ji 1 Pair, continued cold. VOL. VII NO. 276 ASHEVILLE, N. C, SUNDAY MOENINe, DECEMBEK 28, 1902. 12 PAGES. m i m . m m ... mm m .mm . a . XL LkAw I 1 m I ? I Y I Iv I I I I II II I o ---- - . . V- ' " : " f0 v Zt ' . 1 .M.i C Warm FOR Cold Thin Ji s THEM' TREE, JOY-10 PATHOS ARE MINGLED Comforts $1.25 (.) v6y,Yfiiciung;' WOOl BlanketS $2.50 tO $7.50 Beautiful Scene at the Woolen Vests and Pants : M 1 Auditorium. Ladies' Woolen Stockings 25c li0OOCHILnREN doc ana dg Fleece Lined Hose 25c and 50c Woolen Mitts 25c Children's, Infants Mitts and Gloves ARE MADE HAPPY dresses without any cloak to shield hem from the bitter cold. ... ged fathers and careworn moth- carrying little babes wrapped in -and bed clothes, were all pV . Whey left 'with words of thaiq stheir lips for the kindness Bhown".4pn . by the Elks. , At 3 "o'clock .Dr. C. S. Jordan an nounced from the platform that only those holding present tickets should be given presents. After this annouifce ment, the lively strains of a bright two-step enlivened the entire audi ence and there was not a face among the- vast throng of the children and their parents who sat in the main body of the Auditorium, that did not express delight and good cheer. The music, furnished by the Bat tery Park orchestra and First Keg im&nt band, gave a finishing touch to the occasion that could not have been supplied by any other addition. After a few selections had been played, greatly to the delight of every one present, all of whom seemed pent up with feelings of Joy, the curtain FIRES BURNING IN THE FLORIDA IGE 0RA1 GROVES orous iittort to cavc thel Trees and Fruit from the Kiffing Frost. regulations forbidding a woman to re side on a naval vessel. While Roller was In coramaod of the gunboat Mon ocacy In Chinese waters Admiral Ev anse learned despite the warnings he had given. Roller, Mrs. Roller re mained on board the Monacacy sev eral weeks. Thereupon Evans detached Roller and ordered him to return to the United States.. He has been placed or -waiting orders for a pro tracted period. A FRIGHTFUL , TRAIN WRECK IN ONTARIO NEGRO JLOCOMOTIVES CARRY AND WIFE LYNCHED BY MB Twenty-four Dead and Many Injured in a Crash on the Grand Trunk Rail-road COLD WAVE FLAGS The First Woman Lynched in ZERO COLD AND SNOW South Carolina Put to Death A Host ol People Witness the Generous Distribution of the Gifts linn et ss--nr-t Vftlr 4- y-kti -nf n c aOtl V a sparkling, beautifully decorated intense COld Weatner on Although the Elks' Christmas tree is a thing of the past, its memories will long linger in the minds of those ieciai prices TIp?1VV AOOlcn DrCSS j who witnessed the event yesterday af- I 'tjernoon at the Auditorium'. As a Goods. Sumner s Send the Children We treat them just as well, iif not better, than grown folks. Whatever they get herewill be just right.. This is a ""careful place. Only the best is good enough for sick folks; nothing but the 'best can be had here. We make a specialty of pre scriptions. Pfattlin's Drug Store, Patton Ave. and Church St. tjernoon at the Audjitori prominent citizen expressed himself yesterday "it is hard to keep from preaching a sermon on the effect of the benevolence and generosity by the Elks in their undertakings." Nearly 1000 children representing the poverty and affliction of hundreds of homes were happily treated to a oountejus and generous Christmas feast i Nearly 800 people, represent ing ' the moderately well-to-do and the wealthy sat in the balcony and observed the orphans, the homeless and the poverty-stricken children as they so joyously received, each one, a useful present, a toy and some con fectionaries. At 2 o'clock there could be seen wending their way to the Auditorium hundreds of children. Some wore straw hats and were almost barefoot ed. Little boys came in their shir sleeves and not a few young girls were seen who only wore thin ginghan Christmas tree, heavily laden with! presents of every description. , At the base of the tree- there was " a great number of 'little red carts. , . On. eith er side of the glistening ad glitter fngf. pine were broad long k tables on which were heaped toys and clothing. The toy table was a very interesting spectable. Gifts of little consisted of mechanical toys, ser vicable pocket knives, tin horses, jumping jacks and every conceivable device that is known to the manufac turer of play things.1 Contin ues in All the Southern States. - Near Troy. 27,-Tondght Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. playthings thousands of firee are burning through out southern and eastern, (Florida in the orange groves, in an endeavor to I protect the trees and fruit yet ua- I ni(5kp1 ' f mm ho. thrQ tan clA -rvn.1 r niavn Near the toy table was a collection1 of dolls so many dolls that it would . weather bureau here issued warn be a very tedious undertaking even ! ings tonight to look out for colder to count them. This collection of doil represented a vast amount of time THE OIL HEATER. and patience that had been expended by a hundred, or more families throughout -the city who 1 volunteered to assist the Elks in their undertak ing. On another sideof the tree was a ta ble piled high with good warm caps and mittens for the bbys and gifls. Close by was a big barrel of candy packages, the coverinng of each pack ing being a servicable handkerchief. Several crates of oranges were near. fThe tree was- lighted brilliantly by electric bulbs placed there by the Piedmont Electric company. The glittering, glimmering tinsel with the bright electric lights, all covering the tall white pine, the ear nest expectant faces of the ioOO poor little ones as they gazed excitedly at the scene before them, temperatures tonight, and this was carried by telegrams, cold wave flags on locomotives and by warning blasts from locomotives as they sped through the farming section. Atlanta, Dec. 27. Today is a recoid breaker for cold weather th'.s winter. The mercury went to 14 degrees above this morning. Savannah reported 24 Freezing weather prevailed as li south as Tampa. Birmingham, Dec. 27. The ;her mometer dropped to 13 degrees here last night, the coldest weather of the wihteu. At 10 o'clock it registered 20 degrees. If we have it its the best. A HAPPY HEW YEAR Builder's Hardware, Guns, Ammunition, Mill Supplies, Cutlery, Scissors, Carvers, Heaters; Buy the Banner and then you are SURE you have the best there is. J. H. Law, 25 Patton Ave. touching and interesting sight. The first to receive their apportion ment of the good things was a dozen! or more of the smallest of the children some just barely old enough to wajki while others had to be carried. Wain outstretched hands, they received, each one, an appropriate gift. The older ones came next and from the smallest to the old and feeble, all marched in their turn to receive their share. W. F. Randolph iacted as Santa Claus, and he made things merry for (Continued on third page.) Memphis, Dec. '27. A further drop in the temperature was recorded thia was indeed a morning when the mercury reached 14 1-2 degrees above zero. As the day ad vanced the temperature rose slightly. I6H POSITION FOR GAPT. D. J. Columbia, S. C, Dec. 27. Oliver Wideman and wife, colored, were lynched by, a mob at midnight last Dight for the murder last evening of W. K. Jay, a farmer. This is the ft ret woman ever lynched in South Carolina. The lyn crying- took place near Troy, Abbeville county. ine coupie occupied, a nouse on Jay's plantation,, near Jay's residence Last evening Jay passed Wideman's domicile and heard the couple quar reling. Mrs. Jay heard her husband ieii tne couple to stop quarreling or leave, "when she heard a shot. She went o the windovv and eawi Wide- man and his wife ru tuning from the house. They would not reply to her when she asked Tvhat was the mat ter. She then called her husband. Re ceiving no reply, she went to look for him. She found his body in a pool of blood wfith most of his head shot off. An alarm was spread. A posse was formed to search for Wideman and hie wife. They caught them driving off In a buggy., Both confessed that Jay had been shot from their house, but each accused the other of doing the shooting. They were turned ovgr to a constable, who late at night started with the prisoners to Abbeville court house. Afoout midnight the constable was imterceDted at a bridge by a mob. The prisoners were taken from him and hiCnged, their bodies being riddled with bullets. GILMER Get a Nice Pair Opera Glasses For use during the opera sea son. We have some beauties at $1.50 to $20.00 MRS. FREMONT DEAD San Francisco, Tec: 27. Mrs Fre mont, widow of General Fremont, the Pathfinder, died this evening at Los Angeles, aged 78 yeans'. H M The.A 1YIGIVS opti ELEVEN VILLAGES IN RUINS NEAR ANOIJAN ciar A HAPPY HEW YEAR AsheVille Hardware Co. On the Square. Phone 87 Asheville HOLIDAY GIFTS 54 Patton Avenue 6000 Houses Destroyed as a Result of an Earthquake. St. Petersburg, Dec. 27. Later ad vices trom AsnKaoaa say maiv in, me 9 country round Andijan, 11 villages are ia. ruins as a result of the recent earthquake, and that fully 6,000 houses have been destroyed. The weather is warmer and. the work of rescue and euccor is proceeding with better re sults. ' 1 A Colored Army Officer Who Has Had a Notable Career of Brave Deeds Special to the Gazette. Washington, Dec. 27. There is an undercurrent report coming from a source regarded as reliable that Pres ident Roosevelt has promised Senato: Pritchard that he will appoint Cap tain David J. Gilmer (colored) of Greensboro, N. C, to a high posi tion. The position is not definitely stated, but is understood to be a liie position. Senator Pritchard is asking for this appointment and the action taken 4s based on the military record of Captain, Gilmer, as the same is (Continued on second page.) SENATOR PRITCHARD REGAINING STRENGTH Special to the Gazette. Washington, Dec. 27. Senator "Pritchard is now progressing satisfac torily toward recovery, after his recent operation. He is still at the hospital and will probably not leave there for some day6 yet. He sat up for a short time yesterday and today. Many in quiries are left daily from friends in congress and from others as to his condition . PELEE AG! IN VIOLENT ERUPTION Be sure and look at our - line of . - Sweaters, Smoking Jackets, Hats, GlovesNeckwear, Shirts, Suspenders, ; Handkerchiefs, &c. Suitable (or Presents Boys. tor Men ami Sometimes take a practical view of things and give their wives Christmas presents of value. Boyce's Perfect Steel Ranges are leaders in this line. We also have Coal Vases, Fire Sets, Andirons, etc., all very acceptable at this season. W. A. Boyce 11 South Court Square. " ForsaTe" OF ExchangeT A beautiful modern country home iear Bingham chool. House J a m hisrh Ltate of cultl- ation. N WiU eell or exchange fot city Aperty. We are off ertaglendld aiuc " " . 4. rm. atton avenue and Main ww. re all choice value. Naff Atkinson & Son Co., Real Bstate bealem Whitlocls 41 Pattotf Avenue. DISCOVERED A TRIBE OF BLACK JEWS London, Dec. 28. Sidney Klein, a London Jew iwho emigrated years ago to western Australia, sends a story to a Jewish paper published here, of the discovery by him in a remote port". oh of western .Australia of a tribe of black Jews. He says they hold ser vices on Saturday, circumcise thei children and abstain from pork. His story doesn't obtain much credence in Jewish circles A WORD OF THANKS. I desire to .tank my patrons f o their liberal patronage for the yeai inst endine. and wishing all a happy onri nrnsriM-niis1' new year, and solicit vi Mr x ing their continued favors. Respectfully, ' L. BLOMBERG. The leader in cigars, tobacco and sporting goods, 17 Patton avenue. Established 1887. Biltmore Firewood. Phone 700. tf St. Thomas, Dec. 27. The steamship New Ington has arrived here. She re ports that she passed St. Pierre, Mar tinique, at 10 o'clock Friday morning, At that time Mount Pelee was In a state of violent eruption, emitting dense gray smoke and dust to a great height. DISCIPLINED FOR KEEPING HIS WIFE Oil WARSHIP Commander Roller, Failing to Heed Warnings is Temporarily Re lieved of His Command. Washington Dec. 27. Naval Com mander Roller has become involved in trouble with the naval authorities . on account of persisted violations of the We desire to wish . everybody the Compliments of the Season and thank you for , your liberal pat ronage and favors during the past year ADDED TO SUFFERING ; . Car Took Fire but Flames Were ri Quickly Quenched Can i Were Crowded. LondO!i, Ont., Dec. 27. On of the moet frightful railway disasters in the history of Canada occurred at 10:18 o'clock last night at Wanstead, & sta tion on the Sarnta hrajirh nf the Grand Trunk. 40 miles from this city. when train No. 6, known as the Pa- cifiic Express, flying westward at the rate of 50 mile an hour, and crowded to its utmost caoacltv with naaaeo- gers returning to their homes from holiday visits, crashed into an east bound freight. The latest estimate of the casualties i9 24 killed and 37 injured. The darkness of the hour and the raging of a bllizard added to the hor rors of the wreck. Fortunately the fir horror was averted. A fire broke out in the wreckage of the day coach, but it was smothered with snow and coets which were thrown on it before it gained any headway. The Pacific Express runs on a fast schedule. Last night it was delayed two hours by the heavy travel, and at Wanstead it was speeding to make up time. The freight was working slowly eat under orders to take the switch at Wanstead and allow the ex press to pas In the blinding lormr neither engineer Baw the other train approaching, apparently, and the (Continued on fifth page.) The Handsomest Place On Montford avenue can be bought at a bargain on account of the own ers having decided to leave town. The house has all modern improvements and the grounds are the handsomeeeC for their size, In the city. Let na show it to you. H P. Grant & Son, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, 48 Patton avenue. ircd ' cliist Rccci' .. i rxt mAwi Tnta. and owing. -o delay in shipment trom factory wm ... a. o T- earrtett ' nrieeS. IX " rilV. ii tnim sun they are bound teres tcvi -..-r- to The rX Ii Department Store. Patton avenue.; Fnpna A F&W more left pf those handsome HANDWORK DOLLS. You get them only at HBSTON'S Phone 183.- 26 S. U&ln. Choice Lots On Chariot ie Street For Sale. Opposite the Manor and Albemarle Park property. The owner has here tofore refused to sell these desirable lots, but we can now name a very reasonable price, either as a whole or divided Into four lots. Total frontage 252 feet depth 194 feet. Willtie & baBarbe SOLB AGENTS. No, 23 Patton avenue. none i. aoe tec ARTHUR M FIELD Company Leading Jewelers, Cor. Church St. and Patton Ave II 0 1 FEsTRlE; The Tailor Phone 347. Come and inspect my line of Imporfedand Domestic Suitings before buying elsewhere. Gen tlemen's Riding Breeches and Livery a Specialty. WANTED 75 to 1 50 Acre Farm Lands near Asheville. i Aston Rawls &,Co, Real-Estate Agents, 188 S. Main St., AeHeviUe, N. C The Satisfied Smokers In Asheville this year and there were many of them smoked our . Pratt Five-Center There are certainly none better. MICKBLSON'S ON THE SQUARE.' GOLD CREAM Freeh cold cream, floe for akin anfc complexion, 15 and 25c per Jar. HOLIDAY PERFUME. We offer a choice assortment of kol- -rlday perfumes and sachet powders. - They are of the best ijfuallty, daintJXff boxed and very reasonably prioeC. Grant's Pharmacy Grant' No. 24 cures cold 25c 3 t f 1 ..V ' ,.: i V