c J '' . It lightens 1 reserve of your heart for I strength and SUES HUNTIN6T0NS FOR MANY MILLIONS Unfairness Alleged In Build ing of Central Pacific. the mori&nerve ing tasksfcJtrength Father Ik g-American of . 'AfcM Work Cereals Food ENGLISHMAN BRINGS ACTION. A Cereta Spoon Coupon in Every Package Accounting of the Expenditures of Mr. Huntington and Associates In Construction of Railroad Is De manded. New York, Nov. 28. The estate of Collis P. Huntington is defendant in an action brought by English stock holders of the Central Pacific railroad to Recover $103,000,000 alleged to have been converted by the late railroad magnate. As a preliminary to the suit the executors of the estate have been served with a notice to show cause before Surrogate Thcm;s, Dec. 2, why they should not be cc J5telled to give an inventory of the estate left by the late Mr. Huntington. It was explain ed that this step was necessary m order to ascertain what property had been left by Mr. Huntington and to take measures to' keep the estate in tact. The plaintiff in the case is WalteT Morehead, a resident of England. Al though he is the sole plaintiff at pres ent, it was said that many others, all Englishmen, will profit by the suit should it be won. Mr. Morehead, through his attorney, Robert L. Cutting, demands an ac counting of the expenditures of Mr. Huntington and his associates of $163,000,000 in the construction of the Central Pacific railroad. Mr. More head says only $60,000,000 was used for the purpose named and that more than $100,000,000 was appropriated by Mr. Huntington and others. Although the present suit is against tie Huntington estate, it is stated that it would be followed by other suits against the estates of' Lelan.3 Stanford, Charles Crocker and Mark Hopkins, who, with Mr. Huntington, ; vere well known as the "big four" of tie Southern Pacific. The papers in the suit allege that wkile officer and directors of the Central Pacific railroad, Mr. Hunting ton, Mr. Stanford, Mr. Crocker and Mr. Hopkins were interested in con struction companies which built the road, and that the contracts were let at exhorbitant rates. One of the specifications in the complaint charges fraud. It states that in pursuance of "fraudulent ar rengeaents' $30,000,000 in United States bonds and capital stock to the total value, inclusive of the bonds, of $it3,uuu,tno -were expended in "pre tended payments," whereas it actu ally cost but $60,000,000 to construct the railroad. Another paragraph of the complaint says: "And as this plaintiff is informed and believes that the said Huntington, from the beginning of said fraud an 3 devices herein alleged and throughout their pendency, for the most part di rected and managed these schemes and conspiracies to plunder the said Central Pacific Railroad company, which schemes and conspiracies were consummated and resulted in the con. version set forth." Maxwell Evans, of the Mills build ing, is counsel for the Huntington es tate. Mr. Evarts declined to discuss the suit, kut it was intimated that the suit should have been brought 8 years ago instead of now if there was any truth in the statements of the plaintiff. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has in use iw over ou years, nas Dorne tne signature rP - and has been made under his ix?r sonal supervision since its infancy Allow no one to deceive you in this All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pe goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant, it contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach arid Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 7 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. thc centXur company, tt mo bray street, new vork crrv. ELEVATOR KILLS TVO. Car Falls and Workmen Are Crushed to Death. New York, Nov. 28 The fall ot a freight elevator being constructs in the new stables of a drytToocls firm et No. 22 West Thirteenth street, caused the death cf two men. They were Frederick Dedendorf, of No. S64 West One Hundred and Sixteenth street, and B. Karris, of No. 416 We.3t Twenty -eighth street. Harris was in the car and Deden dorf was working at the bottom of the shaft. A workman on the second floor placed a plank in such a posi tion that it projected into the shaft. The elevator car in descending was stopped by the plank and the steel cable coiled up on top of the car. The weight became so great that the plank broke end the car plunged to the basement. It is believed that Harris, while trying to get out, was crushed between the side of the car and the Cwslryrrian Takes Bride. Chattanooga, Nov. 28. A romantic wedding occurred here when Clarence A. Russell, private in the Seventh cavalry, who&e home is in Summer ville, Miss., and Miss Florence L. Whitney were united in marriage. The young lady is only 17 years ol age and an orphan, and the lore story is one of long duration. ! ui ..ALA. WIFE POISONS HUSBAND. Hunter, Tramping From Peru to St. Louis. Guyaquil, Ecuador, Nov. 28. Gui- sepn-e Casseili. an Italian pedestrian; who left Lima. Peru. Aug. 8. for St. Louis. Mo., expects to reach St. Louis in time f-'r tfcr; e:--"osition. HOW'S THIS! We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh" Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Propa, Toledo, O. We tne undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all iue man t uie ooiwm or me able to carry out any obligations made shaft was struck by the car and crush ed to death. James Watson, foreman In charge of the work, when arraigned before Coroner Jackson, was held in $2,0015 bail to await the result of the inquest. John Dickson, a carpenter, of No. 541 West One Hundred and Twenty-fifth street, was held in $400 bail as a witness. WHAT'S IN A NAME? Everything is in the name when it comes to Witch Hazel galve. E. C. De Witt & Co. of Chicago, discovered, some years ago, how to make a salve from Witch Hazel that ls a specific lor Piles For Blind, Weeding, Itching and pro truding Piles, eczema. cuts, 'burns. bruises and all skin diseases DaWitfs Salve has no equal. This has given rise to numerous worthless counterfeits. Ask for DeWitt's-4he genuine. r. T. C. Smith's. Gaiette 'wants" one cent a word. by their firm. WEST & TRTJAX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh. Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all drug gists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. No Stripes In U. S. Navy Prisons. Washington Nov. 28. The navy de partment has decided upon a distinct ive prison garb ior marines and en listed men m the navy. It will be a plain, dark gray uniform, blouse and trousers, with a round-brimmed soft hat of the earn hue. Heretofore en listed men serving terms in naval prisons - have worn their old uniforms This was regarded as hard upea ttw other men In the service. Washington. Nov. 23. The formal anr. en:: cor;. r.t t!:r.t T crMs Coaa'os, ol Louisville, Ky.. hp? beri appointed minister to Guatemala and Honduras, is regarded as significant. It was in tended that Mr. Combs should relieve Minister Hunter about Jan. 1, but it s believed that Mr. Combs has now been ordered to leave at the earliest possible moment. The chief reason for this change of plans is thought to be the state department's deeire to secure a full and' satisfactory account of the shooi ng of William H. Fitzgerald in Guate mala City last Friday by W. Godfrey Hunter, Jr., the son of the minister, whom Mr. Combs relieves. Nothing has been heard from the Guatemalan government about .the killing. As nothing can be done by this government toward prosecuting Hunter, it appears that unles1? the rTnjvfa.mn.lan government chooses to act, young Hunter will escape pun ishment altogether. To be trusted is a greater cojmpUpien than to be loved. George Macdonald CAUTION! This is not a gentle word but when you think how liable you are not to purchase the only remedy universally known and a remedy that has had the largest sale of any medicine in the world since 1868 for the cure and treat ment of Consumption and Throat and Lung troubles without losing Its great popularity all these years, you will be thankful we called your attention Soschee's Germian Syruip. There are so Accuses Her, Goes to Work as Usual, and Then Dies. Honolulu, Nov. 18, via San Francis co, Nov. 28. Captain Robert Andrews of Hilo, dried last week as the result of strychnine poisoning, and his wife has been charged with murder in the first degree. She has confessed giv lng the poison. The evidence before the coroner's Jury showed that the couple had fre quently quarreled on account of ma tual jealousy and that on the morning of Nov. 8, after a violent quarrel the. night before, Mrs. Andrews placed a quantity of strychnine in her husband's coffee. He remarked an unusual taste and accused her of trying to poison ym, but left the house to go to work, as usual. He died soon afterward. NOTICE. In the Circuit and District Courts of the United States, for the Western District of North Carolina: It i.s hereby ordered, that the regular :erm of the Circuit and District courts of the United States for the Western District of North Carolina at Asheville, which convened by law on Monday the 3rd day of November, 1902, and which has been adjourned by 'an order here tofore entered to Monday the 17th day of November, 1902, be further adjourn ed to convene on Monday the 1st day of December, 1902, at 10 o'clock a. m. and that all parties under recognizance and witnesses subpoenaed to attend at the regular term do attend on the said first day of December, 1902, and all cases both civil and criminal are hereby adjourned over to the said first day of December, 1902. November 10th, 1902. (Signed) JAS. E. BOYD, U. S. Judge. ' (Seal) A true copy. Test: W. S. HYAMS, Clerk. NOTE. Pursuant to instructions contained in letter of November 10, 1902, from Hon. Jas. E. Boyd, U. s. Judge the follow ing are the datrp on which the different counties will attend in the Asheville division, to-wit: Prom Buncombe and Madison coun ties on the 1st and 2nd days of Decem ber, 1902. From Yancey, Haywood and Swain counties on the 3d day of Decem- cemDer, iw, from Henderson, Transyl vania and Jackson counties on the 4th day of December, 1902, and from Macon, Clay, Graham and Cherokee counties on the 5th day o December, 1902. The jurors will attend on Monday, Decem ber the 1st, 1902 The clerk of the Cir cuit and District courts of the United States for the Asheville division at Asheville, N. C, will cause a certified copy of this order to be published in The Asheville Gazette, The Citizen, The Waynes'Ville Courier, The Madison Ea gle and The Hendersonville Times for 20 days, and that a certified copy of this order be sent to each U. S. Com missioner and to the U. S. Marshal, and to each Deputy U. S. Marshal in the Asheville division. W. S. HYAMS, Clerk. Daily till Dec. 4. Left Good 841m to Alma Mater. Montgomery, Ala., Not. 28. A wel denned report is out here that in hii will, which has not yet been probated the late Tennent Lomax has mad bequest of some, unknown value to the state university at Tuscaloosa. It is known that when he was in full health and looked forward to a long life he expressed the hope that he could leave his alma mater an even hundred thousand dollars. He went go far as to make inquiries and study the subject as to the best channels Into which his help could be made to flow. pj Every Wdmae! ; x "', V V is in'.ereslevl ni' l slirmid knor7 :V a.luat liifc uviiLitj f:;. - MilVTI Wklr! nn C . bvVr. "1 " he V?7 r?inai Srricxe. Ivn-- . C . . .w' 3 I'.... csl Most Okiivhm'hv 5 It Clo&Skv Insunl j. sk rnvr t.:-.'r t : v-r it. 11 Other, but sei-rl r.!:ni:'i fr- V lustvaiei! book M-iiUd.lt kivcs Til 1 nun. rtl ql4"n f'".f 11. Twir.. valuable 10 ladies. ! i? VMS, 0 rm 94 g '..ev i ri. r- X I - SOUTHERN RAILWAt IN effect November 2, This condensed schedule : ; as information and is subj- : without notice to the publi . (EASTERN TIME1. 7:00 a. rii. No. 30, daily : bury, Washing-ton and tk- I,... nects at Salisbury, Git-.:.- . Danville, for Charlotte, iu Richmond. Through Pulhr...: between Memphis, Chattaii ville and Salisbury. 3:35 p. m. No. 12, daily s Washington and all Through Pullman sleeky Nashville, Chattanoog-a ar.J K: 7:05 a. m. No. 14, daily s burg, Columbia and Charles:-:-. nects at Spartanburg for Ail:: . e .outh. Charlotte and tn N 4:00 p. m. No. 10, daily for burg, Columbia, Savannah. J i k and all points South, conn tanburg- for the North, O.lu:: Charleston. Through Pull:::. between Cincinnati, Kiwxv:i: ville, Spartanburg, Columli,. s and Jacksonville. 8:30 a. m. No. 17, daily x -day, for Waynesville, Bry. :. all intermediate points. 3:20 ip. m. No. 19, daily .-: day), for Waynesville, Ii:; Murphy and all intern:?.!:, 1;- (CENTRAL n.ME.i 6:10 a. m. No. 115, dully : Spring's, Morristown, Ki."X.. Bristol, connects at Morns; Chattanooga and New urit-..: 1:15 p. m. No. 11, dally : Spring's, Knoxville and all ;...::. connects at Morristown for ;.: Knoxville for Cincinnati a:. 1 L at Chattanooga for Men,; :...- .: ville. Through Pullman si----:" :" New York, Wa-shirmtor.. Asheville, Chattanooya ,;: and throug-h Pullman si-.- ; Jacksonville , Savannah, Asheville, Knoxville- a:. 1 12:20 a, m. No. 25. .iu:-y Spring's, Morristown, Ki.-.'a'. ... tanooga and points we.-:. : Chattanooga for Memphis mediate points and ;.i 1 '"1 tion for Rome, Selma. Atla:.;.. termediate points. Th:u':. sleepers between Salishu: ;. . Knoxville, Chattanooga a.. . Call on Ticket Agents :-: and detailed informaiiun C. H. ACKERT, General Maria g -. r. Washing : .: S. H. HARDWICK, General Passener A--Wash;::-:--: J. H. WOOD, District Passenger A- : Ash- ' n. Baggage called for and -h-- 1 hotels and residences 10 1 The Asheville Transfer C- : 1 If You Have Rheumatism Ex-Judge Earl . Stricken. Herkimer, N. Y., Not. 28. former Judge of the Court of Appeals Robert many ordinary cough remedies made by jrl was stricken with paralysis in druggists and others that are cheap 3 apartments at the Palmer fcouM and good for light colds perhaps, but Tillage, and is in a dylns eon for severe Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup- "J . and especially for Consumption, wnere . 7 , vT ST, there Is difficult expectoration and stricken b wa sitting ia his chair coughing during the nights and mom- talking 'wtth. his aepfcaw, AAfcomey lags, there is nothing like German D. ESarl, of thi Tillage. His Syrup. The 25 cent size has just been 6l(Je paralysed ui h u r.'nAnrA tills ve-ar. Resrular size 75 . . A cents. At u ueb. liniOCm the sreat tested and UlilUSUL ogu-g; you. It also cures Liver, Kidney and Bladder diseases, caused by an excess of uric acid. It never fails, and builds np the health and strength while using it. Bend stamp for book of wonderful cer tificates. Price, $1 per bottle. For sale by druggists. If your druggist can not supply you it will be sent prepaid upon receipt of price. Address Urlcsol Chemical Co., Los AnpIes,Cal. or the Lamar & Rankin Drug Co., Atlanta, 6a. Distributing Agents. Many a man who obiects to carrv Jng a bundle home from a dry good Bxore goes Home from his dub loaded REDUCED RATtS Account North Carolina M. K South, Washington, N. C, ---3rd-10th, 1902. Tickets - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, inclusive, with : Dec. 13th. Round trirj fiv,:v. N. C, $16.85. Account Annual Meeting Charlotte, N. C. Tickets -11 and 12th, with final limit. I -Continuous passage both : ' Round trip from Ashevili-. X ' " HOLIDAY EXCURSION : ' -Special rates will be pr --: Southern Railway to and : ;- pcinrs east or tne .ui.nsi.n-!'- south of the Ohio and P"' :: (interstate and intrastate! ' one and one-third iuirs, fir.-" the round trip. Tickets will be sold to ' - ' public Dec. 23, 24, 25, . Jan. 1st, 1903, with nr. x. 3rd, 1903. To teachers a;-d s: ; - schools and colleges. ; -' -' ?ii rrpnfl print? rprtificate ?:.-- - rvenntendents, principals it an advance selling date is rr : rw Ifith to 52nd. 1902. inrlu-: For further information agrent, or address, J. H. A'i"v District Passenger Agent, A- 1 N. C. sit down and read a gno&t D " 1.S calculated to take her breatn a