it page 6 -Tuesday- THE ASHE VxLLE GAZETTE -ec s, hcz. 1 U ! f . - r.-..v I" G CO RC i A LEG I S LATU R E. Coco Cola and Like , Syrups Are to Be Taxed $1,000. THE PRESIBEMT Atlanta, Dec 8. Very few? changes Of the Citv COUXlciL WilkeS- In marriage only when there is equality of health as well as affection. Affection may be the basis of unity in marriage, but the superstructure depends largely on the womanly health. When the wife is tormented with backache, distressed by- headache, and .racked by nervous ness, She has no ambition for exercise" ci pleasure. Dcctor Pierce's Favorite Preser.ptirt; shakes weak women strong aiid s::k -women well. It cures headache, back ache, and other womanly ill? hy C"ir:r; the .diseases of the womanly organic-ir which cause them. It establishes regu larity, dries weakening drains, lieis it; fktnntztibtj and ulceration and cuic? fertile vikucfr-. Weak and pick women are invited tc -consult Dr. pierce, by letter, frtc. All covrcr-TKHidence held as strictly private ana s-credlv conmU-nv:.!. Acdxess Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffs-Jo, X. Y. The dealer wro o:7evs a .substitute for tion ,; exs so to -jvai). Oi the hltte mere uroLl txuu or, the sale less nieriioriou nxc.::i:.3. I-;;; profit i: your loss, therefore accept no substitute. "My wife comiucnced to complain twtuiy years ago,-' writes Lewis A. Miller. ex-Chief o; police, 33 Prospect Street, Weirsport, Ta. "V.v liave tried the skill of twelve different doctcr-. She took pallons of medicine during the tir.-.t she was ill, until I wro'.e to you and you told 1:3 what to do. She hns tr.ken eight bottles of L'r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and six of t 'Golden Media.l Lir,covtry.' She can do hc-r own work now and can walk around again aiul is quite smart. "You can publish this letter if you wish. Wf have received such benefit that we wish every sufferer could derive the same amount of good. My wife's complaint seemed to be a complica tion of diseases so the doctors said. We will ever remain your friends. May God bless yen and your Institute." Dr. Pierce's Pellets are the most desir able laxative for delicate women. RIOT IN NEW YORK. Score of Persons Were Badly Bruised and Beaten. New York, Dec. 8. One man was seriously wounded and a score of per sons bare been badly bruised and beaten in a small riot that followed a meeting of the Iron Workers and Bridgemen's union in this city. During tire free fight engaged in by over 200 men, many shots were fired, and on? of the members, Albert Con nolly, was shot in the side. He was taken to the hospital, where it was said hie wound is serious. Policemen Bullman and Faroan were roughly handled, and more cas ualties would have followed had it not been for the arrival of reinforcements The fight is said to have started in an argument over the nomination of one of t'he members for president. Two tickets were put in the field. The police eay one of the candidates started his campaigning by ordering a barrel of beor and inviting all of the members to drink. There are about 250 members of the union, and it is said over 200 remained to accept tha invitation. Artuser.ts ensued and several sliots were fired. When th? police appeared the crowd jumped up on them and the hall was cleared only after reinforcements had been aca.llecl. Connolly was found in a saloon, where his friends had carried him. were made by the houses yesterday in the general ; tax bill, " and" onlyone radical amendment was adopted. The bill was almost completed, leaM ng but four or fhte more sections to be passedv upon today. t ; The most important change in tha bill was the adoption of an amend ment by Dr. Kelly, of Glascock, putting a tax of $1,000 on the manufacturer of coco cpla and similar patented soda fountain . . syrups, the Increase having been made from , $300, the amount adopted the day before. No tax was put on bottling works. , . The house taxed jslot machines $2.50 and $5 each; midway shows $10 per week each; cigarettes $10; detective agencies $100; leaving practically every figure in the bin . except the coco cola tax, just as it came from the committee. Another important change made by the house was the removal of sew ing machine companies and agents from exemption from local taxation which they have heretofore enjoyed. The house voted down an amend ment to section 5, by Mr. Carrington, of Madison, which proposed to make the tax on all insurance companies 2 per cent on their gross receipts, in stead of 1 per cent as it is at present. It was shown that with the agency tax and the tax on real and personal property, the insurance companies were paying more taxes in Georgia than was the case in many other states of the union. The section aa adopted requires all insurance compa nies to pay a tax of 1 per cent on their gross receipts. Mutual co-operative or assessment fire companies are exempted from this tax. Insurance companies doing a brokerage business or lending money are required to pay a tax on their capital employed the same as individuals. They must also pay the usraal ad valorem tax on all their real and personal property. Presidents and general managers oi all building and lean associations are required by section 6 as adopted tc return all the property of such associ ations to tax receivers in their re spective counties. All foreign and home fidelity and guarantee companies are required to pay a tax of 1 per cent upon their gross receipts. In the Senate. Although a strong effort was made yesterday to have the senate recon sider its action of the previous day in passing the bill by Senator Cte ments to continue the present convict lease system, the upper house, by a vote of 25 to 11, declined to recede from its action. The general appropriations bill, barre. Pa., .Curled of Rheumatism. Col. Win. j. Harvey, a president of Wilkesbarre's city council, who will long be remembered for his great work for the city, was once a mere physical wreck, torn in every muscle and. nerve from the frightful, pains caused by rheumatism. He consulted the best physicians, went abroad, took mud baths, and almost every known treatment for the disease. A f rimd had had a very similar experience and Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Rem-' edy had cured him, so he recommended this great kidney medicine to Col. Harvey ami he is to-day a well man, hale and hearty. He writes straight to the point: Dr. David Kennedy, Dear Sir This is to certify that I was permanently cured of rheuma tism by the use of Dr. David Ken nedies Favorite Remedy. Wm. J. Harvey. Rheumatism is but another name for uric acid poisoning which is caused pri marily by diseased kidneys. Cure your kidneys and the rheumatism disappears. For all diseases of the kidneys, liver, bladderand blood, rheumatism, dyspep sia and chronic constipation, as well as sicknesses peculiar to women, Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is unques tionably the greatest medicine known to the medical profession. It is for sale by all druggists in the New SO Gent Size and the regular $1.00 size bottles less than a cent a dose. Sample bottle enough for trial, free by matt. Dr. David Kennedy Corporation.JRondout, N. Y. I)r. Darld Kennedy's Rose Jelly radical cure Catarrh, Hay Fever and Cold in Head. 50c. BUYING THOROUGHBREDS English Market Overrun With Amerl can Buyers. London, Dec. 8. The last few months have found in the United Kingdom an unprecedented number o4 American buyers of thoroughbred cat tie, whose purchases of hlgh-clasi breeding stock aggregate many thou sands of pounds. A number of th animals bought are intended, for ex hibition at the St. Louis exposition The prices paid range from $2,000 tc over $6,250 a head. Scores of high priced bulls and cows have been ship ped during the summer and falL Among the buyers now here is C. E. Marvin, of Lexington, Ky., who win take back 25 thoroughbreds in May and July. J. S. Goodwin, of Chicago, has purchased a number of Angus breeders and the Armours' agent is NORTH CAROLINA IS nnMiim Tn urn nimi r; ; uuiamu u ncri uiih NoSrth Carolina has been ruted and is now regarded widely "as the poorest and 'most illiterate of the states in. the Araeficlan Union; and her prideful ex pressions have often been, received aa mere, ignorant 'and childish, boasting,, pardonable and pitiful- u; ; Well North Carolina, has been: and is poor in tha iworld's goods, and there is as large if not a larger proportion of illiterate men white, or colored in her borders than in any of the other states,- And notwithstanding, North Carolinians have loved Nfrth- Carolina,. have; defended her in the presence 6f the critical and the scornful by point ing to s her War records, by extolling the purity of her Anglo-Saxon blood and even by boasting of her ability to fill all the blanks in the government reports on natural resources, and they have apologized, saying that the war cost -much, the negro much and recon struction much. And some have fool ishly - tiaken grace to . themselves for the acheivemeiits of the past and have actually made it out. that North Caro lina is the greatest land and her peo ple the most advanced and noble in all the world, and encouraged the peo ple in proud and ddiotic content. If we are glad that a time is shortly to - come when the critic will be with. stood by what he shall see rather than what he shall hear we are also glad that the time is come when the people are too intelligent to suffer a stump speaKer to soothe them in their pover ty or indifference by foolish flattery. North Carolina is coming to her own The state is in the midst of a marvel ous transformation. She is growing in a thousand ways. Look at her news papers! Ten years ago they iwere dy ing on two thousand subscribers a year. Now they begin to flourish, and for a sign they give a service that was not dreamed of ten years ago. Look at her cities, "Wttlmington Greensboro, Charlotte, Winston-Salem, Asheville, Durham, Releigh-how thaw grow; and such a crop of thriving towns, Hick ory, High Point, Wilson, Salisbury, Kinston, Lexington, Spencer, Rocky Mount, Goldsboro, Flayetteville, Mon roe, Henrietta, Shelby, Caroleen, Eliz abeth City and a score more, all active as few towns 'were ten years ago. Mark the educationa 1 movement, What flourishing 'academies, with crowded schools for giris, what college enrollments, what a power in the pas sion for public school improvement! Ten years ago there was nothing like it; and few dared hope for anything like it. Mark, too, the new literary and his torical interest. Back of all is the' industrial move ment. There is new life in North Car olina because there is new business The mills have stirred -the state from border to border and to its very heart in the back country not only cotton mills, but all manner of wood-working establishments. Each of them gives work to men who found it hard to live in the country, ou rented Band, each brings new population from the back woods, where it was mostly useless and gives it place and power for ser vice; each makes a new market for the farmer and the merchant, each increases the income of the state by wim) u mm have been made of tiny Dexter and which is now being onsidered bv thd LKerry cattle in Ireland, the breeding , " i sending 100 Herefords to the United States. A number of purchases also I multiplying upon the value of the raw product both of men and material; each brings new power into the region CURES CANCER AND BLOOD POISON. If you have blood poison producing eruptions, pimples, ulcers, swollen glands, bumips and risings, burning, itching skin, copper-colored spots or rash on the skin, mucous patches in mouth or throat, falling hair, bone pains, old rheumatism or foul catarrh, take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.). It kills the poison in the blood; soon all sores, eruptions heal, hard swell ings subside, aches and pains stop and a perfect cure is made of the worst cases of Blood Poison. For cancers, tumors, swellings, eating sores, ugly ulcers, persistent pimples of all kinds, take B. B. B. It destroys the cancer poison in the blood, heals cancer of all kinds, cures the worst hu mors or suppurating swellings. Thou sands cured by B. B. B. after all else fails. B. B. B. composed of pure botanic ingredients. Improves the di gestion, makes the blood pure and rich, stops the awful itching and all sharp, shooting pains. Thoroughly tested for thirty years. Druggists, $1 per bottle, with complete directions for home cure. Sample free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice also sent in sealed letter. senate committee on appropriations, was read for the second time and sent back to the committee. When it comes from the committee it will be in shape to be placed upon ita passage. So far -as this session of the legis lature is concerned the Australian bal lot system bill, by Mr. Kelly, of Glas cock, is dead. The senate yesterday morning post poned action on the measure and made the bill the special order for the second day of the next session ol the upper house, whether that be ia June or October of 1903. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. Filed Deed of Trust. Cincinnati, Deo. 8. The Brunswicls Oollender company, manufacturers ol billiard and pool tables and bar fx tures, today gave a deed of trust of its properties here and in other cities, to the Union Savings and Trust com pany of Cincinnati, for half a million dollars, to be applied to enlargement of their establishment in Chicago. His Eye Valued at $10,000. New York, Dec. 8. Ten thousand dollars is the value of an eye, accord ing to a verdict for damages awarded toy a Jury In the Brooklyn supreme court in favor of Fred H. Dittman. The plaintiff was employed by an elec trical company and was injured by a broken belt on the machinery. C. W. Hillard, formerly treasurer ol the Chicago and Eastern Illinois, has been appointed controller of the St. Louis and San Francisco, with offices in New York. The position is a new one. Dr. Timothy Filed Allen, a promi nent physician of New York, Is dead from apoplexy. He was dean of tha Homeopathic college and president ol the New York Opthaknlc hospital Dr. Allen was the author of many works on medicine and botany. A municipal journal publishes ex haustive tables, says a London dis patch to the New York Tribune, show ing that the estimated . profits of vari ous undextaklngs, such as gas, water, electric supplies and tramways are equal in Ldverpood to a rate of lOd per pound, and fall from that maxi mum to a single farthing at Halifax The evidence is conclusive that local taxes would be higher in English towns if municipal trading were not a source of considerable profit. Experts familiar with the trade ot Venezuela under normal canditiona assert, says a New ork Tribune dis patch from London, that customs rev enues are derived chiefly from imports of flour from the United States and Canada and exports to the same mar kets, and the seizure of the systems of the settlement of British, and Ger man claims would involve the ray ment of debts through duties levied upon commerce from and with Ameri of which has recently become quite j the fashion in England under the pa tronage of Dady Lansdowne and other titled fanciers. The ruling of Dr. Salamon, chief oi the United States bureau of animal in- j dustry allowing the importation ol Jersey and Guernsey cattle into the United States without the tuberculin test goes to greatly stimulate pur. chases in those islands. The agri cultural department's agents during the last ten yeacs have inspected over 20,000 head of cattle in New Jersey and Guernsey and have not found a single case of tuberculosis. On the other hand England and Scotland are badly infected and breeders here on that account apprehend the early adop tion of more stringent quarantine measures by the United States. llliihlul;.i;,ii,i:l,liiiiui,iimnni.iuiiiiuuJjnini,i!li.u,',iuiil,iuliiia;H,iiiu,tn: il,iiillH'.iiiHiiiniminiiiliini'UM'i"mtMiii',uii)ii;iiiiiim'ini,im'uiiiinnnniii AVgetable Pre paraliorifor As similating tueFttrtandRegtda ting theStomacts andBcwrels of Promotes Digcstion.CheerfuF ness andRestContains neither OpiunxMorpliine norfinEraL WOT ARC OTIC . Jlmtpe afOU&SAKUELPtTCKKR frtmpkui. Seat" jibtSenna. RocUU&Jtt- Ctanfod Sugar Wkttryrmnavar. A perfect Remedy forCortsuDa- Tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions ,Fevensh ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. m am v For Infants and ChnT The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of A AW in h pJ For Over Thirty Years EXACT-COPY OF WRAPPER. Id I finOftuTOffnlin TDtwimtmMMiiT. new vokk cm. KOTX)L DYSPEPSIA CURE Digests all classes of food, tones and strengthens th stomach and digestive organs. Cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Stomach Troubles, and makes rich red blood, health and. strength. Kodol re builds wprnout tissues, purines, strengthens and sweetens the stomach, GovG.'W. Atkinson, of W. Va., says: I haye used a nuniDer of bottles of Ko dol and have found It to he a very effective and, indeed, a powerful rem edy for stomach ailments. I recommend it to my friends. Dr. T. C. Smith's. PECULIAR DROWNING. to a Silver Dollars Dragged Man Watery Grave. New York, Dec. 8. A peculiai drowning is reported from Carnarsie, Long Island. With $300 in silver in his pockets which he had saved foi his wedding, Edward Porter was knocked from his sloop while return ing to port and drowned. Owing to the storm his crew could render no assistance, and weighted down by the coin, Porter, although a good swimmer, sank almost instantly of progress And the tarm, is it abandoned? By no means. There never were so many good fanners in North Carolinia, never so many good farms, never such in telligent farming. The mills have re lieved the farms of many who onlv destroyed land, and now they have become patrons and supporters of the farmers. We 'ead the other day that the income of the farmers of North Carolina in 1899 was nearly 80 per cent, more than their income in 1889 an increase from $50,000,000 to $98,000, 000, a tremendous leap in 10 years". The advance over 1889 is fully 100 per cent, this year. The sum of it is this: North Caro lina is in the beginning of an un paralleled advancement material and intellectual. The arteries ot her life throb with a power they have not be fore felt. She will never lagain be a poor states her activities are too. di verse; she will never again be an il literate state her educational ranks are too strong. She is coming to her own. Only good achievements stand ahead of her. Let us be mindful then we who have the hoon of living in such a time that our state shall also grow as a state, and shall send only strong and noble men to Washington and keep them there; shall be heard in the world because of her wisdom and virtue, and let us also endeavor that our re ligious forces, our institutions of edu cation ana cnarity ana missions, our spiritual life shall keep pace with the tremendous movement that we are now in the midst of.- So our bofasts shall prove prophetic and vindicate us at the last, as we point to North Car olina's great present and future while speaking with emotion of her undoubt edly heroic past. Biblical Recorder. CHEAP One-Way Colonist and Round Trip Home Seekers Rates To Many Points in Arkansas, Colorado, Indian Territory, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mex co, South Dakota, Oklahoma, North Dakota, Texas, Wyoming, and other states. On Sale First and Third Tuesday of each month to and including ApriL 1903. via ig Four Route 3 Trains a Day - Gateways - via St. Louis, Chicago' or Peoria. All lines from Southern States make connection with the "Big Four" In Cin cinnati in the Union Depot, avoiding any inconvenient transfers. For full information and particulars as to rates, tickets, limits, etc., call on Agents "Big Four Route," or address the undersigned. WARREN JL LYNCH, Gen'l Pass. & Ticket Agt. W. P. DEPPE, Asst. G. P. & T. A. J. E. REEVES, Gen'l Southern Agt. Cincinnati, Ohio. W. P. BRAWLEY, T. P. A. Big Four Route, tf Chattanoosra.. Tenn. COS- - iij As:- -:7 JULIA MARLOWE NO LONGER ILL New York, Dec. 8. Mies Julia Mar lowe has fully recovered from her re cent illness and will reopen her inter rupted' engagement tonight at the Crit erion theater. Her play is the same in, which she was seen in several cities earlier in the season, namely, "The Cavalier," a dramatization by Paul Kester of George W. Cable's novel of Southern life . ' - - Hung Himself In Cotton House. Powder Springs, Ga., Dec. 8. F. M. Rice, a prominent and well-to-do farmer living 4 miles north of this place, hung himself in his cotton house about 5 o'clock yesterday morn. Ing. . Mr. Hfce was an active mem ber of the Methodist church at Up shaw. near his home mi .A m & iwtt-WBitni am y flME CARO. Effective Oct. 27. 1901, Ex-Senator Davis' Wife Dies. "Washington, Dec. 8. Mrs. Henry G. Davis, wife of the former senator from West Virgin'ia, and mother-in-law ol Senator FJkins, died vat "Graceland," her summer home, at Elkins W. Va., today. Northbound Passenger Mlxeu miiw Chester Lv. 6.46 am 8. SO am Yorkville " 7.50 am 10.28 am Gastonia " 9.20 am l.Xi pm Lincoln toe " 10.24 am t.10 pm Newton " 11.09 am 5.00 pm Hickory 11.45am 6.10 pm 7.3rt Cliffs "'12.15pm 6.55 pm 7.Mv. Lenoir Ar. 1.00 pm 8.20 pm 10.81 gr& Southbound Passenger Mixed MIj. Lenoir Lr. 240 pm 6.00 am 2.04aj Cliffs " 2.57 pm 7.50 pm t.SPaja. Hickory " J.lOpaa 8.10 am i.iCu Newton " 8.40 pm S.65am Lincolnton " 4.28 pm 11.40 am Gastonia 5.42 pm 2.00 pm Yorkville " 6.47 pm 1.53 pm Chester Ar. 8.00pm 6.00 urn ....... CONNECTIONS. Cheater Southern Ry., 8. A. I., ut It. St C. Yorkville S. C. & G. Bxenaion. G astonla Southern Ry. Lincolnton S. A. L. Newton and Hickory Southern Jfcy. Lenoir Blowing Rock 8tage Lin as4 C. N. Ry. SOUTHERN RAILWAi IN effect November 2. This condensed schedule is ; as information and issubje'.; t without notice to the public. (EASTERN TIME i . 7:00 a. m. No. 30, daily :" bury, Washington and th L nects at Salisbury. Greci.s: Danville, for Charlotte, Ka Richmond. Through PuILtu-.:. between Memphis, Chattan .- .e ville and Salisbury. 3:35 p. m. No. 12, daily for 17, Washington and all i-i:.:s East Through Pullman sleeper Nashville, Chattanooga and Kr.oxvLA I 7:05 a. m. No. 14, daily f-r 1 burg, Columbia and Charles:.. j:- nects at Spartanburg for A::-.r.:a v: . e South, Charlotte and tne Nor.:. 4:00 p. m. No. 10, daily for jrrua burg, Columbia, Savannah, Jkorri! and all points South, conne-Spa;, tanburg for the North, a '.7. Charleston. Through Puilrr. :; between Cincinnati, Knoxv;:; ville, Spartanburg, Columbia. .- and Jacksonville. 8:30 a. m. No. 17, daily ex -day, for Waynesville, Bry? all intermediate points. 3:20 p. m. No. 19, daily -ex day), for Waynesville, Bry: Murphy and all intermedia:- ; (CENTRAL riME . ) 6:10 a. m. No. 115, daily : Springs, Morristown, Kr.oxv: Bristol, connects at Morris:: Chattanooga and New Orle.-ir.?. 1:15 p. m. No. 11, daily : Springs, Knoxville and all ;o;r. connects at Morristown for I r Knoxville for Cincinnati and L at Chattanooga for Memphis a:, ville. Through Pullman slee;-r New York. Washington, S Asheville, Chattanooga and Ni;:." and through Pullman sleeper Jacksonville , Savannah, Asheville, Knoxville and Ci: 12:20 a. m- No. 35, daily Springs, Morristown, Knoxv: tanooga and points west. C Chattanooga for Mem phi? mediate points and at Ot! tion for Rome, Saima. At'.ar.: termedlate points. Throu-i. sleepers between Salisbury. Knoxville, Chattanooga ar. : Call on Ticket Agents : r ' and detailed information C. H. ACKERT, General Manager. Was hi:-". S. H. HARDWICK, General Passencer A J. H. WOOD, District Passenrr A--A !-.--- Baggage called for ar. l O hotels and residence? to The Asheville Transfer ' ' " : in: I 4 i West ::!, 1' u :5V Lit : Nisi- -.tTK :s A COLD, WAVE. The forecast pf; sudden changes in the weather aerves notice that a hoarse voice rand a heavy, cough may ' Invade the sanctity of health In your own home. Cautious people have a bottle of One Minute Cough " Cure ' always v at hand. E. H. Wise. ' Madison. . Ga.. Burglarious Attempt Failed. , Pittsburg, Dec. 8. An unsuccessful .cently sold his farm and was to have; attempt was . made to burglarize the National Bank of Freedom, Pa., early today. Tdhe.burglars effected an en trance- to "the bank, and - attempted ! to blow open, the safe with, nitroglyc erine, -but the noise of. the explosions moved to his home . in this town. No cause is known for bis rash act. For Holiday Adjournment ctss t have' Payne leader of the majority, today introduced a resolution in the houso for holiday adjournment from Dec. 20 to January 6. writes: ' "I am indebted "to One Minute awakened 1 the residents- in the; netgk- WHATS;iN A NAMET Everything is in, the name when it comes to Witch Hazel Salve. E. C. De- Witt & Co, or .gnicago, discovered, some Cough Cure for mr bresent KODd'healtlul'4u;jwiVa -arrtkwoti years , ago now, to make a salve from and probably mr lMe It euresjsougns iSToio behind, Wc 'fffl. On urimifa rnrH- 0 t I t.ATd all the tylat&ctassinf th. baa l bruises and all skin diseases TWitt's ' Phlegm, draw out ; the , Inflammation, 1 building aa well a TrtoOovn 4,f Salye hasno equal. .This has given rise . heals and soothes ithe , mucous mem- neighboring nouses .r . -' , :S.vnS ff S88.. dounterfeits. cranes and strengthens the lungs. 1 -",.'..;,. L- "t1T"A's genuine. Dr. T.r C. Smith's. TDT Ci Smith's. If you feel ill and need a pill Why not. purchase: the best? DeWitfs Early Risers Are'' little surprlsers, Take one they,do the rest. , W H. Howell, Houston, Texas, writes I have used Little Early Riser Pills in any family for constipation, sick head ache, etc To their use I am indebted for the health of .my family.. Dr. T. C. Smith's, y , , 5 aasette.fwants"; rae centra wvrdi" NOW IS YOUR CHANCE To buy cheap tickets- to , California and the Northwest, via Union Pacific and Southern Pacific. Ask for partic ulars. J. F. VAN RENSSELAER, General Agent, Atlanta, Ga tf. a Mississippi jingle. Leetle niggah baby a-sittin m er bank Crocodile, oh , Mlstah Crocodile ! Baby mouty fat an crocodile jess an' lank; . ; Crocodile, oh, Mlstah Crocodile! Baby sittln on de bank, playing wif his toes; : , . ; w What's flat crocodile a-gwine' tV do does yo . suppose? 4 (j.--Shol Look at- dat lalg a-stlckln out' i neai ms nose; REDUCED RATES Account North Carolina M South, Washington, N. C 3rd-10th, 1902. Tickets 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, inclusive, wi::. Dec. 13th. Round trip fr :r N. C. $16.85. Account Annual Meetin Charlotte, N. C. Tickets or. 11 and 12th, with final lii-- Continuous passage botn HOLIDAY EXCURSION 1 A;;; Special rates will be r-y Southern Railway to and points east of the MLss::rT south of the Ohio and Peton. (interstate and intrastate) one and one-third fares, nr?t the round trip. Tickets will be sold to tr.e .-nno. To.r o 01 f; ?,o. 3 . --i 3rd, 1903. To teachers and sw- g schools and colleges, vie- ;r jci g,r.a limit surrendering certificate su perintendents, principals an advance selling date 1 .-- Dec. 16th to 22nd, 1902, lnciu- - Wm fnrthpr information agent, or address, J- H .District Passenger Agent, N C. than to nae Crocodfleobstahcodiiel J' knows better I-7Baltl!more.Newr;wlshes .... t ; , r