COAL .—-Our |(uoJ, clruu COAL keeps the house warm and OCR WISHES FOIl A MERRY CHRISTMAS. Carolina Coal & Ice Company Phone 130 I FOR FIVE fATcn repairing and , OITH'AL WORK (Jo to ]H. m. frost,* f tfl Patton Avenno. T . ■ t ii. ■ i—i—t —e. -S—i—i •^^▼TT^TT " I l I I I I I I i i Our Christmas “ Stock is Com plete We are prepared to furnish you any thing in our line |T on short notice. E,. C. Jarr$tt, FANCY GROCER. ,r:;.f?ho«»p It*. , . 12 N. Pack Square. Heavy Shoes Wet Proof In tan anil Mark, thick aotag, with tongue sewed to top. making absolutely waterproof, $4.00 and 9C.OO. Guarantee Shoe Store 4 SOUTH MAIN ST. HANDSOME PHOTQS -for DEAITIITL FOM>F.! nfr ■kJ J. M. MrCANLKKK* STUDIO, 7 ami 0 Patton Ave. p The One Best L GIFT W-K l “ For this Christmas f Victor Come and hear them play. Sold on easy pay ments. DUNHAM’S MUSIC HOUSE On the Square : , \ Dolls and Toys For Girls and Boys And line china ami silverware for the grown folks. Also handsome toilet cases front &0 cent* to I It.00. llow at>out a handsome chafing dish. We have the Rochester Nickel Chafing Dishes, which Is the standard chafing dish of Amer ica.----- •• - IX L Dept Store a H. UCHAUIVI tote FroprlMor Ml (MIm Am Pbone 1M ‘C-M I TIRIHK SEEKS, ELOOUEDCE. SONG Chrittmu Spirit Breaks Oat In The Oizetle New* Compos ing Room. Tht (’Itrlntman spirit which fins per ^AJuiial iuc Jtuvoml days thft wiechirtilrat | department of The Cazette-.Wu*— that department which really works —* ' l»r«'ke this morning shortly before | n*>«»n when tho lions from the buKlness i»lli« e paid a visit JO the boys, dlstrlb tiled pay-envelopes a couple of da> s In ad\ anee, witdied «aeh and o\^ vone a merrv Christmas and announced that ' .ve Will all ink#* a holiday tomorrow." \ eon pie of war-like veils came from j Idl! Frank's ' adv." .1. pariment while j Hie iifflee devil cmile Hear "pielllg" a* “I the Old Man's editorial. | | Then* was an instant ees-ntinn of. | labor and while »\ml .Jolinsou Insisted •dial ha Wits rtreaming and begged the iuit—Ui wak-e -him up, ..t4te- -cH-h -in i ue icportorlal department anxioush hnnilred if ills couple of local Items, i over which he had labored through ! t lie morning hours wf*>e going to g«*i left out; the sorb-tv" editor Insisted that the paper was going to get "scooped" if the hotel arrivals failed to appear, while the news editor “threw a llf' ovwMhe "canning"- *rf ;t ! piece of "grapevine" h\ tin- Chief. | In the meantime the sound* that emanated from the aforesaid "work >"g uepartment—no accent on work —wore not unlike that which precedes n band or Comanche* off the reserva tion Some one struck up "oh. Where u* Mv Wandering Hoy Tonight?” and with the llrst spasm ended Obe Deal, the Kubelik of the shop was grnclously presented a little wooden man sawing ••n a fiddle. Other presentations fol lowed in rapid succession. Hen Shook.' who preside* at the head of the de partment. drew a niee little hunch of! lire crackers, while Charley Welborn. who manipulates one of the machines that drove Ott MerRenthaler Into the foolish* house and which sometimes makes you say what you don’t want to say was the happy recipient of a little "choo-ohoo” train of cars real life like. Charley was very hnppv. "Pe ter" Smith was handed a nice little rag do|| with a "1 if-point" face, while Jim Barrett, the orator, was entirely 'Satisfied^ with ir polctr of strtpecpsttclc candy. ‘Hill Frank got an apple! T*Bo boys in the press room where the sev eral thousand copies of the Gazette fs'ews are turned out every day In dizzy swiftness, did not even got a look-in on the good things. The fact thut Charley whh picked as the recipient of the “dioo-choo" train 'vhh duo entirely' ly his efforts some time ago on behalf of the Appalachian Interurhati Transcontinental ruilway. Jim Hurrett. In presenting train, said: "Mr. Welborn: — From time Im memorial it has been human nature tor the weak to admire the strong; for the homely to envy the beautiful; for the little to stand in awe of the great. Hut the weakness and strength here do not apply to the )divalent inan. The strength of one’s loyalty I to country and home Is much more I 'klfmtnrMo than Idryatml strength. And L*n\ .your comrades' in work, ace in. ■■Vf»A»-,-<)mt„J»«,rfectih tlmt" beautiful. that •host essential element of manhood, and. In our littleness.- tre admire, yet stand In awe of such faith, such loy alty. Hut to show our appreciation of those elements which comprise such manhood, a loyalty that sends you forth from your work, losing half a day's time and walking five miles to vote for the proposition which ia ben eficial to your country, to show our esteem for such loyalty, !. on behalf of our force, present to you this little Quiet ip the shop was finally restor ed, the boys made up the lost time; and tomorrow. The Ciuette-News and its force will enjoy with the friends a merryt Christmas and a Holiday. ‘>ne of the pleasing Incidents of the «1:»v In ihe shop wjjj; the presentatlop t<* r. M. Messier, business manager of the Evening News Publishing com pany, of a handsome silk umbrella by the composing room force. ilEPUHFS SURPRISE THE RICH SHERIFF They Give Him • Handsome Umbrella, Along With the Seeeon'e Good Wishee.. [ An Interesting pre-Christmas event ! •*« eurretl at the office of the high | sheriff of lluncomtx' county this morning about 9 o’llock when the [deputies serving under Sheriff Hunter, [including Miss Kxum Clements, office deputy, and Deputies Williams. Jor dan and Mitchell, presented to Sheriff Hunter a handsome umbrella as a token of their esteem. The umbrella is one of the handsomest seen in Asheville this season. It Is of very tine silk h It h u buck horn handle, sil ver-mounted. Sheriff Hunter was .taken, entirely by surprise when the officers tinder him5* gathered* about, and bringing forth the gift presented It through Deputy Sheriff Jordan. the spokesman of the occasion, tri pre senting the gift Mrv Jordan said: "It has been the custom for ages at tills season of the year for friends to remember their ffiends. It now becomes my duty, and it is a vorv ph asant duty, to present to-you this |.little token expressing In a small j "'«>'• the esteem In which you are j held by us. your clerk and deputies. |To us you have |H*eii llrm yet patient, kind and courteous ami now on behalf «*f Miss Clements. Mr. Mitchell. Mr. Williams und myself I present you I this umbrella.” Sheriff Hunter accepted the gift in pleasing manner and In return pre sented to each of his force a hand some pair of kid gloves. The event at the sheriff’s office this morning was had today Instead of tomorrow l»v rea son of the fact that Deputy Sheriff Williams desired to go to Weaverville this afternoon to spend Christmas with his family, ' , • —■ .-.v. •' . ‘ VW i • AH Physicians Must proscribe soms of t'»o In* gradients thst are contained In Hood's Sarsaparilla - for all trou* Mas of the blood* stomach, kid neys and liver. They include sarsaparilla, stilWngla, yellow dock, gentian, wild cherry bark, mandrake, dandelion, juniper berries, pipeissewa, etc. The combination and proportions are our own formula and give'power to cure beyond the reach of any other prescrip tion or substitute. That’ll why it is wias to get Hood’s sad only Hood's. CITY NEWS Dr. Iluiinicutt Is nguin located In the Morsel I building, occupying rooms Nos. J arid 2. The brinks of the city, Inuugurutlug a new custom, will be closed tomorrow and Saturduy. The city ticket office «>f the Southern Kail wax coinpunx will be dosed all1 day .loinorroit. TUc...Salvation Army Christn>*as trce| entertainment. fur Jji« unfortuuat*-] cTiCTd?* II Vif _OTe V 11 y will be lieUl'.Tues day. December 2!*. All o| the coal com pa libs of tin city will close their places of Igisiness tomorrow, I’hristmas day. The freight offices of the Southern I railway will_observe tomorrow am! Saturday and will not be nyen for business again until Monday morn There will ho ny issue of Tin* *ette-Xew* tomorrow, Chrlstmns ristv. unless perchance snnw happening <■) tlio day should make it neeessary. In i siu h an ovont an • xtru will bo issued. Any Woman ('an Ik> It. Any housekeeper can have perfect MiicceM with hor desserts if she will use lilue Hlbhon Vanilla. Most dcs sort* taste flat because Inforlor ox I tracts arc used. Cornucopias for Xmas. Candy Kitchen I. T. LEE CHOSEN FOR LEGISLATURE The Democrats’ Nominee in Special Election for Successor to Ferguson. A special dispatch to The Gazette News today from Waynesville sa\s that at a convention of democrats of Haywood county. hold yesterday, Chairman \V. T. Lee of the demo cratic executive committee for the Tenth congressional district. was unanimously nominated ns a member of the state legislature from Haywood county to till the vacancy caused by the death of the lain Legislator-elect hVrgnsnn. • The date for the special election tn. Jlaywood county to. ' ?i;»4 ed by the* goy» rnor for Saturday, jan tmry Tmd there IsTto doubt bSf. Mr. Lee- will be chosen at the polls. W. T. Lee—Tom Lee ns he Is famil iarly known throughout western, North Carolina—has been a leading figure in «l**nioeratlc politics In this section of the state for many years. Il<* has hosts of friends in Asheville and I Unicom he enmity .who will learn j with pleasure of the honor conferred upon him by his fellow democrats of Maywood county. Mr. !*•*» Is one of the most prominent influential men in Haywood county, both socially and politically. He ably represented 1 fay wood county in the general assembly oi North Carolina 14 years ago and two years ago successfully conducted till* congressional campaign as chair man of the executive committee. Mr. Crawford at that time was elected to congress and while Mr. Lee again managed the campaign this year. h<* was unable to swing the district for •he democratic nominee notwithsfand jing his untiring* efforts and devotion • '» democracy’s cause. Mr. Lee will be elected to the legislature without doubt, and will again represent his county ably In the lower bouse of the general assembly of North Carolina. Brock & Co.'» studio, located temporarily at 41 South Main street 2G6-tf. Chamber* A TO •*>«?. Ltvorv. Pbon« it Fine CrystalUed Fruit*. Candy Kitchen Tree Candies 10c lb up. Candy Kitchen Candy horseshoes at Candy Kitchen. WAIYTKD. STORAGE—For furniture or house hold goods. Light and clean lofts Enquire Asheville China Co., 6 .V Pack Square. tf SPECIAL PltlCES—Extremely low on all kinds of furniture, heater* and ranges. It will pay you to call and see us. Walton & McLain. 19 South Main. Phone 1515. tf BICYCLE-VELOCIPEDES—A beauti ful little thrhe wheel ball-bearing velocipede, made of the name mate rial and pattern of a Bicycle, only won't turn over. Has large one inch solid rubber tire*,* extension^ handle bars with leather grips and is absolutely noiseless. Made in two sizes for a child from. 3 to 10 years and will last us long as a Bi cycle. Price $12.00 and $14.00. J. M. Hearn & Co.. Battery Park Plare. t’hune 448. AMERICAN CASH REGISTERS gjve the merchant better protection and system In hla business. Buckner * Hearn, Battery Park Place. Phone 448. IF THE PERSON SEEN to ta handbag from counter at Redw store Wednesday afternoon will re turn .same to store or to 114 Mont ford avenue, nothing further ’irin he said about It, |T4-3t •\;:v, :-/V'. A glass Wind Shield or Storm Front would - be most acceptable. We have them irr stock. A Speedometer, a Dash Clock, a pair Auto Glove*. ASHEVILLE C2S* AUTOMOBILE CO. Telephone 1310. 15 8c 17 S. Lexington Ave. I'vuKh »r»* host for. Christmas gifts. Th«*r«* Is a hook for you to give, a ml \ oir will enjoy looking for It at llOdKItS' HOOK stoiu:. 30 radon Ave. ' I’liouc 281. .. Christmas Presents 25°|0 Off | |TO PARENTS Take the opportunity of buying something for the boy while my j ‘ Rale Ir on. MY LINE OF SPOUTING GOODS, FINE LINE OF , , MEERSCHAUMS AND FRENCH URIAH PIPES. At this sale, 2* • ' per rent, less than regular prices, the goods that I handle speaks j ‘ for ItHclf and everything guaranteed. < >' Come and select what you tnl^hl need before the rush. ' 11 BLOMBERG’S |j Cigar and Sporting Goods Store, Patton Ave. :: PHONE. 456. NO GOODS CHARGED DURING THIS SALE. All Kinds of Candies 10c a lb. and up. THE, CLUB CAFE. AND CANDY KITCHEN. Haywood Street, Near P. O. Telephone lit Thy most delicious desert fur Christmas Dinner is ICE CREAM Dot uf,eend you a packer of ours. It is unsurpassed in quality and .guaranteed to please. Kindly place order for ICE ( KEAN as well as for MILK. CREAM. BETTER, &v.. In time to be delivered in the forenoon. We wish to close Christmas. afternoon to give our employes a well earned HALF HOLIDAY. ASHEVILLE PURE MILK CO, PHONE 55 _ _^3, Walnut St. Have You Seen THE ELECTRIC CLOCK, THE CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING OUTFITS The Handsome Display of Reading l4imps. Art Glass Shades and Domes at. Piedmont Electric Co. Everything Electrical for Christmas. 61 PATTON AVENUE. OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE CHRISTMAS FRUITS AND GOODIES-.Oranges. Grapefruit, Ap ples. Malaga Grapes. Tangerines. Cranberries. Dates. Figs. Rais ins. Nuts. Mince Meats. Plum Puddings^ Punch Sauce, Custard Sauce, ('.oiled Cider. Champagne Cider. Fruit Cakes, Glace* Fruits. CANDIES—\Ye shall he open 4onIght. hut advise early purchasing. Smathers Young, FANCY GROCERIES. Oates Building. N. Pack Sq. NOW! FOR CHRISTMAS. A present reasonable; such as Kings. Watches and Jewelry of all de scriptions, both In solid and gold filled; Silverware, In novelties and table HENDERSON O GEIGER’S, 52 Patton Avenue. Citizens Transfer Company JULIAN WOODCOCK Owfler. *■ PATTON AVE. TLLtmONI 33 FURNITURE MOVING Prompt Baggage Transfer Service Endorsed by T. C. T. and T. P. A. Just the Kind of Gifts That Will Be Appreciated After Christmas is Over That's the kind t<> give men and boys—something to wear, something useful. * t For men. old and young, groat and &mu.ll, we've ideal gifts. Let us help you solvw itie gift problem for “HIM.” litotes 51.25 to $5.00.* N.s ktles 25e in $1.25. : Stio|rntlns 25e to $1.^1. MuftTei s "5c lii' $5.50. 1 nitxvllns 51 to 90.50. Mghtroljos 50e to 91.50. 'hillock Clothing House, The C*hri»ti»»«v Gift Store lor Men. -f *:• 41 Putton Are. A. LA?. « ^ -u t-i j ii 'j,, .*_«£§l JL.Sv._t For Christmas I - . / Mince Meat, rjinw Pudding, Raisins, Nut*, Currant*, Dates, Figs and a full line of Fruits and Candles. L. FREEDMAN, GROCER, 54 Woodfin St. Phone 428 Useful Gifts ! For all members of the family. Wear ing apparel for all from top to toe. Come now and select your Christmas presents. Prices reasonable. I GEO. W. JENKJX8, South Main Street. For Fancy Groceries And Right Prices Phone No. 31 G>D. ALLISON Plione No. 31. 217-310 Merrimon Avenue. m M and “blinardy” weather haa ao terrors to the taom* euppu^ with M. A W. lump coal. Merry Christmas. AsKsviHt Fuel & In Go, PHONE 40 NOT TODAY, BYT ALWAYS! THE BEST POULTRY _v*6 HERE. THE BEST MEAT - , ; IS HERE, And you wlU nr«| Hie bM CHRISTMAS. STAR MARKET PHONE M. M* mflKatwwatgMww Coa! and Wood Cheap IVrhrtpa you gave your order to a solicitor last fall.' If so you paid him a commission on each ton you ordered. It's too late to'helo that now. but If the coal you bought bums badly we wUl sell yon one ton to burn with what you now have. Ours will, bar^ "freely and we will sell It at or less than you paid last fall. 2,000 pounds guaranteed to each ton. Try our wood. We Invltl you to call at our yard and see the coal. * Blue Ridge Coal & Wood Co. OFFICE IN GREEN BROS. STORE, 45 PATTON AVE. PHONE 642. Sa, Aotomobile Repairs and Storage We are perfectly equipped for the prompt and proper repairs to caw and storage. We have four second hand automobiles In perfect condition for sale at a bargain; they include t Itco. Ford, WhiteT3teamer, and Max Southern Automobile Co.ri<1SL The Show Cases with the Patented Cleaning Device High Point SHOW CASE, WorK« Drag Store Oatfltii «fl* W>INT, NrC. Deportment G. 1 Fop Christmas. Carpenter watches are very acceptable presents. We have them In all kinds and styles. The celebrated extra thin model, Howard and other makes at very reasonable prices. Call and Inspect them. It will pay you. J. E. CARPENTER r“'■ - —■—’• ■—■ U -Patton Avenue. • - Your Holiday Linens, Shirts, Collars, Etc., Should be snowy v hite. If you Phone 70 we will call tor them and launder them. Just that way. Swannanoa Laundry • Phone 70 Try Gazette-News Want Ad. STOCK FOR SALE, In the Asheville Pure Milk Company at 73T cents on the dollar. .Apply to R. V. BROWN, 15 Kast College Street. - / ' Make Your Friends Happy by firing tlmu a useful present Cram our large stock. Open craninC* till Xmas. : Ottis Green Hardware Co., TIN SHOP IN CONNECTION. ^ ON ".a; 4r: -• ;,y