avored to interview the fa ns prisoner, but he would not talk. - fallows evidently has no terrors him. He would rather hanir than ffff imprisonment. He has inti atnl ;his before. The custom of sending gifts of mon- ey, provisions ana supplies ml an maus to the Mission hospital on Thanksgiv ing day is eo fully established that the people of Asheville, need only be reminded as the season POSTOFFICE HOURS As tomorrow is a national holiday, the letter carriers make only one de livery and one collection. They make their regular morning delivery and im mediately after a collection in the bus iness district. The windows will be open from 8:30 to 10 a. m., but at the latter hour will close for the re mainder Of the day, and the author ities say there will (be no "back door" delivery. There will be no rural delivery ser vice on Thanksgiving, and the rural delivery carriers will be given a holi day for the first time since the sys tem was inaugurated. THE ONLY CLEAN PEOPLE ' nn3hp, are the people who take Turkish baths, rf ;Kth nf thtfit nature: that the necessities of that institution . th , softened by steaming are greater than ever before, the num- (in catinet or steam room) enlivened by ber of charity patients having already iIulation then cleansed by rub- exceeded the whole of last year. bing. If you have the right kind of The coming winter, with the at- temperament, your cold morning bath tendant expenses of fuel, etc., makes ia a g-ood tonic; if not, It weakens you. Mission, hospital. In any case, it does not make you clean, it necessary that those interested in It gives you a sort of surface cleanli- .uin ,v oii T-AmA-mheir the hospitaj ness, out it aoes not reuwve me "u- VV vl XV . - 1 . . nromntly and liberally. Gifts may be left with any or me Isarlinir P-rnCPrS. WhO 'Will QtJllVtii Citron Lemon and Orange Peel, Figs, Raisins, Prunes, Apricots, Peaches, Currants and Raisins. Hiram Lind sey. It would take this entire paper to print a list of all the good things we have for Thanksgiving. Hiram Lind sey. FIReTn BALTIMORE The great fire In Baltimore caused several people to lose many dollars, but the people of Asheville have a chance to be the gainers. Our buyer secured from a big skirt manufacturer in Bal timore about five hundred skirts v hicb were saved unharmed from this lire. The goods have been bought at start - lingly lo wprices and we have them. These skirts are now divided Lno thrc classes which we have marked -it 98c, $1.48 and $1.98. They are well made of elegant materials and in the latest styles. Now lay aside all prejudice and come and see these skirt bargains and if you think them extra cheap, buv one. If not, don't buy. Fair, isn't it? THE BIG BALTIMORE. Pumpkin Pie, Strawberry Jelly and Jams, Mince Meat and Plum Pudding in cans. Hiram Lindsey, 450 South Main street. Get Ready (or ThanksgiYing The Dining Room must look well on the national feast day, and we have just the things to make the home beautiful. GOLDEN OAK SIDEBOARDS EXTENSION DINING TABLES DINING CHAIRS AND PICTURES Lnbta-ScMHer Furniture Co. 16 Patton Ave. Asheville, N. C Rugs Matting Carpets Curtains Pictures Positions Secured The following situations were recently secured through Shockley's Agency: Miss Edna Millis with C. R. Baird & Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., salary $50.00 per month; Miss Julia Wyatt with Scoggtins & WhHtmore, Chattanooga, $50.00 per month; Otto Brandly, South ern Express Co., Charlotte, N. C, $40.00 per month; P. L. Ward, Southern Ex press, city, $35.00; G. L. Barnhill, Win yah Sanitarium; W. D. Stammey, Ord- way & Co., Atlanta, Ga., $85.00 per month. We are literally overrun with appll- 1 nations for voune men and we want at least eight more to enter Asheville Business College at once. Paragon. Opposite P. O., 3rd floor, H. S. SHOCKLEY, Principal We've the biggest line of good things to eat of any house in Asheville. Hiram Lindsey, 450 South Main street and City Market. ANNOUNCEMENT. I announce to the public of Ashevill that I am now prepared to furnish them with Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage, Poultry of all kinds. Vegetables, Fruits, Butter, Eggs, Milk, etc. Also a fine lot of Groceries, choice Steaks from eight to twelve and a half cents a pound, having remodeled my house, I am prepared to furnish the above at very reasonable prices. Give ine a call. G. E. ATKINS, No. 15 Gay street. Phone 578- Bell Phone 311. French and American Peas and Bos ton Baked Beans, with or without To mato Sauce. Hiram Lindsey, 450 South Main street. them, or may be sent r direct to the trap lippers ARIEL QUARTETTE Arid Quartette, the Y. M. C. A. A'- - ' Star course attraction at the Audito rium Monday night, was In one respect a very noiaDie one. aim" T.avitt. he soprano, has one or tne finest voices ever heard in Asheville. The Y. M. C. A. attractions may al ways be depended upon to rurnisn something exceptional. The attendance was excellent. structions in the mouths ot tne nuie ducts called pores, which -bear off poi son and refuse matter from, the inner man. When you are really clean say after taking a Turkish bath there is no doubt whatever about U. Every nerve Is assured of it. The Baths, Haywood street. All sorts of baths. For men and women. Massage. You will probably have some friend or friends for Thanksgiving dinner Let me furnish your table with g-ood things to eat. Hiram Lindsey. COL OCHILTREE DEAD Hot Sorinsrs. Nov. 25. Col. Thomas Mq, : nhjuro0 HiH this afternoon of heart party and dancing use, all widths. Also Turkeys, Cranberries, Celery, Lettuce Pft.rslev. Chickens and Eggs. Hiram Lindsey, 450 South Main street and City Market, Phone 200 and 800. failure. He was at one time rnan fnom Texas. He was well known throughout the country as a journal ist, bon vivant, raconteur and friend of the rich. A Man is t( noun "elt Slippers ' BREAD AND BREAD MA.KING. Prnf wilAv. of the Aerricultural De partment at Washington, in aji article on Bread ana sreaa "the nutritive value of -wheat flour de- -, i .1.. Viononor nf the b peri aa utiseiy iuuix tne ww.v. - -T the house. JuSt the milling:." The most scientifically milled flour is "Clifton,' maae at iu4wu thine for the Fall and Owensboro, Ky. Insist on your "fc iui Llie rail auu sending it to you. w Men S Fresh Roasted Peanuts every day at Lee'a. wmter nights, and Women's.- Florida Grape Fruit at Lee's. tf. tf 'tanksgiving Old Straight Cat and Wilson Whiskey $1.00 per Bottle R. G. &Co.'s Monogram and Antediluvian Rye $1.50 per Bottle Schlitz Milwaukee Export Beer $1.00 per Dozen Bottles. Guaranteed the Genuine Sterilized Schlitz Export Beer. Paul Jones' 4 Star $ 1.00 peilBottle. Standard XXXX Old Corn 75c per Quart. W e Close All Day. CAFUDINB Cures Sick Headache, Nervousness and Feverishness. No Effect on the Heart. Sold by all Druggists. By the laundry he wears. If you want clean, spotless linen, without the saw tooth edgesend your bundle to the SWANHANOA L AUNDRY i Phone 70. 22-24 Church street. Get Them From The "Bonanza" Wine and Liquor Co., The Place that Atade Asheville Famous, 43 South Main St. Telephone No, 72 i r! !. 5 V, 1 i; i 4 v ."SI SPAN6ENBER6 i : t -1 v -r

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