- -J TDIJ El EHT 0 F B ALLOTS Ef J DS FIRST CflfJTEST BBBUS PERIOD (Lonunuvu iivhi k that the conteat dupartmcnt In lnir t be more busy than ever In flKurlnu out the bonu bunlnnw. It will re quire several day to l thla and arm) the certificate to the determined, iik grwaive hustlers -who won the :?"-. t certlflcat.a. Those voti are aoing to prove a nilKhty source of comfort In those day whin hutum-as doesn't come Juat aa rapidly in candldati-s had an-tlripat'-d. .' book Out fur "Hark llor-e." Of course the conteat department wouldn't be surprised to f.- the lead ers chance frequently within the next few weeks. It would he a queer aort of contest If they did not. There I always the "dark horse" to r-i k-ti-,d with. And there are always n- eral of them, lie Is a fellow who thoroughly "nlzea n" the altimti'.n liefore enteriiiK. and he d. not fear the lend of a f' thousand votes Hint aonw other miull'l.ite may ha' . Very often It i Ihe latest nin.i who forge to the front with rapldln which l alarming, and it In heeause Ihey have U-n siiiin the mutter rarrfiil . .m-ld' nil i"ii for "ii- lino fnre aiBftmv. The)- are 'ready when they Mart, and im In "1 :.it' h I hey put Into op. ration a m 1 h . ardor ot tn. we.m A Grand Opportunity. Thla la certainly the grandest op portunity the people of thla aectlon of -the atate have ever had to w in one of those two maicnlhVent "tsehuttt- hull" wailona. Hold are . of an unuauully high tundard of excel lence and have atood the teal of pub lic opinion for yeura. It la Juiit pos alhle that you know something; of the ea.perutlon of tryltiK to erh u hum h of hurry out of one of those wheezy wont-k'ly-ups. It on :.ro tired of It. ou oiiuht to he Interested III the propoalllon. The liH7ette-.'ews wants to make ii trade with yon. It Minds ready to swap any one of lis thirty-eight awards for en. until of your time n ol uttention to secure more oleS than the other fellow It s very simple Hy putting it aome hard, consistent work ) i riiiK the remainder of this contest ou stand a very c 1 chance of t.wniiiK ynir own I. rand new ma i hii.e. a f I.'.i.'.m mi J : 1 1 k. 1 ir If your nml'itioii iloesm't ".ir to su.-h heiichts. there are slill the .lisiti. t pii., n ..f whi.ti tiiuM la- won III e.o ll ilitl i' t. I Wcaverrllle, N. C. Mlaa Sua Weaver .......... J. A. Clinton ............. ..4S.S4 , ,40.80 a "n.lnhti'' 1 r ir.iKe.l if wu ar. ,,re ). ii hud hop r. h oiirs. If ami .lie fault w Itlllli I lak. rather i lull" th hearted Thai's h'. i' H hualm -m - 1 ' ' not stall. In ; ;oi ' rd to this tune. S. If ton li I 1 1 'i-l you: nono tiiii- i"M w " h of rmwii.'n U ii. c th it "no" (..r .." '' '"" " "',ii- ' 'r- prrhnp" think of S"ln ttil.tf i- taln man and then w a'-.' " n'"l - '' youri. "h. what s the use ' I . he won't help me ' That pun indi cate Ja't two thinifs ..ii are w.ak eninK or M"ir nr. maklnc the fatal mistake of iissumlnii l".. mm h. pramiii e fH'M Itii'!"'. Never take allthlli(f f'T Kraot-I. II fre.po nllv happens. "i km-w. that It'a Hie I.I.OR hell that lo the White eKK. o th. re Isn't una h m :'. pp. .r ances Th. mm from whom .ei least etpK-t : sol... ripti'.n ma he one of tlios- .pil.t. tm.isjoimlni; .hups kn h.ta loo.r. .1 ,.;.t that on h i',.' I Ooit hall' e to win. and Will pi"" .. r ..i.e '! .r stloiiK-"! sn pp"l lei s If yoll old'. Se. ii hllll "Ul I! Is a common evi ere in in the "tit. - t I '' IneM No, It s K-onif t" le..-.tii w.ak f.-r '."'i If you win one of lh'.' Ihllt'. eliht mattnlh. ent pi.s Th. ;.,-. it. w III Wlllilllt to s'lS'- ("r a rlaMi .11, ""i,t of efTolt "II :.'"ll pall 'I'h'.OKht ! ! lall't KolliiT to win y.n "ill No I -1 la Koine to lllt.K p. n ' " il 'I " I a anlaam aii:i....t, o a tn.t h. p. a llllll' of Ihe lamp and has i pi :.. I .1 you You nest .'. rt.iinl. ..ni-.t .' Mi yonraelf a prl This . out. t hii- nesa la )uil a plain, simpl. .ie ..f ever-da fi t th. i. I'.li it- s. 'Ih. lit, I... i '. hi. h s- lliihii'ss Judgment. i. I iu I i. t (hut is mil.ni. i sol ittl.. .....ill "I detail. Ill'd It are ask.-d to res lie. IS that 'this is 111. (-rainiest opportnint put will hkel. e.r have to own an nuto- 1 lll'.hlle of ..lir "ll Without Ihe 'I ! p. ti.litnr.- "f ativlhiiu.' iii"ie than vimr I t;lli" and talents. This isn't a trad ! mc stamp propositi. ,ii. it is a I k i.os- lll'-s . nt. i pi is.- and Th" hi.ette- News ; is (,-la.l to ol.s. i'... that its attn of I. 1.1. is are tint oVellookillK the l.p- p.lttlllllt . , pel..t t..lel,t "f I. allots poured int.. tliis ot!,. .- Sitiirdav. hroio.-ht per ; ...ii illv and sent . mail, and this fact is ample i-tai that this' contest Is I iil'inil tin- most popular allair ..I tin 1,1ml . r m i m: n at.-d In this se.tl..n Of the . , llllll It MieallS that Tll : oil. ,. ws Ilk. s th, p. ..pi. all, I the p, ,.pl.- hke 'I'll.' li.lZ.'H.' N. WS Till S ale til I I, I t . s ,n,- th.;l a ppl ' '.I t i"ll of til"' pap.'l '- KO'llel "Sit 111 II. I III! el taltl manner, an.l. m turn. th.- are (;..iln; I to I'.- ei'.e . ' 111 I'l'- . "Illp. lS.ltl"II !"!' 1 t In t r I., .li Ins, Kht int.. the ihtaiN of a tail, S'pial-. I.lism.ss proposition Mine sllp and Itomi-.. . s. .s.il'il.l;" was a hill .la '. a II. I loia hi th- att.ii n th ni.si I . m Looks II!. 'it th. with I! When th lip si', to hum It C N o. lit To I '"II US. t.olilJS it a a", t ; n o ' "lit. st man s . ,,r I.I HI" .1 II. ,-, . I X lit l'."l.e. II. I t.,11,., I ,1 all.l l. , le . ,1 ,. ,;e. 'iiiall., al.oiit tiii.lnie.lil M M lll lll toiilal tune I" I I . a mi.ln. nl (.. I he i a ml V l!.i' "I w 1 1 ill at Hi. men n hut ii itur.illv Me Like Mi. I It Has - II" V,,.l,t 111 tl l"o , kit. Io n I an.l th. ii I lioii lit h'ssl "id-..l How the Votes Stand at Last Account -!-;.!: t At the close of the halh't- 4 lluf at I p.m. I'rl.1,1. Jul. Tl. thti atntidim; of the can. II dalea in The lianett.'-.News' tlrent I'opularlty lotileat was aa helow. Ilallots received after the hour Indicated al...e will ap pear to the credit of Ihe can didate In the next pu'.llcatlon of scores This score represents the nomination Imllot and dally coupon votes only, no certificate Votes heiug mat to date. hH- 4 CANDIDATES. nivTiniT . i Seven ptUes mint k trlct. Aln vlM.'. X. Miss Itch, t i II w .11 Mis Mil.ii.' ! Koherts Ju.U'x J. i;. i;, v i,.,;,i. Miss It, t'le Sit- . Mis Kthe It ,rt. tt T. I. II- ii.lnmn . ' . !r. I. Ii Mi hint . . t". II. H u ll, it . . Vlss Ada Kluiore . Miss H..l rta C..,,K Miss tlnice Jo. s Mlsa t ilth, rine I'aitm. II Ir John ,l park, r Misa M.irKiorite fana , Miss Marmierlte Iki.m Mtsa Inn 1. Law' ,iia . Mlaa t:tniti.i . ip.idiier . Mlsa Iretm ipHi.iin Mlaa llasl, ii Frank Jordan Mlsa 'eoe H, i,r t W It. tludk-er llllwrt Jordan iHamond l.n,h ... . Mlaa Nora C.ines .... Mlaa Thompson Kraier Mlsa Julia t'nuldw II. V. James Mlsa Kranrea IluKour Mlaa Jessie Wheeler . W. A. tlraham Mlaa Ullun Weaver . . A. I. Melton Ik O. Noland Mlaa Jesai m. Nell .. ti W. Ostren Into this di- : in . .tin : I . : a . I . J.'.ll . U'.;:n . i: sj.i . in . u.:. m . 1 2 . Ml J.I4'l It tH . Id. HH Sl.Stii It). 4(0 30 t .la or,o .li.jto S.VH'i .tl.IM . Jf..4'l .10,4(0 .1I.U.0 .H.20 M s. . It,, I' . U ., Vic- Sad:. I:. .,.,. L- Al .1 II , VI s . ,. , s, ha M. M i ! 1 1 1 in I'l I'm. l.o . . ' I n . 1 hi i, . ' ,. r Ls i,:e S, haltl. , . I'. I i.'li. r . . . M"s Ida Sumner . . 'I'll Ml.-iff..rd Mi-s Jiilia !. r'lne . Ml,-- N. it., T.c. lo, Mi'-s li'an, Ii, ,ii ,,, Miss Man W. Williamson . Mis lias A. W. I.I, I'h.-il I;.. VV, stall . 'liahl .K-l.t Me 1 ". .1 i W h ll ii. ton M.s. M ,1 , V..t.. Mi-- ;,.., .,,,,.,, k aiiil,r. . ( , - i: " i.i i whit,. M.s- .1. ,,,. !,,,, , rden. X. . M s ;,... ; ,, , Ilia, k M iliilu, X. (' Mis. 1 'al l le I '.nil.!.- M - Sin. II. i 'law f a I W I .1 Aldr. d M s. is .h, ;. , ,,.. L. II Kami Mis K ., t. Sllili M -s l.li ' ih. th lli . , Itllslsc, X, C. M' I i:.- Mall.n ''.I'll. S Itllltl. 1 s llnninriNville, X. '. v i' i'i'. . t . : licmocnit, . t' llllll Mall, i . M - .'! !: I,:., ,- . " ' Cairtlen. X. 4'. Mi P.. s,,. Mol'CHtl ... I'd. M.ll. r I: alpli Ashworth U hile I- reeiimn M iss Kdiin l.i ii, h . Marshnll. X. 4'. A l fhiiiil.v Miss .lanes Morrow Miss Helen l.eiwe Miss l:t.-le I leas Zuh teller Knell Kller , , ' KitlH'ksillU. V i' J. V Morvan ' . t. K. lllnckstis k eiwaniiaiMss, N. V. Mlsr Adehildn V. Davlilson. . Miss 1 1 "let, It. luhitrd Mlsa t'arrie Imvldson Mrs. James J. While Miss Itertha Ixnow .: .' i '' ' i ,,. a i it.; 4" i:.. in l . i a i :ci. i n . I ii.T'di I 14," I ii. I i,n le 1 1", 4'. HI" :: ; li.u . I 7. 4 'it" . '. V- .'In I i .:. I e I. , ''" 1'. .'.'.'I 4' :'. :n :. I.'., I, k i;i. II Mrs. II I Mrs M INS Miss Miss Miss X. 4'. Mi M ISS I,. L' ttW it. ll HiisIh-c. X. 4 I. ill I I'lall . . I 'ilili' r t'anillcr I ' Ki Me .1 I 'H IS i i ii'lK. r I annul, Liiitri. k . . . Sk)liiml Kate I 'lose . . . Ll'lissster. X p.. us,.- Sprinkle . . v..n,l. i- I '.min. I "ii, I lie,,,. N. . X. Al . i i.t hi ; 1 1 1- -1 .i . MSTKItT Xt. Adillc, X. f. I ::i li I'l I I'l'. Mrs. M' s. M i ss M rs. Lev. M iss Miss Miss Mi" )li.- X. f, ml 1 " . :. 4 Mi tv l ; . ."CM . "v:: l" Is 7 ' . " 4n ?, 1 n . K.r.t'i I .' 4 '-. :sn . 4ii.il I ii . ,'.n '-7.1 : . I l.i'.i . .'. n. 2 1'. II . u7.4i'.n . 1 1.'.'4n . .111.1, 4 .1J.i7u ":,ioii . it.r.in . 4a. 7 .f.l.r.lli .!S.iln . jr..i . "a.l r,o r.2.5f.n :i.4kll i c . r. i . .J 1. 71! il .tK.itlll . 4 7i . 33.1f,0 A tnh I Si in slot . ItlllsMIII, o.ml A 1 1 . I'. I'. Woodw: l'.!'S"li KhieJlt Iliislim ll, x. r W. A I'laiiklm Man horsey h. ii. 1'isher t anion, X. f. Wiley llcnson liessle llellS. . . . . .Ma",;!. M, eS"' t . . i:flie M.ese I 'I . M""l e . . . I ...la I. Il.dl 1 1 id . . . It- l-lll. , 11. let s., , , . an ll.usoi, K.ir i i i '..ok was . . i I. Ulle III I Ml M. I i . Miss i-:. i Mis. ISS Miss 1 Miss Nell smith h M. Llokwell hi Ma llaiuptoii Lat h. Id . oli-tnan . . X. '. . i r..'.i'i'i . lo.r.iio . it.r.io .4 7. ('. DISTRICT jfO. 8. geven prliea most go into thla dis trict' ' ' ' ' '':'"' ';. I Aaiievllle, N. G Mlaa Edna Lonir SS.t70 Mlaa Carrie Iialllnger ....... .I.2t0 Mlaa Alma Hawthorne 18.640 C. a McCready M.J40 Miaa Elsie Alexander ........ .64.620 Mlaa Nina 8waynlm 41.460 Mlaa Helen Craig 16.560 Ernest I'axton 12.840 Mlsa Kmlly Camphell 14,420 Mlaa Ixiuiae Uranch 16,840 Mlaa Carrie Mae Brown 2J.780 fieorge R. Calvert . .10.860 Mlsa Annie Duvls 26.840 Miss huella F. Dunn :M.3I0 sale It. Mills 12.240 Dr. John M Parker :i.K."i Miss Annie Ijuira Weldon . . . . 6S.880 hr. K. li. ;ienn 16.840 J. II. Wood '. 4b.fc30 Kdwin It. Hrown 13.680 h. M. Nicholson If.. .130 N. It. Wilson 13.510 Miss Huhy Holul.d 48.7' MLsi I.in ill- Hohlnson 4.7J Miss Kll. n linrser 18.B4U Miss Lillian Kletcher .Mis i:iizalntll Itamsey Miss liessle i online Miss Hlam lie Solomon Miss ll'lolse I'arroll Miss Anna lclce I. IP nry lt .-,1 Miss llattie Rollins Miss V ircinlu Miller "d. W. Mulm-y Miss l.ii' ill.- II hunn Iward .loins Miss I'eilll l.ee Miss Martha I'itKelahl Jake Weaer Miss Mslne li. Ktmlt M Iss I'' ai l Marsh W A. .lames, jr rite land - W. Jonii-ai, Roy II. hi Miss Adelaide l.ouithl'all . . . II s Hollar Ilariv Harkins W. .1 llunniciitt Miss Sarah YoiitiK hit A. tiiiflcy Miss I', at I Shope Miss pearl lord Miss M.ll Km rite Coleman MISS Helta RolllltKer .1 I'ulow Lt w in rhoiuas M huckelt Miss I, in y V ance Acton, X. C. Miss M , , I ,.,es Illltlllolc. X. 4. 1 ., w is mtiiotis Miss .lanie Catr Mls? Nell l.ipe Miss Maude Wand. II . Miss All. l,,l' hui toll . . Ih'tiiui Kin, X. C. - Lula Spam DAILY BALLOT TEN VOTES FOR M.. .. .. Address.. .. .. I,., ,t t t - DUtrlct .. .. .. .. ., tt " " -oh)ect to rwle, of Ttai Dally CMt..Kw Void .ftea- .,,. Uy, Aatst . H. P. Clark t..i.... Mlaa Leona La,ne ......... Frank DeVane ........... Mlaa Edith England William Zackney ........ Mlaa Virginia King Mlaa Edith Kllpatrick .... E. E. Lewla .' Charlea Cook Mlaa Annie Edwards . . . .. Birch Alllaon W. E. Breeaa Mra. E. I Culler ........ J. W. McMInn ....... J. B. Ptt-kelaelmer , R. U Gash ......... . T. W. Whltmlre Fleti Hera, N. C. Miaa Ruby Lee Johnaon .. Dr. L. P. Iluaaell Jamey Johnson W. E. CunnlnKham. Jr Tom Whltakerf. . . J. C. Sulcs I'lat Rock, N. C Mlfa Anna I'utton John Sluttery Ilcmlcraonvllle, X. c. E. Brook A. C. 4!laaeiier Mlsa Nellie Murray T. A. Jackson Miss Sadie Smuthera 2C.9i0jMlss Itertha Sunofsky ...11.610 ...IJ.810 ...18.720 ...44,110 ...1T.460 ...44.690 ...S9.120 ...14.860 ...12,180 ,..21.880 ...17.120 ...21,640 .... 10.760 ...15.840 ...11.260 . ..28.490 ...66.260 ...46.780 ...34.860 , .. 7,280 . .45.160 . . .12.920 ...13.460 .61.4: .36,9; l-'rank Edwards Ijittreiue l'ace Wllcharil liriffilh J. I.. Kir K.'iO j I'. W. Kulianks I 4.260 3 .i.i, 2 0 . .21.51(1 . .5 7.C. 4 li . . 4.',.:i!in . . 4X.I".' n . .14.920 . . I S.SIItl . :. i.t'.su .t.i.sr.D . 14.120 . . Ili.fi4(i . . :: !, 4 s . . . 1 4.2MI . . 30.24U . . 5 ll. 7 3 0 . . r, s . 4 7 1 1 . . 10.210 . . :.r., '.i4ii . .17.240 . 4 I .UNO '-2,410 . .53.27H . . 211,2 10 . . 14,21.0 . 27, MH 2 V 7 !I0 . .i:i.210 4 V7 0, . 47. ''! . i'.,i:.o r.4.4711 . r.'.i.,'. 1 a . 4s. 37 Miss I'otia Uino A. I-' I'. Kin" Mr. Wiltshire Cl.-iinl l'ace J h. Wahliop hr. I". '. Ilunler M iss CIiiik A ik en Miss Hiissie Wintera X. !. Stilton Horse KImm-, X. 4 Pli.rltll Nichols I'cnrotsp, X. C. Miss Nettie Tally ..11.860 . .43.270 . .37.180 ..42,170 . .35.430 . .41.990 . .32.680 . .4G.820 . .11.860 . .52.410 . .21.100 . .48,820 . .15,660 . . 32.4241 . .18.740 . .14.290 . .12,860 , .42.610 . .43.780 .15,610 . .29,480 . .49.650 ItlSTIUCT 4. Almond, X. 4'. 4 !i, s , " I 7. sun . 2 7.1 Pi 1.1, in .2:111 hi i;n . 2.'..f.30 .47 4an 4l.4i:o 2.t;7ti .2.'..i.ll . 1 2.1 So .4a.' 20 I 4.1.4(1 . t ... s 4 11 :u. 2:m .3 I. 4511 . .23.410 , . s .1; 1 (I . . 2S.lt 1 0 . . .".2.ll . .22.4X0 . .21. .740 Mrs It Cotilev ' 24.810 Andrews, X. C. William I'm Walker. Jr 53,210 Mrs. J. X Elliott 21,360 Sam Ilrvsi.n 11,210 lliywm, X. 4'. Mis. J,,e L...li:ers 30,380 T. 1 llrvsoii 11,460 Miss Mari" Slmnk 21,t:00 Mr- M. i:. Conley 12.640 j Mrs Wh"h r 21.860 IMiss Haiti Milea 18.640 I Miss Lula hitmore 43.270 I Mrs I. I. Iluxhea . .15.460 Mr- S. hellart 16,420 ..rs. han I'ollins 17,210 ItllllMIII, X. 4'. Miss Tita May Norman 3 4.9 SO liy-artsvllli', . 4'. Mi.- 1:1111111 Waters 32.750 Miss Ma v Liuner 33,210 I'im'I'Iiik. X. f. Mra w li Cooper :is,7r.i J (..ncrnor's Island. X. C. Mis A. I.. Mcllnn 31.260 Hickory, N. 4'. Mi- Cilh.tl IX, 210 Mr : It. A 1 irimi's 14.6X0 Miss Lilian l'ie(H 2H..X0 .Miss Sa.li" Martin 29. 31" Miv llerminc Little 17. "J" li. i. ilia' kwell lO.t'.ln Ihrh V'.il.i- 22. 4Mi Mis C M. Sh'-rrlll 35.7611 iliiKli hiinnn 2.1.610 lll'UiltH. . C. Mi- l-'rank I'ry 48,510 Hot Sprmtfs. N. V. I. 1 Ehhs 11.510 W. I. Marshnll 37.9S0 Miss I'.rii. Hurt Is.. n 41.210 Miss Maud lletiln 46.S20 Miss Edmi Rector 20,890 Mitrhle, X. C. Mis:. Ret th.i l':it,.n 1 1.4 I'l Miss I'.i-shIi' hocli'ty 15.210 Miss Mali"! Anderson 10,320 Mrs. Willis IK. '.160 Mrs. I'ntt'in 10,41:0 Mrs. Ilattl" Palmer 2S.750 Mis JiiIIh Ahernathy 9.400 Willie I'uett 9.040 Mltrinii. N. C. Miss MufKiiret Crant 27.8!iO Miss lluttie Buia-i-s 22iil Miss t.oulse Minphi'w 64.310 Miss Kit liyajirt 39.630 I II. L. Miller . . 22.4 20 Mars Hill, N. C. I if. .1 A. Italrd 39.130 . 31. .7 sit . 47.220 . . 1 (i t;:: 11 . 37.41,(1 . . 27.l',xo . 10. 92 0 . 1C.7xci . 4 2 . 1 mi . . 30,4 50 . .4-1.1 10 . .24 8 10 . . 4 :i.X'.io . .17.920 Mis .'hail, s I :. I ,,'no r . han Wild 4 ldi X. C. M is .1. ssi, .1, Morgan . . Ml-S I i.t.l I.' " CaUlo . . . M ; j- Martai et Sir, re Mtsa l.l.ZIe Jones IIIIMsirn, X. 1 Scroop Enloe Holmes lirysoti 1 'l d" 11. .Im r 11 I 1 ank .larrelt Miss li.ulah hills IIiim'IwimnI I. S. I'owan SIB. X. V. L. C. Hall John Wilson Miss I. ma llearn Miss Allie llrldK's Miss l.ueiiH Lin hanan .... Waynrsvllle, X. V. Miss Carrie Hue Adnma Helen Arlnsnn Miss 1 .11 lie Itynum havld Royd Jamea W. 4'arraway James Atklna Ouy Kerguaon Mrs. Knlahl Mlaa Maltie Lov Miaa Joaephlne flllmer .... Mlsa J osle Hyatt Mlsa Mary Moody Mlsa Nina Howell , Mlsa Virginia Junes Mlsa IJda Smothers Itohert Uive, chief of pollre Dr. McCracken Mlsa Kdlth flmathera 41.210 jonn w. Norwood 4.246 Mtsa rari Mccracken 16.920 Mlaa Jeaale Moody ., ,42a W. M. Hmathera ijja aiiaa Mime willla Ernest Wither Mr. Burwell Wllleta, K. C. It. G. Bnyder Wehater, . C. Mlaa Mamla Moor I nieTTIUfT NO. 4. - nrerartt, W. O, rm rsirnnta (0 Kav. R. a. Tutll iiujeo .47.410 . 49. 670 .38.960 .25.460 .15.710 .11,210 17.9.10 .10.860 .41.890 47. Mil) . 9.970 .11.980 . . 36.420 . . 15.890 . 4 3,21(1 . . 44.940 . .29.860 . .39.180 . . 9.420 . . 1.820 . . 8.670 .. 6.280 . .21.870 .. 7.410 ..39.760 ..46.986 . .32.170 ..27.640 . .43.980 ..40.910 . .16.900 .720 ,.14.610 ,. 1,140 ,. 1.160 ..14,180 ..41.JU ' se f . I-:. Riddle W I'. Rol.insi.n Miss Blanche M Liioy Mill SpriiiKN, N. '. Miss Nora Aldrtdi;e Miss llalina Williams Miiiphv. N. '. Miss Annie Cn.ip.-r Moruiinloii, N. C. Miss Addle l'7rvv in Mis. Atwool 1 liiiii Miss KITIe Wiilk.i Miss Ada Williams Miss Katli.lin. I:,.ss Xuiiliihiila. X. ('. Mr-. Norine (iihsei 4 ltd fort. JV. V. Miss Corn E. J.n tnr I'lnk Mashhiirn . Mlsa Myrtle Met anlcaa ... Miss Ethel SI1I1111 Saliidn. N. C. Miss Hotinle It.riiliard Miss Siillle Hurl Erank Stnton Sliclhi. H. C. Miaa Mahel hoe,;, at i Max tlar.lner Tryon, N. C. W. II Hierna Miss Emma McKarlatld . . . Topton, N. C. John Nelson Mrs. It, B. Wrinht W lilitler, N. C. Mra. J. T. Be. k Valdosr, N. C Mlaa Mary Berry ........ Kind, N. C, Mlsa Cora Smith liarnanls, N. C, Miaa HaniUi 1 1 sin-y ...... . 1 1.640 . 2 3,61111 . tX.Xlln .24.860 , .28.340 , .4X.9XO , .35,4 80 , .27.690 . .41.820 . . 29.3 . .33.180 . .52.7.20 . .30.970 . .11.170 . .18.910 . .31.260 . ..'15,9X0 . .41.290 . ..'16.280 . .17.310 . . 14.610 . .31,76(1 . 47.860 . .11.640 . .28.270 ..32.790 . .24.(90 ..38,410 ..11,8 DIVISION Of DISTRICTS. Western North Carolina haa been divided into five district for th pur poa ot thla contest Th dlitrlcta ire aa follow: HIBTIUCT NO. 1. Embrace Ashe villa and Runcorn b eaat of Main atraet, Aahevtlle, nd running with North Main tret . to th French Broad river, thence with th river to Man 10 n county ln: runnlna with South Main afreet and Henderwnvlll roa to Henderson count Una. DISTRICT NO. I. All other coun ties in Weatern North Carolina wt H nansoury. : uiai ttitjT no, 1. AihevllU and Buncomb county weat of tin da- scrirjea a nova. . ""intcf no. i.Haywood and Jackson counties. DI8TRIC?T NO. 4. Henderson and iranayivanta counties. AWAKD1NQ or PRIZES. IVt Urana Prtac- Th Judges of th finish of this con test will b nlded by th following rules: - .- ''- , ' Th man or woman nsmaj tne, greatest number of votes at th close of th contest, regardless of district, will be awarded tha Bulclt Touring Car, cash valu 1.I60.. ! Scond Graiid iMme. Th man or woman having th sec ond greatest number of votes at the close of th content, regardless of dis trict, will b awarded th Bulclt au tomobile, cash value $1050. District Priies No. 1. itiu tha crrnnd nrizes have been awarded, tha candidate standing high est In each of tha five aiatricis win each be awarded District Prix No. 1. a Story St Clark Piano, guaranteed value $350. ' District Priie No. t. The candidate standing next high est In each of the Ave dlatrlcts will be awarded District Prise No. I, a flOO bank deposit. District Prlie No. 8. Tha candidate standing next highest In each of the five districts will be awarded District Prle No, 3, a 75 Bedroom Suit, District Prises NoL 4. The candidate standing next highest In each of the five dlatrlcts will be awarded District Prbw No. 4, a 166 ladles' or gentlemon'a Tailered Suit. District lrlst No. 5. The candidate standing next highest In each of the five districts will he awarded District Prize No. 6, a tGO Turkish Leather Rocker. District IVIzos No. 6. The candidate standing next highest in ench of the live districts will be awarded District Prize No. 6, a $25 Alligator Hag. District Prizes No. 7. The candidate standing next highest In each of the live districts will he awarded District Prize No. 7, a $20 Kaslman Kodak. A Krnnd prize winner will not be permitted to win a district prize, and In districts where grand prize winners reside, the candidate having the next highest number of votes will be de clared the highest for the district prize, the winner of the same In that district. How to Kntcr The fliiwtte-Newfl Con text. Send your name and address to the Contest Manager of The Gazette-News. State that you desire to compete, and a representative of the Contest De partment will call on you and explain the contest In full. Koch contestant Is entitled lo one nomination, Kood for 1000 votes. Contestants can nom inate themselves. They do not have 10 he subscribers to The t.azete-News. There are no obligations upon enter ing this contest, and It costs you noth ing lo try it. You will will a $65 Columbia rjrophophnne If you nomi nate the winner of the first (Jrnnd Prize. Send in your name or that of 11 friend today. How Voles Will Ho Issued. Votes lire secured In this contest hy payitik' your subscription In advance. New subscriptions to count double, ns many voles aa old ones. (See schedule below.) Candidates nre not restricted to Ret urn; subscriptions or votes in their own particular district. HUT MAY SKCCltP. SITHSCKIPTION8 IN ANY PART 4K THH UNITED STATKS, and If ensh accompanies the order, special votes will be Issued. Candi dates In one district aro not compet ing with candidates In other districts, except In the instnncn of the grand prizes. The division of districts, ns shown herewith so equalizes competl tlon that every contestant has an eipinl chance to win a first prize. l!esldc vote allowed on Ruhscrlp lions, it coupon good for a certain number of votes will lie published In each issue of The fJnzette-News unless otherwise notified. The votes must he neatly trimmed, placed In flat pack ages and pinned together. These votes can he mailed or brought to the Con test Department of The Gazette-News, Anyone may vote these coupons In this conteat, regardless of suhacrlp Hons, Knch coupor printed will he limited to seven days, and must be In The Gazette-Newa office before the expiration of the date printed upon each coupon. ItallotH cannot tie taitiglit. Tliey nre only to Im obtained by subscribing and rcMiyliig a subwrlptlon to The 4inzette-Xcws or by cutting them from the uiMr. SCAI.K OF VOTFS IT)R PRKPAI1) KrilSCRIITIO'i T4 THE 7.rcrrK.NKvs: New Subscribers by Carrier: 15 00, 1 yenr 10,000 votes $2.50, 4 months 4,000 votes $1 25. 3 months 1,600 votes $10.00. 2 years 30.000 votes New SutwcrllxTs by Mall: $4.00, 1 year 8.000 votes $1.00, ft months S.400 voles $1.00, 3 months 1,400 votes $8.00, 2 yeara 24,000 votes Old subscribers will lie cnlitlcd to onc-linlf Ihe almvc number of voles'. Who la rilgthle. Any whit man or woman of good repute In the territory covered by these publications la eligible to enter this (Ireat Popularity Voting Contest. Clip the blanks and send In your nom ination, or that of a friend, today. It costs voti nothing to' vote It costs your Meml nothing extra to vot for you. No votes will be Issued for payments other than those scheduled. No employe of The Gazette-News, or member of his or her family will be permitted to participate In this contest as a candidate. In cnae of a tie. the valu of the prle will be equally divided. Vote one Issued for on candidate cannot be changed to th credit of another candidate. Contestants that live In one district are not prevented from securing sub scriptions or vote in any other dis trict, as votes will ba allowed on any prepaid subscriptions secured any where In the United States. If an order for a subscription Is sent with the money, vote will be Issued In favor of any contestant that the writer may designate and return to th subscriber or mailed to the con testant If ao deaired. To secur the special vot ballot, all money must be sent direct to The Gazette-New Con teat Department by th contestant or their friend, aa vote will only be Issued at Th Gazette-New offlcj. By th filing of vote, all candidate must accept and acre to all condi tions. . About VoUruj. Any question that may art be tween contestants will be determined by th OontMt Management, and It decision will b absolute and final. Any on who was taking Th Gazette-New at th Urn thla conteat atart4 will b classed a an old sub scriber. All other wlU b classed aa I, 'A.. -,' 1 peerless! New Fall Suite Ve arc just' unpacking today a second shipment "of Fall J-'uits. All the new shades are represented in this line. The new Greens,, Old Rose, Wisteria. Ox Blood, Navy, Cray, Gendarme Blue and Black. We are going to outtlo all previous efforts in our suit department, and we invite yon to come iu and inspect our garments as 1 j they arrive.. The prices range from $18.75 to $35.00 a garment. . . ... HOT ROLLS FOR BREAKFAST Are always tempting if properly made. Our rolls, like our bread, take first prize everywhere, Phone 622. Asheville Steam Bakery Perf ect Train Service to the West "t through the St. Louis gate-way is afforded by the St. LouisColorado Limited leaving St. Louis daily at 2:."50 p. in., for Kansas City, Denver, California and North Pacific Coast points. Electric lighted and ventilated, observation and standard sleeping cars. Dining car meals (a la carte) and service "Best in the World." ' . . ;,- Electric block signals dnstless road bed perfect track. For full information, folders, etc., call on or write Wabash and Union Pacific "The Shortest and Safest Route." tieo. Ii. Word, G. S A., Wuhnah H. R.Co 4 N. Pryor street, Aaltnta, Ga. J. V, KcnsNclaor, G. A. Union TacUle H. It. Co., 121 Penchtree street, Atlanta, da. ' new subscribers. A aubscriptlon will not be counted aa new If It la simply transferred from one member of a family or household to another. The right la reserved to reject the name of any candidate for cause. Also to alter these rulea and regula tions ahould occasion demand. Until further notice, no candidate will he permitted to cast more than 5,000 certificate votea on each day of publication of names of candidates. The contest officially open July 8th, liHi'.l, and cloaca September 11, 1909. l''or further particular, call or ad dress, COXTKST MANAGKIt, at the oltlce of The Gaiette-Newa. Burton A Holt. Hnuan Furniture. PILES CURED AT HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD. If you suffer from bleeding. Itching", blind, or protruding Plies, eni) m your address, and 1 will tell you how to cure yourself at horn by th new absorption treatment; and will also end som of this horn treatment fre for trial, with references from your own locality If requested. ImmedlaU relief and permanent curs assured. Send no money, but tell other of this offer. Writ today to Mrs. M. Sum mer. Bos P. Notr rJtun. Ind. New Autumn Goods A great many stylish things have come in lately. We mention some of them: Ladies' Tailor-made ? Suits and eliady-to-Wear Hats. Men's Suits T ! and Hats. . . . Roys' Suits, Knickerbockers, Hats and ; Caps. . . . Ladies' and Misses' Novelty Sweaters and Zephyr Shawls. .. . The advance guard in 50c Wor sted Dress Goods, Flannelettes, and Outings..:. 13utterick Patterns. . 1 Men's Scarfs. . .Men's Fine i Shoes.... Gossamer Rubber Coats. 1, Oh the way to arrive soon .". . ,;,..,.-..,' . ..', ; -- : A big lot of goods bought for delivery about August " 10th to 15th, in Dry Goods, Fancy , Goods, Clothing, ' i Shoes, &c mostly in mediom and upper grades. Trashy qualities we do not handle; we have no de mand for theni. Our system is (as it was in 1881 and , ! has been ever since) One Price all goods marked in plain figures. . - EL' Redwood & Go. !

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