u LAGOIPPE HAS TIGHT GRASP ON ENGLAND AM ERICA'S RUSSIAN AN TRADE.ft jC Thousands Flocking to India and France. GOSSIP FROM LONDON TOWN. Great Distress Is Prevailing Among Working Classes Thousands of Un employed Persons Are Daily Clamor- ing for Work. vanan Trouble and two terrible operations avoided.' Mrs. Emmons and Mrs. Coleman each tell how they were saved by, the use of Lydia-K Pinkham's Vegetable Compound "Dear Mrs. Pinkham: I am so pleased with the results obtained from Lytlia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound that I feel it a duty and a privilege to write you about it. "I suffered for more than five years with ovarian troubles, caus ing an unpleasant discharge, a great weakness, and at times a faintness would come over me which no amount of medicine, diet, or exercise seemed to correct Your Vegetable Compound found the weak spot, Tiowever, within a few weeks and saved me from ail my troubles had disappeared, and I found myself once more healthy and well. Words fail to describe the real, true, grateful feeling that is 'in my heart, and I want to tell every sick and suffering sister. Don't dally with medicines you know nothing about, but take Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, and take my word for it, you will be a different woman in a short time." Mrs. Laura Emmons, Walker ville, Ont. Another Case of Ovarian Trouble Cured Without an Operation. "Dear Mrs. Pinkham: For several years I troubled with ovarian trouble and a minful i inflamed condition, which kept me in bed part the time. I did so dread a surgical operation. "I tried different remedies hoDine: to eret better. nothing seemed to bring relief until a friend who had been cured of ovarian trouble, through the use of your compound, induced mevto try it. I took it faithfully for three months, and at the end of that time was glad to find that I was a well woman: Health is nature's best gift to woman, anu ii you lose it ana can nave it restored, through Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound I feel that all suffering women should know of this." Mrs. Laura Belle Cole- . ( It is well to rememember such letters as' above when some druggist tries to pet you to buy something which he says is " just as good " That is impos sible, as no other medicine has such a record of cures as Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound ; accept no other and you will be glad. Don't hesitate to write to Mrs. Pinkham if there is anything about your sickness you do not understand. Sh6 will treat you with kindness and her advice is free. No woman ever regretted writing her and she has helped thousands. Address Lynn, Mass. was I Abut si tonnn v w w w r FORFEIT If we oannot forthwith produce the orieinal letters and signatures of above testimonials, which will prove their absolute penuineness. Lydia E. PiiTkhaixi Medicine Co., Lynn, MagH. WOMAN GrlOT BY AN ASSASSIN.! FOUfJ DEAD AT ROPE'S END. Dan-ercucly Wounded by Bullets Fired from Dark atWaycross. Waycross, G-a., Dec. 8. Gus-sie Sea:-;,, an inmate of one of the houses at "Klondike," in the Tenderloin dis tri( : t' this city., was shot and seri- on; 1 1., out ( dark' ba;-i-; was not iv, 'i'i v.-funded by an 'unknown party, v. -a, an claims that she went f the house about 11 o'clock, Home one fired at her from the i One bullet struck the wo '" the left breast just above the another entered her side. Sears woman went unaided i' to the house,rwhen a physician wnmoned. The wounds ars iK'cossarily fatal, but are consid- fair stai.i won that stat. th: ! Or 'h ; ;.' mysery about the af .no police fail to under go oncers went to the viz ruing and found the i i h Employe of Robinson Carnival Com mits Suicide at Albany, Ga. Albany, Ga., Dec. 8. Albert Falk- ner, employed in the Electrical Palace with the Robinson Carnival here this week, committed suicide last night. He was round hanging by a rope from a cross-beam of the tent a o'clock this morning. Evidently he had been dead several hours. The coroner's jury returned a verdict of suicide. Falkner joined the company at Dewagnoe, Mich., but his home was Alexandria, Ind. No cau3e is known for the suicide, except he had been drinking. London, Dec. 8. The grip is un taually severe this winter and has al ready been felt throughout England' With the result that all who can do go are leaving. Hundreds of people are on their way to India to attend the Delhi Durbar and thousands are flock ing to the south of France and the channel islands. ' PV .im V, A USS. Alitor s(.iuws uxj uct3 jfLi ultra ai ucms j organized at all the big country places where the frost is rapidly spoiling the hunting and driving the guns in doors. In east London the winter is having a very different effect. Thou sands of unemployed persons daily congregate at the dock yard gates. literally fighting for a chance to do ; a day's work. Unskilled laborers are there in strong force and the police find It necessary to protect the fore men who distribute the work tickets each morning. King's Christmas Gifts. That portion of the fashionable world which can afford Christmas gifts is watching the purchases of the members of the royal family in order to follow suit. King Ed-ward's gifts this year run largely to pen and pen cil holders, cigarette cases and deli cate enamel work set with a new va riety of soft-tinted, semi-transparent stones heretofore unknown in the realm of jewelry. Queen Alexandria is also oartial to enamel work. This year she is giving many photographs j in artistic enameled frames, whereas the late Queen Victoria usually favor ed silver for the same purpose. Queen Alexandria' well known fondness for pearls leads her to distribute many of them among her more intimate friend at the Christmas season. The king of Portugal made hdmaelf decidedly popular during his stay in England, besides proving himself one of the best shots in Europe, a keen motorist, a clever painter and a good musician. During his visit to Blen heim palace he treated the house par ty there to a number df French love songs and Portuguese ballads. Profitable Theatrical Season. It is long" since the London theaters and restaurants have experienced so profitable a season as the present. The West End is ablaze with light night y, all the amusement places are crowded and theater supper parties keep the fashionable hotels and res taurants busy until long after mid night. In the meantime the board of trade returns show the largest per centage for ten years past of unskilled persons out of work, while the pro portion of skilled men without employ, ment i constrantly growing. The Woolwich arsenal authorities have dis. charged 2,000 mechanics since the winter set in and are preparing to let out 4,000 more. So the army of peo ple out of work must be added to the 5-,000 members of the army reserve who have been released from service with the colors. The worst distress naturally is visible in the East End. A number of newspapers have started subscription columns and daily print harrowing stories of half-clad school cndldren, many of whom are without any food except scanty luncheons fur nished by sympathetic teachers. A number of London suburban councils are starting public works in order to employ a small portion of the idle persons. That Country Now Demands Almost i EvefythIngtAjtirlcan. , New. York, Dec- 8.--2ikxi-EtaaDryV t wcaWi7 merchant of Rasstei, who' 28 yeara ago left hla hom in the fish ing town of Gloucester to engage !n business with a native merchant in a Siberian town , at the mouth ofjthe Amoor river, is In this cityi He now maintains storehouses at Vladivostock and along the Amoor river, at differ ent points upon Lake Baikal and the Transsiberian road at Moscow, at S. Petersburg and in Hamburg. He de clares the Russian trade diemands everything American from a steel twin screw steamer to an American shoe. "What the United States and Rus sia need now and must have," contin ued Mr. EmoTy. "is a new commercial treaty. Two countries, each of which has the warmest and friendliest feel- j ing for the other, have not time to ! bicker over sugar, oil or anything else. There is a country that neds our ma chinery and our products of cery sort The people want it fromj us rather than from any other country Of the world, and we should arrange it so that we could supply them. We must have a reciprocal treaty, and get. into Russia on the ground floor, and the control of the trade of an empire of 130,000,000 people and soon to be the wealthiest country in the world would be ours, j "There is no doubt of Russia's atti tude toward this country. We have no tetter friend on the continent. The tariff raised against the United States not long ago because of the attitude toward Russian sugar is only an inci dent. I am confident it would not last a month longer than the beginning of negotiations." SAW FIRE SIGNALS. If yea orb cot satisfied DO YOU SUPPOSE tb&t ' eampcuT wltn a capital of $500,000.00, p&id In foil, tad the proud repntaticm of S6 jean of eanti&Qcnu saooeas, would make such an offer and not carry it out to the letter r DO YOU SUPPOSE we would ieopardlze oar standing with the public and oax chanoea Of still greater gocoeas by fatting to folnl any promise we make 1 DO YOU SUPPOSE we would make such an offer if we did not haTC the utmost confi dence in the satisfying Quality of our goods ? WE KNOW we can please you and save you money, for HAYNEB WHISKEY goes direct from our distillery to you, with all its original richness and flavor, carrying a UNITED STATES REGISTERED DISTILLER'S GUARANTEE of PURITY and AOS and Baring you the big profits of the dealers. That's why it's best for medicinal purposes. That's why it's preferred for other uses. That's why we are regularly supplying orer a Quarter of million satisfied customers. That's why YOU should try it GDI rsrit fpoin'oup diotillery to VtiDU Saves Deslers' Profits 1 Pravcatt Adulliralleal i? nnnnn i ii UU VjU LRJ PURE SEVEN-YEAR-OLD RYE (HULL 5T).20 EXPRESS PREPAID We will send you FOUR FULL QUARTS of HAYNERS SEVEN-YEAR-OLD RYE for S3.20, and we will pay the express charges. . When you reoeire the whiskey, try it and if you don't find it all right and as good as you erer drank or can buy from any body else at any price, then send it back at our expense and your 83.20 will be returned to you by next maiL How could an offer be fairer? We take all the risk and stand all the expense. If the goods do not please you. Won't you let us send you a trial order? We ship in a plain sealed case; no marks to show what's inside. Orders for Ariz., CaL, CoL, Idaho, Mont., Nev., N. Mex.. Ore., Utah, Wash, or Wyo., must be on the basis of 4 Quarts for S4.00 by Express) Prepaid or SO Quarts for 10.00 by Freight Prepaid, Write our nearest office and do it NOW. THE HAYNER DISTILLING COHPANY ATLANTA, GA. DAYTON, OHIO ST. LOUIS. MO, ST. PAUL, MINN. 158 DI8TTTJ1TRT. TBOT. O. ESTABUSHXD 1866. T. -. , DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by local application, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear There is only one way to cure Deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. d suffering greatly from i Deafness is caused Dy an innamea cxn- She at first denied that dition of the mucous lining of the bus- il ! 1 So-., v . that the f;:: -hot' but later told them j flamed you have a rumbling sound or i.-.;ouug occunea as awvut imoerfect hearing, and when it is en iod on the ground outside! tirely closed sDeafriess is the result, and proved that the shooting unless tne innammauuu uc a, out and this tube restored to its norm a 1 condition, hearing will be destroyed fnrpvpr- ninp rases out of ten are caus are under the impression ; ,by catarrh, which is nothing but an Sears woman shot hereell ' inflamed condition of. the mucous sur- there. of the women in the neigh itier by accident or in an attempt to ' faces commit suicide. CAUTION! This ia not a gentle word but when Jou ink -how liable you are not to ?UrL' c the only remedy universally , and a remedy that has had the fretst sale of any medicine in the 0rid since 1868 for the-cure and treat je"t of Consumption and Throat and British "Captain Thinks Late Mutineers Are on Pitcairn Island. New York. Dec. 8. The captain o! the British Bhip'Howth, ftxnn Austra lia, reports, according to a Herald dispatch from San Francisco, that on Sept. 25, when off Pitcairn island, fire signals were noticeable. H saya he made every effort to take his ship in, but he was baffled in his attempts by the severe weather. The captain is of the opinion that the mutineers of the Leiscester Castle, whose story was told yesterday in a dispatch to the Associated Press from Queemstewn, had reached Pitcairn is land, and that the signals were due to the desire of the inhabitants -to get rid of the undesirable visitors. The Leicester Castle shipped 14 men . at this port. These men signed fore the vessel sailed out of the bar ooncul on July 25, last, the day be fore the vessel calle dout of the har bor. Among these men were James Turner with Hobbs and EL Sears, and they were the only Americans among the crew. They were shipped at a time when sailors were scarce in the port and Captain Peattie refused to pay the regular shipping masters the price they asked for the men. The 14 men were picked up at various places along the water front, on street corners and in saloons. GOAL! COAL! NEW DOUBLE TRACK. Ga NEW MEHTOD DISCOVERED. We will trfve One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused oy ca tarrh) that can not be curede by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, iree, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Bold -by druggists 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Horses and Cattle Bum. Soring 'Place, Ga., Dec. 8. SU v ".v-o ,,wwu. vwb - j mOIJS55, 1UIU 10041 XJi. HXVJ.S CkUU n Hugo - ruia 1 v German Syrup. AMoniHtv svf "frCkA AllfF QTATA Pflf.1ViirMi UZSTLEZ. T lmlnE of the hm of Bon. V. Stuart, near this place. Th lows ,ra estimated at $1,500, with nd insaimnce. ItTe is thought to have been th work an incendlaxjr. r IV lir.llr.., V. -.31 VTT and others that are cheap but . j u 1 iiKm cuius yci "r vere Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup especially for Consumption fwhere ere is difficult expectoration .4 and ughing during the nights . and , mornT B--. mere is nothing up. like' GeTrnati The 25 cent slz has lust been, uced this year. Regular, size , 75 At ail druggists.. -i JT KEEPS THE FEET WARM AND . ' DRY, f Ask -today for Allen's Foot-Ease a rJpwder. It cures Chilblains,' Swollen, Sweating, Sore, AchtagDamp Feet. At all druggists and shos stores, 1 25c. Boiling Water Used In Treatment of Tumors. New York, Dec. 8. After tests cov ering two years, a physician of this city has announced a new method' for treating tumors. Itvjs by the use ol boiling water. He uses a syringe with a metal cylinder and adjustable piston, with needles of varying size. Using the ordinary asceptic precau tions, water is taken directly from a cauldron and injected into the sub stance of the tumoT. The water must be at a temperature of from 190 to 212 degrees Fahrenheit, or even higher. The water, he says, should be hot enough to coagulate the blood and the albuminoids of the tissues immediate ly, but it should not be forced In so extremely hot, and under such pressure as to scald and produce a ne crosis of the skin. During the treat ment the patient is put under the !n J -M A. I uuenue ox murines. Three Roads to Enter St Joseph from Kansas City. St. Joseph, Mo., Dec. 8. The zette this morning says: Three railroads will enter St. Jo seph in the near future over a new double track from Kansas City. The 'Frisco system and the Alton an i the Wabash are the lines that will secure valuable terminal facilities ic this city through the terminal compa nies' connection. The distance between the two cities is reduced to 47 miles. The commerce of the Missouri val ley according to financiers will be greatly benefited by the increase o transportation facilities. The packing and jobbing interests of this city will receive an impetus greater than any known in Its history, Along the route feeding farms for live sjtock will be established by the joint companies. We are noi in the ice business but give exclus ive attention to coal We carry all kinds. Quality and v. eights guaranteed. Citizens' Coal Company ' PHONE 238 u sgeswresssggsas': - - s TWO OF NORTH CAROLINA'S LEADING HOTELS NEW HOTEL BERKELEY Asheville, N. C. THE HICKORY INN Hickory. N. C PRANK bOUGHRAN - - Proprietor GOULD AND HARRIMAN FIGHT 5 'A-VC A Traffic' pi' !ARVTL Wlvrg Spray Transcontinental Passenqer War May Be Precipitated New Orleans, Dec. 8. A transconti nental passenger traffic war is likely t be precipitated at New Orleans the latest move of the Southern Pa est .v. j;.t (.'ojivt-i ! AM Ask roar dnnorict f;T H. V ffbL ZZ ,-o It h nnot supnly tlie MARVEL., aci-entiio other, but nend stfin' for il- 1 11tr-1 tC Vuxjb- loll It ti:-n9 ClfiC railroad in joining in a Union 1 full partlenlamarul .liret-i'f.ns !n- C railToad, cutting out- the LouisvillG and Nashville crossing. This action, it is believed, win result in the Louis ville and Nashville and the Texas ani Pacific joining in an agreement M handle transcontinental traffic. Thig will likely be done unless the Louis ville and Nashville is forced to entei the union depot on Jan. 1, when th Southern Pacific goes in as the Queen and Orescent is included in the plan. The fight between the Gould and Harridan interests, is further accen tuated by the action of the Southern Pacific in Touting ifs bu.-.'ness from New Yerlr to noth Tcva? via w Or- PARKER'S HA!R CALSAM Clc8ufe8 and l--jt.fic tae h!r. Promote & Iixumnt grovth. Never Falls to Hestore Gray Hal? to ita Youthful Color. r""ri son In Hia.a4 hn.IT fnlllUZ. 5c. fc.rd k i. rt D-nr-Vi You Have Shr? ir;t?aii of th? Lumber Company Changes Hands. Savannah, Ga.,(Dec. 8. E.' B, Hunt ing & Oo., the largest dealers ln yel' low pine in the south, if not in the country, will be succeeded' Jan. 1, 'by the Granger-Stnbb Lumber com- mi ' m ' - : a pany. xne new hte is composea oi Harvey Granger, the present manager of the Savannah office; iPurney iB. Stubbs and Sidney J. SWbbs, of Ma con, formerly connected witti the Bibh Land and Lumber company, and ; Q. E. . Lfewis, of -Battimore, " at present connected "with the Baltimore office of E. B. .Hunting' & Co. The new com pany will begin with, a paid in capital of $150,000, with headquarters in annaH To Erect Big Cotton Mil!. Spartanburg, S. C, Dec. 8. A quar ter of a million dollar cotton mill will be. erected at LockhaiA Shoal by the Lockhart Mill company. Such was the decision reached at the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Lockhart Mill company held here. The directors will be authorized to call a special meeting of the stockholders for the purpose of increasing the cap ital stock of the Lockhart mills to $1,000,000. leans and the River Valley ra'lroad Texas and Parifir. In furtherance c i? scheme of col onization o? rcuthwe-: 1 ow'.z'-'ir.z an 5 Texas tli Southern Pacific yester-y carried through N" rs -.f 1 :-0i home seekers, tho l,;r-.l l:-rTe r-ai-t- of agriculturists r?rrTiv i-.-oi.T-ht. to this section by th.S-'-it'-cr.'i Pari:i-. For Counterfeiting. Knoxville, Tenn., Dec. 8. N. G. Mc. Carter, a Sevier county school teach er, has been bound over to the federal grand jury to answer the charge ol counterfeiting. His arrest resulted! from a letter written to Charles W. Harper, of Cc!um:.?u3, ' O., in which, it is charged, ''he offered to divide the profits if Harper would make tha plates. Harper forwarded the letter to Washington and the arrest followed. . Father of Twenty-Seven Children. Greensboro, N. C, Decnrber 8.- Aged 86, looking 60, and the proud father of 27 children, Wiffiam D. Lew Is, of Port Gibson, I. T., has reached Greensboro, to visit relatives. H left this county for the west 60 jejuni ago. He has buried fire wives and the sixth bore htm a son three months ago. The oldest chili Is & years 01 ago. , , ; f ',:'-..Sv,v: Rheumatisi URICSOL you. It also caret MOTHER GRAY'S -SWEET POW DERS FOR CHILDREN, Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse in the Children's Home in New York, cure Feverishness, Bad Stom ach, Teething Disorders, move and regulate the Bowels and Destroy! Worms. Over 30,000 testimonials. They never fail. At all druggists, 25c Sample FREE. Address Allen S. Olmstead, LeRoy, N. Y. BURGLARS GET $2,000. Dynamite Whlteville, Tenn.f Savings Bank and Escape. " 1 Memphis, Tenn., Dec. 8. A special to The Scimitar from Whlteville, Tenn., says iaf; hur"':r entered the Whiteville Savings bank here at aa early hour this morning and blew open the large safe with dynamite. The bandits secured, $2,000, and 'made good their escape on a hand car. The bank carried burglar insurance. the great tested and endorsed California Remedy will cure i Liver. Kidney and Bladder diseases, caused by an excess of uric acid. It never fails, and builds up the health and strengrth while using It. Send stamp for book of wonderful cer tificates. Price, $1 per bottle. For sale by druggists. If yonr druggist can not supply you It will be sent prepaid upon receipt of price. Address Urlcsol Chemical Co., Los Angeles,Cil. or the Lamar h Rankin Drug Co., Atlanta, 6a. Distributing Agtnts. NOW IS YOUR .CHANCE To buy cheap tickets to California and the North wesrt, via Union Pacific 'and Southern Pacific. Ask tor panic dara, J. P. VAN RBVS?!;uiER, General -..t, Atlanta, Ga. tt. BEGINS AT BED ROCK. . Health, strength: and vigor depend on digestion. Dr. King's Nr Life Pills makes it perfect, or no pay. Only ZSo. All druggists. Beers the l Signature Of -4; Tte Kind Yob HatiAhraji tegf r..i That Virginia law maker who has in all seriousness introduced a bill to make the act of kissing a punishable misdemeanor unless the participants can show a clean bill of health, seems to have forgotton the no Inconsider able proportion of osculations whlcn occur in the gloaming ana later. CASTORiA Pot Infanta and Children. Tha Kind Yon Hare Alvajs B&glit Bears the Signature d ...)' i4c3d3lt5sff tofUsaaatioa to HtstSuxMk J. v - '; 1 r