FORECAST: Fair. ASHEVILLE, N. O, THUIISDAY 'jIOENING, DECEMBEB la 1902. VOL. VII NO. 267 FIVE CENTS PER COPTl FOUR DOLLARS A TEAR. : . vr: - J A n. I a 3 o Q O on a; H Pi D o CU CO CO a ID CJ O z CO a u o C CO O I- D U CO 00 J H. LAW 35 Patton Avenue. Leather Goods AT COST We are selling our entire line of leather goods at cost. Pock et Books, Card Cases, Purses, Cigar Casee. Now is the time to make your Christmas selec tions. Pfafflln's Drug Store, Patton Ate. and Church St. Tak the iteaivbf pocket, knive Just (because we sell some beauties at $2.00 and $2.50 i3 no reason rrhj we havn't Best Quarter Knife in Town, v ' On the other hand you'll that our quarter knife- find knife for knife is the bst you ever saw for that money, and for Christmas gilts for the boys they are Just the thing. AshsviUe Hardware Go. On the Square Phone 87 AshevfMe See Our Big Ad On th Page Whitlock's v 41 Patton Avenue. Just Received ; a car load of Flower Pota, and owing aeiay ln shipment from factory win: 861 1 at BTMtlv foAitnaA nriiM ln wrested call at once as they are bound g so. The I X L Department Store, 22 W CO 1-4 IS UL tfi'W- OF BABY'S MOTHER Mrs. Henderson, Arrested Here Said to Be Implicated in tne Abandonment Case. SOBBIM5 3 il TELL STORY OF CRIME The Mother Alleged -to Be Miss Katie Briggs, Under Arrest at Tryon. Two women, supposed by the police to know something of the abandon ment of the child found near Deake's greenhouse, were apprehended yester day afternoon, or at least the evidence in the hands of the officers indlcat this. The officer who. has been con ducting the search had a description of the women and has had them shadowed, but yesterday the fates wcie especially mna. two women came here from Hendersonville and registered at the Swannanoa hotel. giving their names as Mrs. Ida B. Henderson and Miss Briggs, but not stating their place of residence. They were shiadowed from. Hendersonville by an officer and were watched here yesterday afternoon. It Is alleged that late in the afternoon they entered a Continued on page eight. You" should surely visit the ART DEPARTMENT at LAW'S. All the newest Pictures, anci the prices are 4 ' J.' always right. These Grand Old Mountains are Natures gift to us. If you cannot go out and climb the mountain Bides, you can bring them close to you with, a pair of our v Field Glasses Thee glasses are fitted with achromatic lenses, the bars, drawn tubes and trimmings fin ished in black, and body cov ered with leather. Prices range from J$5 to S20 McKeC optician 54 Patton Avenue Warm Weather iS a long WayS Off. YOU , i , i have several months of winter before you. If you would be com fortable buy a Wilson Heater T1!-. n,t o-o arTvrmiral put in a Hot Air Furnace f j. :ii U., z;4-'U inai W1U uuiii cituci okf4- nr rnVf Call OWX L. UU1 V wvw. and get prices. W. A. Boyce 11 South Court Square. For Sale Or Exchange. A beautiful modem country home ncAr Rlneham ochool. , HOUM 100111 10 acres of land In high: tate of ctdtl tAii -win sell or exchange for city property. We are" j offering aplendid uwIha in two business propertfe on co m uvnnt nd Main street. These are all choice valuer , ; .t- Natt Atkinson .fit Sons Co., CON FESSION MA Allies Will Bombard San Carlos; Balfour Informs House of Com mons that a State of War Exists. NO HEADWAY IN ARBITRATION Germany Declares it is Inade quate as it Included no Guarantee to Pay. Caracas, Dec. 17. It is announced that the allies -will bombard San Car los. A revolutionary .force of 1,600 men, under General Ramos, occupied Rio Chico Wednesday. President Castro and General Her nandez, revolutionary leader, have agreed to sink their past differences. CASTRO IN HIDING. Willemstad, Dec. 17. It is reported here that President Castro is hiding from the populace, of Caracas and that he is being urged to resign. It ds also reported that British marines have landed at Ciudad, Bolivia. 'A STATE OF WAR." SAYS bat,. FOUR. 1 London, Dec. 17. In the course of long statement in the house of com.- mons today Premier Balfour said there was no such thing as 'pacific blockade," that a state of war actually existed with Venezuela and an intima tion of tne blockade would shortly b given to the powers. Nothing definite had occurred with reference to arbitration proposals since his previous statement oni the situa tion. He could make no announcement as to whether the offer of arbitration from Venezuela would .be accepted by Great Britain. The statement was made in reply" to the'desire 'of 'the lib's eral leader, Sir Henry Oampbelt Bannerman, for information on the Venezuelan situation. After reiter ating Lord Lansdowne's brief state ment dn the House of Lords yes terday, the premier continued: "The blockade will be carried out 'by Great Britain and Germany along dif ferent portions of the coast and though the two fleets will have the same objects they will not act as one force. We never had any intention of landing troops in Venezuela or of occupying territory even temporarily. We do not think it desirable on either military or other grounds. 'All conditions governing such a blockade have been carefully consider ed and will be published in due time for the information of the neutrals. The government is most anxious that these operations, the necessity for which we deeply regret, should be as little inconvenient to neutrals as they can possibly be made. No difference will be made between the vessels of various neutral powers. I think it is quite likely that the United States will think therejcannot be such a thing as a "pacific .blockade," and I, personally, take the same views. A blockade in volves a state of war." The premier also said the operations -were reluctantly undertaken, niu w recover debts, but after a long and patient delay, to recover compensation fnr assaults on British subjects and the seizure of British vessels. He believed that the Germans also had claims besides the financial ones (Mr. Healy, Irish nationalist, aske if the United States assented to a hiorktfid which would exclude the United States vessels. Mr. Balfour replied: "Neutrals are D consulted when you are in a state of war with a third party. "Is war declared?" asked Mr. Healy. The premier replied: "Does the hon orable member suppose that wirnoui a state of war you can take vessels and have a blockade?" He plying to further questions, Mr. Balfour said he had nothing to add re- rifllline- an mv store purchasing hoi - iday presents for your husband, broth - er or friend Courteous treatment- xo all Bloomberg Leading Cigar and Sport- ine Goods Store. Patton ave. - ; i tWs peanut Brittle at Lee's. tl I - a Biltmore Firewood. Phone 700. FIREWORKS! at Heston's the best kind. Fire Crackers . that we warrant every one to explode. Ro man Candles Sky -Rockets .. , .-. ..... . HBSTON'S Phone 183." ,26. S. Main.. President garding a reason beyond -what was contained in his previous statement on the subject. Papers were being pre pared and would be presented to the house as soon as possible. He assum ed they would include the communi cations which had passed on the sub ject of the blockade between the United States and Great Britain. mmmmmm ARBITRATION INADEQUATE. Berlin, Dec. 17. Germany considers that President Castro's proposal to ar bitrate is inadequate, unaccompanied as it is with guarantee to pay if the arbitrators decide agaist him, and a reply in that sense has been or will be sent through Minister Bowen. Great Britain will make a similar answer. These statements are not made offi cially, but are derived from an excel lent source. PULLMM'S SENTENCE IS FIVE VFJFS Lawrence Pnlliam was yesterday sentenced to five years in the federal prison at Atlanta, tout the jury recom mended that six months in the county jail would suffice, and Judge Boyd uuvun-wi in mew uyiiiaon. in view oi I these facts it is the general opinion that the president will commute the sentence to a short term of impris onment in the Buncombe jail. A mo tion for the arrest of judgment and a new trial was overruled. TESTIMONY BEFORE STRIKE COMMISSION Scranton, Dec. 17. The miners to day put on the witness stand before the coal strike commission the fath ers of two of the little girls who had testified on Monday that they worked all night in silk mills. The operators yesterday submitted wage " statements showing that one of these men and his laborer received $1,- 681 and the other and his laborer were paid JL400 last year. John Domko, father of one of the girls, said that four and sometimes six men figured in the division of the 1,4Q0. The other miner claimed that four men divided the $1681. Everett Warren, one of the operators' attorneys, on cross-exami nation, tried to snow that this was not the case. Both men promised to take the girls out of the silk mills. After the witnesses left the stand, Chairman Gray asked for an explana tion of the Pennsylvania Coal com pany scales, which is controlled by the Erie road, regarding the wages of men The wage scales mentioned by the company were handed to the commis sion some days ago and did not indi cate that more than two persons figured in the distribution. W. A. May, general manager of the Pennsylvania coal company, was called to the witness stand and ex plained that ipecause of the system m vogue in the company's mine it would be difficult to show in every case how many men shared in one pay. DIVORCED HUSBAND MAY MARRY FORMER WIFE Freehold, N. J., Dec. 17. J. Mc- Conville of Wisconsin, the divorced husband of Laura Biggar, and father of her young son, was a witness at the Bennett will conspiracy trial to day. He testified in his wife's behalf, saying Bennett had told him he had made the actress his wife. McCon ville and hfs former wife were together at dinner tonight, seemed much de voted in each others society, and a complete reconciliation and another wedding is predicted. Other witnesses also testified1 that Bennett said the ac tress was his wife. The Bennett for tune has dwindled from millions to $750,000 with $450,000 debts. A TERRIBLF EARTHQUAKE Ashkabad, Russian Turkestan, Tues day, Dec. 16. The town of Andijan, Ferghana government was totally des troyed by an earthquate today. The number of fatalities is not yet ascer tained. The people are threatened with starvation. Shocks were felt in New Marghelan and the surrounding villages, and a railway at Andijan; was destroyed for a considerable distance, jrooa ana 1 Andijan was a town of Russia Cen- 1 traJ Asia, 73 miles from Khokand. It i nad a population, or aoout w,uw souis. Qhoice Lots On Charlotte Street For Sale. Opposite the Manor and Albemarle Park property. The owner has here tofore refused to sell these desirable lots, but we can now name a very reasonable price, either as a whole or divided into four lots. Total frontage 252 feet; depth 194 feet. Wilhie & baBarbe " SOLD AGENTS. No, 23 Patton- avenue. Phone Mi." Castro in Hiding EH OF TH The well known hotel man. E. B. Moore of Washington, is the new pro prietor of Kenilworth Inn. Mr. Moore arrived yesterday on the train from the east. He immediately went to the Battery Park, where he will make his headquarters during his present stay here. Mr. Moore is an energetic and enter prising man, about 40 years of age. His experience in the hotel business is very thorough, he having managed several of the largest hostelries in the United States. He at present is pro prietor of the Savoy in Washington and the Gladstone hotel at Narragan sett Pier. The Gladstone is one of the largest and finest hotels in the land, catering to a patronage that represents the wealth of the United States. Mr. Moore says that he will not open the Kenilworth until about the first of February. Furthermore, that he is not familiar enough with the conditions here to make any statements in re gard to improvements, management, etc. Thft Inn will ,hp vnpn all thp vpar 'round A. J. Lyman, the real estate agent n whose charge the hotel has been for several weeks, will hand over all his correspondence pertaining to the Ken lworth hotel to Mr. Moore. The new proproietor will select from this abundance of information his force for running the hotel. Asheville hag every reason to feef gratified at the choice of Hon. J. M. Gazzam, owne rof the Inn. YOUNG WOMEN THUGS SANDBAG AND ROB Baltimore, Dec. 18. Two women highwaymen attacked Barney Abra- hamson when he was going home early this morning and robbed him of all the noney he had, $30. One of the women hit the victim a violent blow on the head with a sandbag, knocking him down. When in a dazed condition the man's pockets were turned inside out and his property . taken. The women then fled. Subsequently Cora Full and Mary B. Queen were arrested and identified as Abruhamson's assailants The prisoners are young and good looking. NEW TRIAL GRANTED TO JAMBS HOWARD .Frankfort, Ky., Dec. 17. The court of appeals has granted James Howard a new trial. Howard is under sentence of life imprisonment for the' murder of Goebel and already has been tried twice. r A Christmas Gift of Worth One that will prove useful and a frequent reminder of the giver is 4 Good Umbrella , Our assortment is large and the variety; shapes and styles will prove a very interesting feature to the prospective giv er. Your inspection is solicited u I ARTHUR M FIELD Company, Leading Jewelers, Cor. Church St. and Patton Ave For Sale or Rent Large boarding house unfur nished, " The. Brexton," No. 11 Starnes avenue, 350.00 per month; recently painted; good condition. ... For Sale; .Beautiful Suburban house, with 60 acres of land water and sewerage. 9 0 Aston, RawloS: Go 1S South Main street.. - n NEW MANA6 KENLIM APPROPRIATION BILLS PASSED INTHE SENATE General Deficiency and Pen sion Measures Ready for the President. SENATE ADJOURNS UNTIL SATURDAY Wilmington Port of-Bntry Bill Passed An Anti-Trust Ap propriation Washington, Dec. 17. Immediately after the senate convened today, Hr Hale (Me.) called up the urgent de ficiency bill ana it was passed without dlcussion. It carried an oppropriatlon of $1,140,000 Including $500,000 to sup press the foot and mouth disease. Mr. Hale tated that it was evident that no business will be transacted un til after the holiday adjournment, and on his motion it was agreed that the senate adjourn from today until Sat urday. Mr. Morgan (Ala.) gave notice that on Saturday he would address the sen ate regarding the construction of an isthmian canal. Mr. Galllnger (N. H.) reported th pension appropriation bill, which waa passed without division. It carries $139,897,000 and is the first of the regu lar appropriation, bills to be passed by the senate at this session, A number of minor bills were passed, including one to make Wilmington, N. C, a port through which merchandise may be imported for transportation without appraisement, and the senate then resumed consideration of the mili tia, bill. Mr. Bacon (Ga.) continued hl re marks begun yesterday in opposition to the sectioa of the bill regarding a re serve force o trained men. The president today sent -the follow ing nominations to the senate: Kavy Brigadier general, Command (Continued on page four.) If you want a genuine BARGAIN Call at our office and let us show you a 7 room cottage, not far from the wnter of town or on street car Una which we can sell you for 1,100.09. H P. Grant & Son, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, 48 Patton avenue. The Tailor Phone 347; Come and inspect my line of Importedand Domestic Suitings before buying elsewhere. Gen tlemen's Riding "Breeches and Livery a Specialty. Young Ladies Can Give Their gentlemen friends for a Christmas present one of our HANDSOME Meerschaum Pipes with genuine amber mouth pieces. We have lots of them. MlCHL,SON'S ON THE SQUARE. Celluloid Soap Boxes in assorted colors, 50c each, also largs well made metal soap boxes at CS each. Grant's No. 24 '.cures. Colds ana. La Grippe, qulcUy control ' chill, fever: and nam. 25c. ' ' - , - Grants Pharmacy Agency fo? Wood's SeeSs. ri j'l -A . - ... : ', . . ' " ..' v I' ll r . ' i vi! u 4t i. -it v S :. ... 1 1 1 V 'I .. a f . k m Heal Cstata Dcslssk ; 'wiub ravna AWIr ' ., t ' A ' -