V. f rAGE. 8 -rniDAr- THE ; ASHEVILLE GAZETTE -NOV; 28, 1902; 1' '?. ; r 7 ft If 'A J'i '. Y Cocoa Mats and Matting The time is ripe to lay mat ting or mats on your porch and steps if you would keep the house from being tracked up. The carpet store is ready to supply these essentials sizes, patterns and prices in generous assortment. SAWYER'S Carpet House, Phone 228. 18 and 20 Church street. A Nice Basket Nicely packed With Nice Fruit Makes a most Acceptable Present. You Get Them at LEE'S Wholesale and Retail Fruits and Confections. South Main. 61oves For driving; lined Suede, Heavy Gaipe and Dog Skin, $1.00 to $2.25. Dress Kid, Suede and Dog Skin, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. An gora, Fleece and Silk lined. Cape, Kid and Dog Skin $1.00 to $1.50. White and Black Kid, $1.50 and $2.00. COURTNEY'S CORNER Phone 261. 18 Patton Ave. You Never Had a Shirt On Your Back l Better laundered than the one we returned to you last week. The shirts are thoroughly clean ed, the best starch used and ironed to fit and in this there's much comfort. Asheville Steam Laundry Phone 95 1 CITY NEWS I The Asheville Hardware Company. Receiver W. W. Jones having author ity from the court to postpone the sale of tne bank property from day to day, has decided that it twill be to the inter est of the creditors of the bank to post pone the sale of this property until Monday next instead of holding it to day, as advertised. Court opens here Monday, and as- the judge has to con fiiaithe sales it is thought more con venient for all parties to begin the sale Monday. Morris Lipinsky has been quite ill for the past month but has improved in the past few days. 'Squire James was commenting yes terday upon his crop of beets and stated that he had brought one gigantic specimen weighing 17 pounds up town. He added that this was by no means the extent of his beet crop this year, as he has a number that will tip the scales at flO or 12 pounds. T. H. Bryant has returned from At lanta, where he spent the past month. James Whitaker, a young man of this city, was arrested yesterday on two charges, one assault with a deadly weapon and the other with carrying concealed weapons. -He gave bond. A. W. Ek invited his entire staff of insurance employes to a Thanksgiving dinner at his home on Clayton street Thursday night. The party numbered 12 men and after they had finished their repast they repaired to the parlor, where the remainder of the evening was spent in enjoying cigars and listening to speeches from each member of the party. All had an enjoyable time. The December term of the Superior court will convene Monday in the new court house. It is for the trial of civil cases. United States court convenes Monday. Clerk Hyams has been prepared for the convening of court for some time, post ponement of court having been made twice. Walter A. Smith, a Hendersonville merchant, has filed a petition in hank ruptcy. In the papers, sent to the of fice of the Clerk of the United States court, Mr. Smith's liabilities are given at $3,138.42, while the assents are placed at $1,704.15. Sheriff Lee expects to leave this- morn ing on another hunt for W. M. L. Creasman. Berkeley arrivals: H. S. Owens of .New York, T. Halliburton of Morgan ton, H. Rotha of Waynesville, E. A. Cooper of North Carolina, R. W. Wes cott of .Knoxville, F. W. McMan of At lanta. Swannanoa arrivals: James S. Mur doch of Charleston, H. L. Hunt of Louisville, L. E. Perry of Waynesville, T. E. Holland of Lynchburg, E. McK. Goodrum of Morganton, E. W. Light foot of North Carolina. G. H. Crawford of Marion and W. Redmon of Marshall were in town yesterday. The only American Car Receiving the Gold7 Medalthe Highest Award Class "B" (Cars that sold between .$650.00 and $1,000.00) was THE; LOCOMOBILE This was in the recent 650 miles English Reliability Trials. In these trials, the hardest ever known, besides the non-stop features . the following conditions were considered: Condition oi car after run, steering mechanism, system of brakes and hill climbing performances. We represent the Locomobile in this vicinity. : Asheville Cycle Company Puono 228. Nos. 18 and 20 Church street A poor smoke is an abomination, a good smoke is a joy forever. You can smoke a good cigar by buying our Pratt at Michelson's, on the square. New crop all kinds nuts at Lee's, tf Best Florida Pineapples at Lee's, tf For the next ten days 35 per cent, off on Leather Caddy Bags at Blomberg's. Wood and Kindling Coal and Coke, Cannel Coal, Steam Coal, Carolina Coal and Ice Co. Phone 130. 23 Patton Avenue. If a baby could say what it thinks when people kies it, one kiss would be eufflcient. A dealer in old iron may know noth ing of prize fights, yet he is familiar .With scraps. fMiss Mary Morton, youngest daughter of Levi P. Morton, devotes most of her time an income to caring for the unfor tunate cnuaren of New York-city. Some large ants have built a nest twenty-one feet in (circumference and ieei an neignt at tttuckneii, Berks MRS. W.W. GOLDSMITH DEAD Mrs. W. W. Goldsmith died yesterday morning at her home, 143 Broad street. She had been ill for some time and her critical condition for the last few days had blasted all the hopes of her family as to her probable recovery. Mrs. Goldsmith was a member of Trinity Episcopal church, her connec tion and work in the membership char acterizing her as a noble Christian wo man. Her attitude during her long ill ness was one of cheerfulness and forti tude. She is survived by her husband and six children, Mrs. W. M. Bennett of Washington, D. C, William, John and Carlos and Misses Alda and Mercieda Goldsmith, of Ashevilje. One sister, Miss M. J. Littlejohn, of Greenville, S. C, also survives her. The funeral will take place from the house, 143 Broad street at 4 o'clock this afternoon. We want to call your attention to a special sale in Gloves for men and women. Men's fine wool and cashmere gloves for 25c, 35c, and $48c pair.- Han son s railroad and driving gloves at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. Fine dress erloves from $1.00 uo. Ladies' golf erloves in plain and fancy colors at 25c, 35c and 48c. Ladies' wool and cashmere dress gloves in solid and fancy colors at a great reduction, at I. W. G LASER'S. 18 South Main street, Asheville, N. C. For high grade coal and drv nine kindling Phone 40. Asheville Ice and Coal Co. tf. After the Holiday We are right down to business again. If there's any thing we can do for you, let us know. We want your trade. HIRAM LINDSEY Store 450 S, Main Su Phone 200, THE GROCER City Market Phone 800. H Satisfied If Customers Have Made The Growth of Our Business The HAN AN SHOE Hanan & Son have achieved the greatest triumph in producing a shoe which is equal in all parts and Superior in many ways to shoes sold at much higher prices. There is but one place where you can buy the celebrated Hanan Shoe in Asheville. They are made in Patent Leather, Kid Tops, Cici Kid, Enamel Leather and French Calf. They come in all styles, sizes and widths, and can be found only at : THE BOSTON SHOE STORE The Leading Shoe Firm. A MODERN BOOK STORE Affords a wonderfully wide range for selection of gifts for Christmas time a handsomely 'bound book Standard works, or the latest production in liter ature, is always appropriate as a gift. 39 Patton avenue. ROGERS' BOOK STORE, Sign of the Book. Phone 259. The Finest Line of French Briar and Meerschaum Pipes South of New York at the BERKELEY CIGAR STAND. Elliott's Pharmacy, Bailey & Pat. eve. RECEIPTS. Now 27, 1901, by balance in bank $48.18 Nov. 27, 1902, hy taxes collected for year 1901.. .. 1110.80 $1158.98 DISBURSEMENTS. Dec. 4, 1901, to E. M. Mitchell, sprinkling roads $ 28.90 Dec, 7, 1901, to Gazette Pub. Co.. 1.00 Jan. 21, 1902, to J. M. Hamilton, repairing bridges .. .. 24.83 June 9, 1902, to Water depart ment, city of Asheville 7520 June 9, 1902, to Biltmore estate, on account 473.91 June 9, 1902, to Schofleld Miller, road repair .. 5.50 Aug. 18, 1902, to Bowles & Guia- chard, plumbing .. 14.89 Oct. 22, 1902, to Thomas Law rence, note 141 . 34 Oct. 28, to Biltmore estate, (bal ance due .. 294.85 Nov. 27, 1902, to balance in bank. 98'.56 $1158198 F. W. W. GRAHAM, Mayor. H. N. LOCKWOOD, Town Clerk. HOME COMFORTS... H i M JnU " I 1 ; lunui . ii win in" i i 66 For cold weather mean being- warm. A Dawn Aip-Tight Heat cp will give you uni form heat, and is a fuel saver. iSee them before buying. All Wool Blankets And Comforts are seasonable. We have a large stock. Our prices are right. GREEN BROS. 47 Patton Avenue Fufniture Matjing Stoves Trbnks Clocks 8 1l Steer Your Orders to D. G. NOLAND 21 N. Main St. Phone 157 Asheville, N. C. The Leading Grocer Established 1884. Our Long Experience and superior eq.jipiTlfcnt are al your serviCc if you want jrooj coal. The best that can be bought. Screened,! our own yard. MMicvme ice & Coal C U- Agents for PHILIP CAlil S HOOFING the best $3.00 per square complete. Paint your roofs with WOODBURY'S RUBBER ELASTIC ROOFINO PAINT before the rainy season WOODBURY'S COAL. CO. Phone 121. Sec Us For everything in our line before deciding to Kent or Buy. J, H. WEAVER CO. Real Estate Brokers 3 B. Main St., Asheville, (J. H. T. Collins, Pr Phone 40. 32 Patton Ave 6,6 HILL'S Bananas 20 to 25c dozen, Lemons 25c dozen, Oranges 30 to 40c dozen. Hiram Lindsey. Game in Season. The best of meats always on hand at the stall of the Lutz Meat Co. Phone 754. String Beans 7c, new Beets 5c bunch, Celery 5c stalk. Hiram Lind sey, green grocer, City Market. Wait No Longer To supply yourself with Quilts and Bankets for the lack of room, we have decid ed to sell our stock at re duced prices. N. C. All Wool Blanket 10-4 for $3.50 to $4.50. GEO. W. JENKINS 4o South Main street. J. H. McGINNtSs (Successor to Carl Schultz ) ..Practical Dyer and Cleanpr -will NO. 37 South Main Street. Pr-.c , BoardersWair Large grounds in suburb tires, reasonable rates. MRS. J. M. RAY. On N. Main St., Ramoth N r Car line. Phone 2 ' Information atRav'sBook Store 8 North Court square, Ashev:! x NOW IS YOUR CHANCE To buy cheap ticket to Califorr, and the Northwest, via Union and Southern Pacific. Ask for S ulars. J. V. VAN RENSSELAER General Ag-ent. Atlanta, tt SOUTHFRiN HOTFL, MRS. S. RTEVENPON. Pr. r. Best 11.00 per day house in tht city Hot and cold baths. All lines of cm Tms the door. B pedal rates by tht week. Centrally Located. s. Mala et. Spanish Onions 3 to 10c, Little white Onions 5c quart, red and yellow Onions 5c quart. Hiram Lindsey, City Market. .Cold Wave Coming Better phone us at once. The Standard Goal Go. W. L. McCOY, President. Jellico Lump. -Domestic Nut. Steam Coal. Office Phone 167. Yard Phone 512-3. Breakfast Bacon 20 and 22c pound, Hams 15 to 18c ipound, four pound pack age Self-Raising Buckwheat 15c. Hi ram Lindsey, Phone 200. Lima Beans 15 and 20c can, small Peas 20c can, Baked Beans 10c can. Hiram Lindsey, Phone 200. P. E. Hare. j. r. B -:ri T. S. Rector. P. E. HARE 8c CO. Undertakers 47 South Main street. Phor.e 17:. Asheville, N. C. Selling Out Pipes One-Half Price Closing out all pipes at ce-r.! price; 2oc bargain, French Br:.ir in window 13c 2 for 25c. Nine and tea 3-ear old TV... mild or sweet, one-half pr;:-:-. Ray's Book Store. 8 North Court square. When Voi, Want A dray or baggage transferred call W. R. POUNDERS, Phone Hi'. J. S. West 22 South Court Square. Not 45 Patton avenue, (upstairs). UNDERTAKERS Successor to Brown, Blair & Co. Open Day and Night. i :.:r.- Malaga drapes 20 and 25c pound, Or anges 30 to 4c dozen, Mixed Nuts 20c pound. Hiram Lindsey. Sweet Potatoes 20c peck, Irish Pota toes ?0c peck, Turnips 10 and 15c peck. Hiram lindsey, grocer, 450 South Mam street NOW IS YOUR CHANCE To buy cheap tickets to California, and the Northwest, via Union Pacific and Southern Pacific. Ask for paxtio ulars. J. P. VAN RENSSELAER, General Agent, Atlanta, Ga. ALL PORK LINK. ALL PORK LOOSE, BOLOGNA, WINNIE, FRANKFURTER, BLOOD, HEAD, LIVER. Phone 4 City Market Zimmerman & Whitehead All Wool Blankets $4.50, $5.00, $6.50, $8. Not the "all wccT kind so often seen vith a pure cotton warp. Fine Coffon Coverlets Silkaline and Satine Coverings artistic sanitary many grades. Ladies' Fine Black Pebble Cheviot Suits Something choice indeed, $16.50, just to hand. H. Redwood & Co. "r- r-': -," I, ',;,',' ' 5 .; . - 1 ' -j Sni 1 ' i , ' II II III., .. llWHM.li. ill 1'- ' ' "'"--'-' .(: -k ' :- ' "' ' I inv' i