VHKY’RB numbering the* people to day, counting the visitors “Just for curiosity” and everybody fcs interested in the census being made by the board of trade. As people discuss the tiling and conjecture how many people there are here who do not live here, you Will 'hear some interesting figures. Said one of Asheville's best Known physicians: —. “So-and-so said lie believed there Wen I'Ht.iHl'l people III l"rt|i. I told llitll lie was making himself ridiculous. I don’t believe tiler*1 an* any more visi tor> tiian lioine-f'dks- I tiiink about half-and-half would be the proper es timate!" As there are -*m>h) permanent reside tils- count '< m. uo.ooo-— it follows, according t«* tins doi tor. that the num ber of visitors is L'o.uoti or thereabouts. The average iriuh who prides hitnself Upon his eons* rvatism will tell you that he'Ji 'is* mighty glad if there are lint guesses of 10,00b ire plentiful. Many are guessing 7..”»0O, some conscious that tile wish bears a good deal of relation ship to the guess. IN making tlie census the board of trade is not. *»f * ourse, acting from niere c'urioslty. Tin* hoard wishes to ascertain, for reasons having refer ence to its future policy and activities, just where Asheville is “at.” You will remcnvlwr that, a few months ago, we had mass meetings of citizens to dis truss--the advertising—of the city-—at which divers interesting speeches were made. Some eloquently advocated aban doning the tourist to Ids fate, and not depending upon ldm at all. What we needed, they said,’ was about 47 cotton factories. I supple, tin- Idea is that, wince cotton factories cost money, it would sort of encourage us to know there was money in tin* vicinity. Others said the tourist had been a good friend to us in tiie past, and were of the opinion that tin* city would do well to try and get all the tourists that, were coming to it, to use a classical expros »lon. The city did soifie newspaper ad vertising, and it blew in a thousand dol lars to give Rome editors a good time. It Is In relation-to these facts that tbe census of today may furnish valuable and interesting data. IF any colored person comes to you and represents that lie is connected with the Elks’ Pressing club, dis trust him. There is an Elks’ club, but It Is not a pressing club. The othwr day a gentlemen who is boarding In Woolsey lost u good suit of clothes which ho confided to “The Elks’ Press ing clutb.*’ A negro man appeared, and asked if he was an Elk. He said he was. and t*he negro then bespoke Ills patron age. latter the gentleman's suspicions were aroused, and he put the police to work, with tiie result that the suit was wpcedily located. It had been sold. The representative of the Elks’ Pressing club, however, is still at large. y IT vvus on a Southside avenue car, coining toward thevityc The young, lady, who had at>,hlr of having come in on the t ralrp and w ho sat near the rear door o^thtrettr. was blessed •with brown eygfi and was good to look upon. These facts were noted by the hero of this veracious narrative, who stood with a friend upon the platform. t*ald this hero, who is a well known young business man of Asheville (his remarks were addressed to his ioin panion. but wen* obviously meant for the brown-eyed young fa«ly to hear): “Saw you ouf with' another brown eyed girt the other day, John. Seems like you prefer ’epi brown-eyed. Every where 1 see you there's a pretty girl with brown eyes. 1 like ’em myself. -I?ver see one that was not as pretty ns a peach?" The girl ,s:t with eyes demurely averted. The car buzzed on toward -the aqua re. From time to time the yeung man made enthusiastic remarks about the beauty arid desirability of brown Jihe car stopptd. and the young lady GREAT ASTRONOMICAL EVENT IS SOLAR ECLIPSE. AUG. 3D Phenomena 1A" lift Will Accompany the Event Places ot Totality. The gnat astronomical event «f the h ‘ ' r n ill be Hie total solar eclipse of August :t«. The pathway of shadow loKins at'sunri.'ie south of the Hudson I iy. enters the Atlantic Ocean a shot" tlistnnee north of Newfoundland. - ... u ases aurrthtsua.4-.n.rft>attv itortheast e -o'Algiers, and northern Tunis, passes centrally over Assuan yn the Nile, and ends at sunset In southeastern Arabia: The duration of totality on the fate* of Ijfbratlnr. in Spain, and at Assuan, le two ami .i half, three and three-fourths nod two and tin.fifths' mlnutt s r» npectlvely. V! t in that short Interval numb may-be Jettriietl wleh- reflat'd to Ahe corona, that mysb r'.ius crqwn ot pearly light that surrnnnds the sun and call be seen utUy at the.time of a total eclipse. . There Is nothing of S[MViainterest . ■ until tin solar disk Is mostly rovert d *>Jr.tb.e «a»»a.aa it sUdSs- between the ®«n a".l the earth. Then ;a -peculiar. idtv'ot coalite } :• Tjotlcetl in the fvppear.ano-*? T ■ th* sty -which-becomes tinted v tth a "Kfaylsh Into as it evening. The shad ows Cast by the foliage begin to look . nt-M-sual, for the light sbinrms through : psewaiAR1 PisAPi’n ATtAxm— J. D. Runyan, of Butlervtlle. o.,^k the peculiar disappearance of his pall tul symptoms, of Indigestion, and bll ousnees. to Dr. King's New Life PH He any*: “They are a perfect remed lor dizziness, sour stomach, h-adach oonsttpation, etc.“ Guaranteed at i stores, price 25c. L .. . I -- —-—.'r . 1 aroste and proceeded tp„ alight. “May I 1 assist you with your telescope.?" asked the young man. with an ingratiating smile and a Chesterfleldian bow; and he I ..seised the article in question and start ed to get off the car. Then the crusty | looking fat drummer, who had been ; staring momljly mu the window, looked up and «poke. His tones were unmusl j < air not to say gruff, as he said: “Here! Bring ’at thing b.u.k here; It's mine. ’’ Then the tar load of people became a car load of. broad smiles, giggles and guffaws. The young map who had [ conversed so eloquently of brown eyes j relajmed into a deep, almost melan | e-holy, silence. , ----;- . I Got to Face Mother Today I‘ got to face mother today, fer a fact! I’ got to face mother today! And Jlst how I'll dare to, an' how she will art. Is more than a mortal can say! But I' got to face her—I’ got to! and so Here's a' old father dean at the end of his row! , And Pink and Wade's gone to the farm ' fer her now — And I'm keepln'. house for ’em here— i Their purty, new house—and—all paid fer! —Hut how AnTT'goin* to meet her and clear I l’p tny aetchully heppin' ’em both to I e-lola*?— (’Cause Motlu-r wuz set—and wuz no other hope!) i 1 I don't think it’s Wade she’s so biased agin, Hut his bizness,-—a railroadin' man 'At runs a switch-engine, day out and day in, Aral's got to make hay while he can— It's a dangersome Job, I'll admit -but see whtit A fine-furnished home *at ire's already got! And Pink—w'y, the girl wuz Jlst pinin’ away,— So what could her old father do When he found her, hid-like, in a loose load of buy, But Jlst to drive on clean into The aidge of the city, where—singalar thing!— Wade switched us away to the Squire, i Jing! Now—a-leavin’ me here—they’ve drlv off. with a cheer, ^ On their weddin' trip—which is to drive Straigt home afid tell Mother.—and toll her back here And surrender me, dead er alive! So I'm waitin' liere—not so blame' over ly gay As I wuz.—’cause I' got to face Mother —James Whitcomb Hiley, in The Read er for September. - "•$ --- r A Toast 'H'.ev an* fighting .1 fot* that lurks un Way down in t !i sunny south, thunder than warriors tv etui W iio fall ot too o nlion's mouth. M.rn fx:» -liem-e strinding by,. And s« it* not* with kindly ntein— tooth for a tooth. an eye for un eye, The dark and the light bit ween. 1 ightlng a terror formless and gi km That lurks in each shadow’s fold ; hi king ..f all terrors rveii him. With a eouia^e wondrous boM. Miri e honor to tthe giants Unlay Who W re Hi' Ulie.jU’l 1 tight t.od shfHd ,t he rt on tin per 1 ms w y Far out to safefv and 11 •;ht! •'la 'if Built i him l,.a. 1< i>Fhiti.i nooga. ' ' every stfn^U. spare among- the loaves,' instead of forming a little circle on the earth, makes a little orescent, an ’nuajfo> of the partly covered sun. Some 1 •*» minutes before ipiiiUty the darkness begins to be "felt and a sense of uneasi ness pervades the scene.1 Birds cease their song and hasten to their rests twittering to each other as at twilight, grarhoppers cease their chirping, and even the flowers have been known to close their petals as at twilight. At the same tlriie the a it; becomes de cidedly chilly, and sometimes lew tip pears. In a few moments, if the ob server faces the western horizon, the moon’s shadow is seen approaching much like a mighty wave or a heavy thunderstorhu —H advances wtHr-terri fying swiftness, until it envelopes hint as with a shroud. Where the shadow falls very obliquely, as it doed when an eclipse occurs neap sunrise or sans?t. the advance ot the shadow along the earth s surface may reach as great a velocity as four or five thousand miles tib1 hour. An observer named Korbos. who onew had" tin opportunity for ob servfi>g the nnrushlng shadow, from the Supcrga at Turin, which comfnands a magnificent view; giyes this thrilMng account of his experience:. I perceiv ^ed.*^ he.says, ‘"in. the .southwest, a black Shadow1 like t hift of A/term about to break,’ which obscured*the- Alps, it; j4Jva9 4thO. hthnr .shrtd<*w cunriirnr toward ; us. .1 confuse It was the most'terrify-. 1 ing sight-1 ever tuivv, As.always hap l>ens in the case of sudden, silent,.unex pected moments, the spectator con i founds real and relative ihotion. I f -’i almost giddy for a moment, as though the massive ^VrrfiTTnTnfer iue' bowed" on the side of the. coming eclipse.’’ -Col lier’s-for August 26. A wonderful tonic for tht? sick and happiness by using , Hodlister’s ftocky Mountain Tea. thla month. A bracing family medicine. 35 cents, * Tea or Tablets. . Dr. T. C. Smith. STATE TOPICS A charter ha* been i**ued for the I Cleveland Manufacturing company, of Cleveland, Rowan county, for the pur po»e of making all kind* of veneer : nhd thin timber, and also excelsior, ' capital $20,000; principal Incorporators, J J. Kincaid and B. A. Knox. L. P. Myers, a farmer who lives at Flagg, III., near Chicago, has been In Statesville several days looking after farming lands with a view, to Inves ting. He has contracted with D. F. Jenkins to buy a. farm two and one half miles east of town known as the Allison place. The purchase price is $-i.000. Mr. Myers expects to take charge of the farm January 1st, and proposes to make it a model stock farm. Taylorsville £ out: A Mr. Andrews of Yadkin’ Valley passed through Lu\vn last Sunday on his way to Mr. William 'lantnn’s at Snow <’re«-k. Iredell nmniy, for the purpose of h ving a mad store* applied t.o heis little boy, who had beep, lot ten by a mini dog the day previous. Mr. Clanton has a stone whl h his grandfather found in the heart of a deer, almost a century , ago, that is said to bo cure for the bite of* a dog or any other animal that is mad. Tuesday O. M. Minor, bookkeeper at the Pilot (’ot ton mills, lluleigh. was suddenly attacked by severe illness. What is said to ha,ve b-en a mosquito bite on the upper lip. under the nose, t« thought to have caused the trouble, i Ills fever was very high from the first j nor would it yield to any treatment. 1 Sunday night he died. It Is thought that I the wound made by the mosquito bite was picked. Wednesday the great swelling, which by that time had dis figured tile fare, was lanced, blit blood poison was doing its deadly work. Cjreoii.whoro Record: There is a plan | on fajU.. .to organize and operate a~car*- ! Huge and wagon factory on tho South- ! ern railway at the site recently occu- | pled ;is the Carolina Spoke and Bend ing works, with a eapital stock of J'.O,;-**, Oof;. one half to be p Id up In three ; n-onths, the balance in twelve months thereafter. It is learned t ha t' $13.W0 in! stock has already been assured, a prae- ! Ileal carriage manufacturer taking $*,- ■ “00 of this. When we contemplate that, more than 3,000 vehicles are sold oh ' this market every ,year, the of j "'hi h are manufactured north^Tml wes ' out of raw material groiyrf in North { Carolina, the benefit of doing the work 1 here is potent to ail There was a destructive fire at Mount j ♦Hive Monday night, which destroyed) a whole/fiiock in the -business portion i • »f tiu^ town. Eight buildings in all j w>>fe completely swept away by the j it ad flames, including a handsome new ( hotel, which was under construct! in. [ I The origin of the Are Is unknown. Tic* loss S« ertftvated at 140.000, wlth.$32,000 Insurance. > The hunted district will again be bid It up as soon is the debris can be cleared away. Ralfigh Times of the 22nd. Mr. | Franklin Sherman, who has held the lositlon of State Entomologist for the I: st five years, has resigned, and left last night for Canada, where he has accepted a full professorship in Ontario Agricultural "college. ‘Mr. Sherman's departure will be univer sally regretted not alone by the state officials who were his associates, but by the people of this entire city. He was amon; the best posted and most capable of the men who have been iden tified \\,ith iCfty of the various depart ments of the state. Tf ;ou want a smooth, clear com plexion, take H,< Ulster's Ro< ky Moun tain Tea this month. Fright ryes and red lips follow its use. 25 cents. Tea or Tablets. Dr. T. C. Smith. PROF. A. ONO And Jiu-Jitsu Class at Y. M. C. A. Building. Prof. A. Ono, who has already trained several men since his arrival here, will continue to give Instruction in Jiu-Jitsu art.' The place Is the local Y. M. C. A. bui-ldlng. He will charge only $30.00 in advance for the two months’ instruc tion. Those who desire to take the instruction see MANAGER HIRANO AT ONCE AT Y. M. C. A. This class is already organized. Prof. One Is at present instructing from .5 to 7 p, m. OUR GROCERIES AND a AND l be GOODS ARE Town Talk BRADLEY & DEPEW. S4 North Main. Phone 613. Pool & Billiard Room 5 New Tables NO. 14 PATTON AVENUR (Secand Floor.) (Over Wells' Cigar 8tore.) P. G. WHITE Prop Phone 7b,. PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM CImmm and Ix’jtHifiu* th* } or Promote* a Iiii’li a Mt rr* Never 1'aile to re* (ora Urey, Hair to its Ybuthiul C' l". I Curr* iwnlp rtisra*-, mt fni.i:..; { Ae.rntl SI o■ A' The Land of Uneeda Biscuit —The Modern, Soda Cracker Bounded on the North by the Purity of the Snows; on the South by the Nutritious Wealth of the Tropics; on the TLast by the Healthfulness of Scientific Baking; on the West by the Energizing Power " of the Mountains. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Don't firftt Graham Crackers B^ler This Biscuit Soda! Tea BIscnil lemen Snaps •vJ r* (f Special Attention is directly to oar Wares in STERLING SILVER, in which is contained absolute ■» results of artistic competence, embody* in* superior richness of effect, com bined with an Individuality of general excellence. PRICES RIGHT. THE THOMPSON-BRANNON CO. *4 Jewelers and Silversmiths 52 PATTON AVENUE. $ ' >: 4 Siirtar (Earrnll'a g-iuittarimr. la unusually well equipped for the care ul Chioniv. and .Nenvua Cases ud the" rational, treatment of Drug and Alcohol Addictions. The atmosphere la homelike. The number of patients limited. THE HATH DEPARTMENT Offers every form or Bath for Cure or Comfort. Trained Attendants Admin* Inter MASSAGE and SWEDISH MOVEMENTS. Vibratory ifassage Treat ments are given by competent opera tor. V HALTHENON BUILD’G. No. arf Haywood St. PHONE. 421 Announcement THE BLUE RIDGE COAL & WOOD CO. Will Be Ready fop Business ^ AUGUST 28th With a large supply of the best Jellico Coal from the celebrated Wooldridge Min# “Full Weight, Good Quality, and Right Prices.” Offices, 48 Patton Ave. Phone 479. Fresh laid eggs for Invalids. Each egg dated when taken from the neat. Price per dozen 22 to 25 cents. HIRAM LINDSEY, FEW people are capable of judging liquors and of telling spurious and adul terated goods frflm the pure and gen uine. Here’s where the Importance of having the assistance of a skilled and reliable dealer becomes apparent. If you order liquors of any sort, of us there, need be no thought on this sub ject—the. quality will be- ^ Ho. 1. Our* stock of wities, brandies, whiskies and beers is thoroughly reliable. . k IVEY 6 WARD "Th-s Buffalo" --34LSojMth Main Street,__ Phone 830, * Asheville N, C Asheville Transfer Co. Show us your tickets, and «. (the n your baggage with ' railroad check froji 'louse to destination ASHEVILLE TRANSFER CO. Hooded Agents Southern Raijlvny Co. Offlce with .t’o-tnwn Ticker Office. Where Is Moore’s Barber Shop? ' ’■fv'e on Ah® square. In th« - ' Reed Building. opposite* the Fountain. Hot. "Cold and ■WwwBatha-tft-oH. times. ■-*——.. E. W. MOORE, Proprietor: E? C. Bollinger merchant tailor. Mentwether B’ldg. Haywood St. T U M BIE To W, W. Jackson’s MADE-TO-MEASURE CLOTHING 14 PATTQX AVENUE, (Wells> "Cigar Shop). Great re,I action In flannel suits. J. H. McGinnesST PRACTICAL DYER, DRY CLEANING AND REPAIRING. NO. 37 SOUTH MAIN 8TREET / Second floor. . Phone few. S. I. BEAN & CO. Stcne, Marble and Granite. ^ATTOV AVRNUE Good M Your stationery should be distinctive; It should reflect the personality of your firm ; it should create at once a favors able Impression. Your letter head, card or business announcement often *«>>«. the place of’a personal represen Native and should be selected with the “aTmf care. You would not send out a slov enly salesman; no more can.you afford to, s.end out cheap stationery. - Costs put ljttle more than lj(gh grade printing, . We make no charge Tor d£ slgns, and after the first -cost of the plate is deducted, the cost Is reduced Asheville Printing £ Engraving Oik 11 Church St. W. A. Steele, Manage

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