,4, ' 1 1 ' ' " ' 1 1 ; 1 ,: i, 'V ' I. . if .r'i, v. GJaus Smiles W:lh pleasure when surveying hand some Rugs and Carpets o.Ic cted ffrom our large Ftock good reason. ; He knows (and he is ;i !:aow!n? one) there's rone better in this whole ;town none better as to lateness of desisrn or duinbility of material. Moderate in pricing. , Sawyer's Carpsi House, Phone 228. Nos. 18 and 20 Church St . . BIG SHIPMENT . . F-orida Oranges Due to arrive Tuesday, Dec. 9th. I These are packed in the groves and specially selected for us. Can supply the trade by dozen or box. at I PF'v i OES $3, 50 a Pair. Black Vici, Box Calf, Patent Leather and Enamel. The balance ot tianan's $S Shoes, $4.50 to close out. $6.00 Patent Leather $5.00. Courtney's Corner. We Can Do the Family Wash Here better and cheaper than . it can be done at home. Ask for our Special Rates for the Family Wash. Asheville Steam Laundry 95 W. College St, Phone 95. Wood and Kindling Coal and Coke, Cannel Coal, Steam Coal, Carolina Coal and t Ice Co. Phone 130 . 23 Patton Avenue . NOTICE la hereby, fflyeiv, that the Board of Al dermen of thefclty of Asheville intend : to make application to the 4 General , Awemibly of the State at its next reg ular session for certain amendments to . tne charter, or. said city. . , , ThU November fS, 18C3." - ii, f s GITY NEWS i The Asheville Harware company. Mrs. Davis1, mother of Charles Da vis of this city .and mother-in-law of J. J. Maekey, died In Virginia Sun day. The remains will be sent to Asheville for burial. Owing to the storm of last Tuesday evening, there was no meeting of the board of managers of the 1 Iindley learning 'school. A meeting ' will be held today at 4 p. m. at the home of Mrs. M. E. Hilliard. All members are especially asked to be present, as matters of Importance are to -be dis cussed. The State Nurses' association, Ashe ville branch, 'will meet at the Nurses' home on Patton' avenue v Tuesday at 8:30 p. an. The members of the North Ashe ville Methodist church will give a e ception to their pastor, Rev. E. K. McLarty, this evening at the ld . church on Center street. All mem bers 'are cordially invited. Advices received from the Alkahest Lyceum bureau make it necessary to cancel Dr. Henson's lecture announced to be given at the Auditorium this ev ening. Holders of tickets and cou pons for reserved seats for this lecture will retain them for use at a subse quent date; or all tickets issued will be accepted upon the occasion of the postponed, lecture, which will be an nounced later. The entertainment of the West Asheville I. O. O. F. will take place next Friday, but the details of the place and exact time have not yet been arranged. .The silver offering will be used in giving , the children at the orphanage at Goldsboro a hap py Christmas. Six case's were up before Judge Jones for a hearing yesterday. Two defendants Sam Wilson and John Fisher paid small fines for being drunk. Two were also up for play ing games of chance, but were dis missed. Will Featherston and Mark Lytle were up for assault on each other with deadly weapons. The evi dence showed that one had a stick and the other a knife. Both were bound over to Superior court on $50 bonds. H. C. Chedester returned yesterday from a three days trip to Kentucky. He visited a number of places in the interest of a client. A marriage license was issued yes terday to Winsor Lytle and Hattie Wilson, colored. Frank B. Miller 'of the Miller-Rice Paint company leaves this morning for Kentucky and Ohio, to spend the holidays. The funeral of Mrs. F. P. Davis will b at J. J. Mackey's at 4 p. m. toaay. Postmaster John E. Crymes of Waynesville spent last night in the city, en route to Durham, to attend the State Baptist conventions Rev. B.W.N. Simms of Waynesville, who occupied the pulpit of the First Barj- tist church Sunday, leaves for Dur ham this morning, to attend the state convention. Rev. Baylus Cade and Mrs. W. 'C. Allen came in from Waynesville last night, and will leave for Durham todav. Rev. W. TO wn. kins came in from Clyde last evening. and leaves for Durham this morning. Wood, Kindling. Hard and Soft Coal and Coke. Phone 40, Asheville Ice & Codl Co. tin nee. 12. Tenny's Cocoanut Crisp at Lee's, tt Old fashlened Taffy Bars at Lee's, tf Half pound Peanut Brittle for lftn. at Northern's Souvenir Store. tf. GLOVES We want to call your attention to a special sale in Qloves for men and women. Men's fine wool and aashimrp gloves for 25cf 35c, and $48c pair. Han son's railroad and driving gloves at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. Fine dress gloves from $1.00 no. Ladies' eolf eloves in plain and fancy colors at 25c, 35c and 48c. Ladies' wool and cashmere dress gloves in solid and fancy colors at a great reduction, at I. W. GLASER'S. 18 South Main street, Asheville, N. C. .Elliott's Pharmacy, Bailey ft Pat. ave. BRO Wfl -BURNETTE CASE Will Likely Consume All of' Today in Superior Court. The taking of evidence in the case of Brown against Swan L. Burnette was continued in Superior court yes terday. This case is said to be a tedious and complicated one. The witness on the stand yesterday was a Mr .Burnette, a junior ipartner in the defendant firm. His examination and cross-examination consumed most of the afternoon. It is probable that the taking of testimony will consume the entire session today. No morning session was held in Su perior court yesterday, as Judge Coun- wxiu una gone to his home in aw&ury. 10 spend undajr, was un avoidably delayed. , AS TO GREATER ASHEVILLE Extension Proposition . the Principal One Discussed at Present. . v The expressions being -iha.de ori ev ery hand In regard to the extension of the scity'a limits .are varied and In teresting. t The matter of limits extension' is the most Important and extensively dis cussed -matter in' Asheville , at pres ent, 1 The suburbanites wrho, are . op- "Dosed to the : "Greater Asheville proposition t and ' those v who v are for "Greater ' Asheville" have already ,,f re auentlv.' met In t argument and dis cussed the questidn. " . That the matter;. - will assume r very larfc ' and interesting trorortions - Is assured by' the - different opinions be ing expressed. vsn.' ;-,;' u Anniversary Run of Great The Automobile Club of Great Britain receptly held ; an I anniver sary run in which participated 193 ' cars of foreign i andv American manufacture The run was an extremely, difficult one, on account -of the very stormy weather.- A number of American cars were, entered, but the Locomobile was the only American car to win a non-stop cer tificate, two such certificates having been awarded the Locomobile. The following cars were entered besides the Locomobile : 2 Westor$ or Grout, 2 Whites; 1 Toledo, I Prepcott. This is another convincing proof of the reliability of the Locomobile. Asheville Cycle Company, Agfs., phone 228.' Z Nos. 18 and 20 Church street A Ne Trust Concern We wnb everybody would trust us fullv. Yet we know lull well nobody will truth about every article we HIRAM THE Store 450 S. Main St, Phone 200, MENS SPECIAL BOX GALF $3.50 LACE SHOES. 3 Superior in style, wear and fit to any other Shoe sold for the same money. The leather from which they are cut is tanned by pecial process -which produces leather which wears like iron. Always looks well. Soles are genuin oak tanned leather -with extension roped edges. Sewed throughout- with finest linen thread. The rriost popular style man'e shoe sold this season, to be found only at THE BOSTON SHOE STORE The Leading Shoe Firm. The Finest Line of French Briar and Meerschaum Pipes South of New York at the WISE PDM1TDRE BUYERS Are makingjtheir purchases now, before the holiday rush is on. It is not only wise to buy now, but it is wisel to come to us. Our stock is new, fresh, and stylish in every respect, and I we are prepared to please. you and save money for you. S. flT51?'Ii1M M)Q A Handsome Prame Around the Picture Adda much ttay artwork.- Tou'll appreciate bow much sood .picture framing will do for the home nvhen you see our handsome line of mould ings. Our framer is an expert. Let usr (frame those pictures before Christ mas. 1 ; , , ROGERS' BOOK STORE, 39 Patton, Ave:, , Phone 254. Book Sign. Tomatoea" 25e liasket, " Cucusmfoers 5c each, celery 8. stalks 25c. Hiram Lind sey, aty Market, . phone 800. - ;T0U deal veil, When you deal with ismp1,' Jtiiram Lindsey City ll Market. Automobile IiB Britain trust us unless we tell tbem the sell. LINDSEY (1ROCER City Market Phone 800. 9 Oov.o weo4 jk ann BERKELEY CIGAR STAND. Ah Pqitati Airoiinn S5 Sweet Potatoes 20c peck, White' Po tatoes 20c peck, .Carrots 25c peck. -Hiram Ldndsey, City Market, Thone 800. , Eating Apples 25c peck; -.Cooking Ap-r I " V " spies ad ro: zo pecK, . walnuts 20c tpeclc mm RbbinHood matoes , Fancy hand packed 20 Cents per Can. D. 6. NOLAND 21 N. Main St. Phone 151 To Agents for PHILIP CART'S ROOFING the best $3.00 per square complete. Paint your roofs with WOODBURY'S RUBBER ELASTIC ROOFING PAINT before the rainy season. WOODBURY'S COAL CO. Phone 121. Sft ScC Us evAI7kirj in our line before deciding to Rent or Buy. J. H. WEAVER CO. Real Estate Brokere 85 S. Main St., Asheville, . U. Do you Get the Best the market affords? We mean in meats. You don't unless you buy of the Lutz Meat Co. Phone 754. Beef, Pork, Lamb, Veal, Chickens, Turkeys, Ducks, Game. 350 Pairs Child's Kong Kid. All Solid Leather Shoes, Button, size 5 to 8 55c. G, A. MEARS, 32 South Main St: Don't Buy Useless things for presents. Some thing useful and lasting will be more appreciated. Call and look over my stock of ties, gloves, notions.o fine clothing, hats, paper, etc., .before stock is broken. Many good values to be had. 6E0. W. JENKINS 45 South Mala street. All UNUSUAL OCCURRENCE Yesterday five gentlemen met in the Big Baltimore all wanting a pair of Lewis A. Crossett's $3.60 shoes, out of which grew a general discussion of this so well known shoe for gentlemen. Not one man In the five had worn his shoes less than eight months and one said he had worn his one year and five months. No better leather is used in any five dollar line of shoes than is used in these and no better work is in them.. There is no reason in men paying $5.00 for a shoe you can get for $3.50. We do not ask you to believe our statement but you have friends In Asheville who are wearing the Crossett shoe, so all we ask is that you get your friends' opinion because if you do you will certainly buy a pair and try them. We have the exclusive agency in Asheville. Carry a full stock in all Btyles and will be glad to show them to you. Come and exam ine them. THE BIG BALTIMORE. Miss Thirtyodd "Softleight had the audacity .to . propose to me laat eve ning.". .Miss. Twentyeveri-'lndeed' And when is the wedding to take place?" Seasonable Novelties Now arriving freely. The Selections of our buver on his recent trip North. yuxth?se, were bought at low figure?, seme were notbut of the latter we were glad to secure a SiyaIt5?l?not cap; as they are items much m iequestand hard to irer. ' . H; Redwood Ss Co. -G.9wsfe.Hats. Fancy Goods I - -. - - s D 'u 'LnExDer; and Sur eqprnent at your service ,f you want good Ccr, Screened n our own ard Hard' Coal,. Coke, Wood and Kindline. Asheville Ice & Coal C, Phone 40. 32 Patton Ave rc r if) HILL'S 66 H. McGIN (Successor to Carl Practical Dyer and Gleaner No. 87 Rniith Uoi. or.e Boarders Wanted Large grounds in suburbs, fine water, good fare, ok 'uimuic rates. MRS. J. M. RAY On N. Main St., Ramoth N r vai rnone 295 Information at Ray's Book Store 8 North Court NOW IS YOUR CHAtfC To buy cheap ticket to . and toe Northwest, via vLfZ and Southern Pacific. As! X g J. 9. VAN RJSVssjtt't i wr Geaeral Agent, Atiwu, SOUTHERN HOTEL, MRS. S. STEVENSON' Pr Beet 11 -OA nr Am v v.. Hot and colli f. ai 7 P th door. Special rate, by ti. Centrally Located. 8. Main ft at Ajmenue. N. C. Your Photograph tor Christmas Tour friends and relatives v--r:.i j,uUW61Bi,u tur L.nns:ra; ai you always try to look your bes: noi get tne best portrait voj car sittings made by Mr. .Raw Ev--. of th6 work right. Corr: finish, all that skill and ta: :: make your pictures as plai" -. sible. RAY'S STUDIO 8 North Court Square. Tangerines 30c3ozen. :a 40c dozen, Grapes ' 20; Lindsey, City Market. Ph - When Yol Wan A dray or baggage transferred W. R. POUNDERS, Phone S4j. J. S. West 22 South Court Suar Grape Nuts 15c, p.fi; Flaked Rice 15c. South Main street. J. Y. BROWN &C0 No. 45 Patton avenue, (upstairs). UNDERTAKERS Successor to Brown. RVair a- . Open Day and Night. I . e : Egg Plant 5 to 20- c-.t 5c bunch. Cauliflower :' ram Lindsey, City Mark::. Green Peppers 10c doz- bunch, Carrots 5c bun h. bunch. Hiram Lindsey. . Phone 800. A man is often said his oats when in reaii: his rye. T't i. Oui a vri i ri a I I H m m

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